It's sad when you have nothing to show for 3 1/2 years in office but insanity and corruption.

The Trump campaign has settled into their final strategy for the presidential election. Try and make the opponent seem so feeble and out of it that Americans will have to vote for Trump no matter how bonkers and corrupt he has proven himself to be.
The fly in this little ointment is of course the fact that polling has shown that more Americans think Trump is feeble and addled than think Biden is.
And now there is this
Poll: 80% of Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction
4 out of 5 Americans think the country is going off the rails. How can Trump get a good portion of that 80% to vote for him?
The only way is to try and make Biden look like a drooling mentally declining old babbler. So that is what the Trump forces will now try to do.
There is no evidence of this , although we can expect the right wing lie factory to go into overdrive doctoring videos and photos.
It's time to put the Trump presidency out of our misery.
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In most presidential election years the conventions would be over and we would be in the beginning of the end of the campaign , the last 3 months or so. Play time is over.
Biden is indeed feeble, but he is very uninspiring and has a lifetime of corruption to account for.
He also doesn't appear to want the job very bad. He doesn't have a lick of charisma and nothing about him says "leader".
He doesn't have anything to run his campaign on. One would think that with over 40 years as a politician he would have some accomplishments worth running on but all he has are "plans".
There's no trying about it. I've heard the man speak... and I thought "W" was bad at speaking in full sentences. My ex father in law has dementia and watched him decline from someone that was very aware and alert to someone that couldn't even finish his thought verbally; Biden is in the later stages. He can read and when told to, he reads a prompter and still occasionally will derail from the prompter and it becomes obvious quickly that he's losing it. It's sad. It's nothing I'd wish on anyone, but be realistic.
For the record, I think they all suck and want a do-over.
utter nonsense, but thanks for your "both sides suck" opinion. That is going to do us a lot of good over the next 3 months. (sarc).
You cannot be serious! Biden is medically unfit for the job. Your denial doesn't make that reality go away. The far left nut jobs will be pulling his puppet strings if by some miracle he gets elected
Your propaganda BS might work on the feeble minded. Lets hope there arent too many in that category who arent already Trump voters.
You don't have to be rude. I certainly wasn't rude to you. I most certainly wasn't personal. I was pointing out that I'm a fan of neither candidate before you accused me of being a "Trump lover" or something.
I don't consider pointing out reality to be rude.
"Both sides" are at fault is just a way of saying Trump is not any worse than Biden. If there is anything on God's earth that can get Trump re-elected, it is that attitude.
You calling my comment utter nonsense is rude.
I'm saying that they're both EQUALLY AWFUL! Yes, they are equally awful in different ways. The past 20 years has been a financial struggle, and I will be honest, up to Trump taking office. While "W" was in office and Obama was in office, I couldn't get payment reduction on my student loans because they didn't consider the fact that I have a family and other bills. I'm not a 20 year old living at home and attending school. I didn't have parents paying for my education. But even the loan officer on the phone told me that Trump changed the means of how they determine student loan payments and now I actually have payments less than my monthly mortgage.
Obama also screwed the middle class when that healthcare BS was passed; I used to only have to pay a copay when going to the ER, now each "portion" of treatment is parsed out and billed separately and ended up being nearly $2000 out of pocket. That is asinine. I doubt Biden will do any better for the middle class considering he was Obama's right hand man.
I finally got a decent tax return too with Trump in office. However, none of the financial benefits I've received since Trump took office compare to his attitude, ego and manipulative ways.
You will never convince me that Biden is even remotely any better than Trump. They're just a different type of awful. And you bet your rear end that if Biden is elected, whoever his VP is, will be our president. I guess I should hope, pray, cross my fingers, whatever that whoever Biden is pushed to choose as his running mate is a half decent human being. That's how they're going to get their woman president... they want those headlines saying, "Look, we were able to get a black man and a woman in the presidency... look how progressive we are." BS
People who support Donald Trump, like you do, are going to be heavily criticized. The only good part I guess is that he will probably be gone from office in a few months so the subject won't come up as much.
