How To Stage a Coup in 7 Easy Steps

In his novel 1984 , George Orwell wrote, “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
In 2019, Trump said , "Just remember: What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”
What follows is pretty much common sense couping, but this guy explains it better than I ever could.
1. Make sure that you are or can be, in principle, supported by a large fraction of the population and political elites.
2. Establish a network of high-placed co-conspirators that would share the same goals and trust each other, while evading state security. Without such participants, this would not be a coup.
3. Obtain covert control over elite military units and, ideally, police and state security (so that they are ready to follow your orders when necessary). If the military simply stays neutral, this is not a military coup.
4. Get foreign support, or at least make sure you will not be attacked by the world powers. Getting explicit foreign support, especially weapons and large amounts of money, can be risky as this would put your motives in doubt and undermine your standing in the country.
5. Identify your main political opponents and their support networks. Figure out how they can be neutralized.
6. Obtain control over some mass media, ideally in advance, to ensure reasonable coverage of your actions. Prepare to counter aggressive propaganda. Don't put much faith in your own aggressive propaganda - this often backfires.
7. Identify your weak points and protect them. Family and friends. Personal security. Skeletons in your closet. If you lose support of the people (say, due to brutality of your action), your chances of staying in power are low. Other weak points may include your finances, foreign trade sanctions, aggression by neighboring countries, economic instability, etc.
Does any of this sound familiar? Of course it does. It's been in your face for the last 3 years.
Or perhaps this is a coup by proxy...

Although he has staged a cult-coup in the United States and implanted an army of lemmings aka deplorables to worship him , I think he just fell into it by being himself. There have always been those who worship a rich blowhard.
Sounds like the deep states efforts to get rid of Trump in a nutshell.
You mean, if the deep state actually existed. It was "created" by trump so he had something to blame his failures on.
More like a deep state of denial on your part. Please tell me which of the seven steps above Trump has not delivered with gusto.
Sometimes I can get in a deep state, with some good weed.
Get some of that El Chapo strain, good stuff....and you'll go WAY deep state.
Sounds like a "deep state" enough to cause one to sit there while the home is robbed. Near comatose.
The "Deep State"?
Be wery, wery afraid!
On second thought, despite excessive paranoia, there may not be anything to fear.
After all, there are ways people can protect themselves from the so-called, ahem, "Deep State":
Too friggin' funny!!!
Here's more information. In great detail!
With simple, easy to understand instructions! great for extreme paranoids..and simple people in general!
Check it out-- you'll be glad you did!
LINK to original site -- More information than you'll ever need:
Site Menu:
Or . . . you can just buy the book:
Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie: Practical Mind Control Protection for Paranoids Paperback
Should have released it with a tinfoil cover...
Psssst ... I think I should run to Sam's and get a multiple pack of foil. Let's ask Sister if there's room in the budget; if not, I'll pay.
I just stocked up. Pantry room, last cabinet, top, middle, and bottom shelves.
Girllllllll ... you're not just a looker. You're a thinker. A girl crush inducing thinker.
Ok, so....just asking.....but if it goes down can I run the video camera?
Okay, second snort laugh. But if you make me pee, yer in trubble with a capital trub!
Since I'm a left leaner, I couldn't even get an audience with the Liar-In-Chief. Word on the улица is that he understands it's not free to pee and he's willing to платить чтобы играть. Some see peeing as a financial opportunity from the Traitor-In-Chief.
Oh ha ha. I see what you did there.
Translation: Word on street is that he understand it's not free to pee and he's willing to pay to play."
I ate asparagus last night, which is what I hope those russian hookers ate before their "encounter" with trumpy the pee boy.
I just clicked on that link -- it's the wrong link. (It just goes back to this seed on NT-- instead it should go to the Amazon page that has that book for sale).
Here's the correct link.
I don't understand. Trumplethinskin screams "fake news, fake news" but he could prove every reporter wrong if he ponied up the documents he claims he has that will make him innocent. Those that have nothing to hide, hide nothing. He fights to have to his taxes kept secret despite offering them in return for something [see adjoining comment to this one.] If I was innocent, if I was falsely accused of something, I would hand over those documents. If the Ukraine conversation was perfect, then I'd release the whole 38 minute conversation. I would take everything out of that secret server and pony them up. Then I would demand an apology. The Traitor-In-Chief wants an apology, but he divulges nothing that could prove his honesty, integrity and innocence. Wouldn't that be grand if he turned over documents that could prove his innocence and he could show the world he's not the most ridiculous president in history? Show them everything and prove to everyone once and for all that he has nothing to hide. If it's a witchhunt, then provide documentation that would prove it so. But he doesn't. And he knows his low-IQ supporters won't say to him, "prove your innocence so we can get back to running the country." So either his supporters are slow-witted or they know he's a lyin' POS. How many of his supporters are aiders and abettors and how many are just stupid.
