Biden Team Cancels Texas Event After Highway 'Ambush' by MAGA Cavalry
By: Kelly Weill (MSN)
Biden Team Cancels Texas Event After Highway 'Ambush' by MAGA Cavalry
Joe Biden's presidential campaign canceled a Friday event in Austin, Texas, after harassment from a pro-Trump contingent.
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Texas has emerged as a battleground state in Tuesday's presidential election, with polls showing the typically Republican stronghold now only marginally favoring President Donald Trump. The Biden campaign scheduled a Friday event in the state, in a bid to drum up last-minute support. But when the Biden campaign bus drove to Austin, it was greeted by a blockade of pro-Trump demonstrators, leading to what one Texas House representative described as an escalation "well beyond safe limits."
The cancelation comes amid national anxiety about voter intimidation, a tactic the Trump campaign has implicitly endorsed.
Historian Dr. Eric Cervini was driving to help with the Biden campaign stop when he filmed a line of pickup trucks along the highway, many of them flying Trump flags. The drivers were "waiting to ambush the Biden/Harris campaign bus as it traveled from San Antonio to Austin," Cervini tweeted.
"These Trump supporters, many of whom were armed, surrounded the bus on the interstate and attempted to drive it off the road," he alleged. "They outnumbered police 50-1, and they ended up hitting a staffer's car."
For all the trumpsters insisting it didn't happen, here's pics that you'll still insist show nothing.
— lisabuentello (@lisabuentello) October 31, 2020
Footage from a CBS affiliate in Austin shows Trump supporters with signs and bullhorns surrounding the bus when it parked, with one person screaming that Biden was a communist.
Rep. Sheryl Cole, a Democrat representing nearby Pflugerville in Texas's House, announced that a Biden event in her city had been canceled due to the harassment.
"This is a 1st for me - but we just cancelled a joint event in Pflugerville w/ @JoeBiden campaign,
@AustinYoungDems, & more, due to security reasons," she tweeted. "Unfortunately, Pro-Trump Protestors have escalated well beyond safe limits. Sorry to all who looked forward to this fun event."
This is Kamala bus!
Verified Kamala was on this bus.
Radio blasting to, "Eye of the Tiger!!"
— MAGA (@BlessUSA45) October 31, 2020
The Biden campaign did not immediately return a request for comment.
The Trump campaign—and often Trump himself—has encouraged in-person conflict around the polls. Trump used the first presidential debate to urge supporters to act as "poll watchers," a call that sparked concerns of voter intimidation. His son, Donald Trump Jr., made an explicit call-out regarding the Biden campaign's Texas outreach efforts.
In a video ahead of a Friday event by Biden's running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, Trump Jr. encouraged his father's supporters to show up at Harris's event.
"Hey Laredo, Don Jr. here," he said. "I heard you had an awesome turnout for the Trump Train. It'd be great if you guys would all get together, head down to McAllen and give Kamala Harris a nice Trump Train welcome. Get out there, have some fun, enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and bring all of your friends. Let's show them how strong Texas still is as Trump country. Get out there, guys."
Trump supporters have previously been accused of intimidation this election. In Beverly Hills, California this week, an Australian television personality filmed participants at a pro-Trump rally shouting at her and threatening her in her car. A man brandishing a Trump flag at her appeared to photograph her and take down her license plate number.
"We've got you now," the man shouted. "You're going to vote for Trump whether you like it or not, you've got no choice."
When Biden spoke at a Minnesota event on Friday, the same day as his campaign was ambushed in Austin, Trump supporters in a caravan of vehicles reportedly surrounded the venue honking their horns and chanting.
During early voting in the swing state of Virginia late last month, a caravan of Trump supporters drove to the Democratic-leaning Fairfax County and surrounded people in an early voting line, shouting at them on loudspeakers
"We had a couple poll observers there that had to actually escort voters in because we saw people that would get to the edge of the parking lot, and see this giant group of Trumpers yelling and screaming," the executive director of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee told The Daily Beast at the time.
Read more at The Daily Beast.
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I never thought I'd see such violence during an election.
Here is a video of what actually happened.
I love how Trump supporters play innocent when they get push back. This is nothing short of intimidation and being bullies. When in the history of our elections has this ever happened? Answer: Never.
Thanks. I can't believe this happened.
Well this 'president' has told his supporters to Stand Back and Stand By. . . is anyone surprised by this?
It looked to me like one of them cut the bus off, sliding in extremely close to its front bumper.
How many Secret Service cars would have been needed to counter this many trucks? Likely more than they generally have in their entourage.
Again, when has this ever happened in modern election history? The answer is never.
I'm sure the SS was there, but what were they supposed to do? As I said, it is not illegal, it's just intimidation and being bullies.
I'm sure it will be playing on TV and also on youtube shortly.
I got it from youtube.
It's also on "The Donald" group. btw the rules are you can't say anything against Trump, so it's one big sick echo chamber.
Let me amend. I got it from Twitter.
That just looks like people driving down the highway.
Sure it is. They're just trying to get from one place to another - no intimidation evident at all. The sort of thing people video with commentary every day.
Is it usual for people to video and comment on the behavior of "normal traffic"?
Do you think the Biden entourage has never encountered heavy traffic? Did they cancel events because of it?
The police didn't seem to think it was normal.
I see an awful lot of cars following too closely, which is an actual traffic violation, in case you were unaware.
Looks like a rolling blockcade to me, boxing in the Biden Bus.
Of course it is. Some people just don't see anything wrong with that.
There is no legal thing as an unwanted 'escort' of cars on the freeways of this country. Moreover, as Trump supporters are fond of 'saying' freedom means mine your own damn business and Biden's business has little to nothing to do with a "Trump train."
Had it been me, I would have pulled off the freeway at the exit and gotten back on at a different stop. Or just stopped the bus and let those "fools" go on or expose themselves fully for the jackasses they were definitely being. Then, I would have my staff started filming license plates!
Plenty wrong with it. It's dangerous (and I think you know this although your comment is too pithy to read into it). Additionally, Trump supporters always WHINE about freedom, liberty, the American Way, and those big ass waving flags - USA!, and here is evidence of them harassing the expression of campaigning in a free election. Well, their asses was caught red-state-handed quenching Biden's freedom to move along the roadway at his own pace and leisure.
And on most of those highways, there aren't convoys attempting to surround other vehicles.
Let me nip this in the bud, nobody is supposed to box another driver in on the freeway. Nobody thinks it is okay, and nobody wants it to happen to them. It is distracting to drivers and creates an unhealthy and unsafe driving space on a public access-way. It is not legal and likely expressly forbidden in DMV manuals. However, names and tags should be pulled and citations considered being placed in the mail.
Yup. I wouldn't let myself be separated from my group by those folks, either.
Look, I know you don't want to think they did anything wrong. But they did. Try boxing in a tractor-trailer driver sometime, and see if he thinks you're just behaving normally. You, too, are defending the indefensible.
In which case (if true): the unhealthy effect caused by "training" on a public roadway, and engaging a disinterested set of drivers in another's callous scheme.
Apples and oranges. Police secured "walk-ways" and "stand-ways" for protests on freeways. This is a political campaign bus splashed with identity-markings traveling at a bus-grade in a proper lane at a proper high rate of speed. Being "tag-a-longed' by opposition drivers front and back in a boxing-in maneuver.
