6th Grader Says Classmates Cut Her Dreadlocks at School Where Karen Pence Teaches
Category: News & Politics
Via: loretta-mashkawidee-kemsley • 6 years ago • 215 comments
The incident occurred at the evangelical Christian school where Vice President Mike Pence's wife, Karen Pence, teaches part-time

Three sixth-grade boys at a Christian school in Northern Virginia pinned down a black classmate and cut off some of her dreadlocks while telling her her hair was "nappy" and "ugly," she told News4.
Twelve-year-old Amari Allen said the three boys, who she said are white, cut off her hair on Monday. She's a student at Immanuel Christian School in Springfield, Virginia, where Vice President Mike Pence's wife, Karen Pence, teaches part-time.
"They said my hair was nappy and I was ugly," she said.

Another article said these boys have bullied her all year.
From this article:
Amari — a straight-A student and violin player — said the boys started bullying her at the beginning of the school year. She has attended the school since kindergarten and has always liked it.
But on Monday, she was at recess and about to go down a slide when one of the boys grabbed her and put a hand over her mouth. Another boy grabbed her arms. A third boy cut off some of her hair.
"They put their hands over my mouth. They put my hands behind my back. And they started cutting my hair and saying it was ugly," Amari said.
The bell rang and the boys ran off laughing.
To the school's credit, they have called in police to handle the investigation.
They claim to have a "no tolerance" policy on such behavior. We'll see if that results in any expulsions.
Kids can get good at doing things on the playground that don't catch the eye of teachers. I witnessed that one day at a local elementary school. Three bullies had a young boy cornered. They were taunting him an trying to steal his backpack. There was a teacher not 20 feet away. When she was looking their direction, they were oh so innocent. As soon as she looked away, they were back at it. I filmed it and gave the film to the school. The teacher claimed she heard nothing at all. The principal said that happens way too often.
It is in those everso "precious" moments when any of us will get briefly called away (while the kids 'manage' themselves) that somebody will 'slap the taste' out of the mouth of another; 'cut 'em to the quick,' and pull out some scissors and start cutting hunks of hair off a head! Elementary kids can be ever as diabolical as teenagers!
Or at least witnessed by an adult.
Mother Pence is almost worse than her husband, the things that woman finds acceptable. Lies, hate, pussygrabbing, destroying the environment. Claiming to be godly but promoting the opposite like the good minion of satan she is. I saw this story and had no idea it was her school, but not surprised. This is what she subtly encourages with that fake evangelical pietism.
What does she have to do with this story?
She teaches at this school. Beyond that, I don't think she was a part of this story.
I agree with Taco, those "hooligans" are the bad actors here alone. The only association lend to Mrs. Pence is a 'marker' for the school in our minds. Not sure that is a good enough reason to invoke the VP's wife, nevertheless.
Every article I saw mentioned her. That's pretty typical reporting. It lends context to the story when people wonder what kind of school it is. There were also other facts about the school included.
I'd like her to speak out about this violence. She has a chance here to use her influence to do a lot of good.
It will get 200 million clicks with her name in the headline. It will get 200 clicks without her name in the headline.
You got that right. The sad fact about MSM is that they are driving by clicks which translate into money from advertisers. They no longer bother to focus on reporting the news anymore, it must be pointed to bring in as many viewers as possible. But there are some on the left (hell, there are some on this site) who can't see the difference. And to be honest, there are some on the right who also cannot see that "news site" on the right do the exact same thing. Money drives all and the truth be dammed.
Interesting. And, it would be a "feather" in her cap, too. With school assent to speak on its behalf on this issue. As everybody must dot those "i's and 't's!
Wow. Beyond words. Do you really think she was harmed by being mentioned as being a teacher at that school? If that was the case, she shouldn't teach there.
Then why did you support lib50's hateful comment?
I don't know much about her, but I do know some evangelical sects teach hatred of others. I don't know if that is her form of belief or, if it is, her beliefs are leaking into her classroom, but I know my grandson had a teacher who allowed her religious views affect how she treated students. She once accused him of being gay because he dared to have a friend who was openly gay. In her closed mind, only another gay boy would be his friend. Her purpose was to scare him out of being a friend to this boy. That's ugly in the extreme.
This was in a public school. I filed a complaint.
@ lib50
Thank you for your contribution to the reason so few who check out this web site don't bother to return. And as I see, your comment and a reader's response to you being criticized could be a reason for a respected member from leaving the site as well.
