Chaos Grows under Biden leadership

Consumer prices are rising, the Stock Market is finally tanking, businesses can't find workers because they have been incentivized not to work, there are now gas lines on east coast and the price of gas is in $3 per gallon territory. We all know about the unmitigated disaster on the southern border, as the nation becomes swamped with illegal migrants. There is also a new war in the middle east and one of our important gas lines has been shut down by hackers. Crime is skyrocketing in big blue cities as cops resign in droves. Move over Jimmy Carter, Joe Biden is at the helm.
The "president" has been reluctant to talk about it. The lying media (both traditional & social) continues to cover for him. As he put it recently "I'm not supposed to be answering all these questions." Maybe we should direct our questions to Bernie Sanders or Susan Rice? Where is the msm? They seem to be obsessed with Liz Cheney. I suppose that is better than talking about the crisis caused by the man who was so intent on undoing everything Donald Trump did. Which brings us to the fickle swine who voted for Biden because they didn't like the way Trump talked. You are all responsible for this. You were made fools of by the vermin who christened themselves "progressives", (not to be confused with the original Progressives of American history). So you never cared about deeds (policy), it was only about Trump's hurtful words? This is what you voted for instead: inflation, joblessness, a bear market, crime & violence and another middle east crisis.
The word to describe it comes from the 1970's - "a malaise."
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As somebody famous once said: "elections have consequences!"
What 'it' do you mean Vic?
Please post an example.
What Biden ACTUALLY said was:
Biden said that at the end of a press conference about the Covid vaccine, after a question about his meeting with Congressional leadership about the infrastructure bill. He then returned to the lectern and answered the question.
Your seed is rife with utter bullshit Vic.
What 'it' do you mean Vic?
Please post an example.
Or is this going to be ANOTHER of your seeds in which you avoid answering questions at all costs and refuse to support your proclamations?
It being any of the above crisis situations.
Please post an example.
The most egregious would be the southern border, where Biden put his vp in charge, only to never address or visit the border and referred questions to his lying secretary of homeland security, who keeps claiming "the border is closed." Biden himself has not addressed the border crisis.
Or is this going to be ANOTHER of your seeds in which you avoid answering questions at all costs and refuse to support your proclamations?
You mean where I have to offer up proof for every word I say as if I were dealing with Saul Alinsky?
So you can't cite anything specific. Got ya.
WTF does all that blather have to do with your allegation that the media is covering for Biden Vic? Do try to keep up.
No I mean your MO of ignoring questions and posting proclamations while refusing to support them. Just like this one.
That's ridiculous. Nothing that Vic cited is a crisis Tex. Paleo-conservatives sure freak out easily.
Evening Vic.. now an educated and well spoken person such as yourself, would have had to of cringed with what Trump said at times.
Any normal logical thinking person would have sat there and said...What!!!! Geez we did..The one that sticks in my mind was after the election that he was going to win..the virus will all but disappear...have not seen the latest figures over there from the virus... they stopped reporting it here....
Things in the USA look pretty normal to me ..usual crimes, occasional riots, shootings, political dramas for wars, always has been and always will be..that unfortunately is human nature...let them get on with it.
Geez you mob are lucky..$3 for a gallon of petrol...hell we pay $1.60 a litre so multiple that by nearly 4. Last I heard NZ is paying $2.10 a litre.
Sometimes Vic you need to be grateful for what you have and where you may not be a bed of roses, no where is but you are a lot better off than many.
Why waste brain cells on bloody politicians...they really don't give a stuff about the likes of you and me... regardless of what they say..
They are to busy with their snouts in the pig trough and calculating their pensions... ever seen a poor hard up ex President?? It is no different here.
Yep, I did that for emphasis! Politicians don't give a rat's tiny ass in regard to anyone outside of their personal little circle.
Trump is no excuse for Biden's piss poor job performance.
As for the rest. In case you missed the last 5 years of left wing TDS driven lunacy. Calling out a sitting president for being a piece of human garbage is the norm for this country. So again, there is no excuse for Biden.
Trump did such a great job that his approval ratings rarely got out of the 30 percentile. Right now Biden is at 60 plus percentile. Going by the numbers, it is not Biden but Trump who had a piss pour jp. Trump threw so much mud at people that if mud slinging were an Olympic event, he would bring home the gold.
I didn't think he was either. Good to know you agree with me for a change.
