5 years ago
Will Biden Be Presidential? Will Trump Implode? What Do You Think?
Share your thoughts live during The First 2020 Presidential Debate on The News Talkers. Everybody can join in but do keep it civil...
Pop that corn, get yourself a drink and tune in live...
Smoke em if ya got em.
I will need a drink and more just to sit through listening to donald.
It doesn't start till 8? I wanted to get it over early.
Sorry! I got the start time all wrong. We will go live at 9:00 P.M. Eastern 8:00 Central. So, tune in again then. It should be interesting.
Nah, I was thinking it started at 7 too.
There are only five more minutes to go now...
Let’s win this President Trump!
Waah Waah! Trump got ZONKED!
I’m watching it on the Fox News Channel.
Did he lose as badly on Fox as he did on CBS?
Trump clearly won the debate and it wasn’t close.
No he didn't. It wasn't even close. Biden Won!
Oh, please! All I heard were sound bytes this morning but that was enough to convince me that there was no clear winner and POUTUS could barely suppress his rage...and some of that coming from Mr Giggles who supports the POS
It will probably be entertaining but I doubt if any minds will be changed.
Same thoughts. Not going to change any minds.
I think that some who are in the Fox News Bubble and have only heard bad things about Biden may be surprised how Presidential he seems next to Trump.
What are some good things about biden? I learned today that in2005 biden led the charge on behalf of credit card companies that completely screwed college students. Even jerry nadler agreed with this.
so, what are these good things you speak of?
Joe Biden is a statesman and a proven public servant with the experience and skills needed to represent America and to administer the government of the United States of America with honor and dignity unlike Donald Trump...
“Joe Biden is a statesman”
So? How does that help my bottom line? It doesn’t. Statesmen are one of the reasons trump was elected.
“a proven public servant”
what exactly has he done for the public? Besides screw college students, fight for credit card companies, and be an integral part of a bill that unfairly imprisoned blacks. What has he done that has benefitted the public, and i’m not talking about his scumbag son, hunter.
“honor and dignity”
like bragging about using his position to get a ukranian prosecutor fired to clear the way for his scumbag son’s employment?
you’re not making a good case for biden.
Will it please dawn on you that Trump is a vast embarrassment to this country? He is proving it beyond a shadow of a doubt tonight.
Will it please dawn on you that trump has been a more effective president than any president in my lifetime, which goes back to jfk. I don’t care that he’s not a polished slick talker. He’s very effective and that’s what matters to me.
Uh huh, sure.
So glad you agree, ender. 😛
Always glad to help...Haha
The debate is about to begin. You can see it on CBS.
OK I missed this. I will delete mine.
I didn't know where to go. Haha
I can understand the confusion. My bad.
Not your fault. TiG has an article too.
Trump is already imploding!
Ok, I really don't like some of these so called topics...
Violence in big cities? Sounds like a right wing talking point.
No cheering and no boos...Ok
I have to ask. With the SC nominee being done before the election and not going to have another one for a long time to come, what is the point of reelecting donald? As that was their excuse...
A roadblock to Democrats. There is no guarantee they will win in congress. I want Trump to block them in case they win the House and Senate.
Biden’s already mumbling and struggling. I love it.
Said something similar below.
That said, donald still sounds like a complete asshole.
Oh no! Socialist healthcare! The horror!
Joe just gotta not let his bullshit get to him. He almost looks a little rattled by him.
Trump is an embarrassment to this country. End of story.
This is why I can't watch donald. He will not shut up and talks over everything and will not let others speak.
Shut the fuck up dipshit.
I expect most Americans are horrified to seeing our President acting like an angry adolescent on live TV.
He is saying things like he is at a rally...Fake news against him? Please.
donald lying. He made the ACA better? Hahaha
Ok, I am the only one talking, I will shut up....
No, Trump is the one having diarrhea of the mouth!
He is just making things up and accusing Biden of things that never happened.
Then saying he did a great job with the virus? He is delusional. Nuts.
And some rubes eat it up...
donald...baffle with bullshit.
It is pretty bad. Joe is looking like the adult tonite!
This is one of the most embarrassing displays in American history, by our "POTUS"******
He makes me want to slug him. Cannot stand his nasty twelve year old attitude.
Such a stupid prick.
Boo! Trump is already going low!
donald gets away with talking over more than Biden. Biden just needs to start talking over donald like he does him.
Who isn't repelled by the President's performance?
