A Selection of the Embarrassing Bad Craziness of Trump at the G7

Just a few snapshots of Donald Trump’s latest horribly embarrassing field trip to the G7 meeting.

President Trump is blaming President Obama -- not President Putin -- for Russia violating Ukraine's sovereignty by illegally annexing Crime . . .
TRUMP on possibly hosting G7 at a private club he still owns and profits from: "In my opinion I'm not going to make any money." ("Opinion" is doing a ton of work there!) . . .
Asked to explain why he supports readmitting Russia to the G8, Trump quickly pivots to attacking Obama. He then says "a certain section of Ukraine ... was sort of taken away from President Obama." He doesn't have a single negative thing to say about Russia's illegal invasion.
Related: Russia Owns The Donald
President Trump answers @ jdawsey1 question on # climatechange : "I think I know more about the environment than most people. (Full video here: https:// cs.pn/2Zu4xgO)
He blew off the one conference saying that he had another meeting with some leaders. The problem is, both of the other leaders were at the conference.
He can't even lie well
He could step out onto his rally stage with the cheering sycophants surrounding him and "Hee-Haw" like a donkey for five minutes and he'll receive a standing ovation. Most of his followers don't give a damn about the substance of his comment (because there rarely is any) so when the lies continually drip from his drooling fat face they really couldn't care less.
He needs lessons from CNN
In Helsinki, President Trump sided with Vladimir Putin over our intelligence services. Today, he sided with Putin over President Obama. This isn't complicated: We need a president who sides with America over Russia. https:// twitter.com/joshscampbell/ status/1166010483603689472 …
Now he wants to siphon off FEMA money for ICE just when hurricane season is starting. And he is still making nasty ass comments about Puerto Rico and the money they received from the last hurricane which he claims is higher then they actually received.
Also whining about the media and Elizabeth Warren's crowd size and his crowd size are ALWAYS bigger.
Also, he wants this aides to STEAL land for his border wall so he can crow about it before election day. He'll pardon them if they do anything illegal.
The day's still young......
The money isn't being diverted/can't be diverted! The President already declared Puerto Rico a state of emergency so that aid can get there quicker.
BTW Puerto Rico has had a lot of problems other than hurricanes - corruption being first and foremost!
You have to wait for the hurricane to hit, don't you? Maybe it won't be like last time, but you don't give aid BEFORE damage is inflicted!
He is also siphoning off money from Veterans' pension funds for his 'wall'
Could you provide a linked story for us?
First of all we were discussing the current hurricane posing a threat to Puerto Rico....Posts 3, 3.1, 3.1.1 and 3.1.2. Please re-read.
Second - I requested you provide a link for the claim "He is also siphoning off money from Veterans' pension funds for his 'wall'.
Third - FactCheck.ORG is a distorter of truth, which has yet to fact check the false claim made by Liz Warren & Kamala Harris that Micheal Brown was "murdered."
According to the very article which you provided (ON THE Hurricane Maria aid), FactCheck even admits that the 91 Billion estimate was based on current plus future payments. No where did Trump say we already paid the total 91 Billion. He was making a case for how well Puerto Rico WAS provided for.
Furthermore - We learn from your very own FactCheck that aid to Puerto Rico was second only to aid for KATRINA! Now there is a revelation! We were told that George W Bush was a no good racist who didn't care about New Orleans! You know the New Orleans that suddenly became an all black city during the Katrina disaster. FactCheck is capable of telling a truth as long as it contradicts a Trump claim - In this case that Puerto Rico "received “more money than has ever been gotten for a hurricane before.”
Please try again
He wants to take money from FEMA...do you deny that....
Fact check? Get real.
As Puerto Rico Braces For Storm, DHS, FEMA To Move $271 Million To Border Operations
Unspent military retirement funds will be tapped to help build border wall
Trump Tells Aides ‘Take the Land’ as Impatience Grows on Border Wall
The president has repeatedly suggested during meetings on immigration policy that aides “take the land” and “get it done,” according to a person who has heard him say it. The Washington Post first reported that Mr. Trump had brought up the land seizures, and had floated the idea of offering pardons to aides willing to break the law, a suggestion he has made before when exploring ways to fulfill his campaign promises.