Whatever Buzz. I'm aware that there are some topics here that generate a lot of consternation from one side or the other. I can make the same type of comment on one subject that gets a pass. But some topics must hit close to a break in the wall and the weight of NT comes down. If I want nicey nice and no ruffled feathers I stay on Facebook. I thought this was a more robust forum and I'll be damned if I stop speaking my mind. What exactly in my comment got under skin? The Pences fake peity?
The problem I have with evangelicals like the Pences is the perversion of the spiritual message. They use their 'faith' as a tool. They try to use their faith as a political tool for power, and have no problem ignoring lies, amorality, inhumanity and other 'sins' as long as their political agenda is advanced. They have no place trying to force their morality on the rest of us, but they do. And I will never let them go unchallenged. Since Trump and Pence are part of the reason racism and hate are more overt today, they are part of any discussion about bullying. Trump is the head bully and Pence is his evangelical pass card. Hell no.
"Though Karen Pence works at the school, the Allens said they did not see any connection between her and the attack."
But, Karen Pence's name was gonna be thrown out there for "Special effect" by this article anyway.
How bout's the media just start reporting for a "Change", instead of going for "Shock" value !
Takes away from the REAL "Issue", like kids bullying/Assualting other kids !
How about you worry about what happened to that child instead of thinking Pence was harmed in any way by being identified as a teacher at that school?
It really bothers me how many right wingers showed up to complain her name was used and have nothing whatsoever to say about a child that was harmed.
I never said "Pence" was harmed in any way.
I noted the "Media" harms itself by using the "Pence" name, when "Pence" had nothing, NADA, to do with the story.
Since you must have missed it, in the same comment, I noted the following:
"Takes away from the REAL "Issue", like kids bullying/Assaulting other kids !"
How do you know they are right wingers? Your not stereotyping members are you? What is the purpose of the author having the name Pence in the title? When the focus should be on the child. I would think you would have some concern about the author's true intent.
Why was this your intro?
It saddens me that your focus is on the Pences and Christians and not the child.
And yet the entire post was about Pence, rather than the girl who was harmed. Is there a reason for that? Seems to me the choice could have been made to discuss what happened to the girl rather than Pence.
I asked you a reasonable question. I'd like an answer rather than a personal attack upon me.
That is quite a story. I won't say she's lying, but that is quite a story.
She was (allegedly) attacked on the playground by three guys with scissors , presumably in front of others, and no one saw anything or said anything?
They put her arms behind her and covered her mouth and everyone on the playground just missed it?
She sat still while they cut her hair?
When they uncovered her mouth she didn't scream or say anything?
These white boys specifically called her hair "nappy?" Kind of an odd word to come out of 12 year old white boys, but sure, anything is possible.
Quite. A. Story. I hope it's not true and she cut her own hair and just needs counseling. Either way, it's not a good situation.
By the way, is this:
or this:
supposed to be important to the story?
Not if they heard if from others, especially if those others were racist.
I have to say if bothers me that you immediately assumed she is lying.
They may have heard the word from their own parents
Ditto on your comment. I was just about to 'dig' Taco for the same thing! Emphatically.
Not at all. I have an open mind, but her story has holes in it for sure.
I find it unusual. I didn't say it was impossible. In fact, I said "anything is possible."
She's a 12 year old child. Most stories children tell are full of holes.
That said, I believe her.
Why? I'm genuinely curious. Why?
It sounds plausible. Do you think she would cut off her own hair?
It's absolutely plausible. I agree.
She might. I don't know her. I do know that sometimes kids do things like cut their own hair. If she thinks she might be in trouble for it, she might make up a wild story to blame it on someone else. That kind of thing happens. She also wouldn't be the first person to make up a story about being attacked to get some positive, sympathetic attention.
All of this is why in this case I applaud the requests to have the police investigate. If the truth were obvious here, their help wouldn't be necessary. The fact that it is should prompt us all to keep an open mind.
Consider the source of the story......an NBC affiliate in NY invoking the name of Pence and tying it to anti-LGBT rules.
Their focus was never going to be on the details of what actually happened, so it hasn't been reported well. Their focus is angry liberal clicking, and they made sure to include all the details related to that.
It sounds plausible.
But frankly so does "she cut her own hair".
The good news is that it's now a police investigation.
The police were called by her grandparents. Only after that did the school call them. You sound as if you think calling the police means she's lying. How about: they called the police because she's telling the truth and suffered an assault? Even if everything was very obvious, the police should be called because those boys assaulted her which is a crime.
Why not? You keep saying there's "holes in her story." What are those holes? What did she say that revealed she was lying? Nothing?
I did outline them above @4.
