Democrats Would Rather Blame Trump Than China for the Pandemic

The democrats and the mainstream media are eagerly dinking all the kool aid that the Chinese Communist Party is providing them. Then out of their hatred of America and her President they happily parrot Chinese propaganda talking points. To them supporting an enemy regime responsible for inflicting this virus 🦠 upon the world is fine if that’s what it takes to attack our President.

I have written before we are in the midst of two pandemics, the Medical Pandemic caused by the CCP virus and a Political Pandemic largely instigated by the Democratic Party and their myriad media allies.
The Medical Pandemic may (hopefully) be easing, but the Political Pandemic appears to be going into overdrive. The Democrats and the media are now more interested in blaming Trump, rather than the Chinese communists, for COVID-19.
This is particularly dangerous since the ChiComs have been engaged for weeks now in a propaganda campaign blaming the United States for the virus. The accusations are absurd, but as with much propaganda, people will believe it if they hear it enough.
Further, the Chinese have begun to engage in an academic coverup of the provenance of the virus, erasing online scientific papers from their university websites (Fudan University and the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan) so that suspicious traces are gone and scientific history can be rewritten in Orwellian fashion. (Bat experiments? What bat experiments?)
By focusing their attention on Trump, the Democrats are in essence aiding the CCP in their nefarious activities that could well do immense damage to the future of our country and the world. But never mind. Trump must go.
Two early harbingers of this trend were the accusations of “xenophobia” and “racism” by Joe Biden and others when the president closed the door on travel from China and Nancy Pelosi consequently urging everyone to join the throngs in Chinatown for Chinese New Year. Nothing could go wrong.
Naturally, they also attacked Trump for not paying attention to the virus while they were impeaching him (as if they were). When in those nauseating days of the impeachment trial at the end of January and the beginning of February did you hear even one word from a Democrat about a Chinese virus? This line of attack has been especially repellent considering the exceptionally flimsy, possibly even corrupt, basis of the accusation itself.
And then there was the politicization of the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine because the president recommended it as worth at least a try. To most media and Dems, it was as if Trump were shilling for strychnine. That it actually worked in many instances was beside the point and not to be reported or even admitted.
One of the more recent methods being employed to tarnish Trump during the pandemic is the deification of National Institute of Health director Anthony Fauci. The press and the Dems treat him as a combination of two Alberts—Schweizer and Einstein.
In reality, though a competent scientist, Fauci has made his share of errors already regarding the CCP virus , at first naively accepting the communists’ lie that the virus could only be passed by animals to man and therefore downplaying the epidemic in general. He has also made his fair share of mistakes regarding the numbers affected that seem to change virtually daily, always downwards.
But whatever you think of Fauci, the Dem’s and the media’s objective is clearly to drive a wedge between Trump and the scientists to make the president seem like a greedy yahoo willing to sacrifice his fellow citizens for the good of the stock market.
That it’s Trump’s job as our elected leader, not the scientist’s, to figure out how to balance the reaction to the pandemic between health and economic issues, the latter having serious health implications of their own, is irrelevant.
That “elected leader” phrase is the root of most of this. The Dems, notably their liberal wing, have little left to say. Liberalism is moribund, as Barton Swaim pointed out well in this weekend’s Wall Street Journal, their important achievements now decades old.
But like all political parties they still want power and Joe Biden represents the past in every way imaginable. All they really have to generate excitement is how they can paint Trump.
So they continue to turn him into the enemy, now even to the extent of excusing and defending the real enemy, communist China. This should be alarming to our nation and the world.
But whatever you think of Fauci, the Dem’s and the media’s objective is clearly to drive a wedge between Trump and the scientists to make the president seem like a greedy yahoo willing to sacrifice his fellow citizens for the good of the stock market.
That it’s Trump’s job as our elected leader, not the scientist’s, to figure out how to balance the reaction to the pandemic between health and economic issues, the latter having serious health implications of their own, is irrelevant.
