An absolutely unprecedented level of deceit. Is this evil, or just insanity?
After years of Trump's incessant lies and hyperbolic blathering, I almost became numb to it all. I didn't think anything coming out of his mouth would ever really shock me again, but I was wrong. Boy, was I wrong. What follows is without a doubt the most shocking and contemptible display of straight-faced deceit ever delivered by an American politician, let alone a sitting U.S. President.
With somewhere around 74 million people in this country supporting him in the 2020 election, and with a large percentage of them apparently trusting in what he says, this is some seriously dangerous stuff.
Before commenting or answering any of the polls I've included, I implore you to watch his remarks in their entirety, as painful as that may be. Think of it as something of a patriotic duty, because this one is important.
On Thanksgiving Day, he answered questions from reporters in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House for approximately 25 minutes of this 35 minute video.
Question 1
In your opinion, is Donald Trump evil or insane?
Question 2
In your opinion, is Donald Trump's conduct since the election placing the republic at risk?
Question 3
In your opinion, does Donald Trump care more about the republic or his own power?
Question 4
In your opinion, is Donald Trump showing himself to be an enemy of the republic?
I found his performance yesterday to be the most disturbing yet. And that's saying something.
In addition to vehemently doubling down on his election fraud scam, he actually called Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger — a Republican and self-declared Trump voter, mind you — an enemy of the people.
This could go downhill fast.
I'd ask for proof but I know that you couldn't provide it, Gregg.
Yet here you are supporting the Liar King.
We're still waiting for proof of any kind or variety of Trump-Putin collusion or any other of the many accusations directed at Trump, Kavika.
~73,000,000 people can't be all wrong.
I wasn't aware that the article was about a Trump-Putin collusion, Greg.
Here is something to mull over Greg. Trump is talking about all the illegal votes perhaps it's part of the 73,000,000 that are illegal.
Also 80,000,000 plus are right.
Nice try but a swing and a miss.
Article isn't about Kerry, why do Trump supporters always try to deflect...because they can't defend.
I am surprised they haven't brought up Hillary.
By that logic, 80 million people cannot all be wrong. So, using your method, Biden is the winner.
Do you buy the crap that Trump is selling here?
Approximately 30 million people in the USA believe the Earth is ~6,000 years old.
Belief is not necessarily aligned with truth (fact).
Do they really? Can you name those people? Or are you conflating acceptance of anthropogenic climate change with lack of recognition of other causes of climate change? Because it seems like you might be either misunderstanding or misstating their position.
AGW is not a claim that climate change does not exist. It is a claim that anthropogenic climate change is a reality we face today. That is a claim that human activities significantly contribute (adversely) to the green house effect and are causing an undesirable (and avoidable) warming of the planet.
Further, this is not mere 'belief' (as is the case with my example); this is backed by hard evidence. In contrast, there is not a shred of evidence backing up the 6,000 year old Earth nonsense and, in reality, there is an abundance of evidence to the contrary.
Your example is very flawed.
Well here is one and he wants his money back. Perhaps you could join him and get your money back as well.
Man sues for refund of $2.5m he donated to Trump election challenge group
Belief is irrelevant. It's about what can be demonstrated with evidence. We know the climate changed before 150 years ago and we know the climate is changing now based on the evidence.
Because Trump says so, right?
OMG. Do you have eyes?
And? Millions of people probably think Bigfoot exists.
Surely you know by now that the word collusion has no specific legal meaning, but for "any kind or variety" try Volume 1 of the Mueller report, even though his investigation was incomplete.
Better yet, try the Senate Intelligence Committee's report from August. Here's an article about it with a link to the report in the first paragraph.
Here's an excerpt:
That's not entirely clear. He didn't even interview Trump.
Judging by the eagerness to get out in front of it and declare "nothing to see here, folks", I suspect it had something to do with Trump's then recently appointed fixer, William Barr.
Maybe they are just observing that there have been some absurd and extreme reactions and standards applied to Trump that others in a similar position are not (or have not been) held to. Comparing these reactions to those for other people isn’t deflection. It’s context, perspective, and analysis. The approach can reveal unfairness and hypocrisy.
None of this to say Trump isn’t worthy of certain criticisms. But an unwillingness to indulge any comparative analysis may reveal irrational partisanship.