That's your interpretation. I did not make that connection. I support the police investigation because the truth is not obvious. An investigation into evidence and witnesses can give us a better foundation for being confident in the truth.
I think the statement
makes it clear that the school isn't ready to commit to the facts just yet. In other words, they think her story needs more support before they act in response.
I think if the allegations are true, the boys should be disciplined in some way. That may or may not mean criminal prosecution. I would be in favor of some kind of diversion program where they undergo counseling and do some community service. They are only 12, after all.
You make that sound like a bad thing.
That's all the school could do. According to the article, she "Told No One" until later, after she had been home. I didn't see where it said the "Grandparents' called the school first....unless I totally missed it.
Okay, illustrate those 'holes,' you see from the story we read.
You gotta hit 'em between the eyes at that age, figuratively. If they are found to be guilty I think a hefty fine and some time in a juvy facility is the ticket
What is 'odd' and standing out as suspect to you? Please elaborate. (Smile.)
Taco! We aren't pink-footed babies in here. It is highly probable that all of us gathered here can remember some 'schoolyard' bully/ies in elementary and especially Junior High schools. 'Fondly,' I remember the boys from the next door 'grassily-connected' campus who used to come over before school started and take our marbles from us. Though, looking back on it now, I was pass the marble 'stage' when I entered Junior High. (Hmmm.)
Then there was her, let's call her "Dorothy" who was set back in elementary school a grade. She was bettered developed, rough around the edges, loved to hit, and mean as a bob-cat. Dorothy was infamous for waiting for our recess to 'knock heads together' with anybody she was cross with during the day. She did it out by our jungle jim ("monkey bars") and that thing we used to climb through made of metal (can't recall the name of it-I'm laughing at the memory now). I watched her do it quite often. She did not try me, because I was big for my age and I carried myself like I would rip her head off and spit down her neck!
The point being, bullies are a dime a dozen in those youthful years as kids collide with each other and decide to handle a thing this way or that.
Okay, let's lighten it up a little (or make it more serious). Won't you share a school yard bully memory? Don't we all have one or several?
IMO a twelve year old girl is going to be worried about her hair and what it looks like.
From the description it sounds very traumatizing. She probably felt shame, hurt and scared and just couldn't wait to get home.
Not all rape victims report the crime, just to have to keep reliving it.
Ender, you're right. We can only imagine what dreadlocks did for her self-esteem. I don't personally like dreads and do not have any friends with them (frankly, I don't understand the style); it is the prerogative of friends to wear outdated eighties 'big hair' if that is what they want to do and it gives them a psychological life inside and in life.
I mean, of all the things I do consider Trump for his hair and scalp doesn't offend me one iota.
I didn't mean to leave that impression. What I was responding to made it sound like the police were called because they thought she was lying. There's no indication of that in the article and certainly -- per the article -- her grandparents believed and supported her, so the point I was making was that the police were called was that she was believed, not as punishment for suspected lying.
I agree. They shouldn't be sent to juvy. That can make them worse, not better. They're young enough they can still be saved before their violence gets worse.
However, you definitely made it sound like you think she's lying with your list of things that supposedly don't add up. like: no other kids reporting it or reacting while it happened. Not hard to understand. If the kids are afraid of the bullies, they wouldn't react at the time. If nothing else, they'd be afraid of becoming their next victim. Also, there's a lot of pressure put on kids not to "tattle." Not all kids know what the distinction is between "tattling" and reporting a crime.
So is the N word. Doesn't mean white people can walk up to black people and use it.
If a white person walked into a black neighborhood around here and called a young woman 'nappy headed', he wouldn't get very far.
So I'm sure the mention of Pence in this article is some nefarious US political plot, right?
The fact she works there has news value, whether or not anyone on the right likes it.
Fines are meaningless to people who don't have to buy their own groceries and pay their own rent. The only person hurt by a fine on a 12 year-old is his parents.
And juvie has a way of turning marginal kids into career criminals. Unless these guys have something more serious in their past, a less severe intervention yield more desirable results.
I did list a bunch of things @4. Are you asking for more explanation of the things I already listed?
I don't understand why you are keeping on with this. I get the feeling you haven't read all of my comments because you first you asked me to list the holes I see in her story (which, as I have pointed out, I already did) and now you're repeating this bit about me thinking she's lying - in spite of the fact that the very first line in my very first comment reads:
I have since reiterated the sentiment and further said twice that I have an "open mind" on the subject. So, honestly, what the hell is so hard to understand?
All of those things are true, as a general matter, but we have no specific evidence that any of those tendencies are actually factors in this case. As to pressure, there is also a lot of pressure on kids in schools these days to report what they have seen, especially so in the case of bullying.
