A Victory for Free Speech

Mark down this day: Monday April 25th 2022. That is the day Elon Musk bought twitter and ended the left's stranglehold on social media. It is the most significant event within this decade since the day Donald Trump was elected President of the United States. Now we have someone who thinks differently from the oligarch's who have controlled social media. Elon Musk, you see thinks that everyone should be allowed to speak, even those who disagree with him.
For the rest of us it means we have options. No longer will 5 companies control all the information on social media. The next time there is a major news story detrimental to the democrats during an election, we may actually get to hear about it. The next time we have a President that the woke elite hates, we may actually get to hear from him. (Donad Trump can now be found on "Truth Social. com" and he says he is not coming back to Twitter.) We may even get to see what Twitter was actually doing to people via their infamous and secretive algorithm. No more shadow banning and a fair playing field for all. No more lectures about what is true and what is "disinformation!" As a Twitter member, you will not only have a say, but you will have a chance to change other peoples minds. Think of that!
Musk still has 2 hurdles. He will face the usual resistance from those he keeps at Twitter and he still has to make Twitter more profitable. It will be a tough task, but if anyone can do it. it's Elon Musk.
Let's celebrate this moment. We the People just became a bit more powerful and the woke elite just became weaker.
Elon Musk is a hero.
He just showed what Capitalism can do to Socialism.
Nothing wrong with free speech, provided it isn't misinformation, disinformation, hate speech and good old-fashioned outright lies. If those ugly things are allowed to proliferate, watch your "exceptional" nation go to hell.
Who decides what is "disinformation?" Just before the 2020 election, 51 members of the intelligence community wrote and signed a letter saying that the story was false. They called it “Russian misinformation.” The story happened to be 100% true.
Then the letter was disinformation.
Yes, and it came from those who were the gate keepers on "speech." That's my point Buzz.
Well, if it means that there will be freedom of ALL KINDS of speech let's see how that affects America, i.e. whether it will be a beneficial or detrimental influence. And if there is going to be ANY checking what's published, who's going to do it and what bias and prejudices are THEY going to have?
The answer may be that everything is allowed.
If you have all those exceptions you no longer have the free speech the founders envisioned.
If what Vic just wrote is true and you appear to champion, I think America should be renamed The United States of Babel. Nobody is ever going to know what to believe, nobody will understand anyone else, and probably what's worse, nobody will care, and then you will have an OCEAN of differing beliefs and opinions. LOL Good luck with that.
You don't think we have that now? Maybe not as large scale as you may envision but they are there.
And there you have the biggest issue. While the people they say are doing the "fact checking " do it with integrity the simple fact is they are not. Which begs the question "who decides"? The answer if you want actual free speech is the person consuming the information decides for themselves what is true and what is not. But both sides should be heard, unless you are Russia or NAZI Germany that is.
You mean like it has been since the constitution was written and certain groups did not decide to scream disinformation from the mountaintops in order to cancel speech they don't agree with..
Exactly, everyone gets all the information and decides for themselves. You know, like we have been doing for a couple hundred years, and we are still here.
Oh the HUMANITY!!!
No. There is nothing wrong with free speech. Full stop. Sometimes people say stuff you don't like, or that isn't true, or is partially true but misleading, or is based in their anger/rage/hate.
Living in a free country means that other people get to say things even if you don't agree with them.
They have proliferated in one form or another for nearly a quarter of a century. We've managed to survive them just fine.
"for a couple hundred years" there hasn't been the extent of the will to create the misinformation, disinformation, hate speech and outright lies along with the exceptionally useful world-wide means to spread it as there has been more recently. It's not that it always may have existed, it's how it has exploded and proliferated these days.
You and others here speak as if there are not already certain limitations on free speech. It's just a matter of degree as to how much speech is controlled in different nations. The EU has just passed The Digital Services Act to control the bullshit - let's see how that enslaves the Europeans.
I'm not sure. The biggest issue I see in that is how do you define hate speech and how do you control it.
The banning of ads that target minors, the banning of ads based on a persons gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation... yeah these are good things. Making it easier to flag objectional posts can be a good thing. But this can also be overdone by any individual group with an ax to grind. It's a tightrope walk to be sure...