Now some can feign ignorant of the differences and innocent of tactics, while pretending to defend the indefensible, but I have every right and privilege to call it BS and will. Adults know wrong when they see it - so don't try to fake us out!
The Biden people should lend a body to take time out to make a few examples of local conservative 'agitators.'
The Biden bus was not collaborating with the Trump's group to "train" or be escorted down a roadway.
They laid in wait for the Biden bus to come so they could ambush it.
Yes ambush.
I note that you don't deny that they laid in wait to surround the bus.
I will not be deflected on to another discussion. This is a campaign bus not an individual standing or 'squatting' on a freeway. Have the proper discussion or just drop out of it.
So it is not proper use of the roadway. Stop wasting good time here.
Then by definition, it was an ambush.
IF the SS was in that white car, YES.
All discussions have parameters and borders. Steering off into protest marches and 'sit-ins'—neither is the case here. Moreover, it is not even remotely what is occurring.
Never in my lifetime have I seen America descend from being civilized to resembling a third world country. The UN should send out its Peacekeeping Force to stand between those animal-like intimidators and decent civilized people. Following their leader's request, the animals are "standing by".
Trump's rogue army brings to life Mahatma Gandhi's statement that I just read in a Rolling Stone article:
Texan's comments on this thread are what you get when you allow people to believe "both sides" are at fault for what is happening in this country.
People are tired of these ridiculous responses. These ladies are too polite to you.
In the video Perrie posted
we see what appears to be about 25 or so vehicles, most displaying Trump flags , going in front of, to the sides of, and following the Biden bus.
How did they all get there? Why are they surrounding the bus? Is that good clean fun or planned and co-ordinated intimidation ? Most drivers try to pass buses on the highway if they can, none of these Trump vehicles seem to be interested in getting beyond the bus. By "messing " with the bus they are increasing the risk of an accident , even if only minimally.
We can always count on NT Trumpsters to support this kind of idiocy, as did Trump himself when he tweeted approval of what they did by reposting the video with the comment "I love Texas".
If someone had been killed Trump would undoubtedly say "it's sad, but accidents happen".
I would say that is usually a true statement , no one likes to get behind any large vehicle that usually is going slow or just below the speed limit , people seem to always be in a hurry.
But in the same respect , those "big trucks " seem to attract people whom like to mess with them on purpose ,and i see it every time i get behind the wheel of a semi when im driving. ways i have been messed with ? the usual being cut off, with no space to do so, being passed on a grade , only to have those passing slow down slower than needed so there is no chance to regain speed, having someone speed up while trying to pass them. All done just to be an asshole IMHO. and being a supreme A hole myself , i install a dash cam while im driving , i run into someone like that , i simply download the footage and email it to a state trooper friend i have , in the 10 months i have been running a dash cam , 3 drivers have faced hefty fines for driver harrasment( one case was $800) or lost their lics.
The only one i actually feel anything for is the driver of the bus , since he or she is likely just contracted to drive the bus , and likely has no political affiliation or connection. its just a job to them.
other than the obvious political connection , what I viewed on the video, was what usually happens every single day in congested traffic and the usual interactions between different sized vehicles.
The most dangerous nut on any vehicle ? is the one that holds the steering wheel.
The bus should have slowly advanced. If a magat is stupid enough to stand in front of a moving bus then they deserve to get run over.
Actually, the driver was a campaign volunteer. But why should that mean that he does not deserve our sympathy? Does working for a political campaign automatically mean one should expect this type of behavior? The same type of behavior that you yourself report to the police?
and if you look carefully , i said the only one i felt anything for WAS the driver of the bus, it didnt matter to me if they were contracted or part of the campaign, if they were licd to drive that size vehicle with passengers , it was their lic on the line , the rest is as i said what i see typically on any given day, while driving a big truck (80,000 #s +, usually overweight permitted to 116,000 #s on multiple trailers).
The 3 instances i have reported and resulted in fines or loss of lic showed distinct and obvious harrasment / endangerment, no questions needed to be asked , the one that lost their lic , was because of the fact they allowed others to pass them all the while refusing to allow me to do the same safely ., meaning it was proven in court i was targeted by this driver for whatever reasons they deemed fit and reasonable to themselves only.
Wyoming is not a state that one would like to be in without the privilige to drive.
Because it was just a job for him. Except that it wasn't - it was a cause for which he volunteered. What about the other occupants of the bus? The occupants of the other cars accompanying the bus?
Yeah, the bus was targeted by these drivers. It was purposely boxed in. Same behavior, different target.
and that is for the authorities to decide in the traffic courts.
and as i said , what i saw in the video , i see every time i drive a semi, in congested traffic
Yes-- totally!
know won hear doubts [deleted]
Agreed. My grandfather was a semi driver [car-hauler] and told me all the things that I should never do around a semi while driving. I see people do all those things all the time. When I drove a 14 ft. box truck, delivering autobody replacement parts, I had a lady get in front of me from the "Michigan left" turn lane and slam on her brakes to get into the gas station... there was another gas station about 1/4 mile ahead and NO ONE behind me, but she HAD to do that in front of me. I'm just glad that I was able to stop in time. My ex husband stopped driving semi because a woman panic stopped in front of him on an on-ramp; witnesses stopped too. They told the police that came to the scene that she slammed on her brakes... he was in a fully-loaded gravel truck with airbrakes and manual trans. So, he didn't get into trouble, but it shook him enough to change careers immediately after that. For the record, I'm not making excuses for anyone's behavior. The behavior of those on the road that think that it's somehow funny to play games around a large vehicle [bus or semi] deserve to be arrested for reckless endangerment. I don't care if it's politically motivated or not.
Yet time and again the 'left' are blamed of being horrific violent hateful lunatics when we see such examples/so many instances of intimidation coming from the 'right' so often.
And it comes from the top. Top in this case is top of stupidity.
"Hey Laredo, Don Jr. here," he said. "I heard you had an awesome turnout for the Trump Train. It'd be great if you guys would all get together, head down to McAllen and give Kamala Harris a nice Trump Train welcome. Get out there, have some fun, enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and bring all of your friends. Let's show them how strong Texas still is as Trump country. Get out there, guys."
Totally disgusting.
Then you haven't been paying attention. Protesters have harassed and disrupted Trump rallies all along. Protesters even harassed and disrupted Bernie Sanders campaign rallies.
People are fed up. What did everyone expect would happen?
This is what causes those outbursts. What are you not getting? They start with these massive turnouts at events that normally the opponents never show up at, and then they get pushback and play the victim.
You don't see Biden encouraging this, nor do you see Biden supporters at Trump rallies or escorting out Trump with a "Biden Train".
That's what protesters do - protest.
People are fed up - with brutal tactics like this from tRump supporters. STAND BACK AND STAND BY
Did they endanger people trying to get to those rallies (not to mention anybody else who happened to be on the road at the time)?
The news media has been applauding harassment and disruption of anything Trump for four years. The news media has applauded and supported 'the resistance' for four years.
I haven't seen Biden condemning harassment of Trump supporters or members of Trump's administration, either.
Joe Biden has been using the political language of grievance and outrage. Biden has been encouraging hate for Trump and hate for Trump supporters. Joe Biden has portrayed Trump and Trump supporters as the enemy. That language of hate encourages violence, too.
