Al Franken resigns, blasts Republican hypocrisy on sexual misconduct
Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., the former “Saturday Night Live” comic who made an improbable journey to become a leading liberal voice in the Senate, announced on Thursday that he will leave office in the coming weeks, after a string of allegations of sexual misconduct and mounting pressure from Democratic lawmakers to step down.
"Today I am announcing that in the coming weeks, I will be resigning as a member of the United States Senate," Franken said during an emotional speech from the Senate floor.
"I aware of the irony that I am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the Oval Office and a man who has preyed on underage girls is running for the Senate with the full support of his party,” Franken said, referring to President Donald Trump, who has also been accused of sexual misconduct, and Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for Senate in Alabama.
His announcement comes a day after 35 Democratic senators called on their embattled colleague to step down. On Monday, Rep. John Conyers, a Michigan Democrat, also accused of sexual misconduct, announced he was resigning following calls from leaders in his own party to quit.
"Enough is enough," Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand wrote of the allegations against Franken in a Facebook post Wednesday. "The women who have come forward are brave and I believe them."
In November, the two-term senator was swept up in the fast-moving avalanche of sexual misconduct and harassment allegations that have led to high-profile firings and resignations of a number of powerful men in Hollywood and the media. Minnesota's Democratic governor, Mark Dayton, has the power to appoint Franken's replacement, who would serve until the next statewide general election in November 2018.
Leeann Tweeden, a Los Angeles radio news anchor, was the first woman to come forward in mid-November. She claimed that during a 2006 USO tour Franken — who was not yet elected to the Senate — forcibly kissed her while they rehearsed a skit together and later groped her on a plane. An alarming photograph backed up her accusation.
Without proof .. allegations are just to be blindly believed? I do not want to believe that any of women that have come forward are not telling the truth, but what are the odds that they are all telling the truth?
Hi....I am in total agreement with you,
The headlines are going wild ..... the theories are flowing freely : )
I will have to go and do some research, but I do not recall having read many (if any) stories about how [insert powerful mans name] groped me 2 weeks ago. Perhaps I have, and just did not register when the alleged misconduct took place.
I see both sides of this issue .. cannot help but to defend men a wee bit ..
Yes, we will lose a sitting senator so we can go after the guy that might get elected form Alabama. What kind of friggin' logic is that? It makes no sense whatsoever....I guess while busy losing legislators left and right (there are more coming), you have to be able to explain it all away, even with a bullshit excuse like that.
Don't forget...martyrs are ALWAYS praised for some reason.
Take Kaepernick (martyr of their year).....paleeeeaaaase !
Pretzel logic at its finest.
Aww but it does make sense .. the party of (D) can now claim the high road.... the governor will appoint a interim Senator, that will not be up for election in 2018 (from a couple things I have read, the seat will remain (D)) ... and now the ball is in the court of the party of (R) - it is all a political means to an end (?) perhaps now 'we' will see just how powerful partisanship is?
Good afternoon Colour Me. This is proof positive that wild animals do in fact sometimes eat their own!
Good afternoon to you Ed - hope all is well on the Southern border...
Now you have gone and done it
I wanted say something along the lines of 'eating their own' ..........but, I was afraid of sounding partisan! : )
Things are bound to only get uglier ..
exactly...hey if Moore is guilty, he needs the same treatment, but in Franken's case, we have actual evidence AND he has admitted it.
The governor of MN will just replace one liberal clown with another. The Dems get a two for one deal: they can pretend to be better than the GOP and they get rid of the disgusting little troll Franken.
Slim and none.
Agreed. I am a bit hazy on what exactly is sexual harassment - seems to vary from accusation to accusation, thus leaving the definition as subject to interpretation or is it based on the victim feeling uncomfortable? (which is prob subject to interpretation as well)
Well that is what hillary claimed. Well she did make an exception for those that accuzed bill. They were, according to her, liars and bimbos.
Trump never to any kind of sexual assault on women. He only pointed out what celebrities could do with willing women.
Lol, hope that's sarcasm, if not, you don't get out much
Hi Colour - it was the pic that did Franken in and Conyers paying off his accusers. Perhaps some accusers are not telling the truth. I believe each situation has to be looked at on its own merit. When Matt Lauer was accused most where stunned. I thought naw, but as more accuser came forward it seemed he was a sexual predator and maybe rapist. but, the men don't act entirely alone, has to be someone covering for them.
I read four pages last night about Weinstein. At least a hundred people knew about his escapades and it still went on. They are just as guilty.
I agree.
Afternoon Sunshine..
That pic was quite creepy, even if it was meant to be a joke(?)!
The one that about made my head spin all the way around was Charlie Rose .. Matt is a close second.
Good point, and it was not just men covering for other men .. women were enabling, what are now being called sexual predators, by choice (?) or out of fear for their jobs? The things the women of Hollywood allowed Weinstein to get away with .. makes zero sense to me. How could so many powerful activist women be cowed by that man is beyond me..
Hushing up now...
I dont think the left realized they were opening pandora's box!! Too late, you cant shut it now!!
That would include NASTY woman, Ashley Judd! Wonder if she feels like burning down his house??? Her own house???
Money, power and career are more important to people....just ask HilLIARy!
Until they get it then it's "Okay, everybody under the bus" time. They, too, eat their own.....................
Hey Colour!! Nice to see you!!
"I aware of the irony that I am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of sexual assault sits in the Oval Office and a man who has preyed on underage girls is running for the Senate with the full support of his party,” Franken said, referring to President Donald Trump, who has also been accused of sexual misconduct, and Roy Moore, the Republican candidate for Senate in Alabama.
Hey Al......Trump may have SAID some nasty things about women, but so did Hillary Clinton! HilLIARy called Monica a "narcissistic loony toon," while standing by her husband in one of MANY narcissistic perverted affairs! And now claiming to be fighting for women??? HilLIARy STARTED the war on women! She attacked the victim of her husbands perversions for the sake of her own financial and political gains! You on the other hand... DID them and so did Bill Clinton...In the Oval Office!
When is SHE going to apologize to the VICTIMS of her husbands perversions that SHE attempted to destroy???
So she gets a PASS???
Hillary Clinton’s days as the first lady of Arkansas and eventually the First Lady of the United States. **Hillary led the charge on smear campaigns against dozens of women who accused her husband, Bill Clinton, of rape, molestation, sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct**.
Connie Hamzy was one of the first women to come forward about Bill’s misconduct after he launched his run for president in 1991. At the time , **Hillary told then Clinton administration aide George Stephanopoulos “we have to destroy her story”.**
When Gennifer Flowers went public about her long affair with Bill, she said **Hillary ran a “war room” against her during Bill’s 1992 presidential campaign to “smear, defame, and harm” her.**
**Hillary shamelessly trashed Flowers as a liar in a 1992 TV interview.** Ironically, that same year, Bill wagged his finger during a nationally televised White House news conference and famously said: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
**Hillary blamed that sex scandal on a “vast right-wing conspiracy” **
**DNA evidence found on Monica’s dress proved that the Clintons were the true liars and Bill was impeached and disbarred as a result.**
**The most egregious rape allegations made against Bill were by Juanita Broaddrick. In an interview with “Dateline” in 1999, Juanita described how Bill bit her lip and raped her in a hotel room in 1979. As Bill left the room, she said Bill told her “you better get some ice on that” in reference to her swollen lip.**
**Juanita has described in interviews how “paramount” Hillary has been in the cover up of these sexual assaults committed by Bill.**
On November 22, 2015, in a twist of verbal irony that rivals stories straight out of Greek mythology,
**Hillary tweeted: “Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.”**
**If Hillary truly believes this, her rule of thumb clearly does not apply to sexual assault survivors who were victimized by her husband.**
Billy BJ Boy paid 850k to his VICTIM and plead guilty to perjury and got impeached and lost his law license! Some of these happened IN the white house!!!
The minute the left decides Bill Clinton is a predator, and they say it out loud and they distance themselves from the Clintons, I’ll believe they’re serious.
These are the sexual assault allegations against Bill Clinton. This does not include his consensual affairs (e.g. Gennifer Flowers)
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidation, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcome sexual advance, intimidation
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcome sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault (Bill paid Ms. Jones $850k settlement & plead guilty to perjury.)
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcome sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcome physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
GA Fed! Hope all is well with you. Yep, you are right on the money as usual Sir! Good to hear from you.
Yep, that is pretty much how things work in politics ... all one has to say is they have 'evolved' ... and POOF!
I am quite certain that you read some of the conversations during the campaign on NV regarding what slime the women were that accused B. Clinton - they knew he was married after all and still 'threw'' themselves at him (that is how women on the vine were commenting) ..
those nasty mattress'd back'd sperm burp'n gutter wenches, how dare they try to ruin the reputation of such an honorable man .... HA!
Hey Ed!! Hope all is well with you and may you have a blessed and Merry Christmas!
Wait until those underage girls on the Lolita Express come forward! Better tell Carlos Danger to move over, he has a new roomie!! You dont ditch your SS detail unless you have something to hide!
That's only one of the reasons why Oxford didn't allow Bill Clinton to complete his Rhodes Scholarship course of studies.
I have several times listened to Juanita Broaddrick talk about the day Slick Willy raped her. She still is terrified and shaken when she describes what she went through. She is filled with tears and visibly shaken when she relives that day.
If you say so... she says different....
And I think she isn't the only victim, is she?
Even his main excuser lambasted him for his "Bimbo Eruptions"
But really she was the main cheerleader for the accusation of lyin' bitch's wasn't she?
I think the odds are something like a 98% chance that 98% of them are telling the truth. We have yet to find one accuser of Trump, Roy Moore or any of the other accused, bogus.
