

Yes, Warmongers, Trump Does Have a 'Coherent Foreign Policy': It's Called 'the National Interest'

Yes, Warmongers, Trump Does Have a 'Coherent Foreign Policy': It's Called 'the National Interest'

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  7 Comments  •  6 years ago

After it became known that President Trump had aborted a military response to Iran's downing of an American drone, neoconservatives, establishment conservatives,  and hawkish progressives (they...
The Observer view on heightened US tensions with Iran

The Observer view on heightened US tensions with Iran

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  4 Comments  •  6 years ago

Donald Trump was repeatedly warned that his aggressive policy of escalating military and economic “maximum pressure” on Iran risked triggering war by accident. Last week, the...
Notes on Excessive Wealth Disorder

Notes on Excessive Wealth Disorder

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  1 Comments  •  6 years ago

In a couple of days I’m going to be participating in an Economic Policy Institute conference on “excessive wealth disorder” — the problems and dangers created by extreme concentration of...
Will the radicalization of white liberals create the monster they fear most?

Will the radicalization of white liberals create the monster they fear most?

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  4 Comments  •  6 years ago

I’ve written before about the “ Great Awokening ” of white liberals (or if you prefer Social Justice Warriors) who have made news in the past few years, often on college campuses. A couple of...
Keeping America Great is exactly what Trump has done

Keeping America Great is exactly what Trump has done

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  3 Comments  •  6 years ago

Video President Trump has an uncanny instinct for slogans that capture the moment. It may come from his years of experience marketing hotels, golf courses, ties, real estate...
FAIR on fairness: ICE following judge's order to deport

FAIR on fairness: ICE following judge's order to deport

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  3 Comments  •  6 years ago

An immigration watchdog is applauding the Trump administration for vowing to deport illegal aliens who remain here despite court orders to send them home. Once again using Twitter to announce...
The NY Times Smears Free Speech in Dishonest New Article

The NY Times Smears Free Speech in Dishonest New Article

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  19 Comments  •  6 years ago

In case anyone was left wondering, the New York Times has gone out of its way yet again to prove that the paper is no supporter of free speech. Their latest attack on free speech, though, is so...
Uncle Bernie Saws Off His Own Limb with Outlandish Socialism Defense

Uncle Bernie Saws Off His Own Limb with Outlandish Socialism Defense

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  82 Comments  •  6 years ago

Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders’ attempt to promote “democratic socialism” as a political platform recalls former Vice President Walter Mondale’s 1984 convention speech promise:...
Line for Trump's 2020 Launch Rally Forms More Than a Day and a Half Early

Line for Trump's 2020 Launch Rally Forms More Than a Day and a Half Early

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  16 Comments  •  6 years ago

The polls may not be in President Trump's favor at the moment but the crowds are still turning out to see him. Haven't we heard this story before? The Hill : Though  President Trump  is...
What the Feud and Reconciliation between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson Teaches Us About Civility

What the Feud and Reconciliation between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson Teaches Us About Civility

Via: flynavy1  •  Op/Ed  •  24 Comments  •  6 years ago

Donald Trump did not invent the art of the political insult but he’s inflamed the level of vitriolic public discourse and incivility to a new low unmatched by other presidents. In a tainted...
Debunking Libertarianism: "Taxation Is Theft! Abolish The Income Tax!"

Debunking Libertarianism: "Taxation Is Theft! Abolish The Income Tax!"

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  72 Comments  •  6 years ago

This is a long article, I am posting just a small portion of it.  https://askepticalhuman.com/politics/2018/12/20/debunking-libertarianism-taxation-is-theft-abolish-the-income-tax...
Hey, Joe Biden! Here Are Some Scandals You Forgot

Hey, Joe Biden! Here Are Some Scandals You Forgot

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  21 Comments  •  6 years ago

"Know what I was most proud of?" presidential candidate Joe Biden told a crowd on Wednesday. "For eight years, there wasn't one single hint of a scandal or a lie." In an era where every...
Congress shirks its duty at the southern border