He has claimed that ongoing IRS audits prevent him from doing so, even though such audits wouldn't restrict anyone from publishing their returns. And Trump is mandated to be audited during the rest of his time in office. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer reiterated Trump's stance. "It's the same thing that was discussed during the campaign trail -- the president is under audit. It's a routine one that continues," Spicer said. "Nothing has changed." But Trump's public statements about his returns have shifted subtly over the years. At first, Trump was open about wanting to release his returns. He began citing the ongoing audit as a reason not to release them in early 2016. Here's a selection of remarks Trump has made:
MAY 20, 2014: More than a year before he announced his presidential campaign, Trump told an Irish television station that he would "absolutely" release his tax returns if he entered the race. "If I decide to run for office, I'll produce my tax returns, absolutely," he said. "And I would love to do that."
FEBRUARY 25, 2015: Trump told radio host Hugh Hewitt that he would "certainly show tax returns if it was necessary."
OCTOBER 4, 2015: Trump said in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos that he was considering releasing his tax returns. "I'm thinking about maybe when we find out the true story on Hillary's emails," he said of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
JANUARY 24, 2016: Trump told NBC's Chuck Todd that he had "very big returns." Asked if he would release them publicly, Trump said, "we're working on that now." "I have very big returns, as you know, and I have everything all approved and very beautiful and we'll be working that over in the next period of time, Chuck," Trump said. "Absolutely."
FEBRUARY 11, 2016: Trump appeared again on Hewitt's radio program and said of his returns, "we'll get them out at some point, probably."
FEBRUARY 24, 2016: Trump told CNN's Anderson Cooper that he has a "very complex system of taxes." "We'll make a determination over the next couple of months," he said. "It's very complicated."
FEBRUARY 25, 2016: Trump tweeted that he's already filed public financial disclosure forms that are "great." He said that tax returns "have 0 to do w/ someone's net worth." The disclosure forms do give wide estimates of asset value. But tax returns would reveal much more. Even the top two pages of his 1040 and Schedule A, for example, would say how much taxable income he made, how much he paid in taxes, his charitable contributions and whether he paid tax to any foreign governments.
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump: Just for your info, tax returns have 0 to do w/ someone’s net worth. I have already filed my financial statements w/ FEC. They are great! 11:22 AM - Feb 25, 2016
During a CNN-Telemundo debate later that day, Trump said he wanted to release his tax returns, but could not while he's under audit. "I've had it for years. I get audited. And obviously if I'm being audited, I'm not going to release a return," he said. "As soon as the audit is done, I love it."
FEBRUARY 27, 2016: Trump revisits the audit argument on Twitter. "Tax experts throughout the media agree that no sane person would give their tax returns during an audit," he said. "After the audit, no problem!"
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump: Tax experts throughout the media agree that no sane person would give their tax returns during an audit. After the audit, no problem!
Trump tells the Associated Press that his taxes are under "routine audit" and he will release them when the audit is done. "I would release my tax returns when audit is complete, not after election!" he tweeted about the interview.
Donald J. Trump: ✔ @realDonaldTrump: In interview I told @AP that my taxes are under routine audit and I would release my tax returns when audit is complete, not after election!
SEPTEMBER 27, 2016: Trump says during the first presidential debate that his taxes will be released once an audit is finished."I don't mind releasing. I'm under a routine audit, and it will be released. As soon as the audit's finished, it will be released," he said.
OCTOBER 4, 2016: Mike Pence says during a vice presidential debate with Democratic candidate Tim Kaine that Trump has not "broken his promise" about releasing tax returns. "Look, Donald Trump has filed over 100 pages of financial disclosure, which is what the law requires," Pence said. He added that trump is "going to release his tax returns when the audit is over."
JANUARY 22, 2017: White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway said on ABC's "This Week" that "the White House response is that he's not going to release his tax returns." She added: "We litigated this all through the election. People didn't care."
JANUARY 23, 2017: Conway clarifies her comments with a tweet: "On taxes, answers (& repeated questions) are same from campaign: POTUS is under audit and will not release until that is completed."