Have Moore's accusers provided evidence of police reports and court documents yet? They had decades to knock him off his block with their evidence during the years Moore served in public office and the Senate Primary. but they waited until his US Senate General Election run? Strange.
Until Trump's and Moore's accusers cough up some evidence, their accusations are merely allegations. On the other hand, Franken admitted guilt, somewhat offered an apology, and is resigning.
Jasper, most victims of sexual harassment are afraid to come forward, afraid to tell anyone. Much LESS file a police report! What would have happened if they had? Everyone would have blamed the victim, not the perpetrator. And the police would have laughed. Out loud. Believe me. I don't think you understand the social/physical/career ramifications of reporting it "officially".
No, because they were busy working for HilLIARy's campaign!!
Its OK to LIE for the sake of the DNC!! Pffftttt Selling your soul to the D evil has consequences ladies...
Yep, we all know that FAUX Noise is trustworthy.
In fact you should do a little fact checking, especially from FOX. Have you heard this story?
Well, try this then, from local media in Alabama:
Hope that helps.
And, this proves what exactly?? That she earns a living as a sign language interpreter. What should do, say no when someone in politics offers her a job?
Here's on for you to ponder, I worked in a restaurant in North Carolina when I was young, the mayor of the town, a Republican, came in all the time with different people, my mother was the head of the western North Carolina Democratic party, one day the mayor shows up with Jesse Helms, should I have walked out of the restaurant and, not cooked for them, does the fact that I did cook for them mean that I worked for the Jesse Helms campaign and, if you are right and, that is what it does mean should my mother have disowned me? By the way, she was impressed with the idea that I served a sitting Senator that night.
as opposed to CNN??? NBC??? CBS??? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA We know how you hate FAIR and BALANCED! TRUTH has no agenda!
Now comes a study from the George Mason University Center for Media and Public Affairs that demonstrates empirically that, one of the nation's leading "fact checkers," finds that Republicans are dishonest in their claims three times as often as Democrats. " has rated Republican claims as false three times as often as Democratic claims during President Obama's second term," the Center said in a release, "despite controversies over Obama administration statements on Benghazi, the IRS and the AP."
It proves what FOX said was TRUE! It also proves you wrong!
Deborah Wesson Gibson, owner of the interpreting company Signs of Excellence, provided services for Clinton during her 2016 campaign , as well as working with former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden during other events. Photos posted to her company's social media site show her providing sign language services for Sen. Patrick Murphy and Sen. Bill Nelson, both Florida Democrats.
it establishes a relationship that may not have ended i.e. she’s still working for them and against the opposition.
It proves nothing. Show me something that says she is still working for Clinton or, Biden and, maybe, MAYBE, you will have something. Until then all you have is a crazy conspiracy theory, heavy on crazy.
Oooooo, reference my above post for my answer.
I would rather listen to two of the three than FAUX Noise any day of the week.
You do realize that this statement says that I'm right about anything coming from FAUX Noise, I've bolded the part that says that.
Have any of Franken's accusers provided evidence of police reports and, court documents yet? Or, is that just for the people the GOP supports?
And it has long been know that the same thing you claim as proof, establishes as fact their (politifact's) bias....
(also establishes yours as well)
Politifact Bias
Citing bias to prove bias.....
Excellent logic there...
You really should try reading the whole thread, what you are 'crediting' me with is actually from fedup.
Of course you would...lmbo.
And then there's this, just tonight:
No, you should have got an autograph on a napkin or something so that 35+ years later you could come back and tell us how he "looked at your funny" or "patted you on the low back"...or something....and now you feel violated...
Actually I'm responding to you....
You do realize that this statement says that I'm right about anything coming from FAUX Noise, I've bolded the part that says that.
And what you bolded to establish your eternal rightness ... (including the part you left unbolded), one of the nation's leading "fact checkers," finds that Republicans are dishonest in their claims three times as often as Democrats.
I bolded in red the part you left off.....
So since you are claiming that politifact makes you correct every single time, I thought it prudent to demonstrate just how biased politifact actually is, and since you claim them as the be all and end all of your veracity, your veracity has the same validity as theirs, by your own claim...
And that isn't much.......
AND, since you seem to love Media Bias Fact Check so much, here is what they really represent....
Just Facts daily .....
It appears that Media bias fact check is just as biased as Politifact, in fact they work hand in hand.....
If your using those sites to establish your forum cred, like you yourself claim to be, you just lost any cred you had....
Have a nice day.
Your answer talks about continued “employment”. My comment goes to a continuing “relationship” which can go beyond employment. To be clear, you can be hired by someone to do a job and, once the job ends, go on to be friends . . . or conspirators.
Politifacts’ leftwing bias in its metrics has been evident for some time. Basically, they put their thumb on the scale and then say the scale speaks for itself. All of the MSM is now biased to some degree, which is why I read multiple sources and then examine it to draw my own independent conclusion.
What is shown there is that has shown in its compiling of facts is that the Republicans lie three times more often than Democrats, in other words there are more lies coming out of Republican mouths than there are coming out of Democrat mouths on a daily basis. If you don't like the facts, if they don't fit into what you wish to think, don't kill the messenger, it only shows your bias.
A case of attacking the messenger. As i said, don't attack the messenger if you don't like the facts and, remember, it's only Kelly Anne Conjob who says there is such a thing as "alternative facts" then you and, all your friends attack the facts with more lies.
You don’t need to prove something that Franken hasn’t denied.
OK, so I read the article on The Federalist and, I did find it interesting but, I think what you are seeing there is sour grapes from a conservative source, a case of attack the messenger lite. This is a good example of that,
Media Bias does give them a far right score but, is says this about them,
I've bolded what I think is important and, yes, I would use them as a source but, I would temper what I read with a little salt.
Just as I thought, I'm getting crickets on this one.
Why? I knew them from the times they ran in the area, Mr. Helms was alright but, I didn't like his stand with Nixon so, I never voted for him when I was a Republican or, an Independent, if he was primaried I voted for his opponent.
And, that is why I don't listen to CNN.
The thing is, he has denied a part of what has been said about him. You should have listened to his full 20 minutes speech on the Senate floor.
There was a time when the media engaged in professional unbiased reporting. That time has passed. Everything is laced with bias so I temper all of it with a little salt.
So, all a perp has to do to meet your standard of innocence is to deny anything happened?
If he apologized and resigned over it, then he has effectively admitted that he is guilty of something that he thinks is serious. He can either stand up and defend himself like a man or skitter away with his tail between his legs.
I actually think his actions were trivial and he could have just passed this off as bad joke indicative of the kind of puerile behavior that made him a successful comedian. I don’t expect a politician to be a saint. However, both parties blew it up into a larger political issue (in large part over Roy Moore) and Franken chose to skitter out the door. Men who skitter don’t belong in the senate so I won’t miss him.
At least one thing will happen that will set the supporters of Roy Moore's hair on fire, a very liberal Democrat will take his place until the next election for his seat.
If proof weren’t a factor, then an accusation would be all that’s necessary to convict the innocent.
So, you support Franken and, Conyers?
I doubt it. The 40 year old allegations against Moore are too stale to either prove or disprove. One of the accuser’s story is unraveling. The other was made by a woman who, at the time she was a child, had behavioral and disciplinary problems serious enough to warrant a change in custody. Children like this are hardly known for their veracity. Stories that Moore was banned from a mall are rumor not fact. The remaining women largely assert that he was interested in them which, even if true, is not a crime since they were above the age of consent and are free to date Moore or anybody else.
Moore will win because his opponent (Jones) is dragging the baggage of a democrat (abortion, same-sex marriage, sanctuary cities, transgender lunacy etc) in possibly the most conservative state in the country. Plus, unproven allegations against Moore won’t be enough to convince most people to risk having one more voice in the senate (Jones) to oppose the appointment of a conservative Justice.
As near as I can tell, Jones can’t win unless blacks turn out to vote for him in the same numbers that they did for Obama AND whites either stay home or cut their own throats by voting for a democrat who has values (listed above) opposite to their own. Both highly unlikely. The media and democrats are actually driving votes to Moore by beating a drum for Jones. Moore’s supporters will march to the polls in droves. The notion that the race is close is driven by the MSM which is using polls from questionable pollsters that either ocersample democrats and/or sample “registered” voters instead of “likely” voters.
When Moore gets to the senate, Republicans will back away from trying to oust him. Those who support his ouster will, themselves, risk being ousted in the next election. Even if they did oust him, Moore would likely prevail in a challenge before the Supreme Court as happened when the court said that it was unconstitutional for Congress to oust Adam Clayton Powell.
Like anybody else, I’ll assume that they’re innocent until I either see facts to the contrary or they admit to the behavior. The problem with Franken and Conyers is that of partisan hypocrisy.
However, putting hypocrisy aside, as long as democrats maintain their current social platform of abortion on demand, forcing the normalization of psychological disorders, and overrunning the country with illegal aliens, then I am happy to see as many of them leave congress as possible for any reason. So my answer to your question is yes and no.
Isn't that exactly what your doing right here?
You call it attacking the messenger then in the same comment in defense of yourself you do exactly the same thing your pointing the finger at.....
What it is isn't about facts is it, it is about respect..... You choose one course and are surprised when such is returned.
Respect is earned, and you sure don't earn it by insulting others.
Then maybe you should change your tactics, use better sources or, find sources that say the same thing and, aren't as biased, the only thing I'm doing is using the tactics that you and, your friends employ on here. I decided earlier, about two years ago, to start using the same tactics that were used against people that I support, you bring on an attitude of "pffft, left wing source." I'll bring on one that says "pfft, right wing source." Let the party begin.
You'll find that I don't use any specific sources, and I have no preconceived notions.
I also respond as responded to. In that respect we are alike. and yes just like you I find humor in poking the oppo sometimes. But when it comes down to research and facts in a serious debate you will find I'm a formidible opponent.....
