Let's Stop the Hatred

I grew up in a REP family in a REP neighborhood, worked on Reagan's campaigns and was a lifelong REP for my entire life until about a decade ago when I changed my affiliation to IND because of the hate spewing from the right. Hate is not a conservative principal. Unreasoning spewing isn't either. I will not be associated with it.
I find it extremely saddening that some people cannot or will not use their reasoning abilities before giving a knee jerk reaction to something posted. If we're going to keep our great nation a democracy, everyone on both sides needs to do that.
Unfortunately, Fox News has spent decades teaching people on the right to hate people on the left. People on the left have reacted with anger. The right has moved so far right that they even make moderates look like liberals.
On top of that, Putin's propaganda machine spews hatred at us, pretending to be us. I never know anymore whether I'm listening to his propaganda or someone's honest opinion.
"The Fake Americans Russia Created to Influence the Election. Far less splashy, and far more difficult to trace, was Russia’s experimentation on Facebook and Twitter, the American companies that essentially invented the tools of social media and, in this case, did not stop them from being turned into engines of deception and propaganda."
Wow, its good to see you! I've often wondered how you are, where you are. I'm not here much myself but I haven't seen you since our last days at NV. I hope this finds you well.
I wish this was that simple, Loretta. I don't want the hatred either but it's always been there, just more exposed due to social media. Bottom line, there is no reasoning with the unreasonable. Not only all the lives at stake every day in America but our democracy is being usurped right under our feet. I'm tired of being the nice guy. Only way to stop a bully is walking right up and punching them square in the nose. So rhetorically, this is what we must do.
If you've not seen "The Family" yet on Netflix. I highly recommend it or read Jeff Sharlet's books. Eisenhower was the best of the R's, no doubt --but he gave up his notion of separation of church and state and allowed this C Street bastion to become the wind beneath the wings of usurping democracy with christian theocracy. I'm ashamed of his choice and all who have participated in this since HE went along with it, regardless if they're R's or D's. They have all thrown away the FF's wise advice warning against any particular religion usurping secularism.
Good to see you too. Hope you've been enjoying life. For the most part, I have although there have been some stressful situations. I'm always optimistic I'll survive them -- or not.
I haven't been on any forums like this since NV. I have been on FB and have a large following there. I'm not sure I'm going to stay here because I don't want to infect my life with nastiness and hatred that became so prominent at NV toward the last. At FB, I can block the nastiness. So I'm biding my time and seeing what happens.
I don't mind disagreements or a variety of beliefs. But hatred and insults shouldn't be the controlling factors of discussion. Logic is far better if the goal is to change minds. If the goal is just to fight, that's not something I want to be part of.
I hate to agree with you, I actually I agree with what you say most times, haha
I just grudgingly have to agree with this...
A quick memory from my youth...I was being taunted everyday at school by this one boy. He was relentless. One day I finally had enough and got pissed and slammed him into a locker and told him he better knock it off.
It worked and he quit. Funny thing is, we kind of became friends later on.
I guess my point is that sitting back and doing nothing, or turning the other cheek, does not get the desired results. It almost just lets it continue.
And Yes, Hello Loretta ! Glad to see you here.
That's what I'm here for.
I actually try to "reason with the unreasonable". Butt, that never works so then:
My grandson has a similar experience. A kid at school was bent on making his life a misery. One day, when he was opening his locker, the kid came up and did something untoward (don't remember what). My grandson had enough. Slammed the other kid into the locker hard enough to make his nose bleed and create a shiner. They ended up in the principal's office, but the principal didn't punish him. Perhaps because they knew what had been going on? But if so, why didn't they stop it? Still scratching my head over that.
And hi back. Good to see you.
Oh, but there are some elegant ways to punch metaphorically. It demeans us when we don't have a good enough command of language that we need to be use insults.
I prefer to use humor which confuses hater because they have no sense of humor.