People are fed up. What did you expect would happen?
So the answer to protests is to endanger people's lives on an interstate?
Seems reasonable.
Yet somehow you have not condemned donald or his family for divisive rhetoric...
We know. It's why Trump does it every 5 minutes. He knows he can't win any other way. Divide and conquer.
Dump Trump 2020.
Trump's rhetoric isn't any more divisive than that of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. Joe Biden's rhetoric isn't less divisive than that of Trump, either.
Just because the news media and left-wing con artists ignore half the country doesn't mean their rhetoric hasn't been divisive. What did you expect would happen?
Nerm, please prove that. I know the media doesn't like him for the most part, but they don't encourage this kind of behavior. And this kind of behavior is being encouraged from our POTUS and his underlings.
You mean after Trumpers show up in huge numbers to intimidate. Yeah, I just don't think there is anything for Biden to say. Bullies started it.
You have got to be kidding. That kind of political language and worse has been the mainstay of everything Trump does. Do I need to post video?
This is not fed up behavior. This is pure bullying and intimidation. It's never happened before in our modern history of elections.
When have either Schumer or Pelosi encouraged violence? Trump offered to pay for the legal defense of anybody who beat up a protester at one of his rallies.
You're equating protesting by one side with the incitement of violence by the other, in your attempt to defend the indefensible.
Sorry, but neither Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi, talk about punching out protesters at a rally but Trump encourages it and I have the video to prove it. Try again.
Protesters have shut down interstate highways. Protesters have surrounded and attacked vehicles on streets and highways. Protesters have outnumbered police by more than 50 to 1.
Schumer and Pelosi encourage violence by attacking those trying to control the violence at the protests. Schumer and Pelosi have encouraged protests even though those protests have used the same tactics of intimidation reported in the seeded article.
When is civil disobedience lawful protest and when is civil disobedience unlawful intimidation? The incident in Texas hasn't been any different than what has happened elsewhere around the country.
The same intimidation tactics have been used against Trump rallies (and even Bernie Sanders rallies). The political biases of the news media and partisan preference determines whether that civil disobedience is lawful protest or unlawful intimidation.
What did you expect would happen?
Where? Video - not your deliberate misinterpretation of their words.
When have cars surrounded and controlled the movements of a Trump entourage on a public road?
One person is repeatedly defending this type of behavior. Have you been reading his comments?
This is the new normal. No amount of condemnation will put the genie back in the bottle.
The protests (that began during the Obama administration) supposedly are justified because people are fed up. What happened in Texas isn't any different than what has been happening around the country. The Trump supporters in Texas were only following the example of peaceful protests that have taking place around the country for years.
When are the intimidation tactics of civil disobedience lawful protest and when are they unlawful intimidation? What did you expect would happen?
You take lawful/valid protesting against this 'president' as harassment and disruption.
The only way this 'president' can win is by lying, cheating, stealing . . . . only way possible for him to win . . .
And you haven't condemned Biden and the democrats for all their hateful and divisive rhetoric
No, we do not encourage and approve of alleged 'bad behavior toward tRump supporters' (what about the bad behavior against non-tRump supporters?). We encourage anyone involved in any alleged 'bad behavior toward tRump supporters' (or towards anyone for that matter) to be punished to the fullest extent of the law like any other person involved in any alleged criminal behavior
Why is everyone so shocked with intimidation?
Go figure!
Again, Suz, prove it. Give us a video where they tell Biden supporters to go out and intimidate Trump supporters, or engage in physical violence.
You can't. Because they don't.
What hateful and divisive rhetoric?
Again, ignoring everything donald has said.
It seems to be willful and purposeful now...
You are doing nothing but trying to dodge away from doanld and make this about something other than it is.
They are making things up now. They cannot defend this behavior so they are trying to find behavior in others to point fingers at.
And if they can't find that behavior, they don't mind just asserting that it has occurred, without any evidence of such.
Donald Trump rally: Highway blocked by protesters
Donald Trump’s Rally in Chicago Canceled After Violent Scuffles
Trump protesters shut down Shea Boulevard in attempt to impact campaign rally
Hundreds of Protesters Descend Upon Trump Rally in California, Damaging Police Cars and Blocking Roads
Bernie Sanders event shut down by Black Lives Matter activists
Do I need to find more?
What happened in Texas is the new normal. Don't accuse me of deflection as a means of ignoring the new normal. What did you expect?
2016, huh? During the primaries? "Violent scuffles" were of course one-sided?
Got any examples of Schumer or Pelosi saying something like this?
Trump Says Police Violence Against Journalists Is ‘Actually A Beautiful Sight’
Any of them offering to pay legal fees for people who attack protesters?
Good grief, I am pretty sure I am watching the same news in the same country
and if that statement is even partially true
I assure you that substituting the words Joe Biden with Donald Trump
and vice versa
would make your paragraph 100% true.
Kudos for doing the work, but all of those incidents will be ignored and otherwise dismissed.
This incident in Texas, and this incident alone, is worthy of hysterics about the end of the Republic.
She didn't call for violence.
Trump has. Multiple times.
Suz, I'm sorry, but I have never heard anyone from CNN say go out and attack someone. Go get in someone's face. If you can produce anything like that, please show me.
And I for one was not shocked by the guns. I was shocked by hundreds of people menacing.
There are a tons of videos out there to prove it.
I'm sorry, we don't have to accept this as our new normal. Just like we didn't have to accept a whole lot of other things that changed over time.
The protests that started under Obama happened within a month of his being elected by "Tea Party" activists. It's amazing how you forgot that.
I want to break that down. First, we have lawfully applied for protests. Then we have peaceful protests that happen spontaneously and are allowed by our Constitution. When you have civil disobedience, they are no longer protected by our Constitution, and that includes intimidation.
Yes they are. You said it. And hopefully the result of the election will show it.
Find me anything that shows Nancy or Chuck Schumer supporting the burning and looting of NYC. Anything.
There is what the left did to Jews for Trump in NYC last week.
Being Jewish doesn't necessarily mean being smart.
If Trump is re-elected I think it will be safe to say you haven't seen anything yet.
Rejecting that new normal would require acknowledging that protests have become a normal part of politics. As you have pointed out, the Obama administration experienced political protests, too. But there weren't millions of people protesting for months following Obama's election. The largest protest during Obama's time in office was the Occupy Wall Street protest which was a political protest but not a partisan protest.
Amazingly there is a Wiki for protests against Trump that does not include any of the BLM protests: Timeline of protests against Donald Trump
While Wikipedia can certainly allow biases, the material is sourced. The number and frequency of political protests really does suggest that protest has become a normal part of politics.
Then we have harassment of political figures in public spaces, we have protests around the residence of political figures, we have protests deliberately disrupting scheduled political events.
These activities to harass and intimidate political figures have become so common that we don't even bat an eye when they happen. That's a new normal.
Well, that's the problem. People don't accept the results of an election. Protests are being used to counteract the results of an election. And that has become a new normal.
What did everyone think would happen?
Donald Trump is not fit to hold office. He is a known crook, pathological liar, cheat, etc etc. KNOWN. Why would you vote for such a person?
Do you want to destroy our country ?
That would be an expected response under the new normal.
