
Important upcoming astrology influence (Effects mainly communication, internet, & transportation)


Category:  News & Politics

By:  krishna  •  9 years ago  •  85 comments

Important upcoming astrology influence (Effects mainly communication, internet, & transportation)

Note: this was originally posted when Mercury went Rx ("Retrograde") 2 years ago. For the discussion about the current event, scroll down to this comment..
















The Roman God Mercury. (In Greek mythology he is called Hermes). He has wings on his head, symbolizing thinking & communication & his feet, symbolizing transportation. In astrology, the planet Mercury rules the sign of Gemini. (Gemini is associated with thinking, speaking, transportation, commerce, etc.).

Of course I'm not foolish enough to believe in something as silly as astrology... But if I did believe in this sort of superstitious nonsense, here's what I might tell people:

Some astrological influences affect only certain individuals. Others effect all of us. One of the latter just began. Its called "Mercury Retrograde". Its happens about 3X/year for a period of about 2-3 weeks. It's mainly in effect from 4/28-5/22, but effects may be felt a few days earlier and are still in effect in a much milder form for a while thereafter.

What  may  occur more frequently during this period:

-Effects some people more than others-- some people notice no effect at all.

-Almost always not serious-- but it can be very annoying. 

-Just like the Roman god Mercury, the planet Mercury Involves transportation and communication-- and problems in these areas when it goes Rx ("retrograde"). 

-Sometimes Mercury going Rx  may  result in delays in ongoing projects. You or other people being late for things. Classes, meetings, appointments, etc. starting late-- or even being cancelled.

-Unclear communications (in conversations with others, snail mail, email, online, etc). Annoying problems with communications  devices : computers, Internet functions in general, Internet sites, email, TV, phones.


Useful things to do during this period:

1. Always leave a little earlier than usual when going somewhere. 

2. In any sort of communication (whether talking with someone who is physically present or not) make an extra effort to communicate clearly, and to listen more carefully than usual. If attempting a nasty personal attack on someone in an online discussion, choose your words extra-carefully, otherwise your intended victim might not even realize your comment is meant as an attack! :^) 

3. Send snail mail/email, etc asap as it may take longer to arrive.

4. Computer & other devices: Do more frequent virus scans, do other preventative maintenance more frequently than usual to prevent problems. 

5. If possible, do not sign contracts or begin major projects of any sort until a week or two until this is over. (But OK to continue projects already begun-- just pay a little more attention to details.).


HTH :)

--Ye Olde Astrologer (AKA Krishna)


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna    9 years ago
What  may  occur more frequently during this period:

-Effects some people more than others-- some people notice no effect at all.

-Almost always  not  serious-- but it can be  very  annoying. 

-Just like the Roman god Mercury, the planet Mercury involves transportation and communication -- and problems in these areas when it goes Rx ("retrograde"). 

-Sometimes Mercury going Rx  may  result in delays in ongoing projects. You or other people being late for things.classes, meetings, appointments, etc. starting late-- or even being cancelled.

-Unclear communications (in conversations with others, snail mail, email, online, etc). Annoying problems with communications  devices : computers, Internet functions in general,  Internet sites,  email, TV, phones.

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna    9 years ago

In astrology, the planet Mercury rules the sign of Gemini. (Gemini is associated with thinking, speaking, transportation, commerce, etc.).

Gemini is associated with speaking. And sometime even too much speaking...

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

Why is Mercury wearing a miners helment on his head. Inquiring minds want to know.

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

Why is Mercury wearing a miners helmet on his head. Inquiring minds want to know.

Interesting question. And strangely, I actually don't know. I will google it later.

That is of course from Greek or Roman mythology, not from astrology. But in most mystical systems, including astrology & Tarot, most things have some sort of symbolism, I'm not sure about ancient mythology. I've known about the meaning of the wings for some time, but not the helmet.

The only thing that comes to mind is that first he tried using different methods to attach the wings to his head before the photo-shoot (maybe Velcro, Crazy-Glue, sewn on magnets, etc) but nothing worked-- so he finally gave in and had to put on a helmet to attach them too! I don't all that much about ancient mythology, but I have a feeling that explanation is not correct.