I spend mine so hands off Trump.
Here is another point for you - Hurricane Dorian, which is now a category 1 is passing Puerto Rico headed for Florida & the Carolina's
At a Glance
Obama reallocated millions from FEMA for border crisis in 2014
As Obama did?
Obama asked congress for 3.7 billion dollars to solve the border problem. Congress said no because they had no interest in solving the problem. They needed to use it as a political talking point.
She can't. This lie has been going around for a few months. It was shown to her then it was a lie then, but you know the old liberal adage..."If you tell a lie over and over,people will start to believe it's true". Most liberals are gullible to this.
I'm afraid so.
Apparently you fail to comprehend the bs spewed forth from the liar in chief
You mean like posting Trump is using pension money to press a lie?
Unspent military retirement funds will be tapped to help build border wall
Not a lie, just another in a long line of schemes trumptard is trying to sneak by fucking average Americans.
Pentagon officials found extra money in military retirement accounts that will be diverted to help fund construction of a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.
Defense Department budget experts found an extra $224 million from the military’s new Blended Retirement System because fewer service members than expected opted into the new system in 2018, leaving some of that money unspent, according to the newspaper.
Has to have Congressional approval.
Not true - the monies will be coming from unspent FEMA funding and not from military retirement funding.
And trump today said that if his people break the law to get the wall built, he will pardon them. So much for the law and order president. Trump makes Nixon look like an Eagle Scout.
Key wordage right there. What do you want the government to do with that EXTRA money? Give it to liberals for yet another handout?
I am a retired Navy veteran, and if I had a say where that EXTRA money went, I would say use it for border security.
Give it to homeless vets or any vet.
You don't know me so don't assume anything about me.
I am a Gold Star mom.
Every man in my family has served in the US military since before the Civil War, and if I had my say about where the so called EXTRA money went, it would be to provide more and better care for our Veterans who have given so much more than just their time for our country. There are far too many of our Veterans who are not getting sufficient care and/or treatment, mentally, emotionally or physically.
We need to be more concerned about those who have served our country and have paid the extra price for doing so, than the imposed fear of who might cross the border.
Intense hatred of anyone who is not a Republican, does not believe, agree or vote the same as you do is very telling. But, not everyone is begging for handouts. But, our homeless and disabled Vets deserve some help, no matter what their party preferences are.
First, I didn't assume anything about you. I asked a question to you. Stop putting words in my mouth.
Second, I can agree that money could go to homeless vets or even the VA.
Third, I am sorry to hear your situation, however, if I were a Gold Star parent, I would want as much money as possible to go to border security so as to not have the same thing happen to other parents. That is my humble opinion.
Another one putting words in my mouth. Where did I hate? Where did I say I hated someone because they don't believe the same as me? That mantra belongs to far left leaning groups like ANTIFA, who mix hate with violence.
But to be fair, I agree that that money could go to veterans and their families, especially those that gave the ultimate price.
I didn't put these words in your mouth, you said them and you assumed that's where I'd want the money to go.
Wrong...I asked where you wanted the money to go. I never said "You want money to go to handouts".
I asked a question, not made a statement.
No....you put the words in your own mouth by your own comment. And your own endless and ignorant accusations to anyone who does not agree with you as being a Leftist, or a member of a hate group, does not give you the right to throw your poop at them as if you are the chosen judge to sit in judgement of everyone else.
And don't you even dare presume that you know all about me Sir, as YOU do not have a frickin' clue who I am. You can shove your endless BS accusations about ANTIFA where the adamantly sun refuses to shine.
At least you are willing to give those who have sacrificed limb and life for their country that which they more than deserve.
And that was a backhanded question and you know it. You know exactly how you meant it, and so does everyone else. But, being a true Trump worshiper, you have to play innocent by putting the blame on someone else.