Just don't act like those who only have insults, cause you will get treated like those that can only respond in that fashion.
Nobody is always right the same as nobody is always wrong, so never claim either, one must look at what is being said.
SO yes, let the games begin.....
Hey there CMF.
You've identified the problem in all this as we try to respond to the reports of sexual predation, violence and harassment. Dane and empathetic people are horrified when someone - anyone - is subjected to this kind of abuse, regardless of who they are, who they vote for or where they live.
While it seems that most people that report crimes like these are telling the truth, there are other examples where supposed victims are just using this as retribution for something unrelated and falsely report.
As a society we need to do all we can to remove the animals and monsters that prey on the innocent, we also must take care - as always - that we don't accuse and punish innocent people in our haste. There is a reason that the US is one of the few places on earth that recognizes and practices the legal concept of innocence until proven guilty.
Thank you Bourbon Street .. this is what I keep trying to express ... you are far more eloquent then I when it comes to words - I think I possibly keep coming off cold and callous'd .. but I cannot, in blind faith, condemn everyone - there is a process .. yet the court of public opinion does not seem to care about that...
I could be wrong!
I have a flask and a shot glass from Bourbon Street : ) Didn't get any beads though ... lol
It would be understandable thing if someone that has been attacked were to suspect everyone. It takes a special kind of person to keep their sense of fair play and "innocent until proven guilty".
I have a story about Bourbon Street and catching beads I'll share with you sometime.
What should not be permitted is for accusers to be labelled honest or not based on whom the accused is. Either we accept, prima facie, all accusers as being honest or we reject all of them until definitive proof* is produced.
* and short of being caught in flagrante delicto it would would be nearly impossible to achieve agreement on what that would be.
The other way to look at it is that the accused is presumed to be as honest as his accusers and that we make our decision based on proof. The benefit of the doubt should go to the accused such that he doesn’t have to prove his innocence but rather the accusers must establish his guilt by something other than saying he’s guilty because I said so.
To presume that the accusers are more honest than the accused would be an attrocious system of justice and one I would strongly oppose.
A correct statement as to current law my friend. The only thing I could add is that it is the only way to look at it, as it is a bedrock principle of our legal system.
A Sexual assault allegation is already given the benefit of Prima Fascia status to the extent that an assault actually happened. Usually there is physical evidence to support the accusation. But the status of the law and presumption of Prima Fascia status of a sexual accusation sometimes makes things worse especially when there is no physical evidence....
At this point one has to look at the entirety of the case. four decades later, the complaining witness remember all the details like it was yesterday? Corroborating witnesses that have details that they could only have if they were present when the crime took place? Along with the problems you pointed out my friend, I would be very skeptical of such a case....
Multiply the exact same situation by 8 complaining witnesses.
It defies rationality, it defies the intent of the law.
It is why there is a statute of limitations. The law recognized the fallacy of truth or justice coming out of such a situation.
And then add in the countervailing testimony impugning the statements supporting the allegations. (and in some cases the allegations themselves)
The only way to gain a conviction would be through the admission of the alleged assailant.....
And under our system of laws, given the current status of the accusations, he is innocent until he admits guilt.
Of the resignations that have taken place all have in some way admitted to their actions, except one who claims he was retiring anyway but still apologized.
Those acts would be treated in a court of law as an admission of guilt. Why apologize/resign if there is no factual basis?
Like I've said, some persons with opinions that they are entitled to do not understand the basis of our rejection of the Moore allegations, and acceptance of the others admissions of guilt.
Hopefully I've spelled it out for them so they can stop insulting our intelligence, understand the rock solid legal basis we are coming from, and respect our opinion. (probably too much to ask for from most) or at least acknowledge that we are not just political sycophants, there is solid fact based logic in our position........ (an impossibility in my opinion for them to acknowledge)
Oh well, be well my friend...
Liberal arrogance is insufferable and they really do need to be knocked off that high horse every now and then. Any reasonable person should understand how fundamentally unfair it is to not only expect the accused to prove his innocence (contrary to the basic philosophy that undergirds our legal system) but to do so 40 years after the fact. People can vote on whatever basis they like but the people of Alabama are not wrong or stupid if they give Moore the benefit of the doubt (especially where there is so much doubt to give). Stupidity is not geographical as many OUTSIDE of Alabama prove every day.
Oh and it’s good to see you around more often.
Actually, I think you do want to believe that at least one is not telling the truth but only for your guy so you can use that one to discredit them all.
He resigns, yet Trump is still in the WH and Moore is running for senate and republicans give excuse after excuse that all the women are lying and that it wasn't Trump on the tape and Moore is Jesus. Hypocrisy at it's finest.
That's what Hillary said about the women accusing Bubba Billy. Some kind of "right wing conspiracy", or something like that. The Democrats lost any moral authority they might have had a long time ago.
There is a TV show "What Really Happened". Watched it the other night when they critiqued the Clinton impeachment. He pointed his finger at the TV camera and said "I did not have sex with that woman". That was no right wing conspiracy. Clinton had all of these allegations against him before he ran for president and he still was elected.
Too bad his DNA showed up on her blue dress!!
Yes, and pretty disgusting that our President had a blow job in the Oval office.
But, I have to hand it to Monica as she never blamed Pres. Clinton, but said it was mutual consent. That little girl was racked over the coals and still is. Almost any young girl would be flattered by the attention from the POTUS.
I doubt that most young girls want to have sex with middle-men old enough to be their father. Ewww!
I don't know. Good looking man who is POTUS,,,,,he turned a few heads!
If you're talking about Bill Clinton, then all I can say is that I will never understand the attraction any woman, of any age, had for that lying sleaze, but it does explain why those women make excuses for his criminal and perverse behavior.
The shadow of the dress is painted on the mantel of B. Clinton's White House portrait
Lewinsky — who once boasted to a pal that she was bringing her “presidential kneepads” to the White House — wrote that her Oval Office affair with the Horndog in Chief was consensual.
"presidential kneepads", real classy there, lol.
She bragged about going to a married man’s office so he can empty himself on her face. If that’s classy, I’d hate to see her idea of being a tramp.
I guess you missed my sarcasm, sorry I should have tagged it.
I recognized it as sarcasm and added my own.
How is that not sex? sperm on a dress, sperm on a bed sheet ... mouth, vagina ... whats the difference? partial nakedness - a warm spot and a hard dick = sex
Lying to congress and special investigators? He lost his law license for a reason.
Nope, nothing like that. That comment was directed at the scum shoveling network of rightwing scum-shovelers, later to be properly referred to as Deplorables. World Net(LIE) Daily, News(LIE)max, FoxNews(LIES), Breit(LIES)bart; Info(LIES)Wars. IOW, the vast network of lying rightwing, fascist and scumsucking pieces of shit.
Yes, away in disgust according to his victims.
Trusting a back-stabbing little scumbag like Linda Tripp with her little secret was very bad judgment. I guess she just couldn't constrain herself but she no doubt regrets horribly that decision for which she has paid for dearly.
Sounds to me like Monica had a plan all along.
First off, it doesn't rise (hahahaha) to the strict definition of sexual intercourse:
Maybe that is because sources like CNN, CBS and, NBC take facts seriously and, when they screw up they take the time to correct the mistake, where as, sources like Brietfart and, World Nut Daily don't give a shit about the facts.
I don't remember seeing anything that it was not Pres. Trump on the tape. And, Judge Moore Is not Jesus and no one said he was. BUT, he has not been proven guilty of alleged crime.
Trump claimed he had experts dissecting the tape to prove it was not his voice. A Pastor in Alabama compared Moore to Christ. Google is your best friend.
And Billy Bush emphatically stated that it was turnip's voice. The turnip is lying thru his ill-fitting dentures
The WH now claims it was dry mouth - which could be true since he has so many moments with bottled water.
Did his "experts" finally return from Hawaii, or did he have to send the tape to them?
Why does it have to be a "crime" before you recognize it as unacceptable and not becoming of a Senator or a President?
It is alleged.
because democrats are known liars. their word is no good.
perhaps they should have read "the boy who cried wolf"
And there it is.
I'll be dammed if I ever quit my job because some person accuses me of something I know I didn't do.
How does that in any way address my comment? Al Franken resigned, he wasn't calling all his accusers liars as the worthless Republicans have. All people lie, some people make a career out of it like Donald Trump.
Thousands of people are accused of doing things they didn’t do. Some are exonerated and others go to jail even though they’re innocent. Anybody can accuse anybody of anything but it doesn’t make it true. There is no evidence whatsoever that Moore did anything illegal or wrong.
They say whatever it takes to establish that conservatives are guilty and liberals are innocent. All politics.
Take it up with the democrats - they are the ones who want to clear their decks, you see it's their new strategy. They know there is no collusion and that Mueller thing is gonna come up empty so the plan now for 2018 will be a new narrative about sexual misconduct via Moore and Trump
Yes, please do get real ... you are saying that ONE woman should have came out right away if IT bothered/traumatized her so much - she is now a lying bitch and ruining a good mans reputation/life because NO women from SNL made complaints .... but everyone else being accused, even from 40 years ago - is guilty ... just Franken is falsely accused by a lying bitch that he apologized to, she accepted his apology so POOF all is right with the world???
Have I misunderstood anything?
just a ? ... if Jane Curtain was to come out today and claim sexual harassment against Bill Murray ... would she be a lying ignorant slut?
Proof? Links? Seems like 'Slut Shaming' at its finest.
Wow. Pull yourself together, ferchrissake. While you're trying to do that, let me thank you for showing us "rightwing rules" wherein everything you accuse Dems of doing (and not) is precisely what people defending Roy Moore are actually doing.
