Richard Dawkins' Berkeley event cancelled for 'Islamophobia'
Via: randy
Religion & Ethics
8 years ago
Dawkins has previously written: "Islam is the greatest force for evil in the world today" Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has denied Islamophobia after a US radio station cancelled...
Newly erected Arkansas Ten Commandments monument destroyed
Via: community
Religion & Ethics
8 years ago
Newly erected Arkansas Ten Commandments monument destroyed BBC News, June 28 2017 One of the main backers of the monument said that it "honoured the historical moral foundation of the law" A...
Minnesota Town Gets Veterans Memorial Covered With Satanic Imagery
Via: krishna
Religion & Ethics
8 years ago
This monument will soon join a cross and other veterans' memorials in a public park. (The Satanic Temple) Monuments don’t just say something about the people they honor—they also reveal...
For Just $30 (Or More), You Can Have Your Very Own Copy Of The TRUMP PROPHECIES BOOK BUNDLE !
Via: johnrussell
Religion & Ethics
8 years ago
Jim and Tammy Fay , er I mean Lori , Bakker are at it again. Now they are seeing angels in the studio and ask the audience to direct the angels toward the protection of President Trump. In the...
American Christian Persecution Myth Harms the Gospel
Via: kavika
Religion & Ethics
8 years ago
American Christian Persecution Myth Harms the Gospel May 23, 2017 by John WL Berry 16 Comments A big part of current conservative Christian mythology is that they are under...
The younger generations are avoiding marriage
Via: petey-coober
Religion & Ethics
8 years ago
The younger generations are avoiding marriage Here's just one video of many on this topic : Six Reasons Why Men Are Avoiding Marriage, with Helen Smith, Ph.D By contrast women are taking the...
An alternative religion 4 U: The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!
Via: krishna
Religion & Ethics
8 years ago
Another parody religion, The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), whose followers are referred to as Pastafarians, chooses to “believe” that the world was created by a deity...
Stephen Fry faces blasphemy probe after God comments
Via: randy
Religion & Ethics
8 years ago
Police in the Republic of Ireland have launched an investigation after a viewer claimed comments made by Stephen Fry on a TV show were blasphemous. Officers are understood to be examining...
Lotz warns Christians to get ready for the Rapture
Via: xxjefferson51
Religion & Ethics
8 years ago
CHURCH Lotz warns Christians to get ready for the RaptureFriday, April 28, 2017 | Michael F. Haverluck (OneNewsNow.com) Select Language▼ Anne Graham Lotz speakingEvangelist...
Administrator Sues School District After Being Reassigned for Teaching Yoga in School
Via: pat-wilson
Religion & Ethics
8 years ago
An elementary school assistant principal is suing her school district for violating her First Amendment rights after the school allegedly sent her to a "lower performing" school as a form of...