
The Bullshit You Have to Believe to Be a Republican in 2019


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  john-russell  •  6 years ago  •  107 comments

The Bullshit You Have to Believe to Be a Republican in 2019
2+2=5 ........Yesterday, you believed in moral clarity. Today, you believe in Trump.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Matt Lewis

Being a loyal Republican in 2019 requires accepting a few new things. 

The list has grown to include believing that Gen. James Mattis is  "the world's most overrated general ," that Mitt Romney is a " Democrat secret asset ," that Nancy Pelosi is a " third-rate  (or is it third-grade?) politician," and that Donald Trump is a "stable genius." Thursday, that expanded to believing it’s perfectly normal, and OK, to host world leaders at a Trump resort in Miami.

In other words, it requires gaslighting yourself.


Part and parcel of this is the relinquishing of things that were once sacrosanct. 

A week ago, you might have thought the Kurds were America’s friends and allies. Yesterday, you supported a president who  says the Kurds are  “probably worse at terror, and more of a terrorist threat in many ways than ISIS.” Today, you applaud Trump for announcing a deal to end the war against them them he green-lit.

Once upon a time “Mad Dog” Mattis (and no,  Trump didn’t invent that nickname ) was a tough-as-nails warrior. Today, he’s overrated. A joke. Likewise, for years, John Bolton was a top foreign policy commentator at Fox News. But after being pushed out as Trump’s national security adviser, he is now regarded as a “ man of the left .”

Just as the Soviets would airbrush people out of pictures, adhering to Trumpian dogma requires Jedi mind tricks to match what you’ve always believed to the latest evolving propaganda. 

It’s not so much that the GOP has changed positions or re-ordered. That would, at least, be coherent and understandable. Instead, what we have is a constantly-changing, often capricious, new dogma that asks us to believe  2+2 is 5 and that we’ve always been at war with Eastasia. 

In some ways, the evolving narratives are predictable. On Oct. 9, for example,  I asked : “Who’ll be the first Trumper out of the box with the ‘You think the Kurds are angels?’ take....”  A week later, Trump himself said that “they’re no angels.” 

Of course, Trump doesn’t always demand complete conformity. It is now acceptable, for example, to believe that Trump did something “bad” on that Ukraine call—so long as they hasten to add that  it wasn’t impeachable

Being a loyal Republican involves tying yourself in knots either by suspending disbelief or choosing to humiliate yourself and subjugate your conscience. 

The cumulative result is a Grand New Party that is literally unrecognizable. 

Let’s say you once believed it was important for America to demonstrate moral clarity and to be a force for good in the world. You recall how Ronald Reagan’s rhetoric was so important to making the moral case for freedom that it even  inspired prisoners in the Soviet Gulag . Today, you support a president who makes deals with the Communist Chinese to  look the other way on Hong Kong  and not support the democracy protests. 

Perhaps you remember a time when Cuban refugees and Indochina saw America as a beacon of hope, and the Republican Party in a positive light. Maybe you remember the story from  Reagan’s farewell address , where one of the boat people greets an American sailor with the words, "Hello, American sailor - Hello, Freedom Man." 

Today, you belong to a cult that views this kind of naive hospitality, not as a sign of American exceptionalism or greatness, but as a sign of weakness—another example of us being saps. 

Maybe you grew up watching movies like  Mission in Action  and once had reverence for the POW-MIA flags. 

Today, you prefer heroes who don’t get captured. 

Maybe you were a free market conservative. 

Today, you’re supporting a president who thinks trade wars are good and easy to win. Or maybe you were a  green eyeshade conservative  who was worried about tacking the debt (“before it tackles us”),  how’s that working out for ya ?

Or maybe you were a social conservative who cared about family values and was outraged by Bill Clinton’s behavior, and supported his impeachment. 

Today, you support a thrice-married casino magnate who pays off porn stars and brags about grabbing women by their privates. 

And, whatever sort of conservative you were, today you are vehemently opposed to impeachment (which, let’s be honest, is really a deep-state coup).

Once upon a time, the conservative coalition was said to be a three-legged stool, which consisted of national security conservatives, fiscal conservatives, and social conservatives. Today, being a loyal Republican means kicking over the stool. It also means that there’s literally nothing the next Democratic president could do or say that would allow you to criticize him or her without being a hypocrite. 