I can also imagine that private school kids, being somewhat entitled, might be less inclined to tolerate this kind of thing if they saw it. And it's hard to imagine that no one saw this dramatic 3-on-1 attack at the top of the slide in the middle of recess. Surely this girl has girl friends who might have seen this happening and come to her rescue or told on the boys right away?
We can imagine all sorts of things, but without evidence, we can't say for certain, what actually happened.
My limited understanding is that it just means "curly" and apparently people use it that context. However, I am aware that a dozen years ago, radio shock jock, Don Imus called a women's (college I think) basketball team a bunch of "nappy headed hoes" and lost his job over it. I would have thought the outrage would have been just over calling them "hoes" but apparently "nappy" was also considered offensive.
As a white kid, I don't think I had ever even heard the word before the Imus controversy.
"They said my hair was nappy and I was ugly," she said.
If someone connected all four of these two you, 1) "Nappy" hair. 2) You're ugly. 3) White skin. 4) A set of cutting scissors 5) A slice of the 'do'!
What's left to charge it too?
I would like some more explanation of these things you are asking, yes. Are you so much an investigator now that you can't take the story about a child who did not come forward with the harm done to her, but instead her grandmother discovered something out of order and pulled it out of her?
What sounds worthy of lying here?
Do you know that on any and all fields of play (even school 'grinders') young people know where the 'shady' stuff can be made to happen?
Have you ever been attacked by someone who did not grab you in some way or other?
She sat still while they cut her hair?
When they uncovered her mouth she didn't scream or say anything?
What is your 'concern' in blue here? Were there anybody to scream to? Are all kids, screamers?
Nappy head? Yeah, kids can be cruel, even the cruelest.
Now to you, Tacos! Your series of questions is a distraction. Nothing you wrote @4 advances the narrative in the story. Being suspicious is one thing, but when the storyline reads plainly, then unless you can locate and post countervailing facts, this presentation is all you and I get to comment on.
Do you have a problem with this?
Yes, of course. Aren't you?
Without question or investigation? No I can't. Her only evidence is her testimony and that her hair has been cut. Kids can and do lie. They can and do make up stories out of whole cloth. They can and do blame other kids for stuff they did. I have not said anywhere that that is what happened, only that it is a possibility.
Kids cut their hair all the time for various reasons; sometimes, just because they're bored. She could want to make up a story for her own reasons, or she might have had some sticky evidence of something she wasn't supposed to be doing stuck in her hair so she cut it out.
I have no specific evidence for any of these things, but neither do we have evidence that someone else did it. For example, is there somewhere a pair of scissors with a piece of her hair and fingerprints belonging to one or more of the boys?
Yeah, but the top of the slide doesn't sound like one of those places. It sounds like a location in the middle of everything and everyone where students and adult supervisors would easily spot the shady stuff.
I've been attacked plenty of times, yes. I am also familiar with the details of many other attacks on many other people. Sometimes there is grabbing, sometimes not. I'm not sure what you're going for with this question.
Yeah that's a bit of a problem. Would you just sit still? Even if you couldn't move, wouldn't you completely freak out the moment they let you go?
This happened during school on the playground, so yeah, I figure there were several - perhaps dozens - of other kids, and adult supervisors to scream to. In fact, it's extremely difficult to accept that no one else saw it happening.
That sounds like your own problem. I came here and expressed my thoughts about the story. I didn't do so to distract you or anyone else from anything in particular.
I don't know what you mean. How is it my job to advance a narrative? The narrative has already been advanced by the journalists and the seeder. The rest of us merely comment on it. We don't have some duty to advance a narrative.
That's not how we do justice in our society. It's not up to the accused to prove with facts that they didn't do a thing. It's up to the accuser to support their accusation with evidence. As I have outlined, her story comes with holes, which is not helpful in supporting her accusation. She has not proved her case and other than her hair and her testimony, we don't have any facts to counter.
Please. Spare me. The investigation is, will, shall, take place. This article is not about the "investigation" it is about the "incident." Opine on it. We have plenty time (months/years) for the investigation - assuming it has not occurred already. This is becoming a superficial distraction. Why?
You asked me to clarify my remarks, which I did, so you don't get to ask to be spared from them.
I have opined on it in the way that I wish. If you don't like it, move on and read someone else's comment. But don't tell me how to opine.
Guess you're easily distracted. Like I said before, that's your problem.
Got it. Moving on. Nothing you wrote @ 4 advances the narrative in the story.
Shows they teach hatred of others.
