The Italian Golfer
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Silvio, an 80-year-old Italian goes to the doctor for a check-up. The doctor is amazed at what good shape the guy is in and asks, 'How do you stay in such great physical condition?'I'm Italian and...
35 Of The Most Concerning Auto-correct Fails
Via: uptownchick
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
I've always gotten a kick out of these kinds of articles and I thought we could all use a good laugh! Hope you enjoy! 1. Hot in hurr. vivzie-pop.tumblr.com 2. Shes dead serious....
4 Things Foreigners Will Never Understand About America
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
4 Things Foreigners Will Never Understand About America By C. Coville, Cracked.com, October 2, 2014 This sundae is just a hint of the kinds of things that confound foreigners. I...
Toilets -bet you haven't used one of these yet
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Toilets -bet you haven't used one of these yet . 1 Paisley style decorator's model 2 Confuse with maple syrup at your own risk 3 For the gambling man 4 Typical Gay...
Where Harley Davidson's Are Not Welcome - The Hanging Tree
Via: kavika
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Just outside of Ponca Arkansas is ''The Hanging Tree''. Adored with Harley Davidson's that were captured in the vicinity of Ponca. The irony of the name of the town and the only acceptable...
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
HALLOWEEN COSTUME A bald man with a wooden leg gets invited to a Halloween Party. He doesnt know what costume to wear to hide his bald head and his wooden leg, so he writes to a costume company to...
Countdown to Halloween!
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
It's that time of year again, folks! The night where little people, dressed as all manner of ghouls and goblins, superheroes and cartoon characters, bang on our door and scream, "Trick or Treat!"...
Things that nobody but your Mom can tell you -- Today's Funny!
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
This is a funny video, and I hope you enjoy it!As y'all know, my Mama passed away in March. Since then, it's almost as if I actually miss having someone criticize me all the time. I mean, I get...
Got AnyThanksgiving Jokes?
Via: nona62
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
I'll start off with a few Thanksgiving jokes......then I hope you will add some more jokes!Q. Why do turkeys always go "gobble gobble?A. Because they never learned good table manners.Q. Why did the...
Turkey Exploding in the Microwave-- the Ghosts of Thanksgivings Past By Dowser
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Instead of "Chestnuts roasting in an open fire", try this: "Turkeys exploding in the microwave, Baked Yams on the kitchen floor. Pecans in the pie, getting stuck to the crust, and...
Man want's to live in a town where White People wave to each other
Via: kavika
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
More Jensen says he often spends time picturing his ideal neighborhood, where white residents wave at all the white people who pass by and his kids play out in the yard with their...
And Now For Something Completely Different - Calgary's Worst Driver
Via: nigel-dogberry
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Take a few minutes off from all the horrid politics and have a giggle or two today.I sat spellbound watching this little video. The driver was a woman (not that there's anything wrong with that)....
Twas the Neocon Christmas
Via: swamijim-sez
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
It's been a good whilesince I first penned this dubious gem and a few years since I posted it here, so-- a Christmas re-tread...'Twas the night before Christmas,and through the compoundNot a...
Twas the TreeHugger Christmas -- A Holiday Re-tread
Via: swamijim-sez
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
A re-issue of the companion piece for "Neo-Con Christmas'... 'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the pad Not a hipster was tripping, not even old Dad; Eco-tote sacks were hung by...
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