Tagged: socialism
Who is Britain's new Prime Minister Keir Starmer, ushered to power by his Labour Party's election landslide?
Via: krishna
News & Politics
8 months ago
Photo: Keir Starmer, leader of Britain's Labour Party, addresses supporters at a reception to celebrate his win in the 2024 U.K. general election, at the Tate Modern museum in London, July 5,...
Breaking News from Broke Back Mountain: GOP New Pleas for $$$
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it
News & Politics
3 years ago
(This Epistle may be offensive to some readers. If your are offended by words, particularly poorly bunched together, perhaps you would be well advised to skip this masterpiece and skedaddle on...
Taxation and Unemployment
By: yourlordandsavior
5 years ago
Often, when people toss the people won't work thing around, it's because they also think when you pay "taxes," it's a gift, except when they want something specific, in which case it's "my tax...
Anti-Semitism is 'alive and well,' disguised among America's elites, Gary Bauer warns
Via: heartland-american
Religion & Ethics
5 years ago
Anti Semitic words in print and spoken whether in person or broadcast is ever more common along with anti Semitic acts even violence. It is coming from our bi coastal urban elites in their ivory...
Why Starbucks' Howard Schultz Couldn't Run As A Democrat
Via: 96ws6
News & Politics
6 years ago
Politics: Democrats are worrying about former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz running as an independent for president in 2020. They say it will only help President Trump. But the only reason this...
Is There Room for Compromise with Socialism?
Via: badfish-hd-h-u
7 years ago
Private ownership of the means of production (market economy or capitalism) and public ownership of the means of production (socialism or communism or "planning") can be neatly distinguished. Each...
Is socialism in the United States having a moment?
Via: vernon-wythe
News & Politics
8 years ago
Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency thrust far-right groups into the spotlight. But on the other end of the political spectrum, socialist organizations across the country are quietly...
Alexis De Tocquvill , on Socialism (1848) with two other long dead white men
Via: kpr37
News & Politics
8 years ago
Since socialism is a Utopian ideal and has never produced utopia, there has never been real socialism? Perhaps the Marxist/Lennonist idology is a perfect system of human development....
With Donald Trump as President, Americans Are Flocking to Socialism
Via: aeonpax
News & Politics
8 years ago
` With Donald Trump as President, Americans Are Flocking to Socialism - http://inthesetimes.com/article/19795/socialisms-trump-bump-democratic-socialists-america Considering this news...