
Trump says he's taking malaria drug to protect against virus


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  sister-mary-agnes-ample-bottom  •  5 years ago  •  438 comments


Trump says he's taking malaria drug to protect against virus
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Monday that he is taking a malaria drug to protect against the new coronavirus, despite warnings from his own government that it should only be administered for COVID-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects. Trump told reporters he has been taking the drug, hydroxychloroquine, and a zinc supplement daily "for about a week and a half now." Trump spent weeks pushing...

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump said Monday that he is taking a malaria drug to protect against the new coronavirus, despite warnings from his own government that it should only be administered for COVID-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

Trump told reporters he has been taking the drug, hydroxychloroquine, and a zinc supplement daily "for about a week and a half now." Trump spent weeks pushing the drug as a potential cure or prophylaxis for COVID-19 against the cautionary advice of many of his administration's top medical professionals. The drug has the potential to cause significant side effects in some patients and has not been shown to combat the new coronavirus.

Trump said his doctor did not recommend the drug to him, but he requested it from the White House physician.

"I started taking it, because I think it's good," Trump said. "I've heard a lot of good stories."

The Food and Drug Administration warned health professionals last month that the drug should not be used to treat COVID-19 outside of hospital or research settings, due to sometimes fatal side effects. Regulators issued the alert for the drug, which can also be used to treat lupus and arthritis, after receiving reports of heart-rhythm problems, including deaths, from poison control centers and other health providers.

Trump dismissed reports of side effects, saying, "All I can tell you is, so far I seem to be OK."

At least two White House staffers tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this month, sparking concerns about the steps taken by the administration to protect the president and sending Vice President Mike Pence and other officials into varying forms of self-isolation.

The White House has since mandated that those in the West Wing wear face coverings and has introduced daily testing for the virus for the president, vice president and those they come in close contact with.

Trump last underwent an "interim" checkup in a November visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that was not noted on his public schedule. His last complete physical took place in February 2019.

Trump has repeatedly pushed the use of the drug with or without the antibiotic azithromycin, but no large, rigorous studies have found them safe or effective for preventing or treating COVID-19.

Two large observational studies, each involving around 1,400 patients in New York, recently found no benefit from hydroxychloroquine. Two new ones published Thursday in the medical journal BMJ reached the same conclusion.

One, by French researchers, gave 84 hospitalized patients the drug and 97 others the usual care. There were no differences in the odds of death, need for intensive care or developing severe illness.

The other study from China was a stricter test: 150 adults hospitalized with mild or moderate illness were randomly assigned to get hydroxychloroquine or usual care. The drug made no difference in rates of clearing the virus or time to relief of symptoms, and they brought more side effects.

In April, the National Institutes of Health launched a study testing hydroxychloroquine versus a placebo drug in 500 hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Last week, NIH announced another study to see if hydroxychloroquine plus azithromycin can prevent hospitalization or death in people with mild to moderate illness. About 2,000 U.S. adults with confirmed coronavirus infections and symptoms such as fever, cough or shortness of breath will get the drugs or placebo pills.

U.S. prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine surged roughly 80% in March to more than 830,000 compared with same period in the prior year, according to data tracking firm IQVIA. That jump in prescribing came before the federal government accepted nearly 30 million doses of the drug donated to the strategic national stockpile by foreign drugmakers. Since then, millions of those tablets have been shipped to U.S. hospitals nationwide for use treating patients with COVID-19.


jrDiscussion - desc
Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
1  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom    5 years ago

I don't even know what to say about this.

Junior Silent
1.1  Gazoo  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1    5 years ago

How about saying you wish our president well?

Professor Principal
1.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Gazoo @1.1    5 years ago

fuck trump

Junior Silent
1.1.2  Gazoo  replied to  JohnRussell @1.1.1    5 years ago


Junior Silent
1.1.4  Gazoo  replied to  Tessylo @1.1.3    5 years ago

Oh i’m sorry, i thought adults were having a discussion.

[I hesitated to even ticket this as there is plenty of taunting going on in this thread and article that isn't being flagged, and more direct insults are being thrown at this member than the sarcasm here.  Everybody just chill out and cool it with the taunting, and if you are going to flag someone for taunting, at least be fair about it. - Freewill]

Junior Silent
1.1.6  Gazoo  replied to  Tessylo @1.1.5    5 years ago

Awww geez, if only i had acted more childish.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.1.8  It Is ME  replied to  Tessylo @1.1.7    5 years ago
Some folks can certainly dish it out but not take it. 


Quote from comment 1.1.7  Tessylo  replied to  Gazoo @ 1.1.4 :

"That's one of the reasons I don't participate so much here now."

Professor Principal
1.1.9  JohnRussell  replied to  Gazoo @1.1.2    5 years ago


Professor Principal
1.2  JohnRussell  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1    5 years ago

The actor that played Eddie Haskell died today. 

Ken Osmond, the actor best known for playing Eddie Haskell on the classic sitcom Leave It to Beaver before leaving the industry to become a police officer, died Monday at his home in Los Angeles, Variety reports. He was 76.

A cause of death was not immediately available, though Osmond’s former partner in the Los Angeles Police Department said he suffered from respiratory issues. Osmond’s son Eric said in a statement, “He was an incredibly kind and wonderful father. He had his family gathered around him when he passed. He was loved and will be very missed.”


Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
1.2.1  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  JohnRussell @1.2    5 years ago

Did he have Covid-19?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
1.2.2  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  JohnRussell @1.2    5 years ago

I guess that would be relevant if he were taking hydroxychloroquine.

Senior Guide
1.2.4  XXJefferson51  replied to  dennis smith @1.2.3    5 years ago

But if Trump merely suggests something might work then it’s katie bar the door in the efforts to denigrate it and make it next to impossible to get.  The anti side on this issue is driven by nothing but TDS.  

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.2.5  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1.2.1    5 years ago


Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
1.2.6  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1.2.1    5 years ago
Did he have Covid-19?

This question to John was intended as a gentle re-direct back to the topic at hand.

In addition, to those saying that Trump's health is none of my business, I beg to differ.  He works for me.  When his health comes into question, I'm going to say something about it, just as I would with any other president.

Professor Guide
1.2.7  Dulay  replied to  dennis smith @1.2.3    5 years ago

Yet Trump's Doctor DID make a public statement about it and failed to confirm that Trump is actually taking the drug. 


Professor Participates
1.2.8  1stwarrior  replied to  Dulay @1.2.7    5 years ago

Trump said his doctor did not recommend the drug to him, but he requested it from the White House physician.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.2.9  Split Personality  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.2.4    5 years ago

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.2.10  Trout Giggles  replied to  1stwarrior @1.2.8    5 years ago

He requested it and the doctor gave it to him?

Well all righty then.

Let him keep taking it

Professor Guide
1.2.12  Tacos!  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1.2.6    5 years ago
When his health comes into question, I'm going to say something about it, just as I would with any other president.

I can see why you would be concerned for his health. I think we all should be. But I don't think it's our place to judge the medical decisions he makes for himself. He and his doctor know far more about his body than we do. He still has the right to make those calls.

Professor Guide
1.2.13  Dulay  replied to  1stwarrior @1.2.8    5 years ago

The WH physician is the one that failed to confirm that Trump is taking the drug. Feel free to go review his press release. It's crafted very carefully. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
1.2.14  Raven Wing   replied to  Dulay @1.2.13    5 years ago
The WH physician is the one that failed to confirm that Trump is taking the drug.

Why should the WH Doctor lie for Trump. That Doctor will still be in practice long after Trump is out of office, so why should he jeopardize his own career and reputation to lie for someone who is a better liar than anyone else could be and ruin his own lifes career. 

He would be a total idiot to lie, or even broadly hint that Trump was taking the drug he says he is. And I doubt that that Doctor made sure that Trump knew about all the dangerous side effects, if he is indeed taking the drug. Which in itself may be just one more lie on Trumps part to promote the sale of the drug to increase his investment return.

Professor Guide
1.2.15  Dulay  replied to  Raven Wing @1.2.14    5 years ago
Why should the WH Doctor lie for Trump.

After reading his press release, and it's careful wording, it's obvious to me that the WH Doctor didn't prescribe HCQ to Trump. He was too much of a pussy to deny Trump's claim in plain language but he also doesn't seem to want to out and out lie. Hence his equivocation. 