As to defining and controlling hate speech, if Canada can do it surely the USA can. The point I've been trying to make is that these are no longer the days of Walter Cronkite and Paul Harvey, these are the days of Tucker Carlson and Marjorie Taylor Greene - and look at the followings they have. Why? The problem may have been small before but it has grown to the extent of being capable of creating a belief in a stolen election and a Jan 6 event. There has been an extraordinary expansion of senslessness and misguided bravado more recently, and it has led to a greater disparity that cannot possibly have a beneficial effect on the advancement of American society. As I said, IMO America has become the Tower of Babel There was a time when a common enemy would unify America, such as the attack on Pearl Harbour had done, but even the attack of the common enemy of Covid-19 could not bring about a unified defence of it, or at least a VAST reduction of the negative effects of it.
I know I'm not an American, but I am both familiar enough with America and Americans for reasons I've posted more than once yet still able to be more objective about America than most Americans are bound to be.
Do I (we)? Where have I done this? All I did was poke a little fun at your statement that if we aren't careful we will end up with an "OCEAN of differing beliefs and opinions" as though that would be a tragedy in a country where freedom of speech/expression is written into the core of our Constitution. A place without an "ocean of differing beliefs and opinions", or where those beliefs or opinions are narrowed/controlled by a central power, is called a dictatorship. I'm pretty sure that humanity has been there and done that, and we don't want to go down that rabbit hole again.
Certainly speech that directly incites violence, or directs physical harm be done to others, for example, is not a First Amendment right. But the right to differ with a political opinion, to peacefully protest (appeal to the government for a redress of grievances), or to offer other expert opinions, facts or data which may differ with the opinions and data of the "establishment" are most certainly protected speech. Such speech can be dead wrong, and should most certainly be rebutted and shown to be false if it is, but it cannot be abridged by Congress per the First Amendment.
Had dissenting opinion not eventually been allowed historically, we would still be teaching people that the earth is flat, or that the heavens revolve around the earth. Any scientific or social progress that results from dissent never happens if the freedom to express that dissent is squashed. It does not matter if 99 of 100, or even 999 of 1000 dissenting opinions turn out to be complete garbage, we cannot pick and choose which get to see the light of day. We must let that light burn them to the ground if they are not worthy, or allow them to thrive if they are.
I just read an interesting article on CTV News (Canada Television Network web site, which I read every day) about what to expect Musk to do once he has control of Twitter. It contained this:
It will be interesting to see if her prediction is correct and he in fact DOES "weaponize" free speech. Hey, since even sports can be politicized, why can't free speech be weaponized? Isn't it an adage that "The pen is mightier than the sword."?
Certainly, the meaning as indicated in the Cambridge Dictionary:
And as such lends itself to the support of the idea of free expression as opposed to force in terms of influencing people in an open exchange of opinion and coming to a compromise or understanding without physical violence.
Ms. Scarlett was free to offer her opinion about Musk’s actions, as was he free to defend them and offer his opinion. In either case both needed to accept the consequences of offering a public opinion and expect that some blowback from others might result. While Ms. Scarlett felt she was “attacked” by “dozens” of Musk supporters, so too was he criticized, ridiculed and insulted by many more than that in this instance, and in many others. If you want to call Musk’s side of the exchange “weaponizing free speech” and Miss Scarlett the victim, then please explain how the other side is any different?
Shall we remove by force her right to express her opinion about Musk, or suppress his right to defend himself and render his opinion? That is what we are talking about here right? Shall we hand the two of them swords or dueling pistols and have them settle it the old fashioned way?
Or maybe, just maybe, we agree to let all opinions be heard, weighed and openly debated and quit acting like someone else’s right to free expression is some sort of lethal weapon that renders us a helpless victim, even though we enter the arena carrying that same “weapon”.
I'll just stick to my original opinion, that "free speech" may have its benefits, but it also has its detriments, and even as you pointed out yourself, some control of it is needed. It's just a matter of opinion, is it not, how extensive those controls should be for the good of humanity.
Sounds good, although there is another old adage that might also be considered:
A healthy attitude to adopt I would say, particularly in the social media space. With all due respect Buzz, to the extent that some allow mere words or different opinions to "hurt" them, perhaps they are not in the best position to be deciding what free speech needs to be controlled. Threats of physical violence are of course not protected speech, but disagreements with opinions, even strongly worded disagreements, most certainly should be protected and not be viewed as an "attack" any more than one's own opinion is versus another. That being said, I am still a huge proponent of controlling one's own speech when it comes to being rational, reasonable, and respectful of others so that discussions, even heated ones, can be more productive and inclusive for all.