I don't want to hear another "dopey Joe" comment.
He is a fucking child.
The country is having the best recovery ever...
So saying he loves his crowds and there have been no negative effects from it...
Uh huh, sure...
Wallace is a crappy moderator.
Now can one moderate with donald? He won't let them.
Ok Wallace does suck. He lets donald go on and on and on.
It expect it is kind of hard to get up the gall to tell The President of the United States to, "SHUT UP!"
I would. SHUT UP! Lord I can't stand him.
He is one of those people that can ramble on and on and on and never make any actual point.
There was another thread a couple of days ago that talked about shock collars. Having watched this , they sure could have been used. I don't think either one of them won this debate IMO.
The moderator should have a mute button on their microphones and use it when necessary.
All he says is bullshit. Say what he thinks would happen under Biden, act like it is a truth and offer no real thing that he has done to help the situation...
Joe is starting to get mad. I hope he keeps his cool.
I would understand if he did. donald will not let him speak.
Takes over all the time. And Wallace is letting him get away with it.
If Joe keeps his composure he wins because Trump cannot and has not. It is so glaring...
The conservatives will say he did great and beat Biden. I can hear it now.
He owned Biden etc...
Even though he was a complete ass and acted like a spoiled child.
I think Trump may need oxygen before long...
I would lose my cool and tell him to just shut the fuck up you lowlife piece of scum.
Amazes me when no one calls him on his bullshit.
If Trump wants to control the debate that isn't a debate, then let him. Let him keep talking and talking and making a total fool of himself. Joe does not need to do anything to win in the long run. I think Trump is afraid that if he lets Biden talk he will bring up Trumps taxes and other stuff that will embarrass Trump, so Trump is trying to silence him.
Trump will be his own undoing. And he will do a better job of waxing himself than Joe might.
I try to tell myself that yet time and again people let him get away with it.
Biden is breaking down. He’s choking under pressure.
How come Trump is the one sweating and stuttering?
Yeah, not seeing that Dean. They both seem pretty solid on their talking points.
Trump must have got the signal to tone it down. He has pulled it back a bit now. Joe certainly is not acting like he has dementia. Wasn't he supposed to be mumbling into a slobber cup, fouling himself and confused?
He seems pretty together. Especially with the host showing such favoritism for Trump...
I agree. Then again though, donald would keep on with his entitled attitude no matter who it is.
I suppose he didn't want to lose his job at Fox News.
Why does Wallace seem to have a bias...
This is bullshit. The trump show.
Does ANYBODY believe Trump is winning tonight?
Biden making Trump look refined...Hasn't called Biden a name yet
Biden has called him a clown, told him to shut up, callled him the worst..
You know Biden and Trump would be great friends if not for politics.. They are identical people.
I thought the clown comment was Joe's low point.
Joe is coming across as a leader and Trump is not.
Doesn't bother me. The ass will not shut up. I think it fit.
Trump is a clown. The truth slipped out.
Your comment is ridiculous. Trump has beclowned the presidency as we have never, in 245 years, seen it beclowned before.
This isnt even a close call.
It is not just about Trump's family or Biden's family.
It is about your family. It is about American families.
I have to agree.
They are 2/3 through the debate. Biden hasnt made a flub yet and Trump is making a total fool out of himself.
Talking about sensitivity training is racist?
In what world is telling people to treat others the same racist?
Bizarre world...
Critical race theory is racist.
Denying there is racism is racist.
Trump is acting like Biden in 2012 against Ryan
Biden is channeling Trump on a day Fox news criticizes him...
Not a great day for the Republic.
Oh wow... he Trump didn't condemn the right... only the left... too funny, or sad.
Yup. It shouldn't be hard to unequivocally denounce white supremacists, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.
he could have pulled a Biden and said they don't exist.
Um, Biden noted Trump's FBI Director said that!
What does, "Stand Down But Stand By", mean?
I think he is acknowledging he is their leader...
Biden "I am the Democratic Party!"
Did you talk to the Democratic mayor of Portland?
"I'm just a former officer holder"
Why should he? Should he call every mayor where you all think there is a problem?
Why not? Wouldn’t his voice hold weight? I would think he would care enough to make a few calls.
Do you think every candidate running for something should call mayors and tell them, what exactly...
Nice job, do this, don't do that...
Sorry, you are not in a position of power...
Did he at least call the Governors?
To try and stop unrelenting violence and billions of dollars in damages yes.