BTW, those in the employ of this WH seem to have one basic thing in common; an utter lack of intestinal fortitude. I have yet to see one resign on principle, other than Mattis of course. 

Professor Expert
1.2.16  CB  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1.2.6    5 years ago

Exactly. We have a right to know if Trump's eyes are rolling around in his head (more than usual), because of some 'meds.'

H. R. Puff N Stuff and friend.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
1.2.17  Raven Wing   replied to  Dulay @1.2.15    5 years ago
BTW, those in the employ of this WH seem to have one basic thing in common; an utter lack of intestinal fortitude. I have yet to see one resign on principle, other than Mattis of course. 

Well....If they didn't know what kind of person Trump was before he was elected as POTUS they certainly should by now. IMHO, anyone at this pint that takes a job at the WH, or anywhere near Trump, should know they are risking their reputation, to say nothing of their own freedom, by working for or with him. They should understand that working for him in any capacity makes them a potential scapegoat for anything and everything that comes Trumps way.

Most everyone who thought they were being given the great honor to work for/with Trump has now found out that they were simply more fodder needed as Trumps' fall guy and yet they hang in there hoping they aren't going to be the next to fall.

And that tells me a lot about them, and it ain't good. At least it proves that Mattis has some self respect and backbone.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
1.2.19  It Is ME  replied to  JohnRussell @1.2    5 years ago

Eddy Haskell on "The Beav" was GREAT ! jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif Loved him ! jrSmiley_10_smiley_image.gif

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.2.20  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Dulay @1.2.7    5 years ago

Unfortunately due to doctor/patient confidentiality, he can only release that info with the patient's authorization.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
1.3  pat wilson  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1    5 years ago

I would bet that what his aides are calling hydroxychloroquine is probably a placebo.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
1.3.1  Raven Wing   replied to  pat wilson @1.3    5 years ago

Most likely Ex-lax. They are all totally full of Scheisse.

Senior Guide
1.3.2  XXJefferson51  replied to  pat wilson @1.3    5 years ago

As if the White House doctor would engage in such a thing.

Professor Principal
1.3.3  devangelical  replied to  pat wilson @1.3    5 years ago

my guess would be tic tacs with all the shit that flies out of his mouth

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
1.3.4  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  devangelical @1.3.3    5 years ago


Professor Guide
1.3.5  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.3.2    5 years ago

Did you SEE what Trump's WH Doctor said about Trump? Hell, they added an inch to Trump's height to make it seem like he wasn't obese. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.3.6  Split Personality  replied to  Dulay @1.3.5    5 years ago


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.3.7  Trout Giggles  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.3.2    5 years ago

I wouldn't be too sure about what any doctor might do to keep his job

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
1.3.8  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  Split Personality @1.3.6    5 years ago

That was my favorite Normism.  A close second was, "It's a dog-eat-dog world, Sammy, and I'm wearing Milk Bone underwear."

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.3.10  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1.3.8    5 years ago

You close second has been my favorite for years.  Too many people say "I'm okay." when asked just to be polite and avoid answering questions.  If I'm not okay, I use that line.  Most who know me think it's just humor on my part and usually smile.  I look at it this way.  I made someone smile and didn't have to lie about how I was.

Professor Guide
1.3.12  Tacos!  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1.3.8    5 years ago

I wonder how that would play these days. Do people know what Milk Bone is anymore?

Junior Silent
1.3.13  squiggy  replied to  gooseisgone @1.3.9    5 years ago

Removed for context

Professor Guide
1.3.14  Dulay  replied to  squiggy @1.3.13    5 years ago

Perhaps inquiring minds would rather not address irrelevant whataboutisms. 

pat wilson
Professor Participates
1.3.15  pat wilson  replied to  Dulay @1.3.5    5 years ago

I think they added two inches. Look at pics of trump standing next to Obama who is 6'1" or next to Trudeau who is 6'2". He may have been 6'3" back in his youth but he's certainly not that now.

Junior Silent
1.3.16  squiggy  replied to  Dulay @1.3.14    5 years ago

Sister has expressed a preference for healthy politicians and Stacey Abrams' weight, (as a top contender in the VeepSweeps) is a legitimate topic for that concern, BTMFW - 

"In addition, to those saying that Trump's health is none of my business, I beg to differ.  He works for me.  When his health comes into question, I'm going to say something about it, just as I would with any other president."

But, carry on with the Eddie Haskell comments.

Professor Guide
1.3.17  Dulay  replied to  squiggy @1.3.16    5 years ago
Sister has expressed a preference for healthy politicians and Stacey Abrams' weight, (as a top contender in the VeepSweeps) is a legitimate topic for that concern, BTMFW - 

Then goose should have addressed his 'concern' to Sister instead of ME. 

But, carry on with the Eddie Haskell comments.

You seem to have the same issue as goose. I haven't made any comments in that vein. 

Junior Silent
1.3.18  squiggy  replied to  Dulay @1.3.17    5 years ago

Yous, if that makes more sense to you.

Professor Guide
1.3.19  Dulay  replied to  squiggy @1.3.18    5 years ago

It doesn't. 

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.3.22  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Tacos! @1.3.12    5 years ago

I don't have a dog, but I keep them on hand for my neighbor's dog because Meatball is too cool for obedience school.

Senior Guide
1.4  XXJefferson51  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1    5 years ago

It’s a matter between him and his doctor.  It with the anti biotic and zinc seems to be an effective prevention tool and mitigation if taken while not infected yet or immediately upon infection.  He started taking it around the time that some who work inside the White House were coming down with it.  No one wants our President hospitalized or in ICU like Boris Johnson was.  We wish him well and pray for his health, safety, and wisdom in dealing with the pandemic and reopening America.  

Professor Principal
1.4.1  devangelical  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.4    5 years ago
between him and his doctor

lucky for him it isn't an unwanted pregnancy, otherwise we'd have to listen to a bunch of endless bullshit from religious hypocrites 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.4.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.4    5 years ago

Are you going to start taking it? If not, why?

Oh, you do enough praying for 10 people so I think I'll continue with my heathenish ways

Senior Guide
1.4.3  XXJefferson51  replied to  Trout Giggles @1.4.2    5 years ago

If I felt the need to do so I would.  I’m not particularly exposed to Wuhan-19 so I haven’t seen a doctor about it.  

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.4.4  Trout Giggles  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.4.3    5 years ago

Are you sure you haven't been exposed?

Professor Expert
1.4.5  Krishna  replied to  XXJefferson51 @1.4    5 years ago
It’s a matter between him and his doctor

That's true for most people.

Unfortunately, however, as President of the United States he has a responsibility not only to himself-- but also to other Americans.

And when he acts recklessly-- possibly even endangering his own life-- the results have a major effect on all Americans....

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.5  Vic Eldred  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1    5 years ago

All one can say is that it is medication being administered as part of a doctor patient relationship. Other than that the drug hydroxychloroquine has been pushed to the back seat simply because this President called it promising.

That's about it!

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.5.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.5    5 years ago

It is not taking a back seat because Trump is taking it.  Right now it is being researched and clinical trials are ongoing to see it really is a benefit to fight cv or not.  If I had cv, and it had been proven effective, I would not refuse to take it just because Trump is.  I am no Trump fan but I would not cut my nose off to spite my face if I know there is an effective medication.  The only thing that would stop me from taking it is if the possible side effects might be worse than the disease itself.  He can call it a little red wagon for all I care.  I will wait for science's conclusion and listen to the experts over someone who thinks drinking disinfectants might be a cure.  Although I will  give him this.  He had mentioned about certain light sources that might assist in some way.  The University of California/Santa Barbara Researchers are developing ultraviolet LEDs that have the ability to decontaminate surfaces and potentially air and water.  Although it would not be for internal exposure as he alluded to, it was food for thought.

Professor Guide
1.5.3  Tacos!  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.5.1    5 years ago
Although it would not be for internal exposure as he alluded to, it was food for thought.

There actually is a company that has been developing internal UV therapy for intubated patients. They literally slide this light tube into the body and light it up from the inside. It kills bacteria and viruses, but not mammalian tissue. They've been working on it since 2016.

Based on Trump's actual language that day, it sounded like he had been briefed on something like this.

Trump: "supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting ."