But if one side doesn't accept the results of an election then the other side doesn't have to, either. What do you expect will happen with the election of Joe Biden? In the current political climate does anyone actually believe we'll all join hands and sing songs?
Here's the deal, the political left will be protesting Joe Biden, too. That's the new normal. And the political right will be protesting Joe Biden simply because that is the new political normal.
After Joe Biden wins the election don't be surprised that we haven't seen anything yet. What did everyone expect would happen?
I didn't vote for Trump. But I would vote for Trump because he ain't Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden.
There are worse things than Donald Trump. And Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are among those worse things.
Joe Biden is not a KNOWN pathological liar, crook, cheat, bully, moron , and bigot.
Go normalize that pitiful human being Trump to someone else Nerm, I am not interested.
What other presidential candidate (for- re-election) besides Trump has been openly opposed by former members of his own cabinet, openly opposed by high ranking generals and admirals of the US military he was commander in chief of, and openly opposed by numerous organized groups made up of people who had been part of his own political party ?
Enough of this insanity. Republicans and conservatives need to get behind someone else, immediately. If Trump is re-elected this country will be ripped in two. And people like you will be crying that "the left" refused to accept the results of the election. Damn right.
Protests have always been a normal part of politics.
Violence has not.
Only one candidate has threatened not to accept the results of an election, and has been actively trying to make it harder to vote in areas where he thinks the vote will go against him.
Trumpists are too far out on their limb, John.
They can't get back. They are stuck there until they die.
For me to accept Trump going forward he would have to get at least 50% of the vote in the election and apologize to the nation for his behavior in his first term, and close his twitter accounts.
None of those ever could happen. If he somehow miraculously wins he is going to be opposed and resisted even more than the first term. The country should be very worried.
If there had been no flags, it would have looked like normal freeway traffic and the story would not have been reported. If there had been Biden flags the story would not have been reported and this seed would not exist.
Exactly the same activity with events unfolding exactly the same way but there wouldn't have been hair-on-fire claims of violence. In fact, we wouldn't have known anything about it.
The political purpose of protests is to obtain public attention through news reporting. The politics of protest has now evolved to include partisan hair-on-fire claims to influence public opinion after the protest has obtained public attention. Politically the protesters must escalate their activities in an effort to maintain control of the message and influence public opinion. And the only way for protesters to escalate their activities is through violence. That's become the new normal.
Violence associated with protests is the new normal. And on our current trajectory, violence associated with protests can only increase.
Well, some of the drivers made the mistake of posting Youtube videos of themselves, so yes, it would have. They broadcast their intentions.
Anything to support that statement other than your own biased speculation?
Clinton and Biden are not OBVIOUSLY unfit to hold elected office, no matter how much you dislike them. Trump is.
Our country is in disgrace right now , for having elected him the first time. It will only get much worse if he is re-elected. Its hard to imagine why any sane person would want to put the country through four more years of what we have witnessed the last four.
There is something seriously wrong in this country.
Yes, there is. But to address that would stray far afield from the seeded topic. Unlike you, I can't stray because that would only provide an excuse.
People OBVIOUSLY can't accept cognitive dissonance. I haven't been condoning the Trump train. I've only been pointing out that what happened is symptomatic of the new normal in politics. What did everyone expect would happen?
No, there was no predicate for nominating a piece of garbage like Donald Trump for the position of president of the United States.
In 2011 Trump fabricated lies about the then sitting president related to his place of birth and his academic background. Lies that had already been debunked by the relevant state authorities. Why, four or five years later , was Trump allowed to be successful in his seeking the nomination? He was obviously unfit for office.
Not precisely. But you've spent a lot of posts shifting the responsibility for their activity onto leftists.
Because many, many Americans needed to express their regret for having had a Black President.
Thats pretty much it. Some call it Fear Of A Black Planet
Trump won the nomination and election because people voted for him.
The overlooked point of the seeded article is that people still avidly support Trump. That's the cognitive dissonance part of the story. Those who avidly support Trump will use the new normal methods of protest to show their support as those who avidly oppose Trump.
Biden opponents will protest Biden the same way that Trump opponents have protested Trump. That's the new normal. And we ain't seen anything yet. What did everyone expect would happen?
Haven't leftists created the new normal for protests?
Have they? Not that I can see. You seem to ignore the right's role in any violence, pin it all on the left, and then, when a new incidence of violence occurs, continue that trend. Lots of victim-blaming and selective sight/memory.
Didn't these types of mass protests begin during the Obama administration? Ferguson? Baltimore? Weren't there protests against Obama's policy of mass deportation?
No. In the US, these types of protests began in Boston Harbour.
We had protests during the Civil Rights movement, the woman's suffrage movement, the Vietnam War, the second war in Iraq, and the Obama administration, just to name a few. Protests are nothing new. Protest is a right enshrined in our First Amendment.
Presidents encouraging violent protest is, though.
We would give this some consideration if only they had responded in like manner when their king roughed up and abused Trump supporters and other conservative gatherings in big cities and universities around the country when they gathered.
Indeed. They’ve roughed up enough conservative gatherings in cities and on college campuses over recent years and have been largely silent when it comes from their direction toward us like in Beverly Hills yesterday for example and the Jews for Trump car parade in NYC.
As I said earlier, this has become so commonplace no one bats an eye.
Fights Erupt During ‘Jews for Trump’ Rally in Manhattan - New York Times
Note the Jews for Trump group was demonstrating support for Trump with a motor parade prior to a rally. Those who attacked the group are described as anti-Trump protesters.
Yes, protests have been a part of American politics all along. But the people attacking the Jews for Trump group weren't protesting anything; they were attempting to disrupt and intimidate the Jews for Trump group with mob violence. This type of mob violence has become the new normal for what constitutes a protest.
The Trump train incident with the Biden bus isn't any different. Condemning one while ignoring the other won't put the genie back into the bottle. Neither side holds a trademark on mob violence and both sides engage in mob violence. This is the new normal where mob violence becomes an acceptable form of protest.
What did everyone expect would happen?
Did any Democratic leader praise the attackers?
According to whom?
I have no idea. It seems the typical response from Democratic leaders would be to condemn the Jews for Trump group as a means of validating the mob violence by so called protesters.
Bullshit, Nerm. No Democratic leader has condemned the Jews for Trump group. Biden has expressly condemned violence. Trump has expressly praised it. You are substituting your own erroneous perceptions for facts.
With Bernie Sanders?
If they don't like the excessive power Bernie Sanders has over America-- they should impeach him and remove him from office!
Ditto Hillary!
BLM doesn't care. You think the protests (and mob violence) will stop just because Joe Biden is elected?
Well, of course not. That's not how Democratic leadership does things. The Democratic leaders will find a surrogate that condemns the Jews for Trump group and then kneel behind that surrogate in the rotunda of the Capitol. Democratic leadership speaks through puppets.
The only thing Joe Biden has done is make a speech condemning violence. And then Biden turns around and claims Trump and his supporters are an existential threat to democracy around the world and encourages his supporters to fight for freedom. Joe Biden has endorsed mob violence to protect freedom through revolutionary means. So, Biden condemns violence and calls for violence at the same time.
You just said that they do, Nerm. Make up your mind.
The rest of your post is a lot of twisting of Biden's words to mean what you want to believe they mean.