America has done just fine with its freedom of speech.
Freedom of Speech is our right, that's why it is the 1st Amendment, but in order for it to function properly you can't silence half the country. Maybe your country should consider it.
First of all, MY country is Canada. It is the only country of which I am a citizen. I am merely a guest in China and have to renew my visa, which gives me permission to be here, every three years. And by the way, Canadians are as free to use free speech that does not cause harm to others just as much as Americans can. And if you and others who can't stand any control of your speech then what the hell are you doing on TheNewsTalkers with its ToS and CoC?
Bingo!! Free speech is allowing people you don't like to say things you don't agree with.
I don't agree with people posting spam on this site and it's my job to delete them if they do. That is an example of my NOT allowing people to say things here I don't agree with. I suppose you think we should allow anything to be said that can cause harm as well. How about if it causes YOU, your spouse, your children harm? Going to champion your free speech in that case? Only an idiot would argue that free speech does not have certain limitations, and where you are in the world those limitations will differ. What just happens to be American isn't the measure for the rest of the world although there seem to be some who think it is. .
Ah... yes, I recall a man named Winston. He worked for a branch of the government. That branch of the government was involved with creating propaganda, altering historical records, and creating media for Oceania.
it is a very difficult and narrow tightrope to try to walk. What is disinformation vs what is ignorance vs what is evil vs what is the truth that is unpalatable.
For example, there have been numerous studies around Ivermectin for treating Covid. One such study..
Yet any discussion around ivermectin was immediately shut down as disinformation all because Trump talked about it. Because of the way it was shut down, additional studies were not undertaken so the total benefit that might have been realized instead went unfulfilled. And before anybody attacks, I'm not saying this is a wonder drug. All I'm saying is it could have been another tool in the tool box but because of partisan politics and who championed it, the potential was ignored.
The problem is much more than disinformation, it's also the politics and the personalities behind the monitoring and rejection. As this world has grown more split along partisan lines, any agency that is "combating" disinformation will be cheered by one side and hated by the other due to that lack of trust.
"Disinformation" is the newspeak term used to support totalitarian thought control. That is where we are these days. It is as if they read "1984" and fell in love with the ideas they found there.
Whenever I have used the word "disinformation" I have meant only what this dictionary defines it to mean:
Dictionary - Powered by Oxford Languages
Now I KNOW i'm really getting old. It took me until now to come to the realization as to why the right wingers are so upset about the Disinformation Board - it's because it might be able to prevent the right-wingers, conservatives and Republicans from being able to use their most effective weapon.
It's a prophecy come true
It's called FREE SPEECH and that's why the left wingers are against it.
Right Wing Dictionary
Disinformation = free speech
War is Peace - Freedom is Slavery - Ignorance is Strength (1984 - George Orwell)
Congratulations - you have proven my point by completely missing the point of my comment and only focusing on the 'For Example' section. This is exactly why I am against this so-called Disinformation Board and why I am against how free speech is being attacked and banned. Too many people are so hyper-focused on their political bias that they willfully blind themselves to the bigger picture.
For the record, I specifically picked that early study knowing full-well that it had been refuted by later studies. I wanted a red flag out there, knowing someone would come along and charge at it all while ignoring the point of my comment. IMO this is exactly what this so-called Disinformation Board will be doing as well, all because they will allow their partisan bias to blind them to anything else. I fear that they will become a "Ministry of Truth". Unless this mad rush at political blindness is corrected there is no hope for this country and I have very little hope that people will be able to pull their heads out of their ass to do so.
Snuffy, I KNOW you're into movies....
What an utter load of bullshit Snuffy.
I replied to the disinformation YOU posted illustrated in what I block quoted. I leave it up to members to read it and decide the credulity of your claim for themselves.
That’s the bottom line here…
Exactly, other than religious liberty no other freedom we have angers them more that we have it.
Everything he said was exactly correct and is the truth.
At least they are finally open about it. It won't be long before they openly want to discard the document written by white men long ago.
Musk is about to become very unpopular with the crowd that thinks any type of speech should be ok.
Like a factual story on Hunter Biden.
The same people who think that also think that there should be no guardrails, and Musk will put up guardrails to keep the lunatics off his platform.
He may.
