Feminist Bakes Sourdough Bread Using Her Own Vaginal Yeast [Women's Health (Magazine)]
Via: hippocrates-of-cos
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
In preparation for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, you’re probably seeing a lot of self-help articles about managing stress, dealing with unpleasant family members, and most importantly,...
A Guide To Anal Sex: Anal Sex: What You Need to Know
Via: hippocrates-of-cos
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
When it comes to your body, it’s important that you have the facts . Being in the dark is not doing your sexual health or self-understanding any favors. With that sentiment in mind, we’re...
When the Dinos Went Away, Mammals Came Out (in Daylight) to Play
Via: bob-nelson
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
While it’s challenging to imply one caused the other, a new study shows that mammals came into the light of day soon after the dinos disappeared Paleontologists believe that the first...
Science confirms you should stop and smell the roses
Via: pj
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Is it any wonder that most happiness idioms are associated with nature? Happy as a pig in muck, happy as a clam, happy camper. A UBC researcher says there's truth to the idea that spending time...
What this father dreams for his autistic son
Via: pj
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
What this father dreams for his autistic son Photographer, Bob Lee, freeze frames his days of raising a son with autism so that we can understand. The response I often get whenever...
Your Bedroom on Mars Will Look a Lot Different
Via: 321steve
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Before you sign up for any mission to Mars, be prepared to say goodbye to the concept of the bedroom as you know it. On Mars, as in outer space generally, it would...
Trump administration releases report finding 'no convincing alternative explanation' for climate change
Via: galen-marvin-ross
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
The Trump administration released a dire scientific report Friday detailing the growing threats of climate change. The report stands in stark contrast to the administration’s efforts to downplay...
When Daylight Saving Time 2017 Is and Why We Do It
Via: galen-marvin-ross
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
I thought I'd put this here since it is a part of technology, in a way. Enjoy. Daylight saving time (DST) ends on Sunday, November 5, 2017 at 2 a.m. ET. Most Americans will set their clocks back...
A drink with as little as one gram of lemon grass contains enough citral to prompt cancer cells to commit suicide according to new Israeli research.
Via: krishna
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Cymbopogon citratus It all began when researchers at Ben Gurion University of the Negev discovered last year that the lemon aroma in herbs like lemon grass kills cancer cells in vitro,...
Why opioids are such an American problem
Via: pj
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Why opioids are such an American problem By Owen Amos BBC News, Washington DC 25 October 2017 When it comes to taking opioids, the United States has the dubious honour of leading the world....
Saudi’s creepy new robot woman a Wahhabi dream come true
Via: larry-hampton
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Saudi Arabia just granted citizenship to a human-looking robot named Sophia. Great. Now about those women’s rights … Is this the new Wahhabi way of controlling its female population — by...
Where did October go?
By: sunshine
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
As many of you may know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Please take it serious ladies. If you breathe, you can develop breast cancer. I know you get preached at a lot, but early...
Drug company founder indicted in US-wide opioid conspiracy
Via: pj
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Drug company founder indicted in US-wide opioid conspiracy By ANITA SNOW and PAUL DAVENPORT Today PHOENIX (AP) — U.S. prosecutors brought a fraud and racketeering case Thursday against the...
11-year-old named top young scientist for developing device that detects lead levels in water
Via: larry-hampton
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
An 11-year-old from Colorado has been named the country’s top young scientist after developing a system that can quickly detect the presence of lead in drinking water. Gitanjali Rao , a...
10 disruptive Israeli companies that can wean the world off fossil fuels
Via: krishna
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Solar, water, geothermal and wind power, battery techs and electric-car components are areas where Israelis are leading the renewable revolution. One of Ormat Technologies’ geothermal...
It’s Official: The Left Has Abandoned Evolution
Via: vic-eldred
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Its pursuit of “social justice” now trumps “science” every time. Of all the absurd and ill-informed clichés being parroted by today’s politicos, the notion of s cience as a saber wielded...
Scientists may have found a cause of dyslexia
Via: hal-a-lujah
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Source A duo of French scientists said Wednesday they may have found a physiological, and seemingly treatable, cause for dyslexia hidden in tiny light-receptor cells in the human eye. In...
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
ISRAELI-DEVELOPED ALS TREATMENT REVERSING MOTOR DECLINE BREAKTHROUGH BY MAX SCHINDLER Jerusalem Post OCTOBER 17 2017 Israeli firm leads new way to fight ALS, doesn't slow down the...
A delimma for our future with Digital Data, and how turning to biology may solve it
Via: shepboy
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
I am in the process of writing a paper for my CIS 395 Cryptography class. We are allowed to pick any topic we wanted, so I researched this. This paper is actually formatted 2 column APA style,...
5 Scientifically Supported Benefits of Prayer
Via: krishna
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
According to a 2013 Pew Research Poll, over half of Americans pray every day. A 2012 poll found that over 75 percent of Americans believe that prayer is an important part of daily life. Other...
Anti-Vax Message Gets Meaner on Social Media
Via: eginnj
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
by Maggie Fox Oct 11 2017, 9:06 am ET It’s getting ugly out there on social media. Anti-vaccine activists are attacking pediatricians head-to-head on Twitter, Facebook and other...
SCIENCE Is a Bunch of Racist Misogyny, Claim Female Mad Scientists
Via: johnathon
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
First they came for basic biology, and I did not speak out… STAFF WRITER OCTOBER 8, 2017 Now, professors at Seattle Pacific University are calling for science–that singularly human...
Sorry, But Your Husband’s Most Disgusting Habit Is Helping You Live Longer
Via: hal-a-lujah
Health, Science & Technology
8 years ago
Source Just about everyone has heard by now that being married is good for your health and longevity, with hitched people having lower rates of high blood pressure risk...