Hawley Book On Big Tech To Be Published Despite Cancellation Attempt
By: Mollie Hemingway (The Federalist)
January 18, 2021 By Mollie Hemingway
Sen. Josh Hawley's highly anticipated book "The Tyranny of Big Tech" will be published after all. Washington-based Regnery Publishing has picked up the book and will publish it this spring.
Simon and Schuster canceled the book Jan. 7, quickly caving to a pressure campaign organized by leftist activists and making the Missouri Republican one of the highest-profile victims of cancel culture. The New York-based publishing conglomerate claimed, without evidence, that Hawley was complicit in the storming of the U.S. Capitol the day prior because of his leadership role in debating questions of election integrity in the 2020 election.
Hawley immediately and unreservedly condemned the incursion, which has since been reported to be the result of organized planning rather than impromptu incitement, as media and leftist activists had initially claimed.
Simon and Schuster had not previously indicated to Hawley they would cancel him for objecting to the failure of some states to "follow their own election laws." When various Democrats up to and including Sen. Barbara Boxer objected to previous Electoral College votes in 2004 and 2016, they were not the victim of cancel mobs. In fact, they were praised by the media and Democratic Party leaders.
When Hawley announced his plans to object in late December, he said he would also raise awareness of "the unprecedented effort of mega corporations, including Facebook and Twitter, to interfere in this election, in support of Joe Biden." Those social media companies banned the distribution of completely accurate news about the Biden family's business with Communist China. A study showed that the censorship was so effective, it may have swung the election for Biden.
The day after the attack on the Capitol, Simon and Schuster announced it was dropping Hawley's book, which had been scheduled for a June publication date. The day before the attack, Hawley's wife and child had been threatened at their home by a leftist mob trying to pressure him away from making objections.
In recent days, the Democrat chair of the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security said he wants Hawley and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, put on the federal "No Fly" list due to the "actions they participated in" when the U.S. Capitol was attacked by Trump supporters on Jan. 6. (Neither Cruz nor Hawley participated in the attack and both strongly condemned it.) President-elect Joe Biden, who has said themes for his inauguration revolve around unity and healing, called the two senators Nazis.
"Simon and Schuster is canceling my contract because I was representing my constituents, leading a debate on the Senate floor on voter integrity, which they have now decided to redefine as sedition," Hawley said in response.
Regnery's president and publisher Thomas Spence quickly moved to acquire the book, and expressed concern about the lack of editorial courage exhibited by some New York publishing houses.
"It's discouraging to see them cower before the 'woke mob,' as Senator Hawley correctly calls it. Regnery is proud to stand in the breach with him. And the warning in his book about censorship obviously couldn't be more urgent," Spence said.
Since his election to the U.S. Senate in 2018, Hawley has sounded the alarm on the legal and constitutional implications of Big Tech's increasing power. He previously served as attorney general of Missouri, where he investigated Google's use of citizens' private information. "The Tyranny of Big Tech" will show how Facebook, Amazon, Google, Twitter, and other digital giants have abused their enormous market power and political influence and how to break their control over citizens' liberties.
A graduate of Stanford University and Yale Law School, Hawley clerked for Chief Justice John Roberts on the Supreme Court.
Note: Regnery published the best-selling "Justice On Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court," by this author and Carrie Severino.
Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is a senior editor at The Federalist. She is Senior Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College and a Fox News contributor. She is the co-author of Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court.
"Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains taken to bring it to light."
You will get there someday.
Hawley should be in jail.
I will say anything I want to.
Hawley, Cruz and the rest of the lying, holier than thou Senators and House Members who pushed the lie that the election was stolen or did not make a definitive statement defending the elections integrity up to and through the insurrection at the Capitol should be, at the very least, stripped of office and never allowed to hold public positions again. They all played fast and loose with the facts and perjured themselves in front of the nation and against the CotUS by continuing the lie that the president started well before the election.
Everyone who has seriously looked into the mechanics of this past election has said it was free and fair. Period.