I’m sure Trump knows that any permitted return to twitter would be short lived. Musk is crazy but not stupid, and Trump has zero self control. I feel like everything that Musk has accomplished will be severely neglected now that he has chosen to play twitter god instead.
I guess you and a couple others here, think that Musk will be concentrating on Twitter and nothing else? He isn't stupid and didn't get where he is by being a micromanager. I am sure he thought long and hard about this and already has, at least in his mind, a team and structure in mind to do exactly what he wants to do with the site with minimal intrusion. I just don't get the mentality of those who think successful business people aren't multi taskers. He'll set it up and check in occasionally in meetings with staff for updates and idea harvesting for the site and direct it to be done.
You sure about that? Twitter has been losing money... He might be both stupid and crazy. Starlink is already in trouble with a large rate hike and users not getting ordered hardware for months.
Yup. IMHO it had poor management.
Musk is the epitome of a businessman. I sometimes wonder if he ever sleeps.
Whatshisname didn't sleep much and he fueled himself on fast food. What energy he had!
You mean like censorship to keep you from hearing differing opinions?
You've been missing all the woke outrage!
a team and structure in mind to do exactly what he wants to do with the site with minimal intrusion
You vastly underestimate the job then. These are not his employees that he is dealing with, it’s every crazy-as-shit person with a twitter account on the planet. Mark my words - Musk is going to have to make the same decisions as his predecessor, and will become equally despised. It will consume him. Remember, this is the guy who thought it was ok to publicly call the guy trying to save children trapped in a cave a pedophile. Start from there and take this venture to its logical conclusions.
Neither do I. That means he had tremendous energy
I meant you probably believe he's also the epitome of a businessman.
I know exactly what you meant
He will have people for that everyday shit with parameters for them to operate within. Just like his predecessorr. You vastly underestimate the man and his business acumen........VASTLY. And consume him? As long as it is making him money I doubt he will be involved in everyday bullshit.
You seemed concerned about seeing things you don't like.
I guess you are part of my key demographic.
Some people have it and some don't.
And I do.
Like I said, censorship to keep you from hearing differing opinions. All so your feelings don't get hurt.
Obviously you don't, working in the service industry and all..................And yes I do know. That you don't recognize what is being told to you speaks volumes about your knowledge of complex situations.
You so like your redundancy.
The same people who think there should be guardrails, only think it should apply for one side. Which the way it is now.
The left is just pissed they don't have their monopoly in place anymore for one way flow of disinformation.
The left isn’t the side running around calling everyone who is not on the right a pedophile, and now Musk is both the owner of twitter and the precedent for freely calling anyone a pedophile in public discourse. Even if I wanted to do something so sick and stupid I couldn’t do it on NT, because this site has some rules and decorum - but hey, anyone in the world can do it to anyone they choose on the largest platform for public discourse. Anyone who thinks this is going in a positive direction simply lacks imagination.
I would obviously, it seems to most, be better than that of what you have now.
JFC do you live in constant glass half empty world? Why is it so many on the left are constant doom and gloom? Would you feel the same if Bezos or Soros bought Twitter or any other platform? Scared shitless of something that may not happen is no way to go through life. I am reminded of this....................
Scared shitless of something that may not happen is no way to go through life.
Now THAT was amusing!! I’ve never even had a FB, twitter, instagram, etc. account, but now I’m scared? Question: do you ever proof read your posts? You say the dumbest shit.
And you would be totally correct. It almost seems you are living rent free in a few heads here. Keep up the good work.
It wasn't me that said this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
You obviously think this is going to somehow affect your life.............unless the above is just spewing "dumb shit"
Delusional at best. Did you have them delete your account? And handed me my ass?
I don't think you know what that means and you should.
I couldn’t care less about the twitter shit show - that doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion on the direction it is about to go in. [removed]
I can't speak for your panties but it seems you definitely have something in a bunch that is causing extreme discomfort.
I wasn't specifically talking about you but if the shoe fits....................................
You can, thanks to free speech. Enjoy it.
You must have the lowest bar for brilliance on NT.
You sure about that? Twitter has been losing money... He might be both stupid and crazy. Starlink is already in trouble with a large rate hike and users not getting ordered hardware for months.