I don't agree with their policy, but I see no connection to the story. That policy is for staff, not the classroom. We have no way of knowing that they "teach hatred." In fact, we have some evidence to the contrary. The victim in this story has been attending the school since Kindergarten and says she never had a problem before.
I am going to disagree with their policy being about hatred on this account: A private school setting is 'accepting the costs' to hold to its own purposes, largely. If the Christian Academy believes in sole commitment to pro-family and "thus says the Lord" then it would not be true for it to pretend otherwise. Said a different way, if this academy beliefs homosexuality and the like are corrupting influences-said academies demonstrate their merit to exclude homosexuality and the like from their campuses.
That said, I am acutely aware that there are 'forces' in this current White House and in conservative sectors attempting to mainstream first amendment religious freedoms in order to potentially make ASKs of public policy.
Gone too far here. Dial it back a bit.
Beliefs such as those do foment hatred of LGBQ people. It definitely isn't inclusive or inspiring of love for people who are different. What bothers me is that teachings like these have nothing to do with the teachings of Yeshua, but they are taught in his name.
Loretta, I am Christian and homosexual. I add the disclaimer, because I am new to your 'handle.' We can't fix all the problem areas in other people religions with a word. They are spiritually connected to its meaning. But, we can allow them to practice in private and in peace. We know where the doors to the school open and close and we can opt to stay out and away from them as they wish to be away from "us."
One last important note: People, parents, who pay to have their child/ren go to Christian academy schools, are doing so as a means, usually, to lay down a moral basis, in the child. Sometimes, because of what they themselves believe in as truth, and sometimes because they are too busy (and don't attend religious institutions themselves) to teach principles at that level they think a child needs it.
Without totally redirecting the seed...they do not...any more than the Islamic Quranic Academy of Dallas ban on bacon foments hatred of people who eat it.
IQA has a ban on homosexual behavior, also. Are they "fomenting hatred" too?
Does the Christian ban on adultery foment hatred of adulterers? Current evidence suggests not.
The whole point of parochial schools is to collect people who are "alike", so I'm not sure inclusive love for people with exactly opposing beliefs was ever a realistic expectation.
There is at least some level of Biblical justification for prohibitions on homosexual behavior, unlike most other religious prohibitions.
I don't think so. Here's an example:
Eating bacon isn't the least bit comparable to being born gay or lesbian. When a religion teaches that "we're superior because god loves us and god doesn't love them and they're inferior because..." then yes, it is teaching hatred.
Sure it is. There is exactly as much medical proof that anyone is "born gay" as there is someone is "born with a bacon addiction".
That's a near-total misrepresentation of Christian teaching, unless of course we're using Fred Phelps as the definitive authority.
If they were bigger boys maybe the other kids were too afraid to do anything
There were 3 of them and one of her. I could see how 3 boys could make a 12 year old girl hold still
I already addressed that.
It's also possible they were afraid of becoming the next target for their bullying.
How do we know she sat still while they cut her hair? There's no indication of what she did in the article. It discusses what they did to her, not what she did.
We don't know if she sat still, but apparently Tacos thinks that she must have or these boys would not have been able to cut her hair
If that's what he thinks, he's never cut the snarled mane or tail of a wild horse.
Like I said: anything is possible. I didn't say it was impossible, but I do think it's a lot to accept.
No, but I do think it increases the difficulty. If you don't then you're in denial.
Except it's not, so the rest of what you said based on that isn't really important.
Quick questions though:
Is it easier or harder to cut a horse's mane or tail when the horse is resisting and moving?
What if you're a 12 year-old boy who probably doesn't have a lot (or any) experience cutting hair?
What if you're probably using school scissors that aren't really designed for that sort of thing?
Nice Christian values this Christian school is teaching, eh?
Yes, I agree. Showing the kids that you take seriously and will investigate reports of bullying is a good value to be showing to the kids.
Where do you think these boys learned this kind of behavior? Their parents? Then I'll adjust my comment to say "nice Christian values these boys' parents are teaching them"
I don't know, but I see no reason to assume they learned it in the classroom, do you?
I would assume that to be more likely than their teachers.
We also have no idea what their parents are teaching them and whether or not it has any purported foundation in Christian belief.
Friend TG, although we don't know this as a fact about the parents, I will assume that these boys found some 'elder' sensitivity to ground their attitudes in. Because usually that is the case for 'stuff' building up and then dispersing out in an act of violence/assault. In other words, the boys walked away from her laughing and I am left wondering did they walk away worrying about the school's and 'back home' consequences!