I won't even use FB. This is it for venting or fighting the ignorance. NT fairs better with you here. I hope you stick around! Going into fall/winter now, I can and will spend more time depending on my work load.
I've had the same experience with girls and boys. Being native it wasn't an unusual experience in my youth. I learned stick and stones pretty quickly but mostly learned to outwit them with education and fact. I did have a school yard brawl once. Lol. That girl never bullied me again. We actually became friends after she apologized.
LOL. I wish I was better at humor. I try but it seems to fall flat, so I stick with what I can do. Your humor is always spot on and I appreciate the skill that goes into it.
LOL. I guess I wasn't worth bullying, except for my older sister. No one bothered me much. Could be because I was taller than most girls and stronger because of riding horses, moving hay, etc. But it was probably more because I just wasn't interested in all the shenanigans. Hard to bully someone whose nose is in a book or when they're having fun riding horses.
Did have one guy jump naked out of the bushes in front of a friend and I. He spooked the horses but only for a second. Then we broke off some good whipping twigs and chased him for quite a ways. Not sure that came out as he imagined, but we enjoyed it.
You are a lucky one. I grew up with horses, racing motorcycles, and reading was fundamental in my family. I was 5'5, not tall but no small taters either. I really think the bullies in my youth were insecure in who they were. Too young to know there's a pathological reason why some need to be cruel to others, so just lived with the realization and dealt with it when there was no choice. I was well-liked as a kid though, so I had plenty of backup, if needed. I was never the underdog, but stood up for those that were.
In today's world, we need to be more vigilant than ever about it. Cut it down wherever we see it. Not with violence, but truth.
It's good to meet you. Your compliment is appreciated. May we spar or support with inspiring words and enjoy every moment.
It is indeed good to see you here, it's been a very long time.
It has been a long time. I love the saber-wielding cat. I have one who would love to have one.
How have you been? I hope you're doing well.
Personally I am ok, but have had a pretty rough year. That's the way life goes. As far as the picture goes, you can find TONS of them at .
Just search for "cats"...
I hope that you are doing good as well.
I'm doing well too, although like you, the year has been rough. I'm ready to move on to new and better things. Hope both of us fair better in the coming times.
I'm sure you will find some moderates here to nestle up with. Have fun.
That's helpful, John.
Glad to be of assistance.
You do know I was being sarcastic, yes?
Alienating moderates and independents will not stop the hatred. Your words are counterproductive.
Thank you, Sandy!
Perhaps John wasn't being sarcastic and yours is one of those knee jerk reactions that Loretta is talking about.
First thing to know about Loretta, is she is a critical thinker!
I do I do I really do. I do I do I really do. I do I do I really do. I do I do I really do. I do I do I really do. I do I do I really do. I do I do I really do. I do I do I really do
I think people should be moderate, if they want to, about every topic of current events except one.