I have no doubt that Musk is technically capable of improving the twitter platform with innovative ideas. However, he’s personally made it clear that his sociological skills do not lend themselves to governing a massive social media site. He’s capable of navigating many lanes, just not that one. He will quickly find himself in an uncomfortable position where he’s not in competent control, imo. He will censor and be widely accused of censorship, because there’s no way around it if the site is to remain attractive to the vast majority of users who are not interested in unlimited free (and horrible) speech.
The things people try to pass off as humor. Sigh.
And in the haste of posting a "gotcha" didn't realize that if it was so low, a snake couldn't limbo under it. Oh, well haste makes waste.
Dude. Give it a rest already. You aren't that important. Hell you can barely keep up with your own statements.
Making it about you again.
You are giving too much credit
Some people never let facts get in the way.
It is one you have yet to reach.
Do you think Elon Mush changed defamation law?
Did I say he broke any laws? Is that the only metric you think matters in regards to social interactions?
Call it a participation trophy. You know we gotta make them feel good about at least trying.
Glad you finally figured out what happens to you on a daily basis. Recognizing you have a problem is the first step to conquering it. Kudos.
Don't think so [Deleted.] But you keep thinking that and denying
Far right-wing fascism and hate speech makes me clean my guns.
You should always clean them before putting them away, not later.
In more than just a few it seems….
Here we are now, with Musk actually owning twitter and he’s immediately being challenged by the trolls.
I find it amazing that Musk tries so hard to be unlikeable.
When you think about it, an engineering genius specializing in electric vehicles, solar energy, and space technology could be liked by almost everyone if he just stayed away from Twitter.
http:// hill.cm/C7Knfoi
... the penal institutions don't allow inmates to have cell phones.
LGBTQ+ Twitter users contemplate exit amid Elon Musk takeover

http:// hill.cm/hHn91M4
So long...
Don't you mean exactly like so what?
It's cute that you are still running with that conspiracy theory.
"Millions of Americans have been choking back their thoughts and opinions on this platform for YEARS out of fear of being suspended/canceled. I have a feeling the dam is about to break..."
So go the fuck away to a far-right wing fascist site.
Why would rational people do that?
Musk buying Twitter alarms Democrats

http:// hill.cm/PDjg1oT
Holy shit I guess so. Just read your linked article and they are going batshit crazy and it all seems to have to do with Trump joining back into the fold. Talk about TDS. This is it to the extreme even worse than the usual suspects here at NT.
And we thought it was about free speech. Most of them simply don't want Trump back. OMG are they gone!
The left found a new word, disinformation. And they will ride it to try and censor free speech that they don't like. Just like overusing the term racist until it has lost most of its meaning I think disinformation will also. Elon buying Twitter may be a big step toward that. In the meantime I will watch all the heads explode and try to explain why censorship is important for free speech and democracy.
It is important for the left's free speech and democracy (or at least their definition of it).
If Musk gets his way Democrat control of information is coming to an end. People might actually get real information (like on Hunter Biden's lap top before the federal elections that was buried by Google, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, etc.); while Democrat BS talking points were pushed to the forefront- like Hunter's laptop being Russian disinformation.
Brandon's never ending gaffs and cognitive decline will be on display endlessly for everyone to see and comment on.
The left will be howling trying to find new ways of curtailing free speech; into only their speech.
So far they have used "racist:, "misinformation", and disinformation". Maybe their next buzzwords will be "Alien inspired" (and I don't mean illegal alien).
www.nbcnews.com /think/opinion/facebook-twitter-don-t-censor-conservatives-they-hire-promote-them-ncna1245308
Opinion | Facebook doesn't censor conservatives. It plasters their views all over your feed.
www.kxan.com /news/texas-politics/do-facebook-and-twitter-silence-conservatives-data-shows-they-actually-dominate/
Do Facebook and Twitter silence conservatives? Data shows they actually dominate
Russell Falcon 5-6 minutes 3/6/2021
Meanwhile, Barrett and Grant Sims found that far from silencing conservative views, “a variety of analyses and rankings indicate conservatives enjoy a prominent place on major social media platforms.”
CrowdTangle data also showed that from January 1 to Election Day 2020, the top engagement-getting news accounts were conservative Fox News in first place (with 448 million total interactions) and far-right media outlet Breitbart in second (294 million). The third was another conservative-leaning source, The Daily Caller.
