Ted Cruz Calls US Military 'Woke' and 'Emasculated'
By: Julie Gerstein (Business Insider)

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz called the US military "woke" and "emasculated" compared to Russia's military in a tweet on Thursday.
Cruz based his criticism on a TikTok video comparing a Russian recruitment ad with a US Army commercial spot. While Russia's ad featured moody lighting and buff, shirtless men writing in the dirt, the US Army clip offered an animated telling of the life of US Army Corporal Emma Malonelord, who was raised by a lesbian couple in San Francisco.
Insider reached out to Cruz's office for additional comment on the tweet.
—Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 20, 2021
"After graduating high school at the top of my class, and after meeting with an Army recruiter, I found it: A way to prove my inner strength," Mannelord says in the clip.
Malonelord is one of five military members featured in the Army's newest commercial series featuring a diverse array of recruits. The series, dubbed "The Calling," aims at sharing "a rich tapestry of stories that represent the diverse upbringings and life experiences that make up today's Army," according to a US Army press release.
Cruz never served in the military. During a 2015 interview with CNBC's John Harwood, he said that he had "considered it many times" but had never enlisted. "I will say it's something I always regretted. I wished I had spent time in the service. It's something I respect immensely."
Nevertheless, he's spoken out on his opinions on women joining the service in the past. In 2o16, while running for reelection, he said he thought women serving in combat roles in the military was "nuts" and that it was simply "political correctness run amok."
Insider has reached out to the US Army for comment.

So praising the Russian army while disparaging our own...
Many Republicans loved the help they received from Putin in 2016, they agreed with their liar-in-chief when he trusted Putin's word over our own intelligence agencies, many of them gobble up the propaganda spit out by RT, I'm not surprised that a Republican Senator who never served in the military would be praising the Russian military while disparaging our troops.
And that pisses me off! I know lots of women I would gladly follow into battle before I would even consider following him or any other goonie that never served but still has the balls to disparage women in the military. Paula is one I would follow!
And how dare he think the Russian Army is better than ours! I bet he calls himself a patriot, too!
He is a piece of shit. Just because someone has gay parents they are weak and cannot be in a combat roll?
I would love to ship his sorry ass back to Canada. (My apologies to Canadians)
Let's ship his ass to Russia since he seems to like them so much
Let's ship his ass to Russia since he seems to like them so much
Excellent idea!
In fact, while we're at it-- why not also ship another sleazeoid to Russia as well--- ex-President & Draft Dodger in Chief Donald "Bone Spurs" Trump!
Calling yourself a patriot is like saying you have a big cock, if you have to say it chances are it is t true.
He likely does not think the Russian Army is better than ours. Surely understanding that 'hand to hand' combat is out between the two nations since the nuclear weapon's age begin.
However, it was a moment of provocation and get this division. File this article as a "Go to" when some conservative supporter here cries liberals seek to divide this nation!
Ted Cruz, is trying to drive a wedge between combat: soldiers, marines, sailors, and airmen of the United States! That is, he wants them to distrust a woman's capacity to be 'there' in the moment of need. He wants the men to feel - really feel- that they are weaker because of women 'taking' some abstract position better held by a man.
Yes, Ted Cruz, brought politics to bear against the service-members of today. Some else, Senator Cruz, and his supporters in Texas, are making it clear that women in combat positions don't deserve to achieve veteran status after leaving 'duty' or a career. Because Cruz' vote is that they should not have such 'duty to serve' or career goals in the first place.
(Why should these lesbians and women be paid salaries and pensions to be free and clear of men?)
Oh yeah, this goes really, really, deep.
You're not going to enjoy hearing this but Ted Cruz is hardly necessary for Cruz to do any of that. The reality of service life, especially in the Army and Marine Corps, does that. When I went through Basic Training, our company was one of the first to be coed. Three platoons of males, one of females. We never actually trained together but sometimes we trained near each other. Physically, women were not even close to capable of what the men were going through. We got dropped for pushups, the difference between the women and men was night and day. On road marches, the women always started out in front and ended up in the rear. That had to feel good for them. And it continued throughout my career.
None of that should be read to mean the women did not do their best. Like the men, there were some who tried harder than others, but overall, physically, there was simply too great a gap. It has nothing to do with one's political, religious or any philosophical view. It is simply down to men being stronger. Since this is evident in every single day of military life, it's pretty unfair to ask male soldiers to sign on to women being allowed into direct ground combat roles simply because of someone's idea of equality.
My personal opinion is that, although I intensely dislike the idea of women in positions such as infantry, if she can qualify under the exact same standards as a male, she should be allowed to serve, if she wants to, even though I think it will still cause problems. I also think that if she can't put up with the shit she'll likely have to face, she shouldn't be there. I don't mean direct sexual harassment, but close teams give each other shit all the time. Being female, they'll give her shit about it to see if she's tough enough to take it. If she's not, she shouldn't be there. Same as a dedicated Christian will be given shit over that. If he can't take it, he shouldn't be there. Teams aren't going to stand for someone who's butt hurt all the time.
Nonsense. The generals in charge of the Armed Services say different. Do you support ranking male leadership and their opinions on women in combat "being all that they can be"?
As for as the rank and file conservatives in the ranks, if they don't like standing shoulder to shoulder with women found to be carrying their own weight, then why don't they just get out-retire-find something else to do. Let the military system decide our 'fate' without hard-core relics who can't and won't budge, or fear 'breaking' under the torque of change.