Donald Trump is a KNOWN serial liar, crook, bigot, moron and cheat. He is entirely unfit to hold office, yet you say he is no worse than Joe Biden who isnt noticeably any of those things.
We have lowered our standards, by putting Trump in office, below the gutter.
Donald Trump once LED a racist conspiracy theory against the then sitting president of the United States. Do you think that should have disqualified Trump for consideration for the presidency?
Please show me where I said that I supported Trump.
John is a bit of an acquired taste. If you are not aggressively attacking Trump or if you express a viewpoint that is not purely D partisan, he presumes you are a Trump supporter.
Don't take it personally; everyone is treated to this method. Just have to get used to factoring that in. ( I am not sure I am used to it yet. )
Donald Trump should resign TODAY. Every single one of us know that in our hearts, but some for the sake of "fairness" pretend he is just another politician.
As for me objecting to conservative points of view, that is not true. I object to Trumpism.
John I think you presume too much. When someone like MsAubrey expresses her opinion that the current candidates for PotUS are both awful, it is both absurd and unfair for you to deem that to mean she supports Trump.
I will probably never understand why you do not recognize that attacking those who likely would not vote for Trump is counter-productive.
John, I've been staying out of this conversation, but I don't think MsAubrey supports trmp. He did some good things for her. So he didn't do them for me or you.
Please don't chase her off. She's a breath of fresh air around here.
I agree, but that doesn't mean Joe Biden is the second coming of Christ. Will I vote for Biden? Yes, it's the only clear choice this November, but I understand and accept the criticisms of Joe Biden. Sure, they're nothing when compared to the monumentally inept Trump, but Biden is certainly not a perfect candidate and leaves a lot to be desired. He's still far and away the better more competent candidate, but he does have a tendency to stick his foot in his mouth.
While I'd love a perfectly cooked medium rare filet mignon on the menu, we're being given a choice between a turd sandwich and a gas station vending machine ham & cheese. Obviously, most people will choose the gas station ham & cheese over a turd sandwich, but that doesn't mean everyone is going to be excited about it and many will likely wish they had better options to choose from.
What I never got is why is it ok for donald to stick his foot in his mouth yet not Biden.
They both do it.
I never understood the age thing either when they are only like 3 or 4 years apart.
People who say, or say a version of, "both sides are equally to blame" for what is happening in this country is probably the only thing that can get Trump re-elected.
It is time for everyone to realize that. The election is in a few months.
I think Biden leaves quite a bit to be desired. But the truth is, saying that now gives solace to one person, Donald Trump. Trump has no chance to win on his own merits, and he knows it. His only chance is for people to say "Biden's just as bad" what the heck lets leave Trump in.
If Trump wins, the "both sides" people are exactly the ones I am going to blame. It is time for them to choose sides.
Thanks for explaining TiG.
Awesome way to put it.
I have the freedom of not choosing either shit-show I've been given. I think we should all scream loud enough for the world to hear that we refuse them both. If the American public refuses BOTH of them... what are they going to do?
You wanna see a real shit-show friends?
My husband and I didn't vote in 2016 and I doubt we will in Nov. too. Why? Because we have that right.
Wait for it.............................................
I tried that once.
Helped get Bubba elected the first time.
Never again.
I get it. I do. But really... I simply cannot vote for anyone that doesn't have the American peoples backs. You can't convince me that either of them do. One is a crooked businessman and the other a crooked politician. They've only got their own interests that they're worried about.
You have a right to your opinion and to vote or not vote as you see fit. If we end up with four more years of this utter chaos in our news every day we will know who to blame.
I never thought I would live to see the day when we had Americans being blase about a liar , crook, bigot, moron and cheat sitting in our Oval Office every day and lying his ass off every day. America is no longer a great country, it is a country in great decline.