(Maybe he had to us a helmet because Baseball caps were not yet in style in ancient Greece, and I don't think a do-rag would exactly fit the type of image he was try to achieve. The helmet was not for war though--Mercury/Hermes was not a warrior god-- that was Ares  or Mars ).


Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    9 years ago
  • Aries:Stop being so hard-headed
  • Taurus:Stop being so bull-headed
  • Cancer:Stop being so crabby
  • Pisces:Stop being so fishy
  • Virgo:Not cool guys. Not cool.
  • :~)
Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  Larry Hampton   9 years ago

Cancer:Stop being so crabby

I am NOT crabby! Damn it!

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Larry Hampton   9 years ago

Aquarius: Stop being so drippy.

LIbra: Stop being so just.

Scorpio: Stop being so poisonous.

Gemini: Stop being so schitzophrenic

Leo: Stop being so beastly

Sagittarius: Stop trying to be Robin Hood.

Capricorn: Stop being so sheepish.

For Virgo, I prefer: Stop being so pure.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    9 years ago

I guess they would tell Libras to make up their minds!  

Great article, Krishna!  Love to you!

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

I guess they would tell Libras to make up their minds!  

Well, on one hand, of course Libras can make up their minds! On the other hand, maybe they can't. But then again, I've known some Libras who could make up their minds. (Although now that I think about it, I'm actually not too sure about that)....I have to think about it a bit-- over and over :^)

To be fair , I'll have to carefully  weigh the arguments on both sides of the issue.)








Great article, Krishna!  Love to you!

Back atcha! winking

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

As a Libra, I can honestly say that most things are 6 of one thing and a half dozen of another...  Once my mind is made up, though, it's made up and it takes a nuclear blast of some sort for me to go through all that again...  Oh well...  Not a very nice trait, I suppose, but I'll listen.

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

As a Libra, I can honestly say that most things are 6 of one thing and a half dozen of another...  Once my mind is made up, though, it's made up and it takes a nuclear blast of some sort for me to go through all that again...  Oh well...  Not a very nice trait, I suppose, but I'll listen.

Not so bad really-- I would imagine that that trait might annoy you more than it annoys other people :^)

According to the Astrology books, Libras tend to be nice people, mostly  easy going & east to get along with. Friendly. They don't like nasty stuff-- be it a lot of messy garbage around-- or a nasty fight.

Like the old fashioned scales, they seek balance in all things.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Yes, that's true!  And fairness...  I always think of Ike's sweet expression when I think of Libras.  Ike was such a sweet man, and a fair man.  He truly tried to be honest and fair.

Who'd a thunk that one of my heroes in this world would be a republican?  But, he is, for sure!  winking

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     9 years ago

'' but I have a feeling that explanation is not correct.'' LOL, I'll  have to agree with you on that Krish.

BTW, Tarus is not bullheaded, not in the least, not at all. We just know a lot of stuff (George Carlin consulted us about stuff) so don't challenge us. Where do you think that the first frizbee came from. Yup, it was called a bull patty back in the day. Sun dried and ready to throw.Laugh

Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

Why can't I make corrections! What's up with that.

Taurus as in Tarus. Being a bull I know that.

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

Why can't I make corrections! What's up with that

Actually astrology has an explanation for that-- see this comment, above:

  04/28/16 03:58:13PM  @Krishna :

What  may  occur more frequently during this period:

-Effects some people more than others-- some people notice no effect at all.

-Almost always  not  serious-- but it can be  very  annoying. 

-Just like the Roman god Mercury, the planet Mercury involves  transportation and communication -- and problems in these areas when it goes Rx ("retrograde"). 

-Sometimes Mercury going Rx  may  result in delays in ongoing projects. You or other people being late for things .classes, meetings, appointments, etc. starting late-- or even being cancelled.


-Unclear communications (in conversations with others, snail mail, email, online, etc). Annoying problems with communications  devices : computers, Internet functions in general,  Internet sites,  email, TV, phones.