BTW, no one is asking a female to become a male. That is the wrong outlook to take. Our forces are being combined. That is, somebody in the higher up thinks we need a 'right' mixture of sexes on some battlefield. The ratio can be raised or lowered accordingly.
After all, no heterosexual should be demanding a 'strong male figure' homosexual to say out of service in the ranks either.
Why don't you tell all that to Tammy Duckworth.
Okay, let's 'test' that one: Why do you "feel intensely" women can't cope with comeback service, or to put it differently why don't you trust the fortitude of women to handle noise, force, and gore?
Not fair, if you reverse that, you would end of with men being propositioned to do "women-sized" jobs. . . in the "exact manner of women" - but that is not what you mean is it? Incidentally, we have women in civilian roles of strength, gore, and noise already: Fire chief, Police Captain, FBI Agents . . . .
Women already demonstrate in daily 'practice' they can take it-just ask a woman who takes abuse from her 'man' or husband. Or a female CEO as she climbed through the ranks to get to the 'heights.' Women even take shit from their children for 'untold' years and memories of hurt, neglect, and hard feelings.
If you mean men using 'brutal, (lame) 'lockerroom talk' well let's just say that a lot of 'fellas' truth be told do not find that "shit" essential to begin with. And Christians, we're built to ignore it by faith to the best of our ability as you so well know.
Why? She knows it already. Further, if you read my comment more carefully, I said I wasn't happy with women in combat units like infantry. Tammy was a helicopter pilot. Since I spent my career in helicopter units I know women did just as well as men in that area. While it's a high stress job, especially in combat situations, there's no argument I gave that says women can't handle stress as well as a man. But because it was a helicopter she didn't have to be just as strong as any man to do as well as any man. She just had to have the skill, which isn't dependent on sex.
What I said didn't address bravery, either. Bravery isn't dependent on sex, as far as I know. I honor Tammy for her service, her bravery and what she suffered for her country. I don't honor her for doing those things as a woman. I honor her because she did what I expect from a soldier. To me, honoring her for being a woman doing those things seems like dishonor to me, as if I were saying "Nice job! You did as well as a man", rather than recognizing what she accomplished as a person.
That's what's wrong with you're wokeness, CB. I said I intensely dislike the idea of women in combat roles such as infantry. I made no mention of why. What you've done is put forth your own assumptions which do nothing but reinforce your wokeness about what you think of conservatives. That is, because I'm conservative, therefore those must be why I dislike the idea. For your information, you're completely wrong about all of it.
As for the rest of your nonsense, I just don't have the energy.
Having spent the first 20 years of my adult life as a U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman, much of it with front line USMC units who survived two wars on two continents. For what it's worth Cruz strikes me the kind of guy who, if he were serving in a front line combat unit, would probably wind up getting fragged by his own troops!
I would love to ship his sorry ass back to Canada. (My apologies to Canadians)
After they let Randy Quaid come back here, they owe us one.
I could see him being a turncoat.
I didn't suggest any of that. You sound like you're reasoning with yourself. Whatever works.
Of course you didn't. You just chose Tammy for me to tell it to because she was just an average woman who didn't do anything distinguishing, right?
Uh, sure, let's go with that.
I color-coded this a little bit, so you can pay close attention to your 'messaging.'
Ms. Duckworth did all things well: skill , bravery , service , perseverance (suffering) , and esprit de corp s-but according to you sir, doing and possessing such traits does not make somebody "strong as any man"!
She , a pronoun for female, lose her legs, plural, in a combat RPG attack in Iraq. Moreover, she wanted to go back into Iraq afterwards to return to her unit. Where is the inherent weakness in this woman ? I have a Bloomberg interview of Tammy Duckworth and David Rubenstein available. It is merely a three-minutes video on her helicopter being shot down for you to peruse and point out her "inadequacy"
Here you go:
Note: I hope MSN as a news purveyor is a suitable, allowable, forgivable organization for our purposes. Crossing my fingers, yes I really am.
Well, I guess you 'told me' about it. Yeah? Right. I don't think so. You get to speak up and clarify the stances you 'set-up' Drakkonis or else in this remote setting I can use 'filler' to draw a conclusion. At your 'ease' you can set the record straight (as we all do as needed) and do some in a right spirit. What you do not get from me anyway is - to make this overly melodramatic, tedious, teasing, and stringing me along, just to ever so often turn on a dime and yell and gripe about how 'foul' travelers of this world wide web com-mun-i-cate!
Dig, Drakkonis?
As to what you referred to that I wrote as nonsense, well I think women can do 'combat' if the generals say so. You should ask yourself - how come you think women warriors can not become "American amazons" after several generations of training, diligence, hard-work, and espit de corps?
Interesting posit. Yet it ignores the FACT that women have been 'attached' to direct ground combat roles while being denied combat pay and promotion based on service in combat for over a decade. The military used the 'attached' rather than 'assigned' loophole to screw women for far too long.
And this is but one example.
Born Sept. 3, 1987; killed in action in Afghanistan on Oct. 22, 2011
First Lt. White was among the first group of women soldiers in combat as part of a Cultural Support Team (CST), which were created in 2010 to help make connections with local Afghan citizens. She was the first member of a CST to be killed in action. At the time of her death in 2011, women were officially banned from combat but could be attached to Special Operations units as part of a CST.
And another example:
My late wife Shannon Kent , silently served in our ranks until the day she was killed in Syria hunting ISIS. Shannon was killed on her fifth SOF combat deployment. She began her career as an analyst and earned a spot collecting ground intelligence for SEAL strike forces for four combat deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan before being selected to deploy with the SOF task force in Syria.