In Trump’s America, the only reason to be a Republican is because there is an assumption (based on identity politics and your immutable characteristics) that this is your tribe—and that you fear the left is out to get you. 

That’s a pretty sad commentary for a party and a movement that used to believe in some pretty big and important things. 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago
In some ways, the evolving narratives are predictable. On Oct. 9, for example,   I asked  : “Who’ll be the first Trumper out of the box with the ‘You think the Kurds are angels?’ take....”  A week later, Trump himself said that “they’re no angels.” 

Of course, Trump doesn’t always demand complete conformity. It is now acceptable, for example, to believe that Trump did something “bad” on that Ukraine call—so long as they hasten to add that   it wasn’t impeachable  . 

Being a loyal Republican involves tying yourself in knots either by suspending disbelief or choosing to humiliate yourself and subjugate your conscience. 

The cumulative result is a Grand New Party that is literally unrecognizable. 
Professor Principal
2  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago
Lewis is a frequent commentator on cable television and radio who has appeared as a political commentator "from the right" for  CNN  in 2016, [18]  and has appeared multiple times on  Real Time with Bill Maher . [19] [20]  Since February 2009, he has represented the conservative viewpoint on  Bloggingheads.tv 's weekly discussion of U.S. politics, opposite  Bill Scher . [3]
It Is ME
Masters Guide
3  It Is ME    6 years ago

" The Bullshit You Have to Believe to Be a Republican in 2019 "

Republicans don't "HAVE TO" believe anything.

We....unlike "Others" jrSmiley_80_smiley_image.gif …… are actually allowed to " Think " for ourselves ! jrSmiley_22_smiley_image.gif

Not Choosing the "Other Guy"....makes you ….ummm ….. Russian ? jrSmiley_97_smiley_image.gif

Professor Guide
3.1  MrFrost  replied to  It Is ME @3    6 years ago
Republicans don't "HAVE TO" believe anything.

Yet the vast majority do. Trump has floated what, 23 conspiracy theories since he took office and his believes every fucking one of them, every single time. "Windmills cause cancer!!!", his base bought that one too. Sad. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.1  It Is ME  replied to  MrFrost @3.1    6 years ago
Yet the vast majority do.

Isn't honest "Choice" …… GREAT ? jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif

Me.....I just worry about mine and my families Work and Safety issues (I'm an American Citizen).

I "Choose" not to worry about Politicians that actually make mine and my family's life easier on those two issues, unlike those that "Won't", and need misery and despair for votes ! 

I hear that "America Sucks" is a GREAT vote getter for those that do this "Won't" thingy. Ain't that a great political add ? jrSmiley_24_smiley_image.gif

Professor Principal
3.1.2  Ender  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.1    6 years ago
I hear that "America Sucks" is a GREAT vote getter

Obviously it is, when trumpers think America needs to be made great again. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.3  It Is ME  replied to  Ender @3.1.2    6 years ago
when trumpers think America needs to be made great again.

Well.....Since Democrats keep telling us "America" never really was Great...… based on that Truth? jrSmiley_78_smiley_image.gif .... I guess America really does need to be made Great. jrSmiley_10_smiley_image.gif

Trumpers are "Right" AGAIN ! jrSmiley_13_smiley_image.gif

Professor Principal
3.1.4  Ender  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.3    6 years ago

Hate to break the news to you but trumpers have never been right.

Let me just say that I don't put much stock in people, or their opinions, when they think trump is truthful.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.5  It Is ME  replied to  Ender @3.1.4    6 years ago
Hate to break the news to you but trumpers have never been right.

And yet ..… Trump IS President, with all the right stats going high up in this Country (Really low Unemployment, High job availability, keeping more of what you earn, etc....) !

Weird ain't it ?

Professor Principal
3.1.6  Ender  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.5    6 years ago

All of those stats have been steadily going up since 2009.

Weird isn't it.

I also think it is very strange when regular people cheer for the mega rich getting tax breaks....

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.7  It Is ME  replied to  Ender @3.1.6    6 years ago
All of those stats have been steadily going up since 2009.

So "Bush" helped Obama too ?

Professor Principal
3.1.8  Ender  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.7    6 years ago

Sure. Crashing the economy did wonders...

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.9  It Is ME  replied to  Ender @3.1.8    6 years ago
Crashing the economy did wonders...

Apparently ….for Obama ?

