

Astrophysicist Scott Manley discusses the mostly successful test flight, landing, and ultimate explosion of SpaceX's Starship SN10

Astrophysicist Scott Manley discusses the mostly successful test flight, landing, and ultimate explosion of SpaceX's Starship SN10

Via: dig  •  Other  •  6 Comments  •  4 years ago

This happened yesterday, March 3.  The next vehicle (SN11) is supposedly already built and awaiting a test date. I'm sure they'll be making a few adjustments to improve on this performance, which...
Spring Peepers

Spring Peepers

By: dig  •  Other  •  20 Comments  •  4 years ago

Some video I shot a few days ago.
Why Texas' energy grid is unable to handle the winter storms

Why Texas' energy grid is unable to handle the winter storms

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  105 Comments  •  4 years ago

A Possum, Playing Possum.

A Possum, Playing Possum.

By: dig  •  Other  •  65 Comments  •  4 years ago

Earlier, I let my dog Polly out for an evening bathroom visit, and when I went to call her back in she wouldn't come. I slipped on some shoes, went out after her, and discovered what was keeping...
Trump is reportedly thinking about launching a new social media company. What should he name it?

Trump is reportedly thinking about launching a new social media company. What should he name it?

Via: john-russell  •  Other  •  23 Comments  •  4 years ago

New online platform 'Nearby' wants to help small businesses compete with Amazon

New online platform 'Nearby' wants to help small businesses compete with Amazon

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  5 Comments  •  4 years ago

Pentagon Briefed About Alien 'Off World Vehicles': NY Times

Pentagon Briefed About Alien 'Off World Vehicles': NY Times

Via: john-russell  •  Other  •  29 Comments  •  4 years ago

New Year, New Camera

New Year, New Camera

By: dig  •  Other  •  33 Comments  •  4 years ago

I've been getting interested in photography lately, so I decided to move up a step from regular old point and shoots to a new superzoom bridge camera. It's a Panasonic Lumix FZ80, with a 60x...
The Narrowest Streets in the World

The Narrowest Streets in the World

Via: john-russell  •  Other  •  45 Comments  •  5 years ago

Sometimes we need to be reminded!!

Sometimes we need to be reminded!!

By: john-russell  •  Other  •  7 Comments  •  5 years ago

I saw this on one of my cousin's Facebook page.   No source given. 
Super Spreader

Super Spreader

By: john-russell  •  Other  •  14 Comments  •  5 years ago

An Iowa boy is selling baseball bats he makes from fallen trees to raise money for storm victims

An Iowa boy is selling baseball bats he makes from fallen trees to raise money for storm victims

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  2 Comments  •  5 years ago

This is a really nice story, so messing it up with religion or politics is off topic. 
Election Day Open Chat Room

Election Day Open Chat Room

By: sister-mary-agnes-ample-bottom  •  Other  •  160 Comments  •  5 years ago

An open chat room has been set up where we can share our angst, joy, pride, and any other emotion we experience during this monumental election.  You can join now if you like, but the official...
Police: Suspect arrested after allegedly shooting man who was trying to fix flat tire

Police: Suspect arrested after allegedly shooting man who was trying to fix flat tire

Via: sister-mary-agnes-ample-bottom  •  Other  •  14 Comments  •  5 years ago



By: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  19 Comments  •  5 years ago

BUZZ NOTE:  This was an email sent to me by my brother, which he had received from someone else, so no author can be identified, nor URL determined. Harry & Bess...
Have you tried anything new lately?

Have you tried anything new lately?

By: msaubrey-aka-ahyoka  •  Other  •  17 Comments  •  5 years ago

A coworker of mine made some soaps for me and she told me where she shopped for the items to make it. I am now on a kick of making soaps, perfumes, body butters, and body washes. I make it a...
The Laird

The Laird

By: sister-mary-agnes-ample-bottom  •  Other  •  14 Comments  •  5 years ago

I wanted to let everyone know that Jj (The Laird) has passed away.  I received an email from Soph on Sept. 14, the date of his passing, and I just flat-out missed it.  Please forgive the delay....


By: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  28 Comments  •  5 years ago

PHOTO CAPTION: Sanford D. Greenberg (left) and Art Garfunkel. (EndBlindnessby2020.com) Google “Sandy Greenberg” to read more of his incredible story.
What's Your Favourite......Whatever?

What's Your Favourite......Whatever?

By: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  70 Comments  •  5 years ago

We've had lots of "What's your favourite...." articles, and they're usually fun and reading everyone's comments can be interesting, and help us to know each other better.   There seem to be...
'What a privilege it is': Tom Hanks sends letter to Saskatoon typewriter repairman

'What a privilege it is': Tom Hanks sends letter to Saskatoon typewriter repairman

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Other  •  16 Comments  •  5 years ago

The Wealthiest Woman In The World

The Wealthiest Woman In The World

By: john-russell  •  Other  •  16 Comments  •  5 years ago

Mac Kenzie Scott is the wealthiest woman in the world.  Here is her entire career on wikipedia Early life and career [ edit ] MacKenzie Scott Tuttle was born on April 7, 1970, in San...
Fox ' Britt Hume : Trump Has Mental Problems

Fox ' Britt Hume : Trump Has Mental Problems

By: john-russell  •  Other  •  54 Comments  •  5 years ago

Fox News' everybody's grandpa inadvertently spilled the beans on Trump wednesday afternoon as he was trying to ridicule Joe Biden yet again .  Hume appeared to acknowledge that the sitting...
The Passing of Grump/ Nigel Dogberry

The Passing of Grump/ Nigel Dogberry

By: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  30 Comments  •  5 years ago



By: john-russell  •  Other  •  27 Comments  •  5 years ago

Rep Louis Gohmert (R-Tex)  long described as the "dumbest man in Congress" , has tested positive for the coronavirus , according to news reports, including from NBC.  He must have forgot to...
How to See Comet NEOWISE

How to See Comet NEOWISE

Via: dignitatem-societatis  •  Other  •  18 Comments  •  5 years ago


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