Funny, that clip comes to mind when I read a lot of the commenters here. And BTW, that was on a segment, live in front of cameras......different than writing a comedy script forcing an intimate kiss with someone and wanting to practice it before hand with an unwilling person.
If a lightning bolt struck every time a rightwinger who inverted reality and truth like that, well, let's just say the world would be a much safer, more honest place to live.
It would be funny because Jane curtain was an "ignorant slut" in a routine SNL skit.
Hmmm, yep ... I am thinking that is what you are saying - like I asked before ... Am I misunderstanding something?
Misogynist much?
[laughter] did you cock your hip off to one side, snap your fingers and toss back your hair when telling me to pull myself together ....... [eyes water from laughter] I can see it now .... thanks for the visual!
Have a good Friday...
Always good to see you Atheist .. a good Friday to you and a very Merry Christmas.
Maybe you can revise the skit with Franken and his accuser so that he can call her a lying ignorant slut.
They don't know how to play the game any other way.
Dear Pot,
Same ol' same ol', I see.
Any justification will do for you to vote for (as you clearly tell us you will do) a child sexual molester into the Senate, right? But, I'm sure you somehow convinced yourself that Jesus said it's okay.
Don't bring Jesus into this. You are notorious for using His name to somehow make your comment viable.
Yes and yes....I will vote for Judge Moore unless he is proven guilty.
One more time for the boys in the balcony.....YES, I am voting for Judge Moore!!!!!!
There's quite a bit of evidence, cards from Moore to teenagers and his signing of a yearbook, along with over 30 witnesses who attest to his behavior and penchant for trying to pick up teen girls when he was in his 30's. The statute of limitations is the only thing preventing their testimony in court which would be admissible as evidence. Claiming the evidence doesn't exist simply because you want to believe all of them liars doesn't make it so.
Then you are voting for a proven liar. The handwriting in the graduation card and yearbook being identical proves Moore knew girls that he claimed he did not know.
There's no evidence whatsoever that he engaged in child molestation. If the age of consent is 16, then any woman at that age can date anybody she chooses and any man can seek to date them. Evidence that he wanted to engage in legal behavior is irrelevant.
There is no evidence that he did anything illegal. Believing he's guilty in the absence of any evidence to establish guilt is just a belief and nothing more.
I don't think someone who lives in Mississippi can vote in Alabama, can they?
I don't think they have to put him in prison before deciding not to vote for someone who has lied about knowing a 16 year old who accused him of molesting her.
People can vote based on flipping a coin if they choose but my point is that nobody's guilty just based on an accusation.
Please link the forensic evidence that will support your claims.
Mr. Russell....I don't know that to be a fact. But, thanks for pointing that out.
You know that I am living in the Great State of Alabama, don't you?
The signature "Roy" in both is a dead match, as is some of the other lettering.
How did Moore's handwriting end up in these two girl's possession? He admitted to knowing Gibson (initially) so we know how she got it, but how did Nelson get it if he didnt know her (as he claims)?
Moore was a judge briefly involved in Nelson's divorce so she could get it off court documents, complete with the initials of his assistant who routinely signed Moore's name and used her initials "DA".
One little fact they all wish to ignore.........
Bawahahaha...thanks for the chuckle...yep, different day , same ol sameol with that one...
Really? I live in Alabama and I have not heard of these 30 witnesses...please provide links. Thanks.
If her mouth is big enough to blab to 30 people, then she should have gone to the police 40 years ago. But then she was apparently the subject of a change in custody because of behavioral and disciplinary problems. Kids like that are notorious liars.
“This account is based on interviews with more than 30 people who said they knew Moore between 1977 and 1982 "
This is what his good friend, prominent pastor Flip Benham, one of the speakers at Moore's Faith Leaders Press Conference that was organized by Janet Porter of Faith2 Action, said in Moore's defense:
"Judge Roy Moore graduated from West Point and then went on into the service, served in Vietnam and then came back and was in law school. All of the ladies, or many of the ladies that he possibly could have married were not available then, they were already married, maybe, somewhere. So he looked in a different direction and always with the [permission of the] parents of younger ladies … He did that because there is something about a purity of a young woman, there is something that is good, that’s true, that’s straight and he looked for that.”
Does anyone really believe that the University of Alabama was experiencing a shortage of age-appropriate, non-married co-eds? What a load of baloney.
Oh, and I'm soooooo sure he got the permission from the parents of the younger ladies. After all, what parent wouldn't rejoice in the fact that a creepy, 30-year-old, Warren Jeffs wanna-be was trying to date their 14/15/16-year-old daughter? Sorry, but any grown-ass man who trolls the mall food court for dates has no intention of asking anyone's permission for anything.
You should do more research:
Jeremy, Moore's handwriting appears in Beverly Young Nelson's yearbook, even though he claims to have never heard of her and not know who she is.
I can't spend time correcting every bit of ignorance dropped here. I have already shown repeatedly on this forum how we can know Moore signed her book.
To hear him god-bother one gets the impression that he puts himself above Jesus.
Did Rush tell, you to say that , lol.
Nelson added two lines at the bottom of the yearbook entry. The rest of it, including the signature, matched the handwriting Moore made when he wrote into a graduation card for Debbie Gibson, another teenager he had dated at the time.
I see in the apology something different than what you see obviously, I don't see an admission of guilt, I see someone saying, "I'm sorry you feel that way."
Look at it for yourself.
Go back to wherever you came from then , cause you can't cut it here.
You are locked in an information bubble that keeps you from truth and facts. It is a shame that you are so determined to spread your disinformation all over Newstalkers every day.
I write this piece with the full knowledge that it's unlikely to convince a single person of anything, because everyone seems to have reached their own conclusions about Roy Moore at this point -- which, in most cases, align with their immediate political interests. If Moore were a Democrat running in a blue state, and all other facts of the controversy were equal, I'd wager that virtually every single current Moore defender the Right would be shouting something along the lines of, "lock him up." I've made it clear, with full transparency, that I oppose Moore's candidacy for a host of reasons, even as I'm unable to countenance his opponent's abortion radicalism. That was true before any of the nine accusers stepped forward with their stories. And despite agreeing that it's reasonable for Moore's team to ask that the yearbook produced by Moore's most serious accuser be examined by independent experts (that high school yearbook, incidentally, also featured Moore's eventual wife, who's been amplifying fake news for weeks on his behalf), I find the allegations against him to be credible .
One of the counter-arguments I often encounter is that there's no physical corroboration, and that these claims stem from conduct that supposedly occurred decades ago, and never arose previously. There are a number of responses to that logic, one of which is that it requires discounting statements from multiple witnesses who attest that a number of these women confided in them about Moore's behavior and advances at the time. For reference, similar contemporaneous accounts are key pieces of proof behind Juanita Broaddrick's rape allegations against Bill Clinton. Nevertheless, Beverly Young's yearbook was the only piece of hard evidence on the table (Moore insists he knows neither Ms. Young nor any of the women; more on that in a moment), which is why his defenders are so desperate to declare it "forged" or "debunked" (neither word applies, although theories to that effect abound). We now have an additional piece of physical evidence discovered by one of the four women named and quoted in the original Washington Post story:
What infuriated Ms. Gibson was Moore's flat denial that he knew any of the women who now say he pursued them romantically or sexually when they were teens. At first, he told Sean Hannity that he did know a few of them, but didn't recall dating them -- awkwardly equivocating on the question of whether or not he dated high schoolers as a thirty-something. Within days, his statements became more sweeping:
The Post had the note analyzed by a former FBI forensic examiner, who said it appears to be authentic from that time period. He also said the handwriting and "Roy" signature strongly resemble the note inscribed in Ms. Young's yearbook. Sure enough, it does look awfully similar :
Was this one forged, too? And it just happens to match another decades-old "forgery"? C'mon. The delusions required to believe Moore's shifting stories are getting increasingly absurd. Nonetheless, it's fair to ask if an innocuous ( high school ) graduation card amounts to proof of anything. Well, the scrapbook contained more pieces of evidence:
Why is any of this significant? She's describing consensual relationship from a time in her life when she'd reached the age of consent in Alabama; she even affirms that their physical contact was limited to embracing and kissing. Maybe it's creepy that Moore was dating a high school student as a 34-year-old man, but it wasn't a crime. I'd argue it's significant because Moore altered his story, from half-heartedly claiming that he didn't quite recall dating Gibson to straight-up denying that he knew or dated "any of these women." That's a lie, Gibson says, and her scrapbook helps prove it. The giddy schoolgirl journal entries about being "inspired" by Moore, and having had a "great" time on dates with him -- written in the early 1980's -- are compelling evidence that (a) he's being dishonest, and (b) the proclivities and attractions of which he's accused are true. The scuttlebutt about his known weirdness at teenage hangouts didn't appear out of nowhere. All of that, in turn, enhances the credibility of Moore's nine accusers, all of whom he says are lying. For what it's worth, Gibson is a registered Republican whose sign language interpretation work has served clients from both political parties. She says she's held Moore in "high esteem" over the years, but this recent firestorm has changed her perspective dramatically:
If Moore is lying about his relationship with Gibson, and about not even knowing some of these women, why should he get the benefit of the doubt on his denials of the more disturbing molestation allegations? Apparently these questions aren't terribly relevant anymore at the RNC, which has reversed its decision to abandon Moore, following Trump's endorsement. The NRSC, however, remains out:
Now go back and read the link I provided.
I did. Obviously you do not understand the situation.
Look at all the handwriting above the line "12-22-77". Everything above that is Moore's handwriting, and it matches the handwriting in another girl's graduation card that she received from Roy Moore in the same time period.
This is not that hard to understand. What is your problem Jeremy?
This can picked apart.
And of course democrats proved that the whole thing is partisan by condemning Moore and immediately rushing to excuse Franken and Conyers.
