My New Toy
We got this about 2 weeks ago and it was delivered a week ago. We're slowing getting the things we need for it like sheets, memory foam, dry goods, towels, etc.
We probably won't get to take it out for a few weeks because of the vacation plans we made before we bought the camper. But I'm going to sit down with my "sister" and talk to her about the campsites she and her husband go and make plans to go to at least 2 of them before our big fishing trip to Norfork in October.
Can't wait for the maiden voyage.
Enjoy yourselves
Looks like the Giggles family vacation's on deck.
Weekend after this one we're taking it out on her maiden voyage!
What are you hauling it with?
A Dodge Ram 1500
You will know the new wore off looking out the motel window to see if your camper is still there...
Including campsite fees, gas, depreciation and all such things my camper cost about $250.00/day.
If you want a look at what to expect rent Lucy and Ricky in The Long Long Trailer for a preview...
It seems that everyone has a dream of traveling with their house attached including all our pets.
You haven't lived until you are sleeping inside a small trailer and the dog gets a bad case of gas...
C'mon....don't rain on my parade. I hate tents but I do like getting out in the woods and going fishing.
I hope you have only fun. I don't regret my camper follies butt I wouldn't do that again...
We never stayed in "the woods". KOA mostly though there are lots of nice independents...
A friend thought he could just pull into parking lots but he did not really think it through.
We're good. I need to see if we need to make reservations at the camp sites I want to go to.
Since Mr G got his VA ID card many of the spots we will go to will either waive the fee or it is greatly reduced.
Everyone should give it a try. I guarantee you will be laughing remembering some of your adventures...
I wanted to travel with D-Dawg and so I got the trailer but I sold it when I moved from OK to New York.
Bought a truck-bed tent a few months back and have set it up but have yet to use it other than in my driveway.
Figure it to be much more efficient than the pop-up camper I used to lug around.
I looked at pop-ups but I didn't want anything with canvas primarily because if the canvas gets wet and you don't dry it out properly you get mildew
I like the mileage I get with a bed tent. But it's comparing apples to oranges. If I didn't have to pay for the gas, I'd go for what you have in a New York second!
hope you have a lot of fun and go to interesting places
Quite a number of years ago I accompanied a client to Arlington, Texas, who was negotiating to purchase a large trailer park. We stayed over in a trailer in that park, and I was quite comfortable. Before I moved to China I had a bit of a fantasy of buying a motor home and driving all over North America on my own, but I passed on it.
Has anyone watched the movie: "RV"?
With Robin Williams?
My parents used to have a camper, when we were growing up. We didn't go much further than WV, but we had fun. We usually went along with my grandparents and some aunts and uncles, and had a blast playing in creeks, hiking, cooking around a campfire, etc. We even took our cat along, and he loved it.
I remember the first time we went, my Dad had me scared to death of bears. I was sure they'd break down that flimsy door and devour us. Now bears regularly visit my yard and even my porch.
When I was little we camped on the Blue Ridge Parkway. There were signs everywhere about bears. My brother and I got nervous but Dad told us the bears would leave us alone since we were rotten
Grew up camping out with the folks on vacation. Mom was a girl scout leader and dad was a Eagle Scout. Some millionaires take their kids to 5 star hotels, mine made me build and light the campfire.
LOL! You learned valuable skills
Camping is an art form. Once one gets the hang of it, it can be rather comfy. I imagine it will take some time to get used to your new toy and perfect your skills with it.
While I normally avoid commercial campgrounds and RV parks, There are times I enjoy the company and bring a guitar for jam sessions around the campfire.
Just remember that you have to hate rabbits in order to keep the smoke out of your face.
I like US Corps of Engineers parks because they keep them pretty nice.
Now why do I have to hate rabbits?
Congratulations Trout,
We've had a trailer (5th wheel) for a number of years. Had a lot of fun and did a 5 month road trip in it.
Coming down the road we looked like ''Brother Love's Traveling Salvation Show''....
Those 5th wheels are very nice but since we are only doing a few days at a time, I'm good with something small. This one is about 20 feet long, but it does have a bathroom with a toilet, sink, and shower.
One thing I don't understand about it tho, it has a microwave oven under the 2 burner stove. It makes more sense to me to put a real oven there instead of a microwave...then I could make biscuits or cinnamon rolls for breakfast
That is odd. A lot have both.
This is a small camper. I've seen microwaves and ovens in the larger ones, but not in the smaller ones.
I'm still arguing with Mr G on whether we should get a propane oven
Get you a dutch oven, I have 3. There are a tone of websites for Dutch oven cooking. I've also done canned biscuits in a iron skillet on a campfire.
thanks for the advice!