Yeah, that's what a lot of folks say when Trump's words are reported verbatim, often by showing them on video.
Did you read the article I cited in @1.4.71
Here's the only incident described in detail:
And that incident was followed with swift condemnation and punitive action against the police officer. And that one incident has been used to fearmonger about the election. So, support for the Jews for Trump group has been condemned by Democratic leaders and the mob violence validated. The actual confrontation only served as a vehicle to condemn support for Trump.
The puppets have spoken.
Everyone can see here right in this conversation who has been twisting g words and putting imaginary words in others' mouths. It's not me. To insist so in the face of evidence to the contrary is trolling. Don't troll my article.
Mustard with that pretzel, Nerm? You are aware of the existence of the Hatch Act, yes? We don't pay people in the executive branch to campaign for their favorite candidate on taxpayer time, with taxpayer equipment. This officer's words were in support of Trump, not Jews for Trump, and were uttered the day before the Jews for Trump rally, in an entirely different place. Attempting to conflate these two incidents or state that condemnation of an officer breaking federal law is the same as condemning Jews for Trump is dishonest.
Talk about a non story...
Really? Video of the very story being discussed is now off topic and no value? Just because it’s from an opposing perspective?
All those who click on those Instagram links and actually reads then when he posts them-- raise your hands!
That would be exactly no one.
It may explain more than you think...
What the huh?
Please elaborate.
'Please elaborate...'
The point is, the sole constituency which the 'MAGA' faction represents is the gigantic, multi-national corporation. The rest of you are the peons whose existence is suffered only so long as you produce ever-increasing profit for M...A...G...A... etc...
Yeah, I think you're reaching here. Trump isn't a fan of any of the corporations you've listed, and he complains about them in tweets aimed at his base.
'I think you're reaching here...
Then there's him holding up that sheet of paper with the names of four US companies worth over a trillion dollars in order to emphasize how well the economy is doing [White House, Feb 11, 2020, AP photo, Manuel Balce Ceneta].
Here's to reaching!
And? He might not like them, but he's not above taking credit for their success.
It may explain more than you think...
How do you know what I think?
Are you Psychic?
Naa ... If you didn't check the link, I got it straight from the horse's mouth.
Take care!
Lock them up. Seriously.
Agreed. This was assault, IMO.
I am sad and ashamed that this type of thing happened in this country. I hope law enforcement was able to apprehend and charge those individuals.
I am so glad you are you. Stay that way.
I wish they could, but I imagine there were just too many, and that identifying them would be pretty difficult.
You might be assuming they want to...
'You might be assuming they want to...'
People will pay dearly for the refusal to take this point seriously. Thank you.
Sick and sad people. It really is a cult.
I don't care who you are or which candidate you support, this is effed-up. Don Jr. needs to be in a jail cell before the shank of the evening.
Thuggery, creeping fascism.
Don Jr. is encouraging and promoting it. Lock that fascist up.
As is Trump himself. This gangsterish 'very good people' [that we don't want to do anything 'before the election'] remark is a green light to every US fascist to be ready to implement his diktats. One recalls the statement attributed to Henry II, 'will NO ONE rid me of this pestilent priest!' Shortly thereafter Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered.
The final step, we have now officially become a ''Banana Republic''.
SO intimidation is bad, again?
It's dangerous to a free society and fascist, you say?
Great. Now get back to threatening and rioting over speakers you don't like on campuses, attacking businesses, burning them down and boycotting those dissent from progressive dogma, harrasing diners in restaurants that resemble nothing so much as scenes from the cultural revolution, struggles sessions attacking voters outside Trump rallies, and of course, driving recklessly and threatening caravans of trump voters.
Seriously. The cognitive dissonance it takes to be a modern progressive must be exhausting.
Make sure to address the same comments to RW instigators that infiltrate leftists protests to start violence, mmmkay? Or are you still denying their existence?
We don't really know for sure. But it sounds like more than a handful.
I didnt see any counts. From where did you get your numbers?
Exactly! Thanks for putting your reality check here for the faux offended progressives to see.
It's dangerous to a free society and fascist, you say?
Great. Now get back to threatening and rioting over speakers you don't like on campuses,
No one here is threatening and rioting over speakers they don't like on campuses,
harrasing diners in restaurants that resemble nothing so much as scenes from the cultural revolution
No one here is harassing diners in restaurants!
However, this I can tell you: you've got a wonderful imagination! I can tell you that!!!
Have you ever considered writing a novel?
Or even a series of short stories for children..?
With all the new-fangled technology they've got now-a-days, it would be a piece of cake!
So much drama.
I guess it's good that people can be so enthusiastic about politics. That is a desirable thing. But it is a shame whenever people are attacked or property is destroyed. It shouldn't be like that, but there has always been a percentage of the population willing to take things too far.
In this case, we have a car that got messed up by a truck, but looking at this video of the event, it looks like that white car was trying to block the truck and maybe push the truck off the road, leading to some NASCAR-style fender banging. Looks to me like they brought that shit on themselves.
Look at that pickup. He is already in the far right lane (no pun intended). Where exactly is he supposed to go when this white car comes over? In the video below, you can see that the white car is the one that initiates the contact early on. The truck has the mass to put a stop to it, though.
At the very beginning of the video, the white car was directly behind the bus. The truck forced the car one lane to the left as it "merged". Look at about the 0:18 mark.
Both of which were in the middle lane. The truck was already in the right lane, minding his own business. Then the white car starts driving into him. What is he supposed to do? Slam on the brakes? Drive into the grass? He stays where he is and he's the bad guy? Come on!
Ok, I stand corrected. I missed the lane change by the bus.
Now, if you were in a group of trucks that was obviously intended to intimidate the group with which you were traveling, would you want to become separated from your group?
Also, the woman talking the video says that they're "trying to run them out of Texas". Does it sound like she thought the "Trump Train" was behaving normally? Sounds like she knew they were engaging in intimidation, but she thought it was funny, and objected to them fighting back.
Sounds kinda familiar, to be honest.
What does that even mean, though? Intimidate? To do what? People act like someone, anywhere in the country, is going to forego voting, run home, and hide in the closet because a bunch of people go driving around with Trump flags. It's really just overly dramatic.
Again. Drama.
This is not an activity I think I would take part in, but it seems mostly harmless. They're just in their cars, driving, flying flags. When I see people walking on the street blocking other pedestrians, getting in their face, etc., that seems a lot more scary.
"Seems mostly harmless"? Are interstate highways playgrounds? No chance that this unwanted "escort" could cause any traffic issues that might endanger lives?
You see a logical connection between calling something "harmless" and saying the highway is a playground? Cuz I don't.
What are the trucks doing that the bus isn't doing? They are all going down the road together displaying their political affiliation on their vehicles. They just happen to disagree on who to support. It's a friendly rivalry until someone decides it's time to push someone else off the road.
They're engaging in schoolyard bully tactics on a busy highway. No, it's not harmless, Tacos.
It's reckless. And,creating a reckless and erratic 'drifting' of traffic on a roadway is against the laws of all states.
You're reaching. Do you approve of the tactic of surrounding on "all-sides" a political rival in an uncoordinated manner at a high-rate of speed? C'mon answer the question straightforwardly.
Everyone present on that road knew exactly what the "Trump Train's" intentions were. They were quite clear about it.