I will share one more thing, the school and the parents need to watch these boys, because they demonstrated 'mob behavior' and it can point to future actions and back to past transgressions (on campus). 'Rescue these three boys in the immediate from potentially violent futures. Consider this: What is this girl had proceeded to resist or fight back? What 'plan' did the boys contemplate (a set of scissors, a potential harm, being on the scene.)
It's very possible they've done a lot of bullying of other kids. Studies have shown kids that are bullies have a greater chance of ending up in a life in crime and spending time in prison. I hope this school addresses this issue with their parents and institutes a program to change their future life path.
Exactly. Show these three boys where the 'wall' is on campus, and inform them they just placed their hands onto it. And, now they need to change - this can usually be done with a mild reprimand—unless these boys are reprobates already.
Save a kid; "save three boys"!
If you imagine that everything boys do is something their parents taught them, you have clearly never raised a boy.
Trout, as the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.
very true
This has nothing to do with whether the school is Christian or not. ALL Schools have issues with STUPID KIDS ……. ALL !
But, I guess highlighting "Christian" and "Pence" in the article, makes for a "sensational" read.
Of course, otherwise it would be ignored.
Some of us care about kids....all kids...regardless of other factors. It's a shame more don't care about this girl and just showed up to snipe.
Someone feeling guilty?
Caring about kids and this story artificially inserting the name "Pence" as clickbait are not mutually exclusive.
sure, knowing Karen Pence works there made a huge difference.
If it was a school Michelle Obama worked at, do you think that would not have been mentioned?
Michelle doesn't work. What does she do?
So instead of answering a question about something, you are going to deflect.
Do you have anything to say about this young woman? As all I have seen is trying to only talk about Pence's wife and not the actual story at hand.
And we all know for a fact Mrs Obama would be brought up.
Because it is an irrelevant question. No, Michelle's name should not be the focus either. I think that is obvious and it is also obvious that the girl was mistreated.
I have no reason to feel guilty over a bunch of right wingers coming to an article about a child who was harmed and trying to make it all about politics. It does anger me that right wingers can't stop with the nonsense even articles that have nothing whatsoever to do with politics. Reported as a personal attack.
Thank you.
So because it is mentioned that she works there, you are forced to focus on her rather than one what happened?
Have you posted a single comment that didn't include Pence and did include what happened to this girl?
I deleted all political articles because I did not want to deal with it. Doesn't matter. Even on the one about the reporter being kissed without her permission. right wingers showed up to make it political. Must suck to be not unable to care about anything other than hating others.
Well the author thought it was a good idea to point it out. Why? Gets more attention...........and a pretty damned sad way to do it. The article and story should have been posted on its own merit.
The only reason ANY of us are talking about this is because she works there.
There is no article about this otherwise.
You just responded to one, so I'm not sure the point of that question.
What happened to this girl is incredibly minor in the overall scheme of what happens in schools all over this country on a daily basis.
Somewhere in America on the very same day, some kid got beat up. Another got shoved against a locker for his lunch money or his iPhone. Some girl somewhere got pushed up against a locker and groped. Some teacher got pushed on the ground and kicked.
None of those made the news, but we're talking about this particular girl...who wasn't even actually injured. Why do you suppose that is?
Do not trivialize what happened to this young woman; somebody out of three boys "messed" with her hair and her 'grands' has every right to want to know what qualifies these boys to negatively touch their granddaughters person! Because that happened in this country on a daily basis!
I don't need to. It was trivial to begin with.
OK. That doesn't make it less trivial.
Right. Happens all the time.
What the heaven does dissection of my comment do for the overall discussion? "It was trivial to begin with." you wrote. If and when in life somebody waylays a six-grader you have feelings for and you discover it through happenstance, then come to me, "I" will remind you about trivialities in school. Children are 'screwed up' in the head all the time by some asshole boy or girl, or gang of 'em, who does not make other children better but paranoid and upended.
We're talking about the type of incident that happens every day all over America. We're also talking about an incident in which the victim was not injured. Not so much as a black eye or bloody nose. It's trivial.
If it was my kid, I would be angry. I wouldn't expect anybody else to be. I would expect the school to do something. This school is.
This is something that is important to this family. It's not important to anybody else.
Don't let them get to you, politics is at a fever pitch right now and frankly it is almost impossible to avoid, the tentacles of corruption and malfeasance from Trump has seeped into almost everything American at this point. We all know damn well that if this were reversed this would be a major rightwing talking point for conservatives. No need to even argue that point, any denial given is BS.
Injury, in this case, is determined by the person affected. Someone messed with this child's head, both literally and figuratively. The authorities should mess with those boys heads—figuratively and literally.
