You Can Blame the Government When Appliances Turn Traitor -- Humor
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Have you ever noticed how appliances wait until you get just a little money aheadnot much, say $200and then they break to the tune of at least $250? I think it is a conspiracy. Our...
Priest calls 911 from church while handcuffed, gagged and wearing bondage mask
Via: andy-c
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Got a chuckle out of this one, so I thought I'd pass it on. http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nbc-news/50399934/#50399934 There's something kind of Rodney Dangerfield-ish about this.
Via: rescue
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
SAN DIEGOFollowing the events of last week, in which a crazed western lowland gorilla ruthlessly murdered 21 people in a local shopping plaza after escaping from the San Diego Zoo, sources across...
LAUGH - About the Three Preachers Joke
Via: charlie-courtois
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
A Catholic Priest, a Baptist Preacher and a Rabbi all served as Chaplains to the students of Northern Michigan University at Marquette in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. They would...
The Lady with French Fry Hair -- Or, Can We Talk About Something Other Than Guns?
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Every day that I go to work, I usually stop at McDonald's for a sugar-free vanilla iced coffee, a grilled chicken snack wrap, and two chocolate chip cookies. It's quick, easy, and right on my...
Funny Story: Lipstick on the Mirrors Upsets Maintenance Man
Via: charlie-courtois
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Lipstick in Catholic School According to a news report, a certain private Catholic school was recently faced with a unique problem. A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning...
Magna cum Laude OR New Chef Boy-ar-Dee Management Selects "Special" Entrees
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
What if Chef Boy-ar-Dee was suddenly, and without warning, bought out by Baker & McKinsey, one of the largest international law firms in the country? And what if THEY got to pick the entrees...
Swearing, Sex or Drugs... Which is better at getting rid of Angst???
Via: perrie-halpern
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
An oldie but a goodie.... I had a lousy couple of days and I've been trying to keep it all together. I sit down in my cozy den and pick up "Self Magazine" as a way to relax. I come upon an...
The Saga of the Hick in New York City
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
When I first started writing, I was, like everyone else, more than a little afraid to share my thoughts with strangers With my heart in my throat, I began to write about my first Big Trip...
The Saga, Part 2 -- How to Rent a Destroyer
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
While standing in line at the rental car office, I noticed that everything was moving along with a minimum of fuss. Various businessmen went to the desk, handed over their sheaf of papers, signed...
The Saga, Part 3 -- NASCAR Racetrack, Here I Come, Doo-dah, Doo-dah
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Before I get too far along on the Long Island Expressway, let me explain something. My small city had one four-lane road through the middle of the city, and a four-lane bypass, with no traffic...
The Saga, Part 4-- It's All Greek to Me!
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
The next morning, my travel alarm started beeping at 6 am NYC time, which is 5 am Owensboro time. I had just begun to sleep welltypical. Most of the night, I had tossed and turned, visions of the...
The Saga, Part 5 -- A Fine Irish Temper!
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Leaving the restaurant, I was feeling much better due to the coffee, breakfast, and blessing. I wondered if anyone in the city would be able to understand my long, drawling way with words, or if I...
The Saga, Part 7 -- Alone in the Dark!
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
The sun was shining brightly through the bones of the trees, and the forest was eerily silent around the well field, as I made my rounds. Every hour, I had six wells to measure,three of them up in...
The Saga, Part 8 -- 'Twas the Luck o' the Irish That Saved Me!
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
It was just after 11 pm, and I had been on the job for 13 hours, after two nights fitful sleep with the cockroaches, and had a long way to go. Tired as I was, I had to go take another round of...
The Saga, Part 9 -- Friends at Last!
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Danny Laine put me in my car, shaking his head as I added my purse to the stack on the briefcase, and firmly shooed me away to the hotel for food and rest. By this time, I was famished, so I...
The Saga, Part 10– The Deli of the Green
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Before we go any further in this saga, I must explain that in my small city, we didnt have delis in 1982. I had never seen a deli, and had no idea what a deli was about. I had, of course,...
Adventures with a Hairball
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
Everyone who has been around cats for any length of time has dealt with that dreaded 'delight', a hairball. I've had cats my entire life, from Grandma's cat, Tammy, to my family's cat, Sputnik, to...
The Saga, Part 11 -- Doesn't Everyone in Kentucky Live on a Horse Farm?
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
The next day, all of us learned an established routine. I got up at 6 am, after 4-5 hours of sleep, walked to the Greek restaurant for my breakfast and blessing, always bearing some kind of gift,...
The Saga, Part 12 -- Patrick's Pub
Via: dowser
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
After Danny drove away, it was very quiet in the well field, but for the HMMMMMMMM of Well #3. I parked the monster car down by Well #1, near the main road, where I could watch for guests, and...
Death to all Palmettos
Via: geegee64
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
For those of you may not familiar with palmetto bugs, they are the scourge of the south. They nest in the palmetto trees and are often confused with cockroaches, but these boogers are bigger, more...
I flunked my exam...dang semester redo.
Via: awanita
The Lighter Side/ Humor
10 years ago
didn't do so well on the test Friday, to be honest I think theteacheris out to get me....I could have swore they were the correct answers.Q1. In which battle did Custer die?*his last battleQ2....