I will proudly vote to re elect President Trump in 2020! No shame, no embarrassment, just pride, vindication, rewarding a job well done, and the satisfaction of annoying secular progressives. 4 more years! MAGA. Keep America 🇺🇸 Great!
I like you, John, and NT would not be the same without you, so I'm really concerned about what you might do to yourself if Trump wins in 2020. [deleted]
Well , at least you Trump lovers are not as touchy feely as the moderators are.
In 2016, the depths of Trump's profound unfitness for office, although known, had not yet been visible to everyone in terms of how he would behave in the presidency.
As we have seen since Jan 21, 2017, he has disgraced his office, and the American people, every day, usually many times every day, with dishonesty, corruption, buffoonery, and frankly, stupidity, on a scale never before seen at the apex of the executive branch of the national government.
Given all these irrefutable facts, people who vote for him next year have a lot to answer for to their consciences and to the larger society.
It's called The Trump Style, or "Trumpisms"I stay way above the fray and pay no attention to any of it.
You DONT GET to redefine lying into something more trivial. People who lie a dozen times every day are not psychologically stable. Maybe he's stable enough to host a reality tv show. He's not stable enough to run our country. Or ethical enough. Or intelligent enough.
True. And seeing what both the Republicans and Democrats have turned into today I am so glad that I don't belong to either one.
I am very capable of thinking for myself and don't need some self-serving group, who only think of themselves and to hell with the American people, telling me what I should think and/or do with my life.
When I look at some of the people who are rabid party liners on both sides I thank the Creator for giving me a mind that is able to think for itself and I don't need to be led by the nose by those who could care less if I die or not, just as long as I vote for them when the time comes.
I learned long ago that if someone only talks the talk and never walks the walk, then they are not worthy of my time or attention.
Anyone who supports Trump should be ashamed. There were many other good Republicans who would be a benefit for our country, but, they jumped at the chance to pick Trump, the biggest liar, wife cheater, sexual pervert and bully there is for their candidate.
He has indeed ruined the Republican party reputation, and made a laughing stock out of our country on the doorsteps of the world.
And I say this as a former Republican for most of my adult life. Those who support Trump show their true colors. There are a lot of Republicans who do not and would not support him. They are the true Republicans.
Name one that is, and what you think socialism is because it's been a staple of the U.S.A. for many, many years you just don't know our history with dumb comments
Statism (in particular social democracy), not socialism. To promote socialism one would have to actively seek to change the economic system of the nation. Bernie Sanders, et. al. use the term 'socialism' (stupidly, by the way) yet their policies have very little to do with decentralized economic freedom for the people. In contrast, they want more government control, redistribution of wealth and higher taxes (especially for businesses and high income individuals). That is classical statism.
Further, the USA has had social democracy since FDR. Not as profound as Europe but it is part of our socio-economic/political system. The D party, as a rule, is in favor of more social democracy (and more statism) while the R party, as a rule (at least in the past), has been for smaller, more-limited government (less statism).
Socialism itself will not be seen in any of our lifetimes (if ever) so might as well focus on that which is currently advocated: statism (albeit it is referred to as 'socialism').
I do not keep records, rather just sporadically opine when people complain about something that could not happen in the USA in our lifetimes and miss what is actually happening right now.
Complaining about socialism is silly. Complaining of encroaching statism is demonstrably valid.
( I do not recall replying to any of your comments this calendar year. )
I do not keep records, rather just sporadically opine when people complain about something that could not happen in the USA in our lifetimes and miss what is actually happening right now.
I didn't state or imply that you keep records, and I didn't complain about anything.
I didn't state or imply that you keep records, and I didn't complain about anything.
Correct. I stated that I do not keep records to inform you that if I had mentioned socialism to you in the past that I likely would not know how many times I had done so. (But per my comment history it seems today is the first time I have replied to you in the calendar year 2019.) And I did not say you personally were complaining about socialism. I made a comment in general about what is taking place in the political scene today.
You have made quite a few statements now and not one of them on what I actually wrote: the use of 'socialism' as a label when the actual issue is 'statism'.
Now is a good time for you to use IMPASSE. Just click on my avatar and select the IMPASSE option. Then you will not have any reason to put forth yet another irrelevant meta comment.
I never really cared if Trump was guilty of a crime in the "Russia" thing. It would have made it easier to get rid of the fool, but other than that I was not invested in the "collusion" idea.
