Article History
Texas Politician calls pro abortionist terrorist.
By: retired military ex Republican • • 2 Comments • 10 years ago
The thing that amazes me is the Bible states life starts at first breath. Test tube babies are probably currently possible with todays technology. Putting human embryos in an animal to be bornis quite possible. Sperm is a seed womans eggs are just that. Whare do Finatics draw the line why dont...
Infidelity in Marriage or relationships.
By: retired military ex Republican • • 1 Comments • 10 years ago
Infidelity knows few bounds. Number of divorces in the United states in traditional marriages 53%, number of divorces in family prearranged marriages 3%. Men are slightly higher concerning infidelity but only 3% difference.Number of men who would cheat if they were sure they wouldn't get caught...
NRA is now the new KKK.
By: retired military ex Republican • • 4 Comments • 10 years ago
A large majority of Gun owners are new gun owners following the election of President Obama. The GOP in conjunction with the NRA and Gun manuffactures have joined at the hips to portray a ruse of look out the African Amercans, Mexican and Chinese and Jewish and Muslim and any religion but...
President Bush and Dick Cheney proved how tough they were using other peoples children!
By: retired military ex Republican • • 1 Comments • 10 years ago
Many thousands of war Veterans came back physically injured amputees burns and emotional scars for life. PTSD Post Traumatic Stress disorder does not go away. Can it become manageable yes for some others sadly no.Most military suicides are caused by the emotional stress and horrific fear and...
Debtor prisons are back Private prisons a source of cheap corporate labor.
By: retired military ex Republican • • 1 Comments • 5 months ago • LOCKED
These courts are sentencing debtors who cannot possibly pay their fines to prison where they are put to work for Corporations like tose owned by the Koch brothers who use prison labor acrossed the country.Why no public outcry? Debtors prisons are supposed to be against the constitution. Europe...
J.P. Morgan Poster child on how to go back to 1929 financial risks with FDIC backed Securities
By: retired military ex Republican • Heated Discussions • 6 Comments • 10 years ago
J.P. Morgan twists and turns and slithers past government protective measures to insure FDIC protected funds are kept safe. the shakey state J.P.Morgan is putting Wall Street in...
Do armed Civilans stop mass shootings? Actually NO!
By: retired military ex Republican • • 2 Comments • 10 years ago
Mass shootings are not detered by civilians with weapons. In fact in many cases they just become part of the injured or dead. Mass shooters are usually planning on dieing unless you are of the same mind they have the upper...
Where the GOP fits.
By: retired military ex Republican • • 1 Comments • 10 years ago
#1 The Gop reminds me of two things one is the little child laying on the floor screaming and banging the floor with their feet and fists as they lay on their stomach.#2 Remember the old golf story about the four golfers they go home and one Golfers wife asks her husband how his day was at the...
AR 15 Semiautomatic weapon does it better.
By: retired military ex Republican • Heated Discussions • 4 Comments • 9 years ago
Killing an American pastime is so much more efficient with the Assualt capability weapon. not assualt weapon but Mental illness Background check or Medical Report toremove weapons...
Who owns the Media?
By: retired military ex Republican • • 0 Comments • 12 years ago
Who owns the media goes way beyond the questian of who's dad owned the newspaper. As the Media can now be owned by foreign owners unlike the past where forein entities owning Newspapers and TV stations was illegal.Now who bundles the news is as important as who owns the station. Bundling is why...