Kellyanne Conway ✔ @KellyannePolls: On taxes, answers (& repeated questions) are same from campaign: POTUS is under audit and will not release until that is completed. #nonews
APRIL 16, 2017: A day after protestors called on Trump to release his tax returns, the president derided the demonstrators on Twitter. "I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College!" he tweeted. "Now Tax Returns are brought up again?"
APRIL 17, 2017: Spicer, the White House press secretary, says Trump's tax returns are still under audit. "It's the same thing that was discussed during the campaign trail, the president is under audit. It's a routine one that continues," he said. Asked in a later exchange if we can assume Trump will never release his returns, Spicer said he would "get back to you on that."
Yes, but he makes liberals cry. All else is forgiven.
I agree with 99.99 of your comment. I will resist one sentence, "low-IQ supporters" for such people are supportive voters in all politics. However, I am sick and tired of Donald Trump's ability to make intelligent people perform poorly, and to push false narratives (spin) and disinformation, simply in an effort to win for winning sake.
Well said all around, cobaltblue.
You're right. I should have said "low SIQ supporters." Social Intelligence Quotient. Socially inept people are now emboldened by the Liar-In-Chief's hateful and divisive rhetoric, so civility has gone out the window. Their pretense of not 'noticing' that Trump is melting down in front of us is alarming to me. But they don't care.
I've said on here previously that Trump's high SIQ supporters have jumped ship. They thought he'd bring about change [in a good way]. At the other site, the day after the election, I wrote an article congratulating the right, saying I hoped I was wrong about my initial impression and I was anxiously awaiting to see how matters panned out. I believe there were people that thought he could help. But those right leaners have long ago jumped ship. He's not fooled them. They saw his atrocious behavior was a pox on all of us. What you have left are two groups of supporters. There's the "he makes demmies cry" group. They don't care if Trump calls them stupid in a way he thinks they won't understand. They don't care if Trumplethinskin poops on their forehead. If he makes "demmies cry", then self-respect, pride in country, honor and integrity matters not a whit. Not even an iota of whit. The second group are thinly veiled racists. To them, MAGA means "make America white again" while to us, MAGA means "my attorney got arrested."
I just read this Saturday night late! HA!
Yep, this is why trump put's loyalty above EVERYTHING else.
Unfortunately, he'd throw his grandmother under the bus. He demands loyalty but never gives loyalty. Hell, given all the bullshit he's spoonfed his supporters, he'd throw them under the bus as well.
Huh??!!!!! I was told she died jumping Harley's....but they saved the baby.
Yep, that's because His Orangeness literally thinks he is the center of the universe, so everyone owes him, and he doesn't owe anyone anything.
A spot on meme just for you Sunshine..
What??!? I thought a dingo ate the baby !
Wait a minute. Didn't the Liar-In-Chief say he knew more than the generals? Didn't he say that only he could solve our problems? Could he have been ... I don't know ... lying??!?
Amazing how his supporters go for spectacle over substance
So you think it's ok to blame the people with the most experience? In every place I have ever worked, it's usually the inexperienced guy that made the most mistakes.
Weird how the right wing suddenly forgets that he said that shit. But my favorite one?
"I know more about drone technology, I think, than anyone..."
In his entire business career, I have never once heard him even mention drones, but he knows more than anyone... I damn near pissed myself laughing. The sad thing is that his supporters believe him.
It's too stupid to make it up.
Well played. Was that Sigourney Weaver?
I had to look. Apparently not. Teri Austin maybe?
Well, that is a known problem for fake demagogic demigods. Lying for pleasure for three years starting or continuing on his inauguration day tends to set the stage for a bad first impression.
I think you're right..
Obviously the point went right over all of your heads. If so much is broken, these people "served" for many years and they (the problems) still seem to exist. Why couldn't they fix them under their respective watches if they are soooo experienced?
Like why the Liar-In-Chief couldn't get the wall done in his first two years when he had both Congress and Senate?
But Trump............
Like Mr. Obama did with immigration reform? Like that?
Yes, just like that, but the difference being that President Obama didn't blame the other party and create divisiveness.
Trump specifically blamed the Democrats and dismantled the DREAMERS, denied due process (unlike Obama) to immigrants, and created various sundry questionable constitutional 'mishaps.'
I don't understand his stance on immigrants, especially considering the following breaking news:
I guess if immigrants do something for your president, they're not so bad after all. By the way, has Mexico offered to pay for the wall as he promised they would? Has a special prosecutor locked up Hillary? Is ISIS dead?