Not a Trump "worshiper", but I do see your accusation leaning more to the left than right.
BTW...I asked a question, not made a statement. You read it the way you want.
Also, I don't care who you are. I gave my opinion, and that's it. Those who give defense to ANTIFA are, in my opinion, AOK with people committing assault, battery and other crimes on those who do not think like them.
I have not seen anyone here giving defense to ANTIFA, certainly not me. That is a false accusation and you do know it.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but, you are not entitled to falsely accuse others that don't agree with your opinion of being defenders of ANTIFA.
Raven, if you're speaking of people only on this article, I haven't seen such statements. If, however, you mean people making such statements on this site, as bugsy implied, you might want to read this.
If needed, I have specific comments from people on that article who are also on this one.
President Trump is blaming President Obama -- not President Putin -- for Russia violating Ukraine's sovereignty by illegally annexing Crime . . .
Obama's "Redlines" (The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!) did wonders !
At least he didn't let Putin screw him then turn around and lick his sack as Trump has done.
"Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?" - DJT
"I do have a relationship (with Putin), and I can tell you that he’s very interested in what we’re doing here today." - DJT
"I just got back from Russia-learned lots & lots. Moscow is a very interesting and amazing place!" - DJT
“I was in Moscow and I was in Russia and they treated me so fantastically . . . . I met so many incredible people.” - DJT
“Putin even sent me a present, beautiful present, with a beautiful note, I spoke to all of his people." - DJT
"Putin has become a big hero in Russia with an all time high popularity. Obama, on the other hand, has fallen to his lowest ever numbers. SAD" - DJT
“Yes, (I met Putin), a long time ago. We got along great, by the way.” - DJT
"I got to know (Putin) very well because we were both on 60 Minutes, we were stablemates," - DJT
"I don't know Putin, have no deals in Russia" - DJT
“Now all of a sudden, Putin’s going wild with bombing ISIS, and that’s a good thing, not a bad thing. Who needs to take the credit? Let him have some credit.” - DJT
After receiving praise from Putin, "It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond.” - DJT
In response to host Joe Scarborough's observation that Putin "kills journalists that don't agree with him," Trump stated “Well I think our country does plenty of killing also, Joe.”
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” - DJT
"Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin likes me" - DJT
“the people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were.” - DJT
"(Putin has) been a leader far more than our president has been a leader." = DJT
The Trump transition team received “[a] very nice” holiday letter from Putin to Trump expressing the hope that Trump will “restore the framework of bilateral cooperation in different areas as well as bring our level of collaboration on the international scene to a qualitatively new level.”
The day after Flynn’s five calls with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Putin states in an official statement that he will not retaliate against the U.S. sanctions.
"Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only "stupid" people, or fools, would think that it is bad!" - DJT
"Have enough problems around the world without yet another one. When I am President, Russia will respect us far more than they do now and both countries will, perhaps, work together to solve some of the many great and pressing problems and issues of the WORLD!" - DJT
"Russia has never tried to use leverage over me. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH RUSSIA - NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING!" - DJT
"Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public." - DJT
"If you get along and if Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody’s doing some really great things?" - DJT
In an interview with Bill O’Reilly, when his interviewer says Putin is "a killer," Trump responds: "There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent?"
"The real scandal here is that classified information is illegally given out by "intelligence" like candy. Very un-American!" - DJT
"I can tell you, speaking for myself, I own nothing in Russia. I have no loans in Russia. I don't have any deals in Russia." - DJT
Trump signed a letter of intent (to build Trump Tower Moscow), dated October 28, 2015, the same day as the third Republican presidential debate. The tower was meant to be the tallest building in Europe, featuring a few floors of prime shopping, a high-end hotel and new office space, topped with 250 luxury residences, homes for the Russian elite. According to the terms, Rozov was on the hook for construction while Trump would simply lend his name and help manage the place once it opened. In exchange, according to the Mueller report, the presidential contender would get a cut of condo sales, beginning with 5% of the first $100 million and gradually stepping down to 1% of everything over $1 billion.
