Trump's Latest Photo Op with Kim Jong Un
The Donald met with the vicious dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong Un, again today. And, of course, Trump managed to once again dis the South Korean President who was left out of his meeting. I was really impressed when Trump stepped over the border and briefly defected to North Korea. Trump's ass looked biggly huge . I was disappointed when Trump turned around and left North Korea.
Since the previous meetings between Trump and "little rocket man" North Korea has been assembling nuclear war at a record rate. The focus there has been to assemble war heads rather than continue to conduct unnecessary redundant nuclear tests. This policy has provided Trump with the opportunity to claim that he stopped North Korea's nuclear testing.
In return for this new hand shake photo op, Trump is rewarding Kim Jong by making him appear to be a world leader. Kim was excited when The Donald invited him to the White House for a sleep over. Kim Jong is planning to hand deliver another one of his famous love letters to Trump when he cums to the White House. He's also planning to give Trump flowers and candy. Maybe Kim will get lucky.
Trump hasn't mentioned "denuclearization" all day.
Trump's new goal seems to be "appeasement".
His goal seems to be appeasement, but I'm not sure that's a new goal. This seems to be in keeping with his general attitude toward North Korea and Russia.
Trump's "stated goal" is North Korean denuclearization, full disclosure of their nuclear assets and the locations of their nuclear sites and of course no more nuclear testing or rocket testing. Now he settles for "love letters" and, of course, photo op hand jobs, oops, I mean hand shakes.
Trump has stopped US participation in the joint military games with South Korea which was a major concession that produced no agreement on anything. Trump also takes credit for the nuclear testing halt. But, Kim Jong said the testing was complete and they refocused on warhead production.
Trump says he accepts Kim Jong's word that he knew nothing of the extreme torture of Otto Warmbier. And the liar-in-chief still takes "credit" for getting Otto Warmbier released even though Warmbier was in a near death coma and died shortly after his return to the US.
Kim Jong, like Vladimir Putin, owns Trump.
The Great Negotiator, my ass.
Translation: There's more than one copy of the pee video floating around.
The Russian hooker incident is a pisser.
Amazing, according to the Chinese, the test site collapsed in April. Subsequent attempts to reopen the main tunnel collapsed two more times
reportedly killing hundreds of 'laborers'. The Chinese have been monitoring the escaping radiation since that event.
Unfortunately Kim Jong is also threatening to destroy "K pop".
Good to see you (both). It reminds me of the good olde daze at Newsvine. Are we gonna put the banned back together?
Where's Cobalt and BizE?
And where the fuck is the giggling fish (she owns this place)?
This gets added to my file of tasteless memes.
Trump pulled the plug on the annual joint war games.
It's a shame because the South Korean military really enjoyed the primo kush that was always provided by the US Armed Forces. The North Koreans demanded an end to the war games and Trump folded like an origami pussy and got nothing in return.
The Iran agreement was working and that's why The Donald wants to revisit the agreement.
This is a right wing site these days. Cobalt drops in every once in a while. I haven't seen BIZe or Tgiggles lately.
I find White-wing idiots to be comical. I expect their troll patrol to start spamming my content. It turns out that satire usually goes right over their heads. That seems to amuse those of us who have a sense of humor. So I enjoy feeding the trolls until their skinheads explode.
Not based on the comments that get the most likes. It would only be seen as such in number of seeded article by the 'Lone Stranger', conspicuously identifiable by nearly always being the only one to 'Like' his comments.
That is not my impression, but it would not take much for any ideology to dominate the front page.
TG is still pretty active. She was on vacation for a few weeks, but otherwise, she's around a good bit. BIZe doesn't stop in nearly as often as I'd like her to. Same with Veronica and Fireeryone.
I totally understand why they don't drop in more. It's probably the same reason many don't. It's too hard reading the free reign of lies and BS from the trump supporters on this site. Most of the country if not the world have been thrust into a deep depression under this president and his inept and corrupt administration.
This confuses me. Unless a site is an echo chamber, given Trump is PotUS is it not expected that his supporters will be 'talking Trump'? Given this is not an echo chamber, is it not appropriate to use this as a forum for challenging that which one views to be BS?
Asked differently, what is the normal expectation of a site that is NOT an echo chamber?
Personally, I hate echo chambers and have no interest in a site that does not enable differing perspectives to engage in the dialectic.
You have made an interesting post Tig.