That “elected leader” phrase is the root of most of this. The Dems, notably their liberal wing, have little left to say. Liberalism is moribund, as Barton Swaim pointed out well in this weekend’s Wall Street Journal, their important achievements now decades old.
But like all political parties they still want power and Joe Biden represents the past in every way imaginable. All they really have to generate excitement is how they can paint Trump.
So they continue to turn him into the enemy, now even to the extent of excusing and defending the real enemy, communist China.
Trump did not create the virus but his dragging his feet when there was plenty of intel available last year when we could have put measures into place. He claims that he restricted travel from China but over 40,000 people from China still entered.
the real enemy, communist China
It is a virus not a communist based infection.
The [[deleted]] are planning to base their presidential campaign on the lie that Biden is a commie. [deleted]
unlike the 3 yrs of the left screaming trump and russia russia russia?
your too funny
That is for certain.
So true, just like it’s not a Trump based infection.
I see, so Trump's inability to completely stop travel from China is to blame for this, so we should elect the guy who claimed it was racist to even suggest stopping travel from China?
Do progressives even remember how they reacted to Trump trying to stop travel from China?
Do you really think that is the only thing that needs to be done during a pandemic? Not acquiring enough necessary medical gear, equipment and medicines? Not making sure all departments were ready to move with experts and plans in place? Not being honest during his briefings about the severity that had already begun overseas? Not understanding Europe was the next hot spot? Not enough tests. No planning and guidance, just left it to the states because he's 'not responsible'. Continuous lies. Firing people best suited to handle just this type of emergency. Not foreseeing other problems that come from a worldwide disaster like this. Like shortages. Note the next one is likely food. He cares more about his ratings and is pissed everyone sees through his lies and incompetence. It's not just about closing borders even if he had done it. Now he thinks he can start up what he didn't shut down in the first place. What is that about states rights again?
Trump could’ve had a crystal ball, done everything perfectly and the left still would find fault with it.
It’s called Trump Derangement Syndrome.
TDS for short.
I wasn’t talking to you John but yes .... if the shoe fits, put it on and rock it baybee!
You put that in block quote as though a verbatim quote from Trump. Perhaps you can show us where he actually said that, in the same sentence and regarding the same topic? Folks repeat something like that over and over, completely devoid of context and not even close to what he actually said.
That quote came from a tweet of an ex-US attorney Preet Bharara who claims he was fired by Trump. He and 46 other US attorneys were asked to resign by Jeff Sessions in March 2017 which is not all that uncommon upon the changing of presidential administrations and Attorney Generals. He made it up. They are not Trump's words.
Here you go. Tie yourself in knots defending him if you must but he has said both...
I didnt quote Trump, I quoted Preet Bhahara's tweet. Please dont make rash accusations to me again.
Bhahara does not quote Trump directly either.
And Trump has denied responsibility in the coronavirus mess , and has claimed authority to address it, although as far as I know not in the same sentence.
There is nothing unfair about Bhahara's tweet.
Good article JBB, makes it clear that he actually said,
In cases like this that require a nationally coordinated response, that is absolutely correct. Similar to national defense. He later added,
So he agrees that working with the Governors is what they will do so that he can make the best decisions as President. Does that really sound like he meant it to be at odds with the Governors?
So that explains HALF of the made-up quote from Trump.and as we all know the second half was on a completely different subject of testing. He also explained why he did not want to take responsibility for the so-called "lag in testing" in the March 13 press conference video, because there was none, and that he followed the expert recommendations every step of the way as those recommendations developed. Here is Fauci explaining that whole issue and stating that Trump followed every recommendation on mitigation measures when they were suggested by his experts . Please watch the whole video and listen carefully to what he said.
Bottom line, is that this "quote" posted by JR is NOT what Trump said, and is simply a politically motivated departure from reality and context. Even its components are easily disassembled with minimal fact checking effort.