Professor Principal
3.1.10  Ender  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.9    6 years ago

Do I think it helped him get elected? Partly. I also think falin Palin was a part.

Also odd to me that for eight years Cons complained about the recovery being too slow.

Now for the last several years things have been pretty stagnant, and they cheer like it is the best ever.

Professor Participates
3.1.11  bugsy  replied to  Ender @3.1.4    6 years ago
trumpers have never been right.

Prediction....Trump will be president in 2016

That's one...

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.12  It Is ME  replied to  Ender @3.1.10    6 years ago
I also think falin Palin was a part.

McCain too !

"Now for the last several years things have been pretty stagnant, and they cheer like it is the best ever."

The last 2.5 years have boosted my Company, and those companies my kids work at, Really Quick !

Haven't seen any "Stagnant" going on now, unless your talking about not enough people for the jobs available ! When one has a job already, no sense in looking for another....so I guess the "Available" work will stay "Stagnant" for awhile, with no one looking after all.

Professor Principal
3.1.13  Ender  replied to  bugsy @3.1.11    6 years ago

And he would have had the popular vote if it wasn't for those darn illegals voting....

Professor Principal
3.1.14  Ender  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.12    6 years ago

How have they been boosted? An injection of cash?

The stock market has been stagnant. Unemployment has leveled.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.15  It Is ME  replied to  Ender @3.1.14    6 years ago
How have they been boosted?

Yep....by folks wanting what is provided by the company.

My group had to start telling folks there was a month to 2 month delay due to work requests being overwhelming.

"Unemployment has leveled"

Like I said....not many looking for work anymore. They already have a job now. You don't actually think Un-employment can hit the Zero mark ….do you ?

Professor Principal
3.1.16  Ender  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.15    6 years ago

Can I ask what the company does? As I don't know any company that would have a several month wait period. Unless it is for a custom RV or something that would take a long time anyway.

Professor Participates
3.1.17  bugsy  replied to  Ender @3.1.13    6 years ago
And he would have had the popular vote if it wasn't for those darn illegals voting....

Your opinion.

Professor Principal
3.1.18  Ender  replied to  bugsy @3.1.17    6 years ago

It was trump's opinion.

Professor Guide
4  MrFrost    6 years ago

Remember when the republicans used to yell and scream that they are the party of, "Traditional Conservative Christian Family Values"? Trump read that, pissed on it, wadded it up and threw it in the trash. The religious right used to claim the moral high ground, now when they do that, all I can do is laugh at them. 

Professor Principal
4.1  JBB  replied to  MrFrost @4    6 years ago

The Grand Old Party of Abe Lincoln devolved unto the small g gop of today. To call them the gop is being too kind. The small r republicans of today should more fairly and accurately be referred to from now on as "the damn gop"...

Professor Principal
5  JBB    6 years ago

I really never imagined that humans were even capable of consuming such trumpian portions of 100% Pure-D USDA Certified Grade F Bullshit as the legions of Joey Chestnut wannabes in the damn gop today have proven themselves capable of gobbling up...

Professor Guide
5.1  MrFrost  replied to  JBB @5    6 years ago

Never underestimate the stupidity of the cousin humpers in trump's base. 

Professor Principal
5.1.1  JBB  replied to  MrFrost @5.1    6 years ago

Trump shovels shit into mouthbreathing maws...

Senior Guide
7  XXJefferson51    6 years ago

The seeder complains bitterly about similar content as this but from the right and a conservative perspective and how that denigrates the quality of the site and then seeds this.  Where is the consistency?  Other than the obvious TDS flowing from both. Note that I’m not at all complaining about the seed itself or the right of it to be here.  I support it being a part of the discussion on the site....

Professor Principal
7.1  seeder  JohnRussell  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7    6 years ago

the writer of this article is a conservative.  that is the point

Senior Guide
7.1.2  XXJefferson51  replied to  JohnRussell @7.1    6 years ago

No he’s not.  He’s a RINO, a never Trumper from the beginning. A token Republican for the bi coastal liberal elites to flaunt before us. 

Professor Guide
7.1.3  MrFrost  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.1.2    6 years ago

Yes, the fallback position from the right when anyone from their party says something they don't agree with. Hey, you know when Hillary said Gabbard is a Russian asset? She was a republican when she said it. 

See how easy that is? 

Professor Expert
7.1.4  Krishna  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.1.2    6 years ago
A token Republican for the bi coastal liberal elites to flaunt before us. 

