
Redirection: Abuse Trump For Coronavirus, And Ignore The Homeless Stew Boiling in Democrat-Controlled Cities


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  on-vacation-until-3-2-20-at-1145-pm-est  •  5 years ago  •  162 comments

By:   Dave King

Redirection: Abuse Trump For Coronavirus, And Ignore The Homeless Stew Boiling in Democrat-Controlled Cities
Democrats daily reach new lows with their criticism of President Trump. They don’t sit back and wait for a policy failure before they launch on him. Instead, they dump as policy is being developed and implemented, and then complain about how sensitive and defensive he is when he responds with questions as to their sincerity. Two weeks ago he was criticized as being an alarmist and called a racist for blocking incoming flights from China, where this health threat originated. And three days ago...

The TDS displayed by democrats regarding President Trump and his policies is stunning.  Pure hypocrisy. 

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Whew! Democrats have received a temporary reprieve at the last minute. Just as the homeless and disease-ridden streets of Los Angeles and San Francisco approach critical mass due to the don’t-give-a-damn mayors and governor in California, the Chinese-originated coronavirus appears on the scene and redirects attention from the west coast to this new threat, and the filthy Democrats, as is their habit, all turn on President Trump and place blame for this outbreak on him.

Democrats daily reach new lows with their criticism of President Trump. They don’t sit back and wait for a policy failure before they launch on him. Instead, they dump as policy is being developed and implemented, and then complain about how sensitive and defensive he is when he responds with questions as to their sincerity. Two weeks ago he was criticized as being an alarmist and called a racist for blocking incoming flights from China, where this health threat originated. And three days ago they attacked him again for not moving quickly enough to keep the threat from our borders. So by doing business this deceitful way Democrats get to attack him twice instead of only once, even though there has been no reason to attack him in the first place.

President Trump was simply minding the business of the nation, some of which includes trying to get Democrats to put a halt to their sanctuary cities nonsense, when the virus sprang from nowhere and was then blown out of all proportion by the radical, Democrat left as they tried to make political points from this disease as the 2020 election date draws near.

When the juvenile Democrats are out of power all they can do is initiate chaos and crisis in an attempt to undermine the party in power, while the more adult Republican in the Oval Office tries to address the threatening viral situation we are currently dealing with and save lives. The thought never occurred to the partisan Democrats to work with the president to calm America’s citizens in this time of concern over their health. All Democrats can do is attack him, call him incompetent and label him as being a danger to the health of the nation.

But we knew Democrats were snakes as soon as the 2016 election ended and Trump took office, because the leftist vipers performed illegal activities to try to get him removed from office. So we should stop being naïve and shocked with their antics and just ignore them in the future.


jrDiscussion - desc
Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

President Trump was simply minding the business of the nation, some of which includes trying to get Democrats to put a halt to their sanctuary cities nonsense, when the virus sprang from nowhere and was then blown out of all proportion by the radical, Democrat left as they tried to make political points from this disease as the 2020 election date draws near.

When the juvenile Democrats are out of power all they can do is initiate chaos and crisis in an attempt to undermine the party in power, while the more adult Republican in the Oval Office tries to address the threatening viral situation we are currently dealing with and save lives. The thought never occurred to the partisan Democrats to work with the president to calm America’s citizens in this time of concern over their health. All Democrats can do is attack him, call him incompetent and label him as being a danger to the health of the nation. 

Senior Guide
1.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1    5 years ago

Democrats attacks against Trump are unbelievable and dishonest.  

Sophomore Quiet
1.2  katrix  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1    5 years ago
was then blown out of all proportion

That is the idiotic comment of the week.

Trump disbanded the Pandemic Response committee that Obama created ... he's blathering about having a vaccine in 2 months when a viable vaccine will take a year and a half - and if you don't think this coronavirus is a big deal. It is not being blown out of proportion.

Honestly, anti-science people disgust me.

Junior Quiet
1.2.2  KDMichigan  replied to  katrix @1.2    5 years ago

Well at least President Trump didn't cut funding to the CDC like the 'son of a bitch' obama did. Not to mention the 12,000 plus deaths and 61 million people infected because of his failed lead from behind policies.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.4  Split Personality  replied to  KDMichigan @1.2.2    5 years ago

Maybe you could expound on that claim with some links.

These are the most recent CDC budgets - there don't to be any cuts, although monies were shifted from one program or another during the Ebola and Zika events.

8.8 billion in 2009

10.1 billion in 2010 

10.8 billion in 2011,

11.125 billion in 2014,

11.134 b in 2015 and

11.177 billion in 2016

11.9 billion in 2017 despite a proposed budget of 7.1 billion

11.9 billion in 2018 despite the proposed budget of 7.5 billion

I can't get a handle on 2019 as it seems all requests lead to this graph of Trumps budget proposals which by rumor, Congress has ignored.


Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.2.6  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.4    5 years ago

Seems we have conflicting sources...........................

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.2.8  Sparty On  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.2.6    5 years ago

Ouch ...... bazinga!

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.2.9  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Tessylo @1.2.7    5 years ago
I don't trust anything you put up.

[ deleted ]

Oh, and I wasn't talking to you................


