The Dead Elephant In The Room
Who are the leaders of the Republican Party in 2022?
The most identifiable Republicans on the national level are almost all nutjobs. Trump, Taylor-Greene, Boebert, Meadows, Noem, Gaetz, Jordan, crackpots all. Even the more "moderate" Republicans like McCarthy, McConnell, Rubio, Cotton, Cornyn, Cruz, are far to the right of the traditional Republican Party of the Fords, Reagans , Nixons, Kemp's and Bush's.
The mouthpiece for the GOP is Fox News, a right wing media outlet more known for partisan disinformation than for journalistic integrity.
Over the past half dozen years the symbol of the Republican Party has not been the elephant, but rather the MAGA hat displayed by the hundreds or thousands at Trump rallies , honoring with their colors the most dishonest and unethical president in American history.
Republican politicians have appeared at white nationalist conventions, with little condemnation from the national party leaders. Many if not most Republicans continue on with the total fantasy that Jan 6 , 2021 , at the US capitol, was a legitimate political protest, rather than the insurrectionist riot it was and intended to be .
And now, as the democratic nation of Ukraine is under brutal siege from a totalitarian dictator, Republican officials from small town to the ex president have either criticized Ukraine or praised the dictator, all the while trying to verbally sabotage the efforts of the current US president to piece together a free world coalition to oppose the invasion of Ukraine while avoiding the triggering of a new world war.
Trump is threatening to run again, and is no doubt encouraged by the complete lack of alternative ( to him) leadership in the Republican Party.
Or maybe you think Nikki Haley's endless flip flops on Trump inspire confidence .
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Is it any wonder that the once Grand Old Party of Abraham Lincoln is now known merely as the gop?
You need some fresh material. The above bilge is old, stale, repeatedly and easily rebutted, and just plain boring.
If I found myself mired in the gop I'd try to escape!
Yet you utterly fail to rebut any of it.
Haters got hate no matter what!
I saw that button & had to stop in and vote you up.
What is troubling is that many Rs do not seem to recognize the profound change —for the worse— in the GOP brought on by Trump and continued by his sycophants.
What "profound" changes are those?
All the bad shit going on in the world today, and some people can only obsess about a has been Trump.
Prove it.
That nicely proves my point.
Today's GOP has sold its soul. It is sickening to see so many fail to recognize that the GOP has lost its integrity.
This can easily be a pot / kettle moment. The progressive Democrats appear to have taken charge and they are among other things pushing their renewable energy plans without regard to the impact to the poorer among us. They charge ahead in this while failing to see how their actions are impacting citizens in the country.
It's all partisanship. The right hammers the left and the left beats back against the right. And neither side does a damn thing for the people. I submit that both sides have lost their way.
The Republicans refuse to disown a figure who is the most unfit for high office individual in US history.
That is all there is to it. They have created a disease that is eating away the soul of the country.
Some, not all. The tendency to blame the whole when the failure is a subset should be avoided. I would submit there are moderate Republicans who just keep their head down to avoid the shit-fest that normally occurs when someone raises a voice in opposition. Kind of like the moderate Democrats who keep their head down rather than voice their concern when the progressive extreme goes at it.
Again, another individual demonstrates my point. You apparently cannot recognize the profound disintegrity of supporting, as your leader, an individual who abused the influence of office to engage in a two-month Big Lie campaign —as the sitting PotUS— that disrupted the nation and damaged the trust in our electoral system all because his ego could not cope with losing an election. (And he continues this outrageous lie to this day.)
The fact that the GOP did not distance itself from Trump is troubling enough. But instead of parting ways, the GOP doubled down and supported Trump's Big Lie. This is inexcusable.
Prior to Trump your argument would properly note that both parties are slimy and driven by a partisan pursuit of power. The Trump-infected GOP profoundly distinguishes the GOP (in a bad way).
I think many Trump loyalists see that as "the right hammering the left". They see all partisan political tricks as equal therefore cannot condemn their own politicians for crossing lines when they believe that's what Democrats are doing as well even when they don't actually have any evidence for it. More than half of Republicans believe at least one Qanon conspiracy theory, of which most are wild fantasies about Democrats being involved in child sex rings or even eating babies, it's really not a stretch to say many believe Democratic politicians must be committing crimes and breaking laws far more often than their own former President.