You have , sort of, offered the both sides do it explanation. Sometimes known as "both sides are equally guilty or at fault".
Under this mode, Trump can't be guilty of any particular fault of behavior or thinking that cannot also be ascribed to "the other side". This is an insidious way of thinking, not only because it is almost surely not true, but also because it provides Trump supporters with a built in line of "reasoning".
Trump is a criminal. The New York Times "proved" that he took part in illegal tax evasion in the 1990's , in collusion with his mother and father and his siblings. The statute of limitations has run out.
What other criminal presidents do you know of? What other presidents have lied to the public thousands of times , often about trivial matters where the lying is only to support Trump's delusions of grandeur.
He stood on a stage at a press conference and asked one of our nation's enemies to help him win the election by ruining his opponents reputation. What other presidents have done that?
I could go on for hours, but you get the picture.
We have people here who try and bamboozle everyone on behalf of Trump EVERY DAY.
I may not completely agree with PJ's take, but she is hardly on the wrong track.
Totally agree. There is nothing interesting, or can be learned from an echo chamber, other than how many times it repeats itself. While some here prefer that kind of site, and do their best to make NT that kind of site, they will be ultimately disappointed when their wish will not come true.
Sorry you're confused.
You completely misread what I wrote. I made no such point.
I did not say she is on the wrong track. I stated that this is not an echo chamber and, as such, I asked why one would not use it as a forum to challenge opposing views.
Why am I restated what I just wrote. Here, read it:
My post had absolutely nothing to do with 'both sides guilty" nor did it even mention what track PJ might be on. I was asking her about why people who do not want an echo chamber would stay away instead of challenging the BS.
I understand why people who like echo chambers would stay away.
You think Trump supporters should lie with impunity because "both sides" ?
I don't agree that is the way to go.
Newstalkers will be seen as a pro Trump site. I think to some extent it already is. It really is a shame.
PJ, I asked you a sincere question. I am curious as to why one (assuming one wants something other than an echo chamber) would stay away from a forum which enables both sides to engage.
Thanks for reading and responding to what I actually wrote Raven.
Now you totally misrepresent what Raven just wrote.
Considering the source, it's par for the course.
Dude - I don't like echo chambers and am quite capable of having a reasonable discussion with reasonable people. Trump supporters are not reasonable people.
You're correct, this is not an echo chamber but it's not a site that promotes serious discussion either because it protects the liars through the moderator's "interpretation" of the rules.
Look - I don't post on this site regularly anymore so don't take my comments to heart. I'll fade away again soon and all will go back to normal. Trump supporters will continue to post BS and lies and those on the left will be forced to tip toe around the truth with flowery retorts so as not to hurt anyone's feelings.
I just looked at our front page. Maybe you should do so as well.
Okay, correct me if I misinterpret but that reads as though you think NT moderators are favoring Trump supporters over Trump opponents.
But why tip toe? If someone makes a false claim we challenge them on it. There is no need to violate the CoC; call out their bullshit.
So, you want liars to be given free rein to present their case EVERY DAY. That is what you are saying. If we had holocaust deniers or someone denying that the Native Americans suffered a form of genocide and was doing it all day every day would you be so sanguine about their participation? There are individuals on this site who literally say "Trump doesnt lie", and they say it often and they try and derail seeds with that and similar nonsense EVERY DAY. No one misrepresented the logical conclusions of what you or Raven Wing are saying.
I'm not saying anyone should be banned or have wholesale deletions of pro Trump comments. I am saying that NT will be seen as a pro Trump site simply by the fact that we have an ongoing attitude of "both sides" are equally at fault emanating from the moderation. Both sides are not equally at fault. That is bullshit.
You are not going to change how I see this site and I am not going to change how you see this site.
I'm glad you get something out of participating. That's all that matters.
If you want to rant do so, but do not put forth a strawman and attribute it to me.
I do not want any liar to go unchallenged. If someone is lying then it is forum challenges that expose the lies.
What I just said above: ⇧
Yeah John and there are people on this site who claim evolution is pseudoscience virtually every day. Now, how do you find me addressing that? Hmmmmmm? I challenge their positions. (And you complain about that too.) Do you see me calling on the moderators to censor everything that appears to be a lie? No, I challenge it, as do others.
You did.
Where do you find me saying anything whatsoever about fault? You are imagining this crap and attributing it to me. Read what I wrote John. Do not invent arguments for me. It is intellectually dishonest (one of the worst forms too).