Sorry, I have no interest in getting into a lengthy discussion about Mueller with you. If you want more about Trump and Russia, the final Senate report is freely available.
God. Just stop.
Come on, Dig, why don't you stop. You know that he will keep spewing out his crap as long as you keep responding to him. Put your efforts in where they will do some good and stop wasting it playing his games.
False. Millions of Germans were wrong in the 1030s. And their attitude caused great misery, pain and death.
Kerry was not putting up walls to hide laundered foreign money nor accepting cash payments from Turkey and maybe Russia. There is a difference between what the two individuals were doing and the reasons they were doing it.
PT Barnum is correct. The Trumpers sure seem to sue a lot, don't they?
Of course you have proof.
Right? Because if you do, you may want to lets trumps lawyers know because they sure as fuck can't find any.
Also, who was it again that engaged in voter suppression in the 2020 election? News flash, Greg, it wasn't the left wing.
Yeppers, and they seem to lose a lot as well. And the real losers are those who doe the dirty work and never get paid.
Trumps very impressive lead lawyer Rudy knows this, and he knows there is a cabinet job with his name on it instead when he proves that Trump won the election.
Trump has his puppets...
Nuance much?
Or Trump...
Because Rosenstein limited it.
Characterizing what MUVA posted as 'comparative analysis' is laughable.
It was a false equivalency at best.
If you say so. I don't know what comment you are referring to and I don't care. I responded to the general phrase that I quoted with a general comment of my own. In such cases, I don't believe that either the question or the answer are intended to apply to every specific case one can possibly think of. What matters, though, is what it meant to me. By the way, I don't care if you agree. It's my comment and I'll be the one to say what it means. Have a nice day.
Since I block quoted it, that lacks credibility.
Are you journaling?
As the reader, I'll be the one to say that it's laughable.
Put the garden to bed. Pulled and cleaned the last of the scallions. Draining the irrigation system. Nice day outside.
The only way Trump would see "an enemy of the people" would be if Secretary Raffensperger was holding up a mirror when he looked at him.
There ya go Paula!
Although I was unable to see the video, I didn't need to see it as my mind had already been made up with respect to the poll questions. I am heartened to see that most of the NT members who voted are obviously educated, intelligent and have common sense. I can understand why members might support Republican principles, but what I cannot understand is how they can support Trump, unless they are just trying to further the dialogues by being devil's advocates.
I thought about you when I posted it. There are plenty of pieces of it out there in clip form if you want to look for them, but YouTube was the only place I could find the full video, and the full video was what I wanted here. If I had another source, I'd post a link for you, but I don't. Sorry Buzz.
No problem, Dig. It was easy to vote just from seeing what's being happening this last month.
His ''performance'' yesterday was bizarre and dangerous.
It's all about him, nothing else.
I was flabbergasted. That was something else, even for Trump.
This is a temper tantrum from a 74 year old.
It looked like quite a bit more than that to me.
He is messaging to his supporters. He is telegraphing that he wants them to reject the election based on nothing but whatever outrageous and unfounded claims he can manufacture. Even now, after the GSA finally declared Biden the apparent winner so the transition could formally begin.
This is dangerous. He is poisoning the well of democracy and undermining the republic.
I agree. I went into more detail @6.
Yeah, I saw that after I posted here. I was working my way down the page.
Well stated, too.
Trump is producing repetition phrases for with whch he will 'haunt' the Biden Administration using. As Donald did to former President Obama, he will try to do the Biden Administration: Trump will make longstanding demands for investigation of the 2020 election. Old tricks from an old trick bag.
Biden will have to "SEE THE MAN" and evade taking the bait to waste administration power trying to appease a stark-raving fool and his associates. President Biden should sent no one down a Trump 'tunnel.'
He's the biggest POS in the bedpan......
Photo of Trump at his presser on Thanksgiving Day.
It seems that he was banned from the adult table and had to sit at the kiddies desk.
The desk makes his hands look bigger.
LMAO, no comment.
But his makeup person is back on the job.
His orange glow is on point.
Too bad it can't do the same for his brain.
Seated before a portrait of George Washington, no less; who willingly walked away from power knowing he could have effectively been named King if he'd wanted.
The sickening irony...