The president, Hawley, Cruz, et.a.l have been remiss in their duty to defend the constitution by continually lying, or allowing the lie to stand unopposed, when they ALL knew, every last one of them, that it was 100% bullshit.
They convened and endorsed the gathering at the Capitol by saying that they were going to challenge the electors, for which there was no reasonable cause, knowing full well the propensity of the deluded followers towards violence.
They were egged on by Trump's continual and incessant repeating of LIES, of Blatant and Complete Falsehoods.
They were given cause, by the Senators, the House Members, by the President, by Giuliani, by Trumps the Younger, to think that the election was somehow stolen, that they stood a chance of changing the outcome by violent means.
Nothing that has preceded this atrocious behavior comes remotely close to doing the damage that President Trump has done. With the help and aid of the Senators, House members and anyone else who promulgated, perpetuated, or let stand by way of fiening "we need to hear both sides," the outright lies that were pushed post election to continually frame the election as "stolen," the President has brought shame and dishonor on his office and all of the people who were complicit.
It is wrong to lie. It is wrong to try and overturn the results of a free and fair election. Trump et.al. are guilty of sedition at the very least. You can sit there and pretend that they are not, but anyone with a lick of sense knows that what I have typed here is true.
Shame on you.
That's why it was so refreshing to hear Romney say:
"The best way we can show respect for the voters who were upset is by telling the truth! That's the burden. That's the duty of leadership."
It's too bad that Republicans view Romney as a RINO, they should emulate him instead.
Truth will always win out in the long run in spite of attempts to suppress it
Now we just need to get Parler back as well. A good first step here...
All the republicans/gop who did not denounce this 'president' trying to overthrow the election, ARE COMPLICIT.
Regnery Publishing. A niche publisher who's motto is "Conservative Books for Independent Thinkers." Hardly Simon and Schuster.
Nope, Regnery has been committed to publishing controversial books. Everything from "Witness" to "God and Man at Yale" - timeless classics that everyone should read.
C'mon Vic. BOTH of those books were published in the 50's. The current editors of Regnery CANNOT be equated with the current re-reg.
Regnery REPRINTED the PAPERBACK of Witness in 2014.
Please STOP insulting our intelligence.
I'm not the one doing that.
Au contraire Vic.
You've made ridiculous statements that I refuted.
Now all you've got is 'I'm rubber, you're glue'.
Well done.
Thank you
Josh will be in excellent company with other top-notch authors and best-sellers.
Why would anyone ridicule a publisher, and thereby the author, a meteorologist, who writes educational children's books about various aspects of the weather and climate?
On Jan. 6, Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri invoked his legal right to object to Congress’s certification of electoral votes. Reasonable people can disagree on whether he was right or wrong. It's a matter of opinion. He did however forcefully condemn the attack on the Capitol. The following day Simon & Schuster canceled his forthcoming book, “The Tyranny of Big Tech,” claiming the Senator was part of what happened at the Capitol.
Now that dissent from progressive ideology is equated with treason we all need to stand up for free speech.
You are defending an ambitious piece of garbage. George F. Will---
The three repulsive architects of Wednesday’s heartbreaking spectacle — mobs desecrating the Republic’s noblest building and preventing the completion of a constitutional process — must be named and forevermore shunned. They are Donald Trump, and Sens. Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz.
Hawley announced his intention to object to the certification of some states’ electoral votes, for no better reason than that there has been an avalanche of “allegations” of election irregularities, allegations fomented by the loser of the election. By doing so, Hawley turned what should have been a perfunctory episode in our civic liturgy of post-election civility into a synthetic drama. He turned this moment into the focus of the hitherto unfocused fury that Trump had been stoking for many weeks.
And Cruz, by organizing support for Hawley among other Republican senators and senators-elect gave Hawley’s grotesque self-promotion an ersatz cloak of larger purpose. Shortly before the mob breached the Senate chamber, Cruz stood on the Senate floor. With his characteristic unctuousness, he regretted the existence of what he and kindred spirits have not only done nothing to refute but have themselves nurtured — a pandemic of suspicions that the election was “rigged.”
