Op/Ed Trump Is a Racist. If You Still Support Him, So Are You.

The president is a racist, in his words and his actions.
Before you go clutching your pearls and extolling the virtues of “civility,” let me say this: Put a sock in it.
This is not a new revelation, nor is it something that we can continue to ignore as though it were coming from a drunk uncle at the family barbecue. Bigotry is dangerous and, coming from our nation’s commander in chief, it can mean an inability to recognize individual humanity and a failure to act with moral authority in times of crisis. Every person talking about his clothes as he cheerfully bares his ass is part of the problem. On Sunday, he claimed that newly elected progressive Democrats “originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe” and “the worst, more corrupt and inept anywhere in the world.” And he told freshmen Reps. Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar—outspoken Democratic women of color who have challenged the administration’s inhumane immigration policies—to leave the country .
Three of the four were born here in the United States. All are American citizens, and duly elected members of Congress.
Trump’s repugnant rebuke of American values did not come out of thin air. It unfolded days after “the Squad” travelled with a delegation of congressional Democrats to tour detention facilities in border states. What they found was deplorable. Reports of rampant abuse and neglect filled the airwaves, leading Trump to again dismiss accurate coverage as “fake news.” Rather than focus on improving basic conditions and getting to work on bi-partisan, comprehensive reforms, the president basically said if immigrants didn’t like how they were being treated, they should stay in their own country.
This morning, he turned his ire on some of his most vocal critics in Congress—all of whom have previously called for his impeachment.
“Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came,” Trump tweeted about the four congresswomen today. “Then come back and show us how it is done.”
“These places need your help badly,” he went on, “you can’t leave fast enough.”
While Republicans predictably remained tight-lipped and oblivious, Democrats reacted swiftly.
“Mr. President, the country I ‘come from,’ and the country we all swear to, is the United States,” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez responded. “You are angry because you can’t conceive of an America that includes us. You rely on a frightened America for your plunder.”
“When @realDonaldTrump tells four American Congresswomen to go back to their countries, he reaffirms his plan to ‘Make America Great Again’ has always been about making America white again,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a tweet. “Our diversity is our strength and our unity is our power.”
This isn’t simply disgusting and divisive rhetoric. Whether it is the abhorrent, inhumane treatment of immigrants detained in government-sponsored concentration camps or the slow, piecemeal aid sent to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, for some, his policies have been deadly.
Certainly, this is not the first time Trump has shamelessly revealed himself in public. His “Make America Great Again” campaign was always about catering to our lowest common denominator—a hateful sector of the electorate that believes themselves culturally superior by skin color and religion.
For years, even before mounting a formal bid for the presidency, Trump regaled television news audiences with racist conspiracy theories about former President Barack Obama. He pledged to send investigators out to prove the nation’s 44th president was not born in the United States. He later derided immigrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and African countries, calling those foreign nations “shit hole countries.” He once said immigrants from Haiti all “have AIDS” and that Nigerian immigrants would never “go back to their huts.”
In Trump’s mind, a judge’s Mexican heritage made him incapable of ruling fairly in a civil fraud case against one of his companies, and he believes “laziness is a trait in blacks .” Trump, whose real estate company was sued for housing discrimination in the 1970s, went on to place a full-page ad in the New York Times calling for the execution of five innocent black teenagers. Even after the Central Park Five were exonerated, he refused to take it back. After Heather Heyer was murdered in Charlottesville , Virginia, amid a white supremacist protest, he lamented the there were “some very fine people” on “both sides.”
Trump is not a fine person. His words Sunday were not racially “charged,” “fueled,” or “tinged.” They were unapologetically racist.
And, if you support him, so are you.
Why isn't this hate piece banished to meta?
Why should it be in Meta?
The seeded article is from The Daily Beast, which is a mainstream media outlet, just like a source like Fox News might be.
The topic must be making you uncomfortable.
