What if Martin Scorsese directed a Super Mario Bros. movie?
Via: community
The Lighter Side/ Humor
9 years ago
A cartoon imagines what a Super Mario Bros. film would look like helmed by the director of "Goodfellas" and "Casino." Spoiler: It's loads better than the actual "Super Mario Bros." movie....
Minnesota Neighborhood Pranked by Frozen Pants
Via: community
The Lighter Side/ Humor
9 years ago
When the cold gets tough in Minnesota, one longtime Minneapolis resident uses frozen pants to make it more fun. Tom Grotting is famous in his Minneapolis neighborhood for freezing pants and...
George W. Bush declares victory as ISIS beats Al Qaeda
Via: kavika
The Lighter Side/ Humor
9 years ago
George W. Bush declares victory as ISIS beats Al Qaeda by The Lapine · June 15, 2015 http://thelapine.narkomanija.ba/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/isis-army-700x430.png 500w" alt=""...
ISIS Chief Abruptly Cancels Meeting with Sean Penn - Satire
Via: community
The Lighter Side/ Humor
9 years ago
HOLLYWOOD ( The Borowitz Report )—Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terror group known as ISIS , has cancelled a long awaited meeting with the actor Sean Penn, a spokesman for the...
Red Box Rules 101 - Humor
Via: kavika
News & Politics
10 years ago
There has been a considerable amount of discussion on RBR, both pro and con. What is needed for some members is a beginning course in posting RBR on their articles. If the author/seeder is going...
Watch: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler bring Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton back to SNL
Via: bob-nelson
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Watch: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler bring Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton back to SNL -- original article by Caroline Framke -- Vox...
Saturday Night Meme Roundup
Via: bruce-tarleton
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Memes. You either love them, or hate them. Some are funny, some are offensive.Some are accurate, many are not. One thing is for sure, what ever the current crisis is, memes are sure to pop up...
Take a Walk on the Wild Side
Via: community
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Obviously, I've suddenly gotten old, as they say. I remember when "Taking a Walk on the Wild Side" involved riding a half-wild horse hell bent for leather through a field and just hoping that...
Laughs for Today -- 11/10/2015
Via: community
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Some days, you just find a good run of jokes to share... Other days, not so much, but today, my funny-bone was definitely tickled! Maybe you could use a laugh, too! I hope you enjoy these!!!...
In Norwegian, ‘texas’ means "mayhem" and "chaos"
Via: johnrussell
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
l "Texas is so crazy Norwegians are literally using ‘Texas’ as slang for ‘crazy’ DAVID EDWARDS 21 OCT 2015 AT 09:48 ET Dolly Dimple's restaurant says its pizza...
Sony Releases New Stupid POS That Doesn't F*cking Work (Video from The Onion)
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Our Tech Trends reporter looks at the new gizmo Sony promises will revolutionize the way consumers become infuriated by goddamn blinking TV box things. WARNING: NSFW LANGUAGE! (LINK)
The Best Quotes of All Time
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
"What are the best quotes of all time for you? Have you ever heard a simple line that inspired you to make a major change in your life? Has a quote ever changed your mind on an important issue or...
What level of Hippie are you ?
Via: petey-coober
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Yes , it really is true that going green has gone mainstream . As a result many people that would have shunned the label "hippie" are now edging in that direction . Which level of hippiedom do...
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? Douglas Adams: Forty-two. Mohammed Aldouri (Iraqi ambassador): The chicken did not cross the road. This is a complete fabrication. We don't even...
Some really bad puns
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
1. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, but when they lit a fire in the craft it sank-proving once and for all that you can't have your kayak and heat it, too 2. Two boll weevils grew up...
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