I asked you for your opinion. My goal is not to change you but to learn why you hold the position you do. I was just trying to get some information because I am interested in why a non-echo-chamber person would stay away from an open forum like NT.
If you want to simply "challenge the positions" of people who habitually lie and bamboozle on behalf of Trump, knock yourself out. I'm not going to "debate" with people who are often ill informed conspiracy nuts. I'm kind of particular like that.
When you 'debate' with people who seek to normalize the totallly degenerate and abnormal Donald Trump the main effect is that you give them a sheen of respectability. Trumpism doesnt deserve that consideration. It's that simple.
Frankly, I don't care whether or not anyone else gets anything from this site or not. We all look for something that speaks to us as an individual, whatever that might be, good or bad.
I get a great deal out of this site, as there is a lot more here than the endless BS, blow-hards, know-it-alls, political maniacs, and religious holier than thou fanatics who think that they, and they alone, own the site.
There is a good representation of all walks of life, experiences, education, beliefs across many different realms, and those who wish to share these with others, and learn from others as well.
ANY site can be what a person wants it to be...good or bad. It is all in what a person is looking for.
It's all just mind over matter. No one says anyone has to read every comment or article, or reply to every comment.
Trolls are gonna Troll. Baiters are gonna bait. And haters are gonna spew their hate. The difference is in how a person either ignores them and pisses them off, or feeds them and gives them their jollies. any other what a person makes it on a personal level.
What's your alternative, John?
You can insult them, if you like. You know that your insults have been and will be deleted anywhere except HD.
You could ignore them, but you choose not to do so.
So what else do you propose we do?
Okay by me. Be as silent as you wish. Your lack of will to engage liars does not translate into expecting the moderators to put forth the challenges or to censor what they perceive to be lies.
Sounds like a defeatist excuse to me. I do not do defeatism. If you have a problem with a position then take it on. Don't just complain that people have the ability to state their views (even if the views are lies).
LOL. What are you talking about? Where did I say I am defeated? I get comments of mine to them deleted almost every day, because we are not allowed to call liars liars on NT.
You go ahead and be nice to them though, and treat them as "equals". To each his own.
I dont know, wake up?
Has being nice to them worked?
You did not say you were defeated. Look up the adjective 'defeatist'. Then imagine the meaning of the term 'defeatist excuse'.
And here you go again inventing allegations. If you cannot put forth a good rebuttal, just make up some shit and put it out there, eh?
What do you treat them as: vermin? Who do you think you are John?
I treat them as a waste of time.
You are in an ivory tower on this site.
Instead you invent allegations of other people who do not hold that all Trump supporters should be banned.
Now you are making things up. I have never said that all trump supporters should be banned.
Neither should NT have the position that both sides are equally responsible for what is happening in this country. That is utter nonsense.
Don’t engage with the complicit. It’s a waste of time.
Wake up, and then what?
I don't know if being nice to them has worked. I rather doubt it, for the most part. I also rather doubt that insulting them will work. If honey doesn't work, I doubt that vinegar will, either.
I think I can make my opinion of Trump clear without insulting anyone (except Trump. He's fair game.). Note - that doesn't mean that I have to be all daisies and sunshine. You don't have to be nice. You just aren't allowed to be nasty. There's a lot of territory in between.
Normally you'd probably be right, but this is not normal, by a long shot. The Trump supporters ARE THE PROBLEM. They are not innocent people who simply hold a different political view. They support this abhorrent , psychologically disturbed malignant narcissist pos for one main reason - because they think he makes libs cry.
Sorry Sandy, but that is a diseased reason to support someone for president that is so OBVIOUSLY completely unqualified and unfit for the job.
We can't reason with or appease Trumpsters. It is a form of war.
No, you asked me to defend my opinion. I’m not stupid. You don’t care what my opinion really is. That’s okay though. My participation here isn’t as critical as yours. BTW, you’ve done an excellent job reformatting the site.
We ARE at war.
I did not! I was (am) looking for information. I genuinely would like to know why a non-echo-chamber person would be dissuaded from NT.
Certainly you can imagine why I would make such an inquiry, right? A good answer to that question is valuable. Getting you to 'defend your opinion' does not accomplish much.
Yes, it's fucking war ! That's why I don't ignore or avoid the White-wing idiots; I fucking confront them. I don't play "Mr. Nice Guy"; I mock and ridicule their idiotic comments . I don't post personal attacks.