You bet, as soon as you stop posting rash or misleading political accusations/statements. You are posting on an open forum my friend. If you post or copy something that makes an untrue or unsubstantiated statement, you need to expect folks to counter it hopefully in a rational and reasonable way as I have. I was not accusing you of anything outside of that. I do apologize for not seeing the original source for that quote in one of your previous posts.
As for the remainder of your comment, see my response to JBB about the inaccuracy of the quote you copied from Mr. Bhahara's tweet. My intent is not to defend Trump (I actually think he's an ass with a third grade vocabulary), it is to defend reality and truth. I believe I have adequately supported my take on this without prejudice or political animosity. I'd appreciate the same in return.
I will make this plain. NO ONE DIRECTLY QUOTED TRUMP, therefore none of what I posted was inappropriate or misleading. Its that simple. Preet Bhahara, or anyone else, has the right to summarize what Trump or another public or private figure has said on a topic. Trump has said that he takes no responsibility for the corona virus, and has said that he has the authority to deal with it as he sees fit. And you misrepresented the point JBB was making.
I am not big on watering down criticism of Trump by trying to find where he is being dealt with unfairly, especially when the person doing the watering down has no case, like you in this instance.
I know it is not a direct quote from Trump, in fact I am the only one of us who cared to point that out initially. And of course it was misleading and I clearly indicated why with links to what he actually said, corroboration from an expert in Dr. Fauci, and reasoned analysis. I am not the one misrepresenting anything.
Indeed he does. However, if his summary is inaccurate or misleading or two separate issues conflated and taken out of context, then I or others have every right to point that out with facts and evidence to support our case as to how it is inaccurate or misleading. Which is what I did. I am not big on watering down the truth to make political hay.
Have a nice evening.
I just read that a number of governors have decided to start loosening the "Stay home, stay safe" requirement because the almighty dollar is more important than people's lives.
Someone didn’t read the article. The States involved in the compacts listed will likely re open slower than the other states. It s likely that red states with red governors will open as soon after April 30 Presidential recommendation for social distancing ends as per medical and science facts for their areas. Blue states will likely put off resuming their economies as long as possible. The test will be when the Presidents commission clears regions county by county based on evidence and cleared counties are within a state the governor is keeping locked down as a whole and a governor refuses to allow cleared counties in his or her state to return to work. California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York could see rural regions of their states cleared with their governor not letting them go. Then the constitution powers of a governor vs a President with emergency declarations in all 50 states will be settled as rural areas in these states would side with the President against their own governor in a heartbeat and sue for the federal rules to apply.
I dont know what your problem is. You keep doubling down with an argument that is hopeless. Trump said YESTERDAY that he has the authority to do whatever he wants , in relation to the coronavirus or anything else.
And he has said he takes no responsibility for the response to coronavirus.
These are not statements that are mystrerious or unknown or even ambiguous.
Not ours in Michigan. She likes people to be dependent on government. She wants people to be dependent on government.
Her measures are draconian and go way too far for most of the state.
Motorboats "outlawed" (for lack of a better term) and issuing tickets and warnings to fishermen and women just because is just stupid IMHO
No paint for you.
Gretchen the paint nazi.
A buddy got a ticket the other day for violating Whitmers stay at home order for being out on his side by side with his wife. I seen the ticket.
That ticket means nothing. Use it for toilet paper
I want one to frame as a keepsake...
I had a skinhead hassle me Saturday at my cabin, ten miles from my house. Didn’t give me a coupon but I dared him to.
That said I totally agree with the concept. People traveling to a second home in a safer area like ours from a hot spot like Detroit but a little common sense goes a long way. Travel like that in the same zip code with social distancing is not a problem in the least.
But Gretchen the grinder is going to see how much more badly she can help screw up the economy and hopefully secure a VP slot.
It's hard to think of him doing anything before January that there would have been any support for. Even the China move was attacked and that happened at the end of January.
He did restrict it. It wasn't intended to stop all traffic. It restricted some traffic. I can't even imagine the hollering if he had tried to stop all traffic coming from the entire country. For one thing, that would have involved separating family members. Remember how much we hate that?