Didn't say or imply that. Bad people are bad people period. As for the rest of your post,
"Trump specifically blamed the Democrats and dismantled the DREAMERS, denied due process (unlike Obama) to immigrants,"
No one is denied due process.......unless you mean making them show up for the process. Mr. Obama let them loose on the "honor system" that they would show up. Well guess what................................
Now that's funny.
Obama had a republican congress. He asked congress for 3.7 billion dollars to help solve the illegal immigration problem and congress said NO!!! So he wrote an E.O., which the GOP complained about. Also, John Bohner had an immigration reform bill on his desk for two years that Obama said he would gladly sign, but it was never submitted. Weird huh?
Trump has rehydrated ISIS, last report I saw on fox news said that 70,000 ISIS fighters could be freed in the next week or two. Trump is a failure at everything he does.
Obviously the concept of a republic went right over yours.
It was rightfully dead because it called for giving illegals US citizenship. We will never agree to that.
How about not making it easy for them to escape? Which is what trump did.
The Geneva Convention has very specific guidelines for deal with enemy combatants/POW's.
The signatories of the Geneva Convention are bound by it's tenants, it is irrelevant whether the captured person/group is a signatory.
The US followed the Geneva Convention with Japanese prisoners regardless of the fact that Japan was not a signatory.
You do know that terrorist, not fighting under a recognized flag nor fighting in uniformed armed service are not entitled to protections under the Geneva Convention right?
You do know that my reply wasn't about the issue right?
Save your strawmen for someone who will fall for them.
Trying to weasel out again I see.
No arkey, I don't play the strawman game.
Enemy combatant could be one person. Read the 8th amendment.
Even if that were true, we still abide by our own constitution. 8th amendment, read it.
I have read it. Please show where it airs to foreign enemies, terrorists or others not in this country. Please provide specific quotes and links to sites that contain them. No I will not look them up myself, it's your job to prove your points not mine.
Translation: The constitution says we will not TORTURE prisoners. PERIOD. If it doesn't state SPECIFIC people, it means ALL people.
You know what? I don't care if some dip wad terrorist that blows up school children an innocent people In a public market or if some slimeball child molester kills his victim by burying her alive after but sexually abusing and beating her dies a long, slow excruciatingly painful death. In fact I would prefer it.
"How To Stage a Coup in 7 Easy Steps"
1. Start Creating a Crime DURING an Election.
Then after the election ……
2. Create a Crime before Evidence.
3. Create another Crime before Evidence.
4. Create another New Crime before Evidence.
5. Create another New Crime Before Evidence.
6. Create another New Crime before Evidence.
and Finally...….
7. Create another NEW Crime before Evidence.
Best Coup like …….. EVER !
Not trying to pee on your poppies/parade/post toasties/pickles/pirate hat/poptarts/etc... but...Huh?
I know !
The weeds have been so high, the non-observer just doesn't want to fight them anymore !
They'll just keep letting them get outa hand ! It's the "Easy Way" out !
Ya could have just gone all in and added, "prostate".
On second thought, that might be a tad too Trumpian.
...but don't tell anyone about it during the election when it would have mattered...
That reminds me of a joke.
A couple of NASA engineers are at a bar talking about the possibility of sending a manned mission to mars when a Donald Trump supporter walks up and says "Sending a man to Mar's is so lame, President Trump is going to beat that mission hands down before he has to leave office!". So the NASA engineers ask him what the Trump space program plan will be and the Trump fan replies "Trump is going to send a manned mission to the Sun!" to which the NASA engineers laugh and ask how exactly he was going to do that since the Sun would burn up any known space vehicle to which the Trump supporter replies "Yeah, that's why he's sending them at night...".
HA! Sounds about right ... and some of his supporters will eat that up.
Reminds me of a few.
What do you call a basement full of Liberals? A whine cellar.
And my favorite....
We just heard that one from Trumps agriculture secretary who was the guest of honor at the annual Farmfest gathering in southern Minnesota this month:
“What do you call two farmers in a basement?” Mr. Perdue asked near the end of a testy hourlong town-hall-style event. “A whine cellar.”.
Welcome to the Republican party...
I'm sure that went over well with all the farmers suffering because of the ignorant Trump tariffs.
I don't believe this seed is about the NYPD.
N ot
Y our
P resident
D emocrat
I think it is !
A variation on a theme...
Wow. It's uncanny how true all of this is.....
The political elites all love Trump. The Romneys, the Bushs, the Clintons....all of America's political elites just think he's the best president ever.