I have been unfairly censored (and given tickets) by a partisan NT Mod. But those tickets were removed by Perrie Halpern. I didn't ask for those tickets to be removed, because I don't even know what tickets are. This incident proved to me that NT is fair.
I will avoid the Trump propaganda articles because I don't like having comments removed. I don't like wasting my time posting content that gets erased. I will continue to confront the Trumpsters who post propaganda on my articles (but I will never censor their stupidity).
Trump supporters have as much credibility as Trump does - ZERO!
I will mock, ridicule and insult their comments (without personal attacks). I won't be polite to liars but I will try to avoid the ban wagon. I will call out their lies without calling them liars. But I will call their Russian President a fucking liar.
It appears that The Donald is backing off from his previous demand of North Korean denuclearization . Now he is appeasing Kim Jong with his new policy: a nuclear freeze .
The nuclear freeze would permit North Korea to keep all of their existing nukes if they agree to discontinue the manufacture of new nuclear weapons. This new idiotic policy represents a huge concession to Kim Jong.
He certainly did an excellent job on Newsvine too. Oh, wait... the fucking Vine died. Sorry, never mind.
I sometimes get a ticket yet it is worth it.
Just to tell them what I really think, like they didn't know already...
Although it sucks if they don't see the comment before it is taken.
Let's just say the flaggots are here as well. I have had them flag every comment I have made on an article.
Some things never change, and the perpetual butthurt persist. The never ending don't look over here, look over there.
WTF is a "ticket"? Is my insurance going to go up?
Censorship always pisses me off. And what's up with the "meta" group? Can you tell people off there or are the usual constraints enforced. I'm not fluent in NT so I'm not sure what's kosher here.
A ticket is basically a reprimand. Gotta be nice doncha know.
Every time a violation... a ticket is issued. It can be off topic or whatever. I think my last one actually said 'rude'.
Perrie is really pretty cool about it though, she doesn't believe in banning. Though having a comment or two taken down sucks.
Meta is basically just that. Perrie wants it for site issues. Join HD. Heated Debate is no holds barred and you can say what you want.
Sorry, join Heated Discussions.
My bad, getting group/nations mixed.
Al, I think Heated Discussions would be your happy place. No Code of Conduct. The Terms of Service still apply, so no death threats or porn are allowed. But you can insult any member of HD to your heart's content.
The Giggling Fish is busy....getting drunk.
What kind of nasty beer is that anyway?
I hope that's not another Chernobyl in the making
Hi, PJ. Without getting into a whole bunch of meta, I think people are busy with their lives and that's why we don't see them so much anymore. And it IS summer, people go on vacation, get busy, and leave no time for Newstalkers. Personally, I think that's a crying shame and wish my favorite people would at least make an effort...(lol).
I stopped by for a quickie and now I'm satisfied (thanks, Al!)
Time for a smoke
There are rules of course. They consist of terms of service rules (designed to legally protect the site and avoid dissuading advertisers which enable the site to exist) and the member rules. The member rules are reviewed and modified democratically (voting) each year. Basically these rules exist to keep the site civil. All the rules are contained in the Code of Conduct but the super summary is this:
Interpersonal Codes (essentially: ‘be polite’)
1. No direct or indirect derogatory references to other members
2. No taunting or bullying
3. Be civil
Content Codes (essentially: ‘thoughtful, relevant contribution’)
4. Stay on topic per the article
5. No dishonest, unethical or illegal content
6. No repugnant or harmful content
It is a special area for articles that are meta in nature (can get to it directly via the Meta main menu item). This was, I believe, done to allow meta to continue but to get meta off the front page so that it will focus on real content. The CoC applies but the mods give more leeway here. This reply to you really should be in a meta article within the meta group.
There is a group called Heated Discussions where moderation is mostly limited to terms of service.
I read 'no death threats or popcorn'. Someone takes my popcorn and I'll kill 'em. Does that count?
That's not a threat. That's a consequence. Nobody takes my popcorn and lives, either.
That pleased me. It made me smile to see him behave as if he was jealous of President Obama. Every similar move he makes only makes it apparent he doesn't give a shit about the American public, he just wants to gig it to the guy born in America, not Kenya. Envy makes me smile.
Omigawd, that made coffee come out my nose~! Too damned funny. It's worth the cleanup~
Only if you have enough for the whole class.