Shannon’s death tragically shows the equal opportunity that women experience on the battlefield: she was killed alongside John Farmer, a Green Beret; Scott Wirtz, a former Navy SEAL; and Ghadir Taher, a female Arabic linguist.
By now we all know women in combat and women in special operations is nothing new. By allowing women to try out for SF, we are giving them the credit they have long deserved — they have earned the right to push themselves, be miserable and live a demanding lifestyle. It is on the SF regiment to ensure our standards are upheld by all of our members and to make sure that we properly use the few women who earn their way into our ranks.
Joe Kent is a retired Army Special Forces chief warrant officer who served for over 20 years and completed 11 combat deployments. He is also a Gold Star husband. His wife, Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer Shannon Kent, was killed in 2019 conducting special operations against ISIS in Syria.
I think to some, he already is.
He already is.
Having served in the Army 20 years, I think I have a right to comment. I think there's some truth to what Cruz has said. I know something of how our soldiers are trained and how Russian soldiers are trained. I know something about how ours think and how theirs think. On average, theirs are harder and less "humanitarian" than ours are. I don't mean better trained. I don't mean they're more capable with their systems.
Think about how the Japanese soldiers of WWII are portrayed. What they were prepared to do and did do in order to achieve their goals. Russian soldiers are not them, but they are closer to them than ours are. Harder. Less humanitarian. They have a lot less mercy than our soldiers do. And neither us or the Russians compare to what Chinese soldiers are prepared to do. If I were still in the Army, the Chinese Army would be the one I would least want to fight. Not because I think they are better soldiers. I don't think they are. It's because I think they will be a lot more brutal, less humanitarian, if such a word can even be used describing war, than ours would be.
War is a very bad business. It's real death (not some gamer sim) in sudden, violent and bloody ways you just can't walk away from. You have to have a certain mindset going in so that you will have the best chance of surviving. Right now, knowing the military and how they reacted in the past to political hot buttons, our military is probably spending a lot, and I mean a lot, of time making our servicemembers think about white nationalists, gender, trans, CRT and whatever other woke issues there are to talk about. They should be training for war, instead. Instead of training them to be the killers they need to be, they're being taken in the opposite direction. Instead of focusing our servicepeople's attention on war and our potential enemies, our government is turning our military into schools for wokeness.
That's what I think Cruz was talking about and, as far as I understand what he said, I can't disagree.
Yet another "woke-ness naysayer!" What part of a "ultimate combat" war between U.S. soldiers and Russian soldiers or any other nation's soldiers on par are some conservatives disconnecting from reality? Nuclear nations do not go to physical war-the thinking goes, because it can escalate to MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). And, well-to-do (profitable) nations don't want those plusses and minuses from that as a set of consequences.
Cruz is being a provocateur. He sees a chance (calculation) to raise another culture war against women in combat service, and let's be clear: He won't say it, but. . . he sees and his supporters talk and discuss (emphasis) 'filthy' lesbians getting government pensions at the end of the day for their lifestyles.
And yes, that means Cruz and his Texas supporters are not "woke" but dead "asleep." Why can't he simply leave women in combat along to toughen up? Are does he think women can't be tough? (The questions are rhetorical.I know you can't speak for Cruz.)
I have never served myself. Yet I will say, what you said sounds good and all until you consider the fact that our soldiers do train, have been to war and are very capable.
They do not sit around in classrooms all day taking sensitivity training...
About what I expected you to say. I gave you real life experience and you ignore all of it and just make it about "culture war about women".
Right now the Dems have a captive audience in the Military. They are indoctrinating it's members into their woke bullshit. That scares the crap out of me, to be honest. Before, I never worried that the military could be coerced into acting against it's own citizens to enforce agendas of political masters. Now my fear is growing more and more that they are being groomed for just that. Our public school systems are turning out more and more functional idiots who only know what they've been indoctrinated in and little else. (math is racist? are you effing kidding me?)Then, some join the military and continue the woke indoctrination. Given how much woke SJW's hate the right, well, I think anyone with a functioning mind can see where I think that could go. Given how the Dems kept the National Guard hanging around so long after January 6th on the pretense that they had to guard against "imminent attacks" that no one with a functioning brain actually believed were coming, it isn't too difficult to imagine how they might one day use a military full of SJW's.
Having spent a few years in the US Army I'd like to point out few things. I think you're making a lot of assumptions about Russian, Chinese, American soldiers.
If you want to discuss more brutal and or less humanitarian I would point out Both the Japanese soldiers of WWII and the North Vietnamese of the Vietnam war. They were as tough as you can get yet American soldiers defeated both. Yes, the Russian and Chinese soldiers are hard and unforgiving in battle, you can include Americans in that group as well. Again in direct combat, the American soldier defeated the Chinese soldier in the Korean war. Was it easy, hell no it wasn't, it was brutal hand-to-hand combat as was the war in Vietnam.
Our military has been at war almost continually since the start of WWII. I will always listen to what other vets have to say and respect it, but as far as Cruz goes he has no idea of what he is talking about.
Currently Drakkonis I have three close relatives in the Army, all lifers and all in combat arms. I talk to them fairly often so I'm kept up to date, so to say on the going on in the military.
I'm on my way out the door, so I will 'dump' this here without taking the time to fully read your comment. I will respond when I return accordingly.