Congress shirks its duty at the southern border

Via: 1stwarrior  •  Op/Ed  •  4 Comments  •  6 years ago

The Trump administration is doing just about everything it can to slow the flood of undocumented Mexicans and Central Americans coming to the U.S. and claiming asylum. But alleviating our growing...
Will They Ever Leave Him Alone? Christian Baker Jack Phillips Is Being Sued—Again

Will They Ever Leave Him Alone? Christian Baker Jack Phillips Is Being Sued—Again

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  319 Comments  •  6 years ago

Remember Jack Phillips, the Christian baker from Colorado who was sued for refusing to make a cake for a gay wedding? He's being sued again, for the third time, by the same lawyer who tried and...
How to fight back against leftist censorship

How to fight back against leftist censorship

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  69 Comments  •  6 years ago

We all know about the leftist leanings of the so-called masters of the universe, the internet giants. We all know about the discriminatory treatment that many of us on the right are experiencing....
Leftists Will Be Leftists

Leftists Will Be Leftists

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  140 Comments  •  6 years ago

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's comments on the pro-life cause and its advocates are illustrative of the left's increasing extremism, militancy and disturbingly intolerant and authoritarian mindset....
Trump's Choice

Trump's Choice

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  25 Comments  •  6 years ago

The premise of this little article is speculative, intended to garner opinions. It is not based on any presently known or existing information. - President Trump has said he would be open to...
Arguments for Abortion Mimic the Arguments for Slavery Before the Civil War

Arguments for Abortion Mimic the Arguments for Slavery Before the Civil War

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  245 Comments  •  6 years ago

Both the arguments for slavery in the 1800s and the arguments for abortion rely on a central claim: that a human being is less than human. The dehumanization of black people relied on...
Rep. Matt Gaetz Goes After 'Prop' John Dean at the Dems' Mueller Show Trial

Rep. Matt Gaetz Goes After 'Prop' John Dean at the Dems' Mueller Show Trial

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  19 Comments  •  6 years ago

On Monday, John Dean, the former Nixon White House counsel, testified at the Judiciary Committee Hearing called "Lessons From The Mueller Report.” Dean has no connection to the Mueller...
Anti-Trump Leftists Go Full Conspiracy Theory

Anti-Trump Leftists Go Full Conspiracy Theory

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  5 Comments  •  6 years ago

“Everything old is new again,” the saying goes. Styles, attitudes, novelties, etc., they all come back into fashion, at least for a while. The same goes for desperate political talking points, it...
Dem Rep’s Constituent Letter: Trump Supporters Are Racist, Ignorant, Religious, And Just Plain Dumb

Dem Rep’s Constituent Letter: Trump Supporters Are Racist, Ignorant, Religious, And Just Plain Dumb

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  22 Comments  •  6 years ago

Remember when there was that brief moment where the Democrats acknowledged that their ranks were too urban, too out of touch, and too regional? If you missed it, that’s fine. This debate didn’t...
Hillary Clinton Detonates An Atomic Bomb Of Idiocy With Latest Swipe At Trump

Hillary Clinton Detonates An Atomic Bomb Of Idiocy With Latest Swipe At Trump

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  4 Comments  •  6 years ago

It’s been three years now. And Hillary Clinton has shown she still cannot move on from her epic 2016 defeat. She wrote a book about it, “What Happened.” She went on a whine tour for it. She...
Liberals Proved Pence Right About Anti-Christian Discrimination

Liberals Proved Pence Right About Anti-Christian Discrimination

Via: make-america-great-again  •  Op/Ed  •  107 Comments  •  6 years ago

Liberals started proving Vice President Mike Pence correct almost as soon as they heard his warning to Liberty University graduates that they should be prepared to be “shunned or ridiculed” for...
Why Trump Is Winning

Why Trump Is Winning

Via: heartland-american  •  Op/Ed  •  19 Comments  •  6 years ago

I received wonderful news Monday. Talkers magazine -- the Bible of America's radio industry -- named me to their Heavy Hundred list of the top 100 talk radio hosts in the United States. I made my...
 The Racial Reckoning Comes

The Racial Reckoning Comes

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  29 Comments  •  6 years ago

DAVID BROOKS - NYT I was a boy I was taught a certain story about America. This was the land of opportunity. Immigrants came to this land and found an open field and a fair chance to pursue...

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