Junior Quiet
1.2.11  KDMichigan  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.4    5 years ago

your welcome, cheers, even a left wing news source for your pleasure.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2.13  It Is ME  replied to  katrix @1.2    5 years ago
Trump disbanded the Pandemic Response committee that Obama created

Why not "Disband" a group that didn't see, even a simple "Coronavirus (Flu)" coming, and set up a new group that "Can" fight this !

Junior Quiet
1.2.14  KDMichigan  replied to  Tessylo @1.2.12    5 years ago


Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.15  Split Personality  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.2.6    5 years ago

Hmm, HuffPost VS the actual CDC website and their own budget breakdowns.

Let me think about that, jrSmiley_32_smiley_image.gif

So the gist of the Huff Post article is that Congress also ignored Obama's budget requests

while the CDC got funding from multiple sources, including the PPHF, PHP&R, ASTRACA and many others.

Ouch is right,

Government accountability in action, lol.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.16  katrix  replied to  It Is ME @1.2.13    5 years ago
Why not "Disband" a group that didn't see, even a simple "Coronavirus (Flu)" coming, and set up a new group that "Can" fight this !

They DID see that something like this would eventually come - that's why Obama formed the group. But Trump disbanded it, because he'd rather have people die than leave anything in place that Obama set up.

Are you truly so ignorant about pandemics?

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2.17  It Is ME  replied to  katrix @1.2.16    5 years ago
They DID see that something like this would eventually come - that's why Obama formed the group.

Yet....here it is !

Good Job Obama ….. and Team ! jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif

"because he'd rather have people die than leave anything in place that Obama set up."

Are you Fucking kidding me ? jrSmiley_97_smiley_image.gif

The "Normal Flu" is killing more people in this country than the new and improved "Name Branded" ….. OMG …… "Beer Flu" ! jrSmiley_122_smiley_image.gif

Obama and Team shoulda concentrated on the "Normal", instead of the obsured ! jrSmiley_99_smiley_image.jpg

Junior Quiet
1.2.18  KDMichigan  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.15    5 years ago

Yeah and you conveniently skipped over 2013

After the GOP took control of the House in 2011, the administration protected CDC funding by relying on new funding streams from the Affordable Care Act. But the CDC’s total budget fell by $430 million in fiscal year 2013, and the president can’t blame Republicans for the drop. The president’s funding requests for the CDC dropped too. 

So a left wing rag like huffpo isn't good enough for you to back up my claims, fucking Hillaryious.

[ deleted ]


Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.19  Split Personality  replied to  KDMichigan @1.2.2    5 years ago
Not to mention the 12,000 plus deaths and 61 million people infected because of his failed lead from behind policies.

More ODS Bullshit?

Swine flu started in March of 2009 in Mexico, 50 days after Obama's inauguration during the economic meltdown.

After swine flu ran it's course, it was considerably less lethal ( .02) than the common flu (0.1) which still kills between 25,000 and 69,000 Americans every year, despite the constant public health warnings and free vaccinations.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.20  Split Personality  replied to  It Is ME @1.2.17    5 years ago


It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2.21  It Is ME  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.20    5 years ago

You have a question ?

Stand and be recognized ! jrSmiley_81_smiley_image.gif

Recognize ! jrSmiley_15_smiley_image.gif

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.22  Split Personality  replied to  KDMichigan @1.2.18    5 years ago

Sorry, I missed 2 years. 2012 & 2013.

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) FY 2013 Budget Request Summary

The President released the fiscal year (FY) 2013 budget request February 13, 2012. Total funding request ed for CDC and ATSDR is $11.2 billion , which includes discretionary authority, mandatory funding, Public Health Service (PHS) Evaluation funds, transfers from the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund (PHSSEF), and allocations from Prevention and Public Health Fund (PPHF) for CDC and ATSDR. The overall amount is $39.5 million above the FY 2012 level.

from your HUFFPO link ....

Budget figures are often in dispute. And so, other media outlets that have looked at the president’s requests have put forward different statistics. Separate documents put together by the CDC do provide slightly different numbers, but they tell the same general story:

Obviously, government budgets are very difficult to digest

which is why I tried to post links to the CDC's own webpages so that our members could compare apples to apples, without the ODS or TDS.

Cheers jrSmiley_2_smiley_image.png

Junior Quiet
1.2.23  KDMichigan  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.19    5 years ago

What actually has that to do with anything, what are you trying to refute?

Was Obama president in 2009? Why that's a yes.

Did 12,000 plus people die from the swine flu in the US? Well Golly Gee that is another yes.

Did 61 million people get infected in the US? Well shucks that's another yes.

Did obama lead from behind? Now this is my opinion but I'm going with hell yeah.


Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.24  Split Personality  replied to  It Is ME @1.2.21    5 years ago
"an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"

I guess if the shoe fits, lol

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.25  Split Personality  replied to  KDMichigan @1.2.23    5 years ago

So you have nothing, again.

Got it.

By "your reasoning"  Trump has led from behind allowing 150,000 people to die from the common flu since the day he was inaugurated.

Flu season deaths top 80,000 last year, CDC says (2017-2018)

In total, the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018 -2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died. That's fairly on par with a typical season, and well below the CDC's 2017- 2018 estimates of 48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations and 79,400 deaths

16,000 died during the 2019-2020 flu season so far

Flu shot better than last year, despite tough season for kids

Context matters.