"I hear by demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it" - DJT
"Things will work out fine between the U.S.A. and Russia. At the right time everyone will come to their senses & there will be lasting peace!" - DJT
The Washington Post reports that Trump disclosed highly classified information to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during their May 10 visit to the Oval Office.
"As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do" - DJT
"By the way, if Russia was working so hard on the 2016 Election, it all took place during the Obama Admin. Why didn't they stop them?" - DJT (So according to Trump, Russia helping him win the election didn't happen, but if it did, it was Obama's fault).
"I look forward to all meetings today with world leaders, including my meeting with Vladimir Putin. Much to discuss" - DJT
"I strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it." - DJT
"Putin & I discussed forming an impenetrable Cyber Security unit so that election hacking, & many other negative things, will be guarded and safe." (Right, ask the criminals who hacked the election to cooperate on election security, real smart. /s)
"the next time I'm with Putin, I'm going to ask him: who were you really for? Because I can't believe that he would have been for me." - DJT
“President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?” - reporter
“Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.–Russia relationship back to normal.” - Putin
Yes he did . Obama just "Bent Over" and said Fuck Me, as Putin did what he asked for, and Obama didn't "Charge" for it either !
That is where jack asses belong after all.
You know denial isn't a river in Egypt, right? Try reading Trumps own words and see who's been going out of his way to be Putin's cock holster. And "charging" for it? Putin pre-paid Trump with all the help during the election, illegally hacking private US citizen emails and releasing them publicly in an effort to embarrass and sabotage Democrats, spending $1.25 million a month surreptitiously trashing Hillary and helping Trump during the campaign.
Was that before or after Obama kicked the Russians out of the country for attacking us, or before Obama got Russia kicked out of the G-8 for invading Crimea?
But do tell us how hard trump has been on Russia? At the G-7 trump was almost begging other leaders to let Putin back in. But Obama was schooled by Putin?
Excuse me...
That showed them, as they took over Crimea anyway.
Seems to me, Trump dumped him some Russians from this country too. Even more bodies than Obama did. I hear that 60 is STILL more than 35 !
Since when? Obama couldn't knock an old lady off a toilet. He did get a lot of cops killed!
It's not ?
"Putin pre-paid Trump with all the help during the election"
Sorry....Blaming someone else for why Trump Won ….. is more like Ha! Ha! River.
No shit, that's what got them kicked out.
Without Russia illegally releasing stolen private citizen emails the day the Access Hollywood tape came out while simultaneously spending $1.25 million a month on fake ads there's simply no way Trump would have managed to secure the 110,000 votes in three swing States that allowed his electoral college victory. To act as if it had no effect is to be intentionally obtuse and one might ask "Why ignore or downplay the criminal election interference unless you're more loyal to a foreign enemy than to the United States?".
And voters knowing Hillary was an idiot in an idiot party, didn't come into play at all.
Like the G summits are sooooo important huh !
Nothing like holding a "Pat myself on the back" summit, eating, drinking schmoozing with other leaders and Elites, etc.... !
Do you really think Russia cares about not being invited to the "Party" ?
It's right there in the Mueller report. The trump campaign didn't seek out help from the Russians, but they did accept the help when it was offered.
Couldn't care less. But clearly donny has issues with Putin not being there.
"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" !
It is common practice for people to be aware of what their friends are up to but most people ignore what their enemies are doing. This phrase acts as an advice for people, especially who are in a competitive business to be mindful of their enemies to ensure that they are not doing anything untoward. This vigilance would help people overcome any strategy that might have been planned against them
Trumps not a Bowing placating politician like the rest of the world leaders are.
Tada !
And it was right there in the Mueller Report !
Not "ONE AMERICAN" did anything to "Collude" with Russians !
There's a huge caveat in the US' expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats
A State Department official confirmed that the US will not require Russia to reduce the number of staff in its Washington embassy.
You sure you want to compare? Trump just allowed substitutions.