Much more suitable for him and his 2 y/o tantrums. He had best watch himself and what he says, as he just might wind up in the hootsgow for sedition or worse. His brain is now fried, and his mouth is just running free.
We'll know sooooo much more in 2 weeks. All the fraud will be exposed. It's coming, along with Trump's healthcare plan. 2 weeks folks.....
So we will also receive a clearer explanation of "Stormy Who?"
He is not insane. What we are watching is a narcissist pathological liar. Trump, I am confident, knows the reality — he knows he lost the election; he is now lying to prevent people from tagging him a loser ... from articles stating 'you are fired'. He is attempting to do what he has done his entire life; he is using dishonesty to try to cheat to his end. He projected this game —'rigged election'— before the election and, if you remember, he did the same thing in 2016. (Funny how he shut up as soon as he won.)
Trump built a career on selling an alternate reality, by using people and discarding them when they cease to be of value. He used his celebrity, influence and deep legal pockets to stiff partners, contractors and suppliers.
He is now playing his same old game with the election.
In the end, Trump is a disgusting human being. And because of the level of sycophantic support for Trump, his continued lies do cause damage to our nation.
Couldn't agree more.
Actually he didn’t. In spite of winning the election, he alleged that millions of cast votes were illegal. Maybe he was pissed that he lost the popular vote? Anyway, of course, no evidence for that was ever revealed.
Looking forward to Jan 20.
January 19th will be edgier. The last business day of 'The Trump Klan'.
You're right, he didn't really shut up about a rigged election, even tho he won the electoral vote.'
I think he's just not satisfied until he is declared the ultimate and true winner
Insane? Maybe. Depends how you define it. There exist a whole lot of mental states that could be or not labeled as insane.
I see that he has been taking instruction from his press secretary. He hasn't been ad-libbing as much.... You will notice that he keeps glancing down at his a binder. I guess that he has to keep track of his lies somehow.
I have been aware of stumpy for quite a long while. Always the same game: No matter what, claim victory and ram ahead full speed. As long as you can control the narrative, it works quite well.
The thing is he is not in control of the narrative. People have found Donald out. He simply does not know how to quit. We have to help him—quit!
Do not feed the 'dirty Beast!' Starve it of attention.
A large proportion of his followers practice cognitive dissonance on such a frequent and regular basis that even his most outrageous fantasies just slide in as truth. As such, he is still controlling the narrative, or at least a portion thereof. It is these people, the ones who truly believe that unless he says it is true, it is questionable, and if he says it is true, then it is gospel.
What worries me is just how much damage this dirty wounded beast will cause before he is finally put out of our misery.
As much as humanly possible.
Trump will do whatever Trump believes will help Trump.
I do not believe he will be vindictive to Biden, unless that, in some misguided way, is seen by Trump as a personal advantage to Trump. To wit, he will not do harm just to do harm.
He already is vindictive to Biden, saying that there is no way that Biden could possibly have gotten the votes that he did. That is like sticking Bidens head on a pike and saying, "Here he is! This guy cheated you out of your rightful president! He does not have the right to be your president. He is a fraud!"
This is not in the future tense. This is right now. He is saying that Biden has no right to form a cabinet because he did not win the election. Period. How on earth do you get more disruptive, do more damage than that? He casts the whole of our democratic society into a chaos of his own making.
He is vindictive to everyone he views as not part of his team (currently).
My point is that Trump is vindictive (or not) based on his perception of personal value to him. So if being vindictive to Biden is seen by Trump to be advantageous to Trump then he will be vindictive. If not, he will not.
IMO every action taken by Trump is to benefit Trump.
I think that sums it up right there.
That is my point.
Of course. As it was and ever shall be....
Hi Thomas! Well, Donald Trump is damn near having a nervous breakdown in the White House right now. As for his surrogates, who pays these people? —Donald Trump? How can individuals be sold out to such strong delusions inseminating from the mind of one man?
Isn't narcissism and pathological lying both forms of mental illness?
There are levels of narcissism. But from what I can see, I would be surprised if Trump's level of narcissism did not rise to the level of mental illness. Someone identified him as having malignant narcissism . I could believe that based on how it is defined and what I have observed (especially right now!). But I am not a psychiatrist so I defer to the professionals.
I am unaware that writing a biography determines narcissism.
Do you have a psychiatric citation that you are using or are you just making up a criterion?