Maybe it's you that's uncomfortable. Maybe you like Pelosi might get called out as a racist!
I'm not a Trump apologist like some people here are. I'm not worried about anyone calling me a racist.
You have called 60 million people racist.
I'm not worried about anyone calling me a racist.
Neither was fuckin Pelosi, but she got called racist all the same. She got back what she dealt out. I'm sure you will to!
No one else is worried either.
The writer of the seed is the woman in this video.
"Goldie Taylor—I Loved My Bigoted Uncle, and He Loved Us"
"Buster would be enamored with the one-time real estate developer’s “straight talking ways.”"
"Racism, Buster believed, was a fact of life."
"It would’ve been easy for most progressives I know to turn deaf and blind to a man like Buster. He might’ve been deemed unworthy of even polite conversation and unlovable. For them, Buster represents everything the country should not be—the opposite of the richly diverse society we should more readily embrace."
"I didn’t agree with them on some things, but they weren’t “deplorable .”"
Since it's Family, Bigotry and Racism Isn't "Deplorable" then !
Goldie's a Hoot !
The whole seed and it’s title is a ridiculous and false premise and a sweeping generalization as to the title.
Now you know how liberals feel about your seeds.
I see John is allowing picture today. Here's some more:

Vic is comparing a black lives matter march to a racist neo Nazi march. That says it all.
Both are about race ….. No ?
Pulling the trigger and being hit by the bullet are both about a gun, no?
No !
Guns don't act on their own. Guns aren't Sentient Beings ! Whites, Asians, etc.... get shot by sentient beings too !
You are very observant when it comes to hate marches. One was based on a lie about inferior races, the other based on a lie about Michael Brwn having his hands up when shot. Both are based on those lies and hate. There I did say it all!
i would not say everyone still defending Trumpp is racist, but by in large, his base and supporters seem to have particular bias's against non whites.
We all have bias, as it is inevitable, but i get her point, as i type away, with my stereo blaring,
i just can't imagine where the Trumpp defenders could be...
It's not a fun thing to have to tell people you think they are racist. I think Trump supporters have had more than enough chances to demonstrate they are not like Trump. The way to do it would be to end their support for him.
There are other Republicans who can run for president, and possibly win. The idea that all the right wings hopes are tied up in Trump and only Trump is just bizarre. There are many conservatives in Congress who could carry their banner next year.
The country is disgraced. Trump is hopeless. I dont have any problem with what Goldie Taylor wrote in this article.
Do you support his lack of paying his bills and contractors... (Past and present)?
Do you support his multiple bankruptcies...?
Do you support his taking the word of Putin over ALL of our intelligence agencies?
Do you support his lack of trying to harden our election system from tampering?
Do you support his insulting our allies?
The list is endless Tex...... It's not just one or bad things, but a long, oh so long train of shit that you stand shoulder to shoulder with.
Someone just doesn't adopt a behavior that wasn't already seeded deep within them already. You are what you always were. You are just looking for an excuse to show everyone.
Why don't I believe you?
No avoidance Tex...... The list is just a small bit of what you are willing to ignore simply because they have an "R" by their name on a ballot.
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY that honestly puts country ahead of party should be willing to swallow what Trump has done past and present. You seem to revel in it.
Every case is its own, its not all black and white, and context and history is imperative. In Trump's case, the racism is the major factor his base laps up. It is the very basis for his support, he began with it and has used it for years. So in a case like that, you support it, yes, you are supporting the worst of what they are. And conservatives are doing just that. There is literally NOTHING they don't accept from Trump, nothing he does that goes too far, nothing they will criticize. Yes, they own it at this point, and if they don't know it, its on them. Trump's base is driven by the race hate, you support Trump, you support that.
You can't or won't answer will you Tex.... Your typical avoidance tactic when cornered.
YES when you support something as bad as what Trump is, then you obviously have the same bad values, that or you place at a higher value... Like party over country in your case, something else.