Their creation of the virus, their subsequent coverup and lies, and then cornering of the supplies the rest of the world needed and then the travel ban from Wuhan to other Chinese cities while letting them spread it world wide by travel all are the acts of a malevolent enemy.
There has been zero proof that the Chinese "created" the virus. There is evidence that they covered up the spread within their nation. You can't blame them for cornering the market when it was our policies (and lack there of) that let them do that. That lies clearly on our doorstep.
Now, do I trust the Chinese government? The answer is clearly no. They are a dictatorship. But let's get real about what IS real.
Those bats lived 600 miles from Wuhan. The labs there have created 2000 new viruses over the last 20 years or so.
It didn't transmit from bats. They were the intermediate animal. It came from Pangolins, which were sold in the market.
And no one knows anything about what goes on in that lab, just like no one knows what goes on in our labs, or the other 13 "defensive" labs, all including ours are not supposed to exist, but do.
Every nation knows that no one can win in germ warfare, hence why we refer to them as "defense labs".
Accidental release from a lab is nothing more than speculation - a much more logical explanation is from the wildlife at the Wuhan Wet Market. However, I can understand how Americans will bend over backwards trying to find any possible way and excuse to point fingers, blame, shame and accuse China for whatever, even things that the USA has done itself. For example, ignoring the imprisonment of loyal Japanese Americans during WW2 and torturing prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, and separating children from their parents in migrant camps BUT pointing a finger at the Uyghur re-education and vocational camps.
Who gives a hell how the virus originated?
China lied about the dangers of the virus. China sure as hell didn't take the proper steps to stop the spread of the virus outside of their country, They are responsible for the situation the rest of the world is in.
As for the rest of your BS.
How long ago was WWII? We have learned from our mistakes, internment camps could never happen today in the US. Also, there is sure as hell a difference between torturing foreign terrorists out to destroy you, and torturing your own population. As for the children at illegal immigrant camps- blame the fucking parents that brought them. Of course China wouldn't know anything about that- because no illegal immigrants want to enter Chinese militarized borders to try and find a better life that doesn't exist.
Good luck with the virus, Ronin2. Hope you survive.
Yep, America, your country’s best ally and next door neighbor where some of your own kids live or have lived must be the worst nation on the face of the earth to the government in China.
Actually my daughter lives in Toronto and my son lives in Milwuakee and I'm very concerned about both of them - I think they would have been safer here with me.
Be careful and stay safe DJTF#1, don't ignore the guidelines about voluntary quarantine, social distancing, wearing a mask and wash hands often and carefully. I'm sure the American numbers are so high is because so many are ignoring the guidelines - I've watched newsreels that show that. I don't wish the virus on any NT member whether or not they are understanding or insulting.
I’m being careful. I live in a small city in a rural area 160 miles from Sacramento and the outer Bay Area Vacaville where people are careful with masks , social distancing, and washing hands. Our region of the state is likely the least obedient of the governor as to not staying home. We’ve had 25 cases here, all had contact with someone in the Bay Area or Sacramento who had it. 3 of the 25 died that had multiple other conditions and the majority have recovered fully. 3 in hospital none in ICU, rest quarantined at home. 25 out of 180,000 only one new case in last 6 days. I and many here expect along with the counties in Ca. surrounding (Trinity, Siskiyou, Modoc, Lassen, Plumas, Tehama) our Shasta county to be among the first batch of counties in the country to be allowed to go to work on May Day. The schools won’t open until August most likely so that means google classroom as long as it takes to complete this school year.
It seems that time and secret documents as well as US intelligence services have proved us right. It’s all on China despite democrats wishes to blame Trump instead of their paymasters.
What are you talking about? Do you actually think that people are not blaming China for the virus or do you just like to blame everything on the democrats? Trump's mistake was underestimating it from the get-go, not getting testing up faster (only he can do that) and now making this political theater.