Kinda like John Kasich?

Another toking bi-coastal Republican from the liberal elites in Ohio?

‘Final Straw’: Republican John Kasich Says He Supports Impeachment

Professor Expert
7.1.5  Krishna  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.1.2    6 years ago
A token Republican for the bi coastal liberal elites to flaunt before us. 

Or perhaps you are referring to the "Toking Turtle"-- yet another Republican for the bi-coastal elites from Kentucky:

Mitch McConnell Says Trump’s Syria Withdrawal Is A ‘Grave’ Mistake

It will leave the American people and homeland less safe, embolden our enemies, and weaken important alliances,” McConnell, R-Ky., writes.

“Sadly, the recently announced pullout risks repeating the Obama administration’s reckless withdrawal from Iraq, which facilitated the rise of the Islamic State in the first place.”

Professor Expert
7.1.6  Krishna  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7.1.2    6 years ago
token Republican for the bi coastal liberal elites to flaunt before us. 

Or perhaps you are referring to Mitch Romney-- yet another toking Republican from the Bi-Coastal state of Utah?

"The decision to abandon the Kurds violates one of our most sacred duties . . . What we have done to the Kurds will stand as a bloodstain in the annals of American history.

Professor Guide
7.2  Dulay  replied to  XXJefferson51 @7    6 years ago
Note that I’m not at all complaining about the seed itself or the right of it to be here. 

Nor are you commenting on the content of the seed. You're talking about the seeder and that makes your comment personal and off topic. 

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
8  Dean Moriarty    6 years ago

Today Republicans might simply believe lower taxes are better than higher, illegals should be thrown out, conservative judges are a better choice than liberals, Obamacare sucks, one should not be a slave to the government for the benefit of the lazy and rolling back bad regulations is a good thing.   The writer is clearly out of touch with middle America.  

Professor Principal
8.2  JBB  replied to  Dean Moriarty @8    6 years ago

Yeah, maybe in some ancient and thus now utterly irrelevant theory butt what should be apparent to everyone by now is that Trump and the damn gop who were 100% in control of Congress these last two years actually believe in trillion dollar deficits even during times of relative peace and prosperity because that is exactly what the damn gop gave us when the damn gop had all the power...

Senior Guide
8.2.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  JBB @8.2    6 years ago

Actually a majority of the members of Congress are democrats and we know that the constitution requires that all spending bills originate in the House. 

Professor Expert
8.2.3  Krishna  replied to  XXJefferson51 @8.2.1    6 years ago
and we know that the constitution requires that all spending bills originate in the House. 

I had thought that you were a trump supporter? And everyone knows that Trump has absolutely no use for The Constitution?

Professor Guide
8.2.4  Dulay  replied to  XDm9mm @8.2.2    6 years ago
It costs a great deal to rebuild a military capable of actually fighting and winning a war.

How much does it cost for a military that follows Trump's orders and evacuates? 

Professor Guide
8.3  Dulay  replied to  Dean Moriarty @8    6 years ago

But they don't. 

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
9  Greg Jones    6 years ago

I'll be voting for Trump again because the Democrats have no candidate who can win.

Bernie's toast...why would a cardiac socialist blowhard even be considered for probably the most stressful job around. One international crisis could cause him to reach his expiration date.

Angry old Auntie Liz, who can't give a straight answer as to how she will fund all her giveaways. There are only so many rich people to confiscate money from.

Biden appears to be done...too much corruption and conflicts in his past. Tulsi seems to be the only sane one in the bunch, and look what's happened to her.

And just looks at what the New Left offers if somehow elected....

No more presumption of innocence or Constitutional right to due process. Secret Soviet style interrogations will be the order of the day. Mere accusation and the seriousness of the charge will automatically reach the level needed for conviction..

Open borders, free education, healthcare, housing, and Medicare for illegal immigrants.

Abortion at any stage of pregnancy with no limits on age.

Equal rights, acceptance, and compensation for all the new gender variations that have appeared out of thin air.

Rising utility and fuel prices because of new taxes and regulations imposed in the race to save the planet from going all Venus on us.

Promises that will never be fulfilled, like free everything, because they are campaign lies that can't happen because they will cost trillions upon trillions of dollars.

Senior Guide
9.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  Greg Jones @9    6 years ago

You put the secular progressive left agenda before us exactly as it is. 