So clearly, he didn't just invent the idea. Someone told him about it. But since most journalists haven't heard about it, the quick conclusion was that Trump is out of his mind again.

UV Light Therapy is Being Studied as COVID-19 Treatment at Cedars Sinai Hospital

Senior Guide
1.5.4  XXJefferson51  replied to  Tacos! @1.5.3    5 years ago

Exactly!  And from that the media and their democrat handlers went all in on him saying to drink Clorox and inject Lysol inside ourselves...

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.5.5  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  XDm9mm @1.5.2    5 years ago

That is a fair question.  It would all depend on whether I would be asymptomatic or not.  If positive but asymptomatic, no.  If I had symptoms, it would depend on the severity.  If the doctors told me that I most likely would die without at least seeing if it worked, then maybe I would if all other revenues of treatment for the existing symptoms were exhausted.  To quote Trump "What would I have to lose."  What I will not and would not do is take it as a prophylactic as he is doing.  He should take normal precautions such as social distancing as much as possible, carrying hand sanitizer, avoid hand shaking (people would understand) and wear a mask.  He should also look at things that can boost his immune system through diet.  He could still have his precious junk food, but there are other foods that he could also eat.

Junior Quiet
1.5.6  Freewill  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.5.1    5 years ago
The University of California/Santa Barbara Researchers are developing ultraviolet LEDs that have the ability to decontaminate surfaces and potentially air and water.  Although it would not be for internal exposure as he alluded to, it was food for thought.

Perhaps he was talking about something more like THIS (See video on this page).  Although a prototype and not yet approved of course as a treatment for Covid-19, the Healight Technology being developed at AYTU Bioscience shows some promise as a treatment for such diseases.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.5.7  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Freewill @1.5.6    5 years ago

I saw a story about a clothing store owner who has installed the lights, both at the entry and in the overhead fixtures.  It is to kill the virus that might me on the shopper and supposedly the clothes for sale.  Any clothes tried on but not bought are sidelined for 24 hours before put back on the racks.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.5.8  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.5.7    5 years ago

Make that "might be" instead of "might me".  I sure don't want to get busted by a certain member here who thinks they are the spelling/grammar police who I have nicknamed Kettle/Pot so I corrected myself.

Professor Expert
1.5.9  Krishna  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.5    5 years ago
Other than that the drug hydroxychloroquine has been pushed to the back seat simply because this President called it promising.


Its been "pushed to the back seat" because numerous doctors have explained that it is often causing serious side effects-- including death! 

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.5.11  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Texan1211 @1.5.10    5 years ago
A trial to see whether two anti-malarial drugs could prevent Covid-19 has begun in Brighton and Oxford. " Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine or a placebo will be given to more than 40,000 healthcare workers from Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.

Junior Quiet
1.5.12  Freewill  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.5.7    5 years ago

UV treatment has been used for years in the water and wastewater industries to purify or disinfect the flow streams.  Many of my clients use UV disinfection technologies in their processes.

Junior Silent
1.5.13  Gazoo  replied to  Freewill @1.5.12    5 years ago

I always thought UV light killed the bugs (bacteria, virus’s etc). Turns out it sterilizes them so they cannot reproduce.

Junior Quiet
1.5.14  Freewill  replied to  Gazoo @1.5.13    5 years ago
Turns out it sterilizes them so they cannot reproduce

Which means they eventually die out before they can cause disease, or further disease, as the case may be. 

COVID-19 is the name of the coronavirus disease, but the underlying virus is called severe acute respiratory syndrome - coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). 

As I understand it, treatments or prescribed procedures typically address the symptoms and spread of the disease, whereas vaccines or other medicines that kill or block the virus from replication address the actual virus.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.5.15  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Freewill @1.5.12    5 years ago

I saw on the news yesterday that NY is experimenting with that on their subways.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.5.16  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Freewill @1.5.14    5 years ago

Turns out it sterilizes them so they cannot reproduce

I wonder if that would work on Trumpers.jrSmiley_9_smiley_image.gif

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
1.5.17  Trout Giggles  replied to  Freewill @1.5.12    5 years ago

UV treatment works well for killing E coli, but the problem is it doesn't leave a residual so you can determine if you have effective disinfectant in your distribution, that's why chlorine or chloroamines are necessary after the UV

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.5.18  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Freewill @1.5.12    5 years ago

I did not realize that.  Great info...ty.

Professor Expert
1.5.19  Krishna  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @1.5.7    5 years ago
I saw a story about a clothing store owner who has installed the lights, both at the entry and in the overhead fixtures.  It is to kill the virus that might me on the shopper and supposedly the clothes for sale. 

its been used for that for years.(Especially in hospitals)

However it takes a strong dose to kill many of the more resistant germs. In some cases, a large enough dose to kill all bad germs would be dangerous to humans. 

In hospitals it used for a period to de-contaminate a room when patients aren't in them. (After a period, they turn it off and bring the patient(s) back to the room)._

Professor Expert
1.5.20  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @1.5.19    5 years ago
In hospitals it used for a period to de-contaminate a room when patients aren't in them. (After a period, they turn it off and bring the patient(s) back to the room)._

Even better are the specialized robots thet were invented a while back that do the job:

Autonomous Robots Are Helping Kill Coronavirus in Hospitals

Robots that can efficiently disinfect hospitals using UV light could slow coronavirus infections


Greg Jones
Professor Participates
1.6  Greg Jones  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1    5 years ago

If you can't say something good, then don't say anything.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
1.6.1  Raven Wing   replied to  Greg Jones @1.6    5 years ago
If you can't say something good, then don't say anything.

Why not pass that advise on to some of your good 'ol boys here as well. They can use it too.

Professor Quiet
1.7  Ozzwald  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1    5 years ago
I don't even know what to say about this.

Do you really think he is taking it?

No way!  Just another Trump lie, possibly because he has stock in the company producing it.

Trump Has ‘Financial Interest’ in Hydroxychloroquine Manufacturer: NYT

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
1.7.1  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Ozzwald @1.7    5 years ago
Yes, President Trump does have some shares in multiple pharmaceutical companies that produce hydroxychloroquine, but the investments are part of mutual funds that are, in turn, part of family trusts.
Trump, himself, does not have direct control over these trusts.
To put it simply: It's true that Trump makes some income from companies producing hydroxychloroquine, but that income is a small part of a family trust that he doesn’t make decisions for.

The horror................LOL jrSmiley_30_smiley_image.gif

Professor Quiet
1.7.2  Ozzwald  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @1.7.1    5 years ago
The horror................LOL

So you are acknowledging that what I said was true and accurate.  Thank you...jrSmiley_81_smiley_image.gif

Professor Quiet
1.7.4  Ozzwald  replied to  XDm9mm @1.7.3    5 years ago
Yes I do.

That is a foolish belief then.

It was prescribed by his doctor as a prophylactic to protect against the virus as he did have contact with people who tested positive.

Prove it.

Which company?  It is a GENERIC drug that has been around for decades and has multiple manufacturers making it.

So?  Doesn't matter which.

You really do need to keep up with current events.

I do, you need to stop ignoring them.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
1.7.7  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  XDm9mm @1.7.5    5 years ago
Better yet, disprove it.  You CAN do that can't you?

My God, there are studies all over the place.

From The New England Journal of Medicine:

Widening access to experimental therapies that have not been fully evaluated is likely to have several unintended consequences. First, benefits to patients are unknown and may be negligible (as in the case of peramivir), in which case expanded access undermines physicians’ attempts to practice evidence-based medicine. Second, medications such as hydroxychloroquine have well-documented risks; subjecting patients to these risks would be unjustifiable in the absence of meaningful clinical benefit. Third, distributing unproven drugs under expanded access or EUAs may detract from the resources needed to carry out clinical trials, including the patient base and necessary funds. Since key outcome data are often not collected outside a trial, this redirection of resources will hamper our ability to quickly determine whether these drugs are truly safe and effective.

For the Covid-19 pandemic and other pressing medical challenges, the health of individual patients and the public at large will be best served by remaining true to our time-tested approach to clinical trial evidence and drug evaluation, rather than cutting corners and resorting to appealing yet risky quick fixes. The pandemic will inevitably leave considerable morbidity, mortality, and loss in its wake. Damage to the country’s medication-assessment process — and the public’s respect for it — should not be part of its legacy.  More/Source

From the FDA:

FDA cautions against use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for COVID-19 outside of the hospital setting or a clinical trial due to risk of heart rhythm problems.  More/Source

I know that you believe the things that Trump says.  That is your prerogative.  But I encourage you to read both of these peer-reviewed articles.  