Hello Lorretta , it is swell to hear from you again as you were my pretend NV friend and per our short correspondence last evening, you are aware of my situation of being confined, but tonight gonna see myself drink til blind and i'm sorry for making it all about you so since i'm elated to escape my prison, i feel i must make it also, a little about me, one who is easily defined, but without a definite definition As
Last thing to know about my thinking, IS
many are critical of it, but that's due to my conditioning, i do pre shampooing as it's not easy being short sighted, with so many flakes head and shoulders above, leaves me scratching my head, but store bought brand name with artificial domesticated game, to play,
but rehearse in reverse, as i'm not neutral about being grounded, and i've been till today, and i cannot wait to go out and socialize till all dowst do despise
as i sometime pretend, if i can be a star in the play, won't have to work as i just reach back to recess is in my mind and blind all that see just fine my artificially natural enhancemeant for someone, anyone, besides them, but that s just who i
am not pretending to be , or not to be, as it might of been not my question, but on occasion, i can conceive a deception while throwing a projection interception by my offense shived lines that define what i face, while reflecting from the opposite image i imagined peering through reflection , that does not refract light, as they just think i'm an A hole and not bright or wrapped tight, till i present them with B efore C hrist...what the fck is this guy babbling about, so i flood the plain and smile with my image, imagined to be a peering through the glass ceiling while vacuuming it till i create centrifugal, forcing them to follow my spin till it is determined, i'm not a ceiling fan as they are besides themeselves, floored with non drape matching magic carpet, giving rides with a heavy toll none shall E Z pass till
out and about, to my whirled, which
B leave it or not, can on occasion, as in every, be a tad different than most, cause i Njoy an uphill coast East to West i wish to tie my shoes and take a trip, would you wish to join me, well, have me join you, as when i do cross no country for old men and women, i feel like a fresh man, but you will be slapping me and your knee, cause i wish to bring an amateure go pro to stop and picture my excellent adventure crossing the land via plane and fancy folk who wish to see
i am real
a joke
you won't re-memor x, cause it stops at W and
no one can win, when i choose to lose my loose handle grip cause who can't use a tale
u would be lucky to dismember,
fitting easier into the wood chipper, as i grind to a painful end, much like my beginning and middle of the rhode hardly never scholarly thought
of, as i sleep in parking lot pastures with lew, then we skip to the homogenized 2% milking it utterly for all to share in a daily double non dairy product of imagination restrained by which under nose circumstances, mustache be kept a breast of the
ever growing lactose,
our country has become tolerant of.
look out poor people any where rich dairy farmers dare to tell truth, of my approximate proximity i could never divulge, cause
i'm still a live, but sometimes recorded, to protect proximity paramecium flagella , from projection of my microscopic thoughts
to C all later or altered i vow, cause consonants are 250
whatever, i'm NOT BUYING IT
ROTFLOL. I suspect you enjoy confabulating for the purpose of confusing me to my very depths.
But I do have a question: How ever do you do that? It amazes me that you can write in stream of conscious with such flair and with such a wonderful ability to twist and turn in every phrase. I love it, no matter how you do it, but I am curious because I know I could not achieve such heights.
thats why i submerge my unyielding thoughts into traffic jammed with peanut butter cookies, i toss, like rings around boxers wrestling with their consciousness, while being the referee that stands while giving a sitting 8 count over their knocked out cold, lifeless bodies, that embody my out of mind and body flooded stream of subconsciousness all while subliminally projecting thoughts that you screen, in your screened in porch that you will appear to wash windows in
i don't know, i just string letters together and form words that create death sentences for life
less the proper word usage N Punctuation
i can't even spell acronyms, so i cast them to the tide pod and string together till one Bean is strung like a string of yarns
What one would that be?
Now, that I can understand because I love peanut butter cookies, but why do you waste jam on them? They're so delicious all by themselves.
i toss my cookies at girls scouting out boys.
They're usually saying, do you want some candy middle aged man,
i say, well isn't that sweet, but when they see me walk funny the way a way, as they can't wait, cause like pediatricians, they've very little patience for me, and my gimpy walk.
They've yet to realize that it is due to my lacking of digital shoes, as i
am lacktoes in tolerance, and prefer sweet n low down Women, to crutch my wayward walk, as i live to die, a bet tick , but still grin with my sach
of sweetners i compare to lemons without aiding or a betting, crimes of fashion, as i've been referred to as a fashion statement , followed by a question mark, with an X clamation point to prick.
Sorry, Dulay. I respectfully disagree.
No need to apologize for respectfully disagreeing.
I often walk funny too, like an old cowboy whose long ago broncs are still playing havoc with his very bones. I'm watching Jimmy Kimmel and Sean Penn having fun after the third debate. Sean seems loaded, but he is having fun.
Someone should unload him, possibly out of the smoke filled van.
Spicoli was a historic (hysterical) character.
Or the well-liquored green room.
