

What Have You Read Recently That Has Impressed, Educated Or Moved You ?

What Have You Read Recently That Has Impressed, Educated Or Moved You ?

Via: lets-get-lost  •  Other  •  2 Comments  •  9 years ago

We talk so much about social media activity that I think short shrift may given to books, articles or texts people read and enjoy. What books or long articles have you read in the past year or two...
Meta: NT is Moving!

Meta: NT is Moving!

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  116 Comments  •  9 years ago

Hello NTers! It is with great excitement that I announce that NT will be moving to it's new home. The process will start early in the morning of Wednesday, October 7th . This email is to...
411 on What's Going On on NT

411 on What's Going On on NT

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  60 Comments  •  9 years ago

Hi Everyone,The download of the site has begun and it is hard to know when it will be finished, since it's 4 years of material. When it is finished, we will go offline for a short period of time...
Feature Discussion

Feature Discussion

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  23 Comments  •  9 years ago

Hi Folks,As you have had a bit of time to play around here, you must have noticed some things that were different. Obviously the comment boxes are more like NV, but with some more options like...
7 Grammar Mistakes that Make You Look Dumb

7 Grammar Mistakes that Make You Look Dumb

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  2 Comments  •  9 years ago

Many brilliant people have some communication weak spots. Unfortunately, the reality is that written communication is a big part of business, and how you write reflects on you. Poor spelling and...
The Updated CoC

The Updated CoC

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  115 Comments  •  9 years ago

You all must have noticed that the CoC wasn't posted. That's because an update was being worked over. You will notice that most of it is the same, but clarified. It also has been shorted. So...
The Final Draft of The CoC

The Final Draft of The CoC

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  42 Comments  •  9 years ago

Before I present the NewsTalkers final draft of the Code of Conduct, I would like to thank several of our members for taking a very active part of it's creation. First, I would like to thank A Mac,...
Court Finds Model Innocent Based on Breast Size

Court Finds Model Innocent Based on Breast Size

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  9 Comments  •  9 years ago

Serena Kozakura, a Japanese pin-up model, has probably had her way numerous times based on the size of her breasts, but this has to be the first time they have ever helped her overturn a court...
Woman's life saved by fake breasts

Woman's life saved by fake breasts

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  5 Comments  •  9 years ago

after husband stabs her in the heart.... Just when you think you've heard everything.... LINK
The Amazing Fact Generator!

The Amazing Fact Generator!

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  4 Comments  •  9 years ago

I just love unique fun stuff, and this has to be right up there. Try it out! I wish I could have this on my desktop! LINK
The Great Equalizer

The Great Equalizer

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  19 Comments  •  9 years ago

Yesterday afternoon, my daughters got some terrible news. A friend of their's, Erica Halpern, who was going to Drexel University, was hit by a car, while crossing the street talking on her cell...
Group Problem Kind of Solved

Group Problem Kind of Solved

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  9 years ago

I realize that there is a big problem with getting new articles out to the members, when they are posted in the groups. In order to help get the word out, please do this. Using the internal...
Weird Vintage Ads (Outrageous!)

Weird Vintage Ads (Outrageous!)

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  9 years ago

Some of these are blatantly sexist, racist, etc-- some are just amazing! A reminder of how much society has changed. (LINK-- scroll down onpage)


Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  9 years ago

The Chomskybot is a program that generates paragraphs which appear similar to those in the corpus of Noam Chomsky's linguistic works, but are humorously devoid of any meaning, by combining at...
Random Quote Generator

Random Quote Generator

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  9 years ago

There are several on the 'net-- this one is nice because you can select a category (ex: "Humorists", "Calvin and Hobbes", "literature", "Men & Women", etc. ) (LINK)
Test article FB page

Test article FB page

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  9 years ago

Let's see where this goes.
JORDAN PAGE, revolutionary rocker, activist, political commentator through music,

JORDAN PAGE, revolutionary rocker, activist, political commentator through music,

Via: kori  •  Other  •  8 Comments  •  9 years ago

Ran across a Jordan Page youtube videotoday and the song - LISTEN (2009) - was quite passionate and captivating,one of the best songsI've heard for a long time but admittedly, I don'tspend a lot...
Found 8mm footage of the 1939 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Found 8mm footage of the 1939 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  9 years ago

Found 8mm footage of the 1939 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Floats and balloons featuring: Pinocchio, Donald Duck, The Tin Man, The Scarecrow, Old King Cole, Uncle Sam, Gulliver, Acrobats,...
Just another day at the "office" , the usual mistakes & consequences

Just another day at the "office" , the usual mistakes & consequences

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  26 Comments  •  9 years ago

Have you ever had one of those days ...
COOL VIDEO: Time Lapse Of Traffic In Vietnam

COOL VIDEO: Time Lapse Of Traffic In Vietnam

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  1 Comments  •  9 years ago

This time lapse of the traffic and transportation inHo Chi Minh City,Vietnam is amazing to watch taken from 10,000 photos all around the city. (LINK) (Note: Not embeded because this isn't a...
11 Sounds That Your Kids Have Probably Never Heard

11 Sounds That Your Kids Have Probably Never Heard

Via: the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  Other  •  5 Comments  •  9 years ago

Who knew that some noises could eventually become as extinct as the passenger pigeon? Depending on your age, you or your kids or grandchildren may have only heard some of the following sounds in...
Dangerous combinations :

Dangerous combinations :

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  27 Comments  •  9 years ago

There are some things that should just not be brought together . By themselves they are OK but together ... LOOK OUT ! And in 2011 it seems that a number of those combinations did , in fact ,...
Woman conquers fears by meeting Facebook friends face-to-face

Woman conquers fears by meeting Facebook friends face-to-face

Via: kori  •  Other  •  6 Comments  •  9 years ago

"What are you most afraid of? One woman's debilitating anxiety disorder is to blame for her fear of being in situations that are not easy to escape or embarrassing to do so. ArLynn Presser,a...
Proof that aliens have been on earth for centuries !

Proof that aliens have been on earth for centuries !

Via: petey-coober  •  Other  •  61 Comments  •  9 years ago

These particular aliens were around in the 1700's : http://www.robinsonlibrary.com/technology/motor/aeronautics/balloons/montgolfier.htm Compare that photo [painting] with the more modern...
Did You Know That If You Have A Newsvine Account, You're On the "Today Show"?

Did You Know That If You Have A Newsvine Account, You're On the "Today Show"?

Via: perrie-halpern  •  Other  •  12 Comments  •  9 years ago

I am and probably so are you. Here, check me out and see if you can figure out why. http://perrie.today.com/

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