Celebrating Spring Like a Butterfly Emerging from it's Cocoon
Via: kavika
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
elebrating Spring Like a Butterfly Emerging from Its Cocoon by Arthur Jacobs / Currents / 27 Apr 2015 Print This Post Lakota Holder Fancy Shawl Dancer BERKELEY,...
Forget Harvard: Here's Where To Go To College If You Want A High-Paying Job
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Want a prestigious education? Harvard, Yale, and Princeton are the way to go. But if you're looking for a high-paying career after graduation, you may want to look elsewhere. A new study from...
30 Positive Doodles That Will Make Anyone Smile
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
1: You dont have to change for anyone. But if you want to change, you can 2: Congrats on not saying that rude thing even though you really wanted to 3: Kick those exams in the butt. You...
The Trouble with Potholes!
Via: dowser
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
I've been in Owensboro since Saturday-- scanning in old pictures, letters, and documents for a family reunion. I grew up here, and know all the odd shortcuts to places, the ways around traffic...
Frequent Arrestee Charged With Burglary of Palm Desert Home
Via: randy2
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
This was the suspect's fourth arrest since December and second in five days. Photo courtesy of the Riverside Sheriffs Department By City News Service A 45-year-old Coachella man was...
Cooking With Emoji: Taking Eggplant Back From The Bros
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Last week, Amanda Hess at Slate laid out the evolution of a situation truly distressing to our food-loving hearts: Over the past couple of years, it seems, the purple, elongated eggplant...
Tongue-In-Cheek Illustrations Of The Various Stereotypes Of Modern-Day Foodies
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
The team at First We Feast , a New York-based food blog, has drawn up a hilarious series featuring stereotypes of modern-day foodies. Drawing inspiration from the diversity of cuisine...
Thank you, Front Pagers
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Thank you, Front Pagers I would like to take this opportunity to thank those of you who felt it was important to spend your time posting and commenting on promoting and disparaging your...
A Simple act of Kindness in an Otherwise Crazy World Becomes a Teaching Moment
Via: nowhere-man
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
The other day my wife, Michele, was running errands with our sons and experienced something that quickly became a teaching moment about life. She posted this story on her Facebook feed and I...
OLD WORDS AND expressions that have become obsolete
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
(Author unknown)OLD WORDS ANDexpressions that have become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology. These phrases includeddon't touch that dial,carbon copy, you sound like a broken...
Girl Raises $15K to Rebuild Parents’ Burned Home After Contractors Fled Without Finishing
Via: nowhere-man
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Its been two years since a fire destroyed the De La Sala familys Tampa, Florida home. Her parents are struggling after their insurance money was paid to a builder who they say ran off after...
He Tried To Buy His Late Father's Squad Car But Was Outbid... By The Kindest Man Who Ever Lived
Via: nowhere-man
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
May 15, 2015 Photographs and memories are all Tanner Brownlee has left of his father, a Denver police officer who lost his life in the line of duty in 2010. Last night, Tanner had the opportunity...
Memorial Day - We Must Never Forget
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Too many people Memorial Day isthe three-day weekend that kicks off summer vacation for the kids, good weather and barbeque parties.To all who have served and to the families of those who have...
Pac-Man Turns 35
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
On May 22, 1980, a video game icon made his debut in Japanese arcades. Friday marks the 35th anniversary of the arrival of Pac-Man , arguably the most recognizable character and franchise the...
14 Life Lessons From 2015 Commencement Speeches
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
1 Trust Yourself I want you all to stay true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves. I want you to ask those basic questions: Who do you want to be? What...
8 Habits of Happily Married Couples
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
1 They're grateful. WINSTON CHURCHILL LETTER TO CLEMENTINE CHURCHILL, 1948 Churchill wrote this on the couples fortieth anniversary. My Beloved, I send this token, but how little can...
Not Everyone Should Go to College
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Kathryn Craig, Educational Leader (K-12) "I don't think everyone should go to college," I would inform my 11th grade English/Language Arts students. I would hear the talking and see the...
Illinois Couple Welcomes 100th Grandchild: "Could Start Our Own Town!"
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
An Illinois couple married for 59 years just welcomed their 100th grandchild Credit: Phil Carlson/The Quincy Herald-Whig via AP Bring out another kiddie table for the holidays! An Illinois...
A Stunning, Multi-Wavelength Image Of The Solar Atmosphere
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
This fantastical image comes courtesy of NASAs Solar Dynamics Observatory . It depicts a brilliant array of coronal loops, magnetic fluxes which form around sunspots and extend into...
24,882 Ways To Tie Your Necktie
Via: robert-in-ohio
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
Scientists discover tens of thousands of alternatives to the traditional Windsor knot. Until now, scientists thought there were only 85 different ways to tie a typical necktie. Now...
No Politics. Just a Little Yard Work.
Via: xxjefferson51
Scattershooting,Ramblings & Life
10 years ago
With Mary and I on the road most of the time working to elect conservatives around the country (the Conservative Campaign Committee), our home was neglected.We were amazed to see that roots had...