

Democrats and Republicans - The Extnction of the Loyal Opposition and the Demise of the United States

Democrats and Republicans - The Extnction of the Loyal Opposition and the Demise of the United States

By: Robert in Ohio  •  life choices  •  238 comments  •  6 years ago
Uncle Bruce's Weekly take on things.

Uncle Bruce's Weekly take on things.

By: Uncle Bruce  •  Current Events  •  34 comments  •  6 years ago
Social Security Judges incompetent or breaking the law

Social Security Judges incompetent or breaking the law

By: ghostly bear  •  default  •  8 comments  •  6 years ago
Trump's vociferous Cruz Tweet Truck!

Trump's vociferous Cruz Tweet Truck!

By: Krishna  •  Politics  •  53 comments  •  6 years ago
Dr. Ford's Testimony - The Questions That Followed

Dr. Ford's Testimony - The Questions That Followed

By: cms5  •  News and Politics  •  38 comments  •  6 years ago
Update, and New Endeavors

Update, and New Endeavors

By: Uncle Bruce  •  NT  •  16 comments  •  6 years ago
How Do I Create a Group?

How Do I Create a Group?

By: Trout Giggles  •  pleasure  •  27 comments  •  6 years ago
Burma (Myanmar) Jihad in historical perspective.

Burma (Myanmar) Jihad in historical perspective.

By: kpr37  •  islam  •  20 comments  •  6 years ago
Where were you during the terror attacks on September 11?

Where were you during the terror attacks on September 11?

By: Krishna  •  History  •  47 comments  •  6 years ago
Jihad violence as explained by Newton's first law (subtitled the sharia compliance theory)

Jihad violence as explained by Newton's first law (subtitled the sharia compliance theory)

By: kpr37  •  islam  •  38 comments  •  6 years ago
Farewell Facebook

Farewell Facebook

By: bitemore Gfotwo  •  Anything You Want to Call It  •  51 comments  •  6 years ago
A Collection of Funny Crap

A Collection of Funny Crap

By: Freewill  •  Funny stories, humor, memes, or any shit that makes one laugh  •  73 comments  •  6 years ago
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