~Author Unknown [but appreciated!]
~Author unknown.
I got a whole pack
We potheads always share.
No, and I never said I did, so don't put your words in my mouth. As for lying with impunity......neither side should be able to do so.
That is as YOU see it. Simply because YOU want to. Neither side has a dominant hold on NT.
And while you have an issue with the Mods here on NT because they don't moderate to YOUR liking, does not mean that they are not doing a good job.
BTW......I have never seen YOUR name in the list of Moderators for as many years as I have been with NT. There is a lot more to Moderating than may meet the eye of the whiners.
Sorry, babe. I hope it was iced coffee.
You mean Firey Redhead, or however she spelled it?
That goes way back to the good old daze on NV.
No. She means Fieryone. We love her
Lukewarm at best. It was as warm as the pee from the Russian hooker trickling down Trump's face.
So, you want liars to be given free rein to present their case EVERY DAY.
You are! As well as what's her name.
We DO love her! One of the nine stellar admins of BHN @ the old place.
Actually, we should get the band together at this place. It's been a loooong time since we sarcastically asked the Trump cult people "how stupid can you be?" and watching them take it on as a challenge. That was fun.
I've been trying to get the old gang back together. That's why I rebuilt the Love Shack
both sides are equally responsible for what is happening in this country.
And it is the Democrats are doing almost all the harm.
That comment is fucking hilarious!
The stupid Russian President is a serial liar and a criminal.
Welcome Karri! Good to have you join us here on NT.
Makes me want to vomit.
Democratic victories in the Senate and White house are the perfect antiemetic. I recommend lots of cannabis before the election. We will all feel much better when Trump is out of the White House.
Whatever that is in the picture? Pleas kill it with fire.
It's a serial Hatch Act violator. She uses the White House to attack The Donald's political enemies.
Please don't "death wish" Kellyanne. I think she's an endangered feces.
By a show of hands, how many people think Trump and Kellyanne have done it?
*hand raised*
Kellyanne raised both of her hands.
She is the employee of the month at Hot Dog On A Stick. Grab your buns out of respect,
How did she get that stick out of her butt?
In that photo Kellyanne is replying to a reporter who just asked "How many times do you think Donald Trump obstructed justice?" and while her mouth responded "Zero..." her hands just couldn't lie...
Christ...that damn picture... was going to get my stinger wet tonight....looks like i'll have to double up on the viagra.
Here's a pic that would give anyone a soft-on:
That is one ugly fat beotch. She is the poster child of another sin of white america (incest).
Think Trump ever moved on her?
Ooh. She could be Ivanka and her dad's love child. He talks about wanting to screw her often enough. Oh. I'm sorry. Someone chastised me once by saying "He said he wanted to date her, not screw her." Oh. Okay.
It's genetic. She looks like Daddy Fuckabee.
I don't know. She looks more like sloth from the goonies. Her eyes are disproportionate on her face. It's creepy.
Ugh - hahahahaha I think he's definitely tapped it.
I think she was probably too definitely not his type. He likes them unwilling.
Trump and Sarah Fuckabee NAKED.
That reminds me of this:
Hint: Kim Jong doesn't need to hide his ill gotten gains.
I guess it was Trump then.
Trump's hair is parted on then wrong side in the bottom photo.
The Donald always has a bad "hair" day.
I wonder why this article never appeared as a "recent article" on the NT main page.
I wonder why I should waste my time posting anything on this site?
Perrie Halpern R.A. fixed this problem (which was due to my ignorance).
This Mod has done an outstanding job explaining some of the intricacies of this site.
Go back into "update discussion" and check the box for "promote to Front Page"
I'll do it for you
Thanx, but Perrie Halpern already fixed the problem.
Cool. Perrie is an awesome RA
True dat. If I swung that way, I'd tap that.
I was thinking about leaving NT but her moderating convinced me to hang around.
Ditto. Shame we like men.
And you're an awesome Trout!
There's a picture of her pussy on her page.
I have a very big pussy. I can't deny that.
I'm glad you are! You're quite the pisser.
I appreciate your sense of humor.
I'm trying to bring little humor to NT. And I love ridiculing The Donald.
I thought Putin was the pisser and Trump was the pissee.
I can hardly wait for us to find out how Shitbag achieved another nothingburger* from this meaningless photo op.
* and that's the best we could hope for; it wouldn't surprise me if we detect another PRK nuke test in a week or so.
