No offence meant - I just thought her Democrat/liberal supporters wouldn't appreciate this article. But after all, there has to be SOME comeback to the stuff written about Trump.
No offence meant - I just thought her Democrat/liberal supporters wouldn't appreciate this article. But after all, there has to be SOME comeback to the stuff written about Trump.
What is wrong with you?
First of all, AOC is not a dummy. She graduated from a highly rated college with honors.
Maybe she has said a couple things that didnt make much sense, I don't really know since I don't follow her utterances, but she does seem to have a lot of "fans" among the right. People who think the memes on this page are funny when related to AOC are probably the same people who think that professional wrestling banter is funny.
But the real troublesome part of your rationale is that she needs to be subjected to this nonsense as a way of balancing out those who attack Donald Trump.
Just how out of touch with reality are you over there in China? Trump gave a speech the other day in which he LIED over 100 times. In one speech !
He is not the "opposite" of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and she of him. Trump is a sick man who is demeaning this country every day through his stupidity, dishonesty, and buffoonery.
And his followers are aiding and abetting stupidity dishonesty and buffoonery on a scale we have never seen before in America.
He has a sense of humor. The bastard. Doesn't he realize laughing is an offense to the religion of Angry Liberalism??? The filthy infidel probably doesn't even pray to Rachel Maddow before going to bed.
First of all, AOC is not a dummy. She graduated from a highly rated college with honors.
She is a seemingly endless source of stupid public statements.
Maybe she has said a couple things that didnt make much sense, I don't really know since I don't follow her utterances,
Yet your knickers are in a twist because people are making fun of her for these things you don't know she's said.....
but she does seem to have a lot of "fans" among the right.
She is such an amazing gift to the Republican Party that I'm starting to suspect she's on their payroll.
People who think the memes on this page are funny when related to AOC are probably the same people who think that professional wrestling banter is funny.
This assessment is based on your extensive knowledge of her comments??....which you have said you don't follow?? Do you understand how batshit that is?
But the real troublesome part of your rationale is that she needs to be subjected to this nonsense as a way of balancing out those who attack Donald Trump.
Riiiight. Because it's not at all "troublesome" that you're defending an idiot woman you know nothing about.
Just how out of touch with reality are you over there in China? Trump gave a speech the other day in which he LIED over 100 times. In one speech !He is not the "opposite" of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and she of him.
So she lies 100 times per speech, too? Wow. Good to know.
Trump is a sick man who is demeaning this country every day through his stupidity, dishonesty, and buffoonery.
You are always so quick to jump all over me that you missed that I said "some" comeback. I never said they were "opposite" - YOU said that. I didn't at all indicate equality with your comments about Trump - NOBODY exudes and posts more criticism of Trump than you, and I have always indicated my preference for left wing causes such as gun controls, universal health care, abortion rights yet you damn me as if I were a Fascist if I post a Gatestone Article written by a Muslimabout extremist Islamic terrorism. Get over your extreme hatred, John, it spills over onto your friends.
I'm tired of giving in to all of the peer pressure, asz i, prefer BEER pressure, till it causes me the Bends, asz bubbles in blood, clean out my arteries and such
Hey, i know your seed was probably seeded, to aleve tensions that are , proportionately much higher, per Trumps' election, and he views this as serious ( My opinion of his and yours, are my opines only), as do i , but a little humor can cut through tension, better than most remedies.
So, i do see both sides of the coin( i have Fluke eyes)
but actually, a mirror is required to imagine this image.
These points i do recognize, and so i anonymously condense them into my Declaration , of inn dependence on Johns Peer Pressure, unless he pries me with beer pressure, as John has a tyrannical rule over my actions, and it reminds me of some other clowns, and this Trumps things for some.
Asz fir me, it certainly does PISS ME THE FCK OFF, so i deal with it via my words and attempt at not funny humor, for if i didn't, i'd be farr worse on EVERYONE.
So relax, shoot darts, and whatever.