Why in the world would someone make it a habit to listen to Putin. I pretty much keep up with things, and have done so for decades. I don't ever remember hearing Putin speak, except in a snippet of newscast. Same goes for FOX news. If you really were watching, you would know that the programming is pretty much balanced, and they include a lot people with alternate opinions on that network. I watch it on and off after Bret Baier's segment in the evenings sometimes. It's pretty much accurate.
I learned several years ago, back to the Ed Schultz days, that CNN and MSNBC were biased and one sided and could not be trusted to tell the whole story or to tell the truth. They are even worse now and I never watch them. If you are honest without yourself, the hate and anger emanating from the left is plain and obvious for all the world to see, especially the American voters who are fed up and tired of the crap the progressives are subjecting us to. Go away!
Please read the article I linked. It doesn't say we're "listening to Putin." It describes how Putin uses our social media to set us against one another using false personas. We need to stop falling for his propaganda machine if we want to keep our democracy.
For once I didn't bother to read the article. so I assumed you wrote it, and I apologize for being harsh.
LOL. Apology accepted. I wrote the article here, but I included a link to the one on Putin. Hope that clarifies things.
So you watch Fox news after the so called news part and only watch the opinion pieces and call it balanced...
Then go on to say that you never watch CNN or MSNBC yet you know they are more partisan than ever...
What should go away is completely bias attitudes and one way thinking.
I don't watch them every afternoon like I used to...would make the rounds like clockwork during the week.
I found after a few years that FOX is the only network that comes close to being fair and balanced.
Those networks are nothing more than fake news arms of the DNC.
That is funny right there. So the one station with a known bias is the only correct and fair station and all the rest have an agenda.
Uh huh, sure.
Maybe if people would stop listening to hatred and stop thinking everyone that doesn't think like they do are evil, we could move forward.
Seems like some are unwilling to do that. Blind partisanship is a dangerous if not lonely world.
There are a LOT more than one station with a known bias.
Point being...There is no true one side.
That's False, as even a line has two sides,
come with the meal.
I was never into the burger wars. Never trusted people that had to ask where the beef was.
Never trusted the coke war either. I mean come on. I was on a side and we do have to defend...wait...I wonder what happened to RC.
Besides, I don't like corn no more. Eat enough of it and it comes out the same way it went in. That is how you know you have enough...So they say.
As far as vices and devices, yes they all blow a certain way. I may have my preference yet doesn't mean I may have never partaken.
Sometimes I am surprised at how people can bend.
I wonder if a line has an inside? Or an outside for that matter?
Then for a true line, where is the front side and back side?
Always nice to see some NV top 20 quality participation.
As for the issue at hand, I agree that both sides need to figure out how to communicate in a positive manner. I'm guilty of slinging the poo and could use a refresher course in finesse.
Sister, now is not the time to lose fortitude. It is more important than ever to stay on point.
Exactly John!
Good to see you here. The way I write is by being honest, direct and focused on the point I want to make. Sometimes that's objectionable to others, but that doesn't change what I need to say. You should do the same.
Please take hatred elsewhere. I don't want to deal with it.
It just so happens i'll be offering such a discourse, i'll sign you up the one way street i drive in reverse while viewing it through my rear view mirror, in which, i see an ass
sorry sister, U gotta pick it up, and put it down, like a litter
of Trump grabbin Brazilian Furry pussy pelted and felted, trapped by otters, slapping to tails, with out applause, from their tiny Trump like hands that serve as a Parisian delicacy, known as D feat
Not me. Not a poo-flinger. I'm a refined lady ...
Awww ... I forget. This is Loretta. She's my sister from another mister, just as you are Sister. We're all related one way or another. She knows I can step on toes, but always with a smile. And a doob.