When Mercury goes Rx (that's the astrology symbol meaning "retrograde"), it is oftimes a prescription for transportation and/or communication problems-- snafus and/or delays:

  Annoying problems with communications  devices : computers, Internet functions in general,  Internet sites,  email, TV, phones.

It might show up as someone having computer/Internet problems-- either problems with their own computer, or problems with their Internet service, or problems on one Internet sites or several Internet sites.

Mercury went Rx today- - I will check the time. (although the effects usually show up a bit before and last a while after). Just checked-- Mercury went Rx today at 3:19 PM eastern Time).




Professor Principal
link   Kavika   replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

So I'm going to be in the nether world for a couple of more hours. Drat!!!

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

So I'm going to be in the nether world for a couple of more hours. Drat!!!


There are many planetary influences and they keep changing. The reason I mentioned Me (Me = Mercury) Rx is because it usually effects almost everyone to some degree.  

But there are many other planetary influences that effect different people at different times, depending on your individual "horoscope" (Birth chart). So while Me Rx usually has some negative influence on transportation and communication for almost everyone, you may also be having other planetary influences going that have a positive impact on these two areas.

Looking at a person's natal chart & the position of Me in the sky, I can tell:

A. Which people will be strongly impacted by the Me Rx and which won't.

B. During that period (mainly 4/28-5/22), when there's the greatest probability that the influence be the strongest.


Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

I am an Aries Krishna....should I start scanning my computer now for a virus?

!0:29AM April 8th, 1964

Beech Grove, Indianapolis, Indiana

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Larry Hampton   9 years ago

I am an Aries Krishna....should I start scanning my computer now for a virus?

!0:29AM April 8th, 1964

Beech Grove, Indianapolis, Indiana

Well, if you're an Aries you probably dom't want towait-- will want to begin ASAP! 

I will take a look and see what the Magicke Oracle says! 



Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Ok took a quick look at your chart. I really don't like to do this quickly-- I am usually very detail oriented & thorough, not suited ti Internet conversation. 

Also, I don't generally like to do charts when Mercury is retrograde-- thinking is not at its best...and neither is communication of information. Anyway..

I won't say anything too personal. Here are a few quick first impressions: You may be quite an extrovert. Sun, Mars and Jupiter in Aries. Tend to be great at starting projects and getting others to join in. High initiatory energy? 10th house-- you career is important, you may be fairly well known in career or at work?

Jupiter & Mercury in 11th-- probably good with computers.

Probably quite idealistic. Friends are important. Uranus in Virgo in 3rd Hse. You may be unconventional & innovative thinker. Aries part  of you likes to jump in, do things quick, get "the bottom line"-- but Ur. in Vi might mean you are good with details as well?

Interesting 5th house. A Piscean energy three. So you might be intuitive , be creative? Creativity through intuition?  For "fun" you might like Spiritual/mystic things. And beer (but everybody like beer :^).  5th Hse is recreation and also re-creation. Some aspect of your relationships with children might be "Piscean"-- a bit unclear? Also you might have to make sacrifices in some way for children.? Moon + Neptune in 9th house-- you might really like philosophy, religion or spiritual stuff;  travel (especially to foreign or very different places). Even foreign food or culture? 

Looks like you might be a very emotionally sensitive and caring person?

Some interesting career stuff. In your career you may be much more aware of all of what's going on, but your co-workers and/or superiors may not be. And if you try to tell them they may not "get it"..?. You may also be unclear as to what career tp pursue or unclear about some other path to pursue in life? There are indications you might be a healer, a "spiritual" healer-- or become one someday.

Just a few first impressions...of course all this could be wrong. Does any of it ring a bell?

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Thank you so much Krishna; I am quite impressed!

Just a few first impressions...of course all this could be wrong. Does any of it ring a bell?

Actually, Yes, yes it does.

What is not said about individual traits/ characteristics is as telling as what is, and probably done to screen my reading, from getting too personal. I thank you for that as well.


I have to say that w have had a cluster of information related issues both at work and at home this last few days; and, all of them have been moderate to serious issues, and not easily solved.


Thank you mercury! Get outta retrograde and back on a more affirmative course!




Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Larry Hampton   9 years ago

Thank you so much Krishna; I am quite impressed!

You're welcome :^)

Just a few first impressions...of course all this could be wrong. Does any of it ring a bell?

Actually, Yes, yes it does.

Probably I just got lucky-- because "everyone knows" there is no validity to Astrology....

(. . . or is there?)

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Larry Hampton   9 years ago

I am an Aries Krishna....should I start scanning my computer now for a virus?

!0:29AM April 8th, 1964

Beech Grove, Indianapolis, Indiana

Interesting-- the Ephemeris in my astrology programme had Beech Grove listed so I didn't have to use Indianapolis.

And  it came up with EST not EDT. For an accurate chart, these details are important. I was wondering if April was really Standard Time. (I have two thick book that have that information for  astrologers-- each place and year to check various natal info including "Time Changes"). But its easier to google and here's what I found:

DST Not Observed in year 1964

Indianapolis did not observe Daylight Saving Time this year.



This is the type of thing you have to sometimes do if you are an astrologer.


Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Beech Grove? Isn't that a chewing gum?

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Great catch!

We never set our clocks back in central Indiana as a kid, and that didn't change until I was an adult not even living there.

Freshman Silent
link   katlin02  replied to  Krishna   8 years ago

i have been having more problems than usual with computer slow downs freeze ups, and the cable going down in the middle of a good movie..annoying ? downright maddening !!

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago


Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

BTW, Tarus is not bullheaded, not in the least, not at all.

Every sign has a distinctive energy. I've notcied that different people can describe that energy in either a negative or positive way. But no sign is inherently better or worse. 

At different times, many in society tend to view particular signs as "good" or "bad". (Currently, I believe Scorpio and Virgo-- maybe be Pisces, Aqarius are judged more negatively-- which is foolish).

Taurus is a "fixed" sign. This can be judged to be negative ("they are stubborn") or positively ("they stick to their principles, they don't "flip-flop", they are reliable.)

The other "fixed signs" are Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio. Taurus can be the most fixed of all.

The "mutable" signs are more changeable (which can either be a good or bad thing, depending) are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, Gemini being the most mutable.  

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Kavika   9 years ago

We just know a lot of stuff 

Usually that sort of thing is associated with Air signs (Mental)-- especially Gemini. But Taurus is persistant-- like the energizer bunny, they just keep going and going and going. So they are usually excellent at research (they won't stop 'till they find what they are looking for).

Also a Fixed sign--- so they can stay on course no matter what. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    9 years ago

That would explain my computer being a jerk today.  

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Hal A. Lujah   9 years ago

That would explain my computer being a jerk today.  

Yup-- exactly.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient    9 years ago

I always knew that my being most comfortable near water (ocean, lake, river, etc) was due to my being an Aquarius.

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   9 years ago

I always knew that my being most comfortable near water (ocean, lake, river, etc) was due to my being an Aquarius.

Actually everyone has several energies in their chart. If you are an Aquarius, that means it your Sun sign (the sign your Su was in at birth). But astrologers use not only your Sun sign but also your Moon sign, and the signs all of the other planets. Plus two points-- the rising sign and the MC (Midheaven).

Since we use ten planets, astrologers often remind people that

Your Sun is only one tenth of your chart.

Sag: My guess is the reason you like being near water may actually indicate you have Sagittarian energy as well-- perhaps your Moon or rising sign is in Sag. It may be not specifically be a love of water, but rather a love of the outdoors in general, or a love of nature-- typically of Sag. (Actually it a common misconception is that Aquarius is a water sign, but strangely its actually an air sign). Or, you may have some water signs in your chart. Sag usually likes physical exercise, sports. They usually like travel, & foreign countries, exotic food, etc. Often involved in publishing, travel, philosophy and/or law. (Lawyers often ave a lot of Sag and/or Gemini. Sag is generally honest-- sometimes to the point f lacking "tact". The usually bounce back well from adversity. Love humour (especially if its corny :). A fire sign, they are often lively, fun-loving, sometimes charismatic. Does any of this sound like you? If so you may have Sag in your chart.