Professor Quiet
1.7.9  Ozzwald  replied to  gooseisgone @1.7.6    5 years ago
No it wasn't, Trump can't prescribe "hydroxychloroquine"

Never claimed he could.

he can't demand Doctors prescribe it

Why not?  Commander and chief can order his military doctor to do anything, like.....say....falsify his medical report to say he is 6'3" to avoid the label of obese.

he can't sell it.

He can own stock in it/

So what if a Mutual Fund has the manufacturer as part of his portfolio, so does probably every union retirement fund in the US, who gives a shit.

Yet if he does know, he might alter the facts to support the company his "Mutual Fund" has stock in to increase its value.

Professor Quiet
1.7.10  Ozzwald  replied to  XDm9mm @1.7.5    5 years ago
Per you?   Laughable at best.

There has been absolutely no testing or evidence that hydroxychloroquine has any effect as a prevention to COVID. 

That any doctor would prescribe any drug, with that severe of side effects, to a person showing absolutely no sign of COVID, truly is laughable and would probably result in that doctor's loss of license.

Better yet, disprove it.  You CAN do that can't you?

You made the claim, now prove your claim or withdraw it.  It is not my job to prove, or disprove, YOUR claim.  Trying to push it off onto me is a sure sign that your claim is a made up fiction.

Then what's the beef.

The beef is that Trump may be using his position to push an unproven medical treatment because he has a financial stake in it and not for any health reasons.

Current events to you is only Hate Trump, Trump Bad, etc., etc., etc.

90,000+ dead, largely due to Trump's completely failed response to this pandemic.  

Coronavirus: Fauci says US 'could have saved lives' with earlier action

Fauci: Earlier Action On Coronavirus Would Have Saved Lives

A new investigation reveals Trump ignored experts on Covid-19 for months


Professor Quiet
1.7.12  Ozzwald  replied to  gooseisgone @1.7.11    5 years ago
He's not a doctor......duh

That's why the Commander and Chief can order his military doctor to do so. 

Remember Trump has a history of having his doctors provide false information.

Professor Quiet
Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.7.15  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Ozzwald @1.7.14    5 years ago

I am betting that "favor" came with a nice little chunk of change.

Junior Quiet
1.7.16  Freewill  replied to  Ozzwald @1.7.4    5 years ago
That is a foolish belief then.
It was prescribed by his doctor as a prophylactic to protect against the virus as he did have contact with people who tested positive.
Prove it.

Proof HERE or HERE

And this was known 4 days ago.  Perhaps it is best not to call others foolish until the facts are known, lest the tables are turned?

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
1.7.17  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  Freewill @1.7.16    5 years ago
And this was known 4 days ago.  Perhaps it is best not to call others foolish until the facts are known, lest the tables are turned?

Please read the memo from Dr. Conley again.  One important fact is omitted.  Not once does he say he prescribed Hydroxychloroquine for Donald Trump.   

Junior Quiet
1.7.18  KDMichigan  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1.7.17    5 years ago
Not once does he say he prescribed Hydroxychloroquine for Donald Trump. 

OMG you mean he didn't share his patients personal business with you. Yeah I'm sure they are hiding something. 

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
1.7.19  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  KDMichigan @1.7.18    5 years ago
OMG you mean he didn't share his patients personal business with you.

Dr. Conley shared his patient's personal business with the entire world via the aforementioned memo.  He described a personal conversation with his patient, and also included his own personal thoughts regarding Hydroxychloroquine.  Had he prescribed Hydroxychloroquine for Donald Trump, he would have said so. 

Furthermore, I suggest that you visit this HHS.gov website.  It discusses HIPAA laws in depth.  Most of the laws contained therein do not apply to the President of the United States.  When the lives and the welfare of an entire nation is at stake (albeit world), we, as citizens are legally entitled to know the health status of our leaders.  'Status' includes, but isn't limited to, summaries of physical, emotional, and psychological exams, prescribed medication, special diets, etc. 

Professor Expert
1.7.20  CB  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1.7.19    5 years ago

Besides all this, Donald Trump set this up for a wild goose catch with is unsolicited admission of taking hydroxychloroquine during a meeting with the questioners in the Press.

Junior Quiet
1.7.21  KDMichigan  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1.7.19    5 years ago

That's funny, I could have sworn you were just whining because he didn't disclose the Presidents medications. Don't you think it would be pretty stupid for our adversaries to know what medications our commander in chief is taking, never mind. 

Junior Quiet
1.7.22  Freewill  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1.7.17    5 years ago
One important fact is omitted.  Not once does he say he prescribed Hydroxychloroquine for Donald Trump.

OK - Will THIS do?

President Trump 's physician prescribed hydroxychloroquine for him as a preventative measure against the coronavirus, White House press secretary   Kayleigh McEnany   confirmed Wednesday amid criticism and questions about whether Trump is actually taking the drug.
"Yes, the doctor did prescribe it for him. And he took it after having several discussions with Dr. [Sean] Conley about its efficacy," McEnany   told David Brody   of CBN News.
Professor Quiet
1.7.23  Ozzwald  replied to  Freewill @1.7.16    5 years ago
Proof HERE or HERE And this was known 4 days ago.  Perhaps it is best not to call others foolish until the facts are known, lest the tables are turned?

Once again, a rightie posted a memo or article, which DOES NOT prove his claim.  Thank you Sister Mary for pointing that fact out so quickly.

Professor Quiet
1.7.24  Ozzwald  replied to  CB @1.7.20    5 years ago

Besides all this, Donald Trump set this up for a wild goose catch with is unsolicited admission of taking hydroxychloroquine during a meeting with the questioners in the Press.

Not admission, claim.  I still do not believe he has/is/will be taking hydroxychloroquine.  The letter from his doctor just backs up my belief.  The letter looks like other "letters" from Trump's doctors, DICTATED.

Professor Quiet
1.7.25  Ozzwald  replied to  Freewill @1.7.22    5 years ago
OK - Will THIS do?

Simply put, NO.

A press secretary who lies, less than a minute after she states she will not lie, is not trustworthy.  Where is the doctor's statement that he prescribed it?  Doctor released a memo about hydroxychloroquine, yet specifically omitted any claim about a prescription.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
1.7.26  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  Freewill @1.7.22    5 years ago

I respect your right to believe any source you feel you can trust.  

Professor Expert
1.7.27  CB  replied to  Ozzwald @1.7.24    5 years ago

Yes. You are right to be suspicious. He lies daily with his morning coffee or "go-to."

Junior Quiet
1.7.28  Freewill  replied to  Ozzwald @1.7.25    5 years ago
Doctor released a memo about hydroxychloroquine, yet specifically omitted any claim about a prescription.

So what in your mind does this mean?: "...we concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks". 

So in reaching this conclusion you feel they proceeded no further?  Does that make any sense to you?  The letter was in response to the question as to whether the treatment had been prescribed.  Do you need live footage of the event, or what would put this to rest for you?

You can't obtain hydroxychloroquine without a prescription.  The press secretary also made this clear in the statement.

"No one should be taking this drug if not prescribed by a doctor, it's very important to say that. Only your doctor can say that this is for you and prescribe it to you," McEnany told CBN News. 

And you can dispense with this "rightie" bullshit.  I haven't accused anyone here of being a "leftie" or "TDS sufferer" simply because they wish to interpret the facts in this matter through a different lens. I am completely prepared to admit that I am wrong on whether Trump was prescribed and is taking HC along with a zinc supplement, but the evidence to date indicates that he was/is.  If that changes in the coming days then I'll admit I was wrong.  Will you if additional information surfaces showing that what he said was true?

Junior Quiet
1.7.29  Freewill  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1.7.26    5 years ago
I respect your right to believe any source you feel you can trust. 

Thank you sister. And I respect yours as well.

Professor Quiet
1.7.30  Ozzwald  replied to  Freewill @1.7.28    5 years ago
You can't obtain hydroxychloroquine without a prescription.  The press secretary also made this clear in the statement.

Which is true, however does nothing to back up Trump's claim that he is taking it.  You don't need a doctor's prescription to LIE about taking hydroxychloroquine.