The Donald "achieved" another great moment in "hand shake diplomacy".
I prefer that to his usual "tariff diplomacy". The stupid dildo-in chief thinks the Chinese are paying his tariffs. Of course, the truth is that Walmart shoppers (and anyone else who buys the shit he placed the tariffs on) pay his tariffs. Tariffs are taxes that are paid by those in the US who import the Chinese crap. The importers pass the cost on to consumers when they raise their prices.
Anyone notice that even though Trump is a foot taller than Kim Jong Un, their hands are exactly the same size? It's like a perfect fit, the glass slipper of hands which must be why he and Kim, as he put it, "fell in love, okay? No, really - he wrote me beautiful letters" with those spectacularly tiny hands...
I never noticed his tiny hands.
Alec Baldwin playing both Donald Trump and voicing "Boss Baby" was rather apropos...
I just don't get how two men with tiny dicks can screw so many people.
Yes it was. You passed with flying colors.
Why didn't he just deep French kiss Kim?
The Donald only gives Putin "deep French kisses".
Mueller is testifying in a couple weeks. Trump is getting all his distractions and bamboozlements in line.
Fuck yeah!
You hit that one on the head. He will spend the next 2 weeks either throwing cabinet members/advisors/lawyers/family under the nearest bus, or pulling stupid stunts like this one.
Trump claims that he was totally exonerated by the Mueller Report.
Mueller will dispute that lie so Trump will claim that the "witch hunt" was illegal and the investigators are the real criminals. I am confidant that Mueller will tell the truth and Trump will be impeached. Of course Bitch McConnell and the Republican Senate will try to assist the Trump coverup and refuse to remove Trump from office.
That should motivate the voters to remove Trump from office in the 2020 election. I hope the voters also remove the corrupt Republican senators from office. We need to keep Russia out of our election!
This is the third date, they are deciding who will pitch and who will catch on date #4.
It would have been so cool if they took him back into North Korea and put him in a cell for a few days. How many Americans honestly would want him back?
And how could he survive even an hour without Fox News?
Yeah. Loves the shit FOX spews. He laps that shit up!
I was hoping The Donald would "run for the border" and defect.
The headline could have been: Trump goes to "Toxic Hell".
I would be willing to bet trump will flee the country, quickly, after leaving office. Russia is my bet, but could be China too.
That may be the only way he can avoid being incarcerated.
Omigawd ... I love this!
Trump is doing a good job as our President. He had a successful summit and we have a great economy. I intend fully to vote to re elect Trump as our great President in 2020. He Made America Great Again and we are going to Keep America Great!
Thanx for posting the funniest fucking comment on this thread!
He never fails to make an idiot of himself. But that's why I'm glad he keeps showing up.
It reminds me of that great M*A*S*H episode:
Hawkeye Pierce: Frank!! Quit acting stupid!!
Frank Burns: [whining] I'm not acting!!!
Cite .
Boomerang Troll: “Different name but posts sound familiar? This troll sets up new accounts to keep posting when blocked [or banned].”
I understand this is a common practice for New Jersey People.
I enjoyed feeding the NV trolls. I wonder if I can continue that here? Do you think they'd get exjasperated?
Really, who's imitating my style.
And why do you care?
Gee, to imitate your style, it must be a pussy.
The better question is why are you here? Obviously you don't agree with anyone here. Obviously you believe you're far superior than anyone here. Or did you get one of those rogue mouses?? You know, the ones that make you stop into articles you don't agree with. See, when I am looking at the front page and I see some trumpcultist article, I avoid it. I scroll right on past it. But not you. It's fine with me, but as I've said thousands of times and I'll say it a thousand times more, you should never arrive at an intellectual duel wielding a spork.
We don't care to see others' synapses not connecting. It's too easy. It's like a kitten pouncing on a cockroach. You know ... pouncing, releasing, pouncing, releasing. I can't help but feel that people who insist on inserting themselves where they obviously don't belong are lonely. They're impotent in their lives. No one listens to them; they were made fun of in school. Their wives regularly pooh-pooh them; their kids don't give them the time of day; when they get mad at people, those same people laugh at their anger. They're not smart enough to make a contribution of any sort, so they want a little attention. Negative attention is fun for them. It's all they got.
You know anyone like that, Greg? Hmmmm?
Maybe you stopped in because you were titillated at Trump's wide girl hips in the article's photo.
