Dirty Words

Fuck The World
It's been a long time. I see you lot are as hopelessly mired as ever. None of you have moved, none have budged. Still not having any fun. Thank goodness for A. Mac. Let's see some songs with bad words. I'll start as always.
Thomas Benjamin, a man with 2 first names and a lot to say, most if it dirty.
Well This Is Shit
In case there was any doubt he will say what he thinks.
I've No More Fucks To Give
He's not the only one who doesn't give a fuck. Chip Taylor and The New Ukrainians don't either.
Fuck All The Perfect People
So. Here's a chance for you terminally constipated thoroughly benighted and fully fucked up folks to say what you really mean..with music.
Please dont "both sides" this shit.
Good to see you too John.
welcome back to cyber capistrano, where every 4 years the maga morons return...
YO! Wheel, when you are right, you are right again. lol
This fits here.
Here's the official version by La Roux. Just to place the commercial parody in perspective.
Her hairdo is very reminiscent of Flock Of Seagulls.
Good one! Loved the kid with the taser!
They have a great sense of humor for a punk band.
It's been a long time. I see you lot are as hopelessly mired as ever. None of you have moved, none have budged. Still not having any fun.
You are so right - the far left is still the far left and the far right is still the far right and the middle ground is still pretty much empty as neither side venture towards a meeting of the minds and compromise very often.
I have been watching the show for going on 14 years and nothing much changes
What would the middle ground be?
I am not sure i am the one to give the intellectual answer that question deserves, but for me on the national level it is the two sides forgetting their partisan rhetoric and stopping the pandering to donors for power and putting the needs of the people.
Here on NT it would be the ability of all of us to have a civil, while still vigorous debate of an issue without resorting to name calling and ad hominem attacks
But I dream and that is sadly not the reality in either place
What kind of 'civil debate' do you propose having with people who post fake videos and stories about Biden every day ?
I see too many memes about Biden and about trump and about AOC and about SCOTUS justices and about Governors and about supporters of this candidate or that candidate from people who seem unable or unwilling or both to debate an issue with their words and their own ideas instead of dumbass memes.
I think civil debate could begin there
And we could listen to, respect, and not ridicule the opinions of others for the sole reason that they aer different what we think.
We could talk about the issues and not about the people talking about the other side of issues.
The civil debate could continue along those lines.
Too many people find it too easy to just affirm that if you disagree with them, if you do not support their viewpoint or candidate or if you like some things about what each side wants then you must be an idiot.
Yeah civil debate could happen and we would all learn more about issues and our country tthan we do by shouting at each other (figuratively and literally) and calling each other names.
Great idea-- but I doubt it could happen on a social media site.
Sorry, but not all opinions are worthy.
A lot of them are ridiculous, conspiracy laden idiocy.
Sorry, but not all opinions are worthy.
A lot of them are ridiculous, conspiracy laden idiocy.
A lot of intelligent people might think that someone who thinks anyone who disagrees with a dissenting opinion to be part of that aforementioned "ridiculous, conspiracy laden idiocy"
“I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” ― Voltaire
People have a right to mouth crazy, destructive , conspiracy theories, but they dont have the right to have those crazy, destructive , conspiracy theories respected.
People have a right to mouth crazy, destructive , conspiracy theories, but they dont have the right to have those crazy, destructive , conspiracy theories respected.
I hear you
So civility in discussing issues, unless one agrees with the point of view being presented in a long shot!
Civility would begin with not trying to claim that facts are lies and that legitimate new sources are somehow illegitimate.
To have a decent conversation there needs to be agreeable facts.
Actually no, though I agree that facts are important and I like the truth a lot. Civility means being able to disagree with a point and to point out how wrong the point is without becoming hostiles, calling names or denigrating a person for having a point of view which differs from ours.
If everyone agrees on an issue there is no room or reason for debate
I think Trump is a lunatic but also think Biden is not the right president for our country, but I do not need to denigrate anyone who disagrees with either of those points.
I will make my points, listen to and disagree with theirs - all without calling them names or denigrating them in any way for believing contrary to what I believe.
I didn't say an issue had to be agreed upon, but basic facts need to be agreed upon as a starting point.
For instance, you said:
I think Trump is a lunatic but also think Biden is not the right president for our country, but I do not need to denigrate anyone who disagrees with either of those points.
Ok that is an opinion, but I may demand that we agree that certain things have been done to Trump, such as the Russia/hoax before we debate what makes Trump "a lunatic." If someone can't even admit that the Russia thing was created by the Clinton campaign at this point, how can we have a reasonable discussion of why Trump acts as he does?
I will make my points, listen to and disagree with theirs - all without calling them names or denigrating them in any way for believing contrary to what I believe.