Are you stating from your 'doob' elevated perch, that it brings dyslexic displeasure to not Njoy inverted preverted perversion , performed per present past and or pre-post future exercises that thinned and toned cheek muscles via exorcism
performed to placate imageism
mirrored in a mirage
is the buraige, or is it burrage ,
that like a barrage of, balls on accurate up to the minute chins, held up for
delivered special UPS for special ops information catalogued
in a garage kept table
of non contextual contents not contained
or containable
Yet, out
in the real world
tops the list
of grabbed tales short on chins like
ballz on and of fire yarn, knit picked till unwound is the world clock, butt spelled different. Lee
isn't disliked buy N E
lacktose of
Tolerance stepped on, and or of those poor as the rich keep
reigning and pouring it on so sweet, we all diabetic, well past
this posted
The proper way to fling poo with finesse is to smear a tiny bit with the back of a silver spoon onto an eggshell white heavy cardstock letter paper, fold it in thirds, place in the correct sized envelope, use a sponge with a bit of water to moisten the flap, then write the name and address of the perspective recipient in calligraphy on the front, adorn with a colorful collector edition forever stamp, and send. Either that or try and use stellar grammar and the English language in such a creative way online that the recipient isn't exactly sure whether it was poo that was flung or that they just always smelled that way...
Can you possibly elaborate, on how, one might possibly,
create such a correspondence ?
You do a fine job of being creative with your grammar and the English language.
And I've no doubt you've flung some poo,
where those on the receiving end had no clue...
not a poo clue, nor a pool cue...
is that my Q ?
Winnie the pool que...?
Good to have you here, Loretta.
Good to see you too. How have you been? Things have been interesting here. My daughter got into rescuing horses, so we have four now, two of which she's going to keep, one of which she's going to sell and one she's looking for a good home. He sustained severe leg and hoof injuries on the track, is almost healed now but can't go to a home where they'd want to use him more than a little. Suspensary ligament isn't going to be strong enough. Such a shame. He's gorgeous and a real love. [SP]
I know I typed "suspensory" ligament. So how did that get changed and why can't I edit that comment. growl. mumble. groan.
You have a ten minute edit window, I believe. After that, auto correct wins.
Auto correct is my nemesis.
Auto correct is a bunch of shut.
Auto correct can such my deck.
I hate auto correct since it rarely consults me as to what I was thinking. It is such a know-it-all. We'd all be a little better off if it could obtain just a bit of humility.
you have no idea
Ducking auto correct.
"Auto Correct", turning good spellers into bad spellers since 1994.
Whoever invented autocorrect should go straight to hello.
Your article is spot on.
I think that the social media outlets are doing us a disservice. When the find a Russian bot they just delete the account. IMHO, they should post a final comment on the account telling the 'followers' that they have been following a Russian bot.
Of course, the optimist in me thinks that would cause those followers to reflect and re-evaluate their positions. The pessimist in me doubts it...
Reddit was totally infested with Russian bots arguing with themselves. They pretended to be Bernie supporters AND Hillary supporters. The FAKE Bernie supporters posted lots of anti-Hillary Russian bullshit and the FAKE Hillary supporters tried to alienate Bernie supporters (sometimes using anti-Semitic slurs).
Unfortunately some real Bernie supporters fell for the bot bullshit and said they would vote for Jill Stein or they said they would not vote.
The Russian bots definitely fucked up the election.
I'm not sure I saw them, but it was reported they were doing the same on FB. They were also creating fake groups and even fake events. They swarmed all over Twitter too.
"· Russian bots retweeted Donald Trump nearly half a million times in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign, and more than 60,000 Americans RSVP'd for Facebook events created by Kremlin-linked trolls, the social media giants revealed in congressional documents this month.... of cyber attacks and fake news floods to sow division and sway voters ahead of Trump’s surprise victory."
As I've said since this became abundantly clear, Russian Bot and Russian Boughts. What could possibly go wrong?!
Fox news is nothing but a bought propaganda outlet.
"State Run Media"... Hell, they don't even hide the fact that they are the propaganda arm of the trump administration.
That's a good suggestion. At the very least, they should post a caveat on the comments they've posted that those are from a Russian bot. We need to find new ways to stop their influence.
I think that was true on social issues as of about 35 years ago. The Reagan years sent the party into a more socially conservative area.