Why are you so proud of not reading the report, but continue to make crap up about it?
The report did not address collusion since it is not a crime. However it did give plenty of examples of "collusion" occurring, without quite meeting the qualifications for criminal conspiracy. (in Mueller's opinion)
Guide to the Mueller Report's Findings on “Collusion”
3 years later and trump still cannot even admit russia attacked us....but trump is tough on russia and Obama was weak? Really? LMFAO!!!
You forgot that part...
That would be "Colluding" with Russia, which according to the Mueller report...."Didn't happen" !
Nothing in that List shows Donald J. Trump did anything.
As YOU noted:
"without quite meeting the qualifications for criminal conspiracy." (in Mueller's opinion)
So again ...... NOTHING !
You sure you want to ?
This is Right in your own Link:
"Targeted expulsions like this week's are not uncommon; the Obama administration's move to expel 35 diplomats in 2016 was made under similar conditions."
By YOUR definition. Mueller was clear in what he said, you can spin, dance and deflect all you want, doesn't change the FACT that trump accepted help from Russia to win the election. I mean, trump said the election was rigged several times.
No, He wasn't !
Thus the need for congress to call him to testify, and that didn't even clear up anything either.
Speaking rapidly, Collins asked Mueller about part of his report that said, "collusion is largely synonymous with conspiracy."
Mueller first asked Collins to repeat the question.
"Collusion is not a specific offense or a term of art in the federal criminal law. Conspiracy is," Collins said.
"Yes," Mueller agreed.
"In the colloquial context, known public context, collusion and conspiracy are essentially synonymous terms, correct?" Collins asked.
"No," Mueller said.
"Another potential reason for Mueller's confused answer to the question of whether "conspiracy" and "collusion" are synonymous is that an earlier section of his report has a slightly different take on the use of the terms.
In that section, the report says that in looking at whether something "constituted a crime" investigators "applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of 'collusion.'" But it explains that in other contexts, investigators chose to use the word "coordination" rather than collusion.
"Like collusion, 'coordination' does not have a settled definition in federal criminal law," the report says. "We understood coordination to require an agreement – tacit or express – between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government on election interference.
"We applied the term coordination in that sense when stating in the report that the investigation did not establish that the Trump Campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
Whatever the term, Mueller's report said, "the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
I am concerned, you seem to have forgotten what you even said, maybe you should see a doctor about short term memory loss. This could be serious, maybe even early signs of Alzheimer's or dementia. I have a friend who is suffering from Alzheimer's, he also would forget what he said just minutes earlier. Since the doctor put him on some medication it has gotten better, even though we all know that there is no cure.
To clarify for you:
You did not say anything about "conspiracy", you were talking only about "collusion" and I provided you with specific examples from the Mueller report showing "collusion" between Trump's campaign and Russia.
I'm responding. If I'm off topic then so is the person whom I'm responding to.
Even Mueller couldn't answer on "Collusion/Conspiracy" Difference in his testimony, and his report is even more confusing!
So I know you can't.
https://www. usatoday .com/story/news/politics/2019/07/24/mueller-tdoug-collins-definition-collusion-conspiracy/1812662001/
"Collusion is not a specific offense or a term of art in the federal criminal law. Conspiracy is," Collins said.
"Yes," Mueller agreed.
"In the colloquial context, known public context, collusion and conspiracy are essentially synonymous terms, correct?" Collins asked.
"No," Mueller said.
Collins then referred to the page of Mueller's report that appeared to say the opposite.
"You said at your May 29 press conference, and here today, you choose your words carefully. Are you sitting here today testifying something different than what your report states?" Collins asked.
"No, if you look at the language," Mueller said, trailing off as he looked at a sheet of paper. He asked Collins to repeat the page, before mumbling a bit and saying, "I leave it with the report."
a potential reason for Mueller's confused answer to the question of whether "conspiracy" and "collusion" are synonymous is that an earlier section of his report has a slightly different take on the use of the terms.