“I want to take a moment to speak to my Democratic colleagues,” said Cruz. “I understand your guy is winning right now.” Read those weasely words again. He was not speaking to his “colleagues.” He was speaking to the kind people who were at that instant assaulting the Capitol. He was nurturing the very delusions that soon would cause louts to be roaming the Senate chamber — the fantasy that Joe Biden has not won the election but is only winning “right now.”
The Trump-Hawley-Cruz insurrection against constitutional government will be an indelible stain on the nation. They, however, will not be so permanent. In 14 days, one of them will be removed from office by the constitutional processes he neither fathoms nor favors. It will take longer to scrub the other two from public life. Until that hygienic outcome is accomplished, from this day forward, everything they say or do or advocate should be disregarded as patent attempts to distract attention from the lurid fact of what they have become. Each will wear a scarlet “S” as a seditionist.
And when democrats did likewise in 2000, 2004, 2016 you said.....?
I don't remember the Democrats objecting to the vote certification or the Capitol being ransacked as the result of lies about the 2000, 2004 & 2016 elections. If you'll provide links, I'll comment.
George Will? Is he still around?
I thought Bill O'Reilly put his career on ice over the Reagan book? I call it when Mr integrity met an old fashioned Boston bully!
The three repulsive architects of Wednesday’s heartbreaking spectacle
Nope, as Nancy Pelosi smugly said "People are gonna do what people do"
Hawley announced his intention to object to the certification of some states’ electoral votes
He can object all he wants. He has that right and he has the right to publish a book.
And Cruz
And Cruz has every right to question an election which had significant rule changes that benefited democrats.
The Trump-Hawley-Cruz insurrection
Do you actually believe what you are saying?
I watched the video, typical O'Reilly nonsense. O asks a question and when the person responds with an answer he doesn't want he talks over them and tries to bully them. If you ignore O's performance, what you learn is that O used a memo he had never seen and did not talk to any of the people who could refute it. We're fortunate O's own dick plugged his obnoxious mouth.
Bunk, what should have been a perfunctory, ceremonial certification was used by one corrupt President and two ambitious pieces of garbage to try and further their own careers. Both Hawley and Cruz are Ivy League educated lawyers who clerked for Supreme Court justices. They knew their objections had ZERO chance of changing the election, but that was not the purpose of their objections -- it was to make points with the gullible idiots that seem to populate much of the GOP base. Trump lies about the election started well before it and ramped up after he lost. This support at the top levels of government put people on the path to getting five people killed and ransacking the Capitol.
Actually, Will said this; I do agree with him. Are you saying that (1) if Trump had not lied about the election that Hawley and Cruz would have objected to certification anyway? and/or (2) That this insurrection would have occurred even if Trump had not lied continuously about losing the election and accepted defeat like the man he isn't? --- If your answer to either or both is 'yes', [I think any appropriate verbiage here would be a CoC violation].
He was wrong. He knew he was wrong. He knew that there was literally no chance that this stunt would stop the certification of the presented votes. There was no reason to object to the votes. There come times in ones life when you are called upon to do the correct thing. This was one of those times and he not only failed, he signalled his motion for pure and unadulterated power lust. It is not often we get to see raw greed in its unclothed form.
Score for the first amendment. I probably would not have bought the book but now I definitely will.
Wonderful! I'm sure it will be an excellent addition to your personal library.
I’m going to make a point of buying it as well.
Trump only likes picture books.
Maybe Regnery will publish a comic book version.
Hawley is an Ivy League educated lawyer who clerked for a Supreme Court justice. Hawley knew that objecting to the vote certification was kabuki theater; it had ZERO chance of success. It was done purely to further his own ambitions. He used gullible people without compunction. He, along with Trump and Cruz, incited people to riot which resulted in five deaths, the Capitol being ransacked, and will likely ruin the lives of many people, some of whom may end up with felony records. Hawley is definitionally a piece of garbage. If you aspire to also be garbage, then supporting Hawley is a great start. People as devoid of morals as Hawley should be ostracized. There are genuine conservatives that you should be supporting to balance the legislature.
