25 Historical American Photos - Have You Ever Seen These?
By: buzz-of-the-orient
Photography & Art
8 years ago
25 Historical American Photos - Have You Ever Seen These? 1. The first Waffle House? - circa 1900. 2. 1916 4th of July Parade, Front Street, Nome Alaska. 3. Detroit Opera House -...
Yousef Karsh - Most Iconic Portrait Photographer of the 20th Century
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Photography & Art
8 years ago
Yousef Karsh - Most Iconic Portrait Photographer of the 20th Century From Wikipedia An Armenian Genocide survivor, Karsh migrated to Canada as a refugee. By the 1930s he established...
A Photo-Walk Through the Chongqing Normal University Campus
By: buzz-of-the-orient
Photography & Art
8 years ago
A Photo-Walk Through the Chongqing Normal University Campus It was a dreary afternoon, but still okay for my usual daily one-hour walk. Although I have already posted many photos from this...
The Creative Arts group invites you to post a photo, and see what others have posted
By: buzz-of-the-orient
Photography & Art
8 years ago
The Creative Arts group invites you to post a photo, and see what others have posted Just click this link and you're there....
The Cycle Ends.........A Time to Close....Autumn in the Adirondacks
By: spikegary
Photography & Art
8 years ago
Well, this may be my last in this series of photos (if you've been following) from my family's lake house. I started posting pics in the late spring and have been posting more all summer. My...
Apple 1984 Super Bowl Commercial Introducing Macintosh Computer (HD)
Via: krishna
Photography & Art
8 years ago
Iconic 1984 Apple Computer Macintosh commercial conceived by Chiat/Day and directed by Ridley Scott was nationally aired on television only once - during the 3rd quarter of the 1984 Super Bowl...
Coca Cola Commercial - I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony) - 1971
Via: krishna
Photography & Art
8 years ago
"I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony)" is a pop song which originated as an advertising jingle, produced by Billy Davis and sung by the Hillside Singers, for Coca-Cola,...
Having One of those Dang "Procedures" this Week
Via: a-macarthur
Photography & Art
8 years ago
Gettin' some medical work done later this week … so, I made sure I got out yesterday with the camera stuff 'cause I'm not sure when I'll get out again. Had a good day … took a couple hundred pix...
The sad history of digital cameras trying to imitate film
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Photography & Art
8 years ago
The sad history of digital cameras trying to imitate film Stop trying to make digital film cameras happen. By Stan Horaczek, Popular Science, October 14, 2017 Just buy a film camera....
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