“There is no evidence to support the claim that the major social media companies are suppressing, censoring or otherwise discriminating against conservatives on their platforms,” Barrett writes in the study. “In fact, it is often conservatives who gain the most in terms of engagement and online attention, thanks to the platforms’ systems of algorithmic promotion of content.”
Another study by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, in collaboration with Politico, “ Disinformation Briefing: Narratives around Black Lives Matter and voter fraud ,” found conservative posts spreading inaccuracies about the two topics were amplified. Among these posts that proliferated were still unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud resulted in a stolen election.
www.theguardian.com /media/2021/feb/01/facebook-youtube-twitter-anti-conservative-claims-baseless-report-finds
Claim of anti-conservative bias by social media firms is baseless, report finds
Adam Gabbatt 4-5 minutes 2/1/2021
Republicans including Donald Trump have raged against Twitter and Facebook in recent months, alleging anti-conservative bias, censorship and a silencing of free speech. According to a new report from New York University, none of that is true.
Disinformation expert Paul Barrett and researcher J Grant Sims found that far from suppressing conservatives, social media platforms have, through algorithms, amplified rightwing voices, “often affording conservatives greater reach than liberal or nonpartisan content creators”.
[ deleted ]
Musk has yet to take over the reins and folks are jumping the gun as to how this is a victory for free speech ... just maybe y'all should wait for several months and see how this unfolds in the real world of egos; there are enough examples out there of Musk biting his employees for having the temerity not to praise him with 'free speech'. Anyone thinking that a giant ego will refrain from manipulation is living in a Dollar Tree own-the-libs windsock.
Awesome, lol.
it will be interesting to see in a year how this all shakes out. Personally I see this as a business decision by Musk where he's looking at how to leverage it and make a lot of money. By going private he can charge membership fee's, and sell advertising content also. If he happens to make it more transparent and open I think this will be a victory for free speech. But I suspect his primary motive involves making money.
By going private he can charge membership fee's
Free speech? Doesn’t sound free to me.
Read everything in my comment, don't just cherry-pick what you want FFS. I also included this
If he happens to make it more transparent and open I think this will be a victory for free speech.
In writing a letter to the White House to voice concerns over something, is it an infringement on your free speech that you must purchase a stamp in order to mail that letter?
In sending an email to your Congressional Representative, is it an infringement on your free speech that you must have email services in some fashion?
Some people just cannot separate the term Free Speech from a service...
Maybe twitter can be the new 8chan. Progress.
Oh, the drama... here's a hint, if you don't like Twitter then don't use it. Simple easy fix for ya...
Or maybe change your screen name to Sarah Bernhardt.
Then what are they going to freak out about?
Oh I'm confident the opposition will find something. They always do
Freaking out? Hilarious. Anytime a liberal make an observation we are freaking out, according to you. That is the mark of true a drama queen. Perhaps you should fall back on your fainting couch and take a breather, princess.
You're right. And if there's nothing, they can always continue to fabricate something.
Liberals making observations? They can actually do that? And yes, 9 times out of 10 you all are set your hair on fire freaking out.
Honestly I think the claims of extreme social media bias were overblown to begin with, as is the reaction to Musk's takeover of Twitter now by some Democrats like Warren and Durbin. As for fears that Trump might return to that platform, who gives a shit? He is going to be heard anyway one way or the other, and his rhetoric will be countered, ridiculed (often rightly so) and his lies/disinformation otherwise laid bare for all to see. Better that happen out in the open, rather than behind closed doors, or in echo chambers where it can do real damage.
That is the thing about free speech, you don't need to listen to it if you don't want to, and guess what, you can counter it with the facts or the truth if you feel it is necessary. You can make an appeal and minimize the impact of such disinformation. One thing is for certain, allowing a fire cracker to explode in your open palm might sting a little, but the tighter you close your fist around it the more likely you are to lose your fingers.
Having said that, I will be interested to see how Musk keeps his promises of free exchange for all, and how he deals with employees and outside politicians who might be more prone to close the fist.
Interesting that Bernie Sanders agrees that everyone has a right to free speech and people should counter it with facts instead of trying to silence it.(paraphrasing).
How about that, even a self-described "socialist", can be right sometimes.
Most true Libertarians feel that way as well. Freedom of expression and freedom from oppression go hand in hand.
Now valued at about ninety two gazillion bazillion Bitcoins the Twitter board of directors is still bound by all their normal legal fiduciary duties to exert due diligence to grow their shareholder's value and to protect their company's assets. And so, We should expect things to not change all that very much at Twitter going forward regarding their content moderation and account bannings...