In that section, the report says that in looking at whether something "constituted a crime" investigators "applied the framework of conspiracy law, not the concept of 'collusion.'" But it explains that in other contexts, investigators chose to use the word "coordination" rather than collusion.
"Like collusion, 'coordination' does not have a settled definition in federal criminal law," the report says. "We understood coordination to require an agreement – tacit or express – between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government on election interference.
"We applied the term coordination in that sense when stating in the report that the investigation did not establish that the Trump Campaign coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
Whatever the term, Mueller's report said, "the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities ."
Once again, "collusion" and "conspiracy" are 2 completely different things. You never addressed "conspiracy" you only talked "collusion", and AGAIN I gave you a list of "collusion" examples directly from Mueller's report.
Conspiracy has nothing to do with your claims. Why do you refuse to address the examples I gave you?
Bob Mueller in the Mueller report:
"as defined in legal dictionaries, collusion is largely synonymous with conspiracy."
In that one is a legal term and the other is not? It was the media which used the word collusion for 3 years. Trump was guilty OF NEITHER!!!
Anyone who was honest knew what was going on from day 1
Read the Mueller report, that's the Tome of Wisdom you seek.
And let's be honest here, even if I showed you 100% proof, you would just ask for something else anyway.
secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.
doesn't change the FACT that trump accepted help from Russia
What gives you the right to demand proof of others when you never provide proof of your own claims. When you start to provide proof of your own claims, then you have the right to demand the same from others. Not until then.
I doubt any of the deplorables will even read that list. It's too painful to realize they've been played.
If only posting pictures could prove a point, but as long as Krishna allows it, I'll play with you
Vic, you posted a picture of Hillary and Obama to prove a point, didnt you?
Its better than listening to lame ass arguments about how good Trump has been though, to be honest with you.
Actually it's childish, but that is what the left does - call people liars and racist, post cartoons, harass people and hate!
Vic, you posted a picture of Hillary and Obama to prove a point, didnt you?
Look back, I was countering your pics
better that than all the rights ridiculous conspiracy theories
Okay. By now I think everyone knows who and what Trump is. How is this any different than the last three years?
So, let's vote Trump out of office. But if we are going to fill the office we really do need someone to replace Trump. And what is that someone going to do? What's the alternative to Trump?
Where have all the Democrats gone? Trump, it seems, will be running unopposed.
How is what any different? If you want to vote for a piece of shit (Trump) for president in 2020, just do it. Don't try to get other people to cover for you.
He is not fit for office. That is not an open ended question.
Support a Republican challenger to him then.
I didn't vote for piece of shit Trump. But I didn't vote for the piece of shit Democrats put on the ballot, either.
Trump, it seems, will be running unopposed.
Thanks for injecting some humour into the discussion!
William Weld. Weld was Governor of Massachusetts from 1991 to 1997 and is aiming to bring "equality, dignity and opportunity for all" (principles of Abraham Lincoln) back to the Republican party. He's strongly anti-Trump, both in rhetoric and in action, asserting that the president should be charged for obstruction of justice. Interestingly, he's pro-choice, which is unusual for conservatives, but he's also pro-tax cuts and pro-small government. In 2016, he was on the Libertarian ticket as VP for Gary Johnson.
Weld has been making the rounds as a very long-shot candidate, continuing to criticize Trump and warning that the sitting president might not leave the White House voluntarily if he loses in 2020. Weld also says he's continuing his fight to keep the more old-school values of the Republican Party intact instead of the cult of personality that he sees in modern-day Republicanism.
Yes, unopposed.
Everybody has been criticizing Trump for the last three years. Adding another clown to the car won't change the circus. If that is the case then Alec Baldwin, Stephen Colbert, and Rachel Maddow should be on the ballot. Aren't they better at criticizing Trump than any of the Democratic candidates?
IF we are supposed to elect the best criticizer of Trump then none of the Democratic candidates are qualified.