But i do have a saying or two, that might not explain what it is i do
I'm not comfortable, till everyone around me is uncomfortable
and i'm not happy, till you're unhappy
Two phrase i feel more, should live and die by, so
Buzz, I have cut you a lot of slack over the past two or three years because you are in China and may not be in tune with what is going on in the United States, even though I assume you have access to a lot of news sites.
No more slack. You defend Trump almost mindlessly, as if he is just another politician who some people disagree with. He is easily the most dishonest politician we have ever seen at the national level. He is easily the most crooked. He is easily the most psychologically disturbed. And you think AOC should be attacked to balance out the criticism and attacks on Trump. You have a right to your misguided opinion, but I am not cutting you any more slack.
You just don't get it, do you? I have made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that the only thing I defend Trump on is his support of Israel. On this site I have made critical comments about him over his bullying Canada over NAFTA, his mindlessness in trusting Kim to give up nuclear weapons, and since I favour stricter gun laws, universal healthcare and women's free choice about abortions, so that is contradictory to his policies is it not? Is it just because I think that Dershowitz is a brilliant jurist, while you disparage him (especially since he defended Trump's legal rights on something notwithstanding Dershowitz is a liberal Democrat and did NOT vote for Trump) and I post articles written by Muslims that criticize extremist Islamism that you insinuate that I'm a Trump supporter and obviously ignorant of reality?
AGAIN you accuse me of using AOC as a BALANCE to Trump. I think YOU are the one who has a lack of comprehension - obviously incapable of understanding that I used the word "SOME". As I had said: "But after all, there has to be SOME comeback to the stuff written about Trump." Did you get that? SOME. SOME. Do I have to tolerate your lack of understanding of the English language, you, a person who didn't know the difference between the words "its" and "it's"? Well, I didn't major in Economics as your heroine AOC did, but I DID major in English, and even to this day teach it part-time, after 6 years of teaching it full time, so for YOUR benefit, let me explain that "some" does not mean "all". If I put "some" salt on my egg, I am not drowning it with salt. I obviously used the word "some" to indicate a LITTLE BIT.
Do I have to BEG you to stop misquoting and wrongly characterizing me, deeming me to be a fool because I support Trump when I DON'T? Especially in order to use it to "cut slack" with me as if I were totally dense? Go ahead, John, cut slack, and I will as well with you.
Do I have to BEG you to stop misquoting and wrongly characterizing me,
No, you have to understand victory when you have achieved it.
If all someone can do is misquote you or attack you, they are capitulating. They are announcing to the world that they are out of ideas, you have won, and they are conceding the point.
What’s great is that our economy, our local economy, is already growing. So I firmly believe that if we want to take that $3 billion dollars that we were willing to give to Amazon and invest it in our local community, we can do that. We can make those jobs. We can make 25,000 jobs. But we don’t have to give away and allow our subway system to crumble so that Amazon essentially owns a part of New York City. We can create 25,000 jobs with Mom-and-Pops; we can create 25,000 jobs with companies that are willing to come to the table, but we should not be giving away our infrastructure, our subway system, our schools, our teachers’ salaries, our firefighters’ budgets, to a company that has not shown good faith to New Yorkers.
Out of curiosity, was the $3B a payment to Amazon, or a municipal tax holiday? If it was a payment to Amazon, but did not create 25,000 jobs, I would have to agree with her that putting the money into crumbling infrastructure instead was a serious consideration. If it did create that many jobs and the employees would be paying taxes and eventually so would Amazon, which would be payback, so it would not be the disaster she indicated. But if it were a tax holiday, then she has definitely indicated her ignorance of common sense economics, and those who agree with her are as ignorant as she is.
And John said she graduated from Boston University with honours majoring in International Relations and ECONOMICS? My late sister-in-law graduated with honours in Music from Boston University around 6 decades ago and she was an exceptional opera singer. Either that university has deteriorated greatly, or they should just have stuck with teaching music, because the Amazon situation proves what kind of economics she learned there.
She graduated with honours from Boston University, majoring in international relations and ECONOMICS? She established her knowledge of economics with her Amazon opinion.
