Biden's Recklessness Has Helped Foment a Border Crisis | Opinion
By: Boris Epshteyn (MSN)

Personal OPINION worth some actual thought.

The Biden administration is a disaster.
© John Moore/Getty Images U.S.-Mexico border in Brownsville, Texas
While the mainstream media was triggered anytime President Donald Trump eschewed any Swamp-y tradition, such as the White House Correspondents' Dinner, President Joe Biden is largely getting a pass for failing to do such basic things expected of a new president as holding a press conference in his first 40 days or giving an address to a joint session of Congress.
The fact that Vice President Kamala Harris is making calls to heads of government, including Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and French President Emmanuel Macron, is not merely an interesting factoid—it is a troubling testament to the fact that our chief executive is abdicating his constitutional power.
If we were living in relatively tranquil times, such as certain points in the 1950s or the 1990s, that would be troubling, but maybe not catastrophic.
On the contrary, we are now amidst one the most perilous moments in our country's history.
A rudderless administration can quickly result in mistakes the magnitude of which will have a profound negative impact for generations to come. Sadly, that is happening as we speak: The Biden team is stacking up its shortcomings one on top of another.
A current, major national security calamity is the migrant crisis transpiring at our southern border. President Trump kept his campaign promises, constructed over 450 miles of border wall, stemmed the tide of illegal crossings into our country and strengthened both Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Instead of continuing to put America first, as President Trump did, President Biden has hung a preverbal "Free Entry" sign at our southern border, resulting in tent cities of migrants in Tijuana and, as a recent report by Axios showed, an almost-700 percent increase in unaccompanied migrant children being referred by CBP to the Department of Health and Human Services.
Biden is following in the footsteps of another weak, liberal politician, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel. Chancellor Merkel effectively annihilated Germany's border in swinging the doors open to 1.3 million migrants in 2015 and 2016, mostly from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. The results have been simply devastating.
Even though Merkel and her supporters postured that most of the migrants were highly educated and would quickly assimilate into the German social fabric, that proved to be false. The migrants have been overwhelmingly uneducated and lacking occupational qualifications. Most of the migrants were young men who could not get a job, and their presence has cost Germany over $20 billion per year.
Merkel's open invitation has resulted in a security crisis, economic crisis and political crisis all at once. The chancellor has been a lame duck ever since her epic migration failure.
Merkel herself has stated that the "situation" of 2015 cannot be repeated. Is there any chance that Joe Biden prevents America from succumbing to the same "situation"?
If the first several weeks of his administration are any indication, the answer is a resounding "no."
Who does that hurt? Simple answer—all of us who are in this country legally and pay our taxes. And it especially hurts our national security and social welfare agencies, which have already become overstretched (a trend that will only exacerbate).
Longer term, the migrant crisis is sure to hit our working-class population, whose jobs the migrants coming through the southern border will be competing for.
Finally, President Biden is hurting himself by giving more and more strength to President Trump and the MAGA movement, whose border policies are vindicated every day.
One honest look at any recent video of Joe Biden, including his visual feed being cut when he dared to invite questions at the end of a virtual meeting with the House Democratic Caucus, makes clear that the current resident of the Oval Office is not up to the challenge of handling the burgeoning emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Boris Epshteyn is a former special assistant to President Donald Trump.
The views expressed in this article are the writer's own.
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Is what it is...............right?
Fox "TALKING POINTS" are not facts, they are Re-Puritan "Babbling."
This is Newsweek as published on MSN
Pay attention
Actually, it's an Op/Ed by former Trump special assistant, Boris Epshteyn, published by Newsweek, reprinted by MSN.
Pay attention.
So what?............
So it isn't what he said it was, THAT'S what.
Only thing you added, like a true "But Trumper" is the fact that "former Trump special assistant". It's irrelevant.
Well it was relevant enough for the Newsweek version to include it with the Op/Ed, along with this disclaimer:
Many of our readers would have figured that without your help............if they read it. It is still irrelevant, they have to, just like NT, credit the source.
I 'credited' the source and since you think we should give his 'Personal OPINION' some actual thought, consider it.
Most all news sources that publish opinion or editorials use that kind of disclaimer. It’s SOP.
June 2019, Boris is unceremoniously axed by Sinclair broadcasting in favor of concentrating on investigative journalism.
Epshteyn & Cross were cut from on air segments.
Epshteyn is right about as often as a broken clock.
What we have with Bumbling Biden is classic worst case of a cluster fuck.
Wonder how long it will before they bring in Cruella Kamilla to salvage what's left of this failed administration.
But this time will be different.
The border jumpers aren't paying attention to the spin spewed by the Biden administration. They're in it for themselves. Give them an opportunity and they'll gladly take it. Illegal immigration works a lot like big finance and international trade.
Weak borders isn't only about immigration.