Sophomore Quiet
1.2.26  katrix  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.25    5 years ago

Amazing how partisanship kills brain cells, isn't it? While defending their orange god to their deaths, they hate everything Obama just because.

Junior Quiet
1.2.27  KDMichigan  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.22    5 years ago
which is why I tried to post links

In a failed attempt to prove me wrong.

In FY 2010, the budget request for CDC funding was $6.31 billion. 
In FY 2011, it was $6.26 billion. That year the Prevention and Public Health Fund helped soften the blow by adding $610 million.
In FY 2012, the budget request was $5.81 billion while the Prevention and Public Health Fund helped soften the blow by adding $752 million. 
In FY 2013, the budget request was $4.99 billion, while the Prevention and Public Health Fund helped soften the blow by adding $903 million. 
In FY 2014, the budget request was $5.22 billion, while the Prevention and Public Health Fund helped soften the blow by adding $755 million. 
In FY 2015, the budget request is $5.39 billion, while the Prevention and Public Health Fund is expected to add an additional $809 million.

Golly Gee wilikers it kind of looks like king Obama cut the CDC budget a lot.

Junior Quiet
1.2.28  KDMichigan  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.25    5 years ago
So you have nothing, again.

Have enough to back up my statement that you are struggling horribly to disprove. 


It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2.29  It Is ME  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.24    5 years ago
"an impulse to go off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"

Did I say thaaaaaaaaaat ? jrSmiley_88_smiley_image.gif

PhD Quiet
1.2.30  igknorantzrulz  replied to  KDMichigan @1.2.27    5 years ago


Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.31  Split Personality  replied to  KDMichigan @1.2.28    5 years ago

Again you will take the HUFFPO figures as gospel over the governments own websites? jrSmiley_98_smiley_image.gif

The CDC links, if you bothered to look, include all actual CDC funding from all sources.

Golly Gee wilikers it kind of looks like king Obama cut the CDC budget a lot.

Yep, you are comparing budget requests by a POTUS to actual monies funded as reported in the official CDC annual reports.

I have stated here and else where that Trump's suggested budget cuts were in fact ignored by Congress

the same way that Obama's budgets were ignored...

But just keep digging, it is amusing ...

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.32  Split Personality  replied to  It Is ME @1.2.29    5 years ago

No, you said "obsured"

I provide the definition

but think it is appropriate given your "style" of commenting.jrSmiley_82_smiley_image.gif

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.2.33  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.31    5 years ago

Apples and bananas there SP. One is actual direct from Congress (which was the topic) funding and their budget reflecting all incoming support.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2.34  It Is ME  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.32    5 years ago
No, you said "obsured"

I provide the definition

but think it is appropriate given your "style" of commenting.

ooooohhhhh ……. "AD"- libbing ! jrSmiley_89_smiley_image.gif

Employed by CNN ? jrSmiley_87_smiley_image.gif

Junior Quiet
1.2.35  KDMichigan  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.25    5 years ago

Now you are trying to put words in my mouth, Sealioning from you? say it isn't so.

Lets get back to my original posts you are trying to spin and sputter your way out of after your failed attempt to refute it.

Well at least President Trump didn't cut funding to the CDC like the 'son of a bitch' obama did. Not to mention the 12,000 plus deaths and 61 million people infected because of his failed lead from behind policies.

You haven't refuted shit other than now you have resorted to 'But Trump'. Fucking Hillaryious.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.36  Split Personality  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.2.33    5 years ago
Apples and bananas there SP.

Exactly my point, thanks.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.2.37  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.36    5 years ago

The subject was the administration's funding proposed by POTUS Obama. You're being a bit obtuse it would seem following the thread. You be you though.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.38  Split Personality  replied to  KDMichigan @1.2.35    5 years ago
Well at least President Trump didn't cut funding to the CDC like the 'son of a bitch' obama did.

Well the truth be told, which  you seem incapable of grasping, is that both Obama & Trump have made budget requests, up and down for the CDC which Congress has ignored and will probably continue to ignore. Neither has managed to decrease the CDC funding yet.

just keep spinning...


but Obama, and Hillary jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.39  Split Personality  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.2.37    5 years ago

Sorry Jim, Obama was not in anyway the topic of the seed, but someone just had to get a dig in at Obama

and the seeder hasn't interfered ( yet )

Well at least President Trump didn't cut funding to the CDC like the 'son of a bitch' obama did. Not to mention the 12,000 plus deaths and 61 million people infected because of his failed lead from behind policies.

I don't see the words "proposed funding" in there. I just see pointless ODS.

You be you also.jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif

Junior Quiet
1.2.40  KDMichigan  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.2.37    5 years ago
You're being a bit obtuse it would seem following the thread. You be you though

He is just trying to get a rise out of me, He can spin and sputter all he want but he still hasn't refuted shit, but he did get some cheerleaders to jump in and start throwing insults my way. Take notice their comments stand while my saying that's his forte was removed 5 seconds after I posted it.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.2.41  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.39    5 years ago

It should have read POTUS and Obama.....................

Sparty On
Professor Expert
1.2.42  Sparty On  replied to  KDMichigan @1.2.40    5 years ago

The main thing is that they read it.  

Sometimes that is worth a coupon just so they know they ain't bullshitting anyone.

No matter what they say afterwards ..... which is usually pretty entertaining.