It is a 'local' issue, but we "do" local, national, and world matters on this site all day-every day. I reject your "judgement call," and at any time a proper example of you applying a double-standard towards a child appears around me, I will remind you of this moment.
Nonsense. She was uninjured. Being "upset" and being "injured" are two entirely different things.
You go right ahead.
If you have the time to keep track of inconsistencies in the viewpoints of people on the internet, I suggest you need a hobby.
Well, I won't suggest what you can do. So that is a non-issue.
I will keep a copy of your comment just in case you get 'charitable' anytime soon. As for people opining on the internet, let's just say we don't come to this site just for its ambience. We glean much from sharing 'world' issues together from far and wide around the country.
You need not keep repeating Amari was uninjured, because you are not impacted by what six graders are impacted by. Some of us will be "affected" for you. That's all.
Do you understand the difference between "injured" and "impacted"? Do you understand the difference between "injured" and "upset"?
She had a tough day at school, made worse by melodrama from two grandparents who are apparently soft as two large balls of cotton, but she was uninjured.
Fortunately for her, the other news of the day will take all of the air in the room and keep this from becoming some sort of batshit nationwide clickbait spectacle like Nick Sandmann had to endure.
First, I don't know who "Nick" is and so I am unaware why I should care. Second, if I don't know what words mean, apparently, I can't come to you to find out! Third, I think we should stop now with this, before we become a 'story' of our own. Deal?
Thanks, much appreciated, my friend! Note: And, I caught a 'twink' reference. There a traces of 'bad' yet remaining, People's fish!
You're right. I think the larger point here is that Mrs. Pence and this descriptive school with kids from probably checked backgrounds is no exception to the problems of grade-school bullying. (No matter how they might apply a filter.)
If the incident is real,
the First & Second Ladies are missing a real opportunity to speak out against bullying.
Especially since Mrs. Pence teaches at this school.
I thought things like this was the platform of the first lady. Unless she is only sticking to things that happen online. They could use this as the perfect opportunity to speak up...yet remain silent...which makes me think they don't really have any initiatives.
Now. After this incident. A lesson for families: Please put "tomorrow's" child/ren in a self-defense class for youth. Indeed, it don't even have to be a long-term arrangement. Just enough time "in" to teach them confidence in themselves can go miles! And, heaven's no, I am not talking about the use of weapons, because we can all just imagine what could have been had this young girl returned to school the next day with a weapon looking for revenge!
With three on one, I don't think having self-confidence would have made a big difference.
When one takes self-defense, there is the mystery for a 'perp' to have to use judgment as to what one may or may not have learnt. It is a primary reason why most boys do not attack other boys (they simply don't know how probable a good outcome for the 'perps' will be). The larger point is you 'tone down' a lot of school BS when the word gets around that you are 'trained' in self-protection!
So basically you're advocating for them to go attack a different girl because she didn't take self-defense? The problem isn't that girls can't beat up boys. The problem is that boys are taught from an early age they are superior, girls are inferior, and they have the right to harm girls.
CB. Dead on. The elephant in the room is not the type of school, or particular characteristics of the parties involved here. The elephant is the growing trend on how to handle school yard bullies. I could go on at length, but the sum and substance is this. Schools all proclaim an anti-bullying program, but those are a load of crap.
Bullies have been, and will be, a part of the school yard. How do you handle a bully? There is but one effective way. Used to be, somebody dotted their eyes...everyone got licks, and lessons were learned. Now, the bully bullies, and if anyone does the one thing that works, they get suspended. Result? Nobody wants to get into trouble, so nobody stands up to the bully. Instead, they get an adult involved, who tells everyone to kiss and make up, and sends the bully and victim off to rinse and repeat. Victim develops a complex, bully becomes more cavalier.
I have first hand experience with this from the victim side. Multiple visits with teachers, and principal, and parents of bully. The anti-bullying policy of "standing up for yourself is bad, tattle telling is good," is a load of crap. Put up with it for 1/2 a year, trying to encourage my kid to stay away, inform the teacher, etc. None of it worked. Every "meeting" turned into a somehow my kid was the party at fault, and "why can't we all get along?" Finally, told my kid, at a meeting, in front of bully, bully's parents, teacher, and principal, "next time he messes with you, take him down, get a full mount, drop several elbows on his face, and make it as bloody as you can." You can imagine the outrage that drew. To which I responded, if you guys want to avoid that, do something to prevent it.
