Tagged: health
Marijuana Users More Likely to Land in Hospitals and Emergency Rooms
Via: gulliver
Health, Science & Technology
3 years ago
Sorry, pot heads. We’ve got bad news: Your weed smoking habit might just land you in the emergency room—or at least make you more likely to.
Sweden has developed herd immunity after refusing to lock down, some health experts claim, with coronavirus infection rate falling
Via: dean-moriarty
News & Politics
5 years ago
This is great news if they have indeed achieved herd immunity they are far ahead of many of the neighboring countries.
Taxation and Unemployment
By: yourlordandsavior
5 years ago
Often, when people toss the people won't work thing around, it's because they also think when you pay "taxes," it's a gift, except when they want something specific, in which case it's "my tax...
Record numbers seeking spiritual help globally over coronavirus
Via: heartland-american
News & Politics
5 years ago
This is indeed good news. People are responding to this and finding hope. Best of all, technology making it possible to reach people secretly whether they live in China, Iran, North Korea, Saudi...
Avoid These 5 Bad Habits That Can Damage Your Brain
Via: krishna
News & Politics
6 years ago
gualtiero boffi / Shutterstock The human brain has unparalleled capacity to process and analyze information. It is the control center for all your productivity and actions. People often...
Last Flu Season Was Deadliest In Decades. This Might Be One Reason Why
Via: tfargo
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
Last Flu Season Was Deadliest in Decades. This Might Be One Reason Why Just 37.1% of adults got flu shot By Evann Gastaldo , Newser Staff Posted Oct 25, 2018 4:00 PM CDT...
Taxing soda won't end America's unhealthy obsession with sugary drinks. Better education might.
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
When I talk to my personal fitness clients, one of the most common concerns I hear is, I know it’s bad for me, but I just love soda. Unfortunately, it’s a common refrain: A 2012 study stated...
Abortion does not cause depression, new study finds: Groups that claim abortion leads to mental illness are misleading people, experts say
Via: gordy327
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
From NBC News: Abortions don’t cause depression, although women who have depression and anxiety may be more likely to have abortions, researchers reported Wednesday.The study is the latest to show...
Public support for vaccines drops a bit: Strong support for vaccines has fallen since 2008, survey finds
Via: gordy327
Health, Science & Technology
7 years ago
From NBCNews: Support for vaccination has fallen a little among Americans in the past 10 years, a new survey out Monday finds. While almost all Americans still vaccinate their children on...