I wasn't alive back in the 1950's and few here were likely of voting age then even if they were alive. And the Democrat party was split over Jim Crow with the Democrats from the South supporting it while the vast majority in the North did not which is why the majority of Democrats authored the civil rights act and then passed it in the house with a majority of Democrats and passed it in the Senate with a majority of Democrats and then a Democrat President signed it into law.
Even with all those facts, I might not have voted Democrat back then as about a third of the party was steeped in Southern racist hate. But that's not the Democrat party of today. The Democrat party changed dramatically in the 1960's when they stood up to that racist third of their party and forced the civil rights act and voting rights act upon them. That did of course anger many Southern Democrats which Republican operatives were well aware of and believed they could take advantage of that schism within the party.
"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10 to 20 percent of the Negro vote and they don't need any more than that... but Republicans would be shortsighted if they weakened enforcement of the Voting Rights Act. The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans. That's where the votes are." - Republican strategist Kevin Phillips in 1970 interview with the NY Times
So even Republicans recognized the major shift within the Democrat party, making itself so distasteful to the confederate bigots who used to vote Democrat that millions changed parties over the last 30 years turning the once Dixiecrat blue strongholds into Republican red bastions. The attempt to distract by Republicans as they point to 70+ years ago and proclaim "Well, what about what those Democrats did back in the 1800's through the 1950's?!?" is just pure obfuscation trying to hide the fact that they are now the party of the white supremacists, of the KKK and Neo Nazis as was quite apparent in Charlottesville as we saw them marching with their tiki torches, swastikas, confederate flags and MAGA hats. And they know it which is why they are so desperate to deflect and distract from what the current parties represent to what each party used to represent.
How is showing support for a party that rejected their parties racist past and began not only supporting but championing equal rights for the last 70 years equate to being a racist?
Donald Trump is saying this stuff today, not 70 years ago. And if he had been a member of the KKK, as his father likely was, but had changed his opinions and now supported equal rights and didn't tell American citizen immigrants to "go back" to their home countries, then no one would be claiming that those who support him today must be racists.
I know the true history of the parties is hard for any Republican to accept, because they came from such noble roots. But the facts are there for all to see them and no amount of pointing to the past will change what the parties represent in the present, Republicans standing up to block confederate monument removals, their chosen President daily disrespecting minorities, Trump supporters marching in the streets with confederate flags and swastika armbands and MAGA hats, which makes who they really are beyond obvious for anyone with more than half a brain.
The Sec Prog left double standard in action
Do tell, give an example of what standard I don't hold a democrat to.
Way to prove you are a trump lover
Try living in the hear and now Tex...... TRUMP is the fucking topic so stop deflecting!!!!
If you won't call him out on his racist speech and actions, then you must be in support of his racism. That speaks volumes about what you think of people that don't look like you.
Sooo, what are the standards to be held accountable to????
Gee Tex, judging from the recent poll on the ages of NT members, the VAST majority who voted weren't even alive during the worst of Jim Crow and even most of the older members were children come the passage of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act.
For those of us who are Democrats now, yet were children at the time, how much culpability are you demanding that we embrace because of our inaction against 50's and 60's Jim Crow America?
I read the whole thread Tex.
You're insisting that Democrats here should have decried the Democrats that supported Jim Crow laws. In fact, you seem to insist that unless we did, we have no authority to decry the racism illustrated by Trump.
I was born before the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights act. I'm a Democrat. You insist that I am somehow culpable for Jim Crow even though I couldn't vote until the 70's.
So why are ducking my question?
Well that's a conveniently edited version of what you ACTUALLY said Tex.
As I pointed out, though I was alive during Jim Crow, I sure as fuck didn't spend my grade school days 'outright or tacitly' approving of Jim Crow laws. Few of us here are old enough to have had a political voice even in 1964 but that doesn't seem to keep you from insisting that we are ALL somehow culpable.
A deflection.
Which doesn't say a fucking thing about holding anyone to any 'standard' Tex.