Anytime a rational patriotic American dares to point out a flaw in their Dear Leader, even if its a criminal act backed up with evidence like the abuse of power or the tax and bank fraud or his continued push of the voter fraud lie, his followers immediately defend him with claims that Democrats must be doing worse things.
Prior to Trump, Republicans at least pretended to care about the rule of law and precedent. Post Trump that all flew out the window and its just a partisan scorched earth political battle of attrition. Instead of trying to catch Democrats doing something unethical to gain an advantage Republicans seem to have decided its better to just strike first and lie, cheat and steal to win majority control and they justify it by assuming Democrats would have done worse so the ends justify the means. It seems their overwhelming paranoia of progress and a change of the status quo has blinded their senses to both morality and reality thus they lash out like a cornered wounded animal.
Oh please, spare us the overwrought drama! The public sure isn't buying the horse manure that emanates from the far left progressives that control today's Democrats
There are a few reasons the are obsessing about Trump. Biggest reason would be that Biden hasn't given the Democrats any thing to celebrate.
You see what's common in all these?
Did you have a point? Please give us these "Profound Changes".
I'm sure they do as well. But they have to keep it quiet else the rest will crucify them for allowing it to happen.
Three in a row illustrating my point. I described the changes, Goosie, you have to read my post. You either can enumerate the list yourself or you cannot (which, again, makes my point).
Please show me where in that post I showed any support for Trump. It doesn't exist but you are too caught up in a partisan moment to see the bigger picture. Let me make it perfectly clear, I do not want Trump to run again and I have stated this in the past. I do wish you would not lump everybody who disagrees with you into a single category.
If you think I am going to open 7 of your links you are out of your mind.
If you have something to say, say it.
There's a big difference between "I dont want him to run again" and "he should be run out of American politics".
Right wingers look for excuses to say "he wasnt THAT bad". It is all nonsense. He wasnt that bad, he was worse.
What Point?
Is this the point? Rs do not seem to recognize the profound change —for the worse or this Today's GOP has sold its soul or this so many fail to recognize that the GOP has lost its integrity
Looks like your opinion to me.
I made a post that expressed a fundamental problem with the GOP. You replied trying to equate the profound problem with the GOP with the problems of the D party. Basically downplaying the problem ... excusing the GOP. That implies that you disagreed with my post and thus implies that you think it is fine for Trump to continue as the leader.
How do you translate my post into a partisan position? If you do not want to see Trump as the leader of the GOP then you agree with me. How does recognizing this problem of the GOP turn into a 'partisan moment'? Do you presume that disagreement with the GOP means I am a D? Wrong.
Well of course it is my opinion. And your separate quotes are all in support of the same point. Do the math Goosie.
What you are describing is cowardice Snuffy.
What is the point of affiliation with a Party if you have to stifle your opposition?
BTW, moderate Democrats are quite vocal and, in some instances, as with Manchin and Sinema, have an outsized voice.
Yes, as with all too many of your links, NONE of them prove your claim that Trump is a has been.
Here is the quotation you posted.
All the bad shit going on in the world today, and some people can only obsess about a has been Trump.
It was from a comment posted by Greg Jones (5.1).
So you're saying Greg Jones is a "progressive liberal".
That's hilarious!
You wanted proof. I gave it to you. Don't like it? That's not my problem.
Try reading the thread. It wasn't about proving who is a has been and who isn't.
FFS Jeremy, don't start with your bullshit comments about what you think I have or have not read. JUST STOP!
I read WTF you were asked to prove, and you failed to prove it. PERIOD, full stop.
Then keep up.
You need to re-read it. Apparently you didn't read it in it's entirety. What you THINK it was, isn't. The statement was:
And I provided proof that there is at least ONE person obsessed. And if you clicked on the links you would see that, in reality, there are far more than this one person obsessed with him. Yourself included. Why is beyond me.
Is this supposed to mean something to me? I assure you, it doesn't.