Bullies don't like it when their victims fight back.
Good. You don't approve of this behavior and nor do I.
What are you? Kamala Harris now? I won’t be bullied into approaching the topic in a way that satisfies some agenda of yours.
Look at how you ask the question. It’s disingenuous. You ask an abstract, general question, demand a yes or no answer, and then presume it will be appropriate to apply it to this specific situation. Sorry, but it’s not appropriate and I won’t play your game.
See @11.1.11. All the same my focus is on the bus and its 'containment' riding down the road. I saw nothing else in the video and I am not going searching for 'after-math' to add to discussion.
I do not approve of assault, freeway violence, 'boxing in,' illegal "car-chaining" on roadways, or ramming occupied or unoccupied vehicles. Still, this incident is not about distractions and aftermaths.
And this Biden bus is Biden business and not Trump business. Why can't some republicans just piss off! Why are some of you "engineering" drama for other people to act upon?
Where is all the outrage when pro Trump people have been literally beaten up by opposition when they took their case to blue cities and or universities? The outrage over this might mean something if those expressing it now had ever been at all consistent about this since 2015.
No, they are not intertwined in buses, cars, or freeways. No way would that 'freakish thing' work properly. Not even in the twisted minds of some supporters is this election taking place on any roadway whatsoever!
Exactly and it was a Biden SUV that initiated the danger here. Had that driver kept their cool it was simply harmless fun.
That’s odd because we’ve been having Trump boat and vehicle parades all over the country on navigable waterways and city/ interstates roads to substitute for many in person rallies.
Do you call trying to run the next President of the United States off the road harmless fun?
Defending intimidation as "fun". Well, that's a new low.
Biden wasn’t on the bus. He was in a different state giving a rally that three people attended.
When did Malicious Mischief and Reckless Endangerment become just clean fun?
Good question. I’d like to ask the idiot driving the white suv that. He was driving in two lanes. So was the idiot driving the bus.
There you go again!
No one here is going to run home and hide in the closet!
(Well, at one point there was someone on NT who was in the closet-- but he came out long ago!
So, intimidation and thuggery by reactionaries is "awesome" and "fun"?
Now that you had awesone fun playing ambush the Biden campaign in your trucks, get back to training with your fascist militias preparing to start a civil war and overthrow the multi-racial, multi-cultural free society that you despise.
Seriously. Being a Boogaloo Boy must be exhausting.
And Proud Boys, don't forget Proud Boys. . . .
trying to intimidate or threaten someone with a 2 ton vehicle at highway speeds seems like a self defense issue to me. try this with a law enforcement vehicle and see what the charges would be. for me, a couple of slugs in the offending radiator would seem appropriate.
How do they know anybody was armed?
And even if they were, is that supposed to be illegal or unusual? Especially in Texas?
This comes off as whining just to get sympathy for something that ultimately was a pretty minor event.
Whiner: "They drove around us on the freeway!"
Audience: "So?"
Whiner: " Buh buh but, they we armed! We think . . . we assume. OK we didn't actually see a weapon (unless the back window counts). But they were Texas Republicans. They have to have been armed."
Just came home from Corsicana TX and were delayed bigly by a Trump motorcade in Waxahatchie which was billed as a
Ranchers and Farmers for Trump Rally
Every conceivable piece of farm equipment the top speed of which was apparently only 25 mph,
socially distanced just enough to block the on ramps and prevent people from using the off ramps
Lots of gun racks and holsters in evidence
and let's just say "homogeneous" as far as the diversity of the drivers goes.
Most impressed by the farm equipment and the clever way the cars and pickups actually attached flag poles to their cars.
Saw one foreign car with a thick telescopic flagpole through the open sunroof.
People going southbound stopped to video with their phones and the apparent end of rally exit ramp
had dozens of people on the overpass watching and taking pictures.
I like my taxpayer funded interstates with 70 mph speed limits to be just that.
Parades should be limited to the frontage and service roads where they can irritate each other.
Told ya..😉
Ok, as for Corsicana proper, coming in the back way and traveling the residential side streets
Arlen Schwarzentruber for city council at least 30 homes with lawn signs
Trump 10
Biden 5
Biden being the surprise number.
But you were right, lol
Yeah, I have noticed it is similar to your observation, the lack of Trump signs, here in SA proper but once you get outside of town you start seeing them. My theory is that in town Trump voters are more worried about protecting their families and property than promoting their politics.
Locking while I run some errands. I'll reopen when I return.
Knock three times on the ceiling if you want me...
No joke, earlier I read dialogue, typed in a comment...and no.....Wait, what is going on? Refresh and it is locked. Haha
It is weird when it happens real time.
Sorry about that. I was out of the house for a few hours, and this one seemed like it could go south quickly if there was no babysitter keeping an eye on it.
Not your fault. I just seemed to catch it right on the cusp.
True though, including myself. Haha
Locking again. Night, y'all.
And open again.
Yes-- this whole Brouhaha is just yet another typical NT Kerfuffle-- an open and shut case as it were!
something like this happened to me last weekend while driving my mom to my sister's home. ended up behind some maga fucktards with about a dozen other cars on a 2 lane highway for 20 miles. there was 4 goober pickups flying their idiot flags driving 20mph below the speed limit holding back the cars behind them. whenever there was a break in oncoming traffic or a slower traffic passing lane appeared, they would speed up, preventing anyone from passing. my passenger witnessed several close calls and basic road rage from her seat and was a bit shaken. I hung back so I wouldn't get caught up in the stop/go bullshit that was happening in front of me, wishing that I was alone in the car.
That's a dick move, right there. It could get someone killed.
It sounds like a display of authoritarian domination. Things are going to get worse, with Trump's encouragement.
The FBI is investigating the incident.
Sounds like Trump, as usual, is being an asshole and doing what some here falsely claim Dem leaders are doing - promoting violence.
No further comment needed.
He is one of the major problems with politics today.
What a dick.
From what I have read here in another article, it was Don Jr who sicced them on Biden's bus. And here is a video of him enlisting the Trump Trucks to "have some fun".
Yes, I've noticed that often Trump attacks others-- for the very things he is doing himself!
(And most of the people in his Cult haven't got a clue...)
These asshole are going to cause an accident one of these times.
Sad that people have so little going on in their lives that they have nothing better to do than show their weird cult like devotion to a complete asshole.
'Tis for the money honey. They are likely being supported by a Trump cult to go wherever they are needed to create civil unrest at pro-Biden events, and dangerous incidents such as trying to run Biden's bus off the road to prevent him from arriving at his scheduled rallies.
As the old saying goes..."What goes around comes around", but, perhaps not in the same way. Those arrogant truckers, who think what they did was so much 'fun', may either wind up in jail or prison, or perhaps due to their own ignorance.
Just because yiu are poorly informed about something doesn't mean it hasn't happened.
Let's hope you're right!
This would seem to be a case where there are a lot of license plate numbers available to the police. I have seen nothing in the media indicating that the police are doing anything.
Has anyone seen any reports of the police doing their job, here?
The Texas Tribune reports that the FBI is investigating.
Thanks, Gsquared.
Biden camp cancels multiple Texas events after a "Trump Train" surrounded a campaign bus
The highway skirmish came as Democrats close ground in a state that is polling competitively in the race for president. Recent polls indicate the presidential race in Texas between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden is tight, with some national prognosticators calling it a “toss-up.”