Here's the historic moment when The Donald stepped into North Korea (notice his gigantic ass!):
Please stop hitting on me.
Back off, MUVA. al belongs to me. And Giggles. And Sister Mary. And Sandy. And Biz. And too many others to mention. He belongs to sapiosexual women everywhere.
Tell it, girl!
Good for you, hon. Good for you.
Do you understand that Orwell's 1984 was meant as satire and commentary and not as a political textbook?
Just because you say it doesn't mean that it is either true or that we believe it.
And 1933 is the gop playbook now.
Which Democrat would that be?
I thought that conservatives claimed Bennie slept with his copy of Das Kapital.
Thanx for providing a great example of "doublespeak".
Which one of his policy ideas are you referring to? I had never heard of the man and had to Google him, so who is making him out to be a potential 2020 bogeyman?
The Democrats didn't start the KKK. It was started by the losing confederates. The northern Democrats split with the racist southern democrats and then the CSA before the Civil war began. Which side is trying to rejuvenate the political demographic of people who wave the Stars and Bars?
You should learn the truth instead of what someone has told you. The northern and southern Democrats were always at odds.
Guess who compared Trump to Hitler?
Trump did!
The Donald is the Orwellian, MUVA.
Fuck that noise, MUVA. Who's in charge of the KKK NOW ? Some people learn from history, others are doomed to repeat it. David Duke supports Trump. It doesn't matter if I think Trump is a racist, if you think he's a racist, if anyone thinks he's a racist. The point to be taken is that racists think he's a racist. And that's all you need to know.
And what's with you people that don't give a shit that he wants to screw his own daughter? What the hell is up with that? Those mock religious people who are his base don't give a shit that he's an adulterer, that he would like to be incestuous, that he cheats and lies, and he is so insecure he has to think he's tearing someone down in order to build himself up, that he's a traitor, that he's kept few promises, etc. Don't give me hypocritical nonsense. Anyone who claims to be religious yet votes for Trumplethinskin has not an iota of credibility. They're as phony as he is.
Am I the only one on the planet that didn't know clothing designer Ivanka Trump not only attended the Summit, but attended important meetings in her father's place, and also planned and participated in the DMZ media stunt...or did my hallucinogens just kick in?
Check out the video showing just how highly her contributions were valued by actual leaders.
How embarrassing for the US.
Also lovely to learn that the Trump Administration is considering recognizing North Korea as a nuclear super-power. I wonder if that was Ivanka's idea, as well.
Suggested caption for that video:
"Kid tries to talk to grown-ups--gets totally ghosted"
Maybe she will open a factory for her shoes and his extra long ties in North Korea as part of the agreement.
Yes. She was accompanied by her co-constipator, Jared.
She is as disgusting as her idiot father. Another huge trump hypocrite.
Ivanka also plagiarized the designs:
Poor Dennis Rodman. Trumplethinskin said to Rodman just prior to his meeting with Un "you're in." Little did Rodman know he really said "urine" and that the Liar-In-Chief was merely outwardly musing of what he'd like done to him once he crossed over the demilitarized zone mark.
I'm glad you made it. I was just asking Split P (comment 1.1.7) if we should put the olde Newsvine banned back together.
The problem with that is no bona fide member of Buttheads was ever banned. We all have all admins and most members accounted for. There are few NTers from the conservative nations that were banned from NV ... despite the fact they reregged all over the place to go back to NV. But we're all originals.
You're right. None of us ever got put on the banned wagon. The NV Mods cut us lots of slack. I think large membership and the high level of activity in BHN gave us some cover. We went 15 months without banning anyone or censoring comments. Our outstanding Admins just issued CoH warnings. I was intentionally pushing the fucking envelope. I even used to include an F-bomb or three in every fucking comment. I can't believe some of the shit I got away with.
The fucking White-wingers were always bitching about ButtHeads Nation and tried everything to get us eliminated. BHN was the most loved and hated Nation on the fucking Vine.
Groundbreaking shit. Intellectuals loved it; lesser folk loathed it. Try as they might, they couldn't take it down. Remember when they tried a "mock" BHN nation? It was filled with hilarious grade school crap. Couldn't come close.
I always liked Jody Iowa's posts. The nutters really hated her.
Ya don't say.
They tried their best to insult BHN, butt their inferior intellect made it backfire on them. Meanwhile the far more intelligent members of our Nation mocked and ridiculed their lame shit and made them look like idiots. It was like they brought whoopee cushions to the Friars club.