My personal rule as well.
I may demand that we agree that certain things
Actually you may not demand anything, in the debate/discussion you can make your points but "demanding" concessions before discussion will stall or likely kill the prospect of a real discussion
how can we have a reasonable discussion of why Trump acts as he does?
I think this is a key point - whether or not Trump was "wronged" in the past is of no concern to me or to millions of others. The way he acts, the way he talks, the way he denigrates people add up the conclusion that he is a lunatic and shouldn't be president.
There may be valid reasons (as you point out) for why "he is like he is" but that does not make him a good candidate to lead our country in my view (and other folks agree it seems)
That seems to be your conviction.
My contention is that character is less important than performance. Both Trump and Biden served as President. Do you have children or grandchildren, Bob? What do you want for them. Over here where I live, we had terrorists hijack fully loaded planes from Logan airport and rammed them into the Twin Towers in NY. Then we had terrorists plant bombs at the Boston Marathon event which also killed and maimed people. Joe Biden has opened the border and at least 10 million unvetted people have entered the country from all parts of the world. The FBI Director says he can't recall when there were more terror red flags. Think about it Bob. Are you still more concerned with character?
Character is a preview of actions
I want peace, happiness and prosperity for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and I do not believe that Mr. Trump is the person that will provide that for them.
This is truly a blessed day, Thanks Tessylo you have never said I was correct about anything before
My bad and apologies I did not mean to misquote you in any way
Here's a thing. The forced birth people will not accept honest definitions of words. Murder doesn't mean what they insist it means, neither does baby but it's impossible to have any kind of actual discussion with them since they won't accept any definition but their own.
You may return to your regularly scheduled slams against the candidate of your choice now. (and if this don't stir up some shit nothing will!)
I take umbrage with that comment, Wheel. I have been posting jokes and humour, and my latest Jane Austen "comic book" was fun for anyone who is into English Literature. This song may not have dirty words, but it has dirty meaning for those who koow what the "work" that both motha and daughta do.
By the way, good to see you're sitll kicking.
Great to see you still kicking too Buzz.
Hi Wheel-- welcome back!
Are we "still not having fun"? I suppose it depends upon what people think is fun.
For example-- how about Arcade Games (Pacman, Space Invaders, Pinball? See: Old Tyme Arcade Games! And what about these?
The End of Blonde Jokes>
10 Most Amazing Rolls Royce Models Ever Made, Ranked
Yet Another Movie Quiz
See Inside A 958-Foot Cargo Ship, From The Crew's Living Quarters To The Massive Engine Room
What Personality Type Are You? The MBTI ("Myers Briggs Typology Indicator") - PART I Of V
Old Guy Jokes
Dogs of the World By Geographic Origin
I left out AMacs photo seeds because there are so many of them that I assume most people here are familiar with them.
Oh-- and numerous frequent movie quizzes by Buzz.
And seeds where people post videos of their favourite music.
And . . .???.
Cats Playing Paddy Cake
I enjoyed reading through the comments on The End of Blonde Jokes I posted 5 years ago, but I think I ended the Old Guy Jokes with a sad truth about NT.
Hmmm... Ok
Da, dat-dat-da, dat-dat-da-da-da
For encroaching on the purpose of this commercial-free interruption
Due to the prolific nature of this statement
Listener aggression is advised
I think about just how petty you are
And it blows my fucking mind
Yeah, it blows my fucking mind
These days, I never seem to get enough
I'm tired of this shit, I want to go home
Don't waste my fucking time
Don't waste my fucking time
Because anything exceptional
Gets crushed by common people
With jealousy and ignorance
And all their common evils
This planet isn't special
Collections made of clay
I'm waiting for the punishment
I know is on my way
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
It's secondhand, but you know me
The son of a bitch is on his knees
The last man standing gets no pity
"You form a line to formalize the former lies"
And I finally saw the truth
Something so profound, and it was sitting there
Surrounded by the garbage and the stains
Another victim of the refuse
Now I've been saying this for years
But you don't comprehend it
I fight hell and I fight fear
Because I understand it
Androgyny and insults
You try so hard to be difficult
You want to win the war?
Know what you're fighting for
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
It's secondhand, but you know me
The son of a bitch is on his knees
The last man standing gets no pity
With the angel eyes and demon seeds
You're missing what you really need
When all is said and done, you'll see
The last man standing gets no pity
(No pity)
(No pity)
(No pity)
(No pity)
(No pity)
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
(Cut, cut, cut me up, and fuck, fuck, fuck me up)
not sure why the last man standing would need pity. He's the only one left on his feet.
It's a war protest song, and that's the point, last man standing get's no pity.
maybe he's lonely...