One of those quotes sounded familiar to me-- so I googled it. (I couldn't remember who had said it first). Here are the details:
A viral graphic being spread on social media claims that Ocasio-Cortez said "under capitalism, man oppresses man. Under socialism, it’s the other way around."
The phrase itself is a version of an old quote that is meant to disparage socialism or communism. Ocasio-Cortez, who calls herself a democratic socialist, never said those words.
The quote comes in varying versions, with some words replacing others. It has been long attributed to economist John Kenneth Galbraith, who passed away in April 2006. It has also more recently been connected to another economist, Russell Roberts, who has used it during events and also in his book.
The original version of the phrase: "Under capitalism man exploits man. Under socialism it’s just the opposite." In some cases, the word socialism is swapped for communism, mostly when Galbraith is cited as the speaker.
It has also been described as an "old Soviet joke," here, and according to Snopes, was listed as a "wry Russian joke" in Jules Archer’s 1977 book Police State: Could It Happen Here?
The book was published 12 years before Ocasio-Cortez was born.
After reading that I remembered where I first heard it--- at the time it was supposedly a popular joke under Communism in Russia.
The far right is so scared of a 29yo first term congresswoman they have resorted to not just lying about her and by totally misrepresenting her, No, they bring out racism and sexism and must dehumanize, degrade, demonize and otherwise denigrate her. I feel dirty just reviewing what went on above. Some olde folks still need to grow up. One of 355 members of Congress, the youngest, surely has the negative nabobs of the extreme far far far rightwing running scared. Why, if she is so dumb?
One of 355 members of Congress, the youngest, surely has the negative nabobs of the extreme far far far rightwing running scared. Why, if she is so dumb?
It's usually, because they are frightened by the TRUTH, but points counter to their fed opinions, don't sound as cool as an echo chamber.
The problem i have with echo chambers is, it confuses the bats radar, causes them to shit guano , and drives them El Loco
Texas, i think... Note: The bats of which i don't speak of, cause you can't hear my speech, i wrote on a blind date, to use as an example referenced above, are the ones that make so many voices go silent.
Well, at least the ones i refuse to listen to,
in MY head, that i refuse to listen to, as i can't understand what is said, but that's OK, because
i can't understand them anyway, as they often speak to me, in foreign languages, not suitable for PG ratings,so i try and X them out but with O's
three times, so at this rate, i beraten far below the going rate, at which others rate berating , so now, i feel i miss those voices, on purpose, so i'll have to work on my aim, cause i'm Green , and not envious about it, i just prefer to not waste things and recycle and such.
Take all the shell casings on my bed for instance ,from the bad aim produced by the bad aim , that is truly aimed at my head, wait a minute, maybe i'm getting a head of myself, i just need a silencer
for all those bat shit crazy voices that i can no longer hear in my head,
so , width that said, i'm done, and i done just said that
didn't i... hey, wait a minute Agnes ! Agnes! or was it Jane ? "Jane Jane, get me off this crazy thing" Rutrow ?
Do please excuse my babbling, stir crazy is beginning to set in, ontop of all the normal crazy, and that damn Astro
Roid ...
crazy , No ?
i'm out of and off of bed
rest, due tomorrow, and all of you will be happy to know,
i'll be far more scarce round these that a paradoxical statement ?
Those are lame excuses for indulging in racism and sexism...
OAC is already known by her monogram alone. She is a brilliant beautiful young woman whose opinions though different than your own represent her constituents perfectly. AOC somehow beat an entrenched incumbent which is practically unheard of and a mere few weeks into her first term is already probably the best known member of the US Congress thanks to the abuse being dished at her. Not bad for a beginner. Dumb you say. You want to know what I think is stupid? A bunch of olde white folks ganging up to ridicule and denigrate the intelligence of a young Hispanic woman. But, please keep it up. The Democrats will probably get 90 plus percent of the Hispanic vote in 2020 the way you guys are going. BTW, the behaviors exhibited above in in the comments following this hit piece are about as funny as you doing black face unless you are the sort who finds racism and sexism to be funny.