A few weeks later, I got a call, advising that bully did not get the hint, but my kid did, and everyone that witnessed the event did as well. Not only does that kid not mess with mine anymore, he doesn't mess with anyone. Its not the PC way, but its the effective way. Am I teaching my kid good values? Damn straight. Don't let anyone walk all over you, and if you see someone taking advantage of, or bullying, someone else, have the guts to put a stop to it. And, if I catch wind of you doing any bullying, there will be hell to pay.
Its amazing what standing up to a bully does for a person's self esteem. I don't care if you end up getting your eyes dotted, the moment you stand up, you are no longer a door mat...for anyone. But, I'm not going to go on and on...
Well present society as well as GovCo has them as equal. Boys competing on and winning state title over the girls in sports? That is total bullshit.
Here is a perfect example of why "us-two" needing to test our sharings together a bit more. My point does not focus on the boys; it is about girls, plural, being able to protect themselves just as any capable boy does. That's all. It has not been an experience of mine that any group of boys want to risk 'jacking up' another child that can 'jack back'! Girls who 'rock' can be their own confidence-building factor from early on. And should the 'situation' ever come up on NT, I feel the same way about women and automotive repair—take a 'crash course' or better and have the confidence-building factor in the "on" position when a car repair is needed and you can tell the mechanic, "I know what is wrong with my car, but, and, I want you fix it for a reasonably fair price. (Smile.)
Why would they need to? The mommies will rescue them.
Exactly. And we have robbed an entire generation of any challenge that might help them grow up and grow confident.
I gave my son the same advice in high school after he was bullied. When it happened he pushed back and I was called to the school. They probably expected me to reprimand my son but I told them I after continual harassment he was allowed and if he got suspended they would deal with me, he had permission to protect himself. They never bothered him after that and he joined the army and went on to become part of a special forces team in the Iraq war a few years later.
I thank him for his service and I thank his mother for raising a man worthy of the calling.
When I was just a young girl I used to get bothered by the son of friends of my parents. My dad told me the next time he does it, do this (and he showed me to take the palm of my hand into his nose). The kid did, I responded and kid ran off crying. Never bothered me again either.
I agree. I grew up in a couple of "those neighborhoods" too.
Dear mom told me to ignore them. Dad taught me how to fight.
True that.
Dad taught me to box at that age and some fundamental defensive moves.
Later I learned to wrestle and had a pretty good run myself.
There were no scholarships for that and I had another calling after high school.
I have seen some of your wresting posts. Good stuff.
Bullies like these and so many others should be removed and be home schooled. If the parents have to get second or third jobs to pay for, so be it. They raised bullies and should be held accountable. Here, we just had a wonderful kid die from a bully attack and two days later, another bully caused a head injury by body slamming a younger boy. He survived luckily. I hope the bullies in both cases are tried as adults, especially in the case of the dead boy. They will all find out how it feels to be bullied once behind bars.
Paula, Paula, Paula. Now that's rough justice! I don't know that I can be this hard on a set of bullies over this! Although the article does mention, "The boys started bullying her at the beginning of the school year." This kind of touching is an escalation. Whew, Paula! (Smile.)
I was unusually tall for a sixth grader and saw a classmate being bullied which was rare back then. I asked my father why do people bully. He said bigger kids often push others around. I asked him because of my size, was there a chance I could become one. He told me that I could go the opposite direction and watch out for the smaller kids. In time, I had like 5 or 6 classmates that would always hang with me to feel safe. Maybe my comment was a bit harsh, but I have zero tolerance for bullies, no matter what their age being allowed to exist in a target rich environment.
I hear you and I do understand! At my elementary school, there was "Emmett" (his real name) was the male version of you who 'tackled' Dorothy (her real name @4.1.19). Dorothy didn't fool with me, because I did not put myself out there like that. But, Emmett (a good guy), same circumstances as Dorothy (setback a grade), finally told her to leave the younger students alone or else he would shut her down! (Smile.)
I will die remembering Emmett for doing that. Funny thing, too. His speaking up made Dorothy a better person afterwards. Later on I got to see the good in Dorothy!
If it was a Catholic school, it doesn't matter what the boys did. All they have to do is go to confessional and say three hail Mary's and everything is fine. Start the next week...
Sarcasm in case anyone missed it.
Here is a 'swing' at an appropriate solution: If the boys admit to doing this ,
it's time for a makeover! Okay, do it proper, though!
I am hoping this beautiful girl's parents go after the families of these bullies in civil court. They should also be charged with assault.
Sixth grader: Classmates assaulted me, cut my dreadlocks
Well now we get a new dimension of this girl, the playground surroundings, and her familial surroundings.
Locking due to the seeder's absence.