It's amazing how all of his people continually evade state security. Especially Manafort and Cohen. Those guys are amazing at it.
Trump is amazingly covert. Nobody ever knows what he's doing. The man doesn't even HAVE a Twitter account.
Since he's been in office...absolutely zero foreign powers have attacked us. Nobody has bombed Pearl Harbor or anything.
It's spooky and terrifying how Trump and the media have such a love affair going. It's like the NEVER say anything bad about each other. CNN should just rename itself "Trump News Network".
They are not the only political elites on the planet. Think of it this way... Guy has no friends and his family has turned their back on him. He goes to the store, buys a ticket and wins 500 million.. Suddenly he has friends, and his family loves him. Being president is no different.
Wrong. Our cyber security is attacked just about daily from any number of countries. Russia is one of them. Weird that Moscow Mitch refuses to bring ANY bill for ANY funding at all to thwart these attacks, up for a vote.
I would say that is the stupidest remark I've heard in a long time, but it frankly doesn't eclipse the original seed.
Political elites support Trump. Riiiiiiight. You are aware thatTed Nugent does not count as a "political elite", yes?
And this began when Trump was elected? No?
So was Barack Obama "staging a coup" as well?
Or is this "coup" business all just raving batshit hysteria?
Oh. I see. Reporting the news that Trump is melting down and not handling this well is batshit hysteria. Puh-leese. The batshit hysteria was when Michelle Obama [Mooshel Obammy to some of you ... those of you who spent eight years using that moniker instead of her real name] wore a sleeveless dress. Oh, the fuckin' horror. Sheesh...
You guys are hilarious! You made my morning so danged fun!!
Oh, you mean "Mr.-Piss-And-Shit-Myself"? The lengths someone would go through to not serve their country. The Traitor-In-Chief used the spurs on either his left or right foot [he can't remember which] on his fifth deferment. Look how much they have in common. Maybe he should stop writing love letters to Kim ["and we fell in love"] and turn his attention to Ted.
What part of the phrase "stage a coup" did you fail to understand?
Are we on a seed about Trump "not handling this well"? Because I was pretty sure the subject is "how to stage a coup". Let me scroll up and check.
Yep. We're definitely on a "stage a coup" seed. Was there a "not handling this well" seed somewhere and you got lost?
Do cite me on such a comment. Ever. As you used the phrase "some of you", I presume you possess the minimal intellectual skills required to differentiate various people of various opinions.
I may have spoken too soon on the whole "ability to differentiate" situation.
Out of curiosity, was there anything at all related to this seed you wanted to discuss or did you just stop by to change the subject a few times?
And Joe Biden got five student draft deferments and was ultimately classified 1-Y (exempt except in a national emergency) because of asthma as a teenager.
"Although " Mr. Biden never mentions his asthma, recounting an active childhood, work as a lifeguard and football exploits in high school."
So do we have another "pay the doctor well" diagnosis?
So you admit it was a "pay the doctor well" diagnosis. You'll note I said fifth deferment, but his other four were not for the same thing. And since you don't have a problem with your admitted thinking that Trump's was a "pay the doctor well" diagnosis, I'm sure you'll have no problem overlooking any other candidate doing the same thing. If it's a nothingburger for your president, then it should be for everyone. Or are you one of the hypocritical types?
And I believe Biden had asthma. But if your president can't remember which foot it was or cannot come up with documentation to prove it, well then there's that.
Quite frankly I don't give a damn about either of them. Just pointing out the equivalence in the situations. I only mentioned the "pay well" because that has been the story from the left since Mr. Trump was nominated. Pure and simple. If that is the case, then both are candyasses. Trump is NOT an exclusive. Ever hear the song "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival? Many of the "connected" rich bitches family members got "lucky" or went to Canada.
Obviously you don't quite get the snarkasm of the Sister's use of coup. Your frightened and verbal abusing traitorous president is the one that melted down and said 'coup' first. Sister seized the opportunity of the ridiculousness of the comment and turned into in this well received article. Clever, isn't she.
Biden isn't from a 'connected' rich bitches family.
So, Donald Trump domestically began an onslaught of lies, deceptions, and mesmerization against the hearts and souls of the U.S. citizens. He goes outside the country and attacks the president of Ukraine. He abandons on the battle field our terrorist fighting partner, the Kurds.
Great Looking out for our security there, Donald (and "Donald-lites").
And that is indicative of a "coup", exactly?
Uhhh. Aren't you saying what we're saying? Isn't that Trumpthinskin's batshit hysteria?? He's calling out 'coup', no one else is.