If you can provide a link to that, I'll keep an open mind as I read it.
But then again... no one will investigate.
We can agree on one thing at least.
You can blame me all ya like, but if Biden is elected and falls WAY short of your expectations, you can blame yourself.
We have to get Trump out of office. Everyone on this forum is more qualified to be president of the United States than he is.
Maybe you could nominate badfish for PotUS. I hear the Hand of the Queen gig is getting old and he is looking for some new action.
He might even make you Secretary of State.
Maybe the court jester position will open up
President-elect badfish walks to the podium to take the oath of office after his extraordinary win based on a single-point campaign promise that he is not Donald J. Trump ...
At this point anything would be better than Trump
Well we all know he would legalize weed the first day....
Me for President of the United States!!! I'll vote for me if you vote for me.
You would be infinitely better than Trump. Words are inadequate to express how much better you would be.
I get that we are living in a hyper-partisan time, but that doesn't mean we can't be honest with ourselves even if the other side refuses to do the same. I'd rather admit Biden has flaws than sound like a half-witted sycophant defending anything and everything my chosen candidate does like most Trump supporters.
I agree, Trumps only campaign strategy is to demonize his opponent, it's all he's ever been good at. However, just because of the stakes in this election it's still not cause to abandon rational thinking just because your opponent does.
If Trump wins we're all to blame for not helping America rise above such a monumentally incompetent bigot.
I hear you and It sounds cliche but you really have to pick your lesser of two evils. That’s a very easy decision for me.
Not a 100% pleasant one but based on past experience .... a pretty easy one to make
The utter chaos is being driven largely by a minority left wing TDS infected resist movement that serves no purpose but to serve its own fanatical ideas of what this country should be,
Biden wins and the USA as we know it today is done. He and his handlers will turn it into a socialists paradise where everyone has less with fewer and fewer motivated people to pay the bills.
Take it to the bank John. Not that it will matter though when you’re eating government cheese three meals a day ...... hope you like government cheese. I’ll be eating venison and chicken so enjoy the socialist cheese whiz buddy!
Thanks Suz, much appreciated.
To me that's like picking between ass rape and being stabbed in the gut.
Well, in 92 i picked a stab in the gut and then got ass raped as well for my trouble.
Your choice but that is what a vote for a third party will get you in our current two party system.
It's a wasted vote, no matter how righteous you feel making it. I speak from experience.
I agree with you, but to me it doesn't matter which one is "elected" I loathe them both equally.
I hear you but it should. They represent far different visions of our country.
No way one can agree with both of them. They are far too different for that to happen.
Different is an understatement!
I feel your pain but honestly the decision is an easy one for me.
I'm not a Socialist. I never will be and that is exactly what Biden will help bring about.
That is by far the worse evil in my book.
And it's not even close really .....
Total nonsense.
Right back at ya
By 'socialist' and thus 'socialism' I presume you mean 'statism' — more big government: more borrowing/taxing, spending and a larger, more controlling government.
Some people use the label 'socialism' to connote:
Your reference is more like item 4 in the above list, right? Or maybe a lighter version of that as promoted by Sanders?
Please tell us how that would happen and what that would look like. Please link to those parts of Biden's campaign platform that applies. Then we can either agree with you or disagree based on the same information.
I feel ya man no need to define modern socialism in the USA to me.
Nah, i'll let you two explain how my OPINION is wrong on your own.
You don't need any comments from me to help you end up there in the end .... you'll stay there regardless of anything i have to say.
I know, frankly i'm surprised it took as long as it did
No way to do that since your opinion was entirely ambiguous. Implying that Biden is going to bring about socialism in the USA has meaning only if you have defined what on Earth you mean by 'socialism' (or at least 'socialist').
But, clearly, you wish to make a vague comment.
Wrong like usual with me as i simply just don't care what your opinion on the matter is. But then again you already know that so this is likely just another sophomoric attempt to stack up some more tickets on someone who disagrees with you regularly here. So knock yourself out, have at her ....