Junior Quiet
1.2.43  KDMichigan  replied to  Split Personality @1.2.38    5 years ago

Yup just another bullshit post, still haven't refuted shit.


Junior Quiet
1.2.44  KDMichigan  replied to  katrix @1.2.26    5 years ago
Amazing how partisanship kills brain cells, isn't it?

Yes it is isn't it? 

Proglibs are defiantly struggling with their TDS ever since the anointed one Hillaryious Hillary lost a rigged election. I can't wait till November, 4 more years of sniveling and crying is going to be awesome.


Split Personality
Professor Guide
2  Split Personality    5 years ago

"what goes around comes around" or What ye sow, so shall ye reap"

Mr Trump was far less confident about the US handling of Ebola under his predecessor, according to a series of his tweets from 2014, the virus was spreading from Africa to various parts of the world.
Mr Trump was demanding at the time that US officials halt anyone coming into the country from parts of the world where cases of Ebola had been confirmed, while launching incendiary claims about “the plague”. 

“The US must immediately stop all flights from EBOLA infected countries,” he wrote in August 2014, “or the plague will start and spread inside our ‘borders.’” 

He added: “Act fast!” 

In another July tweet, Mr Trump slammed US officials as “incompetent” amid reports that a patient with a confirmed Ebola case was being brought into the US. 

He attacked Mr Obama as “a psycho” in the posts, writing: “I am starting to think that there is something seriously wrong with President Obama’s mental health.” 

Senior Guide
2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Split Personality @2    5 years ago

Professor Guide
2.2  Tacos!  replied to  Split Personality @2    5 years ago

When the criticism on Monday is overreaction, but the criticism on Friday is under-reaction, that’s a good sign that it’s not genuine criticism, but partisan tomato-throwing.

Senior Guide
2.2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Tacos! @2.2    5 years ago

That is the bottom line here. Pure TDS inspired hypocrisy.  

Sophomore Quiet
2.2.3  katrix  replied to    5 years ago

There are cases in Canada, too - but like Trump, I guess it's just brown people you want to keep out.

Sophomore Quiet
2.2.5  katrix  replied to    5 years ago

You're the one who was whining about the border with Mexico while not saying a word about the border with Canada. People can draw whatever conclusions they want from that.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.2.6  Split Personality  replied to    5 years ago

I think this is the second time you have implied that there is a danger from Mexico, when it fact they could make the case that they are in more danger from California, than we are of them.

Zero reported cases in TX, AZ & NM, so far.

user image
Freshman Silent
2.2.7    replied to  katrix @2.2.5    5 years ago

We don't have caravans of people trying to illegally cross our northern border, so there's that.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.3  Split Personality  replied to  Split Personality @2    5 years ago
In another July tweet, Mr Trump slammed US officials as “incompetent” amid reports that a patient with a confirmed Ebola case was being brought into the US.

We ( the US government) brought home 43 American passengers from the Princess cruise ship to Travis AFB,

18 of whom later tested positive for coronavirus.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3  Sparty On    5 years ago

Maybe this is the big city Dems plan.  

Let the Corona virus burn through the homeless encampments ........ problem solved eh?

Sophomore Quiet
3.2  katrix  replied to  Sparty On @3    5 years ago
Let the Corona virus burn through the homeless encampments ........ problem solved eh?

Sounds like something Trump would fully support.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.1  Sparty On  replied to  katrix @3.2    5 years ago

He's not the one with the problem so irrelevant.

Sophomore Quiet
3.2.2  katrix  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.1    5 years ago
He's not the one with the problem so irrelevant.

He's the one in charge of the pandemic response - so it's absolutely not irrelevant.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.3  Sparty On  replied to  katrix @3.2.2    5 years ago

My comment was related to homeless encampments.   Allowed and managed by local governments, not Trump.    They built it, not Trump.   They are responsible for it first, not Trump.

Sophomore Quiet
3.2.4  katrix  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.3    5 years ago

What do you suggest they do with the homeless people, lock them up?

Professor Principal
3.2.5  JohnRussell  replied to  katrix @3.2.4    5 years ago

I wonder if suggesting a potentially deadly disease should strike a group of people (the homeless) counts as death wishing. 

As I recall, a "liberal" member of this forum had his article locked after he joked about Trump, rather than his supporters, being the victim in the middle of 5th avenue. 

Illegal or Unethical Content Death wishing of a public figure is prohibited.
Professor Principal
3.2.6  JohnRussell  replied to  katrix @3.2.4    5 years ago

There is a writer named Anand Giridharadas.  Despite his exotic name he is a born in the U.S. American. For the past couple years he has been writing and lecturing on billionaires, somewhat along the lines that Bernie Sanders does. 

Yesterday I looked at my You Tube recommendations and there was a video featuring Giridharadas. In this video the subject of San Francisco comes up.  Giridharadas notes that there are 7400 homeless in SF. (I suppose this was roughly the figure at the time the video was made). He also notes there are 74 billionaires in the SF metro area.  Giridharadas notes the incongruence of homeless in the presence of such great wealth. 

In other words, our society is doing something gravely wrong. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.7  Sparty On  replied to  katrix @3.2.4    5 years ago

Good question but letting them inflict themselves in those cities, onto rest of the public is not the answer and unfair to everyone else.  