"Weak borders isn't only about immigration."
Right, it is about weak minds.
You notice that these borders only became "weak" around 4 years ago? They were just fine under both Bushes.
Only for the left is that right.
The left side of history isn't right.
Great cartoon!
Today Texas launched Operation Lone Star to respond to the border crisis.
Gov. Abbott launches ‘Operation Lone Star’ to address security at the Texas border
Who is "they?"
Where was Abbott the last four years? Oh that's right, he only complains about and sues Democrat Presidents.
He did not say a word to Trump or sue Trump when Trumps numbers were worse than all but 3 years under Obama.
Just another GOP hack that thinks he can run the country when he cannot manage the electricity and handpicked PUC that answers only to him.
This a crisis that has nothing to do with Abbott. Donald Trump left with a good system in place for holding asylum seekers outside the US. Joe Biden blew all of that up. That silly little chart of yours is also about to be blown up. Biden has essentially opened the border.
Lone Star has everything to do with grandstanding Abbott.
That is one questionable opinion about the past and one questionable opinion about the future.
That silly chart is official government business from the Trump Administration.
More opinion.
Whether it does or not, it has nothing to do with the needless crisis caused by Joe Biden.
That is one questionable opinion about the past and one questionable opinion about the future.
There is no question about it. Having asylum seekers wait outside the US while their claims were being processed was PROGRESS and FAR BETTER than having them scatter across the US. No debate there.
That silly chart is official government business from the Trump Administration.
And it does not show the effects of what Joe Biden has done, therefore it is irrelevant.
More opinion.
No that is a fact.
There is no crisis. Only media & partisan hype.
THAT is a fact.
Oh, but there is. I let you see what Axios leaked the other day, remember?
And you know something - it's only going to get worse!
It is no more a problem than it has been the last century.
Fresh internal documents from the Department of Health and Human Services show how quickly the number of child migrants crossing the border is overwhelming the administration's stretched resources.
Driving the news: In the week ending March 1, the Border Patrol referred to HHS custody an average of 321 children per day, according to documents obtained by Axios. That's up from a weekly average of 203 in late January and early February — and just 47 per day during the first week of January.
Meanwhile, some of President Biden's top officials responsible for immigration policy are planning a trip to the U.S.-Mexico border this weekend, sources tell Axios.
Behind the scenes: HHS has already moved to open overflow shelters and to increase the speed with which it releases children to caretakers already in the U.S.
The big picture: This week, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas insisted the current situation is not yet a crisis . Regardless, it's clear the number of children crossing the U.S.-Mexico border could fast overwhelm government systems, in ways similar to the crises in 2014 and 2019.
What to watch: Internally, government officials have been sounding alarm bells. As Axios previously reported , DHS is expecting a record number of child migrants this year.
Did you even read that?
It says they are still deporting people just not unaccompanied children.
And what is expected...
The question is, did you? Or did you grasp for something?
It says they are still deporting people just not unaccompanied children.
The only reason for that is thanks to the court. Biden wasn't going to deport anyone for 100 days, remember?
No, I was only quoting an article I didn't read....
It clearly says they are continuing with donald policy of using the pandemic to deport people. The only change was they were not going to send away single children, which I agree with, when they don't know what could happen to them.
What courts? As far as I know no one went to court over anything Biden has done or has not done.
That is not the "only change." Biden got rid of the del Trump made with Mexico and other countries to hold asylum seekers while their claims were being processed.
Aren't you even following the conversation?
What courts? As far as I know no one went to court over anything Biden has done or has not done.
Let me post it AGAIN:
I was going by the article you posted, now you want to change the narrative to include things that were not in the article.
Is that what I'm doing?
You were wrong about the court and you were wrong about the changes to asylum law.
Yes it is what you are doing. I admit I didn't know the asshole from texas got an injunction against Biden, yet it expires tomorrow.
How was I wrong about any assylum law? As far as I know I was going by the article you posted.
Good for them. God bless Texas!
Question - can citizens who can show individual harm from the government's unenforced laws file a lawsuit against the government for violation of not enforcing Federal laws?
Can citizens currently sue judges, when suspects who are out on bail, commit additional crimes?
Or prison systems that release prisoners early, for whatever reason, who then commit other crimes?
No, it would be best if someone responding actually discussed the thread instead of doing a drive-by shooting.
Show me - give us some FACTS to support your dodging.
Because you know nothing - yeah, I know.
is an administration in which the POTUS/Commander in Chief:
Is an administration in which the POTUS/Commander in Chief spends 1/4 of his time in office, on vacation playing golf.
At least Trump was physically capable of staying awake for the time it takes to play 18 holes...
I doubt Biden could play a round of 18, let alone be able to function as an adult when completed.
Obviously you haven't seen his scores.
Part of Biden's extensive exercise regimen involves riding stationary bikes and mountain bikes around the white house complex. Trump can't ride a bicycle.