Professor Quiet
1.7.32  Ozzwald  replied to  XDm9mm @1.7.31    5 years ago
Be honest, even if you saw him take it, you would likely claim it was a sugar pill your hatred of Donald Trump is so great.

No, if Trump's official doctor stated that Trump was taking it, I'd think the doctor was a quack, but would take at face value that he was taking it.

However the doctor's letter went out of its way to avoid that statement, indicating he was ordered to write a pro hydroxychloroquine letter, but chose to avoid outright lying.

Professor Guide
1.8  Gordy327  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1    5 years ago

How about "stupid!" 

Professor Guide
1.9  Tacos!  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @1    5 years ago
I don't even know what to say about this.

You don't need to say anything. He made a choice for his own health. Let's hope it works for him.

Professor Quiet
2  bbl-1    5 years ago

Trump says a lot of things.  If this drug makes him feel 'safer', that in itself is worth something, right?

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
2.1  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  bbl-1 @2    5 years ago

Either he's lying about taking it, or he has the virus.

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.1.1  Vic Eldred  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @2.1    5 years ago
Either he's lying about taking it, or he has the virus.

You've caught him once again/s

Professor Principal
2.1.2  devangelical  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @2.1    5 years ago

let the dumb ass take it by the handful for all I care...

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.1.3  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @2.1.2    5 years ago

My sentiments exactly

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
2.2  Raven Wing   replied to  bbl-1 @2    5 years ago
Trump says a lot of things.  If this drug makes him feel 'safer', that in itself is worth something, right?

Not really. He is already going around without a face mask, thinking he is blessed by God and he won't get the virus. But, by taking the malaria drug that makes him feel safe only puts him more risk and everyone around him. Just because he hasn't gotten the virus yet does not mean he is totally immune to it and can't get it. And feeling too safe will make him do more stupid stuff that will put more people around him at risk of getting it from him.

He just does not want to cover up his way too handsome face, as that makes women swoon so much that he can grab their p*zzy and do anything he wants to them and they won't refuse him because of his gorgeous face.


PhD Quiet
2.2.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Raven Wing @2.2    5 years ago
And feeling too safe will make him do more stupid stuff

i used to think, is that even possible, but Trump has proven quite remarkable. Every time you think he's out done himself, and his last horrifically horrible & heinous act, that NO ONE ever thought they would/could ever, see a US President do, he again tops what we didn't think was toppable, and is defended by supporters whose support, is apparently unstoppable. Quite concerning, when their concern is unapparent, as they are child orphans, without either parent. When there is no adults to oversee, there are A Dolts,  that will never see.

The US is in trouble.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
2.2.2  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.2.1    5 years ago

i used to think, is that even possible, but Trump has proven quite remarkable. Every time you think he's out done himself, and his last horrifically horrible & heinous act, that NO ONE ever thought they would/could ever, see a US President do, he again tops what we didn't think was toppable, and is defended by supporters whose support, is apparently unstoppable. Quite concerning, when their concern is unapparent, as they are child orphans, without either parent. When there is no adults to oversee, there are A Dolts,  that will never see.

The US is in trouble

This comment needs to be upped about a million times.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.2.3  Trout Giggles  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @2.2.2    5 years ago

I did my part

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
2.2.4  Raven Wing   replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.2.1    5 years ago
The US is in trouble.

Indeed it is, and has been since day one of Trumps tenure as POTUS. And will be even more so as long as he remains in the WH. I think that at this point Trump is both mentally and emotionally drained and ready to hand the reins over to someone else so he can go play at his rallies, where his supporters make him feel like he is doing good.

Having to take responsibility for all that he says and does, even though he denies any part of responsibility, is weighing heavily on him and he finds it hard to pass the blame to someone else anymore even though he tries. The Covid virus has done him under, as he cannot manipulate it as he pleases, and whatever he says or does in regards to it is a direct reflection in him, and he can't stand it that he can't pass his mistakes for the thousands of deaths due to his own lack of taking the virus that had already taken the lives of so many others before it arrived here in the US seriously in the first place. He said it was a joke, a hoax, just the flu, anything to pass to off a being a deadly virus that needed immediate attention.

Professor Quiet
2.2.5  bbl-1  replied to  Raven Wing @2.2    5 years ago

No s/ intended but----------after all Trump does have spiritual advisor Paula White around the WH.  And 'she' did affirm that 'she' saw visions of Jesus walking through fields of flowers with Trump.  Again I say, "That is worth something, right?"

This too.  Every word or action by Trump is geared only for his base.  Is he immune?  Apparently so.  The 'Stormy Who' episode was weathered perfectly.  As was Helsinki.  As was the abandonment of the Kurds.  As was the abandonment of everything else the man touches. 

His Achilles Heel is the money.  None of it is his.  "I am the king of debt," were words spoken by Trump and those words are the only truthful thing he's ever uttered.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
2.2.6  Raven Wing   replied to  bbl-1 @2.2.5    5 years ago

Yeah....I have heard of his 'Spiritual Advisor' and her visions. I have to wonder how many times Trump has ....ehhh....um.....'consulted' with her during her time at the WH. I am sure she has seen more than Jesus walking with Trump while there. And I feel pretty sure that Trump has had no trouble grabbing her.....eh.....um.....Bible ......while she is 'counseling' him on his walks through the fields of flowers with Jesus.

His Bone Spurs are still his way of getting around what he does not want to do, or what he does want to do, and it all involves money. Indeed not his.....but, that of all the people he can bilk and cheat out of theirs, as he has most all of his own creditors.

As you say, his saying "I'm the King of debt" are the truest words he has ever spoken. However, if you were to ask him about them he would lie and deny he ever said them.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.2.8  Trout Giggles  replied to  Tessylo @2.2.7    5 years ago

She's still there

Professor Quiet
2.2.9  bbl-1  replied to  Raven Wing @2.2.6    5 years ago

Yep.  As in all things Trump, everything always comes back to 'Stormy Who.'

Professor Quiet
2.2.10  bbl-1  replied to  Tessylo @2.2.7    5 years ago

As Trout said, she is still there.  Just another bleached blonde, thrice married christian money hustler.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
2.2.11  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  bbl-1 @2.2.10    5 years ago

I wonder if she claims her knee pads as a work related expense when filing taxes.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.2.12  Trout Giggles  replied to  bbl-1 @2.2.10    5 years ago

Married 3 times????

Did the first 2 die? Because we all know what the Bible says about divorce

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
3  The Magic 8 Ball    5 years ago

all bs starts with a false premise...  and here it is.

 and has not been shown to combat the new coronavirus.
Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
3.1  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @3    5 years ago
all bs starts with a false premise...

Perhaps a blast of Clorox would be better.

Junior Silent
3.1.1  Gazoo  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @3.1    5 years ago

Karen Whitsett would disagree. She’s a democrat from michigan who was deathly ill with covid. She took hydroxychloroquine and credits it with saving her life. Yes, she’s the one that had the nerve to meet with Trump and, gasp, thank him. Thankfully, Michigan dems are censuring her and treating her as if she has the plague. 🙄

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
3.1.3  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  Gazoo @3.1.1    5 years ago
Yes, she’s the one that had the nerve to meet with Trump and, gasp, thank him.

What a thoughtful gesture.  However, I wouldn't mind if Ms. Whitsett posted conclusive details of the study in which she was participating.  

pat wilson
Professor Participates
3.1.4  pat wilson  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @3.1    5 years ago

I think he should use a combo of Clorox and ammonia as an inhalant.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
3.1.5  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @3.1    5 years ago

Does that work better than Lysol?

Senior Guide
3.1.6  XXJefferson51  replied to  Tessylo @3.1.2    5 years ago

Would it have been better if she didn’t survive the disease so she couldn’t have lived to say something nice about the President?  

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
3.1.8  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @3.1    5 years ago
Perhaps a blast of Clorox would be better

give it a shot.... LOL

let us know how that turns out.  

Professor Principal
3.1.9  devangelical  replied to  pat wilson @3.1.4    5 years ago

I vote enema for that ever expanding sack of shit.

