Tagged: white house
Married a PORN STAR, had sex with another PORN STAR, accused of RAPING 23 women, and MAGGOT LOONY-BINS want Donnie as their PRESIDENT?
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it
News & Politics
10 months ago
Twenty-three women came forward, accusing Trump of raping and sexually assaulting them without their consent."Dirty Diaper Donnie", currently, squatting in a NYC courtroom, pooping his pants,...
Antimalarial drug touted by President Trump is linked to increased risk of death in coronavirus patients
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
Related Seed: Trump Says He's Taking Malaria Drug To Protect Against Virus President Donald Trump said Monday that he is taking a malaria drug to protect against the new...
Trump's personal valet tests positive for coronavirus
Via: krishna
News & Politics
5 years ago
Pence flouts Mayo Clinic policy on masks -- which is to wear one Related: 1. No, wearing a mask isn’t for libs. It’s for people who don’t want to die 2. Much Of The White House...
‘God Is Surely Moving in This Nation’: Christian Musicians Worship Jesus at the White House
Via: heartland-american
Religion & Ethics
7 years ago
Several worship leaders and Christian artists have posted footage of a spontaneous praise session that took place in the White House yesterday. The “Faith Briefing” meeting was designed to give an...
Mueller Seeks White House Documents On Flynn
Via: matti-viikate
News & Politics
8 years ago
Investigators working for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, recently asked the White House for documents related to former national security adviser Michael T. Flynn, and have...
A Brief but Eventful Tenure of Scaramucci
Via: matti-viikate
News & Politics
8 years ago
Anthony Scaramucci burst into the White House as a game-changing character in the continuing drama of the Trump administration. Brandishing mirrored aviator sunglasses and an expletive-heavy...