I watched part of that. He is a sick, sad piece of shit.
People that worship the ass show their true character, or lack of...
I could only stomach 30 seconds of this Loser POS.
The part where he was saying, how dare you, I am the president of the United States.
He is a power hungry narcissistic pig.
Oh, I know...
"Don't talk to me that way. You're just a lightweight. Don't talk to me that — I'm the president of the United States. Don't ever talk to the president that way."
Veins on my forehead almost exploded during that little fit.
I couldn't make out what the reporter said, but I read elsewhere that he was asking Trump if he was going to concede.
I think that the reporter's reply to Trump should have been, ''yes you're president but only until Jan.20th when the real president will be inaugurated''. You would have seen Trump's head explode.
I don't know how reporters can stand it sometimes. Professionalism, I guess.
I couldn't do it.
Just for the fun of it. To rattle him. If he doesn't like being rattled, maybe he shouldn't insult reporters for doing their jobs. Also, his demand for respect for the office didn't seem to extend to showing the same respect for Obama, when he was promoting the birther conspiracy, and denying that Obama was the "real" president.
Because I felt like it.
For something that didn't even happen? Did the reporter actually say that he wasn't the real president? No. So, whom are we blaming for what, here?
Or do you just resent Kavika's suggestion (after the fact, and not from a position that could have brought it to fruition) that Trump be treated as he treats others? Does that bother you, and if so, why?
Trump and reality in the same comment is an oxymoron.
What PotUS publicly talks to a reporter that way?
The kind of hateful snot now in the WH. He has no respect for anyone but himself, and demands that everyone else do so as well.
A man who knows he was in over his head when he walked through the door and a man who knows the Vampires and Werewolves are waiting for him when he walks out of the door.
Thing is, I think Trump really does believe he is the smartest guy with the best words. I think he holds himself as the greatest bullshit artist on the planet and is able to talk his way through any situation.
I think Trump is a malignant narcissist probably compensating for a severe inferiority complex, which accounts for a lot.
The following is from an interesting article from 2008 by an experienced psychiatric nurse who worked with law enforcement in crisis intervention:
Malignant narcissists seek omnipotence and total control, and will attempt to achieve those goals by any means. They will defy those in authority, challenge them, and attempt to demean them. Narcissists cast themselves as victims, justifying all of their feelings and actions. They blame all of their shortcomings on perceived enemies.
Narcissists often have an underlying paranoia. They invariably have an inferiority complex. However, they believe that they must be seen as perfect, superior, bigger than life, or god-like. They don't want others to like them; they want others to obey, fear, or admire them... They are contemptuous of others. Narcissists are extremely sensitive to personal criticism while being very critical of other people. They are characteristically mentally and emotionally cruel towards others, and can resort to violence.
The narcissist’s fundamental problem is that he lacks empathy. He simply won't take other people's feelings into account. Additionally, narcissists are intrinsically grandiose. Their jobs, friends, families, homes, and possessions aren't good enough for them; they deserve better. They truly feel entitled to whatever they can take. If there is nothing in it for the narcissist, don’t bother bringing it to his attention, he could care less. Narcissists are very sneaky and extraordinarily manipulative. They are best noted for their negative, pessimistic, cynical, doomsday outlook on life. They whine, gripe, complain, and criticize about virtually everyone or every thing relentlessly. They are notoriously sarcastic, while believing they are witty. Narcissists invariably contradict themselves, often in the same sentence. The narcissist is incapable of seeing that they have a problem, it is always the other person's problem, and that person must change.
Narcissists lack a mature conscience and are only restrained by the fear of being punished or having their reputations damaged. However, they will do something illegal, immoral, or violent if they believe that they can get away with it without being stopped or punished. Most narcissists truly don't feel responsible for their actions. They have convinced themselves that they are the victims of injustice, discrimination or prejudice.
The fundamental beliefs of the narcissist include:
Sound like anyone we know?
Mr. Burns from the Simpsons?
[Mr. Burn's lawyer, to the court] "Your honor, my client has instructed me to remind the court how rich and important he is, that he is not like other men."
[Mr. Burns] "I should be able to run over as many kids as I want!"
---The Simpsons, Episode: "Bart gets hit by a car"
Donald J. Trump
I recognize that Trump is delusional and a liar. He is still claiming that there are massive fraud and illegal votes.