Your FIRST comment about holding anyone to a 'particular standard' is the one about current Democrats being culpable for the acts of Jim Crow Democrats.
I AM sticking to what YOU actually wrote Tex.
YOU wrote that comment and you are avoiding owning it like the plague.
How can that comment that YOU wrote NOT be about claiming someone is 'this or that' solely because of what political party they support?
I understand you avoidance and deflection perfectly.
You MUST recognize that I DO understand or you wouldn't have posted that a second time.
as do i
One thing is for sure, the actions of Trump and [Deleted] have clarified for me how much more work has to be done about racism in America. They really are a disgrace.
Going back in history? Leave that for another seed, FFS. This is NOW. This is Trump and the CURRENT GOP. Now you and XD can go back and answer my question. Which neither of you have. Constant deflection and defense. Which is why conservatives will never get this shit stain out of their party. You all just can't help trying to justify your support of a racist asshole.
I saw that and told you we are talking about NOW. What standard am I holding Trump and gop to that I don't from democrats? You deflected with a question about history. I'm talking about holding people accountable to what is happening NOW. Democrat, republican, southern democrat, southern republican, I don't care. Same standard. You can't answer me so you ask a question about something else altogether.
I imagine they are waiting for their talking points from fox.
It was always quite clear to me exactly who this man was/is.
When someone shows you who they are......believe them.
No need to be offended by a simplistic syllogism. One just recognizes a conclusion that is well . . . stupid, and dismisses it.
I guess the *****'s asserting that ALL Trump supporters are Racist just got served a big-ass helping of crow...
Here for one , but I guess you want more proof .
So your strategy is to prove one person at a time that every Trump supporter is not racist ? OK, have fun.
Articles like the seeded article dont seek to prove that every single Trump supporter is racist, they make an argument that Trump is racist, and if KNOWING THAT, you still support him ,what does that make you. It's a good question.
Argument being the key word here. Some people would say that believing something charged without actual evidence simply because it is something you want to be true makes you a dumbass, but I don't think you are a dumbass. I would have to disagree with them, just as I disagree with you about Trump. IMHO, he is a short-tempered, crude individual who can barely control his less-than-PC gutter mouth. Considering his age and wealth, I'm not surprised. What he is engaging in is typical stereotyping of his generation...kind of like people who claim people who support a Racist must be a Racist even though they know full well that it is possible to support the policies while detesting the person advancing them--like I do with Trump.
So, you would have supported Hitler as well because, of his policies? Got it.
I'm going to assume you don't really have a reading comprehension problem; that you merely missed the important part of that paragraph, namely when I did the summation at the end where I stated quite plainly:
Or am I giving you too much credit here???
Nope, I saw that statement and, I still stand by what I said, except to say that maybe you would have supported Mussolini instead. The only real policies that Trump is advancing is caging Hispanic children at the border than for no other reason than to make them miserable and, to try to discredit four congresswomen, Pelosi was right Citizen, his slogan shouldn't be "Make America Great Again" it should be "Make America White Again" and, if you support that you are on the wrong side of history.
Who? The kids or the parents that brought them knowing full well that it would happen? I suppose it is your fault that children are separated from their mothers and fathers when their parents go to jail for breaking the law--including civil laws like not paying child support or trespassing on private property or not paying their taxes, etc--since I don't see you protesting in front of jail houses and prisons.
IDGAF what his slogan is; mine is T-Rump is better than Shill-ary any day! you want to know why? Because I want secure borders, I want less taxes, I want a strong economy, and I damn sure don't want people working under the table cutting my wages! If that makes me a Racist, so be it. I'd rather be a Racist than a fucking MORON!
One, they are not breaking the law when they come here seeking asylum and, only a judge can determine that. It is the administration that is breaking the law by detaining these people and, taking their kids away for no other reason than it makes Trump happy to see it being done.
In case you hadn't noticed, Hillary isn't running this time around.