Nah. It's a different moment and the Trump is blaming something else for his lack of reading, comprehending and understanding. Nobody else has anything to do with this.
We are in the United States, not China, therefore we are more interested in the failures of our president than we are in the failures of China. I hope that clears things up for you.
You mean you're more interested in winning the next election. If you were interested in failures that matter, you'd be talking about a lot more people than just Trump.
Did you miss that campaign ad Trump ran at that rally this afternoon?
Transparent projection there Tacos
Your reference is irrelevant to the topic.
There was a campaign rally today? How did I miss that?
No, that would be your input.
I guess you don't watch your leader. He played a campaign ad in the middle of the shitshow, defending his actions. A freaking campaign ad. Who the fuck does that in the middle of a pandemic killing thousands of Americans? Of course, who else talks about their ratings during a pandemic briefing? Nobody, they are substitute campaign rallies.
I could understand his reasoning, Most TDS sufferers do not have the intelligence to understand written facts so a slide show is more appropriate for them. That is like the idiots that think Obama's pandemic response team would have served any purpose in stopping the virus in Wuhan.
Of course you do. Yet you don't comment on the appropriateness of Trump's comments on ratings and lying to defend his incompetence. Instead we get another Obama moment. And you accuse others of TDS (which is funny since its total projection of the the gops defense of everything Trump no matter what).
It wasn’t a campaign ad. It was simply pointing out to the media the things they were saying on the air at the time they say Trump should have done more. He called them out and dressed them down to their faces and it was beautiful to behold it.
Trump is the president, if he wants all the credit for good things, he gets all the shit for bad things.
Seriously, this "Trump is a tough guy and a fighter" schtick is so old. He is a bitch and only feels tough because he know ths people he goes in front of really can't say much.
I don't object to criticizing Trump. I just think it's extreme to act like the pandemic is his fault or that he was the lone voice in the wilderness poo-pooing the virus while everyone else was clamoring for action. It's just not true.
I don't know who you say is blaming him for the virus. What he is responsible for are his actions and lack thereof. And he blew it BIG TIME. He is the president and people not only knew things were bad, they told him. Over and over. But Trump knows more than the experts, he tells us every fricken day. And he didn't listen to any of them in the beginning. He didn't plan for the needs of a pandemic. He fired the people who deal with pandemics, FFS. He hires only suck up toadies, nothing to do with competence. He lied to us and he lies today. He is the president, as he (and you all) tell us ad nauseam, so why don't you expect him to act like one? Instead he whines when he can't answer tough questions denies responsibility and acts like a goddamn junior high bully. So damn embarrassing and so damn deadly to America. He IS responsible for more deaths because he sat on his ass for months instead of preparing. And you are trying to defend that.
Every word I posted is true and happened. If you can prove otherwise, knock yourself out.
Not true. Dr. Fauci said (just yesterday I think) that Trump acted as soon as they made actual recommendations to him.
There is a lot of talk about WHO today, which apparently engaged in quite a bit of covering up and disinformation related to the virus. That limited their ability to make responsible recommendations. For example, it's hard to justify limiting travel or demand social distancing when WHO is telling you there is no evidence of person-to-person transmission.
No, he isn't. And absent something really dramatic and obvious - and there isn't anything like that - there would be no way to quantify the number of deaths he is responsible for.
One thing that is likely, is that his actions have saved some lives. He asked Congress for money to help people, limited travel into the country, while being called xenophobic for doing it, he has helped states with supplies, dispatched hospital ships, and more. Democratic governors have praised him for his help. Insisting that the opposite is true is to ignore the actual facts.
You are correct. Dr. Fauci did say that when he and the commission made recommendations Trump followed them.
Yes, he is, and he had the intel Dr. Fauci. Fauci doesn't get intel reports. And he is not the only expert. Don't even try to start blaming him for Trump's failures.