Demonstrably not wrong. I asked you for clarity on your comment and you declined. You have clearly chosen to be vague even though I provided a list of common meanings for socialism to make it super easy to let us know what you actually mean.
Lol, the fact that i don't care what you think is demonstrably wrong?
Now i have to admit, that is funny!
Yes, the last 3 and a half years of Democratic corruption and bullshit have been unbearable. Glad you noticed.
Unless you want to produce the questions on the survey they might the poll could be completely out of context.
"Do you think the country is headed in the wrong direction"
Answer from Trump supporter- "hell yes, fuck those Democrats for all for the corruption, chaos, and anarchy they are causing!"
Pollster- well that is another mark against Trump.
Question can be worded and asked any way the pollsters want to get the results they want.
"Hillary in a landslide!" Still hasn't sunk in.
3 and 1/2 years of Democratic corruption? Democrats only took the house in the last 18 months. Republicans still have the Senate.
Am I missing something in this new math every one has been doing?
They've had total control and still blame the party out of power for things turning to shit.
I know, right? For the first 2 years of trmps' presidency the Republicans were in control of the House and the Senate. I'm pretty sure I'm right on this one
It is sad. Democrat corruption and insanity all because they can't handle the rejection by the American people.
And amidst all that Democrat corruption and insanity, he still had the lowest unemployment rate for minorities (something Democrats only provide lip service to do), record stock market (no Obama didn't do that), NO WARS STARTED (we didn't even bomb random countries).
Oh and all the while under a fraudulent partisan investigation for the majority of the term.
Trump is not remotely fit to hold the office of dogcatcher, let alone the presidency of the United States. Why is Trump losing? Because people have seen him in action for the past 4 years.
You keep making that accusation but to date have not provided a damn thing to back it up. Did losing the election 4 years ago really devastate your life that much?
What's he losing? Polls? We already know those are a joke, but that seems to be your go to for "proof" of virtually everything.
His behavior and his past backs it up. He is a KNOWN liar, crook, bigot, moron and cheat. If you are happy with that as president then you are in hog heaven.
We're done with all the bs. Time to come down the home stretch and throw the bum out.
Again, you provide absolutely no proof. Just more unsubstantiated blathering. Time to put up or shut up.
Trump created the strongest economy in decades which help minority unemployment to it’s lowest levels ever. Prior to trump, black unemployment was never below 7%. It was below 7% for 23 consecutive months under trump. Then the chinese virus hit the fan.
Incomes for black Americans increased by 2.6% under trump and were rising.
Black poverty rates fell to their lowest levels under trump.
Trump created about 9000 opportunity zones to create jobs and spur investment in disadvantaged communities.
Trump signed the first step act, the most important criminal justice reform in decades.
he signed the ready to work initiative which is a program designed to help former prisoners get a job.
Trump has made supporting black colleges a priority by appropriating more money to black colleges than any other president.
That is just for black Americans and i could go on. Pretty nice of him to do considering he’s a (gasp) racist, lol.
That's it? "No he didn't"? Nothing to disprove it, just 3 words. On the other hand, I'm not really surprised.
And as you can see in 7.1.5 you'll just get idiotic claims that the economy is Obama's and "Orange man bad" comments.
Guaranteed he will.
Well, now, that was entertaining. How WELL the Trump-worshippers (who refuse to admit that he has done ANYTHING wrong) are following the latest directive to ridicule Biden and question his lucidity. What's the matter, the China-bashing isn't working for him as well as he hoped? I agree that Biden has little if any charisma, could die during his term, and I have no idea of his real mental capacity, but right now he's the only game in town to get rid of the worst POTUS the USA has ever known, certainly during my lifetime, but then I have no skin in the game so go ahead and tell me to MYOB, I really don't care.
My prediction for Trumpty Dumpty...