So do the Democrats, we just don't want it at the expense of our country's reputation or, at the expense of innocent children.
Less taxes makes a good bumper sticker but, that's all it does, try fixing a federal highway with less money or, building a new bridge without money or, keeping our armed forces up to strength without money, all that money comes from taxes and, when you taxes you cut the money we use to keep these things up, that is why our deficit has grown over the past two years because, Trump and, the Republicans cut the taxes and, raised the spending.
So do the Democrats but, we need new industry and, responsible entrepreneurship to do it properly.
Then do something the Republicans refuse to do, support unions and, raising the minimum wage.
The I'm sure you support the border wall since asylum seekers will present themselves at legal points of entry to claim asylum, otherwise they are entering illegally.
We can tell. I don't think she would have been stupid enough like the current contenders to raise her hand for free healthcare for illegals while so many legal citizen's can't afford to go to a doctor.
80 times your Democrat leaders have said the opposite.
if we cut taxes we won't be able to build bridges to Nowhere or spend billions trying to buy the love of the people we are fucking over for their natural resources or $700 hammers/toilet seats, or have multiple federal and state agencies doing redundant jobs and STILL not getting them done. BTW, I'm all for a Flat Tax that everyone pays at the cash register just to make it fair.
No argument there which is why I'm guessing you support Trump's renegotiating our trade deals and increasing tariffs, correct?
I have been dealing with Union workers for 20+ years and my father was a Union member. He and I agree, the unions protect the useless while the hard workers are ignored or demeaned. The only good thing they do is get a decent wage and benefits package for their members, but unfortunately, they do not hold their members to a good work ethic in exchange for the money paid.
As to the minimum wage, I am split on that one. There are too many small businesses that can't afford a higher minimum wage and at the same time we have billion dollar conglomerates that could and should pay more. My idea to combat this would be to cap the salaries of the owner/officers to a max of 20X's the wage of their LOWEST paid employee/contractor. This would increase the wages without putting Mom and Pop out of business.
You're fucking missing the entire side of the barn.
EVERY ONE of my neighbors, and the people I work with here in Germany see the similarity between Trump and Hitler. Go back, read the history, and then open your eyes. The truth is there for those willing to see.
Fly - I don't think I've ever seen you this upset. You've always been a member who is thoughtful and measured. I find it striking and concerning when you reach a point of losing your cool.
I've been grappling with what do to regarding my participation on this site. I don't think I can continue to support it with my participation because of what it has become.
I know you see first hand how the US has been damaged globally. The racism in America has come out in the open under this president and his supporters. My last sentence will probably be considered a violation and be deleted - we're not permitted to call out racism on this site.
Thus my struggle with wanting to stay. This is not a site that promotes freedom of speech if it hurts racist's feelings.
there are ways
It's not worth. It's not worth my sanity. lol
Your neighbors, who've probably been reading the made up, bigoted descriptions of America and Americans for years in Der Spiegel, think America is turning into Nazi Germany. Well, propaganda works.
I don't and won't be respectful to racism and sadly this site has embraced it and protected it while shutting down those who would challenge it. There is nothing to engage a racist on or to find common ground on. I'm not going to change my approach because the coc is being interpreted in a way that forces me to be civil to a racist. It's best to move on and let them have their site. I will have to decide what I want to do but each day the answer becomes more clear. I just have to make that commitment.
There's not much left to come here for anymore, is there ? Very depressing.
Nah - then I would be lying to myself and the trump supporter.
It totally sucks because I like chatting with you. You get my humor.
Fly didn't say a word about Nazi Germany Sean. Strawmen fail every time.
No I don't and, you shouldn't either, remember Trumps promise during the campaign, "I'll build the wall and, Mexico will pay for it", how much has Mexico put towards the wall, oh yeah, nothing.