Yes, I know. But I thought a little levity couldn't hurt, Lol
A little levity never hurts!
I'd say it's necessary at times.
What a perfect description of Trump.
But, a lot of levity hurts a whole lot less, Gordy. Thanks for lightening the mood. Even if just a little, it can feel like a whole lot.
Trump thinks he's a smart guy? I suppose. Hitler also thought he was a great painter. He wasn't.
Speaking of which...
I doubt many people would disagree with the claim that Trump has an out-of-control ego.
I'd say you are right.
Yes, it is.
In the future, something like that article is going to have to be printed in American History textbooks as a footnote to the section on Trump. I don't know how they'll explain the mind-boggling support he has among the population, though.
My brother. Now that I think about it, my brother could be a Trump clone...heinous comb-over and all. Nauseous, I am.
History is not going to look kindly on Donald Trump. The level of his support is inexplicable by any rational measure. You hear a lot of reasons, but it seems irrational.
You're welcome. Every little bit helps.
I guess that plan backfired, Lol
And I'd say you are very wise.
Maybe history books should just skip over 2016-2020.
People were idiots?
I disagree. You can't hide the disasters that America has experienced. There was the Civil War, The Great Depression, the attack on Pearl Harbour, The Iran Hostage Crisis, the Timothy McVeigh bombing, 9/11, The Covid-19 Pandemic, and Donald Trump as POTUS.
I do not follow; what point are you making?
I was being facetious.
Not going to waste my time. If you do not care to expend an ounce of energy to provide clarification of your comment then it has no value to me.
So you gave to the Trump campaign, because it was his campaign that paid for it. It was Trump supporters that gave to his campaign.
...or to anyone.
It was too apparent that the recount was a lost cause from the beginning, but I just read that it was really for the purpose of setting up yet another delaying lawsuit.
He wouldn't be a 'black dude' would he? You know, the "Clean Articulate" thing?
Actually, Hitler was quite talented for an amateur painter.
I wish I had 35 minutes to watch it...but like you could probably only stomach about 30 seconds of it
I could watch (in real time) only so much of it and then turned away with a solid realization that this man is having a nervous breakdown or lost of mind at the top. Donald Trump has made a fool of himself at the top of the world, with everybody, and I do mean everybody watching "the show."
Donald Trump had a plan to lead the world and be a U.S. "dictatorial" leader adored by friend and maybe suffered quietly by foes. And now, true dictators and presidents for life are laughing behind their thrones at him! Trump is washed up. He ran out "game" when the rider Coronavirus "manned-up" and galloped over and politically speared his pretense of successes (though Trump built on the Obama-Biden economic successes) leaving our nation with a gaping, mortal, wound. The man who would be 'god' on earth is not left in a stupor and clawing at court steps where he weeps and bangs on the doors, "Let me in! I made you, Judge. Let me win!"
Trump as a man is afraid of the unknown of which he knows very well. Private life jetsetter Trump could always run and hide leaving his problems to be cleaned up by 'fixers' and lawyers hoping not to get shafted again.
Trump continues to use tactics he employed as 'Private Life Trump' except in this game the stakes are higher than just him.
Trump only cares that he lost because the protections he had will vanish and the absolute fear of being exposed as 'The Con Man' will fracture his base into meaningless, angry splinters of no consequence.
I'm not really sure it will fracture his base. I think these morons will be with him to the bitter end. If he does end up going to prison they will protest, scream, shake their fists at the sky, and declare him to be innocent, or if not innocent, then he only did what they all did except he got caught (I heard that during the Nixon years).
Nah....nothing that he does will ever make his supporters ever see the real trmp
I compare some of the Trump supporters here (one extreme) to the Trump supporters I personally know (friends and family). The extreme here will likely follow Trump off the edge of the cliff. Those I know are already disgusted with the guy.
In a word, the extreme are pathetic.
Perhaps an apt observance concerning the 'most rabid' of the MAGA herd would be--'Nowhere to go and all day to get there'.
Kind of sad. These folk bear an inclination/affliction to follow a man that will short change them from every angle. This is what is so perplexing.
"I am the president of the United States, you don't talk to the President like that!!!!"
---The father of birthirism.