Nice some can be so flippant about it. Guess you didn’t lose anything.
The reviews are coming in and Trump LOST!
Nice you can choose to place blame and act like Biden calling some mayor would have somehow miraculously helped things.
Then again, I usually don't talk to people that refuse to understand the underlying position of actual protests.
Protests? Or rioting and looting? When wallace asked biden if he made any phone calls he wasn’t talking about peaceful protests, he was talking about rioting and looting.
hell , except for a couple of zingers in the 2016 debates , its considered he lost those debates as well and still went on to win the election . , all this cluster showed is a cluster F**k is still a cluster f**k, and i doubt it changed any minds of those that have already decided whom they will vote for .
The ONLY poll that counts , happens on election day. nuff said .
And again, why should Biden get involved.....
I agree. I don't think it changed a damn thing.
And where did anyone place blame?
If he is worthy of being a leader, he could have made a few calls.
I wouldn’t expect anyone who agrees with using violence and suffering to threaten people would understand.
I doubt anyone who watched this switched their vote...
Some people may have decided not to vote.
Trump is President...
Because he IS the democrat party, he said so himself. He wants to be president. It would’ve been a good time to show leadership that he can bring to the table. But he did nothing.
And Trump offered all his resources.
And again, why should he do publicity stunts when he is in no position to do anything.
Oh that's right, donald supporters love bullshit with sprinkles on top.
Sorry but where do you all get this stuff from?
He is not the whole party and never will be.
And his resources made it worse. People were hurt.
Of course he pulled out a couple days later...
He certainly lost all self-control during most of the debate. This is a national security issue, as are his gargantuan debts.
Maybe you missed it, but biden said he is the democrat party. It was a golden opportunity to bring people together. To show the leadership he says he can deliver. But like joe’s mind, it passed right on by.
Tired of this misnomer. Of course people that came to the country would be looked over health wise. To not to do so and to just drop sick people over 'the wall' is inhumane.
Yep, i remember it well because i cringed when they all raised their hand and thought To myself “if word of this gets out we’ll have the world's sick at our doorstep looking for free medical care.”
You are trying to read things not there.
Of course he would be the defacto head of the party.
Does no where mean he would control any one part.
He doesn’t think much of himself.
Trump surely thinks a lot of himself. Why?
donald... China pollutes, India pollutes, why should we be clean?
Does he really think that is an argument?
Sadly some people will believe it is...
Well that was kind of anti climatic.
A postmortem is underway...on Trump's chances!
Everyone on TV is asking, "What Just Happened?"
Thanks JBB...My debate buddy. Haha I think it was you and me last time around.
Who looked like Jimmy Carter and who looked like Teddy Roosevelt?
Good question, though i think biden looked weaker than carter.
Who looked like a statesman. Who acted childish?
Again, what has “the statesman” done for this country?
It seems like you and I could never really have a conversation.
As anyone that thinks the non statesman that we have now, what he has done for the country, is somehow good.
Dana Bash on CNN: It was a shit-show.
Shit Shows already complained of the comparison!
1. No conventional strategy guides his campaign. Rather, he seeks to incite as much havoc as possible to lay the foundation for a violent repudiation of the election results. As Trump said, you're going to see election fraud like never before. You should believe him.
2. Trump is 'counting' on the Supreme Court which means that he sees that body as pivotal in his attempt to legitimize a coup d'etat.
3. Trump is orchestrating a political crime in progress.
1. Biden's only response to Trump's threats of violence was to implement the 'get out the vote' motif. Ignoring Trump's intention to repudiate election results, Biden played the role of an aged reactionary who is unable to speak truthfully about anything.
2. Attempting to parry Trump's hysterics with standard responses that downplayed the obvious gravity of his threats, Biden epitomized the breakdown of the entire political system.
3. Biden's sole concern is to paralyze the mobilization of the 295,000,000 citizens who are the United States working class.
1. Tuesday night did not host a debate; it rather presented a portrait of political degeneracy playing out in the real-time collapse of the US Republic under the crushing weight of utter putrefaction and filth that our socio-economic and political system can muster.
2. Media complicity consists in its silence about about the ongoing, political operation centered in the White House to overthrow the constitution and to establish presidential dictatorship. Here, the Democrat Party is equally guilty.
3. The US ruling class has forfeited its right to rule. This means that the only meaningful political activity from Wednesday onward is that which ponders how to put an end to an utterly malevolent and dysfunctional system.