However, since about 2006 or so, the Left has rushed headlong into the Far Left. It's easy to document. There is a long list of prominent Democrats who are reversing themselves on multiple issues and even apologizing for things they said just 20 years ago. The illegal immigration fight is a shining example. Virtually everything in Trump's border control platform was said by Bill Clinton when he was president but now every bit of it universally condemned by Democrats.
Meanwhile the Right has remained relatively stable. If anything, they may be drifting toward the middle. Republicans now support government infrastructure projects. Many support LGBT rights and actively court minority voters. President Trump signed a federal prison reform law, undoing criminal punishment championed by Clinton Democrats in the 90s.
The law passed and Trumps signed it
Butt the law would NOT have passed without the support of the Democrats in the Senate.
You make this sound like it's extra-special that the democrats helped out here. But truth be told almost all laws require both parties to vote and approve measures and send them along to be signed into law.
There has only been three occurrences where either party held a filibuster proof 60% super majority of both the House and the Senate. This only occurred with the 89th U.S. congress in 1965, then with the 95th U.S. Congress in 1977 and lastly with the 111 U.S. Congress in 2009.
And in all three occurrences it was the Democratic party that held the super majority.
I submit that more could be done for the citizens of this country if Congress more often worked together but they are so locked into party politics and as such the needs of the electorate fall by the way-side.
Clinton's first budget passed without a single Republican vote in the Senate. The vote was 50-50 (Al Gore broke the tie. Clinton's use of "arithmetic" helped erase the U.S. federal deficit (4 years of budget surpluses).
Likewise, The Affordable Care Act passed without a single Republican vote. This law (called Obama Care out the number of uninsured in half. The Republican tried to repeal (the "Job Killing" Healthcare Act over 50 times). The Affordable care act did not kill jobs. It was fully implemented by 2014 and we have job growth ever since.
Actually now the GOP run Senate has it's lips locked on Trump's ass. McConnell refuses to bring anything to the floor that Trump hasn't already given a thumbs up to. McConnell has abdicated his duty as the leader of a co-equal branch of government to do his fucking job and pass legislation that benefits the country whether Trump approves of it or not. McConnell sure as hell didn't have a problem passing bills that Obama opposed.
Well said. I'm tired of the deliberate gridlock. They aren't paid to act like jerks. They're paid to accomplish the people's business and keep our nation running smoothly. I'm all for tossing out everyone who can't work with those across the aisle so we can count on them to do their jobs.
The Republicans passed Trump tax cuts that put a shit load of wealth into the pockets of the rich.
McConnell, like the idiot in the WH and several other GOP leaders has accepted an amazing amount of money from Russian Oligarchs.
Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has led the fight to lift sanctions on Russia following the Kremlin-led cyberattack on America in support of the election of Donald Trump. The recent lifting of sanctions on Russia passed the Senate despite enormous efforts to stop it.
True. McConnell voted against his own bills if he found that Obama supported them. If that's not blatant partisanship and obstruction I don't know what is.
Well said. I agree completely.
Loretta, I've got to ask, is that you barrel racing?
Actually, it began before the Reagan era with Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson in the late 1970s. They raged about Roe v. Wade and how awful us feminists were for wanting equality. They never quit hating women. Even today, Robertson tells men to beat their wives. (
)"I listen to feminists and all these radical gals—most of them are failures. They've blown it. Some of them have been married, but they married some Casper Milquetoast who asked permission to go to the bathroom. These women just need a man in the house. That's all they need. Most of the feminists need a man to tell them what time of day it is and to lead them home. And they blew it and they're mad at all men. Feminists hate men. They're sexist. They hate men—that's their problem." — Jerry Falwell
"Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." ~ Pat Robertson
That's my job.
And it seems to be the only thing your president is good at.
But you're talking about pastors there, not politicians. Before these social conservatives sought a political alliance with Republicans, they were courting the likes of Lester Maddox and George Wallace, i.e. Democrats. They even supported Jimmy Carter.
