


Reading opens the doors to a new world, a world that we may never experience in real life. It introduces exciting adventures and offers ideas through different perspectives. Reading exposes new words to us, as we are constantly discovering and expanding our vocabulary, oftentimes without even knowing it.




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The most popular books on social media, according to BookTok

The most popular books on social media, according to BookTok

Via: Buzz of the Orient  •  5 Comments  •  last year
Buzz of the Orient last wrote: I feel the same way about it.
The long journey of Yeonmi Park

The long journey of Yeonmi Park

By: Vic Eldred  •  12 Comments  •  last year
Jasper2529 last wrote: "..." Genocide comes to mind.


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@TTGA @Hal A. Lujah @John Russell @Tex Stankley @Rockhound @Petey Coober @Mari Dama @Pegasus4 @ausmth @mocowgirl @sandy-2021492 @Cerenkov @It Is ME @Tessylo @Drakkonis @katrix @Ed-NavDoc @Jasper2529 @Tacos! @dave-2693993 @Sparty On @Greg Jones @SteevieGee @Snuffy @Bob Nelson @Krishna @Vic Eldred @r.t..b... @GaJenn78 @XXJefferson51 @JBB @Just Jim NC TttH @Texan1211 @TᵢG @lady in black @lasterus @cjcold @MsAubrey (aka Ahyoka) @Buzz of the Orient @Sean @Duck Hawk @Gazoo @Adam_Selene @Perrie Halpern @Dismayed Patriot @The Magic 8 Ball @Mark in Wyoming @MonsterMash @Ronin2 @JumpDrive @evilone @charger 383 @Dragon @Sunshine @Thomas @Right Down the Center @Thrawn 31 @Nerm_L @CB @Transyferous Rex @zuksam @Ozzwald @bbl-1 @321steve @Freefaller @bugsy @Larry Hampton @Hallux @pat wilson @arkpdx @GregTx @Trotsky's Spectre @1stwarrior @squiggy @gooseisback @Jeremy in NC @shona1 @Gordy327 @Ender @Kavika @Colour Me Free @MrFrost @JaneDoe @Jack_TX @bccrane @epistte @Steve Ott @Nowhere Man @Drinker of the Wry @afrayedknot @George @RU4Real

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