Aquarius: fixed, they can be stubborn. But they stick to their principles! The most unconventional sign-- non-conformists in some way-- they "think different'. Often inventors or very creative.. may tend to like "modern" stuff more than old. Generally very innovative. They are generally amongst the most honest of signs (as is Sag BTW). Aquarian generally have strong principles, idealistic.-- and will stick to them! They generally will not "sell out" for expediency. Often they are good with computers, programming, anything electronic or mechanical. They are actually an air sign-- mental! Networkers (in both the old and new sense of the word). Because they like the unconventional, they are often drawn to Astrology. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Okay, but i'm not sure of my rising or moon signs. I am sure that I'm more comfortable near water.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   9 years ago

I'm a Crab and I loved shellfish, so does that make me a cannibal? Then again my wife says that I'd be a crab no matter what my sign was.Happy

pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson    9 years ago

My issues started Tuesday. Being a Virgo (also ruled by Mercury) I guess wanted to get the ball rolling. Lol.

Two power outages happened which wouldn't be a big deal but may have contributed to the demise of one of my computers. It was an inexpensive one, fortunately. And I had a back-up spare but still had to run to the store for parts. Could have been worse. ;-)


Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  pat wilson   9 years ago

Two power outages happened which wouldn't be a big deal but may have contributed to the demise of one of my computers

Probably just a coincidence-- "everyone knows" Astrology is just a superstition, with no basis in fact! winking

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

May be, but it's fun!  thumbs up

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

I'm down a machine also today, only five are running right now. It fires up but the video card doesn't want to send a signal to the monitor.

Guess I'll have to break out a spare card.... thinking

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Nowhere Man   9 years ago

Two power outages happened which wouldn't be a big deal but may have contributed to the demise of one of my computers.

Probably just a coincidence-- "everyone knows" Astrology is just a superstition, with no basis in fact!  winking

pat wilson
Professor Participates
link   pat wilson  replied to  Nowhere Man   9 years ago

Hopefully it's not the power supply which seems to fail in 5 or 6 years on the computers I've had. 

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  pat wilson   9 years ago

Nope, that's a Corsair RM1000 that was installed four months ago. It powers up fine, just doesn't send a signal to the monitor.

Probably the card overheating cause a fan stopped turning. I'll have to break it down and oil it. Probably aught to just replace the fan and be done with it.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    9 years ago

Does this mean I shouldn't have been outside doing yard work today? I am a Cancer after all.

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man    9 years ago

Alright Krish, I'm willing to try my first reading, if your willing.

All in  good fun now.

3:47 pm 07/11/1947 Meriden Ct. (of course that do make me a bit of a crab....)

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    9 years ago

5:56pm 7-16-1956 Grand Rapids, Michigan

Professor Participates
link   FLYNAVY1    9 years ago

03:49 7-7-60 Wichita, Kansas (yup.....another crab to boil)

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna    9 years ago

Thanks to all for your natal data. I would be interested in doing your astrology, but not right now-- will wait 'till Mercury retrograde is past!


What may occur more frequently during this period:


-Just like the Roman god Mercury, the planet Mercury Involves transportation and communication-- and problems in these areas when it goes Rx ("retrograde"). 
-Sometimes Mercury going Rx may result in delays in ongoing projects.
-Unclear communications (in conversations with others, snail mail, email, online, etc). 
Thinking & communication not at its best during the Mercury Rx. (I try not to interpret astrology during times of the Rx, as my mind is not as sharp as usual). Thinking issues
And a second factor--- my ability to communicate not as good as usual. Communication issues...
And thirdly:peoples' ability to hear what is said is not at its peak! 
So-- no astrology 'till after Rx is over. More Communication issues...
Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    9 years ago

Astrology readings should be done in a group.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

But we're having fun!  (For a change...)

Please allow us to have some fun!  Oh ye arbiter of the Front Page...

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  JohnRussell   9 years ago

Astrology readings should be done in a group.

Actually its not called a mere group-- its actually done in a "covern".

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    9 years ago


This site was founded on freedom of speech. They can post this anywhere, so long as it's in the proper classification. 