Maybe the most prominent person to try to meld political and social conservatism at that time was Willam F. Buckley, but he notably objected to several of Nixon's policies, like his efforts at detente with the Soviet Union and China. Politics didn't really swing his way until Reagan.
Yes, they claimed to be pastors, but they are the people who decided to meld religion and politics. I don't think of either of them as pastors. I think of them as misogynists, racists and bigots. They sure didn't follow Yeshua's teachings.
During the Johnson administration, the South turned from DEMs to REPs because he signed the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. So Wallace may have been a DEM but today he'd be considered a REP without changing a single belief.
As to Maddox, I don't know enough about him to comment.
Although I didn't always agree with Buckley, he at least had well-reasoned arguments that made me think.
So telling the truth about Falwell's and Robertson's attacks on women is "fanning the flames of hate"? Interesting stance. Doesn't it occur to you that they were the people fanning the flames of hate and I simply reported on it?
If you read back through what I wrote, I did not promise to be neutral or be silent. You seem to think you can bully me into silence. That hearkens back to the time of scold's bridles when men had the right to silence women.
The only flames being fanned are by Robertson.
I don't know why people think that. If you look at congressional seats, governorships, and even presidential voting, the South didn't really start to turn Republican until the late 80s and into the 90s. It wasn't really a done deal until after 2000 or so.
But you haven't told the truth. You claim these comments are "wife beating advice", and yet no such thing exists in your quote.
Objecting to your comments does not equate to misogyny. The implication that it does proves the very point you attempt to refute.
Wow. That's a pretty extreme reaction to what was actually said.
All change takes time. That doesn't mean it didn't start in the 60s. The women's movement, civil rights, gay rights, etc. are all rooted in the 60s too (and many, many decades prior) but look at all of them. They're still being fought for today and probably will for many long decades after I'm dead.
When I was young, I was an idealist who thought change would come swifter. I was wrong. Now I just marvel at the passing generations and how much they add to the changes. I'm really impressed in our teens and young adults today. They know so much more than I did at their age. I was far more naive than I can even describe. I hope I live long enough to see the changes and improvements they bring to the world.
Wife Beating Advice From Pat Robertson (Oh My God!) is the label on the video. It comes with the link.
Secondly, Robertson's FIRST sentence in his reply was:
Then at the end Robertson says:
Note that at no time during his comments does Robertson suggest that they seek spiritual guidance for their marital issues.
Watch the video.
Sorry...I don't watch videos from forums. Too much nonsense. I'll read excerpts, though, so thank you for providing them.
Well that certainly qualifies as a multi-tiered shitheaded statement.
OK. Fair enough. All the more reason to continue not watching him.
Now....that's certainly what SHOULD happen. Without a doubt, that's absolutely what any person in his position should be talking about.
I am actually mildly surprised he doesn't mention it. Like maybe 0.7 on a 0-10 scale of surprise. But I guess that just serves to teach me a lesson about appropriate expectations.
Thank you again for the transcription.
Have you introduced yourself to Loretta, Wally? Wally is an admitted "I just like to see demmies cry" guy. Doesn't write articles as you have done since your first day. Just kinda walks around without linking any facts to his claims. I can say that because he admits it. At least it's someone on the right that owns his lackluster behavior, and I appreciate that.
Hello Loretta, I do recall you from NV.
What you must realize is that "HATRED" is what keeps this site alive, and I'm sure it is the same with other similar sites as well. Just think of it - without hatred there would be so many fewer articles, comments, and most likely lots less members.
Hatred of Trump, hatred of Hillary, hatred of Obama, hatred of Democrats, hatred of Republicans, hatred of liberals, hatred of conservatives, hatred of Supreme Court justices, hatred of presidential candidates, hatred of Jews, hatred of Israel, hatred of Netanyahu, hatred of Islamists, hatred of China, hatred of North Korea, hatred of Putin, hatred of Russia, hatred of Iran, hatred of LGBQTs, hatred of the Stars and Stripes, hatred of the national anthem, xenophobia generally, hatred of fellow NT members, hatred of the NT rules, hatred of religion, hatred of atheism, hatred of guns.... hey, this list could go on for pages.