Point: Senator Cruz is a sitting Senator paid 'handsomely' to deep-think about matters affecting the lives of millions of our citizens. Playing politics and 'soaking up the rays' from his constituents alone is not the total sum of his political existence. He is supposed to listen to his constituents yes, and then, reach for other sources and 'sound them out' and through back and forth reach a sound conclusion. I hear talking points from Cruz, "same old - we can't cope" stuff that is conservative "prada" (traditional stances - relic).
Women want out from under the 'thumb' of men. Not all women, but those that do. Serving equally gives them the freedom "to be" and the freedom to be free (of thee)!
When I was in the service, I can say in all honesty that I didn't care if they were gay, lesbian....whatever...(back then it was kept under wraps), as long as they could do the job, male or female, they were good with me. When the bullets start to fly, all I cared about was, "can I trust you to have my back?". Never once came across anyone in the Marines that I didn't trust with my life.
Did Ted even serve in the military? I don't think he did. I don't care about political party, if you didn't serve, it's best to keep your mouth shut unless you have something good to say.
Yeah, that's why I mentioned the Japanese of WWII, so I'm curious as to why you bring it up as if I hadn't?
Yes, as you say, we beat the Japanese, debatable as to whether we beat the North Vietnamese. We also beat a poorly equipped and trained Chinese army who's only real strength was in massive numbers.
The thing is, however, everything we've fought since then have been insurgencies or military forces so small they had no chance at all, like Grenada and Panama o. The exception would be Iraq, but they were so outclassed, outdated and undertrained it wasn't funny. Going up against China and Russia would be nothing like what our soldiers have experienced in the last 20 years. In fact, our current force structure is geared more toward fighting insurgencies than against a major power. Our Airforce may be the most ready force we have at the moment. We need more ships. We need new tanks and Infantry Fighting Vehicles, anti tank weapons, anti air weapons and whatever else. We need the systems to deliver them to the shores of a major power.
Then, we need to retrain a force that's trained to fight insurgencies to fight against a major modern land, sea and air war. The last large scale ware of maneuver that was similar to the skills needed was Iraq in 2003, almost 20 years ago. That means we've already lost people who fought in it to retirement already and more to follow shortly. Translation for those who don't know what that means is, all that experience is fast disappearing and leaving only those who have fought insurgencies.
But rather than focusing on retraining, we've got people sitting in classes being indoctrinated with woke ideology. All that is needed is to tell the troops, these people have the right to serve. If you subject them to abuse of any kind because of who or what they are, you are going to be punished under the UCMJ. Those who don't listen, you put in jail. You don't discharge them. You put them in jail. You don't need to sit them down in classes and tell them what they have to believe. They're focusing on "diversity training". For frak's sake, the SecDef ordered a 60 day stand down so that commanders at all levels can have discussions about extremism at "each service, each command and each unit can take the time out to have these needed discussions with the men and women of the force," 60 friggin days! How the hell do you talk about it for that long??? What's going to happen if some idiot does something to a trans soldier and that becomes a political hot button? Another 60 day stand down?
And this isn't something new.
Wokeness, an extreme version of political correctness, took root in the Pentagon during the Obama years. Two examples suffice. In 2014, then-Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel mandated an “environmental roadmap” mandating deference to environmental concerns when making operational plans. In 2015, the Army issued regulations requiring that commanders balance mission requirements with the needs of breastfeeding mothers. Compromising readiness or operational needs to politics is a stupid move that can cost American lives.
Can you imagine that? The military is all about landscaping! We just do it fast and violently. Seriously, though. Commanders now have to figure out how to not just win the battle but save as much shrubbery as possible. And what the hell does a pregnant woman have any business doing on an military aircraft that late in her pregnancy where she needs a maternity flight suit????
If you really want to know what I'm talking about, do some research. Look at what is being forced into the military from the left and why. The left is trying to turn our military from a poster for a deadly fighting force no one should mess with to a poster for woke diversity. They don't give a damn about whether it's effective, they just care about the idea. Or, on a darker note, one they don't intend primarily for defense against other nations but as a tool for political ideology within our own borders.
That was my experience as well. Nobody really cared as long as you did your job and had everyone's back. I know I didn't care.
Get what you're saying but if should really be that way only people who served in the military would be eligible for the office of President and the other civilian posts in the military chain of command. While Cruz may personally want the U.S. and the military run along theocratic principles, it doesn't necessarily mean what he said doesn't have any value at all.
I brought it up to show that the American soldier defeated a Japanese soldier face up since the Japanese soldier is portrayed as asking or giving no quarter and fighting to the end. I'm well aware of what ''wars'' have been fought and how they have been fought since WWII up to today. I'm quite aware that our military has been fighting insurgent wars for the last decade and that our order of battle has changed over the last decade.
Seems that you missed that I have regular commo with three active-duty combat arms lifers and my own military years, and they don't share your view on the current state of the military.
It seems that you're saying that our military is being degraded because they have to complete various non-combat training. I don't agree with that since I'm sure that our soldiers can handle more than one assignment at a time without losing their basic MOS training or unit combat training skills.
In fact, I have a kind of funny story about this. One unit I was in I was a newly minted Sergeant. There was another Sergeant there, too. We became friends, but not like really close. Just did stuff together once in a while. He knew I was a Christian and he'd ask my opinion from that perspective on various subjects. As time went by, though, they seemed to focus more on homosexual issues. I would tell him what I believed God had to say on the subject and, contrary to how that might sound, I never put it in terms of homosexuals being bad people. I think that was part of why he felt comfortable asking me about it on several occasions. One night, he showed up at the cottage I was living in on a horse farm off base, part of a caretaker deal I had with the owner. I thought it odd, since it was so late but it was the weekend, no big deal.