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   9 years ago

Well, Perrie, if that's the criteria, this article should have been posted elsewhere on the Forum, rather than under News and Politics, and not necessarily in a group since most groups are languishing.

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   9 years ago

Well, Perrie, if that's the criteria, this article should have been posted elsewhere on the Forum, rather than under News and Politics.

But this article is about news:

Important Upcoming Astrology Influence


Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

It was news to me...

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Randy   9 years ago

Me, too!

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

Maybe we should start reading the Astrology column across from the funny page in the newspaper sometimes? Or maybe one of those tabloid still Astrology magazines at the supermarket check out counter.

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Randy   9 years ago

Whatever floats your boat. But they have zero validity....

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Well I gave you my birth-date and place and you didn't do my Astrological prediction, so how do I know you have any validity?

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser  replied to  Randy   9 years ago

I read it every day.  I figure it might not be accurate, but it is, in general, good advice:  Be nice to others, don't let others get you down, etc...

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  Dowser   9 years ago

I never get to it after the comics. By then and the sports page I don't have a reason to sit down any longer.

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Randy   9 years ago

I never read the newspaper here (the English language version, of course) and rarely watch the English TV news station. I guess that being involved with law most of my life I've been infected with the words: "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"  (Randy, in your case, it would be: "Do you affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?)

I get my news over the internet.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy  replied to  Buzz of the Orient   9 years ago

I actually asked about that at Jury Duty the other day. When they swear you in to be vetted in front of the judge, the DA, the defense attorney, etc. the oath doesn't mention god. Maybe it's only when you're sworn in as a witness?

I get my news over the internet.

Isn't it censored there?

Buzz of the Orient
Professor Expert
link   Buzz of the Orient  replied to  Randy   9 years ago

Although youtube and google are blocked, I get almost all internet news sources even without a VPN - I particularly like the reporting from Canada's 'National Post'.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

Well, Perrie, if that's the criteria, this article should have been posted elsewhere on the Forum, rather than under News and Politics

Oh I can fix that here. Not such a big deal. 

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna    9 years ago

Update: Mercury is now retrograde once again. December 19th - January 8th

Nowhere Man
Junior Participates
link   Nowhere Man  replied to  Krishna   9 years ago

  "Thanks to all for your natal data. I would be interested in doing your astrology, but not right now-- will wait 'till Mercury retrograde is past!"

So, I guess we are all SOL again.....


Does eight months later make a difference?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    9 years ago

Well, I found this and it makes perfectly good sense. It explains all my issues as of late. 

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna    8 years ago

We are now once again experiencing the latest Mercury Rx (Rx = "Retrograde"). Hope everyone is enjoying it! :-)


What  may  occur more frequently during this period:

-Effects some people more than others-- some people may notice no effect at all.
-Almost always  not  serious-- but it can be  very  annoying. 
-Just like the Roman god Mercury, the planet Mercury Involves transportation and communication -- and problems in these areas when it goes Rx ("retrograde").
-Sometimes Mercury going Rx  may  result in delays in ongoing projects. You or other people being late for things. Classes, meetings, appointments, etc. starting late-- or even being cancelled.
-Unclear communications (in conversations with others, snail mail, email, online, etc). Annoying problems with communications  devices : computers, Internet functions in general,  Internet sites,  email, TV, phones.


Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Krishna   8 years ago

There is an issue with the chat function. Please bear with us as we work on the issue. Thanks. 

All those whom still don't believe that Mercury Retrograde has any effect, raise their hands!

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna    8 years ago

Useful things to do during this period:


1. Always leave a little earlier than usual when going somewhere. 


2. In any sort of communication (whether talking with someone who is physically present or not) make an extra effort to communicate clearly, and to listen more carefully than usual. If attempting a nasty personal attack on someone in an online discussion, choose your words extra-carefully, otherwise your intended victim might not even realize your comment is meant as an attack! :^) 


3. Send snail mail/email, etc asap as it may take longer to arrive.


4. Computer & other devices: Do more frequent virus scans, do other preventative maintenance more frequently than usual to prevent problems. 