What is troubling is that many Ds do not seem to recognize the profound change —for the worse— in the Democrat Party brought on by Biden and continued by his sycophants.
Take your supercilious BS elsewhere, it doesn't impress me.
Please explain why you are so desperate to avoid the term 'has-been' in that sentence Jeremy.
Merely being about Trump DOES NOT QUALIFY.
AGAIN, none of your links proves that ANYONE is obsessed with 'a has been Trump'. Though there are quite a few here that try to pretend that Trump qualifies as such and therefore should no longer be a topic of discussion.
The only 'obsession' I exhibit is one for FACTS Jeremy.
Why so many here don't share it is NOT beyond me as it's been made abundantly clear that it's based on ideological animus.
Witless use of my words with a substitute of Ds for Rs. This is what you offer in lieu of a thoughtful rebuttal.
That's a pretty fucking ironic statement considering the FACT that Republicans who voted against the American Rescue Plan AND the Infrastructure bill have no issue with celebrating the 'game changing' funding that their constituency will enjoy from both. They'll be lining up at the ribbon cutting ceremonies, just like they did after they voted against Obama's Recovery Act.
Ya! Lining up and taking credit while obstructing the entire time. Fucking hypocrites.
You never provided me anything to rebut other than your feelings and some obscure talking points. I welcome you to inquire about the Democrat change.
If that is the best understanding you have of my comment then you have nothing to offer.
How cute. You think you have some authority over me. Pissed that I'm not following your narrative I see. The fact that you and the links I posed refutes your "has been" status you want to assign to Trump. YOU all keep him going. Sadly you don't quite get it.
Let me know when that starts.
No, I don't think that Jeremy. If I did, you would have given up posting supercilious BS long ago and started posting cogent, relevant posts.
Wow, that's an epic strawman Jeremy.
You block quoted the member who assigned the 'has been' status to Trump. Hint: it isn't I.
Your links refute NOTHING. Rinsing and repeating the pretense that they do doesn't make it any more true.
Utter bullshit Jeremy.
Trump has grifted MILLIONS from 'YOU all', continued to spew his big lie on media targeting 'YOU all' and in venues attended by 'YOU all' and the Republicans elected by 'YOU all' still enable him and defend him. OWN it.
How cute. You think you have some authority over me. /s
As I said elsewhere, I leave it up to members to decide for themselves who presents the facts and the truth Jeremy.
"As I said elsewhere, I leave it up to members to decide for themselves who presents the facts and the truth Jeremy."
No contest Dulay, that would be you ALWAYS. I've yet to see any facts or truths posted by the majority of certain alleged conservatives.
Partisanship is blind. Predictably the House and Senate will probably change hands in the mid-term. But it will be more about map redistricting than any kind of mandate.
Please explain that statement. In general I'm correct, but specifically I concede you may be correct as Senate control may only come down to about 7 contested seats.
That sound highly partisan.
Looking at the leadership of the GOP, Trump is not listed anywhere. I see Ronna McDaniel (Chair), Thomas Hicks (Co-Chair), Ron Kaufman (Treasurer), Vicki Drummond (Secretary), Kyle Hupfer (General Counsel) but no Trump.
So within 2 sentences this 'article' sinks into fantasy and misinformation. But then again, what can we expect from the left.
Wow so based on your standard, Biden isn't part of the Democratic leadership and neither are Pelosi, Schumer or any of the elected Democrats. /s
Your posit is utterly obtuse...
It's absolutely factual. Google is your friend.
No Jeremy, it's your fucking bias opinion.
Reasoning doesn't seem to be yours.
Where was the link that proved me wrong?
Feel free to do the research. Not that any of us are expecting you to.
Good luck. Don't expect to see anything that does not match their own particular political worldview. Nothing else exists beyond that.
Surely you do not think that phenomenon is limited to one party or one ideology.
Nope, not in the least. No one party has a monopoly on it.
Where is your understanding of the difference between voicing an OPINION and stating an empirical fact?
It is YOUR opinion that only officers of the RNC qualify as leader of the Republican PARTY.
Of course, you had to alter the predicate of the question posted in the seed:
The question clearly states the Republican Party.
You said 'Google is your friend'.