He talked to me about having gone to a gay pride march and how he thought it had been nice and how all the people seemed really nice. I said I was sure they were. He then started asking about the religious side again. At that point I started getting a clue, but only a small one. I wondered if he was maybe struggling with homosexual feelings or something, but other than being kind of a soft, gentle kind of guy it had never crossed my mind that he might be.
Long story short, the idea that maybe he was actually actively gay the whole time I had known him never crossed my mind. Once it did, I wondered if he had been attracted to me or something. I had even took him over to the other side of the state to hang out with my family for a weekend and, looking back, I wonder what maybe that had been about for him? Dunno.
I do know it wouldn't have mattered to me if I had figured out he was probably gay when I knew him. I knew I wasn't and that was that. We still would have been friends. Apparently he was cool with it, too, since we remained friends even though he knew what my views were. He did his job, had my back. Didn't intrude what may have been his lifestyle on me nor me on him. That was that.
Okay. Not going to tell you you can't feel as you do.
Good thinking on your part.
You're three up on me, then. However I can read articles written by serving members of the military who also can describe what's going on. Is there a reason I should discount them?
I think it get's me through life easier, anyway.
I think that is the point of all of this. The services should train the troops that they have to accept all. Comrades in arms.
I don't get why people would be against that.
I never said anything about you discounting them. Accepting them or discounting them is entirely up to you.
Thank you. The reason I asked was your mentioning your three relatives seemed to imply you have a better feel of what's going on than I may have from other sources. I asked to see if that was the case or not.
he does. it is.
Drak! Wake up already. Honestly, that is so "hollow." Do you realize that other people, okay - Dems and "friends" if you like simply are trying to breathe in this country we love (just like you), but some conservatives won't STOP trying to find old and new ways to suppress us.
For once, can you (and me) just communicate as PEOPLE and maybe Christians and leave our political "baggages" in the NT 'lobby'? I can do so and go at the truth 'hardcore' looking for common ground, reality, and truth! Can you?
It appears we, you and I and millions of others are going to live out our days 'together' in our country. Can't we try to make it 'livable' for each other for the duration?
Well, it's a thought!
Note: For the record, it really does not bother me when conservatives are happy; but it sure does appear that conservatives go out of their way to step all over liberal/progressive forward movement to benefit themselves (and conservatives). We fight political bull-patty backs and forths that are consuming us from the inside out. And now the world is watching us-implode.
Drak, really. You put so much Right-wing jargon in that comment that it was depressing. Also, it took me an "indefinite" period time to process, "SJW's" SJWs is not something I spend much time dwelling on so as to 'expertly recognize an acronym!
Jesus was "woke" in his humanity (I challenge you to prove me wrong) and that means God is "woke" because of this 'incarnation.' Why would some conservatives deny their 'passion' and become dispassionate toward humanity? We're all we got in this world: each other as people.
I am not playing; I really mean this: Politically and spiritually, you all need to come 'up' for air - Right-wing politics is swallowing some of you 'whole.'
Great, invading Russia or China with conventional warfare will work in some future timeline is that it? /sarcasm.
I'm not arguing our troops aren't capable. I know they've been to war. Hopefully you read my post of 1.3.7 to understand a little more of what I mean.
Look. Here's the big picture I see. China is building it's military as big and bad as they can as fast as they can. They are doing so in order to enforce their will in the South China Sea, neighboring countries and around the world. They are trying to put naval bases in Africa and South America. Russia is praying that something happens between allied powers and China so that they can make their move.
We are about to drop the ball in a big way. Our allies like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Australia are going to be owned by China for all intents and purposes. China is likely going to be in Afghanistan within a year or two, especially if the Taliban gives them an excuse, in order to further their Silk Road program. China lies about every last thing it does and they don't care because we aren't their target audience. Controlling what their own citizens see is what matters. Their movie industry is pooping out patriotic war and combat movies. Why do you think that is? China is absolutely not effing around. They are not posturing.
And what are we doing? We're making sure our military is politically correct and validating everyone's feelings and lifestyles. We're making sure our military posts aren't named after Confederate officers so as not to offend people, not to mention that they're also looking for anything else offensive, like street names on those posts, ship names and anything else we can find. We have people pleading with Congress to actually slash the defense budget in light of the Afghan troop withdrawal rather than retooling the military to go from fighting insurgencies to major military powers. We are doing a witch hunt for white supremacists in the military because it convinces idiots that it is an actual problem of epic proportions when all it really is is the Dems using everything they can to attack the right, just like it was so desperately necessary to keep the NG in DC to fight of the hordes of white supremacists that were about to attack at any moment. These are the things occupying the minds of our military's top commanders right now.
The West is about to lose everything and our Leaders at all levels and on both sides are letting it happen.
I told you the conditions for a conversation on this. You turned it down.
you don't set the discussion terms in this group and you're already on thin ice here.
Well said Frost!
Cover my six and I don't give a shit about anything else.
That is the lesson that some need to accept.
somebody dragging their own baggage around is never carrying their fair share for the whole team.
You can keep discounting things like changing a name yet things like that are an easy remedy and don't take up all of the services time.
You are acting like all the services do all day is look for injustice when that is not the truth.
We are not about to lose everything. That is ridiculous hyperbole.
Also as far as funding, even if they did slash the budget some, we still spend the most in the world.