A Twitter user captured the moment a truck and a vehicle collided
as the Biden-Harris presidential bus tour was being followed
by a caravan of Trump supporters on Interstate 35, in Hays County, on Friday.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is looking into a Friday incident in which a group of Trump supporters, driving trucks and waving Trump flags, surrounded and followed a Biden campaign bus as it drove up I-35 in Hays County, a law enforcement official confirmed to The Texas Tribune Saturday.
The confrontation, captured on video, featured at least one minor collision and led to Texas Democrats canceling three scheduled campaign events on Friday. The campaign officials cited “safety concerns” for the cancellations.
The highway skirmish came as Democrats close ground in a state that is polling like a potential battleground in the race for president. Recent polls indicate the presidential race in Texas between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden is tight, with some national prognosticators calling it a “toss-up.”
“Rather than engage in productive conversation about the drastically different visions that Joe Biden and Donald Trump have for our country, Trump supporters in Texas [Friday] instead decided to put our staff, surrogates, supporters, and others in harm’s way,” said Tariq Thowfeek, Texas communications director for the Biden campaign.
On Saturday night, Trump tweeted a video of the Trump supporters following the Biden bus saying, “I LOVE TEXAS!”
When reached for comment, the Texas GOP Chairman Allen West dismissed questions regarding the incident. “It is more fake news and propaganda. Prepare to lose ... stop bothering me,” West said in a statement.
The bus tour was separate from vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ visit to the state Friday.
Texas Congressional candidate and former state senator Wendy Davis was on the Biden bus at the time, according to multiple sources, including U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett and Travis County Democratic Party Chair Katie Naranjo, and a now-deleted tweet from the Biden Operations Director for Texas, David Gins. A spokesperson for Davis declined to comment.
The tour, which started on Wednesday in Amarillo and went through East Texas, the Gulf Coast, along the Texas-Mexico border, and Central Texas faced protests of varying sizes along the way.
Friday’s campaign events started with a small gathering in Laredo that was met with few protesters. From there, staffers drove to San Antonio. Around 12:30 p.m. on Friday, a social media user using the hashtag #TrumpTrainTexas posted on Twitter, “Trolling is FUN.” The user called for other Trump supporters to “escort the Biden [bus] coming through San Antonio.”
Eric Cervini, a volunteer for the Biden campaign who grew up in Round Rock and flew in from Los Angeles, said he was driving on I-35 from San Antonio to the next event when he saw a long line of 40-50 vehicles along the side of the highway with Trump and American flags.
Cervini told the Tribune that when he arrived in San Marcos, he started to hear from people on the bus that the Trump supporters had started following them closely, honking their horns and shouting. According to the Biden campaign, multiple trucks pulled in front of the bus and appeared to try to slow it down. The campaign canceled the event in San Marcos and proceeded directly to Austin where another event was scheduled at the AFL-CIO in downtown Austin.
A person with knowledge of the events who spoke to the Tribune on the condition of anonymity said New Braunfels police responded to requests for assistance and provided an escort throughout their jurisdiction. During that time, the person said, the group of Trump supporters fell back behind the police.
In a statement, New Braunfels City Manager Robert Camareno said the police department received calls, “of the Trump Train following the Biden/Harris campaign bus ... NBPD responded and did not observe any traffic violations.”
Naomi Narvaiz, a Texas Republican Party official in San Marcos, said Trump supporters formed the convoy after learning of the bus’s movements up the interstate on Facebook from fellow supporters in San Antonio.
“We decided we would jump on 35 to show support for our president,” she said. “I didn’t see anyone being overly aggressive.”
On Twitter, Narvaiz wrote: “We sent the @JoeBiden @KamalaHarris bus out of Hays! Your kind aren’t welcome here!”
“We don’t want any of the values or policies that the Democratic Party is embracing,” she told the Tribune on Saturday. “We don’t want any of those in Texas.”
U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett disagreed, accusing President Trump of inciting “aggressive, abusive conduct”.
“Those who fear their party is about to lose Texas resort to such desperate tactics. We have to stand up to these bullies just as we seek to protect the right of every last Texan to vote out the Bully-in-Chief,” Doggett said in a statement to the Tribune.
Naranjo, chair of the Travis County Democratic Party, said she was on the phone with a staffer on the bus who alerted her that they were being closely followed by a group of Trump supporters.
According to Naranjo, the staffer on the bus told her a truck collided with one of the staff member vehicles. Neither of the vehicles stopped. The collision was partially caught on video and posted on Twitter. The video does not show how the collision began.
As the bus continued to pass through multiple jurisdictions in Hays County, different police departments received reports about the caravan.
In a statement, the city of Kyle said police received a report that two or more vehicles may have made contact on Friday around 4 p.m. Officers responded to the area but no vehicles stopped to share information with law enforcement.
“From videos of the event that have now surfaced on social media, it appears that the vehicle contact actually occurred within San Marcos, Texas, prior to the campaign bus arriving in Kyle,” a statement from the Kyle Police Department read. “All involved parties are being referred to the San Marcos Police Department should they desire to file any type of report with law enforcement.
A San Marcos spokesperson said police received a call from the Biden campaign bus requesting a police escort but weren’t able to catch up to the bus before it exited the city due to traffic. The police have not spoken to either driver about the collision and said they weren’t able to determine who was at fault.
According to Hays County Sheriff Gary Cutler, the Biden campaign did not notify his office that it would be passing through the county to allow law enforcement to prepare for any possible confrontations. “The planning of this was questionable,” said Cutler, a Republican running for reelection on Tuesday.
Democratic officials say Trump supporters created a dangerous situation on Interstate 35 and continued following the bus into Austin.
Travis County Precinct 4 Constable George Morales was at the AFL-CIO parking lot at 11th and Lavaca streets for a planned press conference and said the group initially tried to step on the property, but law enforcement asked them to stay on the sidewalk. He said the group was aggressively shouting but did not get physical.
The press conference was canceled as well as a subsequent campaign event in Pflugerville with the Austin Young Dems due to safety concerns.
State Rep. Sheryl Cole, D-Austin, shared the cancellation on Twitter, calling it a “first for her.”
“Unfortunately, Pro-Trump Protestors have escalated well beyond safe limits. Sorry to all who looked forward to this fun event.”
That's not aggressive?
Where are the trumpys voicing their outrage at this display of overly aggressive behavior? Or do they save their outrage only for antifa and BLM?
Do we maybe kinda sorta have a double standard?
that sounds like a little hippo crazy to moi'
Hey iggy!
Where have you been?
out livin the Corona Dream. It rained where i'm at yesterday. I was livin the Corona Wet Dream. Still waitin to wake up, and this Knight Mayor to be ridden by a Stallion, (the same dark whorse force that Putin him inn our White Power House of shame, looking out the windows, for more panes, almost crazy, asz he's never out of, in sane,) ridden and written 'Right" out of town n country, music to all thinking peoples ears, except for those that accept ignorance ruling US, for four more years
“Has anyone seen any reports of the police doing their job, here?”
maybe they were ordered to stand down?
