

The One-Income Trap

The One-Income Trap

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  1 Comments  •  6 years ago

Getty Images Recently, under the somewhat unlikely inspiration of Elizabeth Warren , some conservatives have revived an old debate: Did millions of women entering the work force actually...
America will never be a socialist country

America will never be a socialist country

Via: make-america-great-again  •  Op/Ed  •  84 Comments  •  6 years ago

“Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country. America was founded on liberty and independence — not government coercion, domination, and control. We...
Trump's economy proves Democrats are presently on another planet

Trump's economy proves Democrats are presently on another planet

Via: make-america-great-again  •  Op/Ed  •  27 Comments  •  6 years ago

What planet are the Democrats on? I ask that question for two reasons. First, because the 2020 Democratic presidential front-runner happily ignores China, America's preeminent threat. Second,...
Platform Access Is A Civil Right.

Platform Access Is A Civil Right.

Via: make-america-great-again  •  Op/Ed  •  3 Comments  •  6 years ago

When Lyndon Johnson was in Congress in the 1950s he had three of his employees drive his car back from Washington to Austin at the end of every legislative session. That trip took his employees...
NYT author: Trump win a 'personal insult' igniting 'Obama's fury'

NYT author: Trump win a 'personal insult' igniting 'Obama's fury'

Via: make-america-great-again  •  Op/Ed  •  3 Comments  •  6 years ago

A new edition of New York Times (NYT) Chief White House Correspondent Peter Baker’s book reveals former President Barack Obama’s outrage over his legacy coming to an end by then Republican...
Manufacturing Can’t Create Enough Jobs. Infrastructure Can.

Manufacturing Can’t Create Enough Jobs. Infrastructure Can.

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  58 Comments  •  6 years ago

Manufacturing is not shrinking in the United States. Quite the contrary, production is growing, and it appears that corporate America — and corporate Europe and corporate China for that...
Qanta Ahmed: After Poway, Muslims, Christians, Jews must unite to fight perfect storm of modern anti-Semitism

Qanta Ahmed: After Poway, Muslims, Christians, Jews must unite to fight perfect storm of modern anti-Semitism

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Op/Ed  •  32 Comments  •  6 years ago

Qanta Ahmed: After Poway, Muslims, Christians, Jews must unite to fight perfect storm of modern anti-Semitism By Qanta Ahmed, Fox News, May 1 2019 Rabbi at Chabad of Poway who was shot in...
The Sabotage Years

The Sabotage Years

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  6 Comments  •  6 years ago

Do you remember the great inflation scare of 2010-2011? The U.S. economy remained deeply depressed from the aftereffects of the burst housing bubble and the 2008 financial crisis....
Suicidal Dems Continue to Foolishly Malign Barr

Suicidal Dems Continue to Foolishly Malign Barr

Via: make-america-great-again  •  Op/Ed  •  60 Comments  •  6 years ago

You wouldn't know it from the hysteria emanating from Wednesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with William Barr--desperate presidential candidates competing for the most outlandish...
Biden launches presidential campaign with lies

Biden launches presidential campaign with lies

Via: make-america-great-again  •  Op/Ed  •  16 Comments  •  6 years ago

In the opening salvo of his campaign, Joe Biden made a pretty good case why President Donald Trump will be reelected. Namely, Americans are sick and tired of the truth being pushed to the sidelines...
Rubbing salt in the nation's wounds

Rubbing salt in the nation's wounds

Via: make-america-great-again  •  Op/Ed  •  23 Comments  •  6 years ago

According to the Left, America is apparently only America when we're brawling, with one side spewing profanities – but only until they fashion an all-powerful socialist government in which...
The Most Honest Democrat Commercial On The Internet

The Most Honest Democrat Commercial On The Internet

Via: freedom-warrior  •  Op/Ed  •  13 Comments  •  6 years ago

Why Social Democracy is Failing Europe

Why Social Democracy is Failing Europe

Via: badfish-hd-h-u  •  Op/Ed  •  30 Comments  •  6 years ago

There is a certain tension in the phrase, “social democracy,” and the description of someone as a social democrat. Social in this context is socialism by the state. A democrat supports the...
Trump Lawyers Complain That Mueller Did His Job Too Well

