How FFF* nearly prevented the powerful development of western science and civilization
Via: petey-coober
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
* Fascination with a Flying Fish The fish that nearly sank Isaac Newton's career This striking wood engraving appeared in the 1686 text "Historia Piscium" or "The History of Fishes" by...
Leonard Nimoy Salutes The Enterprise
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I just couldn't miss this moment to share with you the speech that Spock...errr, Leonard Nimoy gave yesterday at JFK Airport when the Enterprise landed. Here it is.
Are Republicans the main supporters of wind power ?
Via: petey-coober
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
LINK The following is the article in its entirety : Republicans The Wind Power Saviors? by Pete Danko , Posted on February 22nd, 2012 The production tax credit (PTC) for renewable...
How Ugly Are You?
Via: perrie-halpern
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Apparently, many people stay up day and night worrying just exactly how ugly they are. But worry not any longer! There's an App for that! http://bit.ly/bvBcx1 ) " title="Screenshots of UglyMeter...
Sega Begins Sales of Urine-Powered ‘Toylet’ Videogame
Via: peter-loves-the-real-tea-party
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Ever wondered how many coffee cans you could fill at the urinal? Toylet knows.Images courtesy SegaToylet, a urinal-mounted gaming device created by Sega, is now on the market for the general...
"More than 50 percent of all Americans could have diabetes or pre-diabetes by 2020".
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
(Note: Article is from 12/1/2010): In a recently released study, UnitedHealth Group's Center for Health Reform & Modernization sounds the alarm on the rising cost of diabetes care in the...
Paralysed Claire Lomas finishes London Marathon (+ video)
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Crowds of people lined The Mall to cheer Claire Lomas home when the paralysed athlete finished the London Marathon in her bionic suit, 16 days after she set off. Ms Lomas has walked around...
Using Barn Owls-- the Natural Way to Control Farm Pests
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Farmers from Israel and Jordan have been using barn owls instead of pesticides to deal with mice and rats for the last 10 years as part of a joint conservation venture called Project Barn...
Whole Foods CEO John Mackey to Staff: Get Slim, Save Money
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
(Note: This article from 2010 provides excellent background information re: the positive impact this company is making . . .) Whole Foods Markets ( WFMI ) CEO John Mackey (pictured),...
Study Finds Calcium From Supplements Appears to Boost Heart Attack Risk; Supplement Industry Disagrees
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Two other recent analyses, published in 2010 and 2011, have triggered warnings that calcium supplements might boost the risk of heart attack. ( Link )
5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
(Note: This article is from 2007-- obviously the situation has deteriorated significantly since that time...) We found out recently that if you try to leave a little kid in a graveyard late...
Forks Over Knives - Official Trailer
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
http://www.forksoverknives.com/ | For showtimes, updates, newsletter sign up and more information. The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of...
Zimbabwe lawmakers get circumcised in AIDS fight
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Officials said more than 40 lawmakers have volunteered to undergo circumcision , a procedure that research shows reduces the risk of HIV transmission . Chebundo was the first to be circumcised...
Say goodbye to your internet use on Monday ?
Via: petey-coober
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I realize this NT group is so tech savvy that talking about this particular malware is not going to concern anyone here ... maybe . But on the off chance that you haven't heard about the hacked...
On the internet anything can be BS
Via: petey-coober
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
LINK : http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/source-lied-york-times-holiday-forbes-185831470.html Media manipulator admits he lied as a source for the Times, ABC, CBS By Dylan Stableford,...
Home Dialysis and the Death of a Friend
Via: leonahardware
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
This last Sunday a friend of ours passed away from complications in using his home dialysis machine. We just learned today that his passing was because he had burned from a heater that was used in...
Teens and Video Games: How Much Is Too Much?
Via: arch-man
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
The gamer community had a near-miss this week in Ohio, when a 15-year-old boy collapsed after playing "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" for up to five days straight. For instance, in July, a...
Israel confronts world hunger with a solar-powered desert oasis
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Growing the most crop per drop of water is an Israeli specialty. With little rain and a hot desert sun as unforgiving as the Sahara, Israels high-tech researchers and farmers have combined...
11 Pop Culture References Younger Readers Won’t Get
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Archie Bunker Back before we used euphemistic terms like red states and blue states, we tended to tread a bit more lightly when it came to calling out someone on their political beliefs....
E-vehicle news roundup
Via: petey-coober
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
I haven't done a story on my old interest [electric vehicles] in quite a while . There is quite a lot of recent news on this subject . And since gasoline prices are unlikely to drop back below...
Classic Cars as Works of Art
Via: buzz-of-the-orient
Health, Science & Technology
10 years ago
Classic Cars as Works of Art There is absolutely no doubt that North Americans LOVE cars. Why do we choose the ones we do? Perhaps it's for practicality, perhaps for prestige, perhaps for...