There are two “accusers” of misconduct not nine. Most of these women were above the age of consent. That means that they can date anyone they choose and any man can date them.
In the absence of evidence, he’s just as credible as his accusers. His supporters can give him the benefit of the doubt.
This conflates the accusations of illegal behavior with legal behavior and then assumes that, if statements regarding legal behavior are credible then the allegations of illegal behavior are too. I think this is not only prejudicial in a legal context but also just plain stupid,
At best, the yearbook would prove that Moore knew her 40 years ago (and perhaps has long since forgotten) it certainly doesn’t prove he tried to rape her. It also ignores witnesses who say they never saw Moore (or Beverly Nelson for that matter) in the restaurant; that the restaurant didn’t have a parking lot or dumpsters in the back as she said it did; that the back was dimly lit; and that people sitting at the counter (where she said Moore sat every day), weren’t waited on by waitresses.
So what? Even if true, she could date who she wanted and she dated Moore.
So she’s mad because he brushed her under the rug. Big damn deal.
And there are plenty of handwriting experts that say that you can’t authenticate a signature simply by comparing one to the other. Even if it is his signature on both documents it doesn’t prove that he did anything wrong at all other than avoid being dragged into a discussion about how creepy he is for dating a 17 year old instigated by creepy people who would see no problem if he had dated a damn man. Anyway, democrats thought being truthful were a qualification for public office, they wouldn’t have nominated a liar to be president.
If Beverly Nelson lied about the details of her story, and used the inscription she wrote to imply that Moore by his own hand tied himself to the restaurant that she claims was the scene of an attempted rape, then why should she be believed? The question is rhetorical. If voters in Alabama want to vote for Moore because Jones would be a far worse alternative, then they should do so and tell everybody else to kiss their behind.
Don't blame Republicans for using the Democrats own methods against them. Remember, during the impeachment trial verdict of Bill Clinton, the Democrats all voted "Not Guilty" despite there being plenty of evidence that Clinton perjured himself during his Whitewater Grand Jury testimony. He even agreed to lose his law license and pay Paula Jones over $800,000 for that testimony when he settled with Ken Starr's replacement Special Prosecutor.
Keep blaming everyone else but trump and moore for their indiscretions.
So far we have unproven allegations against Moore and a video of Trump being uncouth, neither of which rises to the level of what Bill Clinton was impeached for or that caused Conyers or Franken to resign. In Moore's case, there are questions as to the veracity of the allegations made by Leigh Corfman as according to the public records she could not have been alone with Moore or even near her mother's house in almost all of the supposed situations she is claiming, which makes the chance these are false allegations a likelihood.
Yes, keep making excuses and calling the women liars.
Tom said " so far all we have are unproven allegations"...and that means "so far all we have are unproven allegations". In America, you are innocent until proven guilty. If he gets elected and seated and there is actual proof of this, he'll get the Franken and Conyers treatment and he should.
I am calling Leigh Corfman a liar as the known evidence points to that being the case. This is what investigations are about, getting evidence that supports one claim or another, and the evidence in this case points to her lying about everything to do with her allegations of Moore. If the public records supported her claims, I would not be calling her a liar. I would be just asking for more proof than her word.
Perhaps you should PROVE your accusations???
If you keep insisting on providing factual statements and producing logical conclusions based on facts you'll only succeed in confusing the liberal minions - confusion leads to frustration, frustration leads to heads exploding and name calling.
Liberals don't want to hear about the rule of law or how the justice system is intended to work.
If they WERE concerned about such mundane things like that they'd demand Mullar and his band of political hacks be replaced with a special counsel without a political agenda, that hilLIARy, Lerner, Lynch and Comey be held accountable, that the liberal party stop using the FBI, the CIA and the IRS as political weapons.......but you and I both know that the ethically/morally bereft Left is unable to rise to such noble aspirations. The average lefty isn't interested in anything except whether it's a (D) or an (R) after the name.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Bourbon Street.
You hit it on the head!
Thank you for the kind words. I read through many of your posts - and dare I say you have a perspective more central to the issues than a lot of us here. I'm so very sorry you've been subjected to abuse from some low-life.
My guess is that the democrats came to the conclusion that sacrificing Conyers and Franken will do little to damage the brand. Conyers and Franken come from safe districts where replacing them will not be a challenge.
The real test will be Moore. While the accusation certainly sound credible I question why it took 40 years for them to surface - and what are the odds that it would happen when Moore was in a tight race for a contested senate seat?
Still - if it can be proven that Moore broke the law - that he's a predators and/or a pedophile - I will be on the front line calling for his arrest and expulsion from the senate.
The opposite is just as true - that if he cannot be proven guilty then our justice system says he's innocent....and should be left alone.
Proof is what separates the issue with Trump and/or Moore from those with Bill Clinton, Franken and Conyers.
And, that's the issue.
If Moore is guilty, then, burn his ass! I am not supporting Moore because I am some idiot who doesn't care, but I am a voter who will not be intimidated.
Bourbon, I have been around the block a few AL as well as N.O. Try Jefferson Parish for starters! Then, lets go to Plaquemines Parish. What was the Sheriff's name in Jeff. Parish? Chinese. My two cousins worked Orleans Parish in law enforcement, then, joined Jeff. Parish. Have mercy, they had some stories.
"do you know what it means to miss New Orleans"? I do!
Nailed it!! Touche my friend!! I hope they keep it up as Karma can still be a b!tch for ALL of them! HilLIARy only got a taste of her Karma coming...
And this is exactly the same way I feel and I will be voting for Moore on Tues...if he's guilty...then as you said....
Moore is a proven liar, about these women. The handwriting examples that are in the possession of two separate women shows that he knew them and has lied about knowing them.
The two of you intend to vote for someone who has lied about his relationship to young high school girls when he was in his thirties.
At best, it just proves that he signed something. Do you remember everything you signed and everybody you met over the last 40 years? Plus, it’s laughable for democrats to say that lying is even a factor after nominating a world class liar to be president.
No, that's Tessylo above doing that.
So did 10 Republicans. Try another false claim, tom. We know you got a million of 'em.
Indeed I do miss NO. You can find reminders of the place just about anywhere - good Cajun food and a party atmosphere - but the crawfish and oysters in Louisiana are like no other.
I said all the Democrats voted to not convict Bill, then stated my opinion of the facts, what do the 10 Republicans have to do with it?
Is that like calling them "bimbos" and "trailer trash"? Oh wait that is what the ckuntins and their minions still call Bill's accusers.
So, two wrongs make it AOK in the mind of Republicans now? Really? You want to go back to Kindergarten?
There are no principles. Hypocrisy is now the norm and both sides say anything to win.
Here's the problem you are having regarding Roy Moore: The allegations are currently unsubstantiated, with the accusers having enough problems with their claims that they can be considered to be untruthful at worst and unreliable at best. Al Franken admitted to some of the allegations which were also supported by photographic evidence, which requires him to resign due to the allegations being confirmed. With Trump, there is no proof again of what he has been accused. With Bill Clinton, he ADMITTED to lying under oath as part of his deal with Ken Starr's replacement as special prosecutor, which resulted in him losing his law license for 5 years and agreeing to pay Paula Jones $850,000 after he survived his Impeachment. So, in hind sight, he admitted to what he was charged with by the House of Representatives, and should have been removed from office. Do you see where the hypocrisy is now? It's still on the side of the Democrats as they continue to be hypocrites.
Your party kept Billy BJ Boy in the WH if you want to talk about hypocrisy! They STILL wont prosecute the child molester!
There is a difference between what Trump SAID vs what Al Franken DID! What about the NASTY things HilLIARY SAID about women??? Are you going to string her up?
Where were Moore's accusers for the last 40 years? He ran for multiple times, never a the SENATE is more important??? Pffftttt! What happened to all of Trumps accusers??? That paycheck only lasts for so long....
Whoever runs against him in 2019 will dust them off and trot them onto a DNC stage again.
You mean the guy that had sex with another consenting adult? Sounds like a personal matter for him, no law broken.
You mean a difference between what Trump was accused of doing and what Franken was accused of doing? I don't recall about hearing guilt determined on Franken's part.
Aaannd, back to victim blaming. Where were Franken's accusers???
Well, the photo's were very damming, but yeah, nobody proved anything against Franken, so why did he quit? If anyone accused me of doing something and I damn well know I didn't do it, fuck if I'd quit!
What exactly does Bill Clinton have to do with any of this?
Well they can't exactly point and scream BENGHAZI any more. can they? They are having to reach further and further to find deflecting talking points.
Whatever Clinton did, it never involved 14 y.o. girls. That seems to be one of your side's specialties. And you're going to put a child sex pervert into the Senate. Must be proud of yourselves.
You mean the photo showing Franken NOT touching her breasts?
Because even the accusations have put the dignity of his position into question. Franken supported Moore dropping out of the election, unlike his Republican contemporaries, he is NOT a hypocrite.
Apparently you didn't even bother reading your own linked article. From your own link :
Only a fool would quit his job over a false accusation or admit guilt just because someone else admitted guilt. A judge could clear out his criminal docket simply by putting the people who plead guilty up first and then suggesting that everybody else should plead guilty too because the others did. Of course, he'd be removed for insanity.
Tell me, if he was pretending to shove his dick in her mouth, would that be ok with you also?
Like I said, if the allegations were false, I damn sure wouldn't step down.
Is that what is REALLY bothering you???
Correction - He said he will resign in the coming weeks - AFTER the Alabama election. Could it be that Al is waiting to see if Moore wins and gets seated so he can do a 180 degree turn and say "I'm staying"????
Good point to ponder.
We will know soon.
He should do exactly that. He did deny a few of the accusations and according to trump, if he denies it, it means it never happened.