People who are homeless by choice will never get fixed.   Those who are homeless without choice are fixable through jobs training and other outreach programs.   But only the willing can be fixed and they all aren't willing.   Which is a huge part of the problem.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.8  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.5    5 years ago
I wonder if suggesting a potentially deadly disease should strike a group of people (the homeless) counts as death wishing.

As i have already mentioned here once, my comment was clearly intended to be tongue in cheek.   On the other hand most of your hateful posts, that you post here daily, are sincere.   You clearly mean them.   You have no high ground to stand on John.   You are well below sea level on a regular basis here.

Sophomore Quiet
3.2.10  katrix  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.7    5 years ago

Trump could do more on the national level to address mental illness - a very high percent of the homeless are mentally ill. And what about his grand plan to address opiate addiction?

And if it's not the answer - again, if they are "homeless by choice" what do you propose doing with them?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.11  Sparty On  replied to  Tessylo @3.2.9    5 years ago

Now i know i'm on the right track if you disagree.   thx!

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.12  Sparty On  replied to  katrix @3.2.10    5 years ago
Trump could do more on the national level to address mental illness - 

Lets since i've been voting ..... so could have Reagan, Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush and Obama and every state government since they started shutting down state hospitals and pushed meds and outpatient care  ..... but got your shot in on Trump so you feel better today.   Got it.  

And if it's not the answer - again, if they are "homeless by choice" what do you propose doing with them?

As i said, good question but inflicting them on the rest of the citizens is certainly not the automatic answer.   How do you propose to protecting everyone else from the homeless by choice?   There is a helluva lot more of those folks than homeless by choice.

Sophomore Quiet
3.2.13  katrix  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.12    5 years ago
but got your shot in on Trump so you feel better today.   Got it.  

Well, you're blaming liberal cities for homelessness ... I assume you feel better today for doing that.

Texas has a lot of homeless people, too - but it's all partisan to you.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.14  Sparty On  replied to  katrix @3.2.13    5 years ago

I never blamed only "liberal" cities but the fact remains the biggest homeless problems are in liberally controlled big cities.   Which is why Dem cities were pointed out.

Still waiting for an answer to my question.   What would you do with the homeless by choice?   Status quo or what?

Professor Principal
3.2.15  Ender  replied to  katrix @3.2.13    5 years ago

Can only smh. donald complains about homeless people makes it a talking point, points blame and all the while is doing nothing himself about it.

When that is pointed out it is considered taking a shot at donald.

Twisted logic.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.16  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @3.2.15    5 years ago

And how often do you volunteer in homeless shelters?   I do ....  regularly.

Your self righteous indignation is noted and is simple SOSDD for this place.

Professor Principal
3.2.17  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.8    5 years ago
On the other hand most of your hateful posts, that you post here daily, are sincere.   You clearly mean them.

I only know members through their comments and seeds. I only know a couple of them in a more personal way, and it is strictly on line. 

My comments about ridiculous right wing posts refer only to their comments.  I don't "hate" anyone. 

Professor Principal
3.2.18  JohnRussell  replied to  katrix @3.2.10    5 years ago

Katrix, we live in a culture of winners and losers, which is magnified a hundred times by the presence of Donald Trump as the national "leader. 

If this society was not abnormally fascinated by the wealthy we would be taxing extreme wealth much more than we do and using that money to everyone's benefit. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
Professor Principal
3.2.20  Ender  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.14    5 years ago

The fact is the larger the city the larger the homeless problem. Common sense, more people. Imo it has nothing to do with being run by Democrats or republicans. The problem would still be there, unless they were removed by force.

Here in my city of about 45 to 50k we have homeless. When I lived near the beach I use to get them in my backyard and this is a very red place. Putting blame on either political party is a misnomer.

Fact is, a lot of them don't want help and even given help would end up right back where they were. The main thing they do here is open shelters when cold and meal programs.

I say, if anything, focus should be made. Focus on families, children and people that would want help.

Sophomore Quiet
3.2.21  katrix  replied to  Sparty On @3.2.14    5 years ago
What would you do with the homeless by choice?   Status quo or what?

What you call "homeless by choice" is generally a person who is mentally ill, an addict, or both. Treatment is the best option, but many of them are resistant to treatment. Forced treatment doesn't seem to work well because it still takes a lot of effort and desire on the part of the person being treated. Do we commit those who are mentally ill? I recall the horrific abuses in our mental health system in the past, so I just don't know. Jailing them isn't an approach I would take, so what else can we do?

Many big cities are more liberal due to their diversity and lack of isolation, and the cost of living is often higher in cities. There are also generally more services like shelters and soup kitchens and even dumpsters in cities. So it would make sense that the homeless tend to congregate in those places (especially in warmer cities). In SF, much of the homelessness is due to the high cost of living. For people who aren't mentally ill, who are working and who just can't afford to live there, I don't know what other option there is other than for them to find a job somewhere where there is a cheaper cost of living.

Sophomore Quiet
3.2.22  katrix  replied to  Ender @3.2.20    5 years ago
Fact is, a lot of them don't want help and even given help would end up right back where they were. The main thing they do here is open shelters when cold and meal programs. I say, if anything, focus should be made. Focus on families, children and people that would want help.