Yea, I get that, but he really should not have said anything on this subject but he did and he didn't exactly word it very well. As a politician, he really should choose his words better.
CB wishes to speak to me about a certain subject unrelated to the subject of this discussion. He has wanted me to do so since February. I told him then my conditions for speaking to him about it. That breaks no rules that I am aware of. If that is incorrect, please refer me to the relevant part of the CoC. As far as I know, there's nothing in it that forces me to make public comments I do not wish to make.
We will not have any 'back-channel' discussion about Jesus. I am not ashamed of the Gospel and I can hold my stance just as good publicly as in Private Notes. As a result, I reject your "conditions." If you want to talk politics, religion, and God (directly) with 'outsiders' and unbelievers in the marketplace of ideas, well then you can not single out the faithful for insult and backrooms. I ain't going along with that!
Jesus corrected the foolishness of leaders who thought to disrespect the humanity of others like unto themselves in body and in spirit. It is you who keep 'bleeding' "wokeness" into your comments and then clam up about it when asked about the 'wokest' member of our mutual faith: Jesus Christ.
Well, you can do that: But, I won't aid you in any way in your effort.
This is so out of touch, I hardly know where to begin. But let's try: Who is 'feeding' you this?
As to the remainder of your comment: China and Russia do have their own strategic interests in the world—and so do we. Our abilities to project strength and power is not faded by the obvious: We have been policing the world while other nations have not! Thus, as we 'waver' and wear down due to inactivity, over-saturation, and abuses other "refreshed" nations are rising up. That is a natural course any one can predict. We could have predicted it and planned for it.
It has little or nothing to do with women in combat however.
Furthermore, China and Russia in their recent histories have women in the Armed Services. With a flick of authoritarian 'hands' they could open up combat positions to women and train them, while our nation would be bickering over conservatives saying "STOP!" - at every turn.
Your protests about women in combat is simply conservatism doing what it does.
There are combat roles for women dealing with women combatants of other nations.
Please let's hear each other out!
Agreed. Axiom: Nuclear armed nations do not attack each other. Russia and China may gain territories, but that is the 'game' isn't it? We did it to the best of our ability - but there is a (high) cost to expansion and empire building.
And for the record, it is conservatives, according to William F. Buckley (see @16), who intend to STOP the nation/s from progress; with conservatives atop and sitting on others. Well, that ain't going to happen without strong push back!
My pleasure. Semper Fi!
Ted Cruz is [deleted]
From your mouth to God's ears!
Ted Cruz is [deleted]
If only...sigh.
Have been "woke" most of my life. Always figured it was a good thing.
it sure beats the fuck out of having a nose either stuck in a bible or the asshole of an autocrat.
I'm sure that he considered enlisting many times but was held back by a team of horses.
I, I, wanted to....
he was getting his hair oil changed that day...
Oh...I love the ones that say they wanted to join but found some excuse not to
Why not. They can let the women do their job for them. /s
And do it a lot better.
A lot of them do
I know right? They wanted to but they just couldn’t cuz, you know, reasons.
I was a long haired hippy rock star back then and had no desire for a haircut or to kill or die in a war I didn't agree with. Thankfully the draft and the war ended because I had a very low double digit number.
I am sure it took everything they had to keep ol teddy out of the recruiters office.
I mean really! When I joined the Armed Forces, I had been in same-sex relations and I could not 'own' it with the recruiters. People "like me" were classified (until recently) as security risks due to a potential risk of black-mail. Note: I figured out during my service years that such a risk of exposure in reality was no more and possibly less damaging to a single person sleeping 'around' abroad than a married man trying to keep his infidelity/adultery (and all the financial ties that incorporates) off the record.)
Moreover, there was a simple fix for homosexuality - just legalize it, as eventually the system did! Because you can only hold back progress (which strives to break free) so long!
And this, fool Cruz, takes liberties to call innocent military people - emasculated. All while letting Donald Trump weigh his 'balls' for the right 'slice' if and when it finally becomes necessary!
I'm happy to hear that the U.S. military is strong...and able to protect us from our enemies!
Well Ted Cruz is such a compulsive liar that the odds are if he makes a statement-- then the opposite must be true!
I was just reading the story of Col. Ralph Puckett who was awarded the Medal of Honor today by President Biden. He earned it 70 years ago on cold windswept hill in Korea.
He is an Army Ranger and still visits Ft Benning GA on a regular basis. Ft Benning is the site of the Army Ranger School and the home base for the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Maybe Cancun Ted could accompany Col. Puckett on a visit to the 75th and tell them how ''woke'' and ''emasculated'' they are.
And Teddy will be reaching for his ass when the Colonel hands it to him
I was just reading the story of Col. Ralph Puckett who was awarded the Medal of Honor today by President Biden. He earned it 70 years ago on cold windswept hill in Korea.
The contrast between Biden's stance on some of the most barbaric totalitarian leaders and that of the MAGA-idiots is pretty amazing.... WTF is wrong with these people?
Trump praises North Korean dictator's 'great and beautiful' vision for his country
President previously said he and dictator 'fell in love' when they met
I remember that. It still makes me want to vomit.
Why, I only thought that. . . Donald was too old for Kim Jung Un and could never make him truly happy!
He also said something else at the time. Crazy--- but also kinda funny in a bizarre sort of way. I don't remember the exact wording, but I distinctly remember Trump saying (after one of last meetings with him) that:
Now the U.S. no longer has to worry about about any Nuclear Threat from North Korea!
(Can't decide if that merits a "LOL"...an "OMG"...or a "WTF"!?!!)