Professor Guide
9.3  MrFrost  replied to  Greg Jones @9    6 years ago
I'll be voting for Trump again because the Democrats have no candidate who can win.

Feel free. But just an FYI? If he is impeached and removed from office, (which is now a very real possibility), he will be banned from any public office for life. 

But it's nice to know that you support a POTUS that seeks help from foreign nations, (via extortion), to win a US election. Such a patriot!!!!!

And in case you haven't clued in to what is going on? 

Trump withheld military aid, (that's TAXPAYERS money), from a foreign country, unless they investigated trump's own personal political rivals. I wonder, Greg, how you would have felt if Obama had taken taxpayer's money and used it to force a country to dig up dirt on his political rival? 

Be honest Greg, you would have shit little green apples. But trump does it and not only are you ok with it, you say you will gladly vote for that traitor again? That's just plain sick.  

Professor Quiet
9.3.1  Ronin2  replied to  MrFrost @9.3    6 years ago
Feel free. But just an FYI? If he is impeached and removed from office, (which is now a very real possibility)

Only in a leftist's wet dream. The Republicans that back impeachment would be toast when they come up for reelection. Whatever Republican they come up with to run would be a sacrificial lamb. The Republicans will not hand over power to the Democrats that easily.

But it's nice to know that you support a POTUS that seeks help from foreign nations, (via extortion), to win a US election. Such a patriot!!!!!

Still no proof; but it the Dems latest talking point, so drive it home hard!

But it is ok when the Dems us a political hit job dossier put together by a former MI6 agent paid for by Hillary Clinton to start spying on a political rival? That is just so much better!

And in case you haven't clued in to what is going on?  Trump withheld military aid, (that's TAXPAYERS money), from a foreign country, unless they investigated trump's own personal political rivals. I wonder, Greg, how you would have felt if Obama had taken taxpayer's money and used it to force a country to dig up dirt on his political rival? 

Seems you still don't know what it going on. The leader of Ukraine had no idea that Trump was withholding money at the time the conversation took place. And the transcripts of the conversation don't match the Dems talking point. 

As for Obama, we had to put up with the IRS delaying conservative pac group authorizations until after the elections. How would the Dems feel if Trump pull something like that?  Trump would have already been impeached.

In a legal settlement that still awaits a federal judge's approval, the IRS "expresses its sincere apology" for mistreating a conservative organization called Linchpins of Liberty — along with 40 other conservative groups — in their applications for tax-exempt status.

And in a second case, NorCal Tea Party Patriots and 427 other groups suing the IRS also reached a "substantial financial settlement" with the government.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the two settlements Thursday. The Justice Department quoted him as saying of the IRS activity: "There is no excuse for this conduct. Hundreds of organizations were affected by these actions, and they deserve an apology from the IRS. We hope that today's settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated."

It's "a historic victory," said Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, a conservative nonprofit legal group representing the Linchpins plaintiffs.Sekulow, who is also on President Trump's personal legal-defense team, said the IRS agreed to stop "the abhorrent practices utilized against our clients."

The consent order says the IRS admits it wrongly used "heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays" and demanded unnecessary information as it reviewed applications for tax-exempt status. The order says, "For such treatment, the IRS expresses its sincere apology."

In the separate NorCal case, plaintiffs' lead counsel Eddie Greim told NPR an IRS apology alone was not sufficient to end the matter. But he declined to reveal the financial settlement amount.

In the NorCal case, plaintiffs allege the IRS violated their constitutional rights by using tax information for improper purposes. The settlement still must be approved by the federal district court in Cincinnati, home of the IRS division on tax-exempt organizations.

The settlements may not put the fierce controversy over IRS conduct to rest, but they mark the most significant resolution so far.

The controversy began in 2013 when an IRS official admitted the agency had been aggressively scrutinizing groups with names such as "Tea Party" and "Patriots." It later emerged that liberal groups had been targeted, too, although in smaller numbers.

The IRS stepped up its scrutiny around 2010, as applications for tax-exempt status surged. Tea Party groups were organizing, and court decisions had eased the rules for tax-exempt groups to participate in politics.

Groups sought tax-exempt status as 501(c)(3) charities, where the organization and its donors get tax write-offs, and 501(c)(4) "social welfare" organizations, where donors' contributions are not tax deductible.