And, when border agents are told to turn them away what are they suppose to do? Remember, I said it's up to the courts to decide if a person seeking asylum should get it, not the border agents
No, they can cross the border, wait for a patrol to catch them and, then say they are seeking asylum.
And, you can thank Trump and, his Republican buddy's for that one, they are dismantling the ACA as fast as they can.
No they haven't, I don't know where you are getting your information from but, the Democrats in Congress have been trying to stop the mess that Trump has at our southern border and, I'm not talking about people crossing, I'm talking about the FACT that the border patrol is abusing children that are in their custody.
Without taxes we have no budget to build bridges to places like Detroit, St. Louis and, other points in the U.S., without taxes we have no police or, fire departments, without taxes we have no military so, unless you've found a way for the government to pay for these things, without taxes, then I suggest you support taxes.
No, tariffs only hurt the consumer, (you and, me), in the end and, as far as trade deals, he's giving everything away, he is not, "the great negotiator" he claimed he was during the campaign.
If your father was a union worker and, you and, he both say they protect the useless, it doesn't say much about your father, just saying.
Then that is a problem to be worked out internally.
Ok, I can almost agree here but, the argument being presented by those who support a higher minimum is that people will have more money to spend, more money to spend means more dollars going to the Mom and, Pops which makes it possible for them to pay more to their employees.
This would be good, if the company's were government owned but, how do you plan to do it to privately owned business's, don't you believe in capitalism?
Yeah they will when that flood of money from the illegals quits getting sent home, they will indeed pay for it just in lost income alone.
Wait on the other side like everyone else has to.
Suuure...I see all those encampments just this side of the border waiting to be picked up.../S
Not fast enough! That PoS legislation is nowhere near what I want which is Universal Care. SURPRISE!!!!
Obviously better sources than you or you would know that there have been 80+ bills that have been proposed and the Democrats have refused to even consider them.
Who said anything about no taxes? Oh yeah, YOU did. I said: BTW, I'm all for a Flat Tax that everyone pays at the cash register just to make it fair.
Bullshit. With higher tariffs it makes it cheaper for products to be made here which puts people back to work manufacturing the things we used to import.
And that comment says SOOO much about YOU!
And until they do their reputations will continue to suffer.
Which in turn causes the cost of goods to go up which in turn leads to inflation which wipes out the higher wages. Catch 22....
Can a privately owned business engage in Insider Trading? Why not? Oh yeah, because the LAW says they can't! Doesn't stop Capitalism, but it sure helpd reign in the pay disparity...
Now if you want to further discuss these issues I suggest you approach it like an honest discussion with actual facts and figures you can provide sources for. If you just want to continue making snide comments and insulting me or my family, then you might just want to just drop this now.
Your choice.
Again you seem to be missing the point here, not all illegals come across the border and, not all immigrants crossing the border are illegals, most of the illegals in the U.S. right now are holders of expired Visas, not because they crossed the southern border illegally.
President Trump wants to make it so that those seeking asylum can no longer seek asylum in the United States.
You have also forgotten to mention this little tidbit that I put in my post, " I'm talking about the FACT that the border patrol is abusing children that are in their custody."
Oh yeah, that is working out so well for the immigrants since Trump has decided to stop the asylum program.
Actually, that is exactly what most of them are doing and, I'm talking about the asylum seekers.
You should check your sources better.
Legislation has been proposed by the House and, passed, some of it with bipartisan support and, McConnell has refused to bring it before the Senate.
Let's assume a Flat Tax of 10% for everyone. Joe a mechanic makes 20k a year, Robert a trader on Wall Street makes 750k a year, Joe has a mortgage and, a family to take care of, Robert is single and, has a mortgage on a Condo at Trump tower. Ten percent of Joe's income is taken out for the Flat tax so, Joe's yearly income is 18k, Roberts ten percent come out so his income for the year is 675k for the year, now, who of the two has a better chance of paying all their bills? Or, we can use someone who works at McDonald's and, makes about 11k a year, take 10% of that away and, they'll have to live at home with mom and, dad or, live under a bridge. A flat tax isn't a fair tax.