Have you thought of opening a hate card division at Hallmark? Maybe you should concentrate more on A.O.C. as a deflection while Liz wields her broom.
A great well written and right on article. Well done.
Leadership? Is that what they call what he’s doing in the White House?
Some of our worst fears in about 5 months.
I love how the photo that accompanies this article is an empty gas pump - as if Joe Biden is out there sending sending ransomware to US companies. That is so plainly opportunistic that it perfectly describes the level of intellect of the target audience for this type of trashy article.
I love how the photo that accompanies this article is an empty gas pump
Kind of symbolic of the Biden administration!
he level of intellect of the target audience for this type of trashy article.
Well, It seems to have attracted you.
Well, It seems to have attracted you.
Certainly not to read it. I am attracted to opportunities to point at absurdity, and the photo alone was all it took. Congrats.
As your avatar demonstrates.
Since when ?
They cut off a pipeline to the Eastern Seaboard for days, tried to poison a Florida water-treatment plant, held hospital IT systems hostage and stole an undetermined trove of information in the SolarWinds hack – all as the Biden administration searches for a way to respond.
Cyberattacks are on the rise, and they’re increasingly targeting major infrastructure installations, like transportation hubs, energy facilities and utility companies.
The technology to prevent many of these attacks already exists, experts say, and hacks targeting critical infrastructure, which can threaten American lives, are akin to acts of war.
So President Biden signed an executive order Wednesday to strengthen U.S. cyberdefenses and bolster the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, known as CISA.
"U.S. public and private sector entities increasingly face sophisticated malicious cyber activity from both nation-state actors and cyber criminals," the White House said in a statement. "These incidents share commonalities, including insufficient cybersecurity defenses that leave public and private sector entities more vulnerable to incidents."
Biden’s executive actions would likely require federal agencies and contractors to meet minimum cybersecurity protocols – but that doesn’t go nearly far enough, according to former Rep. Denver Riggleman , R-Va., who spent 20 years in intelligence for the military, the National Security Agency and in private industry.
"We need to pick the first country that f---- with us in a cyber way and bring them to their knees," he told Fox News Wednesday.
His solution is dramatically ramping up spending for offensive cyber capabilities, and then using them disproportionately in response to any future attacks, especially when they are linked to the governments of Russia, China, Iran or North Korea.
Well gee Vic, al least you acknowledge that Biden intends to respond, unlike Trump, who gave Russia and Putin a pass every chance he got.
Then how to explain Biden's soaring 63% approval?
We shall find out if that's real or not in a matter of roughly 2 years. Mailing out money to people is one thing, a general malaise is another.
When you don't have a comeback, poster is always the next best thing.
We call it the Bronx special!
He's bringing back those teen beat style magazines for teenage girls, but instead of putting posters of David Cassidy up, he's moved onto Joe Biden.
I love it!
Oh yes, Biden is so much more photogenic. Let's give Biden credit for one thing - he may be the only man who looks ok in a designer suit. (you need stick legs!)
That burn you are feeling about Biden's 63% approval rating is what I call a "Bronx Special".
You are so right! Trump never has looked good in his $17,000 designer suits.
Fat is fat, and in Trump's case, clothes does not make the man. Trump is just a blubbery fat hog no matter how much his clothing costs.
I'm old enough to remember the Jackie Gleason show. That man was HUGE but he looked GREAT in a well tailored suit. Yet Trump always look frumpy.
I thought a Bronx special was a good hot dog and an egg cream.
That seems to be your answer to everything. How long do you think it will take for people to look beyond the money he is giving away?
As opposed to the money Trump stole from his own supporters?
The seeded article is delusional.
That's quite a comeback. If that's all you got, I must have nailed it.
Are you a progressive?
Your belief that Donald Trump was very popular based on his wonderful "policies" but only lost some votes because of his "loud mouth" is delusional Vic.
Trump had very few, if any, policies that commanded majority support. Just because you and other extreme rightists like something doesnt mean the majority of Americans do.
But even beyond the narrow topic of "policies" Trump has destroyed any hope for "unity" in this country, with thousands of lies, a corrupt administration, startling personal ignorance of issues, his constant anti-science outlook, his cozying up to white supremacists, his traitorous conduct viv a vis Ukraine, and his lies about the 2020 election which directly encouraged the riot at the Capitol Building. And a thousand other things.
Your article is totally delusional.
He had to stack the deck or get shut down.