Have you read the seed dear? Scroll up, read over it, and let me know what you think.
Then we can compare this batshittery to the idea that Barack Obama wanted to install Sharia Law and communism and maybe organize some sort of tinfoil hat contest between the two groups.
Repeat of my 8.1.9
Obviously you don't quite get the snarkasm of the Sister's use of coup. Your frightened and verbal abusing traitorous president is the one that melted down and said 'coup' first. Sister seized the opportunity of the ridiculousness of the comment and turned it into in this well received article. Clever, isn't she.
Ha! Trump has always counted on the gullibility of some of his supporters:
"out to antagonize conservatives" who don't have either the intellect or thoroughness to check out a story completely before believing it. Pizzagate anyone?
Que? You talk'in to me? Who dat? I didn't do it! (Smile.)
Here is a can with a lid:
Yes! Yes! Yes! Jack! You misread me too, @8.2.1! What is going on?
The Kurds didn't bomb Pearl Harbor either, those no-goods. I mean, isn't that why Drumpf turned his back on them?
Was there all...related to this actual seed that you wanted to discuss? You know. This article that Sister Mary wrote up there at the top of the page.
Remotely related. Tangentially. Anything in the neighborhood. Zip code. Area code, even.
Why do you care about this? Oh no ... do you have one of those gawd-awful rogue mouses that bring you to seeds and articles you just don't want to be in??? It's amazing how many of you right-leaners have those defective mouses!! You need to write someone. See, when I don't agree with what's being said in an article, I scroll right by it. My time is valuable so I only go where intellect and humor congregate. You must try a functioning mouse so you can scroll by the ones you think are batshit crazy. How awful for you to be somewhere where people don't seem to "get" you.
sum of us "get" him,
he usually doesn't like to play with me,
even when i give him the lead, in the play, where i don't work, to say
coup coup a chew want a peek a chew,
and other
roley poley tubby tell us alls, about their distorted imported while extorting
snortin, like a pussy grabbin back stabbin elbow in kneed , in need of a bigger joint,
arrow to point, to the head of the class less ass who would anoint the one who Put in place of him , our new unelected king,
while our Queen, who doesn't no Jack
shore seems to B, no moored, than he/it a piers .
From my magic view finder, his letters, chained, need only explained to those who would have him drag them down
with the anchor with too much canchor,
to give N E LIP
as he is an indentured servant of ineptitude, with less teeth, though still biting,
less logic, though still fighting, but apparently
the wet paper bag was just Made Too Great Again,
like America, will bee honey, write after the
Coup Coup A Chew
Oh thank goodness it's a chew. If you would have said 'coup coup achoo', I would run right over, make you some chicken and rice soup, pour you some orange juice with a bit of vodka in it and then rub your chest with Vick's Vaporub.
Oh my, my nipples just erected a salute
Looks like they have their party hats on ... !
more like enlarged pencil erasers
Christ I couldn't believe trump said that shit. "They weren't there on Normandy beach helping us"... WTF is wrong with that moron? And the right complains about Biden's gaffs? At least he didn't reference the airports in the revolutionary war.
The pew pew is a nice touch
It reminded me of you, Giggles! Laughed my ass off!
Let me help you out a smidge.
1. Make sure that you are or can be, in principle, supported by a large fraction of the population and political elites.
2. Establish a network of highly-placed co-conspirators that would share the same goals and trust each other, while evading state security. Without such participants, this would not be a coup.
Trump corners the market on the 'hire and fire until you surround yourself with people who are willing to put their reputations and character in jeopardy just so they will feel secure with their current employment status' thingy. Trump administration loyalists are willing to go down with the ship, and I for one, don't give a flying fart.
3. Obtain covert control over elite military units and, ideally, police and state security (so that they are ready to follow your orders when necessary). If the military simply stays neutral, this is not a military coup.
He has already been making incredibly stupid military decisions on his own. This is the same guy who said he knows more than the generals, and they don't know much because they are not winning. His claim of absolute power, combined with high levels of arrogance and ignorance, put us all at risk.
4. Get foreign support, or at least make sure you will not be attacked by the world powers. Getting explicit foreign support, especially weapons and large amounts of money, can be risky as this would put your motives in doubt and undermine your standing in the country.
The man's adversary bromance escapades are no secret. He has a raging case of dictator envy. #Putin #KimJungUn #Bashar al-Assad #Mohammed bin Salman #Erdogan etc.