All t-rump needs in that pic is the little 'stash to complete the look.
Here's a bad photoshop 'stash
Holy shit. Why does Adolf Twitler have girl hips????? WTF??
Hey, he has the best golf in all of history...
Trump pooped his pants at Mar-A-Lago.
And those hips. Baby got junk in the trunk:
The Donald also has a tiny clitoris.
The football must represent denuclearization.
that's hilarious!
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My favorite joke that I've told a thousand times:
A traitor, a racist, a sexist and a guy who wants to screw his own daughter walk into a bar. The bartender says: "What'll you have, Mr. President?"
Too obvious to be really funny.
Say what you will about Trumplethinskin, he's counting on his base being on lowest rung of the intellect ladder. He knew it and proved it when he said "I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and they'd still vote for me." He was actually calling his base ridiculously stupid and empty headed lemmings and they were all too deplorably stupid to get it. I still laugh my pretty little ass off at that. He was calling them morons and they didn't get it.
"I love the poorly educated."
Remember this?
Arrogantly certain ignorance?
Probably one of the most accurate meme's I have ever seen.
What I would say would be completely accurate would be for the lone voice to be thrown out.
The Liar-In-Chief never got Mexico to pay for the wall, so he made government workers go workless 35 days with his second government shutdown. I think the small-handed dude ought to start taking Xanax for hispanic attacks.
"Hispanic attacks"
Do you know how much you've been missed?
Oh, thank goodness you got it! So many people don't get me. I don't get them not getting me.
I wonder if Ivanka using her sexiest poses can persuade Trump to take that merkin off his head and put it on that vagina on his neck.
Happy Fourth everyone!
That is funny.
Smothered by all that butt fat though, I'm not sure the explosion would cause all that much damage.
I dunno, John, think of all that nuclear fall-out combined with all that diseased flesh....
...worse than Hiroshima
You, too!
Did you hear that some group got a permit to float the Baby Trump Blimp at his parade?
They won't be allowed to inflate it with helium so it won't float.
Helium is that dangerous non-flammable inert gas. That's why thousands were killed by the Baby Trump in the UK. Money is free speech but ridiculing Trump must be restricted.
Good gawd ... I cannot get over those girl hips~! I think he should see a plastic surgeon who can help him by using a weapon of ass reduction.
Most men his age put their weight in their bellies and their boobs but rarely their asses. Too little testosterone and too much estrogen maybe?
Has he been mistaking Melania's menopause meds for his Viagra?
After Melania leaves the WH and divorces his ass, she'll be puttin' "menonpause" for the rest of her life. She'll go back to the girl-on-girl thing like she did in her youth. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Word on the street is that Trumplethinskin woke up, trotted up two floors to Melania's bedroom, and woke her to ask on what date Fourth of July fell on.
All true, except he had to be carried up the two flights.
His only exercise is walking the 100 ft or so from the White House to the helicopter.
He gets no exercise golfing. I've heard he's been known to drive his golf cart onto the green, which is a major no-no.
His green, his cart, his attitude, lol.
An alternative is to claim that his only exercise is his 140+ stroke rounds of golf (not including whiffs).
I'm not a golfer, I merely sleep with one...but shouldn't he be able to play 18 holes with less than 140 strokes?
Quite a bit less.
Thanks, RTB
Whoa, whoa, whoa!!! We ain't just any ol' bitches ... we be ladies. And as we ladies always say, spank me once, shame on you. Spank me twice ... well, now we're gettin' somewhere.
Does your husband know about this? Remember ... if it's Tiger, spread the perks.
I'll be right over. Shall I bring toys and friends?
Don't forget the midget, ass chaps and a goat.
So this is one area in which I can't criticize him. My golf game is usually so bad that I quit counting.
But I don't drive my cart on the green.
Actually I was not criticizing him; most of us are poor golfers (albeit 140+ is funny bad). As of 2009, his official USGA handicap was 2.8 which ain't bad. I was just offering John a 'line'.
Trump would never lie about golf. He fucking great! He has even won tournaments he didn't play in.
Trump lies about everything so he no doubt routinely shaves strokes. Since he owns golf courses he could pay off the officials and have them submit fraudulent records every year to the USGA. It is possible.
I doubt he would do that. So much easier to simply lie about your golf game on Twitter.