They are a perfect match with sucky haircuts.
And now-a-days Donald is old and. . . nuke-less !
If anyone should know about emasculation it would be Ted Cruz.
Good point. Look at what trmp did to him
Then blame the Cancun trip on his kids...
Good point. Look at what trmp did to him.
I remember that.
All the terrible things Trump and Ted Cruz said about each other before the president decided he was 'Beautiful Ted'
The political feud between President Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas during the 2016 election was one of the dirtiest in recent memory.
Trump and Cruz, who dropped out of the GOP primary in May 2016, attacked each other's wives, citizenship, and integrity. They even threatened to sue, accusing each other of lying and cheating for various reasons.
After Trump won the party's nomination, Cruz refused to endorse him at the Republican National Convention.
Cruz finally came around to make that endorsement in September 2016, and the two have worked together on Republican legislation since Trump took office.
By October 22, 2018, Trump even decided that Cruz was no longer "lyin' Ted" — his notorious nickname for the senator during the campaign — and was now " beautiful Ted ." The president made the announcement ahead of a campaign rally he hosted in Texas to support Cruz's tough reelection bid.
Here are 40 of the most memorable attacks the two threw at each other during the 2016 presidential campaign: (LINK)
Maybe "beautiful Ted" grew the beard for when he blew Trump.
Bingo, his balls are in Trump's pocket.
He thought they were peanuts and ate them.
Ted Cruz would let a person rape his family, and after Ted was done cleaning the rapists with his tongue he would thank them.
Cruz is a fool and sorry pig! Why criticize women (and Others) in service? Why insult the U.S. military folks who serve with another military vote that would like nothing less than to see our government 'out of business' in foreign countries?
Cruz is a fool who 'ditched' his wife's honor for political expediency and chooses to serve a man over a country!
I was like many others in my time who were 'woke' before we knew to think of it that way! I am somebody who served in our military and had to 'manipulate' the system - in order to have a chance. How many other citizens are hindered by these 'silly' opinions, statements, and attitudes of some conservatives? Who really gives a damn about what 'form' of servicemen built is tasteful to Cruz?!!
This "pretty boy," like Donald Trump had the path carved out for him to proceed in service and he didn't take it!
Ted “I dont even have the balls to stand up for my wife” Cruz doesn’t get to criticize the bravery or masculinity of ANYONE.
He is a cowardly bitch through and through and EVERYONE who has ever served is more masculine than him, especially the female service members.
I do like to wear dresses and make-up from time to time
I think women look sharp in serious dress uniform.
Yes, they do, especially naval officers and marines.
I thought I looked pretty good in my mess dress.
And you should! This world would be nothing without you, women. I know this! Every man should know this! All of that male testosterone that has "poured forth" causing all the good, bad, ugly, and brilliance in this world was GENERATED through the intestinal fortitude of - women.
Women should be honored (above all else) in all society! We have to fix this laxity in some powerful men's minds that women are just pretty things to 'put up' and sometimes 'beat up' and 'bear up under.'
Trout G' the other day I saw a woman wearing a t-shirt that read: "I love my boobies!" - I was indignant. Why? Because she did have big 'boobs' when you looked! Well, LOL, to read the shirt you had to look at her chest! Of course, she saw all 'on-lookers'! Now, on reflection, she should be happy, proud, satisfied with her breasts - and broadcast them any way she wishes! Those proud breasts are a gifting from God for which she obviously gives thanks for!
She might also be making a statement about breast cancer. Was her shirt pink?
But, yes, all men owe their life to a woman. I wonder sometimes if the misogynists forget that their own mother is a woman
No, it was a white t-shirt with black letterings. She was just 'broadcasting' self love. And now I say: "You go, girl!!"
This season on "American Idol" there is a young woman who has wide hips, who opened the live shows singing a song about her curves and how she loves her body: I say, "You go, girl!" (And she can 'sang' the 'telephone book' too!) Alas! How much would the world have missed a beautiful voice added to its 'symphony' had she folded to the pity of self-hatred and not exposed herself to millions of 'fans' current and future!
Good for them! We big girls need love, too
You can come get it here! Just think of how many women, past, present, and sadly futuristic will short-change themselves, service-wise and civilian-wise, because they will hear this 'complaint' and ridicule from a fool like Cruz and his supporters. He is working on the minds of some women somewhere in this country right now. Women don't need that type of 'help'!!!!
Women don't 'fall back' - fall forward and take your futures in your own hands! Your sons do! Time to let that old 'shit' conservative thinking go the way of a 'relic' of the past!
We women of today will take care of our sisters of tomorrow and help them overcome adversities like Cowardly Cruz
Send Cruz (and Texas) a message: Women look good in pink, flowers, and any other damn color or 'uniform' of the rainbow! Women don't need him to tell them how to feel good or what's good for their essences. Thank you very much!
Yes, they forget. They 'use' women's power to abuse women. Plain and simple. Women are taken for granted, socially and politically.
And it is high-time women start re-imagining themselves. Tell Cruz and Texas-hands off women! Women have had enough and not one more generation of women need take this bull patty treatment 'laying down'!
Trout G, there is not an animal alive today that does not owe its essence to a girl or woman. Think about that- and all women, everywhere, should demand more from the boys and men they bring into the world.
When I was in, they tried making us wear pistachio colored dresses. They were hideous and we as a group of enlisted women petitioned to eliminate them. Six months later they were gone.
More cushion for the pushin' I always say.
