Calling 'the squad' to account -ANALYSIS/OPINION:

A very educational series of events occurred in the last couple of weeks illustrating the nature of political maneuvering at the national level. In this case, the Democrats are on the losing end, having been played expertly by President Donald Trump .
After months of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi trying to placate the four leftist freshmen dropped in her lap after the midterms, suddenly the speaker turned on her unruly and ignorant new members.
After the freshmen voted against the border aid bill, Mrs. Pelosi told The New York Times as reported by Fox News, ” ‘All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world,’ Mrs. Pelosi said of Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass. ‘But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got.’ “
After Ms. Ocasio-Cortez publicly implied Mrs. Pelosi was a racist, Rep. William Lacy Clay, a Democrat from Missouri, added to the mounting criticism of the four lawmakers. Speaking to Fox News, he characterized Ms. Ocasio-Cortez as ignorant, immature and insensitive, and suggested the four will hurt the Democrats in 2020.
With Mrs. Pelosi ’s newfound rejection of what is now known as “the squad,” it seemed pretty obvious that the Democratic Party had found through internal polling that those women were not only not representative of a movement, but were actually damaging the Democratic Party.
Just a few days after the fight unfolded, Axios reported on a new poll leaked to them: “Ocasio-Cortez was recognized by 74% of voters in the poll; 22% had a favorable view. Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota — another member of The Squad — was recognized by 53% of the voters; 9% (not a typo) had a favorable view. Socialism was viewed favorably by 18% of the voters and unfavorably by 69%. …”
This poll, and likely other internal polls, has sent a shockwave through the establishment who also tend to believe whatever it is they see on television.
Ms. Ocasio-Cortez may be a favorite of the news media, cast as the hero of the party, ready to save the nation from all the racist deplorable Trump supporters. The last person to enjoy that designation was creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti.
The poll being leaked to the media was likely Mrs. Pelosi ’s hardball against the squad, embarrassing them publicly but also sending a message to every other Democrat that this image of “the squad’s” influence is not only nonexistent, but these individuals and their message are dangerous to any hope they have at winning the White House in 2020.
Moreover, a shadow is now emerging that they could also lose control of the House of Representatives.
I’m sure Mrs. Pelosi at the end of this was pouring a glass of champagne and having a few laughs with her supporters about her skill at managing a dangerous and unwieldy situation.
Enter Mr. Trump .
The president, after Mrs. Pelosi ’s frantic efforts to remove these women from the front of cameras, took an action that put them right back in front of the media, while forcing Democratic leadership to defend and embrace the very same women they had gone public to marginalize.
In response to a series of tweets critical of the congresswomen, Mr. Trump is being accused of being “a racist,” (falsely, of course). In his criticism he names no one and makes no mention of race. After all, he’s not in control of the ethnicity or the race of any member of Congress, and he’s not going to hold anyone to a different standard based on their identity. But that’s one of his crimes as well.
For those of us who are former political organizers, what the president was doing was clear: Provoking the Democrats into again embracing and defending women whom swing voters find toxic due to their agenda and attitudes. And they’re doing just that.
In his hallmark transparency, Mr. Trump himself noted just this, tweeting: “The Dems were trying to distance themselves from the four ‘progressives,’ but now they are forced to embrace them. That means they are endorsing Socialism, hate of Israel and the USA! Not good for the Democrats!”
David Axelrod also knows what the president is doing and it upsets him to no end: “With his deliberate, racist outburst, @realDonaldTrump wants to raise the profile of his targets, drive Dems to defend them and make them emblematic of the entire party. It’s a cold, hard strategy.”
While many might consider the president’s sentiment harsh, he was addressing the representatives’ attitudes and statements, including rhetoric involving attacks on the country, on Jews, on ICE, the border patrol, and on capitalism itself.
Mr. Trump ’s comments may be blunt, but they’re not “racist,” an accusation now thrown about by the Democrats as casually as saying hello. That, in fact, is the cold, hard strategy.