My biggest problem with Trump is that he is an asshole, a gigantic asshole. He lies, exploits people, cheats, is corrupt and unethical, and a big blowhard who lies constantly. No one would want this clown for a friend but they want him as a president. It is absurd.
I read a couple days ago that a company that worked on the Trump Hotel in D.C. that opened a couple years ago is suing the Trump Org. for non payment of bills. He is still stiffing small businesses even after he is president. Enough of him disgracing this country.
My biggest problem with Trump is that he is an asshole, a gigantic asshole. He lies, exploits people, cheats, is corrupt and unethical, and a big blowhard who lies constantly.
You make it sound like he should be a Democrat. And after a 2 year investigation there is nothing (no surprise). But, lying and being an ass aren't impeachable offenses. If that were the case there wouldn't be any politicians left.
Trump as POTUS is the right’s equivalent of what we could expect if Baba Booey had ran and won as a Democrat. The only difference is that Dems are smart enough to never let that happen. Republicans - not so much, obviously.
he is an asshole, a gigantic asshole. He lies, exploits people, cheats, is corrupt and unethical, and a big blowhard who lies constantly.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You just described every politician, Republican or Democrat in Washington.
Seriously John, name me one serving or recently serving politician who hasn't done the things you just named. Certainly not Obama, nor Hillary. Or any of the other buffoons up there right now. The closest I could come up with would be Trey Gowdey.
People who vote for Donald Trump in 2020 need to be embarrassed of themselves for the rest of their lives.
Voted for him in 2016 (without outside influence) and will vote for him again in 2020 (without outside interference). It was the democrats that influenced my vote and have already influenced it for the next election.
Given the choices, there was / is no way in hell I could vote for Clinton.
Unfortunately, presidential elections usually brings about the bottom of the barrel candidates.
There is an inherent problem when you promote from within when there are as many problems as we see coming from Washington. There may be a new ass in the seat, but nothing will be done to correct the problems. Fortunately, there was a newcomer that put a temporary stop to it.
In the last 40 years there have been 2 non-career politicians voted in as President. Both pissed off both political parties and really didn't care. And both have brought about change for the better of the country over party. This is how it should be.
I myself would pluck out my right eye rather than cast a vote for Mr. Trump, but I have no ill thoughts for any who may.
I have managed to suffer through the past couple of years, I can make six more if I am forced ( but truly I would rather not) and not on the other side already.
I myself would pluck out my right eye rather than cast a vote for Mr. Trump, but I have no ill thoughts for any who may.I have managed to suffer through the past couple of years, I can make six more if I am forced ( but truly I would rather not) and not on the other side already.
Trump is clearly unfit to be president of the United States. In fact, he is obviously unfit for any office. This truth explains the need to "attack" Trump supporters. Trump is not held up by his own qualities, he is held up by the blind loyalty of those who will accept an obviously unfit leader as long as he demagogues to their liking. The deplorables are failing in their duty as citizens.
The deplorables are failing in their duty as citizens
Not for nothing John, but you are not going to win them over like this. For whatever reasons there are many folks out there that think Mr. Trump is doing a good job ( no I am not one of them), you need to offer them something better should you wish to swing them ( or at least what they think may be better).
Not for nothing John, but you are not going to win them over like this. For whatever reasons there are many folks out there that think Mr. Trump is doing a good job ( no I am not one of them), you need to offer them something better should you wish to swing them ( or at least what they think may be better).
I am not trying to win them over. That looks like a fool's errand. I am trying to win over opposition to them and Trump. We are in a conflict. If independents don't want to affirmatively realize the damage this man is doing to our society, then we need to get more people from left of center out to vote. Being nice to people who are ruining this country is not the answer, beating them is.
Being nice to people who are ruining this country is not the answer, beating them is.
Then as I said, offer them something better (by the by you do not have to convince me). The folks who are still aligned with Mr. Trump are there for the duration and will not be budged.
For the rest of us if the economy is chugging along and we haven't managed to blow up the planet by then the Dems had better put forth a great platform and candidate or as I said we may get another four years of this.
Being nice to people who are ruining this country is not the answer, beating them is.
I have to agree with luther here...running with a 'beat them' platform is simply not going to win over those who feel the current economy has been better for them than it has been for a long while. If their lives are better...how have they ruined this country?