Most of our raw steel and, aluminum comes from overseas, our cars come from Mexico and, the Orient, our computers come from China as do our clothes and, shoes, even a good deal of our food comes from other country's and, we won't be the only ones imposing tariffs, the country we impose a tariff on will do the same with any goods coming from America, like the Soy Bean, corn, Kentucky Bourbon and, many other things. Those manufacturers that are in other country's won't say, "Well hell, the U.S. put a tariff on our goods, how will we ever make a profit" they will simply say, "Wow, this president is really stupid, add the price of the tariff onto the product and, ship it anyway" and, then the other country's will say, "stop buying soybeans from the U.S., we'll get them from Venezuela", just like China has done and, country's that get Kentucky Bourbon will simply make that more expensive than a version that they have locally so, folks working in Kentucky will lose their jobs because of the tariff. Cars will become more expensive, building a skyscraper will cost more so, construction will slow down putting construction workers out of work, car plants that are in the U.S. will have to layoff workers because folks will stop buying new cars, plants will close and, people like those who worked for the Chevy plant in Ohio will be laid off.
Well, you are the one who said this about union workers,
Your words, not mine.
In case you haven't noticed the cost of living has been rising faster than the minimum wage has and, most large company's and, their CEO's rake in more and, more every year while their employees continue to make something that is not a living wage, raising the minimum to a livable wage would make it possible for people to meet their needs, keeping the minimum below the poverty level isn't even giving an employee a surviving wage.
So, you don't believe in capitalism. Got it.
Sooooo, do you honestly believe that we are catching every single one that tries to cross illegally? Or is it like the drug trade where we only catch about 10%? Considering how many this year alone we've caught, I'm betting we can all guess that the real number is MUCH higher that make it across.
Bullshit. They just have to go through Guatemala first where their claims can be vetted before we roll out the red carpet.
Allegations only at this point. Should we jail Billary and Shillary for murder, and raping kids at Epstein's Island too as long as allegations are being equated to " FACTS "????
See the link above.
They were busy....
Never said it was fair. just guaranteed to be paid by everyone. BTW, just so we are clear here, I mean a flat SALES Tax, not an income tax. Of course Joe would never pay a 100K in taxes on his house, but that wouldn't be fair if he did would it? Now Robert on the other hand probably would. How about those things you pay sales taxes on now? Do you tell the clerk to add more tax to your purchases because the next person in line makes less than you do? No? Well why not if you are so concerned about making sure everyone pays their fair share of taxes???
It would be a demand/supply re-alignment. Sure, we might sell less Kentucky bourbon overseas and the plant will lay off some people who will then go to work at the new plant making RCA TV's because the costs of Sony's just went through the roof. If you raise the cost of importing kiwi's high enough, we will see farmers growing them in greenhouses.
What would two people deeply involved in Labor Unions know about them, right?
Guess we aren't alone:
Ah! But when I suggest capping wages, it is anti-capitalism, so I guess demanding higher wages would be too! How about we just cap those CEO's wages to a certain percentage of their lowest paid employee and you won't need a minimum wage at all! Doesn't stop any profiting by anyone; especially those doing all the work...
Just another one of your lack of factual content, even your next comment proved to be BS, just like the old days in NV
No reply needed. Your Denver Bronco icon says it all.
[Deleted, taunting.]
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Apparently failing to embrace Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar is racist, too.
Congratulations to the new leaders of the Democratic Party.
...but if Trump was a racist, wouldn't he have run as a Democrat?
It’s been the 1930s in America since the 1960s at at least. The same groups of people who claim trump is nazism reborn were saying the same things about Goldwater and every republican in between. It’s how they try and scare voters and distract from Their own racial obsessions. McCain, who is a saint now that he is safely dead, was called a Nazi by the same people just over a decade ago.
It’s a canard almost as old as the war itself.