5. Identify your main political opponents and their support networks. Figure out how they can be neutralized.
He creates false narratives, complete with nicknames, and repeats the message over and over, and over, and over, and over... The false narratives often include a criminal aspect or other profoundly untrue character assignation. He also uses the tried and true method, and fires whomever is in his way, and invents heinous tales of traitorous deeds.
6. Obtain control over some mass media, ideally in advance, to ensure reasonable coverage of your actions. Prepare to counter aggressive propaganda. Don't put much faith in your own aggressive propaganda - this often backfires.
Oh please. Fake media, fake media, fake media, witch hunt, witch hunt, witch hunt. Breitbart and Fox News are the US equivalents of the state-run media in North Korea, Russia, China, etc. According to Trump, all other media outlets are the enemy of the people.
7. Identify your weak points and protect them. Family and friends. Personal security. Skeletons in your closet. If you lose support of the people (say, due to brutality of your action), your chances of staying in power are low. Other weak points may include your finances, foreign trade sanctions, aggression by neighboring countries, economic instability, etc.
Trump has weak points all over the place. In fact, he is one gigantic weak point. He ducks, dodges, hides, conceals, backtracks, and doubles-down with attacks and innuendo. If those tactics fall short on results, he has his 'people' dangle hefty pay-offs in exchange for signed non-disclosure statements.
Look, I'm not making this shit up. It's there for the world to see. And ridicule.
Egggggggg-zactly! Kinda fun, isn't it?
with a pap smear chaser.
appears to be connected to the
Treas on
which it IS connected, and not a planted.
i'll drink to both, Hell, i'll drink too
That's a bit like a heroin dealer offering to "help you out" with the pain.
See...your "help" is going to require me to drink the batshit hysteria flavored Kool Aid, which clearly causes otherwise non-ridiculous individuals to put an aluminum foil lampshade on their head.
Riiiiiiight. Like I said, all the political elites LOVE ol' Don.
Could not evade Barney Fife, much less "state security".
Is completely valid and not batshit hysteria at all. *eyeroll* Just look at the political opponents and journalists he's had executed.
Because a "controlled media" says all sorts of shit the "controller" doesn't want published. Riiiiiight. Do you actually understand how "controlled media" works? Do you actually understand the word "control"? Do you actually understand the word "coup", for that matter?
So while we're on the batshit hysteria train, are there any other stops you'd like to make? Are we about to hear about how "having a copay for birth control is exactly like living in The Handmaid's Tale"? Are you going to explain how every deer hunter in America is directly responsible for the El Paso shootings? Maybe you're going to tell us how successful "Occupy Wall Street" was in their campaign against big banks.
Do tell. How far down the looking glass hole are we going?
Ass farr ass i can seeeeeeeeeeeeee.........
Hey …... Ass farr ass....that only works if you have a mirror behind you too.
Doesn't matter if she understands it ... does your president understand it? Obviously not. He actually thinks he's some third world dictator. Who else uses a word like "coup"? A batshit traitorous wanna-screw-their-own-daughter presidents does.
Why doesn't traitorous trumplethinskin turn over the full 38 minutes of the conversation with Ukraine? Why doesn't he provide documentation to prove he's innocent? Why doesn't he want to appear before Congress? If I was innocent, I would say "investigate away, baby ... you won't find shit." But he doesn't. Does he. He wants his secrecy. His supporters don't even ask him to pull out his pants pockets to show the world he's innocent. He doesn't care. He has something to hide. And if you cared for him, if you believe his innocence, if you believe in America, you would be writing him and saying "let them investigate; they won't find a thing. Let's get back to helping our country instead you continually covering your ass." What kind of supporter are you? Why don't you do something good for your president and good for your country instead of believing all the bullshit he shovels down your throat?
Again I say: those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.
......… Don't Speak !
" Defense 101 "......Don't talk, or the ones out to convict you will take any little word you say and use it against you !
Ever wonder why "Lawyers" don't want their clients on the stand ?
Of course. I'm thinking that you are struggling a bit with 'meanings', though. But more importantly, you seem to be struggling bigly with the point of the article.