When before has so much abuse, as you claim, been leveled against such a brilliant person whose fantastic accomplishment was to defeat the "entrenched incumbent", and according to you there is no reason whatsoever for it? Anyone, no matter what colour or religion or sex would normally be admired for that - why not her? I saw no ridicule concerning ethnicity or race - perhaps good-natured jibes about sex if you interpret the similarity with blonde jokes as being that. Personally, that if her comments about unemployment and Amazon are not telling enough, I very much disrespect her for defending Omar's tweets about Israel (but then, maybe you agree with her - how's that for your "blackface" comment?)
Got to say it was fun to read through this again. What really amazed me is that some supposedly intelligent people can't take a joke or appreciate them. Thanks to Krishna for bringing this back after 5 years.
My brother sent these to me by email.
Come on, Democrats/Liberals, get a sense of humour.
(A sense of humour is a Canadian sense of humor)
is that like Canadian Bacon ?
i like the Roe Wade caption bubble D BEST
Are u implying i have no sense
of humor, cause i don't find that the least bit unamusing
No offence meant - I just thought her Democrat/liberal supporters wouldn't appreciate this article. But after all, there has to be SOME comeback to the stuff written about Trump.
Are u implying i have no sense
of humor, cause i don't find that the least bit unamusing
Hey Buzz, all is swell, but you may want to reread my statement i just brought down, particularly, the last part after the coma , after humor
Sorry, I do have a little trouble deciphering your comments sometimes.
What is wrong with you?
First of all, AOC is not a dummy. She graduated from a highly rated college with honors.
Maybe she has said a couple things that didnt make much sense, I don't really know since I don't follow her utterances, but she does seem to have a lot of "fans" among the right. People who think the memes on this page are funny when related to AOC are probably the same people who think that professional wrestling banter is funny.
But the real troublesome part of your rationale is that she needs to be subjected to this nonsense as a way of balancing out those who attack Donald Trump.
Just how out of touch with reality are you over there in China? Trump gave a speech the other day in which he LIED over 100 times. In one speech !
He is not the "opposite" of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and she of him. Trump is a sick man who is demeaning this country every day through his stupidity, dishonesty, and buffoonery.
And his followers are aiding and abetting stupidity dishonesty and buffoonery on a scale we have never seen before in America.
He has a sense of humor. The bastard. Doesn't he realize laughing is an offense to the religion of Angry Liberalism??? The filthy infidel probably doesn't even pray to Rachel Maddow before going to bed.
She is a seemingly endless source of stupid public statements.
Yet your knickers are in a twist because people are making fun of her for these things you don't know she's said.....
She is such an amazing gift to the Republican Party that I'm starting to suspect she's on their payroll.
This assessment is based on your extensive knowledge of her comments??....which you have said you don't follow?? Do you understand how batshit that is?
Riiiight. Because it's not at all "troublesome" that you're defending an idiot woman you know nothing about.
So she lies 100 times per speech, too? Wow. Good to know.
You're right....she's not the opposite, is she?
You are always so quick to jump all over me that you missed that I said "some" comeback. I never said they were "opposite" - YOU said that. I didn't at all indicate equality with your comments about Trump - NOBODY exudes and posts more criticism of Trump than you, and I have always indicated my preference for left wing causes such as gun controls, universal health care, abortion rights yet you damn me as if I were a Fascist if I post a Gatestone Article written by a Muslim about extremist Islamic terrorism. Get over your extreme hatred, John, it spills over onto your friends.
Yea, u tell him Buzz !
I'm tired of giving in to all of the peer pressure, asz i, prefer BEER pressure, till it causes me the Bends, asz bubbles in blood, clean out my arteries and such
Hey, i know your seed was probably seeded, to aleve tensions that are , proportionately much higher, per Trumps' election, and he views this as serious ( My opinion of his and yours, are my opines only), as do i , but a little humor can cut through tension, better than most remedies.
So, i do see both sides of the coin( i have Fluke eyes)
but actually, a mirror is required to imagine this image.
These points i do recognize, and so i anonymously condense them into my Declaration , of inn dependence on Johns Peer Pressure, unless he pries me with beer pressure, as John has a tyrannical rule over my actions, and it reminds me of some other clowns, and this Trumps things for some.