It is unfortunate that some choose to 'vote shame' people into voting for someone they find to be 'deserving' of office. The very 'qualities' they might see in their candidates isn't shared by everyone. That's the world we live in. We are a diverse Nation and cannot be shamed, or told who we must vote for.
Trump may have personal issues and he definitely isn't an average politician that backs away in order to appease voters. Many who voted for him did so because they were tired of politicians.
I've been watching the current Dem pool of candidates and have listened to many talk about how wonderful they are...but their main goal is to beat Trump. We've heard some serious far left progressives talk about some plans that would 'benefit all' but leave out exactly how those plans would be paid for...while chiding Trump over the statement that Mexico will pay for the wall. If all they've got are empty promises on a beat Trump platform...they will find themselves in the same position as Hillary.
Trump voters don't like empty promises and they don't mind being called names...as long as they have jobs, more money for their families...and feel like their government is working for them. No attempt at 'shaming' will dissuade them.
I will cast a vote in 2020 for the candidate of my choosing...with honor and pride.
If only his supporters who may have a family member with dementia or other similar neurological disorder, knowing how the disease manifests or presents in the patient and how it progresses, they would know something is terribly, terribly wrong with Trump.
All anyone has to do is watch how his speech and language is deteriorating just over the past 2 years.
He is beginning to slur his words, have difficulty with word finding, extreme short term memory loss forgetting the names of those he is speaking to or about, and has displayed his open paranoia. All of this is common in dementia patients, and the list of actual symptoms he has openly displayed goes on and on and on.
What kind of family lets a person who is clearly beginning to suffer a serious illness and does not step in to get the man some help.
What kind of blind follower of his refuses to see this reality? Who would let a man suffer like this and therefore make other suffer also as a result of his failing mind?
You gotta love blogs, right.
I will proudly vote to re elect President Trump in 2020! No shame, no embarrassment, just pride, vindication, rewarding a job well done, and the satisfaction of annoying secular progressives. 4 more years! MAGA. Keep America 🇺🇸 Great!
I like you, John, and NT would not be the same without you, so I'm really concerned about what you might do to yourself if Trump wins in 2020. [deleted]
There you go projecting your feelings to others after voting for the loser, Hillary Clinton .
Like most citizens of this nation, John is disgusted that Trump won, not upset that Hillary lost. There is a difference.
Nope speaking factual
Well , at least you Trump lovers are not as touchy feely as the moderators are.
In 2016, the depths of Trump's profound unfitness for office, although known, had not yet been visible to everyone in terms of how he would behave in the presidency.
As we have seen since Jan 21, 2017, he has disgraced his office, and the American people, every day, usually many times every day, with dishonesty, corruption, buffoonery, and frankly, stupidity, on a scale never before seen at the apex of the executive branch of the national government.
Given all these irrefutable facts, people who vote for him next year have a lot to answer for to their consciences and to the larger society.
NT has become catnip for moronic Trump supporters. How embarrassing.
Then they will say he has not taken over the party, when that is exactly what he has done.
They believe every bigly moronic lie he shouts or whatever the twit tweets.
No it's called being an inept asshole.
I would never want to elect someone just on the criteria of pissing off half of the country.
The fact that people cheer on this boorish behavior says more about them.
You DONT GET to redefine lying into something more trivial. People who lie a dozen times every day are not psychologically stable. Maybe he's stable enough to host a reality tv show. He's not stable enough to run our country. Or ethical enough. Or intelligent enough.
Uh huh.
When the Dems get a front runner that denigrates and calls people names, get back to me.
Disparaging Americas affection for guns?
Oh my, how could he ever say such a thing. Come back when Obama calls people pencil neck, Pocahontas etc....
trump is like a spoiled child that has never been told no.
As far as the deplorables, I wouldn't have said it but, she seems to be proven right every day.
Yes there are fine people on both sides.
So I heard.
I agree. I am not so blind to see some of the idiots in the Dem party.
Sometimes I think they want us fighting among ourselves.
They thrive on the division.
True. And seeing what both the Republicans and Democrats have turned into today I am so glad that I don't belong to either one.
I am very capable of thinking for myself and don't need some self-serving group, who only think of themselves and to hell with the American people, telling me what I should think and/or do with my life.