As Mr. Clay noted in his comments about Ms. Ocasio-Cortez accusing a Mrs. Pelosi of racism: “You’re getting push back so you resort to using the race card? Unbelievable.”
Unfortunately, it’s all too believable when smearing your opponents is the only card you have.
Still, after years of lies about his character and intention, USA Today reported the president’s approval rating among Republicans is now at 93 percent and the GOP’s approval rating among Americans is at 51 percent.
The good news is the American people will have the final word on all of this next year. And one of the Democratic presidential candidates had better quickly emerge as a genuine party leader with the power and influence to shift the direction of their party, which right now according to my GPS, is headed for the cliff.
• Tammy Bruce, president of Independent Women’s Voice, author and Fox News contributor, is a radio talk-show host.

In his hallmark transparency, Mr. Trump himself noted just this, tweeting: “The Dems were trying to distance themselves from the four ‘progressives,’ but now they are forced to embrace them. That means they are endorsing Socialism, hate of Israel and the USA! Not good for the Democrats!”
David Axelrod also knows what the president is doing and it upsets him to no end: “With his deliberate, racist outburst, @realDonaldTrump wants to raise the profile of his targets, drive Dems to defend them and make them emblematic of the entire party. It’s a cold, hard strategy. ”
While many might consider the president’s sentiment harsh, he was addressing the representatives’ attitudes and statements, including rhetoric involving attacks on the country, on Jews, on ICE, the border patrol, and on capitalism itself.
Well if that's what Trump has to say of them, you know that what they are doing is the opposite of his claims, and that he is scared of these strong women.
"Strong"????? I've seen school-yard bullies in the 3rd grade who are "stronger" than three of these four, and, no, Trump didn't say that to them - he said it to the disfunctional Democrat/Liberal House - who has become totally unhinged.
"That means they are endorsing Socialism, hate of Israel and the USA! Not good for the Democrats!”
That is what Trump is "out for" - to stop the total childish rhetoric the "Squad" is advocating for.
Sorry - didn't appear that way
I would not consider them strong women. Strong Congressional women can stand on their own principles, ideas, and policies. Strong Congressional women do not claim racism, sexism or whatever ism they wish because they face criticism or debate. There are a lot of strong women in Congress Democrats and Republicans who face adversity and debate by using their skills and ability to articulate an intelligent and hopefully persuasive dialogue. They do not claim an "ism" because they fail at those skills and can only put others down to try and bring themselves up.
Or lack the maturity needed to handle their new job responsibilities. Hmmm - sounds 'bout like a Millenial problem to me (It's THEIR fault - It's THEIR fault.)
In case you missed it, that is exactly what they are doing.
Strong Congressional women are not afraid to call out racism or sexism whenever and wherever they see it.
These 4 have opened up more dialog about policies than we have seen in years. You just don't like their policies (which is your right). The right wing is attempting to distort their policies to make them appear as something they aren't (which is NOT your right).
If you are truly opposed to "social'ism'", you are also opposed to Public transportation, Fire departments, Police departments, Public libraries, every branch of the US military, roads & highways, Social Security, Medicare/medicaid, public not private prisons & jails, public hospitals, The Veterans Affairs Administration, public universities, public parks, public toilets, public drinking fountains, public parking, etc, etc, etc.
Some people recognize America as a melting pot of not just different people, but different ideas. Ideas that can be taken from unlikely sources and adapted to better help Americans. Medicare and Social Security are just 2 examples of "socialism" being adapted to our betterment.
So the 'Squad' IS strong enough to get Trump to concentrate on them.
Trump has "tweeted" the "Democrats" in the house, into rallying around the "Mini-Monster" Taliban 4.
They're such an easy bunch to distract….. Oh look....Squirrel.
"Democrats" haven't figured out they have a real "Problem" within themselves yet.
You're conflating things Tex. I don't 'focus' on Trump, I focus on participating here and respond to comments about Trump.
The same way traffic slows down to gawk at all the accidents and traffic stops on the same road. Trump is the equivalent to a car crash happening daily.