Just build a box out of heavy duty tin foil for biscuits and pastry. Learned how from a Marine.
Very nice.
A beer cooler with a bathroom and big enough to sleep in. Cool.
Somebody gets it
Congrats and I hope you love it. I grew up in a camping family, worked up from regular tent to one that attached to the station wagon, to a motor home. You meet a lot of really cool people and can make lots of new friends. You may have some 'experiences' but all in all, you are adult enough to handle it......lots of other things to learn, like making biscuits on an outside grill.....there are ways to do everything.
Same here except we had a pop-up trailer in between.
How about cornbread? What's your secret? Tell, me, don't hold out!
We used to do a lot of camping when I was a kid. My dad had one of those campers that sat on the bed of the truck. It was pretty decent sized, too. But for the past 20 some years, we've only had a tent. I just can't do it anymore even with an air mattress. I can't off the ground like I used to. And I like having somewhere to go hide when it rains or when it gets cold. I think we're going to enjoy it very much. Thanks!
Cast iron. Most range cooking was one pot style, or at least made in kettles....including the corn bread.
Got cast iron skillets. Gonna learn how to use one to make corn bread because I want to make chicken chili while we're at Norfork. I got a big crockpot that ought to feed everybody
That sounds pretty awesome.
If you were hiking, I would scrap the cast iron in favor of single walled titanium, but out of your camper, cast iron will be perfect. Just remember not to clean it with water. Dirt, sticks, and rocks as the scrub followed by a good oily wipe down is perfect. Or salt followed by the oil lol.
Have you seasoned your cast-iron yet? If you don't, everything cooks right and tight to the pan. Ah, they come with instructions, don't they? Don't skip it.
Mr G has that handled.
He's the chef when we go camping
Congrats. Looks nice.
We went camping last weekend. Not far just took the camper and the boat to a friends piece of land on the river. I think it is about 32 ft. Has one slide out in the main living area. Once opened up it gives a lot of room.
One thing I would say is if you go somewhere that you cannot hook to water, watch your water supply. It is easy to run the holding tank out pretty quick.
Been thinking about that. My biggest worry is the water heater is only 5 gallons, so I'm going to be taking very quick showers. We usually camp at parks where they have showers, but those things get wet and dirty and I end even dirtier after taking a shower in those places.
Have I ever told you that my idea of roughing it is a hotel room with no coffee maker? LOL!
Well, now the hotel has a coffeemaker and wheels.
Ha! Coffee maker and a fridge. What spoiled me was being able to hook up and have AC at night.
What we have done before is wet down, turn of water, soap up, then rinse off. Now though, my brother in law has changed out the hot water heater to an on demand one. Found a fairly good priced one on Ebay. The only draw back is watching the propane use. It usually works out as we rarely use the stove or oven.
When camping out becomes sitting on a sofa and watching DVDs while heating up a dinner in the microwave, is it really camping out anymore?
Oooo I want one. I keep trying to talk Matt into one.. but he's not sure.
Anyway, have a wonderful time!!
This was the only way Mr G was ever going to get me to go camping. He had to buy a camper. We were supposed to buy one last fall, but then I broke my ankle and I wasn't able to go fishing or camping last fall.
Come up to Mill Creek Campground on Table Rock's a Corp of Engineers campground and one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. And I seen a heck of a lot of them...Almost every site is on the water. Great fishing a swimming beach etc etc.
Plus you'd only be about 1 mile from my house...That could be a good or a bad thing...LOL
That sounds awesome! We go to a Corps site right around Salesville. I think it's called Quarry Site. It sits right below the dam on the Lake Norfork.
Maybe I'll talk Mr G in doing that sometime
Ugh! The demands I had to succumb to just to get Denise to camp in a tent.
Don't do campgrounds. Much prefer wilderness areas.
Nice toy !
You doing the "Travel Package discounts" with that ?
The town I live in is smack dab in the middle of a boreal forest, and probably about 100 meters below the treeline. Camping is always an option here, as if booking it back to the house if you forget anything lol.
As Santa said, "make a list and check it twice!"
One question accrues to me, seeing as how you seem to attract deep water, is: does it float?
The outboard motor was an option we will get when we get some of this paid off.
Better than that...If you are a AAA member or have a person that is, go to their office and get their "Camp Book". It has most every campground in the USA my wife and I have found some really great places to camp out at. Very informative.
Thanks for the info!
I wish I could get my wife to camp like that. We go with our friends, but they have a motorhome with two bathrooms in it, five tvs, ceramic tile floor, and a fridge bigger than the one in our kitchen.
It's a rolling 5 star hotel. LOL!
We got one last year...
Hi, Mal! Long time, no see!
Our camper is about the same size. We're taking it on its maiden voyage this afternoon.