Tagged: lgbtq
OutFront: New Site Rates Churches Based on Transparency of LGBTQ Policies
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
Tim Schraeder, a gay Christian, has always felt torn between his religion and sexuality. That’s something he's now fighting to change with Church Clarity. by Julie Compton / Oct.26.2017 /...
Dispelling More Myths About Sexual Orientation and Transgenderism
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
It seems that so many science deniers positively revel in their ignorance about sexuality: they continue to insist that one can change one's sexual orientation; they confuse orientation with...
'Hazards of Homosexuality' Flier Distributed at Values Voter Summit
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
A flier promoting a book on the "health hazards of homosexuality" was distributed to guests at Values Voter Summit where President Trump spoke. by John Paul Brammer / Oct.13.2017 / 4:15 PM ET...
'National Parents Coming Out Day' Aims to Educate Families of LGBTQ Youth
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
"National Parents Coming Out Day" is a day for parents to learn how to support their LGBTQ youth, which is a strong factor in mental and physical health. by John Paul Brammer / Oct.12.2017 /...
Justice Department 'Religious Liberty' Guidance: A 'License to Discriminate'?
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
The new guidance outlines 20 "religious liberty" principles, but some say it could unleash discrimination "at a scale that we have never seen.” by Julie Moreau / Oct.08.2017 / 1:42 PM ET Just...
Federal Civil Rights Law Doesn't Protect Transgender Workers, Justice Department Says
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
Federal Civil Rights Law Doesn't Protect Transgender Workers, Justice Department Says A Justice Department memo, signed by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, says transgender employees aren't...
Is homosexuality conclusively and solely biologically predetermined? (ie, are you born gay?)
Via: j70141
News & Politics
8 years ago
Not according to the APA and other authoritative figures: “Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual...
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity are Biologically Determined -- But Bigotry is a [Dumb] Choice!
Via: eginnj
News & Politics
8 years ago
All of the available peer-reviewed, unbiased science indicates that sexual orientation is inborn. However, there are so many deniers here on Newsvine and elsewhere. I know that you deniers will...