It will take time, but the leaders and sycophants of ( Birtherism ) are about to get their unworthy, lying arses bitten.
fuck him. I would talk to him any goddamn way I please
-- Newsflash --
Trump U-Turns On Day-Old Promise To Leave White House, Insists Biden ‘Prove’ His Votes Were Legal
Imagine that.
What a shitshow.
I can imagine the SS escorting a crying, kicking and screaming Trump out of the building.
Wouldn't that be a sight? I think I'd pay and wait in line to see that.
One that the media will surely be on hand to cover for everyone to see. At least, if it comes to that, that's what will happen.
While the mental image is really amusing, what an embarrassment this is for our country.
Indeed itis sandy. And one that I hope and pray will never ever happen again. I so hope that our country has learned a great lesson and will do what is necessary to prevent the same thing, or anything close to the same, every happening in America again.
I know. Trump has taken this much farther than I expected. I am beginning to seriously wonder if he is deranged.
I think the rest of the world, especially, America's allies, would love to see it happen as well.
It is time for America to cleanse its soul. And the American people have taken the first step with this election.
I don't know about "deranged". I think he's been so accustomed to talking and blustering his way out of trouble that he thinks he can do the same now. Civil lawsuits have usually gone his way because he could out-wait the little guy, knowing his family wasn't going to go hungry. Somehow or other, he's managed to convince enough people that he's in the right over so many issues that he's had a feedback loop of self-righteousness that has colored his perceptions.
Ok, maybe he is a bit deranged.
I expect Trump to take it to the extreme. Look at everything else he has done.
Just now? Where have you been?
Up to this point I have just considered him an asshole who is also a narcissistic liar who exploits people. Refusing to acknowledge his loss even with finalized EC results goes beyond those attributes and into delusional.
It's delusional if he believes it. As sick and depraved as he is, I think he knows exactly what's going on.
The man is scared shitless.
He should be.
I'd buy the DVD so I could watch it over and over.
I want BREAKING NEWS on Fox.
Trump has always been one to backtrack and/or recant a great many of his comments on most any and every topic.
When Biden is sworn in on January 20th 2021, Trump will be forced to leave the WH no matter what his demands are. Unless he chooses to be dragged out by the SS on hand, which will further embarrass him and his family, none of whom really care obviously, He best think again about on thoughts of refusing Biden entry to the WH once he is sworn in.
However, it is likely that Trump will have his Proud Boys and armed militias there to block Biden from entering the WH grounds.
Heh...or perhaps they will have better sense than Trump and not wish to wind up in prison too.
I know. It's not his choice to make. I wonder if he realizes that?
I doubt that even the dipshit brigades would show up and try to hold the White House for Trump after the EC votes Biden in. You never know, though.
So very true. Some of Trumps' armed militias might just might be stupid enough to think they can take on our military and win. After all, if they weren't as braindead as Trump they would not back him like they do.
So, like you say, you never know, and they are basically mentally troubled people with military style guns.
My suggestion is to have Trump being dragged from the White House on Pay for View and the national debt will be eliminated.
Five bucks a view. Available to the World in every language. The US could fund our schools for decades.
in handcuffs.
...and on a rail, tarred and feathered.
I'll buy! Seeing that would be well worth the cost.
Unfortunately none of this is going to happen.
Trump will slide through the door bitching and groaning every step of the way.
He will attack everyone and everything he perceives as an enemy.
He will hire lawyers by the dozen ( pray they get the money up front ) to challenge any information concerning him, his businesses, Ivanka and his financial dealings.
He will firmly step into the conspiratorial world, aligning with the insane and disparaging the half insane that supported him. And through it all, Melania will stand at his side, shaking her fist at the world which just wants to continue on without them.
Rumor has it he wants to get into TV again after he leaves office. He's already done reality TV, so now he's moving on to alternate reality TV. He needs nut job conspiratorial bullshit, and people to pit against one another in order to make money.
With the COVID it is possible the only TV he will have is his 'video' court appearances.
IMO, if he is confronted by an armed escort, he will go full on whinny bitch, muttering under his breath about the same old bs. I hope the whatever LE who handles this kind of thing, although I am thinking federal marshals, would be waiting at the gate. One step past that gate and Trump is a citizen again and would be so busted.
Re - the picture. Trump is now at the kiddie table in the Oval Office.