Not familiar with that particular fiscal denomination, but I understand your point. And you might be right. While our right to free speech is not to be abridged by Congress, businesses can set their own rules of proper decorum within the confines of their domain, and they will often do it in a way that is best for their bottom line. This is something that is often overlooked in these sorts of discussions. Now, as new owner, if he (and/or the board) decides to do away with previous policies, limits, controls, bots, etc. involving political matters/opinions believing that he is doing the right thing (including what is best for their bottom line) are you going to have a problem with that?
I am confident that Twitter users will demand moderation as they do on all major platforms.
Users will not tolerate death threats, doxing, racial and sexual slurs. All it would take is one kid hounded into suicide by online bullying to emphasize this point all over, again...
Certainly not, and I don't believe that Musk or the Board has indicated a desire to remove moderation of that type of thing at all, have they? The focus up to this point in the discussion has been on moderation having to do with political viewpoints, data, and opinions - First Amendment type stuff, has it not? Let's be careful not to move the goal posts here.
Yet, Trump got himself banned for spreading dangerous misinformation about Covid-19 and for instigating a violent insurrection. It was not merely for him expressing his political views...
Can you identify anyone ever banned for that?
All kinds of things will get one moderated here, but not merely expressing unpopular opinions.
Tired? You live for that nonsense.
You display it all day long here.
Be a lost little lamb?
You mean you didn't realize it before now? Self awareness is a good thing. Get some
I didn't point out your errors or write that you posted nonsense, I wrote that "You live for that nonsense" and that you display that you live for it daily.
If you are so tired of it, why do you make it up? Who in this thread even mentioned Trump or that what he was doing on Twitter was “just expressing his political views … first amendment”?
Certainly not me. JBB brought up Trump, I wasn’t talking about that asshole at all. What is BULLSHIT is you once again interjecting with your straw man crap and making up your own version of what other people are saying or talking about so that you can chime in with your hateful rhetoric. Enough already, aren’t you tired of that sort of nonsense from others? If so, then why use the tactic yourself?
I wouldn’t spend $44 Billion basically out of spite, but then I’m not rich enough to be that weird.
I will be interested in seeing if he lets Disney post pro-LGBTQ content. And if he does, what will Florida and other like-minded states do to punish Twitter or Musk for allowing it?
I agree with something I heard on Al Jazerra a little while ago. It is easier for Musk to think about what he wants to do than actually implement it. But he is a genius so who knows. The one thing I do believe is twitter was broken. It seemed they had loose rules about what was not accepted but the enforcement of those rules was not done fairly or with any consistency.
For sure. Unfortunately, that’s a big problem with pretty much every social media platform. Even people who aren’t even trying to post controversial content find the platform shutting them down, and they rarely explain why.
Eh, he used mommy and daddy’s money to pay people to design and build things that he could slap his name on. A good promoter to be sure, but genius is a big stretch IMO.
If I had that kind of money you definitely wouldn’t see me on Twitter, seems to me the guy likes the attention though.
"Rhode Island teacher told 'all 5' classes how Musk's Twitter buyout is worst thing ever"
This is probably the most informative analysis of this issue I’ve seen, wrt what Musk is in for and how little experience he has in this field. Ben Collins has extensive hands on experience in navigating extremist web site content and the history of internet censorship. As he says, everyone has a line.
You'll forgive me for thinking that MSNBC is as likely as Fox to have "informative analysis" on anything.
Elon didn't know anything about electric cars or rockets at the beginning, either.
Twitter is about to get better.
Twitter has always sucked. Polishing a turd doesn’t make it not a turd.
Twitter is what people want it to be. I look at twitter here and there, almost always to find breaking news stories . Twitter is a phenomenal way to keep up with things that are happening NOW.
I dont pay any attention to all the garbage tweets and its not hard to avoid them if you really want to.
I seldom comment on twitter. Usually it's only to jab at Marc Elias. I do use it for pictures to use on NT and to find leads into breaking stories like you say you do.
As for the tweets, you are right: mostly garbage on the political side. There are a lot of non-political things there too.
Exactly. It can hardly get worse.
There is an incredibly low bar and Musk has a habit of doing things better than most other people.
Twitter’s top lawyer Vijaya Gadde cried during meeting about Musk takeover.....