Professor Principal
3.1.10  Kavika   replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @3.1.8    5 years ago

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
3.1.11  Trout Giggles  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @3.1.8    5 years ago

You first

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.12  Raven Wing   replied to  Kavika @3.1.10    5 years ago

O-M-G...that is hilarious. So straight forward and totally truthful. Thank yo for the best laugh of the day. jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif

Professor Guide
3.1.13  Tacos!  replied to  Tessylo @3.1.2    5 years ago
I'll take a doctors' word over some tRump supporter. 

Guess you missed this part:

She’s a democrat
Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.1.18  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Texan1211 @3.1.17    5 years ago

None of your links work.

Junior Quiet
3.1.21  Freewill  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3.1.18    5 years ago
None of your links work.


Professor Principal
3.1.23  Ender  replied to  Kavika @3.1.10    5 years ago


Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
3.1.24  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Kavika @3.1.10    5 years ago

She kind of looks like Jessica Biel.

Professor Principal
5  Gsquared    5 years ago

Potential adverse effects of hydroxychloroquine include:  " Neuropsychiatric effects, such as agitation, confusion, hallucinations and paranoia".     

Trump has probably been taking it for years...

Senior Guide
5.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  Gsquared @5    5 years ago

Better take it away from all those Malaria and Lupus patients using it.  

Professor Principal
5.1.1  Gsquared  replied to  XXJefferson51 @5.1    5 years ago

Why?  So people who don't need it like Trump can take it?   

Professor Principal
5.1.2  Gsquared  replied to  Gsquared @5.1.1    5 years ago

Correction to prevent my comment from being wildly misconstrued:  So people like Trump who don't need it can take it?

Professor Principal
5.1.4  Gsquared  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.3    5 years ago

I did not say there was anything wrong with people taking hydroxychloroquine under their doctor's instructions and supervision.  Where did you get that?  Wow.  A fair reading of my comment shows just the opposite.  Did you actually read my comment or just go into automatic Trump-defense mode?  You certainly are being defensive.

I do not believe for a second that Trump is actually taking  hydroxychloroquine.  That is nothing but propaganda. Trump speaks, Trump lies.  

Professor Principal
5.1.5  Gsquared  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.3    5 years ago

If you need it, and your doctor prescribes it, you should take it.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.1.7  Trout Giggles  replied to  XXJefferson51 @5.1    5 years ago

The people suffering from malaria and lupus are under the careful care and scrutiny of medical professionals. I am fairly certain that if those patients start exhibiting neurological symptoms, their doctors will either adjust their dosage or take them off of it. You don't know how many malaria and lupus patients have stopped taking that drug for that very reason.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
5.1.9  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.8    5 years ago


It's easy to play arm chair quarterback.  I can play all day long.  Your turn to pass.

Nah. Some people are just too easy to sack...............


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.1.10  Trout Giggles  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.8    5 years ago
Are there not major differences that you appear to be neglecting?   Those taking it for malaria and lupus are usually on the medication for extended periods of time and yes are quite often under close medical supervision.

You're repeating what I just said

Long term uses generally require supervision, while immediate use short term applications do not. 

that depends on the drug. Some doctors may prescribe a heavy duty pain killer and keep close tabs on their patient. Morphine is a fine example. Used in the short term but scrutinized carefully

Like the doctors that routinely prescribed SSRI's like candy but never followed up to see if any of the known deleterious side effects were manifesting themselves?  Those types of doctors?

Not all doctors are created equally. If a doctor is neglecting her patient, then she's not a very doctor, is she and should be used for malpractice

You don't know how many malaria and lupus patients have stopped taking that drug for that very reason. And you do?

I'm not saying that I do. You're once again not comprehending my meaning and I can't do anything about that. I doubt very many of us on NT know any malaria or lupus patients that have been taken off hydroxychloroquine because of neurological side effects.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.1.11  Trout Giggles  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @5.1.9    5 years ago

If you have something to say to me, don't fucking pussy breath around and just have the balls to say it to me directly.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
5.1.13  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Trout Giggles @5.1.11    5 years ago

Was I addressing you? Why no. No I wasn't. But your post does bring something to mind............


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.1.14  Trout Giggles  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.12    5 years ago

I didn't ask a question, you did. That "And you do" at the end of my statement is your question, not mine.

Now let's be done because I tire of you

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.1.15  Trout Giggles  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @5.1.13    5 years ago

You were talking around me. Very passive aggressive. [deleted]

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.1.17  Trout Giggles  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.16    5 years ago

Can you not read? I didn't ask a question...you did.

I don't want any more replies from you unless it's an apology

Professor Principal
5.1.18  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @5.1.15    5 years ago

bwah ha ha, we've got targets on us out here because we reamed every socket on these knights fair maiden in HD. none of them have enough fur on their marbles to go in there.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.1.21  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @5.1.18    5 years ago


Do you think she went running for help?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
5.1.22  Trout Giggles  replied to  XDm9mm @5.1.19    5 years ago


There was no allusion to anything in any of my comments. I made a statement. You might want to go back to 7th grade English class and learn what an allusion is. To learn the difference between declarative and interrogative statements you might need to go back to second grade.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
5.1.23  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Trout Giggles @5.1.21    5 years ago

OK guys I am stepping in now and telling everyone to knock it off with the vague insults. 

Get back on topic. This thread is now closed. 

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
5.2  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  Gsquared @5    5 years ago
Potential adverse effects of hydroxychloroquine include:  " Neuropsychiatric effects, such as agitation, confusion, hallucinations and paranoia".   


every drug reacts badly with some people.

seen those  drug commercials on tv with their laundry list of potential side effects?

    disclaimer:  may cause headaches, loss of vision, rectal bleeding, and explosive diarrhea.

sellin like hot cakes... LOL

Professor Principal
5.2.1  Gsquared  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @5.2    5 years ago

Yes, people can have seriously adverse side effects from various drugs.

Are you suggesting that in addition to his hallucinations and paranoia, Trump's use of hydroxychloroquine is also responsible for his explosive diarrhea of the mouth?  Probably true...

Professor Expert
6  CB    5 years ago

Why the hell is Trump taking it? For What? His health? Improvement in his "exotic" looks? What "good things" has he heard that he is taking if for?

This is stupid and incomplete reporting. People who need this drug for their health problems should not have to compete with clowns and jokers to get it. Enter clowns and jokers. . . ..

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
6.2  Trout Giggles  replied to  CB @6    5 years ago

"Exotic" looks? You've been on a roll lately, my friend

Professor Participates
6.3  1stwarrior  replied to  CB @6    5 years ago


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
6.3.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  1stwarrior @6.3    5 years ago

She looks pregnant. And the other photo is either photo shopped or snapped in a way to make him look thinner

Professor Principal
6.3.2  devangelical  replied to  Trout Giggles @6.3.1    5 years ago

his mouth and elaborate comb-over make his body look smaller in proportion

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
6.3.3  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  1stwarrior @6.3    5 years ago

Trump is 6'2" and weighs 243 pounds.  His BMI is 31.20.  He is, without a doubt, a fat ass.

Professor Principal
6.3.4  devangelical  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @6.3.3    5 years ago

...and a dumb ass... hell, he's got the entire negative ass spectrum covered...

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
6.3.5  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  devangelical @6.3.4    5 years ago
..and a dumb ass... hell, he's got the entire negative ass spectrum covered...


Raven Wing
Professor Participates
6.3.6  Raven Wing   replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @6.3.3    5 years ago
Trump is 6'2" and weighs 243 pounds.

And I just won the Oscar for Best Actress for the Mary Poppins remake.

Now....if you believe that I gots an Insta Train that will arrive in NYC in less than 2 hours you can buy for less than 2 grand. jrSmiley_79_smiley_image.gif

Professor Quiet
6.3.7  bbl-1  replied to  devangelical @6.3.2    5 years ago

Trump wears a girdle.

Professor Expert
7  CB    5 years ago

Once again: Trump stabs science and responsible governance in its heart with his lies, omissions, and stupidity. Speaking of which, where are the enablers right now on this?

Note: In my opinion, Trump supporters who speak up positively about this should 'lead' right along beside Trump taking it!

BTW, Biden are you HEARING THIS STORY?! Got an ad ready this fall?

Senior Guide
7.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  CB @7    5 years ago

God forbid he takes it with Zinc after others in the White House working around him have come done with it.  He’s about to be 74 years old so it’s a good precaution.  