All that would be left are topics that are of little interest to the mindset of so many members who usually post on the kinds of topics listed in the former paragraph, as shown by the dearth of comments posted on them, like literature, art, culture, music, etc. as indicated by the dearth of comments posted on the articles on groups dedicated to such topics.
Because of my duties to this site, I see and review every single application for membership to NT. Most of those who apply for membership either post nothing at all, or make a comment or two and then virtually disappear. Why? In my opinion it is because of hatred, their seeing it so deftly and frequently applied, with the language used and the intransigence of those who are so far from being neutral or fair that they have drowned in the cesspools of their own making.
Anyway, Loretta, welcome to NT.
Thanks for the welcome.
I agree. Hatred is what drives too many discussions and sites, but it doesn't have to be that way. It isn't healthy for us as individuals or nations to have to face that much hatred every day. It will be our nations ultimate demise if we don't change something.
Up until the advent of the Internet, in my entire life, I never heard the amount of hatred as I do now in one day online. That's dysfunctional in the extreme.
We can disagree without hating. There is nothing wrong with disagreement. It often brings out the best ideas if we let it, but that won't happen if every post reeks of nothing but hatred and verbal one-up-man-ship.
I love ideas. I don't love unnecessary stress and strife. In fact, I avoid it every chance I get.
I don't think it's the times but the technology that immerses us, as a society, in the unlimited hate daily. Could you imagine what the world might look like today if they had "twitter" during the height of the Roman empire as it went out and conquered the nations surrounding the Mediterranean? With perhaps Caligula or Nero ranting to the world about the people they hate while the world rants back and is outraged over their abuses of power? It likely wouldn't look much different than our own Presidents twitter. So people and the world haven't really changed much, it's just our access to everyone else's thoughts that are now so easily disseminated to everyone. You can now have, in real time, critiques from people in the jungles of Africa to the high mountains of the Himalayas over the Kardashians being laughed at during an awards show. So of course we are going to see everyone expressing their opinion on how governments operate since there simply is no perfect system of governance.
I'm laughing and shuddering at the thought of Nero et al on Twitter. Point taken. We've invented the modern day Tower of Babel, and it's even worse than what I imagined learning that myth all those many decades ago.
Yes, hatred has always been with us, and yes, it is amplified on the Net. That doesn't mean we have to engage in it or tolerate it when it comes our way. We deserve respect and need to act with respect. That was the one founding principle my dad taught me that underlies all the other things he taught me about life. That respect is for all things in existence, not just humans. I was lucky to have him as my mentor.
I agree. The problem I see is that those expecting respect are being disrespected which then make them feel as if they must respond with disrespect. Trying to keep our own actions respectful while amidst such rampant mudslinging is difficult. Not allowing our own actions to be determined by our perception of someone else's actions is hard. And let's face it, most humans are far too lazy to work so hard at being good. It's just so much easier to let everything devolve into a schoolyard screaming match. Perhaps the distance provided by our means of communication brings out the emotional child in us all as it seems social media is nothing but a digital version of "Lord of the Flies".
Good to see you, Loretta. Love you, girl.
"Let's Stop the Hatred, It is destroying our nation"
For the "Minority", at the expense of the "Majority", has been around "Pre-Trump" for decades and decades. Driven in to the "Minds" of every person they could "Drive a Stack" into by the "Left" !
Pretty Hateful in it's rhetoric all on it's own, as we've seen !
Now …..the "Majority" becomes "Important" under Trump....and that's the hateful thing ?
don't you just hate, the hatred ?
cause some actually seem , to love hate.
guessin, it's a relation ship thing e
They DO !
The face one makes when they hate :