Really? Let us consider a key voting group. A lot of the experts point to him losing suburban women as a contributing factor to the loss in 2020. Let us try to determine what those women were voting on. Was it his demeanor or was it his policies? The consequences of the 2020 election looms large for this particular group.
First - Schools have been closed in many places per the advocacy of the Teacher's Union (a key democrat constituency). The Teacher's Union had 0 influence with Donald Trump. What do you think the past year was like for suburban women with school age children?
Second - The violence & rioting we saw for over a year was accepted and even supported by blue state governors & mayors. Trump was offering the National Guard. How many suburban moms want that going on near their communities?
Third - Biden's plan to change zoning laws:
"If you live in the suburbs or you're a city-dweller eyeing a move to a quiet cul-de-sac where your kids can play, you need to know about Joe Biden's plan for a federal takeover of local zoning laws.
Biden's plan is to force suburban towns with single-family homes and minimum lot sizes to build high-density affordable housing smack in the middle of their leafy neighborhoods."
Conclusion: If suburban women are literate/knowledgeable at all, they wouldn't be voting for Biden because of policy. They in effect voted against their own interests. Therefore, one has to conclude that they actually cast their votes against Donald Trump because they simply didn't like his demeanor. A very silly way to vote. On the other hand, maybe they actually bought the media hype about "Trump failing to handle the pandemic."
The intention is to promote equal housing opportunities and level the playing field so that all neighborhoods provide the quality services and amenities that are important for people to live successful lives.
Gee, nobody wants that, right ? /s
I never described them as literate. If they voted against the interests of their families, they clearly aren't very intelligent despite their earnings or diploma mill certification.
Al the worst to them.
Especially progressives who live behind walls.
Coming from you that is a laugh - you voted for the LEAST intelligent president we EVER had (and I do not mean GW). Talk about low intelligence.
He is Albert Einstein compared to that brain dead piece of shit you voted for!
Vic, please, get a grip. If you told Trump you would give him a million dollars if he could talk intelligently about climate change for two minutes he would be frustrated, flummoxed, and a failure. He is easily the most uninformed president we have ever seen. Easily.
He claims to have a very high IQ but for some reason he chose to keep it hidden for the past 6 years , lol.
Sorry, John, It's a little to muddy down here for me.
Someone with a measurable IQ knows where PR is, ingesting bleach is wrong, and can find their car when it is 5 feet from the steps of their plane. Guess who could not.
The shortage of gas is much the result of panic buying. Florida gas stations have run out of gas yet 90% of our fuel comes in via ship. There has been no disruption in the delivery of fuel to the various ports in FL.
Here are the stats on ransomware attacks they have been growing at an alarming rate for 5 years and Biden putting money and time into stopping the attacks is needed.
The worker shortage is due to a number of reasons, there are a number of articles on it.
Keep googling.
Here are the stats on ransomware attacks they have been growing at an alarming rate for 5 years and Biden putting money and time into stopping the attacks is needed.
Why not punish the perpetrators?
The worker shortage is due to a number of reasons
In addition to the obvious one?
The links are from Florida ports and newspapers. Oh and since I live here I'm a hell of a lot more familiar with the dynamics of Florida than you seem to be.
Here is another link for you.
Who said anything about not punishing the preps, not I.
Nothing says, "We'll continue to take the money if you're still willing to give it," like actually proving it.
And those reasons are in the link that I posted.
And are also in the link I provided too.
Since it seems that the service industry (bars, restaurants) are the ones that are experiencing the largest shortage. Those establishments have minimum wage standards that are much different.
Working in the service industry requires face-to-face contact with a large number of people which increases one's exposer to COVID. Do the bars and restaurants require masks and social distancing? if not the worker is taking an unnecessary chance for a combined $9.65 an hour. Would you do it? I sure as hell wouldn't.
Um... Governor Whitmer, need I say more?
And if I had no job at all? Yeah, I would do whatever I could to make ends meet. The construction / concrete business is hurting a great deal too... they usually start out at $15 / hour to stand there all day with a sign that says "Slow" on one side and "Stop" on the other. Oh... and lawn companies... $10 / hour to start. General labor $18-$20 to start... Contractors in general are struggling to find people.
You can start at page 3.
So... why did you say yes to my question regarding Gov. Whitmer? If you didn't want to really know, then why bother asking?
Since you brought up construction here is a link about your home state and construction.
Good read.
I read it already.