Note that NONE of my comments in this seed mentioned Trump until YOU and 1st focused on him.
You must think they shouldn't be since you brought it up.
Trump was not mentioned in my comment. It is you who brought up the comparison to Trump. I only addressed Congressional members.
Why do you feel those standards should apply to Trump but not Congressional members? You said your comparison is disingenuous. Are they not leaders?
I think we can agree that all who represent our country should be respectful to all Americans. I can and have condemned Trump's offensive rhetoric but some can not condemn these Congressional women who have verbally assaulted and disenfranchised Americans.
As I stated strong women and strong people do not use "ism's" against their opposition to defend their policies, principles, and opinions. Only the weak minded do. And Pelosi (a leader) is guilty of the same. She has called American's Nazi's, deplorables, etc.
Yet polls show many of "the squad's" ideas are embraced even by republicans. Where as Trump's and the Republican's ideas are liked by almost none.
You know those ring wing ideas, cut tax on the ultra wealthy, take away citizen's healthcare, throw more money at military contractors, and of course even more tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. (yes, I know I put it twice, it basically sums up Republican policy)
I don't recall Trump claiming that he is a victim of racism every time his policies and behavior is criticized. Only those who have no intelligent response resort to claims of the ism's victimhood. I have to stay though these young ladies have it down good, they have been well taught.
I wonder why you fixate on Trump and do not condemn the bigotry, name calling, and fear mongering spewed by the "Squad" and Pelosi herself.
You mean the FOUR who voted with the Dems??? Apples and Oranges.
Only comment about your language Tess - don't go there.
It is time that the squad be called out on their hatred toward America and their contempt of the American people.
And neither are these Congressional members, yet they cry and whimper at every opportunity.
So which of the things I listed are Republicans opposed to?
Please provide some examples of Republican policies that I missed?
Awfully close to being off topic Izzy - the thread is about Pelosi, the Dems reactions and the Squad - not Repub policies.
Please stay on the discussion of Pelosi, Dem reaction and the Squad.
Yet instead of doing so with specific allegations, you spew rhetoric.
And leave lots of room to spare on it.
I didn't know it was joke day!
This is NOT a policy, in case you missed that part of my question. AND then why do you support Trump when he sides with Russia over AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES?
Again, not a policy. AND do you feel the same about the Emoluments clause of the Constitution?
You seem to enjoy talking points because they keep you away from POLICY... AND how do you feel about the special interests lobbyists being hired to run the departments they have previously been paid to oppose?
Waiting for a policy... AND how do you feel about communities that choose to accept illegal immigrants???
Hello policy, where are you??? AND you would need to define, "who's traditional definition of marriage". Can I marry a young virgin by raping her and paying her father 16 shekels?
Wow, you typed a lot with not 1 single policy so far. AND how do you feel about Republican administrations increasing government size many more times and to greater degrees than Democratic administrations (Google is your friend, so is history)?
Tapping my toe, just waiting for a policy. AND by "us" you mean old men running the government, especially in regards to women's healthcare?
There must be a policy around here somewhere....not yet though. AND who decides what government programs are wasteful? Or are we talking the MOST WASTEFUL the Department of Defense...(again Google).
Thought I had a policy there, but nope, another bumper sticker statement. AND are you ignoring that we already pay more towards the military than the next 5 countries combined, and most of those are our allies?
Again, still waiting. AND you mean respect and protect life like the KKK, Neo-Nazis, white nationalists, etc.? Only white lives? Not lives from shithole countries?
Well, that ends it and not a single policy. AND just one name, Betsy Devos, student rape enabler...
Well, I give up. You have no policies to share because the Republican party has no policies other than tax cuts for the rich, controlling people's healthcare, and giving more money to their puppet masters (wealthy corporations).
I asked a simple question, give me a list of even a few Republican policies. You FAILED UTTERLY. You did a lot of typing and provided not a single policy.
And kudos for you to make claims that that Republicans do not follow, and showing a complete lack of understanding what a "policy" is.
Strong??? Thin skinned or opportunistic race-baiters is more like it:
You talking about Trump?