I thought that this group was for book reviews. I guess now it's for promoting RW expectations...
From the book:
"We are currently living in the era of Big Tech. Mega-corporations like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple wield enormous market power and political influence, which they deploy to curb competition and turn massive profits. But their power is more than just money. They exert startling control over Americans’ daily lives by collecting more personal and private information from their users than any other company or government in the world. They regulate and influence the news and information consumers rely upon to make decisions about their families, politics, and health. They organize, manipulate, and direct the conversations that Americans are having."
That should be required reading for all of America.
Hawley is a fucking Senator.
At this very moment, he has an Official and Personal Facebook page.
Hawley used his official Facebook page to disseminate LIES. Those LIES are STILL posted for all to see.
Hawley also STILL has a twitter account.
Hawley a fucking hypocrite.
Oh and BTFW, posting a blurb from his book does NOT equate to posting a review of his book.
You're 'standard' for this group are null and void.
Calling Hawley a liar and a hypocrite is hardly an argument.
Please explain why you think he lied? Lied about what?
"Calling Hawley a liar and a hypocrite is hardly an argument."
But it's the truth.
I don't think so. I wouldn't waste a penny on any garbage from any one who supports this 'president'
GO read his Facebook page for yourself Vic.
I think the reason he lied and continues to lie is because he is a political HACK and wants to inherit Trump's base.
Hawley LIED about the the Election Count Act. Read his Jan. 5th post. It is a LIE.
Is THAT specific enough for you?
BTFW, I note that you didn't even try to refute that this group's standard is null and void.
It doesn't work that way. You called the man a liar, it's on you to prove it.
because he is a political HACK and wants to inherit Trump's base.
I'm sure he may be thinking of making a run.
Is THAT specific enough for you?
I DID. He lied about the Elector Counting Act on his Facebook page. I even gave you the fucking DATE. I have no intention of spoon feeding you. Adult and READ it for yourself. THAT'S how it works.
Well, I hope that is nipped in the bud. He sure as hell is failing at 'splainin' himself.
I'm not a Facebook member.
Well, I hope that is nipped in the bud.
Me too...We can do better!
Absolutely true. One example is that Big Tech allowed far-left Daniel Baker to post comments and videos, but shut down Parler, Trump, Trump supporters, and anyone else who didn't agree with the far left agenda.
I've noted:
"In social media posts that have escalated over the past few months, Baker, 33, has attempted to recruit and train others to further his anti-government or anti-authority violent extremism ideology, has made multiple violent threats to those he claims are White supremacists, fascists, and U.S. citizens and allies with different ideologies than his, and has promoted the killing of U.S. military officers, according to a criminal complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida."
Why wouldn't he be taken down?
The answer is obvious, right? Google, YouTube, and other Big Tech social media platforms are owned/monitored by the Socialist left. Baker's left-wing, anti-American inflammatory comments, photos, and videos met the "standards" they support. It's no different on smaller left-wing sites (there are many).
You do not have to be a Facebook member the read Hawley's Facebook page.
Next excuse?
With whom?
I'm not sure yet. Rubio, Cruz and Haley are all possibilities. There is that chance for somebody new.
Trumpism lives on...
Misleading title.
The book indeed was cancelled by one publisher.
Much like a baker once cancelled a cake for a gay wedding, and you applauded, told the gay folks to find another baker and get over it.
Hawley found another baker/publisher and is moving on.
No story here America, no outrage, move along please, dear readers.
How dare you !
Making sense and all.
Yes it does and it will.
I did?
The baker had to bake the cake...The publisher didn't....One involved discrimination over sexual preference the other involved discrimination over thought.
You do understand the concept of fairness?
The man committed an act of treason and should not be awarded any book deal.
So your pissing and moaning about the first amendment was a bunch of bullshit?