How Fat the Western World? Some Thoughts on Consumerism.
Via: perrie-halpern
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
When I used to teach, one of my favorite lessons was about needs and wants. It is not a lesson that was part of the school curriculum, but one that I felt was necessary for life. And so after...
What's Love Got to Do with It? A Question of Faith and Marriage
Via: neetu2
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
I came across an interesting article in The Economist entitled, "Across the Aisles" that relates to interfaith marriages in the US. The numbers of such marriages have been steadily increasing over...
In A World Where Whispers Of ‘WWIII’ Are On Our Lips, This Is THE Absolute Anchor For Our Troubled Souls
Via: xxjefferson51
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Closer to home, I have been discouraged with recent news, videos and laws that attack life at every stage. We are so progressive and “evolved” that organizations like Planned Parenthood wheel and...
ISIS Terrorist Abandons Jihad After Witnessing 'Love of Christians' at Jordanian Refugee Camp, Aid Group Says
Via: xxjefferson51
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Christian Aid Mission has said that Islamic State militants are disguising themselves as refugees at some U.N.-operated refugee camps in Jordan, where they are killing people and selling girls. One...
Atheist Billboard Used Bogus Jefferson Quote
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
A billboard at 1545 Newport Blvd. paid for by Backyard Skeptics features a quote purported to be from Thomas Jefferson against Christianity. Experts at the the Jefferson Library Collection at...
I Saw The Light; A Discussion About Faith In America
Via: perrie-halpern
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Religion : Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and...
Dawkins and why he is right. One of a random series of comments/thoughts from Dawkins from "The God Delusion".
Via: randy
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Why there is almost certainly no God. The Priests of the different religious sects...dread the advance of science as witches do the approach of daylight and scowl on the fatal harbinger announcing...
More Thoughts of Richard Dawson from his book 'The God Delusion', Mono and Polytheism
Via: randy
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Polytheism It is not clear why the change from polytheism to monotheism should be assumed to be a self-evident progressive improvement. But it widely is - an assumption that provoked Ibn Warraq...
Obama's paranoid view of those with strong religious beliefs
Via: xxjefferson51
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
We've known since before he was president that Barack Obama is a bigot. His comment about devout Christians that " they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them"...
Freedom of religion [?] in Sweden ...
Via: petey-coober
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
"A group of people related to the Swedish Pirate Party claimed this week that the state has officially sanctioned Kopimism as a legitimate religion, granting them the freedom to carry out their...
The Catholic Church V.S. Birth Control
Via: perrie-halpern
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
I am a great believer in the First Amendment.Separationof Church and State, is what makes our country unique and special. So, as I heard about the uproar from the Catholic Church about not wanting...
Nadarkhani sentenced to death for converting to Christianity
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
An Iranian court upheld the death sentence against a man who converted to Christianity, a religious group reported today. There is no word on when Iran might execute Youcef Nadarkhani, a...
When Is a Joke Not a Joke?
Via: perrie-halpern
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Everybody loves a good joke. It's good for your heart and soul, and they say that laughter is even good for your health. But when is a joke not a joke? Is it a matter of sensitivities, or who's...
Are You A Racist?
Via: perrie-halpern
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Since the election of President Obama, there have been outcries of racism. The Democrats say that the constant attacks on Obama from the Republicans are really just because Obama is a black...
If there is a muslim community in america, why disparages muslim at the same time?(Confusing )
Via: asbih-hestamdi
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
America has many traditional muslim communities and live fertile so well developed. why still leave many americans to disparage muslim itself like their eyes were closed. and losing orientation,...
Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be
Via: feronia
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Even if it is awfully close to home in many current real life cases, please note that this is an article put forth by The Onion in 2009 and is satire. Truth found in humor... ESCONDIDO,...
Protesters In Egypt Pelt Hillary Clinton's Motorcade With Tomatoes, Shoes ( + Photos That Give Another POV!)
Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Clinton "stressed the importance of protecting the rights of all Egyptians, including women and minorities". During her speech, Clinton said: "When we talk about supporting...
Father’s Painful Letter of Rejection To Gay Son After Coming Out, Goes Viral
Via: rescue
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
This is a letter that a "father" wrote to his son when the son came out to him, and told him he was gay. I specifically used the word father in quotes because this, in my mind, is not a father....
Orthodox Jewish men given a new weapon in the war against sexual temptation… blurred glasses so they can’t see women
Via: rescue
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
It may seem a short-sighted solution but blurred glasses are their latest tool available to ultra-orthodox Jewish men who want to stop eyeing up beautiful women. The specially-designed out of...
LDS Church Makes Money In For Profit Businesses Funded By Mormon Donations
Via: rescue
Religion & Ethics
10 years ago
Because the Mormon Church is a religious institution, they aren't required to disclose many of their records, and are known for not being open about it's wealth. Mormons in good standing are to...