The long lag in believing it was bad and actually doing the mitigating does cause more deaths, and that is a fact, you can look at the curves and how they are impacted by early intervention. Trump still won't even get us testing at the rate we should be, and wants to reopen business before those tests (which are vital) are available on the scale they need to be. But there is definitely a higher death rate because Trump can't competently handle a disaster. That is a fact. This post is long enough, do I have to post a graph too?
I'm curious what specifically you think Trump should have done, could have done, and by what specific date?
He should have had the pandemic experts advising him. And listened to them. He should have been procuring necessary medical equipment. All departments should have had virus responsibilities and getting on top of anything that may arise. He should have LISTENED to all the experts. He should have never lied about it. He should LEAD instead of blame and whine nobody praises him enough. He should be focused on the pandemic and not his damn ratings and how much tv time he gets. He should not try to play doctor and recommend any medical advice, that is what the experts are for. Need more? Because I have them.
Yeah, because nothing you said actually saves anybody's life. Except maybe the equipment thing and we seem to be doing pretty well on that front.
A lot of the other stuff isn't really true. He has been listening to experts. The experts even say so. He hasn't lied about the virus as near as I can tell.
You're basically demanding that he behave in a way he actually has. That's why scientists and Democratic Party leaders have been praising him for the way he has worked with them. You seem to be ignoring that.
HE DID NOT LISTEN TO THE EXPERTS AND INTEL EARLY ON. That is a fact. And if you don't understand how that lack of action preparing is responsible for more deaths, you shouldn't even be freaking commenting. Its science and medicine and multiple people here have posted that information, which is also available in pictures (graphs). He is abdicating his federal responsibilities TODAY. We are all tired of Trumpers posting Trump's LIES about what he did and didn't do and know and explaining why the delay causes more death. I post links all the time nobody must read because they keep repeating lies and bullshit instead of fact.
Holy shit, where have you been? The entire WORLD knows the only way you reach Trump is through nauseating praise. You should hear what the world says about him and how easy he is to manipulate.
You don't have a damned clue who he was listening to.
So you are the most well traveled person on this site and have heard it first hand? Awesome. Can you give us some quotes? I am sure you took notes. Neat.
Sure. [ deleted ]
I'd be interested in your proof of this. Though I doubt you have any. You also can't refute the fact that the experts have actually said multiple times that he does listen to them. It just makes it easier for you to hate him if you make yourself imagine these behaviors he's not really doing.
I think if you can't prove your claims, you shouldn't make them.
We are talking about people who have had no qualms criticizing him, and those criticisms are well documented, so your argument kinda fails.
God, Tacos, it has been proven Trump didn't listen to the early intel. How many damn times do people have to post what Trump missed?
Our intel even told our Israeli allies. AND TRUMP, WHO DIDN'T LISTEN OR PAY ATTENTION.
[Deleted] (Not an endearment, something a friend from Fargo ND used to say). Are you trying to LIE about Trump's connections to Russia and his submission to Putin? [deleted] that is Trump's propaganda lie. Trumpworld connections to Russia are well documented in Mueller's report. Stop lying about what what reported. The entire world is sick of that word 'hoax' being tossed out every time Trump gets smacked upside the head with FACTS.
FYI, it was an exclamatory word. Like Wow! Holy schnikes!
Exclamatory words are words that generate a strong emotional response.
No it hasn't. Your stories are innuendo and exaggeration based on unsourced rumors. For example, in your first link:
and it has been denied officially:w
In your second link, they cite to The Washington Post, which isn't terribly helpful, but it does quote Trump as denying it publicly and including Dr. Fauci and the other people around him in the denial. If they disagreed, they could have said so, but they haven't.
Your third link sources Israeli TV news, which we can't vet, but the story itself doesn't pass the basic smell test.
So the US did not deem it of interest, but nevertheless notified NATO? Why would they if it's not of interest? That doesn't make sense.
It also doesn't make sense that every single one of the 30 member nations of NATO ignored this allegedly important report and also none of them are publicly saying the report existed.