And, Franken admitted to some of the allegations and apologized. That makes what he did by resigning the only correct thing for him to do, as Moore only has unproven allegations against him compared to confirmed allegations against Franken.
The hypocrisy is you telling us that they should step down because of allegations but supported a candidate under criminal investigation.
Another republican victory. The GOP of Moore/Trump are an unstoppable monolith.
Ladies, stock up on the birth control or simply 'Just say no."
I would say it's a victory for the lady democrats that called for his ouster....
How they all of a sudden became republicans is anyone's guess....
Hey......that's a Saint's thing!
Well, honestly, I don't think that Frankel should have resigned. The woman did a "practice kiss", ....her decision. The photo was in bad taste. He tried to kiss others? Well? I guess that is what is called harassment!
Colour and I both know what sexual assault is! And, it ain't trying to get a kiss!
So sorry to hear that Magnoliaave.
It was reported and life goes on. Thanks.
You are lucky.
Many survivors experience a lifetime of trauma. Some even commit suicide.
I rarely mention the fact that I was stalked and raped over 40 years ago by an authority figure - someone that I should have been able to trust. It is still too painful to deal with what happened to me even now. I learned as a teenager that some men are sexual predators with zero moral compass, but present themselves to the world as a moral family man.
All of my sympathy is with the victims. The sexual predators need to be outed and stopped.
I am so sorry that you had to go through the pain and suffering.
So sorry to read what happened to you, I can only imagine what you went through having someone you trusted violate you ... may you continue to find your inner peace
Other than being apprehensive in dark confined spaces ... I came away from what happen to me very angry and wanting to exact my revenge on just one man, my assault does not hang over me, but I will never forget the mind racing terror I felt ..
Thank you for the link mocowgirl
Thank you.
The issue is that the victim's life is changed forever and not in a good way.
Back in the 70s, I was ALONE. There was not one person I could tell - not one. Society would have blamed me for doing something wrong. I know this for a fact because of what I had heard and seen all of my life. So I blamed ME. I was ashamed and broken in ways that I did not understand for decades. I still cannot fully share most of this on the internet - even anonymously. I can deal with the rage, but it is the pain from being violated that still makes tears stream down my cheeks uncontrollably because today I KNOW the true damage done to my life, and all other girls and women's lives, because the victims are put on trial instead of the sexual predators.
This really had to stop. It has to.
No one deserves to be molested or raped. No one.
Our minister molested me. When I told my mother, she blamed me.
You're right, it changes you in ways you can't imagine, or fix. To this day, I walk in the church and want to burst into tears...
I was madder than hell! The audacity of that man to think he could throw his damn body on me! And, I let everyone know, too. Of course, I was older....not a teenager. A married woman with two sons.
I can still see him today when he walked into my office. Not a word he spoke, but lunged at me. I am 5'3 and he was about 6'4,,,,,a big man in body. Oh, well.
Please understand that more children and women are molested and raped by sexual predators that they know and trust.
Being molested and/or raped by a stranger is the exception.
Sexual predators identify and stalk their targets like every other predator. That is why they are called predators.
Our society has viewed the victim as being responsible for making the sexual predator be a sexual predator.
I am working as I can to help change society to hold the sexual predators accountable instead of blaming their prey.
This is very painful for I am sure it is for you.
For decades, I played mentally tough and pretended I was "over it". That was not true. I am now going through the grieving process that I was not allowed to do as a teenager, a young adult, then a young mother, and so on. I tried to stand between my daughters and the sexual predators that they unknowingly attracted. I don't know how successful that I was because it could be that one or both had been raped, but have kept silent for decades - just like me and just like all of us who dared not name our rapists.
I love you!
I love you, too, very much! It does something to you!
Thank you for the memory refresher, because not coming forward is very frustrating to me - I could not wait to let it be known, even though it was my word against his .. I said my peace, then walked off the job. After I left, guys on the job site came forward and told management the things he had been saying about me since the job began...
I was offered my job back the same day I walked, but I refused to return - as it took the guys coming forward before he was terminated.
I truly cannot really imagine what it would be like to have to have choked on that assault for years ... I am working on being more understanding of those that did/do not feel they had any choice but to remain silent. Your words have help me to remember to keep an open mind.
I hope so because if the goal is to end the secrecy, then we, as a society, must remember and acknowledge why these women were silent and have remained silent for decades.
Look at all of the people who are still using any excuse to blame the victim and protect the sexual predator.
No means no. However, sometimes the question should not have been asked in the first place.
Not wanting to sound inappropriate, but I wonder how the 4 out of 5 Native American women who are raped by non-Indians, daily, can gain some of that support - and law enforcement protection???
What a crock of shit! lol!!
I've been surrounded by Indian reservations my whole life, so yeah, I know you are exagerating just a tad, lol!
you should learn what is going on and support ending violence against women in your area at the very least.
Appeal to women's groups on the internet would be my first suggestion. It is evident that no one in US government cares.
I am still reeling from finding out how prevalent abuse is for Native American women.
National news media does a dismal job of making us aware of what is happening in our nation most of the time.
This is for people who don't believe it and for those who want more information.
These women's voices must be heard also.
We must have better government representation for women and children and quit making excuses for sexual predators and then electing them to government office where they can make laws that forgive themselves.
The violence against women act excluded Native women. The last time it came up the Republicans were the ones that fought against Native women being included. Finally they are now covered by VAWA except for Alaska Natives.
If that is a fact then you're ignorant of the facts. Try again CCM.
First, you should learn how to read. He said, "4 out of 5 Native American women who are raped by non Indians, daily." Nothing you posted can support that outrageous remark, nor will you ever find anything to support it.
What you have shown, and what is a known issue is Native American alcoholism has lead to a relatively high amount of Native American women being sexually assaulted by a member of their own family. It is a sad fact, but it is a fact, whereas, non Indians, raping 95% of all Native American women on a daily basis is just a bunch of bullshit, and that is all I was saying.
Has it made any difference?
I googled "rape on Indian reservations" and just could not bear to read all of the entries. Sometimes, I just can't mentally deal with how segments of US society goes on a few justice jaunts and then pretends that the issue is being addressed or has been resolved.
You are wrong, admit it.
I know many Native American women, of the Mille Lacs Band of the Ojibwe, who are not raped daily. The persons comment said that 4 out of 5 Native American women are raped daily, that is bullshit, and I called him on it.
I ignored the "daily" remark because I knew this was next to impossible.
Instead, I concentrated on finding information about Native American women being raped and found out that it is true that 80 out of 100 rapes are committed by non-tribe members and those rapists are protected by the US government. I find that completely unacceptable and barbaric.
I have read that alcoholism is a major problem on the reservations, but according to the information on NA women being raped, alcoholism among NA men is not the major issue.
The major issue are the non-native men who are rapists - period.
Why does anyone defend rapists in a "civilized" society?
Perhaps you should read the stat's on rape and abuse of Native women. As for the Anishinaabe of Mille Lacs Band, say Boozhoo to Melanie B. for me.
It has in some instances, but there is still a long way to go. The confusion and over lapping jurisdiction and lack of response by fed's are still a big problem.
My niece was raped when trying to help someone several years ago. She has turned that experience into a mission, she speaks all over the country about female empowerment. Any man that rapes a woman (or even visa-versa) deserves no quarter from those that they have attacked. She put her attacker in prison for a long time. I'm happy that she has been able to move on with her life and made lemonade out of the lemons this asshole gave her.
I hope the best for you. If you or anyone else would like to know when/where she will be speaking, I'll be happy to talk to you privately by chat or message.
Thank you and thank your niece for helping rape victims. What she is doing is invaluable to rape victims.
I really did not have the option of filing charges without possibly being murdered for doing so.
Instead I spent decades acting "normal" around the man that raped me because he was a family member in a family that is the epitome of dysfunctional.
Over a decade ago, I finally managed to sever all ties with my biological family that I only met when I was 17 yrs old.
Then in 2009, I joined Newsvine, and in a few years, met many wonderful women who shared their stories of rape, abuse, survival and healing. Because those women had the courage to share and relive the horrors of rape, I managed to admit a little bit of what had happened to me, but I doubt that I could ever fully share the pain and confusion of what happened to me as a naive teenager and how it felt to be violated every time I had to allow my rapist to touch me as a member of the family for decades.
I will say that I can understand why and how teenagers are preyed upon by men because not only did it happen to me, I have seen it happen many times over the years. In fact, I once had a 28 year old married man want to date my 13 year daughter. I told him Hell no. He said when she turned 16 and I told him that my daughter would never be old enough to date him and he was no longer welcome at my home. When my daughter was 16, I had a divorced man in his 40s want to date her! I realize that I was in Arkansas, but this should not be acceptable anywhere!
I will note that by the time that my daughters were teenagers, I had made it known that I felt castration should be the first order of business for anyone who dared violate either one of my daughters and I knew how to do it. Again, parents really shouldn't have to talk like raving psychos in order to protect their daughters from the community's sexual predators.
Innocent until proven guilty should be the norm, but remember that child predators usually appear trustworthy and respectable because if they did not, we would not allow them access to our children. Successful predators are those who know how to pick their prey. Prey that doesn't have herd protection. The herd needs to recognize the predators and quit protecting them.
Ya know Capt. - I could give you so many stats that it would make your head swim. Here are a few to document my statement. It's possible the term "daily" doesn't apply to ALL reservations, but it does to many, especially those close to or in big cities. Big city cops just love to ignore Native Americans unless they can throw them in jail (yes, prison is rapidly becoming Native American's largest reservation) - hence the passage of two extremely important laws - the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2010 and The Violence Against Women's Reauthorization Act of 2013. Now, the tribes/nations can arrest and prosecute rapists who are non-tribal/nation members - specifically non-Indians - except Congress still hasn't gotten around to funding either Act nor to funding the Native American Law Enforcement personnel with equipment (rape kits, etc.) and personnel. But, expecting Congress or the White Community to follow through on their words given to Native Americans is exactly like pissing in the wind.