Professor Expert
7.1.1  CB  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.1    5 years ago

Enablers should support Trump in this. Rally around Trump with zinc and Hydroxychloroquine. Rah! Rah! Rah!  Now hear this:





Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
7.1.2  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.1    5 years ago
He’s about to be 74 years old so it’s a good precaution.  

Trump's advanced age, heart trouble, and morbid obesity make him a poor candidate for Hydroxychloroquine.  In addition, it is not a preventative. 

Senior Guide
7.1.3  XXJefferson51  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @7.1.2    5 years ago
  • There are doctors and scientists who swear by it.  
Professor Principal
7.1.4  devangelical  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @7.1.2    5 years ago

... his size is all the more reason to increase the dosage

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
7.1.5  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.1.3    5 years ago
There are doctors and scientists who swear by it.

Link, please.  

Professor Participates
7.1.6  1stwarrior  replied to  devangelical @7.1.4    5 years ago


Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.1.7  Trout Giggles  replied to  1stwarrior @7.1.6    5 years ago

Yeah...your earlier photo of Ms Abrams proves she was pregnant in it

Professor Participates
7.1.8  1stwarrior  replied to  Trout Giggles @7.1.7    5 years ago

How can you tell?  Got some proof on the pregnancy?  She has been overweight for many years.

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.1.9  Trout Giggles  replied to  1stwarrior @7.1.8    5 years ago

Look at her in the first photo....then the second photo. Either she had a really big lunch in the first photo or she was damn close to having a baby. Her stomach is noticeably flatter (not a lot, but still) in the second one

So what if she is overweight. She's not lying about how healthy she is and saying she's taller or weighs less than she actually does.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
7.1.10  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Trout Giggles @7.1.9    5 years ago
She's not lying about how healthy she is and saying she's taller or weighs less than she actually does.

You can't possibly know that can you? Please share. Really.

Professor Principal
7.1.11  Kavika   replied to  1stwarrior @7.1.6    5 years ago

I'm sure that Trump doesn't do any name-calling or insults...../s

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
7.1.12  Raven Wing   replied to  Kavika @7.1.11    5 years ago

Trump - jrSmiley_51_smiley_image.gif

Professor Participates
7.1.13  1stwarrior  replied to  Kavika @7.1.11    5 years ago

Only to Nancy who deserves every word /S

Professor Principal
7.1.14  Kavika   replied to  1stwarrior @7.1.13    5 years ago
Only to Nancy who deserves every word /S

That parallel universe is great place for people to avoid reality. LOL 

Professor Guide
7.1.15  Dulay  replied to  1stwarrior @7.1.8    5 years ago

Why do you think that your are making a cogent argument by mocking someone else's physique? 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.1.16  Trout Giggles  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @7.1.10    5 years ago

Have you heard her speak about her weight or her health? I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to hearing about that subject

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.1.17  Trout Giggles  replied to  Kavika @7.1.11    5 years ago

But it's ok if he does it

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
7.1.18  Trout Giggles  replied to  1stwarrior @7.1.13    5 years ago

Oh, c'mon 1st! He's called women all manner of names!

Professor Quiet
7.1.20  cjcold  replied to  devangelical @7.1.4    5 years ago
increase the dosage

He doubles down on every other stupid thing he does or says so...…….

The Magic 8 Ball
Masters Quiet
7.2  The Magic 8 Ball  replied to  CB @7    5 years ago
Biden are you HEARING THIS STORY?! Got an ad ready this fall?

biden is not the nominee

but we can talk more during the dnc convention

I hear it will be a real schit show   :)

Professor Principal
7.2.1  Gsquared  replied to  The Magic 8 Ball @7.2    5 years ago

If that's what you hear, you should seriously think about scheduling an appointment with your ENT... (Are we aloud to joke on here? Or does this get flagged for taunting?)

Professor Guide
7.2.3  MrFrost  replied to  dennis smith @7.2.2    5 years ago

Biden will struggle to talk coherently during the Dem nominating convention.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
7.2.4  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  MrFrost @7.2.3    5 years ago

If I slurred my speech as badly as he did in some of those clips in front of a cop, they would have administered a breathalyzer test.

Professor Guide
7.2.5  MrFrost  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @7.2.4    5 years ago

Very true.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
7.2.6  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  MrFrost @7.2.3    5 years ago

I literally have tears streaming down my face!  What a ding dong!  I haven't laughed this hard since the Al Sharpton vs. teleprompter video went viral.  

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
7.2.7  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @7.2.6    5 years ago

Once it comes time for Trump and Biden to debate, Biden should play that clip when Trump goes on attack.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
7.2.8  It Is ME  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @7.2.7    5 years ago
Biden should play that clip when Trump goes on attack.

Joe needs vids to communicate now ? 

He's worse than everyone thought. jrSmiley_19_smiley_image.gif

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
8  Buzz of the Orient    5 years ago

Although masks are not a perfect preventative for those who wear them, they are much better at preventing the wearer from SPREADING the virus.  Since the first two weeks of being infected has no symptoms, and yet a person is still capable of SPREADING the virus during those weeks, even if one thinks they are not infected it is a matter of common courtesy to others to wear a mask when close to others - a courtesy that selfish pigs do not bother with. 

Junior Silent
9  Gazoo    5 years ago

“they are much better at preventing the wearer from SPREADING the virus.”

That’s what worries me the most about covid-19 and why i wear a mask whenever i go out in public. For some, covid-19 could be a death sentence and i treat it that way.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
9.1  Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Gazoo @9    5 years ago

You're doing the right thing.  And you understand the reason to stay the hell away from those who ignore the guidelines and DON'T bother wearing a mask.

Freshman Silent
11  freepress    5 years ago

No doctor in his right mind would prescribe an Anti-malarial drug as a "preventative" measure. They would NEVER prescribe a Zpak unless it was a serious infection, usually respiratory in nature. Zinc is something a lot of people take as a vitamin supplement but it can interact with other medications. The letter his doctor released does not confirm this as a fact. There is no fake news, just fake statements from a reckless man pretending to be a leader. Just spouting off nonsense to boost a cronies stock portfolio most likely.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
11.1  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  freepress @11    5 years ago
There is no fake news, just fake statements from a reckless man pretending to be a leader. Just spouting off nonsense to boost a cronies stock portfolio most likely.

No argument from me!  

It Is ME
Masters Guide
12  It Is ME    5 years ago

Doctors know best for their patients. jrSmiley_15_smiley_image.gif  

See bust of Dr. Fauci on pedestal ! jrSmiley_18_smiley_image.gif

Professor Guide
13  MrFrost    5 years ago

So I guess the bleach wasn't working for him? 

Professor Principal
13.1  devangelical  replied to  MrFrost @13    5 years ago

maybe he should try vaping it... 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
13.1.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  devangelical @13.1    5 years ago

I suggest an enema

Professor Guide
14  MrFrost    5 years ago

Is anyone surprised by this? Apparently trump loves his pills. 


For the record? His pupils under light shouldn't be that big, that's clearly abnormal. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
14.1  Split Personality  replied to  MrFrost @14    5 years ago

Professor Principal
14.1.1  devangelical  replied to  Split Personality @14.1    5 years ago

 one of many iconic moments in that film. the outtakes are equally hilarious.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
14.1.2  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Split Personality @14.1    5 years ago

I always wondered when Peter Boyle used a Frankenstein costume for a Halloween episode of Everybody Loves Raymond if it was coincidence or a tribute to one of the funniest movies of all time.

Professor Guide
15  Tacos!    5 years ago

Well, let's hope it works for him. I'm sure he will be monitored for side effects. Of course there is probably no way to know for sure if it helps at all when/if he gets sick, but as long as it isn't hurting him, what do we all care? It's his business.

Professor Guide
15.1  Dulay  replied to  Tacos! @15    5 years ago
It's his business.

Which is why he announced it on live television. /s

Professor Guide
15.1.1  Tacos!  replied to  Dulay @15.1    5 years ago

Announced? I guess. It really wasn't much of an announcement. It's not like he set aside time to make it a special announcement. It was more like "oh by the way . . . "

It was just a supporting comment to a conversation where they were already talking about the drug. The context was that a lot of people were taking it with good reason and doing just fine. For example: front line medical workers, and him.  

But people are acting like this personal medical decision is some kind of national crisis. To that degree, it's really not anyone's business.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
15.1.2  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  Dulay @15.1    5 years ago
Which is why he announced it on live television. /s

Nothin' but net!!!!!!