Dresses? I'm glad the most feminine thing I got was a skirt. Skirts are a lot easier to wear than a damn dress
In regard to the referenced dresses, yes I agree. However, I have a dress that is more like a really long "tube top" and it's made so you can also wear it as a skirt [if you're of normal height].
I am sitting here 'boiling'! Why and who does Cruz and his supporters think they are to always be defining roles of what a women is for women? Especially, women as a species in our nation? Do all women have to be a model, literally and figuratively, for some conservatives? The days of women NOT "being all they can be!" are over. Cruz is 'asleep' and needs to wake the jack up!
(Women with megaphones need to go see that foolish 'imp' in D.C.!)
There is not a man alive today, that does not owe his very existence to the body (essence) of a women! Take a moment and think about that!
Why do some conservative men think it is 'cool' to be critical of a woman/ women?! To seek women out for exploitation. To not pay them right! And then to cheaply taint good women by unfairly comparing them to Russian men (and not Russian women)?!
Women speak up and speak out. You love your sons, boyfriends, husbands, fathers, and life-companions—you never had to and you don't now have to take this "ass-backwardness" 'today' from what you give life to as a species!
Why that woman did not kick him to the curb after the Orange Buffoon dissed her so badly, went back to kissing his ass, and remained silent when he threw his kids under the bus about his Mexico trip is beyond me. The only reason I can think of is that she is also a Trumpturd and thinks if Trump mentions you, be it good or bad, it is a badge of honor.
Cruz never served in the military. During a 2015 interview with CNBC's John Harwood, he said that he had "considered it many times" but had never enlisted.
"Cancun Cruz" is famous for his wise "consideration" of doing the right thing-- then deciding to do exactly the opposite!!! (What a totally worthless Piece of Shit is "Cancun Cruz").
One night in Cancun: Ted Cruz’s disastrous decision to go on vacation during Texas storm crisi s
His brief tropical sojourn yielded at least two unflattering nicknames on social media — Cancun Cruz and Flyin’ Ted — and prompted a Twitter-fueled news cycle that seemed to unite a broken nation.
Cruz considered it until he realized enlisting would take a modicum of courage/bravery, so naturally he backed out.
Probably a good thing too, he would have been the private Pyle of his boot platoon.
When Biden disparages our military get back to me.
No, you just ignore what the seed is about and try to change the narrative.
Doesn't work.
When Biden shits all over the military, ESPECIALLY calling the service members emasculated (aka cowards) then your deflection will have some merit. Til then take your non serving ass elsewhere if you wanna defend Ted “I’m a fucking coward” Cruz.
Why would the post you responded to be off topic? It was about the man that is the topic....
pssttt...I'm gonna get a ticket for this but someone is just trolling.
Flag it and leave it for Sandy or Perrie
Apparently you missed this::
Biden Awards Medal Of Honor To Korean War Veteran
Mr. Biden said the honor for Puckett is "70 years overdue." The president said he's "incredibly proud" to give Puckett the full recognition he deserves, and he retold the story of Puckett's heroism.
Puckett, a first lieutenant during the war, received the Medal of Honor for "acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty, while serving as the Commander, 8th U.S. Army Ranger Company during the period of November 25, and 26, 1950, in Korea," the White House said in a statement.
In a daylight attack on an enemy hill, Puckett "intentionally ran across an open area three times to draw enemy fire," allowing the Army Rangers to locate and destroy the enemy positions and seize the hill.
"It took three runs intentionally exposing himself to the enemy to pick off the gunner," Mr. Biden noted.
A counterattack that night left Puckett seriously wounded, with limited mobility. He ordered the Rangers to leave him and evacuate the area, but they felt "a sense of duty to aid him" and retrieved Puckett from a foxhole under enemy fire.
"Puckett's extraordinary heroism and selflessness above and beyond the call of duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service," the White House said.
Mr. Biden said Puckett's bravery will never be forgotten.
Why Texan-- that's mighty big of you. Kudos for javing the courage for giving him your permission to do that!
I am glad Biden gave it to Mr. Puckett and not Trump. If I had won one, I would have rather turned it down than to have a draft dodging pos hang it around my neck.
The dissonance is hilarious. [deleted]
It is too bad that he did not get Montezuma's Revenge while in Mexico and shit himself silly.
The last time Cancun Cruz was seen in uniform.
That is just an insult to all RMCP. (lol)
It is clear to me that Cruz has no understanding or appreciation for "military bearing" or he (and persons who continue to support him) would "get" the difference between a service-member's rank he insults as "emasculated" walking up and (figuratively, I guess) slapping him silly and that service-member respecting a Senator''s rank by saluting!
That needs to on billboards in every R state.
A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling Stop, at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or
to have much patience with those who so urge it.
- William F. Buckley, Jr.
Here is a full and complete ad of a U.S. female soldier now being ridiculed by conservative Senator Ted Cruz and compared by him to Russian infantrymen, plural:
Now really, looking at the ad what is driving Ted Cruz's blatant attack on women in combat:
1. Women are not properly equipped to go into combat?
2. Conservative thinking about the role of women in U.S. culture?
3. Lesbianism.
4. All of the above.
Before I "sign off" on this one, I would like to say: This is a beautiful, positive promo from Air Defense official Corporal Emma Malonelord and "GoArmy." And, it is just disgusting that a living, breathing, Senator of our country could not discipline his own 'demons' to not disparage "poke," diminish, and trash everything meant by it.
Texas should be ashamed to have such a low-life exploiter named one of its two senators!