Yes, alcoholism on the reservations is a problem, but the biggest problem is the non-Indian people who "roam" freely on the reservations (lack of LEO personnel/funding), breaking tribal/nation laws/rules/procedures/policies/traditions. The vast majority (88%) of rapists on the reservations are NON-INDIAN. Why? Because they know/knew that the tribes/nations could do nothing to enforce the laws regarding Indian vs. non-Indian, as mentioned by Mocowgirl, under the Oliphant decision (thank you Rehnquist Court). However, with the passage of the above two acts, and the Lara decision of SCOTUS, non-Indians can and are being held accountable for their inappropriate/illegal actions on reservations - except - funding/support from DOJ/non-Indian communities/lack of personnel - prevents the tribes/nations for exercising their due jurisdictional processes.
In the future, I would request that you question either me or Kavika regarding your misunderstandings regarding Native Americans and their legal standings. There are other Native Americans on NT who are also willing to openly and honestly discuss Native American culture/tradition/heritage/religious practices. Please don't take the antagonistic approach either - we're people also.
And, just to add another point, I've been on and off reservations for decades, and I agree 100% with 1st here. If your only occasionally involved you cannot actually see the problem......
Now don't get me wrong there are many things I disagree with 1st on especially where it comes to Indian law, and those have been vehement disagreements.
But on this one I'm 100% behind him. The law should not be set up to protect such people from the proper retribution for their actions.... AS far as I'm concerned there should be 100% legal reciprocity. You commit a crime on the reservation you are subject to RES law....
And it should not be left to the political whims of a body in which they are underrepresented in to the point of being a travesty. Or a federal agency that is more concerned with the corporatists than the people they are supposed to serve.
WE are all American Citizens WE all deserve the same rights, the same respect and the same dignity.
I apprecieate your stats, but, I contradicted your statement that said 4 out of 5 are raped daily... Not all Native Americans live in the shit holes you are obviously referencing. In Minnesota, we all live with each other. Out west, I suppose it could be a different story, but out west is not the majority either.
Not necessarily true. Cali has the largest Native population in the U. S.
Check with the tribes/nations that live in the mid-West - ND, SD, WI, MT, ID, NV, OR, WA, CA, AZ, OK, etc.. There are also some tribes/nations in MI/MN who have the same issues - but they are smaller tribes closer to metro's.
It's a very serious situation - one that ALL the tribes/nations need to come together on to combat. We've got the legal backing - just not the financial.
You have a point, when talking state vs. state, but I reference the entire population east of the Mississippi. But that really doesn't matter. Yes, I know the conditions at the Pine Ridge are horrible, but for every Pine Ridge, there is a Fon du lac, or Prarie Is. On average, the conditions on the Res. are not good, but there are some places that are fairly nice, such as the Lake Lena village near where I lived.
One also has to take into account who Leeanne Tweeden was and how she performed on stage with unsuspecting troops that she "assaulted" as well as the Robin Williams "assault".
She was a performer and sometimes comedian who fooled around with the rest of the USO crew regularly.
How does she have a copy of the "groping" photo? Al Franken gave it to her after she woke up. It apparently wasn't a big deal for 11 years...
It's also unfortunate that she proclaims to be a staunch Republican and friend of Hannity...............
Nope, no politics there at all.../s
The facts are victim shaming?
Maybe they're why she stayed quiet about the one kiss for 11 years.
Hmmm that's an odd comment. Media reports have stated that the tour personnel were given a CD of photos and none of them state that Franken gave her that photo:
Hmmm that's an odd comment. Media reports have stated that the tour personnel were given a CD of photos and none of them state that Franken gave her that photo
Then I'm guilty of repeating bad.
Doesn't change the fact that no one hid the photo from her, bad taste or not, it passed some sort of editing that someone thought was "OK", and that she would be ok with.
Guess the USO was wrong too...
I haven't seen any evidence of anyone saying that the photo was hidden from her.
What "editing"? Can you prove that the photo is edited? I hope so, for your sake.
Do you think the USO photo unit sent every photo they took?
Or is it reasonable to assume that someone chose which photos to put on the official USO DVD for that particular tour?
That kind of editing.........<eye roll >
Where's Dowser?
Right here, what can I help you with?
No, it was not a big deal to her until the "witch hunt".
witch hunt? I'm sorry, I don't understand... Have you reported it? Please do, and I'll get to it as soon as I can!
Thank you.
So, 11 years is a no-go for you, so then what about 40 years in the case of Moore?
Frankly they are different enough in creepiness ( a 30 year old dating high school girls?)
but Moore deserves the same level of skepticism.
If I lived in AL I would be much more concerned about his removal from the bench, not once, but twice, for some form of contempt,
and some off the wall remarks about slavery and family values.
What point does " practice kiss" become unacceptable to you?
I seriously want to understand what you consider an actress should be subjected to in a performance.
I am glad you asked.
Practice kiss in a theatrical production. Doesn't exist. When we had a "kiss" in our productions it would be a cheek to cheek thing.....not the actual kiss. Was no need for it. The Director would tell us what the kiss meant.....passionate, friendly, etc. Certainly, in a comedy scene this would not be rehearsed unless it was followed up by more comedic reactions afterwards. Of course, the kiss at that point was comedic.
Anymore questions?
Love it. You never disappoint!
Thanks for the reply.
According to your reply, women should not be subjected to having a man stick their tongue in a woman's mouth during a "practice" kiss for a comedic skit.
If Franken is not intelligent enough to recognize basic boundaries, then he should resign. Better yet, he should have never been elected to office and would not have if our society had not condoned that type of mistreatment of women in the first place.
For any kiss!
When the cameras are rolling or when the play onstage is happening that is when the real kissing, etc. happens. You get into then.
She said she did not want to do the practice kiss, turned her head, Franken grabbed her and forced the kiss on her.
Come again? No cigar! In Franken's case, his target was an attractive model, Leeann Tweeden. He wrote her into a comedy skit in which he made sure he got to kiss her. He insisted on a rehearsal. She said 'no' repeatedly, but Franken was adamant. He took advantage of her during the practice kiss ...
Her choice for a practice kiss~
Agreed. And no one who is going to commit sexual assault asks a photographer to record the moment. Even tweeden admitted the photo was staged. And honestly, how much boob are you going to grab through a flack jacket?
it was a sophomoric attempt at AL's brand of comedy at the time...........
if it was so offensive, why did the USO include it in their final tour photos DVD for the participants?
Obviously the photographer of the picture who participated with Franken
and the editor of the DVD should also resign for their bad judgement.
I don't think anyone, even Franken has not conceded that it was in poor taste. But a sexual assault? No, not even close. As to tweeden claiming he kissed her back stage? Yea, ok, not too classy, but she had to kiss him on stage for the skit.. So... in front of people ok, but in practice not ok? Kind of a mixed signal there. Also, she admitted that she was not asleep when the picture was taken and she knew it was a staged photo. Took her a long time to be offended by all of this and she is a far right wing trump supporter. I think she saw an opportunity to exploit the current climate and take a stab at Franken. What hasn't made the news nearly as much is the letter signed by literally HUNDREDS of women that worked on SNL over the years saying Al had NEVER in any way assaulted any of them. Weird.
At the end of the day, I am glad Franken resigned, despite the fact that I think he was a very good addition to congress and he is right, he was accused and resigned, meanwhile, not only is the GOP turning their backs on Roy Moore, they have started to funnel millions of dollars to his campaign. Hey, they don't want to call him out? Fine. But openly funding his campaign? Sorry, I am not ok with it. In the long run, this will hurt the repubs at the polls.
Better title: AL Franken resigns, calls accusers liars.
One can see the POTUS & Roy Moore, Harvey Weinstein and others lined up to call their accusers liars every week lately.
Franken has apologized to Tweeden twice and she publically accepted.
Franken has apologized to others and issued a blanket apology for the alleged groping during photos.
IS Remembering things differently from a decade ago lying?
If so then we are all in trouble...
Franken has not once admitted anything any of the women said is true except for the photograph.
Exactly, and trump said that if he denies it, it never happened.
and AF hasn't called one a liar yet.......
unlike most of the other accused.....
Well lets see....
Two unnamed women
The allegations: Two anonymous women told the Huffington Post that Franken touched their behinds in two separate incidents. The first woman alleged that Franken groped her while they took a photo together at a June 2007 event hosted by the Minnesota Women’s Political Caucus. At the time of the alleged incident, Franken was running for the U.S. Senate.
The second woman claimed that Franken grabbed her behind in 2008 at a Democratic fundraiser. She said that Franken then suggested that the two go to the bathroom together.
Franken’s response: Franken told the Huffinton Post: “It’s difficult to respond to anonymous accusers, and I don’t remember those campaign events.”
Regarding the second woman’s allegations, Franken told Huffington Post: “I can categorically say that I did not proposition anyone to join me in any bathroom.”
Stephanie Kemplin
The allegations: Kemplin, an Army veteran, told CNN in a story published on Thursday that Franken allegedly groped her in December 2003. She said she was stationed in Kuwait, and she met Franken when he toured with the USO. She said that Franken groped her right breast while the two took a photo.
“I remember clenching up and how you just feel yourself flushed,” she told CNN. “And I remember thinking — is he going to move his hand? Was it an accident? Was he going to move his hand? He never moved his hand.”
Franken’s response: A spokesperson for Franken said in a statement: “As Sen. Franken made clear this week, he takes thousands of photos and has met tens of thousands of people and he has never intentionally engaged in this kind of conduct. He remains fully committed to cooperating with the ethics investigation.”