After the IRS confession in 2013, its top echelons were quickly cleaned out. Conservative groups sued. Congressional Republicans launched what became years of hearings, amid allegations the Obama White House had ordered the targeting.

Some GOP lawmakers repeatedly tried to oust IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, at one point seeking impeachment, andcalled on former President Barack Obama, and then on Trump, to fire him. Instead, Trump announced Thursday that Koskinen will leave when his five-year term expires next month.

 Obama really was a great piece of shit. But the left loved him no matter what.

Be honest Greg, you would have shit little green apples. But trump does it and not only are you ok with it, you say you will gladly vote for that traitor again? That's just plain sick.  

Why not, the Dems voted in Obama twice. They didn't feel a twinge of sickness about it.

Professor Expert
9.3.2  Krishna  replied to  Ronin2 @9.3.1    6 years ago
The Republicans that back impeachment would be toast when they come up for reelection


Remember, according to HA he a Bi-coastal Senator from Ohio!

And while he may not score high in polls nationwide-- he very popular in polls in Ohio!

(Especially polls in those small, quaint, Ohio towns and Hamlets by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans!)

Professor Guide
9.3.3  Dulay  replied to  Ronin2 @9.3.1    6 years ago
Only in a leftist's wet dream. The Republicans that back impeachment would be toast when they come up for reelection. Whatever Republican they come up with to run would be a sacrificial lamb. The Republicans will not hand over power to the Democrats that easily.

Thanks for taking off the bullshit non-partisan vail. The fact that it's all about holding on to power rather than what's best for the country should make you proud. 

Still no proof; but it the Dems latest talking point, so drive it home hard!

Unless you insist that we accept that Trump and his Chief of Staff are both liars, we have plenty of proof. 

But it is ok when the Dems us a political hit job dossier put together by a former MI6 agent paid for by Hillary Clinton to start spying on a political rival? That is just so much better!

You'll be the second one I have called out on this bullshit today. Prove it. 

Seems you still don't know what it going on. The leader of Ukraine had no idea that Trump was withholding money at the time the conversation took place.

SO WHAT? Trump knew what he was doing and THAT proves intent. 

And the transcripts of the conversation don't match the Dems talking point. 

The call memo matches the whistleblower complaint. 

What 'talking points'? 

As for Obama, we had to put up with the IRS delaying conservative pac group authorizations until after the elections. How would the Dems feel if Trump pull something like that? Trump would have already been impeached.

 Obama really was a great piece of shit. But the left loved him no matter what.

Why not, the Dems voted in Obama twice. They didn't feel a twinge of sickness about it.

Deflections noted. 

Junior Participates
9.3.4  KDMichigan  replied to  Ronin2 @9.3.1    6 years ago
Why not, the Dems voted in Obama twice. They didn't feel a twinge of sickness about it.


Junior Participates
9.3.5  KDMichigan  replied to  Dulay @9.3.3    6 years ago
we have plenty of proof. 


What's the hold up then Dulay? 

Maybe Nancy need to spend 3 hour in grandpa's vegetable garden to have the know all insight?

Professor Guide
9.3.6  Dulay  replied to  KDMichigan @9.3.5    6 years ago
What's the hold up then Dulay? 

Well gee KD, you and your fellow travelers have claimed to have the goods on Obama, Clinton, Comey, McCabe, ect., ect., for over TWO YEARS and NOTHING, NADA. 

What's the hold up? 

Maybe Nancy need to spend 3 hour in grandpa's vegetable garden to have the know all insight?

Perhaps that's what you need since it's been living rent free in your head for so long.  

Professor Expert
9.4  Krishna  replied to  Greg Jones @9    6 years ago
I'll be voting for Trump again because the Democrats have no candidate who can win.

Ajd that's a major point upon which we differ-- I vote for the person who would be the best president for the country-- not who seems to have the best chance of winning.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
10  Greg Jones    6 years ago

Regardless of what he is, he is working for the betterment of America and putting this country and it's people before the benefit of other countries and their peoples.


Professor Expert
10.1  Krishna  replied to  Greg Jones @10    6 years ago
Regardless of what he is, he is working for the betterment of America and putting this country and it's people before the benefit of other countries and their peoples.

Nope-- wrong again!

Professor Principal
11  seeder  JohnRussell    6 years ago

The article is exactly right, this is the Make America Great Again symbol , gaslighting yourself. 


We see it on this forum every day, many times every day. 