Can any Trump supporter explain to me why this was done? Why harass a campaign bus, why the need for several trucks/cars of Trump supporters to surround the bus? The ONLY explanation is intimidation/bullying, if a Trump supporter has another explanation please respond.
"Naomi Narvaiz, a Texas Republican Party official in San Marcos":
Seems pretty clear...
'You aren't welcome here'
Showing their true authoritarian colours.
Disagreement is not welcome.
I'm curious, Suz, would you consider threatening or attempting to silence the press, and celebrating physical attacks on the press or jail time for political opponents to be authoritarian?
Well he was only able to shoot two-- the others got away! (his aim wasn't all that great).
Trump, of course. He has suggested pulling FCC licenses (revealing his ignorance) because he didn't like the coverage he got. He celebrated the fact that Ali Velshi was shot by police with rubber bullets for doing his job. And I'm sure you haven't forgotten him threatening to put Hillary Clinton in jail during the 2016 campaign.
I guess whether some consider actions authoritarian depends on whether they agree with the attempted authoritarian in question.
BTW, terrible attempt at making this about Obama. Weak sauce.
While conveniently forgetting the egregious examples of such behavior provided by Trump.
Yes, yes, we know.
He threatened to do so, and also threatened to silence TV news networks. He's just such a moron that he didn't realize that he lacks the power to do either.
Word to the wise, MUVA - lack of knowledge of the basic powers of one's job is not a good thing, especially in respect to POTUS. The fact that he threatened to do those things reveals him as a wannabe authoritarian, and a really shitty one, at that. Not really leader material.
Did you missed all the times Trump bragged about the ways that he screws blue states?
hell attempt to be a quart appointed litre before this mess is over, but he WILL BE EXITING
Then you are using an incorrect definition of the word "authoritarian".
I didn't.
Is it any wonder that the once Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln is now known merely as the gop?
More like the 'goop'. And there are many Republicans who are sick of the Trump Cult GOP, and working to help return the GOP back to what it actually stands for. They no longer want to be part of Trumps GOP.
Can you remember back when Republicans were still respectable?
Yep, as I was a Republican most of my life, and I keenly remember what they party stood for and what they wanted for America, and it is totally different from what it is today. I left the Republican party after the way the Republicans reacted toward Obama and his wife both before and after he was elected as President.
It was so truly shameful then that I felt total shame to be associated with such disgusting, racist and ugliness that I was ashamed to say I was a Republican, so I left a party that was no longer the respectful party it had been, and had become a party loyalty first and to Hell with the people it was becoming even then.
I am not a Democrat now either, as some of their tactics today are not much better either. So I look at things through a much clearer window as I have no real party loyalty. My loyalty, as it always has, lies with America first, not a bunch of 2 yr olds fighting against each other and not caring who, or how many, are being hurt, or killed, by their actions and dictates.
"I do not belong to an organized political party. I am a Democrat" - Will Rogers - Cherokee
Well said.
LOL!!! That is funny...and Will was indeed a funny man. In vote for the person that I feel is right for the job they are running for, regardless of what political party they are on.
IMHO, far too many people vote by party only, regardless of how well the person in question is qualified for the position. It seems it is only about the needs of the party in the WH, Senate or House, not about the needs of the people they expect to vote for them.
Yes, many people are saying its should really be called "The Goop!"
(And a lot of them are Republicans . . .)
One group of aware Republicans who have started to "fight the good fight" is The Lincoln Project:
Here's their new video "Priceless":
One group of aware Republicans who have started to "fight the good fight" is The Lincoln Project:
Here's their new video "Priceless":
More people need to become aware of how these enlightened Republicans think!
If you'd like to help, please seed more videos from The Lincoln Project-- you can find them HERE:
I don't approve of this type of behavior, whether they meant to intimidate or not it was intimidation. It's hard enough to protect candidates from the crazies without giving them easy cover within unruly groups. That said I want everyone to remember those groups of leftist thugs who were confronting and intimidating republican officials on the streets, in restaurants, and at their homes. It was wrong then and it's wrong now and nearly every left leaning poster condemning this incident on this thread defended the the leftists when they were doing worse.
Exxaggerate much?
but, but, but they did it first ...
typical bullshit.
I distinctly remember when a mob of pick-up trucks, brandishing "BIDEN - HARRIS" flags, surrounded Trump's bus.
Just can't condemn your own without pointing fingers can ya? And you better fucking believe I did not defend the leftist violence so you might want to just back up there, Zuk!
As it ultimately turned out there’s nothing to condemn Trump supporters for here.
Hello! Who was harassing whom on that interstate? Do you think the person in the SUV would have hit that truck if that truck weren't there trying to cause trouble?
The trumpys have no one to blame for themselves for how badly this all went down
So are you claiming you were part of the festivities?
I’ve got a solution.
Now that the police believe the Biden driver was at fault and caused the accident, I'm sure all the outrage and hysteria will be flushed down the memory hole.
is that what you saw through your Trumpp glasses ?
what video, and irregardless, if the white SUV did initiate contact, i'm sure it had nothing to do with the Rhode Scholar Warriors swarming around the bus and vehicle, now did it../
yep, Trumps'
Trump should be considered a profanity, as you are a pro fan of he
OJ is probably a Trumpster
Didn’t local law enforcement state that the white Biden SUV was likely at fault for the collision between vehicles?
I’m a proud fan of Trump and I was in a Trump vehicle parade here in Ca.
Congratulations..........i guess ?
He was at fault but would it have happened if those trumpys hadn't been ganging up on that bus on a fucking interstate?
How would you like to be boxed in by a bunch of Biden supporters while you're driving a bus? And people tend to go really fast on interstates especially in Texas where the speed limit is at least 80 mph. It's really unsafe to drive that close to another vehicle while driving at a fairly high rate of speed, don't ya think?
I kinda want to see where you found that info. I'm not being facetious, I'm actually curious.
The police department also said it has researched the crash and watched online video. It said the “at-fault vehicle” may be the Biden-Harris staffer’s car, while the “victim” appears to be one of the Trump vehicles.
“The at-fault vehicle may be the white SUV and the victim appears to be the black truck,” a statement from SMPD reads.
Thank you!
The behavior of the Trump truckers is worrisome.
The behavior of TrumpTrueBelievers, here on NT, is even more worrisome.
This is gonna sound like "well, if you hadn't dressed that way...."
But....if the trumpys hadn't been assholes there wouldn't be a discussion, would it? Are they really that obtuse?
Do you really want to be in a large vehicle like a bus and have a car less than a car length in front of you and, a car tailgating you, and a car on either side of you keeping pace? I admit I'm not that good of a driver but I know that would make me very nervous.
I can also understand the SUV not wanting to be separated from the bus...
I saw a video someone shot who was behind and to the left of the bus maybe 3 cars back. He swerved the camera around to tape something else and when he swung back towards the bus, you could see that the SUV and black truck had collided. Here's the thing, tho, before the camera swung away the truck was in the far right hand lane next to the bus and the SUV was immediately behind the bus. When the camera swung back around, the truck was immediately behind the bus and the SUV was in the middle lane keeping pace with the truck. When did the truck decide it wanted to be in the lane directly behind the bus? And was the driver paying attention or was he about to instigate something?
I also find it hard to believe that we only have the limited video that is out there. All those people and even the people on the bus, there has to be a lot more video than we are seeing.