Unfortunately, that sounds about right. Even if the government did focus more of an effort on mental illness, many of the mentally ill don't want treatment, and neither do many addicts. Many of them won't even go into a shelter because they refuse to deal with the rules (or in some cases, the violence) in those places. We've never had a good way to deal with mental illness. We could at least try to do better for those who want help, as you said. And maybe a program to help those who are working but can't afford the cost of living to find a job elsewhere and relocate.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
3.2.23  Sparty On  replied to  katrix @3.2.21    5 years ago
What you call "homeless by choice" is generally a person who is mentally ill, an addict, or both.

While this may true for about only 25% of the homeless population,  i know a few truly "homeless by choice" in my own town who are fully capable of leading a productive "non-homeless" existence but "choose" not to.   It is 100% their choice to be homeless.   For some it is the ultimate expression of being free.   Free from any responsibility whatsoever.

I interact with them regularly in the shelters i volunteer in and they could care less what you and i are arguing about here.   They just know where to go to get a free hot meal and a free shower and hopefully a free warm clean bed to sleep on at night.

They gladly foist themselves on the kindness of their neighbors.   Yup, no problem at all letting others take care of them.   You aren't fixing that.

Senior Guide
3.2.24  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  katrix @3.2.22    5 years ago

Professor Principal
4  Ender    5 years ago

Why is it that conservatives can say the most disgusting, despicable things yet only the Democrats get blamed.

Tired of sheer hypocrisy, blaming and finger pointing, if not down right sick rhetoric from the right.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @4    5 years ago

Ah c'mon man.   With all the despicable things said here every day, day in and day out.   Many of them by leftists.   This is what you choose to vent your moral outrage on?   A clearly tongue in cheek comment?

Amazing, simply amazing!

Professor Principal
4.1.1  Ender  replied to  Sparty On @4.1    5 years ago

Sorry but it pisses me off. When we have don Jr saying despicable things and even the VP almost defending and adding his blame...

It is like there is two sets of standards. One for republicans and one for everyone else.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.2  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @4.1.1    5 years ago
It is like there is two sets of standards. One for republicans and one for everyone else.


There is much worse coming out every day from the left and most of it is not meant to be tongue and cheek in the least.   It is meant 100% with no apologies forthcoming ... ever.   Those don't seem to upset you.

Sorry but the double standard is yours

Professor Principal
4.1.3  Ender  replied to  Sparty On @4.1.2    5 years ago

What is worse? I haven't seen it.

If you mean criticism about donald...

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.4  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @4.1.3    5 years ago

Really?   You are honestly asking that?   I said it was much worse because their is clearly more of it bombarding this site almost daily and didn't mean it was worse by incident per se. 

If you can't see that then there isn't really much point to discussing this any further.

Professor Principal
4.1.5  Ender  replied to  Sparty On @4.1.4    5 years ago

So no examples?

The way I see it is donald calls people names like a juvenile. Mini, shifty, Pocahontas...

And his followers jump on board and start doing the same. Then when someone on the left calls him a name back the response is...see they do it too...

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.6  katrix  replied to  Ender @4.1.5    5 years ago

Yep. A righty in here yesterday called Mayor Pete "buttiplug" - Trump has made these folks think it's normal to hate, and OK to do it publicly.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.7  Sparty On  replied to  Ender @4.1.5    5 years ago

Ah yes .... the old two wrongs makes a right gambit ..... very well played sir.   Very well played ..... /S

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.8  Sparty On  replied to  katrix @4.1.6    5 years ago

I'll leave you two to the slap fight you seem to have want here.   Not interested.   

If you want to discuss this honestly and sincerely let me know.  

Otherwise, i've said my piece, i'm out.

Professor Principal
4.1.9  Ender  replied to  katrix @4.1.6    5 years ago

The sad part is, when someone fights back it is just used as ammunition.

Almost gives some a justification to continue.

Professor Principal
4.1.10  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @4.1    5 years ago

Who are the "leftists" on this site ? I have my doubts that there are any.  There are a ton of moderates though. and the right. 

"Leftists" support Bernie sanders. I dont recall seeing a single person on this site say they are specifically supporting Sanders for president. 

One of the shortcomings of Newstalkers is there are not any "leftists" to present that point of view. I do it a little, usually to very little response, but I am not really a "leftist".  I am not politically correct, not a tree hugger or a trans gender advocate. 

I would vote for Sanders in a heartbeat though. He is a far far far far far better choice than Donald Trump.

It would be interesting to see if anyone on here considers themselves a "leftist" . I seriously doubt it after reading comments. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.11  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.10    5 years ago
Who are the "leftists" on this site ? I have my doubts that there are any.

Thanks for the belly laugh this morning John.

You are the best!

Professor Principal
4.1.12  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @4.1.11    5 years ago

Maybe you dont know what a leftist is.   Not my problem. 

I do note you couldnt name one though. 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
4.1.13  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Ender @4.1.5    5 years ago

From before the election, we have this collection of "labels".

Tangerine twatwaffle

Mango Mussolini

Adolph twitler

Butternut bigot


Fuck face von Clownstick

Hair Hitler

Orange anus

Stubby baby fingers

The Dumpster

The angry cheeto

and I am sure there hundreds more most of which are from late night dumbasses and liberal, so called, comedians. And these are just the ones that I remember seeing.......here and at the old NV

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
4.1.14  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.10    5 years ago
It would be interesting to see if anyone on here considers themselves a "leftist" . I seriously doubt it after reading comments. 