When I look at some of the people who are rabid party liners on both sides I thank the Creator for giving me a mind that is able to think for itself and I don't need to be led by the nose by those who could care less if I die or not, just as long as I vote for them when the time comes.
I learned long ago that if someone only talks the talk and never walks the walk, then they are not worthy of my time or attention.
Anyone who supports Trump should be ashamed. There were many other good Republicans who would be a benefit for our country, but, they jumped at the chance to pick Trump, the biggest liar, wife cheater, sexual pervert and bully there is for their candidate.
He has indeed ruined the Republican party reputation, and made a laughing stock out of our country on the doorsteps of the world.
And I say this as a former Republican for most of my adult life. Those who support Trump show their true colors. There are a lot of Republicans who do not and would not support him. They are the true Republicans.
He is the most valuable asset we have in slowing the spread of socialism. I’d take him over anyone the Dems have to offer.
oh please. The encroaching socialism is just a boogie man for the right.
I didn't admit anything.
Socialism fast encroaching?
Must be all those employee owned business I see everywhere. Haha
Please name one declared Democrat candidate who isn't promoting Socialism and Socialist programs.
Name one that is, and what you think socialism is because it's been a staple of the U.S.A. for many, many years you just don't know our history with dumb comments
Statism (in particular social democracy), not socialism. To promote socialism one would have to actively seek to change the economic system of the nation. Bernie Sanders, et. al. use the term 'socialism' (stupidly, by the way) yet their policies have very little to do with decentralized economic freedom for the people. In contrast, they want more government control, redistribution of wealth and higher taxes (especially for businesses and high income individuals). That is classical statism.
Further, the USA has had social democracy since FDR. Not as profound as Europe but it is part of our socio-economic/political system. The D party, as a rule, is in favor of more social democracy (and more statism) while the R party, as a rule (at least in the past), has been for smaller, more-limited government (less statism).
Socialism itself will not be seen in any of our lifetimes (if ever) so might as well focus on that which is currently advocated: statism (albeit it is referred to as 'socialism').
Hello, TiG. You've posted the same comment to me several times. Thanks again.
I do not keep records, rather just sporadically opine when people complain about something that could not happen in the USA in our lifetimes and miss what is actually happening right now.
Complaining about socialism is silly. Complaining of encroaching statism is demonstrably valid.
( I do not recall replying to any of your comments this calendar year. )
I didn't state or imply that you keep records, and I didn't complain about anything.
Have a good day.
Correct. I stated that I do not keep records to inform you that if I had mentioned socialism to you in the past that I likely would not know how many times I had done so. (But per my comment history it seems today is the first time I have replied to you in the calendar year 2019.) And I did not say you personally were complaining about socialism. I made a comment in general about what is taking place in the political scene today.
You have made quite a few statements now and not one of them on what I actually wrote: the use of 'socialism' as a label when the actual issue is 'statism'.
Now is a good time for you to use IMPASSE. Just click on my avatar and select the IMPASSE option. Then you will not have any reason to put forth yet another irrelevant meta comment.
I would not call things like healthcare socialism.
It is taking care of the population.
It is not an economic system.
A comment that shows a complet ignorance of fact
Hey John!
How's that Russian Collusion working out for ya?
I never really cared if Trump was guilty of a crime in the "Russia" thing. It would have made it easier to get rid of the fool, but other than that I was not invested in the "collusion" idea.
My biggest problem with Trump is that he is an asshole, a gigantic asshole. He lies, exploits people, cheats, is corrupt and unethical, and a big blowhard who lies constantly. No one would want this clown for a friend but they want him as a president. It is absurd.
I read a couple days ago that a company that worked on the Trump Hotel in D.C. that opened a couple years ago is suing the Trump Org. for non payment of bills. He is still stiffing small businesses even after he is president. Enough of him disgracing this country.
You make it sound like he should be a Democrat. And after a 2 year investigation there is nothing (no surprise). But, lying and being an ass aren't impeachable offenses. If that were the case there wouldn't be any politicians left.
Trump as POTUS is the right’s equivalent of what we could expect if Baba Booey had ran and won as a Democrat. The only difference is that Dems are smart enough to never let that happen. Republicans - not so much, obviously.
Funny that he was very well liked across the globe, despite the claims of otherwise.
trump is a joke to most others.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You just described every politician, Republican or Democrat in Washington.