Should the United States recalibrate its relationship with NATO? Has the service economy really provided a broad prosperity? Should the United States expend more effort revitalizing manufacturing? Should the United States return to policies favoring open border free trade or shift on trade policy? Should the United States do more to support illegal immigration or legal immigration? Should the United States expand financial solutions to pay for medical care or should the United States exert control over the cost of medical care? Have the environmental policies of the United States made a clean environment more sustainable? Does the United States need to adjust its environmental policies?
Trump has put a lot of topics on the table. Criticizing Trump doesn't tell us about alternatives. Was the status quo in force before Trump took office really solving problems? Do we want to return to that status quo or should be consider alternatives? And what are those alternatives?
Every day Trump lies, multiple times, to the American people. Every day he insults someone, brags about himself, starts a controversy, misstates known facts (ignorance), and embarrasses the country. Not once in a while, every day.
And you would consider putting the nation through an additional and unnecessary 1,464 days of this because ........ why again?
And Trump has done so before he was ever a candidate for President. That news isn't newsworthy. Everyone already knows all about Trump.
So, Democrats are proposing to elect a better liar? Democrats are proposing to elect someone more selective in their insults? Democrats are proposing to elect someone better at plausibly twisting facts? And Democrats won't brag about electing a President who is more refined in their lying and insulting?
Democrats are proposing to elect a President that would get more likes on Facebook? How would that be progress?
Why would 1,464 days of a Democrat intent upon lying, insulting, and twisting facts to establish a historical legacy be any different than what we have now?
There are none. As a liar, Trump is on a level all to himself.
You are holding Democrats to Republican standards. Trump has never "twisted facts", he has his own "alternate facts" instead.
No, they will brag about electing a President that does feel the need to lie 3 times an hour. EVERYBODY LIES, however Trump is running circles around everyone else with pure numbers of lies.
Talk about still not getting it!
You have the exactly opposite. It's the Trump worshipers that don't care about anything he does (rape, child molestation, theft, tax fraud, etc.), everyone else does.
U.S. and Japan strike trade deal ‘in principle’
Read up on what really happened and turn off CNN for a few minutes
I watched it Vic. And CNN is a far better source for news than fox news, especially after trumps comments. "Fox news isn't defending me the way they are supposed to..."
Weird, I was under the impression that fox news was supposed to report the news, not suck trump's dick. Fox news is the least accurate 'news' source there is.
The word is "INFORMING." That's what the media is supposed to do - inform, not advocate!
Yet that is EXACTLY what fox news does. Every time trump attacks someone, fox news runs 5 hit pieces a day about that person. They literally are state run media. They ARE fake news.
And yet, today Trump says that Fox News is not working for him anymore.
Must be why Sarah Sanders works for Fox, so as to promote him and his lies.
I hear trmp likes Newsmax now
Today Trump says that Fox News is not working for him anymore.
MediaBuzz host Howard Kurtz, a former Daily Beast columnist, also took a mild swing at the president’s criticism, writing, “our job is to cover both sides.”
Yeah, evidently they have agreed to work for Trump.
I wonder where he will find taxpayer money to misappropriate to pay them too.
I have always respected Brit Hume, but my respect for him just went off the charts.
What we can't see in that photo is that Trump is actually listening to his good friend Harvey, a 6 ft tall invisible white rabbit with a swastika tattoo on its forehead that is sitting right next to him telling Donald about how Mexicans are rapists and Putin is a hero...
Woahhho.......Melania looks like she is really into Trudeau, and vice versa. Trump may finally find out how it feels to be cheated on.
The thing with Trump is he just doesn't embarrass... unless his fake hair flops over his face... this is the only thing that appears to bother his sense of dignity.
He does not have any dignity, just ego.
And a small piece of toilet paper.....
Any dignity he might have had, he sold for 13 pieces of silver.
Are you calling Trump a thief?
Is that where it went? I heard the G7 Restroom crew were trying to track it down.
Yeah....his devoted supporters are willing to pay for anything Trump wishes for.
Wanda Sykes is a racist liberal idiot.
Donald trump is a racist conservative idiot.
When I saw it, I could not stop laughing for a full five minutes.