You honestly think they are going to admit it?...........hahahaHAHAHA

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
4.1.17  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.15    5 years ago

Hypocrisy.................you know that.

Professor Principal
4.1.19  JohnRussell  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @4.1.13    5 years ago

Personally I dont often use names like that. It is a little juvenile .  I prefer images like this one. 


Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.20  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.19    5 years ago

True your attacks don't usually resort to sophomoric name calling like some other children use here but your comments are no less full of vitriol and hatred towards Trump and/or anyone who in your mind supports Trump more than you think they should.

Once again John, you have little to no high ground here.

Professor Principal
4.1.21  Ender  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @4.1.13    5 years ago

And those are all aimed at one individual, not lambasting the whole of republicans.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.22  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.12    5 years ago
Maybe you dont know what a leftist is.

There it is.   The requisite, and some say inevitable, lack of intelligence attack.   Another leftist tactic.

I know a leftist when i see one John and I read your stuff here regularly.

Professor Principal
4.1.23  JohnRussell  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.16    5 years ago

well, you can call yourself whatever you want, but not many leftists support joe biden as a first choice. 

Professor Principal
4.1.24  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @4.1.22    5 years ago

lol. If you think there are a lot of leftists on newstalkers you clearly dont know what the term means

Professor Principal
4.1.25  JohnRussell  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.16    5 years ago

Urban Dictionary: Leftist

Leftist unknown A person belonging to the political left and usually identifying with the radical, anti capitalist, or revolutionary sectors of left politics. Includes   anarchists , marxists, communists, socialists, and all other explicitly radical left ideologies.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.26  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.24    5 years ago

Lol .... i don't think i'm the one with comprehension problems here

From Collins Dictionary:


(lɛftɪst )
Word forms: leftists
countable noun
A leftist is someone who supports the ideas of the political left.
You've gone full blown wackadoodle on this one John.

Professor Principal
4.1.27  Ender  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.23    5 years ago

I don't know what I would consider myself as both parties can disgust me.

I am a tree hugger, I support trans people and I actually like the idea of Medicare for all.

Yet Bernie gets on my nerves and I do not think he is electable in a national election.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
4.1.28  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.18    5 years ago


Professor Principal
4.1.29  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @4.1.20    5 years ago

I dont hate Trump. He has never , for one minute, been qualified or fit to be president of the United States.  Thats not my fault, it's the fault of the people that voted for him. 

Trump has been president for three years. The same number of people that opposed him three years ago , every day, still oppose him today, every day.  If he is president for another term he will be opposed , every day, for four more years. He's not fit for office. 

The shame is that the "deplorables" keep propping the pos up. 

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.30  katrix  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @4.1.13    5 years ago
and I am sure there hundreds more most of which are from late night dumbasses and liberal, so called, comedians. And these are just the ones that I remember seeing.......here and at the old NV

Perhaps if Trump didn't constantly insult everyone, he wouldn't have been called so many names. Poor Snowflake In Chief - his fans can dish it out but they can't take it.

And perhaps you're forgetting "Obammy" and other crap people called Obama, even though he didn't go around insulting others like Trump does.

Dipshit Donnie gets the derision he deserves - if he doesn't like it, he can try to act like an adult for once in his life.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.31  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.29    5 years ago

And i rest my case .....

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
4.1.32  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  katrix @4.1.30    5 years ago
Perhaps if Trump didn't constantly insult everyone, he wouldn't have been called so many names.

So it's okay cuz "he's doing it too". That is a bit hypocritical. But not unexpected.

Professor Principal
4.1.33  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @4.1.26    5 years ago
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is squarely   liberal in the mode of the Clintons . He was a supporter of NAFTA and championed the market-based Affordable Care Act over   universal health care .

Other major contenders remain a bit of a mystery on where they stand on the liberal-left divide. Some   observers thought   Kamala Harris avoided tipping her hat in her recent biography; while Pete Buttigieg is also hard to   pin down .

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are left-leaning. They’re   both   in favor of a national health insurance, and   call for   an end to private health insurance to make the system work. They’re   both   for tax changes that would take more income from the wealthy   in order to   bolster Social Security and other welfare. They’re   both   for greater regulations on the banking and lending industry and the   creation of   post office banking.

Voters need to understand the fundamental differences between liberalism and leftism. It’s the difference between a candidate who believes capitalism, with just a little refereeing, will eventually provide what working people need, versus a candidate who believes serious intervention in the capitalist economy is necessary.

Professor Principal
4.1.34  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @4.1.31    5 years ago

Typical. You rested your case without making it. 

Professor Principal
4.1.35  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @4.1.26    5 years ago

Is Joe Biden a "leftist"  ? 

PhD Quiet
4.1.36  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sparty On @4.1.31    5 years ago

And i rest my case .....

shouldn't it have to work


before you

give it a rest already, cause you have assumed the spokepersonship, for many

as a whole,      around here of the hypocrisy hillbilly heathen and thievin of what is considered


round here.

So as Hypocrit in chief, what is the next attempt at attackin the Left  out on an island...?

an island so many here can't quite apparently swim out to, so as the 'Phat' guy swattin persons with your Captains hat, asz ewe Gingerly attempt to Marry An simultaniously be divorced from reality,

can we ask


cause professor,

here on Perrie Gulligans aisle, some thing stinks, when leaders can't see Y they trip over the pew

Professor Principal
4.1.37  JohnRussell  replied to  Ender @4.1.27    5 years ago

I think people can be a mix. Probably only the activists are pure in their ideology. 