No, but I could be since he, like that dimwit AOC. is also thin-skinned. At least he isn't deliberately obtuse...
If Trump is not deliberately obtuse then what is he? Plain olde dumbass?
Cagey, manipulative, shady, egotistical, conniving, deceitful, and a whole slew of other things, but dumbass is just an act.
that so many of his supporters are imitating ?
No, you're right, he's inherently so.
Really? How was it 'likely Mrs. Pelosi’s hardball against the squad'? The poll was leaked to Axios by the poll taker, NOT Pelosi. That seems to eliminate it's release as a tool to 'call the squad to account'. Since that is the ONLY thing the author cited, her article is moot.
BTW, the author insisted in Dec. 2017 that the Democratic Party was defunct. It's quite ironic that she's now opining on a Democratically controlled House.
That seems to eliminate it's release as a tool to 'call the squad to account'. Since that is the ONLY thing the author cited, her article is moot.
That's it??? So, you have no discussion since all you're doing is attacking sources, authors, links - and not discussing the subject.
Come back when you're ready to discuss the CONTENT of the thread.
I did discuss the subject, which is the claim that Pelosi is calling the squad to account. The ONLY 'evidence' the author offered was a misrepresentation of a poll. If you see any other 'evidence' in the article, point it out.
It's a SEED and I quoted from it and addressed it's CONTENT. My comment is FACTUAL. Deal with it.
How is the MESSAGE - of the poll - not the author's prior history, nor her political leanings, nor who leaked it, nor why.
Discuss the MESSAGE of your quote - the likelihood that the leak was an attempt at trying to get the four squad members to back down on their rhetoric against the "establishment/Dem party".
Why was it leaked? Will it have the impact desired? What follow-up action needs to be planned/conducted?
At this point, Trump's opposition has accused him of racism so many times, I doubt anyone other than their most dedicated followers are even paying attention.
The left and TDS sufferers have beat the word "racism" to death. Used it to defend Obama against any criticism for 8 years. Then the TDS crowd continues the lunacy.
Why are you intentionally replying to my comments in a new thread 1st?
The SEED claims that Pelosi leaked it. She didn't.
You can't demand that I discuss the CONTENT of the SEED and then bitch about me discussing the CONTENT of the SEED.
You're deflecting 1st. The SEED says:
The apostrophe s connotes POSSESSIVE. That it was 'Mrs. Pelosi's' ACT. Axios reported that the polling company leaked the poll to them. Which proves the author's claim to be FALSE.
Your SEED claims it was 'Mrs. Pelosi and it was to 'call the squad to account'. Are you doubting that now?
OMG DULAY - if you actually discussed the seed/thread/article, many of us on NT would CHEER to the high heavens.
" The poll being leaked to the media was likely Mrs. Pelosi ’s hardball against the squad"
Hardball is being the subject of "Mrs. Pelosi's", not the poll. The poll was LEAKED by OTHERS , not Pelosi - Pelosi just took advantage of the leak - as a very wise and seasoned politician would.
The seed DOES NOT CLAIM Pelosi leaked it. In fact, the seed doesn't even IMPLY that Pelosi leaked it. The seed very SPECIFICALLY states that it was Pelosi's "HARDBALL", not her ACT against the squad. Gads - what a quantum leap.
" With Mrs. Pelosi ’s newfound rejection of what is now known as “the squad," was done when Pelosi issued the words " All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world, . .‘But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got.’ “ She further rejected them when she embarrassed them publicly and sent " a message to every other Democrat that this image of “the squad’s” influence is not only nonexistent, but these individuals and their message are dangerous to any hope they have at winning the White House in 2020." With that message that pertains to ALL THE DEMOCRATIC party and not just the squad, she is calling ALL of them to account.
Why do you continually read what is not there in other's seeds/threads/articles?
That's interesting 1st since it doesn't look like you've flagged my comments as off topic. If you had, per the CoC, you shouldn't be replying to them.
Do tell? Your seed doesn't say HOW Pelosi 'took advantage of the leak'.
