Tagged: immigration
Opinion | How Low Can Republicans Go? - The New York Times
Via: revillug
News & Politics
3 years ago
But the contentions of Republicans about geographical unfairness and Democratic inaction are undercut by their meanspirited behavior. They are willing to make life worse for vulnerable,...
Democrats make case to Senate parliamentarian for 8 million green cards
Via: vic-eldred
News & Politics
4 years ago
Democrats' long-held hopes for providing a path to legal status for millions of immigrants is now in the hands of a little-known figure: The Senate parliamentarian. Democrats pitched...
President George W. Bush on Friendship with Michelle Obama, Immigration, UFOs & Trump’s Inauguration
Via: krishna
News & Politics
4 years ago
Amazing video. I was quite surprised at a lot of what he said. How important his art is to him, and some other big surprises, among them his sense of humor. (IMO he's changed a lot since being...
U.S. Catholic Cardinal Favors Restricting ‘Large-Scale’ Immigration Of Muslims
Via: krishna
News & Politics
6 years ago
Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke (AP/Gregorio Borgia) Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, a staunch Catholic traditionalist and one of Pope Francis’ leading critics , said restricting Muslim immigration...
Ted Cruz Calls Out Ilhan Omar for Her Racism Charges Against Merit-Based Immigration
Via: vic-eldred
News & Politics
6 years ago
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) chastised Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) on Wednesday over a since-deleted tweet that suggested Latino immigrants aren’t capable of competing in a merit-based immigration...
A Prime Time Address and the National Emergency
By: vic-eldred
6 years ago
President Trump will address the nation Tuesday night from the oval office at 9PM. Later in the week he will visit the southern border. The President will put forth his case to the American people...
Polarization and the promise of a wall
By: vic-eldred
7 years ago
In November of 1986 President Reagan signed the " The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986". The law would eventually grant citizenship to migrant workers who had been living in the country...
Immigration and legislating from the bench
By: vic-eldred
News & Politics
7 years ago
In 2015 a CA Federal judge ruled against the Obama administration for holding families of illegal immigrants who crossed the US border in detention facilities. In her "ruling", Judge Dolly M...
GOP fears midterms backlash from breaking up families at the border
Via: galen-marvin-ross
News & Politics
7 years ago
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump's policy of taking immigrant children from their parents at the southern border may have been designed to push Democrats to the negotiating table in Congress —...
Why Trump voters need the immigrants they want to turn away
Via: split-personality
News & Politics
7 years ago
The irony in President Donald Trump's hostility to immigration, expressed again in reports of his vulgar comments about Africa and Haiti last week, is that in appealing to the racial and cultural...
2017: The year that Trump finally began to heal America
Via: vic-eldred
News & Politics
8 years ago
If you were to ask me in 2016 what 2017 would be like, I’m not certain that I could have provide d a clear and concise answer. The former was the year that the elite and pundit...
The Virginia Governor’s Race Has Exposed A Big Immigration Problem For Democrats
Via: vic-eldred
News & Politics
8 years ago
The gubernatorial election in Virginia is less than two weeks away, and of course it’s drawing national attention as a bellwether for the prospects of both major parties in the age of Trump,...
llegal Aliens Escalate Amnesty Demands, Claim Racism
Via: arkpdx
News & Politics
8 years ago
Top Democrats and business allies invited reporters to a Capitol Hill event to watch illegal immigrants demand amnesty and smear Republicans as racist, in Spanish and broken English. “I’m...
Five things to know about Trump’s immigration principles
Via: vic-eldred
News & Politics
8 years ago
The White House is putting a high price on any deal that would allow young immigrants who entered the United States illegally to stay in the country and work. In exchange for legislation that...
Trump; My Hero! - Immigration Defies Sanctuary Cities
Via: j70141
News & Politics
8 years ago
The nation’s top Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) official said Friday that his agency had “no choice” but to arrest illegal immigrants in California’s neighborhoods and worksites...
Dem Congressman: Bulldoze ‘Every Inch’ of Existing Border Barriers
Via: vic-eldred
News & Politics
8 years ago
Democrats on the House Homeland Security Committee lined up Wednesday to oppose a bill to beef up border security and build a wall on the Mexican border, but a representative from Texas took it a...
More Americans 'blocked from Canada'
Via: krishna
News & Politics
8 years ago
The number of American citizens turned away at the Canadian border has reportedly jumped significantly in recent years. Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) figures obtained by Montreal...