5. If possible, do not sign contracts or  begin  major projects of any sort until a week or two until this is over. (But OK to continue projects already begun-- just pay a little more attention to details.). 


HTH :)


--Ye Olde Astrologer (AKA Krishna)
Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna    7 years ago


Well, its about that time again-- Mercury will be going Rx (Retrograde) on March 22nd, 2018, goes Direct on April 15th this year.

(Although it doesn't happen in an instant-- its gradual. So the effect technically begins (very mildly) on March 8th and gradually increases. Then even after it goes Direct on April 15th, it lingers, much more mildly. 'till early May. More about this HERE).

Mercury is associated with transportation and communication. So during this time there is a higher probability of problems with:

I. Transportation (on rare occasions accidents involving cars, trains, planes, etc)-- but more commonly there are more people arriving late than usual. More traffic delays than usual.

Advice:  When going anywhere during this period, leave a bit earlier than usual. And if driving, be a bit more cautious than usual.

2. Communication: More frequent misunderstandings in communication. Also communication devices often have problems-computer crashes, problems with Internet sites, phones, etc.

Advice? Make an extra effort to  your communication with others is clear. Listen more carefully than usual. Put in a bit of extra effort when trying to communicate an idea to others. (It might also be a good idea to do a computer tuneup, more frequent virus scans, change passwords, etc).

Traditionally this period is also considered a time to avoid signing contracts, if possible, also not the best time to begin any major project.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Krishna   7 years ago

Oh great.. Now I should shut down NT, LOL!

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   7 years ago
Oh great.. Now I should shut down NT, LOL!

Just remember-- we are talking about forces that are acting on you. But you do have free will-- so how you respond to those forces is the key!

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    7 years ago

How does the movement of planets, suns and moons effect life on earth? 

Is this a religious phenomenon?

Exactly what is the cause and effect and what is it based on? 

Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell   7 years ago

Why does the movement of the planet Mercury effect communications and not, say , food preparation or nosebleeds ? 

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  JohnRussell   7 years ago
Why does the movement of the planet Mercury effect communications and not, say , food preparation or nosebleeds ?

I have no idea why.

I know that it definitely works (that there is a strong correlation between the position of he planet Mercury and communication and transportation related events on Earth). I know what sorts of events are likely to occur. And even the approximate timing of these events, But to how (why) it actually works, I dont know. Snd its not necessary to know the "why"-- often just knowing the"how" is sufficient.

When I first became interested in Astrology I tried to understand it logically. But I couldn't. (And being a MBTI type of "ENTP", I am very orientated towards logic-- many ENTP/INTP/INTJ types h\get bent out of shape by any lack of logic). 

But after studying Astrology a while, I came to realize it cannot be understood logically. (There are many things like that-- for example psychic phenomena really have no logical explanation-- but they are real).

Professor Quiet
link   cjcold  replied to  JohnRussell   7 years ago

Can I use this as an excuse to dump my new girlfriend? She is not as advertised.

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  cjcold   7 years ago
Can I use this as an excuse to dump my new girlfriend? She is not as advertised.

You certainly can try. 

Whether or not it works depends upon what sort of person your girlfriend is-- you can look at her Astrology chart, have her take the MBTI test -- or just hazard a guess based upon logic-- or your Intuition! Whatever floats your boat :-))

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  JohnRussell   7 years ago

How does the movement of planets, suns and moons effect life on earth? 

Exactly what is the cause and effect and what is it based on? 

I haven't the slightest idea!

Well, I don't know the mechanism involved-- how (why) a celestial object can effect events on Earth. 

In fact most people who believe in Astrology (including many professional Astrologers, BTW) believe the planets actually cause events to happen.

I hold a different view-- that there is a correlation between the position of these celestial objects and events on Earth. And I know much about what events are correlated to their various positions. 

But as one of my Statistics professor pointed out-- "Correlation does not necessarily imply causation".

(In plain English that means that if two events are correlated, that does not always meran that one causes the other).

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna  replied to  JohnRussell   7 years ago
Is this a religious phenomenon?

Only if you want it to be :-)

Professor Expert
link   author  Krishna    7 years ago

It won't be long now...


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