Trump Lawyers Complain That Mueller Did His Job Too Well

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  8 Comments  •  6 years ago

"Far more detailed than the text of any known criminal indictment or declination memorandum, the report is laden with factual information that has never been subjected to adversarial testing or...
The GOP’s Just a Racket Now, and Trump Is Its Godfather, Barr Its Wartime Consigliere

The GOP’s Just a Racket Now, and Trump Is Its Godfather, Barr Its Wartime Consigliere

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  11 Comments  •  6 years ago

Trump is a uniquely diseased man, it’s true. But what kind of political party nominates, celebrates, venerates, and takes political bullets for a uniquely diseased man? by Michael Tomasky, Daily...
Andrew McCarthy: Mueller's letter to Barr – A neat trick by the Washington Post before hearings begin

Andrew McCarthy: Mueller's letter to Barr – A neat trick by the Washington Post before hearings begin

Via: vic-eldred  •  Op/Ed  •  118 Comments  •  6 years ago

“Mueller complained to Barr about memo on key findings.” That’s the banner headline at the top of the Washington Post’s website Wednesday. But when you click your way to the actual story, it...
Solving Trump’s Federal Reserve Problem

Solving Trump’s Federal Reserve Problem

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  7 Comments  •  6 years ago

The White House is reviewing past writings by Stephen Moore, the conservative commentator whom President Trump may nominate to the Fed. Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call, via Associated Press...
 Does the Mueller report exonerate Trump?     12 legal experts weigh in

Does the Mueller report exonerate Trump? 12 legal experts weigh in

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  249 Comments  •  6 years ago

“If this is what a complete and total exoneration looks like, I’d hate to see a damning report.”Attorney General Bill Barr finally released Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia report on Thursday,...
22 Veterans A day

22 Veterans A day

By: ghostlybear  •  Op/Ed  •  5 Comments  •  6 years ago

22 Veterans A Day No one in this country is talking about the mind altering medications these veterans are on. There needs to be better alternatives for veterans. You will find in almost every...
The Zombie Style in American Politics

The Zombie Style in American Politics

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  13 Comments  •  6 years ago

Russia didn’t help Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. O.K., it did help him, but the campaign itself wasn’t involved. O.K., the campaign had a lot of Russian contacts and knowingly...
It’s time to talk about being white in America

It’s time to talk about being white in America

Via: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  15 Comments  •  6 years ago

WASHINGTON POST › It’s time to talk about being white in America APRIL 29, 2019 Jonathan M. Metzl directs the Center for Medicine, Health, and Society at...
EARTH DAY: The Depravity of Climate-Change Denial

EARTH DAY: The Depravity of Climate-Change Denial

Via: bob-nelson  •  Op/Ed  •  72 Comments  •  6 years ago

The Trump administration is, it goes without saying, deeply anti-science. In fact, it’s anti-objective reality. But its control of the government remains limited; it didn’t extend far...
What if the New York Times Cartoon had depicted a Muslim, a Lesbian, an African American or a Mexican as a Dog?

What if the New York Times Cartoon had depicted a Muslim, a Lesbian, an African American or a Mexican as a Dog?

Via: buzz-of-the-orient  •  Op/Ed  •  2 Comments  •  6 years ago

What if the New York Times Cartoon had depicted a Muslim, a Lesbian, an African American or a Mexican as a Dog? by   Alan M. Dershowitz , Gatestone Institute, April 29, 2019 For years...
Forget Trump, Here Are Five Reasons Why Obama Should Have Been Impeached

Forget Trump, Here Are Five Reasons Why Obama Should Have Been Impeached

Via: make-america-great-again  •  Op/Ed  •  127 Comments  •  6 years ago

As Democrats privately admit to themselves that there was no Russian collusion, they’ve also shifted gears to focus on the question of obstruction of justice. Despite the Mueller investigation...
Why Is The President Of The United States Spreading Conspiracy Theories ?

Why Is The President Of The United States Spreading Conspiracy Theories ?

By: john-russell  •  Op/Ed  •  59 Comments  •  6 years ago

There is a blogger named Larry Johnson. I first read of him in 2008 when he was spreading anti-Obama rumors akin to birtherism. After that election I didnt pay any attention to him any more and...

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