However, feel free to carry on, if you must.
cause some can't "stand" the truth, and for that it might stand, as the stand is for those not Lying,
but like you too hard trying, Trump Is, and you and he R in the cellar, as the 12 steps taken, system atically faken,
ones too see to blind
as well intentioned ones taken for all others have forsaken
cause when their cooking with the EZ bake oven, and the 100 watt bulb of light is incandescent,
as some aren't too bright to not see the light at night as they slide down the poll from the system attic, past the future first floored, now a card hard wood bored, directly N2oh those
based and meant,
to be hidden from the light cast and spent, in a reality basement
below average grade schooled mentality for those with
mental fragility , cause broken is their train of thought, uncoupled from the Freight carried by ones sold and bought
to enslave small minds, that don't
captured for thinking, but won't
escaping from watt they think is real, and don't
real eyes sea the depths of deceit,
while others just take the bends over and over
yeah.....that's it !
and if im dyslexic, do i roll my vehicle to read words you can't understand...
Are you ?
A Dolt Trea
Fred ya silly !
What? How do you give up your rights by telling the truth? How on earth does that even compute? If he has nothing to hide, then turn over the entire "perfect" 38 minutes of the Ukraine tape. What rights are lost by telling the truth? You've been listening to Trump's lies too long. He's been calling his supporters stupid from the get-go and none of you seem to get it. If nothing has been done wrong, if the conversation was indeed perfect (which, as we well know, is not true even by his own "transcribed by experts" report), then turn over the tape. Make monkeys out of the left leaners by releasing everything. Why won't he do that? Why do you insist on believing his lies? Don't you think if he could prove his innocence, he'd do it and demand an apology from the press and left-leaners? He'd rather drown in his own fabrications. And he's counting on people like you to eat every piece of lie pie he serves you.
Oh. I see. Because I believe in truth and honesty. You believe in lies and fabrications to cover oneself. Yeahhhh. I got it. I gotta hand it to Trumplethinskin. He believes a sucker was born every minute and he can count on some of those for blind support. For goodness sake, it doesn't even matter to you that he wants to date [read: screw] his daughter, so fucking over the country doesn't account for much to you either.
Some can't handle the tooth...
Omigawd. This guy isn't fat enough, but the toothlessness reminds me of when the Open Carry peeps came to Sundance Square. Filthy, toothless and overweight ... every last one of them. I honestly did not see one of them have a full set of chompers and I would have noticed. They were thrilled at being disgusting in the open. No one was happy to see them. They couldn't get into restaurants. The cops hated that they were there, and they loved scaring little kids.
.....with a bunch of adlibs inserted.
Really ?
Honestly ?
"People always overdo the matter when they attempt deception."
Charles Dudley Warner (friend of Mark twain)
"Because I believe in truth and honesty. "
You believe in your truth and your honesty the way you perceive the world. Not everyone thinks the same way or sees truth and honesty the same. You are not necessarily right and correct.
i guarantee you would move
were my neighbor
r neither
Yeah, yeah, arkie. How you doin', pumpkin?
I am doing just fine. I am recovering from brain surgery to remove some malformed veins and arteries. I know you never thought I would need brain surgery because you didn't believe ihad one. Surprise I do!
Oh wow. Glad you are doing good.
Glad you survived that.
Only if that one is a talking 'ass,' Enter Donald Trump. The lawyers are saving his 'rounder.' The 'dude' could not complete a written inquiry form without the Special Counsel giving him a 'homework' pass on his answers. Damn, and White House lawyers and personal lawyers were involved. Face up to it: You picked a 'flophouse' to be hero. Ratings are crashing. Trump is leaking crowd size.
So let your president just stand there, law and order is coming 'fast and furious' over the horizon! Truth has finally got its boots on and started trekking! How about October 10, 2019 in the White House? Rough day, I am told.
Glad you're doing better Arky, take care of yourself.
Holy shit, arkie! Good on you for what seems like a great recovery. Did they use packing peanuts to take up the empty spots in your brain? I kid, of course. I'm just happy you're well. Sounds like you've made, or on your way, to a complete recovery.
May your recovery be quick! Glad you are doing well!
Those that have blindly supported Trump will be considered poison. The Traitor-In-Chief has single-handedly destroyed the GOP. He handed us Congress and tied a great big ol' bow on it. The GOP will now be considered untrustworthy, traitorous, inept, cultish, dishonorable and gutless. There's no strength in the GOP anymore. They will be forever considered buffoons unworthy of being called patriotic Americans.
Btw, where are Ivanka and Jared? Think they went someplace where Trumplethinskin can't find them so they can make love knowing that Daddy isn't listening at the bedroom door or staring into the peephole he drilled so he could watch?
Trump totally destroyed his party. History books will chronicle every disgusting despicable moment of his presidential tenure.
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Freedom Warrior - Please be a jackass on your own articles. (preferably on another site, in another universe)