In today's parlance "leftist" definitely means people to the left of Obama, Clinton and Biden though. Leftists are impatient with the pace of change toward a more egalitarian economy. I think Sanders and AOC probably fall in as "leftists" and there are some others in Congress, but they are a noticeable minority. 

Is Nancy Pelosi a leftist?  


Professor Principal
4.1.40  JohnRussell  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.38    5 years ago

If you want to be a leftist you can be a leftist. 

I dont know why you want to play into the right's misconceptions though. 

Professor Principal
4.1.41  JohnRussell  replied to  Tessylo @4.1.39    5 years ago


Do you want me to post 50 articles explaining the difference between "liberal" and "leftist"?  I can do that if you want. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.42  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.41    5 years ago


Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.43  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.34    5 years ago

You're the only one who doesn't see it John.    Well maybe a few others here of like mind with you but that's about it.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.44  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.35    5 years ago

By definition, yes, yes he is.

And i'm talking a real, established definition, like the one that i shared with you above.  

Not some nonsensical definition, made up on the spot by some TDS ridden, left wing wackadoodle in attempt to support some leftist narrative du jour.

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.45  Sparty On  replied to  igknorantzrulz @4.1.36    5 years ago

Tea kettle

Pop rocks

Banana spider


Bernoulli equation

Bud ....

Professor Principal
4.1.46  JohnRussell  replied to  Sparty On @4.1.44    5 years ago

If you think Joe Biden is a leftist you are too clueless to waste any more time on. 

Sparty On
Professor Expert
4.1.47  Sparty On  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.46    5 years ago

Your Ad Hominem attack aside, if you think he is not, then you are only trying to redefine the term.

A popular pastime these days for our pals on the left it seems and its just as futile an effort as it has ever been.

Actions like this in 2020 are going to help make 2016 look like a free Government cheese convention to our pals on the left.

Senior Guide
4.1.48  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Sparty On @4.1.43    5 years ago

Senior Guide
4.1.49  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.46    5 years ago

Biden isn’t as far left as Sanders but his record and comments show him to be well left of center.

Senior Guide
4.1.50  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell @4.1.29    5 years ago

Yes we do and proudly so.  He’s done a great job regardless what you thought or think of him.  He is most certainly fit to be President now.  

Junior Quiet
4.2  KDMichigan  replied to  Ender @4    5 years ago
despicable things yet only the Democrats get blamed.

You must be new here.

Professor Principal
5  JohnRussell    5 years ago

This is what appears at the top of this seed

Redirection: Abuse Trump For Coronavirus, And Ignore The Homeless Stew Boiling In Democrat-Controlled Cities

Community   »   Discussions   »   Category   » News & Politics »
The article does not reasonably fall into the category of "News and Politics". In fact it is strictly a far right opinion piece , written by............

Dave King

In other words this article was written , not by a professional journalist, not by a political reporter, but someone likely just like you or me.  The article is no different in source from what someone from NT might write and post.  The seeder regularly seeds from Conservative DailyNews, which is not a news source, it is a web site that prints home made op/eds from regular people.  Like Dave King. 
Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
5.1  Dean Moriarty  replied to  JohnRussell @5    5 years ago

He sounds like he would fit right in here. I sent him an invite to join NTers. We could use more citizen journalists like him. 

Professor Principal
5.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Dean Moriarty @5.1    5 years ago

I doubt this site needs any more rwnj. 

Senior Guide
5.1.3  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell @5.1.1    5 years ago

Well it certainly has no need of more LWNJ members here.  

Senior Guide
5.1.4  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dean Moriarty @5.1    5 years ago

I hope he accepts but I don’t think many conservatives who aren’t already here would stick around with the restrictions we have.  

Senior Guide
5.1.5  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Dean Moriarty @5.1    5 years ago

I think we should invite the writers who contribute to American Thinker The Stream, Breitbart and others to join as individuals.  

Senior Guide
5.1.6  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  XXJefferson51 @5.1.5    5 years ago

Add chicks on the Right to that list...

Senior Guide
5.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell @5    5 years ago

So when will democrats take on homelessness and other problems that exist in the cities they have ruled over non stop for decades to half a century or more?  Where is their accountability?  

Senior Guide
5.2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  XXJefferson51 @5.2    5 years ago


Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
6  Thrawn 31    5 years ago

Hey [removed,] how about instead of making my job harder you just tell people to wash their nasty hands and not touch their face?

Senior Guide
6.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Thrawn 31 @6    5 years ago

Please don’t pollute my seeds with that kind of language.  

Professor Participates
7  bugsy    5 years ago

I truly and honestly believe that because of the full hatred of this president by liberals, if Obama, Biden, Bernie and Warren all came out and announced tomorrow that they have found an immediate vaccine and cure from the corona virus, liberals would instantly hate those people for 2 reasons..

1. The found the cure during the Trump admin and

2. It would help Trump politically.

Many liberals cannot help but to hate just because a man's name is not Hillary.

Senior Guide
7.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  bugsy @7    5 years ago

You have it so right on in describing those people.  


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