Professor Guide
15.1.3  Dulay  replied to  Tacos! @15.1.1    5 years ago
Announced? I guess. It really wasn't much of an announcement. It's not like he set aside time to make it a special announcement. It was more like "oh by the way . . . "

Trump's own statement refutes you claim. 

From the transcript of the event:

So it’s been heavily tested, in terms of — I was just waiting to see your eyes light up when I said this, but — you know, when I announced this.  But, yeah, I have taken it for about a week and a half now, and I’m still here.  I’m still here.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
15.1.5  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  Dulay @15.1.3    5 years ago

Professor Guide
15.1.6  Tacos!  replied to  Tessylo @15.1.4    5 years ago

Nope. I still think it's his business and I still don't see why you think you should get to care.

Professor Guide
15.1.7  Tacos!  replied to  Dulay @15.1.3    5 years ago

It's still not your business. There's nothing going on here that says you or anyone else should be passing judgment on whether or not he should be taking the drug.

Sophomore Quiet
15.1.10  katrix  replied to  Tacos! @15.1.7    5 years ago

It is my business if our president is lying.. And in this case his lies could kill people. Granted it would kill stupid people, but still. And I guess you don't give a shit if people who actually need this drug for lupus and such can't get it. Smh.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
15.1.11  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  dennis smith @15.1.8    5 years ago
Taking things out of context is a textbook response for Trump haters.

What is being taken out of context?

Professor Guide
15.1.12  Tacos!  replied to  katrix @15.1.10    5 years ago
It is my business if our president is lying.

Which part of it was a lie? That he was taking the meds or that he was doing fine so far? And how would you know?

And in this case his lies could kill people.


And I guess you don't give a shit if people who actually need this drug for lupus and such can't get it.

I would care very much. Is that documented as actually happening? And is it just because of Trump or is it also because doctors all over the world are trying it with their patients? And if it's the case that doctors genuinely want to try the drug, shouldn't they be able to?

Professor Guide
15.1.13  Dulay  replied to  Tacos! @15.1.7    5 years ago
It's still not your business.

Trump WANTED it to everybody's business, he'll do or say anything to deflect. 

There's nothing going on here that says you or anyone else should be passing judgment on whether or not he should be taking the drug.

The only judgments I have made in this thread are of your BS comments. 

Professor Guide
15.1.14  Gordy327  replied to  katrix @15.1.10    5 years ago

Hey Kat, how are you doing. I haven't seen you around much.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
15.1.19  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Tacos! @15.1.12    5 years ago
When you have people attempting to make their own, that is how.  Remember the idiot who used the form of it meant for fish?
Sophomore Quiet
15.3  katrix  replied to  Tacos! @15    5 years ago

He already shows many of the side effects .. paranoia, delusions and such. So how will be able to tell?

Sparty On
Professor Expert
15.3.1  Sparty On  replied to  katrix @15.3    5 years ago
He already shows many of the side effects .. paranoia, delusions and such

Holy crap!   There are whole shitload of people here on NT that have the Covid if thats true.

Specifically the delusional issue.

Signs, signs, everywhere signs ...

Breakin up the scenery  breakin my mind ...

Whine this, cry that, can't they read the signs

Sophomore Quiet
15.4  katrix  replied to  Tacos! @15    5 years ago

He already shows many of the side effects .. paranoia, delusions and such. So how will be able to tell?

Professor Principal
17  JohnRussell    5 years ago
Laura Rozen
May 18
how long til Pence claims either (a) he also is prophylactically taking hydrochloroquine (sp), or (b) how does he explain why the WH physician did not think the benefits outweigh the risks for him?
Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
17.1  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  JohnRussell @17    5 years ago
how long til Pence claims either (a) he also is prophylactically taking hydrochloroquine (sp), or (b) how does he explain why the WH physician did not think the benefits outweigh the risks for him?

Probably 5 minutes.

And thank  you for a seed-appropriate post.

Professor Principal
17.1.1  JohnRussell  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @17.1    5 years ago

I thought you were a fan of Eddie Haskell. Pardon Moi. 

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
17.1.3  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  JohnRussell @17.1.1    5 years ago

I met Ken once.  He was a nice and caring guy and so opposite of Eddie Haskell.

Professor Principal
18  JohnRussell    5 years ago

Sister I want to congratulate you on the success of this article, which has led many Trump supporters to reveal their true colors. 

Senior Guide
18.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell @18    5 years ago

Red, white, and blue! 🇺🇸

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
18.1.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  XXJefferson51 @18.1    5 years ago

with a soul as black as tar

Professor Expert
19  CB    5 years ago

President Donald Trump said Monday that he is taking a malaria drug to protect against the new coronavirus, despite warnings from his own government that it should only be administered for COVID-19 in a hospital or research setting due to potentially fatal side effects.

Narcissistic personality disorder.




I ndividuals with narcissistic personality disorder, according to the DSM-5 , exhibit five or more of the following, which are present by early adulthood and across contexts:

  • A grandiose sense of self-importance
  • Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Belief that one is special and can only be understood by or associate with special people or institutions
  • A need for excessive admiration
  • A sense of entitlement (to special treatment)
  • Exploitation of others
  • A lack of empathy
  • Envy of others or the belief that one is the object of envy
  • Arrogant, haughty behavior or attitudes

I realize some conservatives have been pushed here to stir up, cook up, and direct attention on Trump by hook or crook , because attention of any kind can be capitalized on. Still, I have one question:

  • Does the "mission" allow for some conservatives here to buoy up the truth in the name of moderation once in a while? 
Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
19.1  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  CB @19    5 years ago

That is actually a decent picture of him.  It sure beats the perpetual frown he usually has.

Professor Expert
19.1.1  CB  replied to  Paula Bartholomew @19.1    5 years ago

It's all "hollywood' and tv "pancake," my dear Paula. It's called being, "posed-out."  That is, you keep going until you get the shot you crave!


Junior Quiet
20  Freewill    5 years ago

Just this morning Trump announced that he has also been taking dihydrogen monoxide despite the facts about this dangerous chemical !

When will this buffoon stop putting lives in danger?

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
20.1  Trout Giggles  replied to  Freewill @20    5 years ago


He takes the chloroquinine and chases it with the dihydrogen monoxide

Freshman Silent
20.2  Jim5849  replied to  Freewill @20    5 years ago

Dihydrogen monoxide is water, right?

Junior Quiet
20.2.1  Freewill  replied to  Jim5849 @20.2    5 years ago
Dihydrogen monoxide is water, right?

That would be correct.   (-:

Sparty On
Professor Expert
21  Sparty On    5 years ago

There is some weak assed moderation going in this article.    Along with some of the typical passive aggressive nonsense from some.    Childish.

The echo chamber grows and grows and grows ..........

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
21.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Sparty On @21    5 years ago
The echo chamber grows and grows and grows ...

The sycophantic echo chamber regurgitating this moron Presidents insanity is actually "growing" smaller and smaller, so it's okay, sane Americans won't have to put up with it much longer.

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
22  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom    5 years ago

CNN just now reporting about a 96,000-patient study that shows Hydroxychloroquine does indeed increase the risk of death for those patients receiving it.

If his doctor did indeed prescribe this medication for Trump, an immediate investigation is warranted.  On the other hand, Trump hasn't thrown anyone under the bus in the last five minutes   I hope Dr. What'sHisNuts didn't have Memorial Day plans.

And no, I don't believe for one instant that Trump's doctor prescribed Hydroxychloroquine for him, nor do I believe he is/has/was taking it.  Trump is having to dig deep into the trash bin for distractions, and this is the best he can do. 

PhD Quiet
22.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @22    5 years ago
CNN just now reporting about a 96,000-patient study that shows Hydroxychloroquine does indeed increase the risk of death for those patients receiving it.

no wonder the WH Doc prescribed it

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
22.1.1  seeder  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  igknorantzrulz @22.1    5 years ago
no wonder the WH Doc prescribed it

Dr. Deep State?  

PhD Quiet
22.1.2  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom @22.1.1    5 years ago

maybe for most of US Citizens,

Dr. FeelGood

Freshman Silent
23  Jim5849    5 years ago

I think Trump should visit Russia and stay there.

PhD Quiet
23.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Jim5849 @23    5 years ago

hopefully he takes a few supporters from round hear with him


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