Seriously John, name me one serving or recently serving politician who hasn't done the things you just named. Certainly not Obama, nor Hillary. Or any of the other buffoons up there right now. The closest I could come up with would be Trey Gowdey.
I had to go back to Jimmy Carter, a terrible President but an exceptional human being.
Coming close to being proved hows that work for you
Voted for him in 2016 (without outside influence) and will vote for him again in 2020 (without outside interference). It was the democrats that influenced my vote and have already influenced it for the next election.
I totally doubt you would have ever voted for anyone else
Given the choices, there was / is no way in hell I could vote for Clinton.
Unfortunately, presidential elections usually brings about the bottom of the barrel candidates.
There is an inherent problem when you promote from within when there are as many problems as we see coming from Washington. There may be a new ass in the seat, but nothing will be done to correct the problems. Fortunately, there was a newcomer that put a temporary stop to it.
In the last 40 years there have been 2 non-career politicians voted in as President. Both pissed off both political parties and really didn't care. And both have brought about change for the better of the country over party. This is how it should be.
Looney bin?
1. Trump's Birtherism worked.
2. Trump's tax obligations/liabilities will never be revealed.
3. Trump's payments to adult film actresses, Playboy models and perhaps others are totally meaningless.
4. Trump's investigation by The Special Council is already determined.
5. Trump's stance on ( Khashoggi who/what ) is perfectly played.
In other words, the Trump is invincible.
Trump's an asshole and you just proved it
I myself would pluck out my right eye rather than cast a vote for Mr. Trump, but I have no ill thoughts for any who may.
I have managed to suffer through the past couple of years, I can make six more if I am forced ( but truly I would rather not) and not on the other side already.
Trump is clearly unfit to be president of the United States. In fact, he is obviously unfit for any office. This truth explains the need to "attack" Trump supporters. Trump is not held up by his own qualities, he is held up by the blind loyalty of those who will accept an obviously unfit leader as long as he demagogues to their liking. The deplorables are failing in their duty as citizens.
Not for nothing John, but you are not going to win them over like this. For whatever reasons there are many folks out there that think Mr. Trump is doing a good job ( no I am not one of them), you need to offer them something better should you wish to swing them ( or at least what they think may be better).
I am not trying to win them over. That looks like a fool's errand. I am trying to win over opposition to them and Trump. We are in a conflict. If independents don't want to affirmatively realize the damage this man is doing to our society, then we need to get more people from left of center out to vote. Being nice to people who are ruining this country is not the answer, beating them is.
Then as I said, offer them something better (by the by you do not have to convince me). The folks who are still aligned with Mr. Trump are there for the duration and will not be budged.
For the rest of us if the economy is chugging along and we haven't managed to blow up the planet by then the Dems had better put forth a great platform and candidate or as I said we may get another four years of this.
I have to agree with luther here...running with a 'beat them' platform is simply not going to win over those who feel the current economy has been better for them than it has been for a long while. If their lives are better...how have they ruined this country?
It is unfortunate that some choose to 'vote shame' people into voting for someone they find to be 'deserving' of office. The very 'qualities' they might see in their candidates isn't shared by everyone. That's the world we live in. We are a diverse Nation and cannot be shamed, or told who we must vote for.
Trump may have personal issues and he definitely isn't an average politician that backs away in order to appease voters. Many who voted for him did so because they were tired of politicians.
I've been watching the current Dem pool of candidates and have listened to many talk about how wonderful they are...but their main goal is to beat Trump. We've heard some serious far left progressives talk about some plans that would 'benefit all' but leave out exactly how those plans would be paid for...while chiding Trump over the statement that Mexico will pay for the wall. If all they've got are empty promises on a beat Trump platform...they will find themselves in the same position as Hillary.
Trump voters don't like empty promises and they don't mind being called names...as long as they have jobs, more money for their families...and feel like their government is working for them. No attempt at 'shaming' will dissuade them.
I will cast a vote in 2020 for the candidate of my choosing...with honor and pride.
All False statements involving Donald Trump
Drowning in errors
"Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars for the hurricane, more money than has ever been gotten for a hurricane before."
— PolitiFact Florida on Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019
Flynn admitted to ... lying
"The FBI said (former national security adviser Michael Flynn) wasn't lying."
— PolitiFact National on Thursday, March 28th, 2019
Poor word choice
"The Democrat(ic) position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth."
