By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Neurological Diseases • 5 comments • 5 years ago
**Warning, vulgar language in video.**
Jade O'Connell is just one of many that suffer from Tourette Syndrome and posts videos to YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, and the like. I learned of this young lady from my daughter. Jade often posts videos of her baking with her family members and they are funny videos. She even has a few that show her doing makeup on herself and others, which is also...
Sayings, hyperbole, and expressions
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 41 comments • 5 years ago
There are sayings / phrases, hyperbole, and expressions that often make me scratch my head.
One example is when someone says that so and so has no balls or "grow a pair" when someone is either afraid of doing something or somehow indicates that the person is otherwise "acting in a girlish manner." Along the same lines, calling someone a pussy, indicating similar as the aforementioned. Now,...
Veteran's Day
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 17 comments • 5 years ago
I just wanted to say thank you to all those who've served in our military.
Any chance I get to thank veterans, I do. If I see a license plate that indicates the driver has served, I thank them. If I see someone with a VFW hat on, I thank them. If I see a young man with a military uniform on, I thank them.
I used to work for AM General some time ago and I built prototype HMMWVs in various...
Election Night Live with JBB
By: JBB • Politics • 104 comments • 5 years ago
It is now past 8:00 PM Eastern time on election night 2020 and the returns are finally coming in. This space is being provided for all as an open forum for comments on tonight's election results. Please enjoy yourselves and try to keep it civil. Now, what are the denizens of The News Talkers thinking?
The Garden Chronicles - Week 30 - End of Season
By: Dig • Gardening • 23 comments • 5 years ago
Well, it's dry at the moment, but it's been cool and rainy for the better part of the past 2 weeks, and I've had several frosts and one good freeze as well. Thus, my gardening growing season is over for the year, even though the forecast for the coming week says it's going to be beautifully warm and sunny (for November, anyway) for something like 8 days in a row.
- The first killing...
Who doesn't like a good stroking?
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 17 comments • 5 years ago
Most people don’t understand the art of massage and every individual is unique in preferences of massage type and tissue depth. There’s a reason that professional masseuses [generally speaking] have the customer fill out a questionnaire prior to their massage.
The first massage I ever received was when I was going through physical therapy (PT) for my knees at 14 years old. I was the only...
Rocky ate monkey butt today
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 32 comments • 5 years ago
Rocky got a new toy today; a little stuffed monkey made by Kong.
I knew it would happen. I knew it wouldn't last a day. However, it lasted longer than I thought with how he murders toys. My Rocky ate monkey butt today. He began with the tag with the washing instructions, figured out there was a squeaker, got the squeaker out and tossed that aside, and proceeded to pull at the "Kong" sewn...
Wear A Mask Parody
By: Ender • Comedy • 33 comments • 5 years ago
Wear a mask
Not much to ask
Don't cause strife
It could save a life
We're all in this fight
It's not left or right
Do not waver
You can be a savior
It is simple behavior
Wear a mask!
Noah Lindquist
The Garden Chronicles - Week 27
By: Dig • Gardening • 23 comments • 5 years ago
The weather is gorgeous. It's still dry, but temps are almost perfect. Two weeks ago it was chilly, but this past week it turned unseasonably warm, and it's supposed to stay that way until Thursday. The garden is loving it, and so am I.
I thought the fall equinox was the 21st, but it was the 22nd this year. It was cloudy on the 22nd, so this is as close as I could get.
If you were in politics...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 37 comments • 5 years ago
If you were in politics, would the public learn something dirty about you or your past?
I can most certainly say that I have things in my past that would shock some. While I won't divulge everything, because I have no plans to go into politics, I will say that I smoked a LOT of weed in high school, long before it was legal here. No other drugs, but I associated with people that did a whole...
Things you used to do as a kid...
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 36 comments • 5 years ago
What are some of the things you loved to do when you were younger that you can't do now... or haven't done in a really long time?
Baseball. I always loved playing baseball [not softball] with other kids in the neighborhood. I'd have loved to play baseball in high school, but because there was a girls softball team, they wouldn't let me play baseball with the boys. They are different....
Are movies in theaters losing steam?
By: MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) • Personal • 29 comments • 5 years ago
Are we going to start seeing movie theaters fade away like the drive-in theater?
While yes, there are drive-in theaters sprinkled throughout the country, they're scarce, far fewer than decades ago. They've made a slight comeback with COVID and sit in movie theaters closing for a while. However, many companies have altered the release platform considerably. I watched a brand new movie on...