If you say something about it, you are "obsessed", lol. 

Where are the independents and moderates to make their voice known about this constant lying and gaslighting? 

Trump has gone too far, and now is the time to get him the hell out of there or at least to the point where the Republicans find it wiser to run someone else as their candidate next year. 

Now is the time to be heard. 

Professor Guide
12  Tacos!    6 years ago
Being a loyal Republican

What does it mean to be a "loyal" Republican or Democrat? Does that mean you have to agree with everything a particular party leader does or says? Where is that happening? What Democrat agrees with everything Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, or even Barack Obama does or says?

Is the claim here that Republicans support everything Trump does or says? Because that's obviously not true. It has never been true. Republican leadership tried to deny Trump the nomination in 2016. Republicans in the House just voted to condemn the withdrawal of our people from Syria. And in between, Republicans from all over the party have disagreed with Trump on a variety of topics. Record numbers of Republicans have quit Congress since he took office. Not to mention the record number of Republicans who were hired to work in his administration and resigned or were fired based on disagreements with the president.

So if you're going to claim that Republicans are somehow blindly and unswervingly loyal to Donald Trump, I have to say you've got your head up your ass. That's just ignorant.

Let’s say you once believed it was important for America to demonstrate moral clarity and to be a force for good in the world. You recall how Ronald Reagan’s rhetoric was so important to making the moral case for freedom

I remember when Reagan was president. Democrats and the media treated him like he was the Devil himself. They said he was cruel and insane. He was called a fascist. He was going to start World War III. He was going to reinvigorate the KKK . He was going to destroy our economy. Before "meme" was a word anyone knew, we were inundated with Bedtime for Bonzo memes in political cartoons. His genial nature was mocked as naive Pollyanna. 

Now people want to hold him up as an example of a wise and good person and pretend everyone always thought so. While I agree with that characterization, I just think a lot of people who claim to think that way today didn't always say so. So, is it what they actually believe or is it just politics?

Professor Expert
12.1  Krishna  replied to  Tacos! @12    6 years ago
Is the claim here that Republicans support everything Trump does or says?

Many Republicans aren't that stupid.

(But many are...!!!)

Professor Expert
13  Nerm_L    6 years ago

So, Trump is too much of a Democrat for loyal Republicans?  The loyal Republicans portrayed in the seeded article are supply-side, neo-con Reagan Republicans.  Republicans have been gaslighted by Reagan loyalists over the last four decades.  Reagan is dead; that was one of the contributing factors for Hillary Clinton's loss.

Russia is no longer a communist country.  Russia is a European trading partner; a competitor and not an adversary.  China, on the other hand, is still a communist country.  The Reagan neo-cons should be more concerned about China than Russia.  Supply-side, neo-con Republicans and Democrats have allowed the United States to be economically conquered by China.  The United States is not competing with China because supply-side, neo-con Republicans and Democrats have been gaslighting us about Russia.

Those who fondly reminisce for the status quo established by Reagan are gaslighting themselves.  Those who desire a President (Republican or Democrat) that will protect a status quo that clearly has failed are simply demanding that we suspend our disbelief.  Yes, Hillary Clinton, as President, would have protected the Reagan legacy.  But that Reagan legacy has been a fraud and shouldn't be protected.

Professor Expert
13.1  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @13    6 years ago

Reagan is dead; that was one of the contributing factors for Hillary Clinton's loss.

Well you're entitled to your opinion-- but personally I don't think the claim that Hillary had Reagan assassinated has any truth to it. (Even togh apparently some of the more "mentally challenged republicans so believe all sorts of bizarre conspiracy theories...for example, the so called " Deep State" hoax) .

Professor Expert
13.2  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @13    6 years ago
The United States is not competing with China because supply-side, neo-con Republicans and Democrats have been gaslighting us about Russia.

Yes but gas reduces the carbon footprint-- which is good for the environment, eh?

Seriously, you have to admit that that's true>>>>we must preserve the environment for Future Generations!

Professor Expert
13.3  Krishna  replied to  Nerm_L @13    6 years ago
Yes, Hillary Clinton, as President, would have protected the Reagan legacy.  But that Reagan legacy has been a fraud and shouldn't be protected.

What are you-- some kind of a Socialist?

Reagan was an American icon-- a truly great American Hero!

(He was the original one...the first to Make Amercia Great Again! Trump is an Imposter!)


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