— PolitiFact National on Thursday, February 28th, 2019
Puts words in Northam's mouth
Says Gov. Ralph Northam "stated that he would even allow a newborn baby to come out into the world... then talk to the mother and talk to the father and then execute the baby."
— PolitiFact Virginia on Wednesday, February 20th, 2019
Photos prove otherwise
Says that at Beto O’Rourke’s rally in El Paso, there were "200 people, 300 people."
— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, February 12th, 2019
Crime data contradicts Trump's claim
"The border city of El Paso, Texas, used to have extremely high rates of violent crime — one of the highest in the country, and considered one of our nation's most dangerous cities. Now, immediately upon its building, with a powerful barrier in place, El Paso is one of the safest cities in our country."
— PolitiFact National on Friday, February 8th, 2019
Flagged, not proven
"58,000 non-citizens voted in Texas, with 95,000 non-citizens registered to vote."
— PolitiFact National on Monday, January 28th, 2019
Unclear where numbers come from
"We are not even into February and the cost of illegal immigration so far this year is $18,959,495,168. Cost Friday was $603,331,392. There are at least 25,772,342 illegal aliens, not the 11,000,000 that have been reported for years, in our Country."
— PolitiFact National on Monday, January 28th, 2019
Border Patrol data says Trump is wrong
Says there’s "never (been) so many apprehensions ever in our history."
— PolitiFact National on Friday, January 11th, 2019
"An easy decision for Mexico"
"When I say Mexico is going to pay for the wall, that's what I said. Mexico is going to pay. I didn't say they're going to write me a check for $20 billion or $10 billion."
— PolitiFact National on Thursday, January 10th, 2019
Claim ignores other key factors
California’s deadly wildfires "would never happen" with "proper Forest Management."
— PolitiFact California on Wednesday, January 9th, 2019
Democrats didn't ask for steel
"At the request of Democrats, it will be a steel barrier rather than a concrete wall."
— PolitiFact National on Wednesday, January 9th, 2019
Lacks evidence
"Mexico is paying for the Wall through the new USMCA Trade Deal."
— PolitiFact National on Friday, January 4th, 2019
Putin says it's the right decision
"Russia, Iran, Syria & many others are not happy" about U.S. troops leaving Syria.
— PolitiFact National on Friday, December 21st, 2018
Unclear where number comes from
Says the United States loses "250 Billion Dollars a year on illegal immigration, not including the terrible drug flow. Top Border Security, including a Wall, is $25 Billion. Pays for itself in two months."
— PolitiFact National on Wednesday, December 5th, 2018
Not the same
Says of immigrant family separations at the border, "we had the exact same policy as the Obama administration."
— PolitiFact National on Thursday, November 29th, 2018
Claim distorts complex set of fire causes
"There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor."
— PolitiFact California on Monday, November 12th, 2018
History has its eyes on you
"In the House, Republicans dramatically outperformed historical precedents."
— PolitiFact National on Thursday, November 8th, 2018
A total distortion of what a few Democrats support
"The Democrat plan would just obliterate Medicare and terminate Medicare Advantage ... seniors who have been paying for this for years (and) will not be taken care of anymore."
— PolitiFact National on Friday, November 2nd, 2018
No invitation
"The Democrats want to invite caravan after caravan of illegal aliens into our country. And they want to sign them up for free health care, free welfare, free education, and for the right to vote."
— PolitiFact National on Thursday, November 1st, 2018
We know that Mr. Trump will never be a purveyor of the truth, he never has been and yet the people voted for him.
There are many out there that could care a wit about the truth, what concerns them most is their day to day lives.
Not sure what your point might be as my post never claimed that Trump is always factual.
Nicely stated.
If only his supporters who may have a family member with dementia or other similar neurological disorder, knowing how the disease manifests or presents in the patient and how it progresses, they would know something is terribly, terribly wrong with Trump.
All anyone has to do is watch how his speech and language is deteriorating just over the past 2 years.
He is beginning to slur his words, have difficulty with word finding, extreme short term memory loss forgetting the names of those he is speaking to or about, and has displayed his open paranoia. All of this is common in dementia patients, and the list of actual symptoms he has openly displayed goes on and on and on.
What kind of family lets a person who is clearly beginning to suffer a serious illness and does not step in to get the man some help.
What kind of blind follower of his refuses to see this reality? Who would let a man suffer like this and therefore make other suffer also as a result of his failing mind?