The story also goes on to say that Israel ignored this report. So if this report existed - and it very likely did not - Absolutely every country in the world that was exposed to it chose to ignore it.
So I'm sorry to tell you that your claim hasn't been proven at all.
It’s clear that China is responsible for the situation being what it is as secret documents have discovered. The Chicom regime upon realizing the extent of what had happened hid all the evidence and lied and engaged in policies to equalize the economic damage it would sustain around the world to all its economic competitors.
hey, China has donated lots of PPE that doesn't work, so who cares if they lied about the virus.
So did Trump, forget that already? All the ventilators that didn't work from the stockpile?
I think most of the world expects China lied about the virus, and knew they would. And the world can deal with it together. Trump lied about the virus too. And we need to deal with that. Jackass still lying today.
We are going to deal with him by re electing him for 4 more years.
As my Mama used to say " don't count your chickens 'til your eggs are hatched".
Is that Trump's fault? Was he the one that purchased them? Was he the one in charge of making sure they were all stored properly, and were in working order? Or was that previous presidents' issues?
As for lying- the Democrats are lying well past Trump. They blasted Trump for the few actions he took. They haven't named one damn thing they would have done differently. And they are investigating him, yet again, for his response. Impeachment attempt part III. Yeah, they are so fucking fit to lead. We need to deal with the fucking Democrats, and their party before country BS before anything else.
The Democrats know all about that after the last presidential elections. Hopefully they will find out again.
One word. Wisconsin.
What about Wisconsin???? exactly??
Maybe it’s a code word .....
Hopefully one of those opens the magic bag .....
What fun would that be?
But Trump!
They also sold PPE’s to countries that had donated them the PPE’s when it first started. In the case of Italy it was they exact same materials.
W.H.O. is more important, especially when Trump said he'd cut them off !
Never cut off something Democrats like, no matter how many times what they like …..fucks up !
Besides...."Impeachment" was more important than anything on this "Planet" (Timing for Covid-19 growth).
And if you ask what the Democrats shoulda done....I'll say …… at least what TRUMP has done. It woulda been .....something..... other than what they "Didn't Do " !!
He did it today. Total cut off! 👍👏🇺🇸
Not at all. Congress has to approve it withing 45 days or else the funding is restored.
Gonna be restored.
You think that 2/3 of both the House and the Senate will vote to restore funding to China’s 🇨🇳 Prostitute?
The Chinese Government fucked up because they are assholes, and Trump fucked up because he is an asshole. Shit, while this was unfolding Trump was giving Xi blowjobs.
We got fucked by both governments and their inability to admit any miscalculation or that things may not be sunshine and rainbows. We got fucked by a bunch of goddamn snowflakes who are afraid of any challenge and immediately shy away and deny it exists, and then whine and bitch about everyone else.
Zero sense of personal responsibility, Xi's China and Trump's America are exactly the same in spirit. Only difference is one piece of shit actually has "total authority over the states" and the other is just jerking off over his portrait.
"Pandemic update of the song Somebody To Love"
(with apologies to its composers, The Great Society)
When the truth is found
To be lies
And all the joy
Within you dies
Don't you want somebody to blame?
Don't you need somebody to blame?
Wouldn't you love somebody to hate?
You better find somebody to blame.
When your family and friends,
Baby, don't know what to do
And your mind, your mind
Is so full of RED.
Don't you want somebody to blame?
Don't you need somebody to blame?
Wouldn't you love somebody to hate?
You better find somebody to blame
You point and say Obama
Then surely it was China
Even WHO, and the media as well,
I'm afraid you won't admit the truth.
Don't you want somebody to blame?
Don't you need somebody to blame?
Wouldn't you love somebody to hate?
You better find somebody to blame.
Time's a'wasting while you seek
Somebody else to blame
And your family and friends, baby
Are dying while you do.
Don't you want somebody to blame?
Don't you need somebody to blame?
Wouldn't you love somebody to hate?
You better find somebody to blame.