Pretty sure that the only exercise Trump ever got was climbing the stairs to AF1.
Getting in and out of a golf cart can hardly be considered exercise.
How about climbing in and out of sand traps?
You do realize that we had many conservatives here still whining about Bill Clinton who hasn't been in office for over 20 years. I think some pointing out what an absolute embarrassing incompetent dumb ass conservatives voted for just a few months ago is more than fair.
You do understand that Sean specifically brought up Trump.....right????
Must not be much of a crisis if Abbott is dropping the mask mandate.
Maybe because they have been vaccinated and socially distance, but you're apparently OK with hundreds of likely infected illegals be released to go anywhere in the US
That's not very bright thinking.
You know Greg, 30 seconds on Google would show that what you are claiming is wrong.
Texas Vaccine Rollout Ranks 48th Among States As Mask Mandate Lifted
There are much more than hundreds. Those seeking asylum had to either wait in Mexico or their country of origin while their application was being processed, which is now a thing of the past courtesy of Joe Biden. Now they are being deposited at the Greyhound bus station in Brownsville, Texas, bound for all regions of the US.
Now Greyhound is fighting back:
As far as the state of Texas goes, any surge in covid will have to be blamed on Joe Biden's loving open border policy.
Not to mention that he opened the doors to 25,000 for the asylum "seekers" when he took office.
Biden administration allows 25,000 asylum-seekers into U.S.
Nation Feb 12, 2021 12:49 PM EST
SAN DIEGO (AP) — The Biden administration on Friday announced plans for tens of thousands of asylum-seekers waiting in Mexico for their next immigration court hearings to be allowed into the United States while their cases proceed.
The first of an estimated 25,000 asylum-seekers in Mexico with active cases will be allowed in the United States on Feb. 19, authorities said. They plan to start slowly with two border crossings each processing up to 300 people a day and a third crossing taking fewer. Administration officials declined to name them out of fear they may encourage a rush of people to those locations.
I know - too hard for you, right?
He did it all, didn't he?
Substantiation for that claim???
Yet your link below states:
And they fail to provide the follow up to "What happens next?" Should be easy to figure out what and why. They sure as hell aren't going to be told to go you think?
What about the ones who don't get caught and walk or drive through gaps in the fence
What part of 'BEFORE entering the U.S.' don't you understand Jim?
So are they going to turn them away and say go home? Simple question............
That doesn't mean that people aren't wearing masks or that businesses cannot require their usage as appropriate. Abbott is one of the few governors who believe that American adults are capable of managing their own lives without needing the government to tell them how to run their lives.
Texas Restaurant Threatened With ICE Calls For Not Ending Mask Policy, Owner Says – CBS Dallas / Fort Worth (
What's the problem? The article says exactly what I said in comment 12.2 . Abbottt is leaving the mask issue up to Americans, whether business owners or patrons. If the patrons don't like what's happening at one location, no one is stopping them from going to another location. Easy!
Whoosh, right over your head.
But that isn't what they are doing, is it? Instead of going elsewhere, anti-maskers are being vindictive.
U.S. Citizen Detained For Weeks, Nearly Deported By Immigration Officials
ICE held an American man in custody for 1,273 days. He’s not the only one who had to prove his citizenship
Yup, no fear whatsoever, unless you are a brown skinned American.
Right because an ICE raid during dinner service is nothing to worry about Tex. /s
I have to wonder what value you see in posting moronic bullshit from Trump world.
Maybe by those that replied in a defensive manner to the meme
Being someone who doesn't own or run the business, of course not, that would take empathy.
They are? You know this how?
Reading Dr. Seuss doesn't count.
Order a whole set, please. I love Dr. Seuss.
So you're not worried about ICE trying to depart American citizens......
Apparently more than you worry about American citizens.
Well gee Tex, you went from 'nothing to worry about' to 'no 'threat'. Though I doubt that you'll acknowledge it, there is a difference there.
Since the threats have been made on social media, customers reading shit like that on their media accounts could be deterred from dinning there. That IS something 'to worry about' AND a 'threat' to their business.
None of that has anything to do with the immigration status of their employees.
And we can take what you write, and make judgements about you, based on what you write.
that's my job
oh silly, i worry about what others think of You...
Is it not remarkable the contrast between Reagan and Trump? One was presidential and clearly focused on the nation while the other is a pathological liar and malignant narcissist. Why on Earth do some Rs support Trump?
I was not even a Reagan fan yet that speech was actually really good, and as you said, presidential.
It is like we have devolved.
We have devolved. An individual like Trump being elected PotUS shows how far we have devolved. And to think some —especially after the national con-job he pulled when he could not face the reality of losing the election— still want that miserable SOB to run again is mind-blowing.
He allows them to be proud of their racism.