An unnamed elected official in New England
The allegations: The woman told Jezebel that Franken attempted to give her a “wet, open-mouthed kiss” in 2006 at a live taping of Franken’s show at the time, Air America. “I was stunned and incredulous. I felt demeaned. I felt put in my place,” she told Jezebel about the alleged incident.
Franken’s response: Franken has not yet commented on the woman’s claims.
A former Democratic congressional aide
The allegations: The unnamed woman told Politico that Franken tried to forcibly kiss her after the taping of his radio show in 2006 when she was in her mid-20s. She said that the alleged incident occurred once her boss had left the room. When she tried to leave the room, Franken allegedly told her: “It’s my right as an entertainer.’”
Franken’s response: Franken told Politico in a statement: “ This allegation is categorically not true and the idea that I would claim this as my right as an entertainer is preposterous. I look forward to fully cooperating with the ongoing ethics committee investigation.”
Tina Dupuy
The allegations: In an essay for the Atlantic, Dupuy alleged that Franken groped her at a Media Matters party during President Barack Obama’s inauguration in 2009. “He immediately put his hand on my waist, grabbing a handful of flesh. I froze. Then he squeezed. At least twice,” Dupuy wrote. “Al Franken’s familiarity was inappropriate and unwanted. It was also quick; he knew exactly what he was doing.”
Franken’s response: Franken has yet to comment on Dupuy’s claims.
Care of Time Magazine....
Lets hear it from good old AL himself......
"Over the last few weeks, a number of women have come forward to talk about how they felt my actions had affected them. I was shocked. I was upset. But in responding to their claim, I also wanted to be respectful of that broader conversation. Because all women deserve to be heard and their experiences taken seriously. I think that was the right thing to do. I also think it gave some people the false impression that I was admitting to doing things that in fact I haven't done. Some of the allegations against me are simply not true . Others I remember very differently."
That's a remarkable statement. Franken is simultaneously saying that he believes the women who have accused him have a right to be heard while also making very clear that he is not admitting he had done the things they alleged.
Al Franken's totally unapologetic resignation
That's from CNN Politics......
Care to revise your claim that he hasn't called anyone a liar yet??
The picture was proof.
The others say they’re innocent and there’s no proof to the contrary.
Nope, he groped her and photographed it to be funny.
Maybe she can join those who made accusations against Roy Moore and start a “phony bitch club”.
He doesn't have a right to use her titties as a stage prop whether they're in a flak jacket or not. Would it be OK if he hung his junk over her face if the two didn't actually touch?
Can he walk behind her and cup her ass cheeks, if he doesn't actually touch them?
They're the logical extension of your comment that he's OK because he didn't actually touch her.
How do you know?
One fantasy leads to another. He started it by playing with her titties.
Did Franken's mommy know that he photographs himself playing with the titties of sleeping women?
He has said the allegations, (some of them not all) ARE NOT TRUE!
If they are not true, then he is claiming that they are false.... If they are false then they are liars.....
And your not so stupid to not understand this.
He may not have said the word "liar" but he in fact did call them liars. Cause if Franken is to be believed then the women told a falsehood which is a lie...
But excuse me Moore has said the exact same things several times yet he is the liar of the century......
So I guess you have explained it to us...
Democrats always tell the truth and any allegation against one is a boldfaced dirty lie, (despite their admissions to the behavior) and Republicans always lie and any allegation against them is the absolute truth, (despite any lack of evidence proving the allegation)
Got it...
Moore claims to have never met some of his accusers despite the evidence to the contrary.
I think Moore wouldn't stand a chance of being liar of the century against Trump or Bill Clinton or several others I can think of like John Edwards.
They all do enjoy splitting words / hairs, don't they?
The irony of that statement....
Nice palm job there.....
I once did something similar with a lady acquaintance quite innocently and apologized immediately for it, she was very gracious in accepting my apology and we parted...
Later in the bar, she joined me at the bar and asked what the apology was about, so I explained it to her. I had inappropriately touched her and professed my innocence and apologized again... all she could do is giggle and call me silly, said it wasn't a big deal, we were both grownups and besides where else was I supposed to put my hands? I told her that I could have put them behind my back, and she said but that wouldn't have looked very natural would it.....
She said I could have let my arm hang down as to be out of the pic, but then she said no it still wouldn't have looked natural.... and giggled again
After a while of chatting and having a good time sitting at the bar sipping drinks, she got up and made her apologies for leaving leaned in and gave me a peck on the cheek, and whispered her room number to me..... (with the most wonderful come hither smile I've ever seen)
I didn't go up, but I've always wondered what she had in mind.....
Some ladies have class to recognize an accidental touching compared to a deliberate purposeful touching.......
Yes they do......
Nobody can touch Hillary Clinton. She has been lying incessantly for 40 years and isn’t even breathing hard.
That is only cause she hasn't had the right person lying with her.....
Good news, liberals. Trump has followed Frankens lead and announced his own resignation. He said he'll be leaving sometime around January 2025.
Let's see if he actually resigns.
This says it best
WOW! I did not see one purple CoC violation as I read through comments just now ................
Could be ... but do not quote Bad Fish
I am thinking other mods should have been available had very many flags had gone up ...... well at least I think they would!
Yep, something is wrong .. the power must be waning, thus creating the puffed up purple'ness!?!
It's Perrie. Few of the other mods do much of anything. Uncle Bruce sometimes.....once in a blue moon one of the others will show up.
Well it's gotten down to insult time now... The liberals on the board have lost the debate again and are hoisting the insult flag....
(typical behavior when they cannot prove their case and get all emotional cause the facts don't back up their drivel)
It's all they have left.....
NM has had the rather prolonged habit of declaring himself or his position the "winner" in debates.
It's consistently comical.
I've come to realize that NM is just fucking with people when he does that.
with a strainer?
and a hell of a lot of torque
How would you know? You're not Nowhere Man....are you?
Did you just admit to being Nowhere Man?
Now you are being funny...
I saw this today!! BAM!! MAGA
And the GDP has been revised up to 3.3 from 3.0 third quarter as spite of the hurricanes and the devastation from it! Better than all the years of the obummer ADM!!
And, that's a fact.
Yes mam, it is, an absolute historical fact...."
"During her original press conference with Allred in November, Nelson attributed the entire inscription to Moore. "He wrote in my yearbook as follows: 'To a sweeter more beautiful girl, I could not say Merry Christmas, Christmas, 1977, Love, Roy Moore, Olde Hickory House. Roy Moore, DA,'" she said.
The latter part of the inscription after the signature reads: “12-22-77 Olde Hickory House.”
At the time, Nelson did not admit to writing the date and name of the restaurant herself. The implication was that it had been written by Moore.
Moore has denied signing the yearbook and said he did not know Nelson at the time. Moore, who went on to become a judge and then the chief justice of the Alabama State Supreme Court, later ruled against Nelson in a 1999 divorce case.
The Moore campaign did not immediately respond to the development, but they are likely to pounce on the altering of Nelson’s story, as they have questioned the authenticity of the inscription since she surfaced last month.
Nelson and Allred have scheduled a press conference on Thursday afternoon, with Allred saying she will distribute a report from an expert that indicates the signature in Beverly’s yearbook is Moore’s."
The handwriting in Debbie Gibson's graduation card, signed "Roy" is identical to the handwriting in the yearbook. If Moore "pounces" on the 'altering' revealed today, and the voters believe him, they will show themselves to be easily duped and fooled morons.
It is up in the air, lol.
Oh what a wonderful way of saying I lied. Her boyfriend said she lied, her step-son said she is a liar, people from the restaurant said she lied. She lied about the the yearbook. She didn't imply anything until it looked like there was a possibility the handwriting would be turned over.
In a court of law, when a witness is caught in a lie, they lose all credibility and nothing they answered to before and from that point forward would be considered the truth.
As I've said, the low Liberals will go to has not been established yet.
People explain why they're voting for Roy Moore. Tough crowd.
mainly because we are sick of the establishment (both sides), the lying biased media, and we will not let some outsiders tell us how to vote and then when that doesn't work have some make up/ exaggerate some bullcrap cocamamie stories to character assassinate someone in order to steal a Senate seat based on innuendo and lies.
I get the impression that, for many in Alabama, voting for Moore is a way to not only hold a Republican seat but also to flip the finger at democrats, outsiders, the MSM, and the Republican establishment in one motion.
You hit the nail on the head!!
mainly because we are sick of the establishment (both sides), the lying biased media, and we will not let some outsiders tell us how to vote and then when that doesn't work have some make up/ exaggerate some bullcrap cocamamie stories to character assassinate someone in order to steal a Senate seat based on innuendo and lies.
You know The Washington Post is keeping a database of all people who are shot and killed by police. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that at face value, but after randomly looking at the names, which didn't include any other information except the person was killed by a policeman, the average person would think, wow they are really killing lot of people, 963 in 2016.
After randomly googling a half dozen just to see what I would get, I found all but one either pulled a gun on the police officer or did some other threatening action that would have caused the police to have shot them.
You don't have to be Raw Story or Gateway Pundit to influence people. All you have to do is constantly push one direction or the other every day and then you influence your readers or viewers to start to use you as the last word and the source you can depend on to tell you the truth, which all of us wish we could know.
It's the same with Vice who produced the video above. Every one of their articles about politics are left leaning and some are more than others. In the video 1ofmany put up, even the people in the audience are ignorant of the facts. They said many things that just were true and the person narrating the whole thing is going to come away with a leftist point of view or you will never see the video. He will lead the conversation the way he wants it to be presented.
Vice News is a news and opinion website that has a strong left-center political bias in reporting. Although Vice News is usually well sourced, they sometimes use sources that are left biased that may have published news that has been labeled false by fact checkers. Otherwise, Vice News produces strong journalism with a strong Left-Center bias.