Asz fir me, it certainly does PISS ME THE FCK OFF, so i deal with it via my words and attempt at not funny humor, for if i didn't, i'd be farr worse on EVERYONE.
So relax, shoot darts, and whatever.
But i do have a saying or two, that might not explain what it is i do
I'm not comfortable, till everyone around me is uncomfortable
and i'm not happy, till you're unhappy
Two phrase i feel more, should live and die by, so
carry on my wayword sunz
Okay, will do.
Buzz, I have cut you a lot of slack over the past two or three years because you are in China and may not be in tune with what is going on in the United States, even though I assume you have access to a lot of news sites.
No more slack. You defend Trump almost mindlessly, as if he is just another politician who some people disagree with. He is easily the most dishonest politician we have ever seen at the national level. He is easily the most crooked. He is easily the most psychologically disturbed. And you think AOC should be attacked to balance out the criticism and attacks on Trump. You have a right to your misguided opinion, but I am not cutting you any more slack.
Jack, Jack, you gotta stop babbling.
Because defending a woman when you don't know what she's said is the height of intelligent discourse........
You just don't get it, do you? I have made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that the only thing I defend Trump on is his support of Israel. On this site I have made critical comments about him over his bullying Canada over NAFTA, his mindlessness in trusting Kim to give up nuclear weapons, and since I favour stricter gun laws, universal healthcare and women's free choice about abortions, so that is contradictory to his policies is it not? Is it just because I think that Dershowitz is a brilliant jurist, while you disparage him (especially since he defended Trump's legal rights on something notwithstanding Dershowitz is a liberal Democrat and did NOT vote for Trump) and I post articles written by Muslims that criticize extremist Islamism that you insinuate that I'm a Trump supporter and obviously ignorant of reality?
AGAIN you accuse me of using AOC as a BALANCE to Trump. I think YOU are the one who has a lack of comprehension - obviously incapable of understanding that I used the word "SOME". As I had said: "But after all, there has to be SOME comeback to the stuff written about Trump." Did you get that? SOME. SOME. Do I have to tolerate your lack of understanding of the English language, you, a person who didn't know the difference between the words "its" and "it's"? Well, I didn't major in Economics as your heroine AOC did, but I DID major in English, and even to this day teach it part-time, after 6 years of teaching it full time, so for YOUR benefit, let me explain that "some" does not mean "all". If I put "some" salt on my egg, I am not drowning it with salt. I obviously used the word "some" to indicate a LITTLE BIT.
Do I have to BEG you to stop misquoting and wrongly characterizing me, deeming me to be a fool because I support Trump when I DON'T? Especially in order to use it to "cut slack" with me as if I were totally dense? Go ahead, John, cut slack, and I will as well with you.
No, you have to understand victory when you have achieved it.
If all someone can do is misquote you or attack you, they are capitulating. They are announcing to the world that they are out of ideas, you have won, and they are conceding the point.
btw AOL still delivers dial-up modem internet service to over 2 million people.
AOL, AOC, LOL, - acronyms drive me nuts.
Thanks for the heads up, SP (yet another acronym), I've corrected it.
Unfortunately her best meme's are true words spoken out of her mouth.
C'mon man, shes sorta cute
i'd let her toss me up a word salad, so i could dress it up further wrong
not really seeing Y she has the n'Right' so frazzeled
sory Wally, didn't mean to emasculate anyone with my comment.
Besides, what else would you look for on a woman ?
Yes, the government now has its first 'Congress Kitten'.
better keep somebody's little hands
away from her
Buzz, the lady graduated with honors from Boston University, majoring in international relations and economics.
Please state your evidence that she is dumb.
Otherwise, where is the humor?
In other news today we learned that Trump's high school grades are being kept hidden at his direction.
What sort of dumb Trump jokes do you have?
A major in economics huh? Priceless.
Well to some she may appear that way but that doesn't make it true.
unbelievably stated by a rabid Trumpp defender...
too much
This is some funny stuff! The individual above only finds something funny if she thinks of it herself and is solely directed at conservatives...
