CBS News poll — Trump has positive approval amid "energetic" opening weeks; seen as doing what he promised
Via: robert-in-ohio
News & Politics
2 weeks ago
I guess I did not expect that President trump would have positive approval ratings this early in his administration. It has been sort of "What I Said" is "What You See" and that is "What You Get"
US cedes ground to China with 'self-inflicted wound' of USAid shutdown, analysts say
Via: bob-nelson
News & Politics
2 weeks ago
Hubris America is screwed... by the government it elected democratically... and the people to whom that government has given power, regardless of the law. America is rapidly being...
Amy Klobuchar Hits Back At Booing Republicans With A Pricey Trump Punchline
Via: robert-in-ohio
News & Politics
2 weeks ago
I never though of Sen Klobuchar as much of a public speaker or performer but she was a superb performer at the recent Washington DC dinner. From the booing, it seems the Republicans are a little...
Canada’s leader OUTSMARTS Trump in surprise move
Via: tig
News & Politics
3 weeks ago
Canada has satisfied Trump's demands by implementing a plan that they had in place in December of last year. Yes, making a big theatrical deal and harming relationships was pointless.