. https:// politico.com/news/2022/04/2 6/twitters-top-lawyer-reassures-staff-cries-during-meeting-about-musk-takeover-00027931 …
I read that My Pillow Guy is partnering with Elon Musk to market a product that lets liberals cry themselves to sleep.
That doesnt speak too well of Elon Musk now does it?
There's one aspect of this that has nothing to do with free speech and what Musk plans to do with Twitter in that regard: Tesla stock is insanely overvalued and Musk need an excuse to sell some of it without looking like he is cashing out because the stock is overpriced and due for a reality check.
I'm not getting it....Who retrieved this?
Here you go, Vic. LINK->
Seeing this seed on the Front Page again I reviewed my own comments and I still stand by what I said back then.
Same here, which is why I brought it back. It took no time at all for the twitter trolls to show Musk how stupid his idea was.
And here is what we learned since the term "Disinformation" was used to falsely discredit the truth of the Hunter Laptop story:
And I'll stand bt what I said: The left is against free speech
And the truth!
I don't think the left is against free speech Vic, there really isn't such a thing as absolute free speech. It has its limitations, legal, moral and common sense. Unfortunately it's the moral that has been contravened so much over the past while, and now I see that Musk intends to proliferate it. How do you feel about all the antisemitism that has been happening lately - ye, the other guy, and that billboard at the end of the game in Florida for example. Do you champion THAT speech as being free speech?
All speech should be free. When it comes to RESPONDING to anti-Semitism, I'll always be two feet in front of everyone else!
Elon Musk is a danger to this country.
He is a respected (by the right) , very rich, member of society who evidently thinks nothing of spreading conspiracy theories.
Vic, is spreading conspiracies a good thing?
We actually saw a couple commenters here on NT regurgitate the conspiracy theory about Pelosi that Musk was spreading on twitter, so he can see that conspiracy mongering does "work".
Do you condemn such conspiracy mongering?
The Hunter Biden Laptop story was a true story. Twitter censored it as "disinformation."
Do you condemn such conspiracy mongering?
Any lie can eventually be disproven. There is no need to censor unpleasant truths along with lies.
"Vic, is spreading conspiracies a good thing?"
So says an habitual conspiracy theory spreader.
ALL speech should be free? Notwithstanding the irreversible damage it can do? So in your opinion it's okay to scream FIRE!!!! in a crowded theatre because you feel you can RESPOND to the families of the people who would be trampled to death? You'll be two feet in front of everyone else at the funerals?
Elon Musk was spreading the conspiracy that Paul Pelosi was attacked by a "gay lover" after something went wrong in the "relationship"
Did Elon Musk do any due diligence as to the accuracy of the allegation, or did he just vomit out this nonsense?
If we live in a country where anyone can say anything they want and then have it broadcast to the world, we might as well have Armageddon now and put ourselves out of our misery.
As usual, you dont know what the fuck you are talking about.
Kavanaugh led rape gangs in high school!
The lack of self awareness about conspiracy theories is breathtaking...
You utterly, totally fail when you make such comparisons. I am embarrassed for you. We can find a hundred or thousand examples of unhinged right wing conspiracies (QAnon comes to mind) and your retort is Brett Kavanaugh. The comparison is absurd on its face.
But these days, just making the assertion that there is equivalency is good enough for some people.
Yup. Just the way it has been in this country for the past 200 years
I suppose it is. I used an example of democrats in Congress and pundits in the MSM spreading a conspiracy. Online crazy people spreading conspiracies doesn't really compare, does it?
S o in your opinion it's okay to scream FIRE!!!! in a crowded theatre
As a public service, please be aware that using the "fire in a crowded theatre" metaphor is a sure sign of not understanding first amendment law. Its like arguing "separate but equal" is the legal standard for the 14th Amendment.
First of all you need to give us a link.
Did Elon Musk do any due diligence as to the accuracy of the allegation, or did he just vomit out this nonsense?
I don't know unless I get to see what he said. If it is false, it can easily be disproven.
If we live in a country where anyone can say anything they want and then have it broadcast to the world, we might as well have Armageddon now and put ourselves out of our misery.
This censorship shit only started about a decade ago and it is the left that wants us to believe their "facts" and nobody elses.
All of the left's BS has been presented as "truth" on Twitter:
No, the Twitter censorship club is now closed!