Out of curiosity, was the $3B a payment to Amazon, or a municipal tax holiday? If it was a payment to Amazon, but did not create 25,000 jobs, I would have to agree with her that putting the money into crumbling infrastructure instead was a serious consideration. If it did create that many jobs and the employees would be paying taxes and eventually so would Amazon, which would be payback, so it would not be the disaster she indicated. But if it were a tax holiday, then she has definitely indicated her ignorance of common sense economics, and those who agree with her are as ignorant as she is.
And John said she graduated from Boston University with honours majoring in International Relations and ECONOMICS? My late sister-in-law graduated with honours in Music from Boston University around 6 decades ago and she was an exceptional opera singer. Either that university has deteriorated greatly, or they should just have stuck with teaching music, because the Amazon situation proves what kind of economics she learned there.
shes too young to be a golden Girl, she is probably from the Bronze era
Tex, there is not a thing, the matter, when you don't have the ability to recognize it.
as they say, ignorance is bliss...who are these sayers known as they?
I appreciate your applause, but obviously there are others who don't agree with you.
She graduated with honours from Boston University, majoring in international relations and ECONOMICS? She established her knowledge of economics with her Amazon opinion.
She could not have blond hair and have the fan club she has
Funny stuff.
One of those quotes sounded familiar to me-- so I googled it. (I couldn't remember who had said it first). Here are the details:
A viral graphic being spread on social media claims that Ocasio-Cortez said "under capitalism, man oppresses man. Under socialism, it’s the other way around."
The phrase itself is a version of an old quote that is meant to disparage socialism or communism. Ocasio-Cortez, who calls herself a democratic socialist, never said those words.
The quote comes in varying versions, with some words replacing others. It has been long attributed to economist John Kenneth Galbraith, who passed away in April 2006. It has also more recently been connected to another economist, Russell Roberts, who has used it during events and also in his book.
The original version of the phrase: "Under capitalism man exploits man. Under socialism it’s just the opposite." In some cases, the word socialism is swapped for communism, mostly when Galbraith is cited as the speaker.
It has also been described as an "old Soviet joke," here, and according to Snopes, was listed as a "wry Russian joke" in Jules Archer’s 1977 book Police State: Could It Happen Here?
The book was published 12 years before Ocasio-Cortez was born.
After reading that I remembered where I first heard it--- at the time it was supposedly a popular joke under Communism in Russia.
Spoil sport!!!
(Just kidding)
I agree-- its really annoying when people insist on getting serious-- about jokes!
(The only thin as annoying as that is when someone tells a joke that no-one gets-- and then they take ten minutes trying to explain it!)
One of those quotes sounded familiar to me-- so I googled it.
I haven't heard any of the others before except for Row vs Wade. There were many variations. Here's one:
They are meme's not encyclopedia's.
No one claimed they are 100% truthful.
Oh oh! This is no meme, and it is no joke. In fact it isn't funny at all.
Ocasio-Cortez defends Ilhan Omar’s tweets about Israel
Fun article, Buzz! There are dozens of AOC memes. Here are some more:
Saw the first one, for some reason the second one wouldn't open - maybe you took it off of google.
The 2nd one says...
Damn. Couldn't open that one either.
HELLO HELLO Hello Hello hello hello...
Nice echochamber you got going here.
The far right is so scared of a 29yo first term congresswoman they have resorted to not just lying about her and by totally misrepresenting her, No, they bring out racism and sexism and must dehumanize, degrade, demonize and otherwise denigrate her. I feel dirty just reviewing what went on above. Some olde folks still need to grow up. One of 355 members of Congress, the youngest, surely has the negative nabobs of the extreme far far far rightwing running scared. Why, if she is so dumb?
This is the kindergarten page.
What did kindergarteners ever do to be compared with all this juvenality?
It is rather pathetic.
It's usually, because they are frightened by the TRUTH, but points counter to their fed opinions, don't sound as cool as an echo chamber.
The problem i have with echo chambers is, it confuses the bats radar, causes them to shit guano , and drives them El Loco
Texas, i think... Note: The bats of which i don't speak of, cause you can't hear my speech, i wrote on a blind date, to use as an example referenced above, are the ones that make so many voices go silent.