Fine, let's Google 'leaders of the Republican Party'.
The FIRST link that comes up is the Wiki page for the Republican Party of the United States:
Republican Party (United States) - Wikipedia
That link cites Republican members of Congress.
NOT the leaders of the RNC.
Happy now Jeremy?
The idea, which Jeremy has, that some people who no one has ever heard of are the leaders of the Republican Party, is ludicrous. I wouldnt even bother "debating" him about it.
You make your choices and I make mine.
He's merely posting a backhanded cowardly comment targeted at someone he has on ignore.
Then why not link that? Instead you use an editable site?
Nope don't see him there.
Don't see him there either.
The whole idea that he is the "leader" of the GOP is fiction. Fiction based on the obsession / fear the left has of this ONE person.
You're the one who insisted that we use Google weren't you Jeremy?
Why yes, YES you were.
I linked the first thing that Google cites.
Oh and BTFW Jeremy, Congress is a bicameral body composed the House AND the Senate.
Why are you so desperate to pretend that Trump is the only one mentioned in the seed?
Taylor-Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, Jordan, McCarthy, McConnell, Rubio, Cotton, Cornyn and Cruz were all cited in the seed and they sure as fuck ARE elected members of Congress, some of whom have been elected by Republicans in that body as LEADERS.
Absurd comment. Are you trying to set a record ?
Factual actually. Do the research.
Why are you block quoting me while replying to John Jeremy?
"When it comes to former President Donald Trump, Ronna McDaniel is adamant about one thing: “If he left the party, Republicans would lose.”
“He has built our party,” the Republican National Committee chair told reporters at a breakfast Thursday hosted by The Christian Science Monitor."
Trump’s "Low-Profile" "Ultimate Loyalist" Now Has More Power Ahead Of 2020
Tommy Hicks Jr., a longtime friend of the Trump family, was recently named cochair of the Republican National Committee.
Hicks, 41, was named cochair of the Republican National Committee at a meeting in New Mexico, where 168 of the committee's members unanimously voted on a resolution to give Trump their "undivided support" for reelection.
Also, the quote from the seed above says " most identifiable Republicans on the national level", it does not say "GOP Leadership". The most "identifiable" Republicans on a national level are the ones who are in the spotlight constantly which are, just as mentioned above, "Trump, Taylor-Greene, Boebert, Meadows, Noem, Gaetz, Jordan".
So no fantasy or misinformation in the seed, just in your comment which is trying to claim the 'article' is wrong by misrepresenting what it actually stated. Not surprising though considering twisting truth and misrepresentation are common tools used by many conservatives who are desperately trying to hide their servile position to dirty Donald.
I give you the actual lists of the GOP Leadership and you give me buzzfeed? And you expect me to take you seriously?
On the other hand, no one expects anyone to take you seriously.
Why not? The question is about the leaders of the Republican Party and you gave a list of the leaders of the Republican National Committee.
From someone whose whole argument is a strawman, that's ironic Jeremy.
I always take you seriously John.
Seeing the Democrats complain about racialist behavior is like the kkk whining about being mean to immigrants.
Well at least you admit that Republicans speaking at white nationalist venues is indeed racialist behavior.
Seeing conservative Republicans flying confederate flags, protecting confederate monuments, passing voting laws specifically designed to disenfranchise minority voters and welcoming white nationalists and white supremacists into their party while pretending to not be racist is like Former Republican leader of the House Dennis Hastert whining about not getting his moneys worth.
But not ALL Republicans are so bad, what about Liz Chaney, and Joe Manchin?
Joe is officially a demotcrat
That's funny - was that a Freudian slip or whatever you might call it by Buzz?
You know my opinion on Manchin, DINO all the way.
Apparently he is also making political donations to ........ republicans.
Republicans loved them some Man chin when it blocked bills to help the average American.
It wasn't a Freudian slip - I knew exactly what I was writing, but misspelling LIz Cheney's name was my mistake.
Manchin can go fuck himself.
I never supported the corrupt prick.
If a certain someone didn't follow me around from post to post then they wouldn't know what I allegedly said or didn't say. Sounds like someone is obsessed with me.
You should put your stalker on ignore