When did Pelosi do that 1st? Your seed doesn't indicate when that allegedly happened.
Oh and why are you inserting quotes where none existed?
Since 'that message' came from the author and NOT Pelosi, your posit is false.
I don't.
Throwing a hurricane of barrage questions as to the AUTHOR's intent is, unfortunately, your means of discussions - frustrating to many of us to say the least - as there is no "point/counter-point".
Gee - how did Pelosi take advantage of the leak by " s ending a message to every other Democrat that this image of “the squad’s” influence is not only nonexistent, but these individuals and their message are dangerous to any hope they have at winning the White House in 2020." With that message that pertains to ALL THE DEMOCRATIC party and not just the squad, she is calling ALL of them to account. I know - too obvious.
Pelosi also addressed the split in her caucus.
“While we’re on the subject of family, let me just say, in every family you have your moments — right, do you not have your moments in your family? Do you all agree all the time on everything — do you? Everybody agrees all the time in your family? Who raised their hand?”
Her team pushed back on the idea that she was taking a swipe at more liberal members of her party.
"The Speaker was not scolding progressives," spokesman Drew Hammill said on Twitter. "She was saying to all Members that we as a family should have our conversations together as a Caucus not on Twitter. This was a general comment not aimed at any particular Member or group. This was a unifying speech & well received."
Pelosi downplayed the influence of four progressive freshman members of her caucus in an interview published Saturday with New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd: Ocasio Cortez of New York, fellow Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.
“All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world,” Pelosi said. “But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got.”
Pelosi allies, meanwhile, have tried to tamp down the tensions. “It’s all puppies and rainbows,” Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., said Wednesday at a Democratic leadership press conference.
Interestingly, you didn't comment on that thread, but you must've had a busy day.
I didn't ask ANY questions about the AUTHOR'S intent 1st.
Talk about reading shit that is not there.
YOU posted that seed a WEEK ago 1st.
Are you claiming that Pelosi was prescient and knew that the pollster was going to leak the data to Axios 4 days later?
What you and the author claimed happened:
What your prior seed states happened:
So WHICH of your seeds are you going to stand by 1st?
I was busy with a garden rehab last week. I'm glad I got it done before the heat hit here.
Now, how about you address the questions I asked.
106 degrees today - no golf
Wow - I actually said some things 45 years ago that I remember and they have occurred. Make me psychic?
Stand by both of them - too difficult when they both support my comments?
Yet they don't support each other...
The SEED claims that Pelosi leaked it
It does? Where
she didn't.
Who did?
Way I see it is the "squad" are 4 voices out of 435 , representing districts , that I don't vote in , the only real accountability they will face is come election day if they decide to run for office again. and frankly , what they have brought to the table so far , I don't see anyone buying anyway.
I have to admit that I'm uncertain as to whether or not their party should muzzle them for that reason, or that they should be allowed to be keep on being an example of their party, which might well chase a lot of Democrats elsewhere.
Calling 'the squad' to account
I am a bit curious as to why incoming Congressional folks seemingly have a need to give themselves little schoolyard cliquey monickers.
Remember The Young Guns, no need to worry, the Squad will most likely die a slow and whimpering demise as did their GOP counterpart, making a bit of noise, accomplishing very little and fading into history.
A mere sideshow in what has become our Government Carnival.
Unfortunately, the 'Young Guns' didn't die a slow and whimpering demise. Yes, Eric Canter was a shocker for the GOP but hell, Ryan became the worst Speaker on record and now McCarthy is the Minority leader and head Trump sycophant in the House. They've done quite a bit of damage in the process.
In this case, the Democrats are on the losing end, having been played expertly by President Donald Trump .
WHO has been PLAYED ???
Cause it appears TRUMPP supporters are the ONLY ONES being played.
Former "Apprentice" contestant and top Donald Trump cheerleader Omarosa Manigault is warning his critics they will soon be bowing down before him.
“Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump ,” she said.
Only trump supporters aren "bowing down". Or "bending over" may be more apropos.