Well, at least the ones i refuse to listen to,
in MY head, that i refuse to listen to, as i can't understand what is said, but that's OK, because
i can't understand them anyway, as they often speak to me, in foreign languages, not suitable for PG ratings,so i try and X them out but with O's
three times, so at this rate, i beraten far below the going rate, at which others rate berating , so now, i feel i miss those voices, on purpose, so i'll have to work on my aim, cause i'm Green , and not envious about it, i just prefer to not waste things and recycle and such.
Take all the shell casings on my bed for instance ,from the bad aim produced by the bad aim , that is truly aimed at my head, wait a minute, maybe i'm getting a head of myself, i just need a silencer
for all those bat shit crazy voices that i can no longer hear in my head,
so , width that said, i'm done, and i done just said that
didn't i... hey, wait a minute Agnes ! Agnes! or was it Jane ? "Jane Jane, get me off this crazy thing" Rutrow ?
Do please excuse my babbling, stir crazy is beginning to set in, ontop of all the normal crazy, and that damn Astro
Roid ...
crazy , No ?
i'm out of and off of bed
rest, due tomorrow, and all of you will be happy to know,
i'll be far more scarce round these that a paradoxical statement ?
cause i feel like an Oxy Moron
X 11 -6 + 1
My FIRST comment on this seed - obviously just blowing in the wind.
After all, her comments about unemployment and a tax incentive for Amazon were a bit of an opener.
Those are lame excuses for indulging in racism and sexism...
OAC is already known by her monogram alone. She is a brilliant beautiful young woman whose opinions though different than your own represent her constituents perfectly. AOC somehow beat an entrenched incumbent which is practically unheard of and a mere few weeks into her first term is already probably the best known member of the US Congress thanks to the abuse being dished at her. Not bad for a beginner. Dumb you say. You want to know what I think is stupid? A bunch of olde white folks ganging up to ridicule and denigrate the intelligence of a young Hispanic woman. But, please keep it up. The Democrats will probably get 90 plus percent of the Hispanic vote in 2020 the way you guys are going. BTW, the behaviors exhibited above in in the comments following this hit piece are about as funny as you doing black face unless you are the sort who finds racism and sexism to be funny.
When before has so much abuse, as you claim, been leveled against such a brilliant person whose fantastic accomplishment was to defeat the "entrenched incumbent", and according to you there is no reason whatsoever for it? Anyone, no matter what colour or religion or sex would normally be admired for that - why not her? I saw no ridicule concerning ethnicity or race - perhaps good-natured jibes about sex if you interpret the similarity with blonde jokes as being that. Personally, that if her comments about unemployment and Amazon are not telling enough, I very much disrespect her for defending Omar's tweets about Israel (but then, maybe you agree with her - how's that for your "blackface" comment?)
Yea, but Demographics mean nothing in an election, and Demographics sorta sounds closer to Democrats and Democracy than say the GOP and Republicans
bangin a few out of the park, what, did the alcohol kick in ? As another nicely stated rebuttal.
Perhaps it has to do with SOME people on this site having a sense of humour. After all, I DID post it on The Lighter Side / Humour forum.
I find this informative, but not really all that funny, so to speak.
Different strokes for different folks.
as i already stated, i see both sides with my 2020 Fluke eyesight
our country needs to heal and come together, and it is rather troubling to see, so many that seem to be unable
I liked it, funny and the subject deserves to be made fun of
Pity those who are incapable of taking a joke.
Pity those who can't see the difference between actual humour and a vaguely misogynistic but clearly partisan character assassination.
Well, for sure I've seen a few such memes about Trump, but I assume you would never complain about those.
You know what they say about assumption Buzz...
and speaking of assumption,
one can draw some damning conclusions about the veracity or appropriateness of this "article"
by who did not participate.
Got to say it was fun to read through this again. What really amazed me is that some supposedly intelligent people can't take a joke or appreciate them. Thanks to Krishna for bringing this back after 5 years.