And two of the teenagers in my house were offered jobs as soon as they have licenses and transportation.
So it seems that innovative thinking is the answer to the problem and that a labor shortage has been building for quite some time.
In my old industry, there is a waiting line of people wanting to be employed, if the wages are right and management uses creative thinking it seems to alleviate some of the problems.
Here is the latest on McDonald's and wages.
Except if you are offered a suitable job and refuse it, you loose unemployment. So I guess Darren Lee isn't offering 'suitable jobs'.
Well gee Tex. based on the block quote, Darren Lee knows exactly why he can't find workers.
Like other employers, Darren Lee pays unemployment insurance and doesn't want his rate to go up so if one of his laid off employees refused to return, it would behoove him to report them. Those of us who have been employers know these things Tex.
Is it your posit that this is an epiphany that the unemployed JUST figured out Tex?
Unemployment is EARNED via prior work Tex. Even YOU know that right?
Unemployment started in 1935 Tex. Your comment is ridiculous.
Thanks for highlighting the typo. GREAT job...
Typo eh? You make that “typo” quite often.
Then you have an obligation to point it out every time.
I always want to spell 'sure' with an 'h'.
Carry on.
Well then HOW did Darren Lee know why he can't get workers Tex? Unless they were prior employees, they sure as fuck aren't going to tell Darrell why they'd rather collect unemployment.
Except the extra $300 that was given was not earned anywhere.
Actually, that is only minimally true. MANY people are STILL making less on unemployment than they made working full time.
It used to be you were found a job by employment agencies and if you turned a job down, you did not receive benefits.
Evening Kavika...Stuff the petrol...start up a rumour there is going to be a dunny roll shortage again due to drop kicks panic buying... Geez people just never learn...
LOL, the lines would be Kilometers long.
In about 20 years or so , when the great grandkids ask about the great 2020 TP shortage and what we did , i will be telling them we dragged out butts across the yard the snow , both ways ......while dodging "murder hornets ".
and it was uphill in both directions.
Right , i forgot that part , but in 20 yrs ill be almost 80 so i can be forgiven for forgetting some details .
Im finding it hard to believe in 9 days ill be 59 ......
Evening are just a Spring is only a number and I guarantee you will not feel any different the following day..😀😀
I would kill to be 59 again. I turn 69 in July.
What is a dunny roll? I am guessing that it some kind bread.
I HAVE to remember that one!
Oh my mind says im still not old , but the last week of turning garden plots and doing some yard work for those that cant do it themselves have definitely made my muscles and joints remind me i am not as flexable as i once was ( results of a youth spent not caring of consequences or potential injuries that come back to haunt one later in life , im a better weather predictor than a trained weather person now ) next year at this time i will be considering whether to do the full retirement or not , been semi retired for the last 10 years or so , but keep finding "Busy work " to keep myself somewhat out of trouble and keep things in perspective .
(chuckles) , served dry and depending on make can be kind of rough , when wet , hard to chew in bulk......
In 10 years i will be saying the same thing , no doubt about it as to wishing i was this age again.
I believe that is an Aussie term for a roll of toilet paper.
I worked with an Microsoft Access pro who lived in Australia during an Access Technical Beta Test project a few years back, and I learned some of the Aussie lingo. And she learned some of the American lingo from me. I was a very interesting exchange.
Morning Paula..toilet paper..we often refer to the toilet as a dunny or if someone says they are going to the dunny..they are going to the bathroom/toilet...Sorry I forget sometimes when posting on here and use everyday language you might not know what I am talking about..😀😀
Morning Mark...that is so good of you to help people out that can no longer manage. I am in that category myself now, never thought I would be in that boat but the myeloma has done that.
I am sure people really appreciate your help and efforts. Good on you. Yes we all get older and have to gracefully accept the loss of youth...but at the end of the is what you make of it.
Can highly recommend full retirement glad I did 4 years ago when I was you never know what is around the go for it....😀😀
The Dems keep trying to wash the mud off of, and apply lipstick to...their pig of a president.
Meh, so long as it isn’t Trump I’m good. Frankly I’d rather the office be vacant than for that piece of shit to spend another day in the Oval Office.
You got your wish.
Yepp.. LOL
It was largely vacant when he held the office as a lot of his time was spent on golfing.
A number of years ago the South Park Kids had the answer to all of this...
And now, as promoted by Trump and Pompeo, the answer is to....
But what MUST be ignored is the REAL reason...